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Lower Extremity

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What you

need to know
Lower Extremity
about… Radiography
Lower extremity radiography is During the
another way of saying x-ray images Examination
of the toes, feet, ankles, lower leg, Depending upon the body part
knee, upper leg or hip. These types being examined, you may be given
of examinations are performed to a lead-equivalent rubberized apron
detect conditions such as fractures, to place on your lap, This apron will
soft tissue damage and arthritis. A protect your reproductive organs
physician will request this proce- from unnecessary radiation.
dure when you have an injury to a The radiographer will position
lower extremity or you experience you on the x-ray table and may use
unexplained pain in the area. sponges or other equipment to help
keep your leg or foot still during the
Patient Preparation examination. It is important not to
Before your examination, a move during the exposure, because
radiographer will explain the pro- movement will blur the image. You
cedure to you and answer any ques- may be asked to turn in various
tions you might have. A radiogra- positions so that additional images
pher, also known as a radiologic can be taken from different angles.
technologist, is a skilled medical If it is difficult for you to turn
professional who has received spe- or if you do not feel well, tell the
cialized education in the areas of radiographer. His or her job is to radiation produced during any other
radiation protection, patient care, give you the best care possible. x-ray procedure, passes through you
radiation exposure, radiographic Once the examination is com- immediately. ◆
positioning and radiographic plete, the radiographer will process
procedures. As part of his or her your images, determine whether
duties, the radiographer will deter- they are technically acceptable and
mine the amount of radiation nec- assess whether additional images
essary to produce a diagnostically are required. The images then will
useful image. be given to a radiologist, a physician
Depending on the body part who specializes in the diagnostic
being examined, the radiographer interpretation of medical images.
may ask you to put on a hospital
gown. This gown has no metal snaps Postexamination
on it, because metal can interfere Information
with the accuracy of the image. After your radiographs have
If you are a woman of child- been reviewed by a radiologist,
bearing age, the radiographer will your personal physician will receive
ask if there is any possibility you a report of the findings. Your phy-
are pregnant. It is important that sician then will advise you of the
you tell the radiographer the date results and discuss what further
of your last menstrual period and procedures, if any, are needed.
whether there is a chance that you The radiation that you are exposed
may be pregnant. to during this examination, like the

This patient education page provides general information concerning the radiologic sciences. The ASRT suggests that you consult your physician for specific information
concerning your imaging exam and medical condition. Health care professionals may reproduce these pages for noncommercial educational purposes. Reproduction for
other reasons is subject to ASRT approval.

Copyright © 2000 American Society of Radiologic Technologists. For more information, contact the American Society of Radiologic
Technologists, 15000 Central Ave. SE, Albuquerque, NM 87123-3909, or visit us online at Revised and updated 2009.

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