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The God Mercury

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The God Mercury and the Lost Archetypes of the Mind

Today's psychology of ‘me’ and ‘me’ again, is all about ‘me’, so how does one deal with
the constant natter of me?

It’s all in the kabbalah of the sound of the word.

M is silent, it’s easy to work this out by saying M, your mouth is closed, how easy was
E is more of an ie or y sound, so to get a broader view let us take both and see what it says;

E/A in Hebrew/kabbalah is
the letter Aleph 1, the Fool
card. The image of Aleph
can be simply seen as a line
with a single flame above and
below, like Christ amidst the
2 thieves, the line is a direct
connection to our soul;

the thief above (right action)

turned, the thief below
(inharmonious action) does not
turn. The Fool steps from above -
right action, the thief that turned.
This line of connection is witnessed in
your conscience, it knows the way. This
line at its lowest point, is at the lowest
level of inharmonious action, at its highest
point equal to that of right action - it can
be accessed at anytime, anywhere, it is
always there between the extremes.

The IE, Y sound, is the letter Yod 10,

seen above and below the line. Yod is
‘the supreme self’, ‘a steady consistent
state of awareness’.

One could ask the question; What are

you aware of?

This is the card of the Hermit, also

standing upon a mountain (Chokmah
wisdom) like the fool.
The Kabbalah of 9 chambers aligns
the letters in their numeric triplicities;
1, 10, 100.
Aleph 1, Yod 10 and Qoph 100.

Qoph is the Moon card showing the

way between duality to the mountain
where the inner occult light sits.

Qoph is ‘that which transcends the life

death duality’, seen in aleph, the
principle of life death.

There is much said in this image from

the 9 chambers. Within ME is its own
solution, if one is prepared to apply it.

After M, the mind is silent, one

establishes the equilibrium between
duality via the conscience, ‘the
conscious connecting link’.

The letter Aleph has the totem of

the Ox, the letter Lamed 30 is the
Ox goad and is known as the
‘conscious connecting link’, the
card of Justice, the law.

In the Justice card you will see the same theme

of balance within the scales and the focused will
in the sword - one must be focused and present
to connect with what?
When the mind, who we “think” we are, is “still”, we are still there, present and aware.
Try it for yourself, it is called meditation - simple - still the mind. That which remains is
connected consciously to what?

Your supreme self, that’s it - it is so simple, that

simple we rarely actually recognize it, because we
“think” we only exist in mind - this is the source of
loneliness etc.

Me solved by I (Yod). You are, or I am. I am is the

same sounds as Me, only the other way around.
When the mind is still, the I am is present. The mind
mirrors I Am.
“A man stood on the edge of a pond, looked into the
pond and his image was in reverse”.

The issues addressed by psychology

are seen in the crustacean/shelled
fish at the edge of the waters of mind
in the Moon card, the Qliphoth of the
kabbalah, showing the beliefs and
attachments that keep us in mind.

This wing footed God, the messenger, is Mercury, whose symbol represents Moonlight upon
the waters of mind.
The light of mind, a fleeting realization (wings upon his heels) that appears and disappears,
the winged messenger, considered a God by the wise of times past. When the mind is still
this light can be truly seen, the more it is seen, the greater is the light - enlightenment.
The card of Mercury is the
Magician, the letter Byth 2.
In this card we see the magician
dealing with the elements that create
beliefs in the mind.
Byth is the path upon the
Tree of life from Kether, the light, to
Binah, the waters of creation, mind.

Being the night sky (Moon), awareness is focused inwardly,

that is where this light is seen, the sage enters the darkness
of the cave until the light of mind is known.
The cave is Binah, the divine
Mother who miraculously
conceives the seed of light from
the Father,
thus the Christ child is born,
the saviour of the world,
in a manger,
the house of the animal, the body
– the enlightened one.

After crucifixion, Christ spent 3

days in the Cave - Binah is the
3rd path, the 3rd sphere, the cave,
wherein the light in mind

The idea of Mercury as a God is seen by some religious dogmas as evil, worshipping
many Gods instead of the one. This is a total misunderstanding of what this actually
means. Consider the idea of Mercury as a God; could it mean this principle is divine, an
aspect of God? Pay attention!
These insights, inner lights are very fleeting at first, hard to hold onto and can become
distorted by our beliefs and attachments, thus we can be easily tricked - the trickster is not
to be found in the light, it is found in our distorted perception. Psychology really does not
understand these processes for to understand this, one must be more than an ego and its

Paul Tisdell
6 December, 2020

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