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Manual AFX

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Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Standard Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Optional Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Microprocessor Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Performance Specifications—Air Cooled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
Performance Specifications—Water Cooled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Performance Specifications—Glycol Cooled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Electrical Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Dimensional Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Air-Cooled Condensers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Fluid Coolers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Pump Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Guide Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Guidelines for Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

AFX Model Module Configuration Voltage Reheat Humidifier Air Pattern

018 G=R-22 A= Air Cooled BA= 208-230/3/60 E= Electric S= Steam D= Downflow
AFX Humidifier
065 W= Water Cooled KA= 480/3/60 U= Upflow
(front return)
G=Glycol Cooled MA= 600/3/60


APC NetworkAIR™ AFX i

ii APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

The APC NetworkAIR AFX com- Room Air Distribution Standard Features
puter room air conditioning system Downflow systems discharge air • Scroll Compressor(s)
provides a quiet, efficient, and reli- into the raised floor plenum. These • Centrifugal Blower Assembly
able solution for heat sensitive systems are suitable for areas with • Premium Efficiency Motor
equipment areas. raised floors greater than 12" (305
• Heavy Gauge Steel Frame
Precision environmental require- mm) high. Return air is drawn in
• Main Power Circuit Breaker
ments now reach far beyond the through the top of the system.
• Microprocessor Controller
confines of the traditional data cen- Upflow systems discharge air into
• Bearing Life, L10 - 200,000 hrs
ter or computer room to encompass either a plenum or ductwork. These
• Front Service Access Only
a larger suite of applications, systems are suitable for areas with-
• Pure Steam Canister Humidifier
referred to as technology rooms. out raised floors, as well as areas
Critical environment applications with raised floors. Air is drawn in • 30% ASHRAE 52.1 Filters
include: through the front of the system. • Three Phase Electric Reheat
• Environmental Monitoring
• Computer rooms Configuration • Redundant Group Control
• Telecommunication facilities • Glycol Cooled • Condensate Pump
• Clean rooms • Water Cooled
• Power equipment • Air Cooled Optional Features
• Medical equipment rooms • 2 or 3 Way Fluid Regulating
• Archives Compliance Approval Valves (Water or Glycol)

• LAN/WAN environments • ETL/CETL • Brazed Plate Condenser (Water or

• UL Listed to UL 1995 and CSA Glycol)
A worldwide network of APC rep- C22.2 No. 236 • Plenums (with or without grilles)
resentatives is fully qualified to • MEA #223-99-E (City of New • Floorstand (with or without air
provide engineering, sales, installa- York) deflectors, seismic)
tion and service for our products. • Discharge Duct Collar
APC warrants all parts for 12 • Downflow Return Duct
months from shipment. Extended • ModBus/JBus Gateway
warranties are available. • OHE Disconnect
• Spot or Cable Water Detector(s)
Models • Firestat
AFX is available in two models: • Smoke Detector
AFX18, AFX65.
• Remote Relay Shutdown
• Reheat/Humidity or Compressor
• Remote Display and/or Sensor
• Hot Gas Bypass
• 3-Way Valve Flowswitch
• Custom Alarm Contacts

APC NetworkAIR™ AFX 1

Standard Features
Cabinet Electrical Panel Fan/Premium Efficiency Motor
The frame is constructed of heavy The electrical panel contains the The NetworkAIR AFX includes
gauge steel for maximum strength. contactors, starters, overload pro- centrifugal blower assemblies engi-
Steel access panels are insulated for tection devices, and input power neered for quiet, reliable operation.
quieter operation. The unit has been disconnects. Each wire (except Lower blower speeds reduce noise
designed for full service access jumpers) is numbered every 3” and extend belt and bearing life to
from the front. The flush mounted (80mm), or color coded to facilitate 200,000L10 hours. Permanently
panels are removable using conve- circuit tracing when installing and lubricated bearings, a single-belt
nient quarter-turn fasteners. The servicing the unit. Each AC power variable pitch drive, and adjustable
access doors for the electronic con- circuit is individually branch circuit motor base all ensure dependable
troller and electrical panel can be fused on all three phases. All com- operation. In addition, the return air
opened without interrupting the pressor and motor devices are is evenly distributed across the
operation of the unit. thermally and short circuit pro- cooling coil. Premium efficiency
tected. The electrical panel is easily motors reduce overall energy costs,
Evaporator Coil/Drain Pan accessible from the front of the unit. exceeding NEMA standards with
AFX utilizes dual distributors on An emergency cool override switch efficiencies over 90%. With Class F
one circuit of the refrigeration sys- can be manually activated to initiate high temperature insulation and a
tem. During dehumidification the cooling and a field wired thermostat 1.15 service factor, total cost of
smaller distributor is turned off, can be utilized to control cooling ownership is reduced.
effectively reducing the active cir- operation. Electrical components
cuits of the evaporator coil. During are UL-listed and -recognized and Refrigeration System and
this mode of operation the evaporat- all wiring conforms to NFPA 70 Compressor
ing temperature is decreased, (NEC) and UL 1995 requirements. The refrigeration system operates
resulting in a lower coil surface under an automatic microprocessor
temperature. This decreases the Air Filter controller for greater efficiency and
sensible heat ratio of the coil allow- The filtration of conditioned air is accuracy. The heavy-duty compres-
ing a greater percentage of moisture extremely vital to maintaining the sor is designed for year-round
removal. Additionally, the warmer clean, particle-free environment operation with a 15-year life
air leaving the inactive circuits of required by electrical equipment. expectancy. Performance of the
the evaporator coil blends with the The system uses 30% efficient (100 refrigeration system is enhanced by
near saturated air from the active microns) (ASHRAE 52.1-92), 4” use of Scroll Compressor Technol-
circuits raising the dry bulb temper- (102 mm) deep filters, with full ogy. Vibration in the system is
ature of the blended air well above depth pleats. Deeper filters produce greatly reduced by eliminating
saturation. Evaporator is a “V”coil, a lower pressure drop, requiring reciprocating masses found in the
1/2” rifled, copper tube, with raised, less energy during normal opera- semi-hermetic compressor. Risk of
lanced, rippled, aluminum fins. tion. Filters are replaceable through refrigeration leaks at compressor
Condensate pan is constructed of the front of the upflow unit and the gaskets are eliminated with the
stainless steel. top of the downflow unit. compressors’ fully welded hermetic
shell. The design of the scroll is
Humidifier Electric Reheat more tolerant to liquid flood back
The humidifier utilizes a pure steam A three-phase electrical resistance than the traditional reciprocating
generator specifically designed for heater sized to offset the sensible compressor. Power consumption at
hi-tech area environmental control. cooling capacity in the dehumidifi- full load is greatly reduced with
Pure steam eliminates contaminat- cation mode is incorporated in each higher EER’s of the scroll. In addi-
ing mineral deposits, bacteria, white NetworkAIR AFX. The reheat ele- tion reliability is enhanced due to
dust and excessive humidity. Auto- ments are low watt density sheathed the fewer moving parts required
matic flushing combined with an components. The reheat is 3- phase using scroll technology. The end
indicator that signals when the can- to provide even phase loading. result is a refrigeration system that
ister is to be change changed, Reheat elements are electrically and offers the user optimized perfor-
ensure maintenance free operation. thermally protected. The AFX18 is mance, efficiency, and reliability.
one stage and AFX65 is two stages.

2 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Standard Features

Redundant Group Control Condensate Pump Environmental Monitoring Unit

Allows up to six NetworkAIR units The factory-installed and wired Installed in the unit performs con-
the ability to communicate with condensate pump will pump 36 gal/ tact monitoring and continuous
each other to automatically switch h (0.06 L/s) at 15 ft. (4.6 m) head. temperature and humidity sensing
upon alarm condition, or timed through two probes (one included).
rotation. Can also allow standby Main Power Disconnect The unit is controlled by available
units the ability to assist the running A nonautomatic main power circuit web, control console, or SNMP
system. breaker disconnects all high voltage interface with a network connec-
power to the unit. The disconnect tion. In the event of an
switch is accessible without remov- environmental anomaly, notifica-
ing the electric box cover. tion is sent via e-mail or SNMP.
Standard alarms monitored by the
EMU are: condensate overflow
alarm, loss of airflow alarm, and
high head pressure alarm.

APC NetworkAIR™ AFX 3

Optional Features
Condenser Firestat Hot Gas Bypass
Water- and Glycol-cooled systems A firestat is available for factory An auxiliary side-port hot gas
employ a brazed plate condenser installation in the air stream of the bypass circuit. The activation of the
that uses the latest heat transfer unit. If the return air temperature hot gas bypass circuit will maintain
technology. Type 316L stainless reaches 125°F (52°C), an audible the evaporator coil temperature dur-
plates are brazed together in a vac- and visual alarm on the micropro- ing low load conditions. This
uum furnace and comply with cessor will be activated and the unit optional feature will minimize com-
ASME pressure vessel code. Pres- will immediately shutdown. pressor cycling and temperature
sure rating is 450 psi (3100 kPa). fluctuations.
Smoke Detector
Water-Regulating Valve The factory-installed smoke detec- 3-Way Valve Flow Switch
The Water-and Glycol systems tor is designed to sense smoke in A Single-Pole, Double-Throw flow
maintain proper performance by the return air stream. Upon detec- switch can be wired to energize one
sensing refrigerant discharge pres- tion of smoke, an audible and visual device and de-energize another
sure and regulating the among of alarm on the microprocessor will be device powered from the same
water or glycol supplied to the con- activated and the unit will be imme- source when fluid flow either
denser. A two-way or three-way diately shutdown. exceeds or drops below the set flow
valve is available. The standard rate.
valve pressure rating is 150 psi Remote Relay Shutdown
(1030kPa). Shutdown of the NetworkAIR sys- Air Deflector
tem can be done remotely by a A field installed air deflector runs
Discharge Duct Collar factory installed relay. The relay the length of the unit and attaches to
A 1” (25.4 mm) duct flange is can be ordered with a 24V, 120V, or the floorstand for changing air
shipped loose from the factory for 240V coil. The relay must be pow- direction from vertical to
field installation to provide conve- ered by others to disable the horizontal.
nient connection to external NetworkAIR system.
ductwork for either supply or return Plenum
as needed. Reheat/Humidity Lockout Air discharge plenums are available
When facilities have limited backup with upflow configurations.
Spot Water Detector(s) power capacity, this lockout pre- Heights are offered in 20” (508mm)
The solid-state spot water detector vents the operation of electrical and 24” (610mm). Manually adjust-
activates an audible alarm on the loads that are not essential for con- able, double deflecting grilles are
controller when moisture is tinued site operation. provided on 3 or 4 sides.
Remote Display Panel OHE Disconnect
Compressor Lockout The microprocessor controller A non-fused disconnect switch may
Prevents compressor operation in allows facility or building mainte- be wired to an outdoor heat
emergency situations where limited nance personnel to evaluate and exchanger to disconnect high volt-
back-up power is available. control the unit from up to 50ft. age power if necessary.
away from the unit, without having
Cable Water Detector to enter the secured space. Floorstand
A 20 ft. leak detection sensing cable The floorstand raises the unit above
is placed on the floor or subfloor Remote Sensor(s) the subfloor to match the height of
around all possible leak sources. If Environmental sensor(s) can be the raised floor. Heights are avail-
water or other conductive liquids strategically placed, up to 50ft. able (from 6” (142 mm) to 36” (914
contact the cable anywhere along its from the unit to better meet the mm)) on the AFX018 and (from
length, an alarm is triggered. site’s cooling needs. The sensor 18” (457 mm) to 36” (914 mm)) on
must be positioned to permit air the AFX065 in 3” (76.2 mm) incre-
movement across the sensors. ments and are adjustable +/- 1.5”
(38.1 mm). APC recommends at

4 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Optional Features

least 12” (305 mm) high floorstands appropriate personnel. The EMS Downflow Return Duct
for their downflow units. Adjust- provides 8 input contacts, 2 output A return duct the length and width
ment is provided by threaded relays, and controllable power out- of the unit may be field installed on
pedestals. Vibration absorbing pads lets for defining actions remotely a downflow unit to provide conve-
are included. The floorstand, pedes- should conditions warrant it. nient connection to external
tal, and pads ship loose. In areas ductwork.
where earthquakes are a concern, ModBus/JBus Gateway
seismic floorstands are available in The Gateway translates transmis-
12” (305mm), 18” (457 mm) and sion protocol from the system’s
24” (610 mm) heights. network into ModBus/JBus com-
munication protocol. One gateway
Environmental Management can support up to 16 units.
A browser-accessible, 1U, rack- Custom Alarm Contact Closures
mountable appliance allows Each unit is equipped with dry con-
monitoring of environmental condi- tact closures. Upon activation of the
tions. Monitoring of one associated alarm, a discreet Nor-
temperature, one humidity, and one mally open or Normally closed
vibration sensor ship standard. contact is available for remote mon-
When conditions change, notifica- itoring of that discrete alarm.
tions are sent via email to

APC NetworkAIR™ AFX 5

Microprocessor Controller
Microprocessor Controller Automatic setpoint crossover pro- Security
The microprocessor controller is tection will prevent the setting of Multiple security levels prevent
standard on the main module of the heat setpoint above the cool set- unauthorized adjustment of impor-
each system. The controller pro- point and the humidification tant system parameters. The user
vides precision control for the setpoint above the dehumidification may select a four-digit password for
demanding requirements of: setpoint. Setpoint adjustment can be setpoint and configuration changes.
• Data centers restricted to only operators with Should the password be forgotten,
knowledge of the security codes set APC can provide temporary access.
• Control rooms
within the security menu structure.
• Clean rooms
• Switch rooms Configuration With the addition of a supervisory
• UPS rooms Flexibility is offered through he use network communications card the
The easy-to-use display allows the of the configuration menu. Operat- microprocessor may interface with
operator to select options from the ing requirements are satisfied by the locally installed APC remote
device’s menu-driven interface to changing the configuration set- monitoring and control system.
control and monitor the connected tings. New configurations are Gateways are available for interfac-
air conditioning system. stored in EEPROM and protected ing with building management
from unauthorized tampering by the systems. Please check with APC for
Status four-digit security password, compatibility with your building
Complete status monitoring is pro- selected in the security menu. Con- management system.
vided within the status menu of the figuration options include:
microprocessor controller. Avail- • Fahrenheit or celsius display Cool Inhibit
able information includes: Prevents the unit from over-cooling
• Compressor minimum on/off time
• Current Temperature/Humidity during the dehumidification cycle.
• Power loss restart time delay
If the space temperature falls below
• Temperature/Humidity Setpoint • Redundant unit grouping a user adjustable setpoint, cooling
• Cooling/Heating Status • Alarm input polarity will become inhibited until the
• Humidification/Dehumidification • Alarm enable space temperature returns to
Status setpoint.
• Temperature/Humidity deadbands
• Small room delay
Alarms Cool Override
Quick access to any alarm condition A manual toggle switch will allow
is facilitated through the menu Common Alarm Contact
the compressor to operate in the
structure. The alarm key acts as a A common alarm relay is installed
event of a microprocessor failure.
hot key providing immediate access on every microprocessor. In the
The cool override can be field wired
to the alarm display menu. Presence event of an alarm condition, the
to a snap acting thermostat for cool-
of a new alarm will sound the audi- relay will change state. The user
ing control.
ble alarm. The red alarm LED on can select which alarms change the
the display panel will remain illu- state of the relay. This feature
Remote Shutdown
minated until all alarms have been allows for remote enunciation of
Events external to the unit, such as
cleared. The temperature and alarm status.
activation of a fire suppression sys-
humidity alarm setpoints are adjust- tem may require the unit to shut
able. Alarm annunciations include: Run Times
down remotely. Additionally this
The major components within the
• Loss of airflow feature may be tied into a BMS that
unit have independent run timers
• Clogged filter would allow remote control of the
that monitor and store accumulated
units on/off status.
• High head pressure run hours on the components. The
• Low suction pressure run timers are provided with opera-
• High/Low temperature tor adjustable run time alarms.
• High/Low humidity

6 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Performance Specifications—Air Cooled
85°F DB, 64.6°F WB (29.4°C DB, 12.56°C WB) 33% RH
Total - BTU/HR (kW) 71,100 (20.8) 262,100 (76.8)
Sensible - BTU/HR (kW) 71,100 (20.8) 262,100 (76.8)
80°F DB, 67°F WB (26.67°C DB, 19.44°C WB) 50% RH
Total - BTU/HR (kW) 70,200 (20.6) 265,500 (77.8)
Sensible - BTU/HR (kW) 59,200 (17.3) 218,000 (63.9)
77°F DB, 65.6°F WB (25°C DB, 18.67°C WB) 55% RH
Total - BTU/HR (kW) 67,800 (19.9) 258,100 (75.6)
Sensible - BTU/HR (kW) 55,100 (16.1) 202,700 (59.4)
72°F DB, 60°F WB (22.2°C DB, 15.56°C WB) 50% RH
Total - BTU/HR (kW) 59,800 (17.5) 237,400 (69.6)
Sensible - BTU/HR (kW)** 55,300 (16.2) 210,100 (61.6)
68°F DB, 54.2°F WB (20°C DB, 12.3°C WB) 40% RH
Total - BTU/HR (kW) 54,700 (16.0) 219,300 (64.3)
Sensible - BTU/HR (kW) 54,700 (16.0) 202,100 (59.2)
68°F DB, 58°F WB (20°C DB, 14.4°C WB) 55% RH
Total - BTU/HR (kW) 57,900 (17.0) 224,100 (65.7)
Sensible - BTU/HR (kW) 49,300 (14.4) 189,100 (55.4)
Air Volume -- CFM (L/s) 3,600 (1,699) 12,000 (5,664)
Blower Motor -- HP (kW) 3 (2.2) 5 (3.7)
External Static Pressure -- inches of water (Pa) 0.5 (124) 0.5 (124)
Number of Blowers/Motors 1 3
EER 14.6 14.6
Quantity 1 2
Face Area -- ft2 (m2) 8.75 (0.81) 36.28 (3.37)
Rows Deep 4 4
Face Velocity -- FPM (m/s) 411 (2.09) 331 (1.68)
Flush Cycle automatic automatic
Capacity -- Lbs/hr (Kg/hr) 10 (4.5) 20 (9.0)
kW 3.4 6.8
Quantity 2 6
Depth -- Inches (mm) 4 (102) 4 (102)
Size (Downflow) -- Inches (mm) 30 x 15.5 (762 x394) 30 x 15.5 (762 x394)
Size (Upflow) -- Inches (mm) 27 x 18 (686 x457) 27 x 18 (686 x457)
Electric -- Equally Loaded Three (3) Phase, Finned Tubular, Low-Watt Density
Capacity -- BTU/HR (kW) Includes Motor Heat*** 28,000 (8.3) 85,000 (24.9)
Stages 1 2
Weight -- lbs (kg) 925 (420) 2,200 (998)
Height -- Inches (mm) 76.0 (1,930) 76.0 (1,930)
Length -- Inches (mm) 34.4 (873) 98.3 (2,997)
Depth -- Inches (mm) 34.4 (873) 34.4 (873)
Liquid Line -- inches OD 1/2 5/8
Discharge Line -- inches OD 5/8 1-1/8
Supply Line -- inches OD 1/4 1/4
Condensate Drain
Drain Line -- inches ID 7/8 7/8
*Rated Capacity +/-10%
**Nominal Rating Point
***With equal loading on each phase, rated at 208-230V / 3-phase, 480V / 3-phase and 600V / 3-phase
****Connections sizes, not recommended piping sizes

APC NetworkAIR™ AFX 7

Performance Specifications—Air Cooled

8 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Performance Specifications —Water Cooled
85°F DB, 64.6°F WB (29.4°C DB, 12.56°C WB) 33% RH
Total - BTU/HR (kW) 73,800 (21.6) 283,700 (83.1)
Sensible - BTU/HR (kW) 73,800 (21.6) 278,600 (81.6)
80°F DB, 67°F WB (26.67°C DB, 19.44°C WB) 50% RH
Total - BTU/HR (kW) 74,700 (21.9) 281,600 (82.5)
Sensible - BTU/HR (kW) 62,200 (18.2) 222,200 (65.1)
77°F DB, 65.6°F WB (25°C DB, 18.67°C WB) 55% RH
Total - BTU/HR (kW) 73,400 (21.5) 276,600 (81.0)
Sensible - BTU/HR (kW) 55,300 (16.2) 209,500 (61.4)
72°F DB, 60°F WB (22.2°C DB, 15.56°C WB) 50% RH
Total - BTU/HR (kW) 65,600 (19.2) 248,000 (72.7)
Sensible - BTU/HR (kW)** 59,000 (17.3) 214,300 (62.8)
68°F DB, 54.2°F WB (20°C DB, 12.3°C WB) 40% RH
Total - BTU/HR (kW) 59,800 (17.5) 233,100 (68.3)
Sensible - BTU/HR (kW) 59,800 (17.5) 215,300 (63.1)
68°F DB, 58°F WB (20°C DB, 14.4°C WB) 55% RH
Total - BTU/HR (kW) 63,300 (18.5) 241,700 (70.8)
Sensible - BTU/HR (kW) 53,900 (15.8) 197,900 (58.0)
THR -- MBH (kW) 112,000 (33.0) 436,000 (128.0)
65°F (18.3°C) Water In -- GPM (L/s) 6.9 (0.4) 26.5 (1.7)
Pressure Drop -- psig (kPa) 1.5 (10.3) 3.7 (25.5)
75°F (23.9°C) Water In -- GPM (L/s) 8.9 (0.6) 35.1 (2.2)
Pressure Drop -- psig (kPa) 2.6 (17.9) 6.7 (46.2)
85°F (29.4°C) Water In -- GPM (L/s) 20 (1.3) 75 (4.7)
Pressure Drop -- psig (kPa) 12.5 (86.2) 29.9 (206.2)
Size -- 2 Way Ball Valve -- Inches, NPT (Cv)*** 1 x 1-1/4 (14) 2 x 1-1/2 (40)
Size -- 3 Way Ball Valve -- Inches, NPT (Cv)**** 1 x 1-1/4 (14) 2 x 1-1/2 (40)
Air Volume -- CFM (L/s) 3,600 (1,699) 12,000 (5,663)
Blower Motor -- HP (kW) 3 (2.2) 5 (3.7)
External Static Pressure -- inches of water (Pa) 0.5 (124) 0.5 (124)
Number of Blowers/Motors 1 3
EER 18.7 18.3
Quantity 1 2
Face Area -- ft2 (m2) 8.75 (0.81) 36.28 (3.37)
Rows Deep 4 4
Face Velocity -- FPM (m/s) 411 (2.09) 331 (1.68)
Flush Cycle automatic automatic
Capacity -- Lbs/hr (Kg/hr) 10 (4.5) 20 (9.0)
kW 3.4 6.8
Quantity 2 6
Depth -- Inches (mm) 4 (102) 4 (102)
Size (Downflow) -- Inches (mm) 30 x 15.5 (762 x394) 30 x 15.5 (762 x394)
Size (Upflow) -- Inches (mm) 27 x 18 (686 x457) 27 x 18 (686 x457)
Electric -- Equally Loaded Three (3) Phase, Finned Tubular, Low-Watt Density
Capacity -- BTU/HR (kW) Includes Motor Heat***** 28,000 (8.3) 85,000 (24.9)
Stages 1 2
Weight -- lbs (kg) 925 (420) 2,200 (998)
Height -- Inches (mm) 76.0 (1,930) 76.0 (1,930)
Length -- Inches (mm) 34.4 (873) 98.3 (2,997)
Depth -- Inches (mm) 34.4 (873) 34.4 (873)
*Rated Capacity +/-10%
**Nominal Rating Point
***2-Way Single Seated, 400 psig W.W.P. max
****3-Way Single Seated, 400 psig W.W.P. max
*****With equal loading on each phase, rated at 208-230V / 3-phase, 480V / 3-phase and 600V / 3-phase

8 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Performance Specifications —Water Cooled

Performance Specifications—Water Cooled

Water In/Out -- Inches OD 1-3/8 2-1/8
Supply Line -- Inches OD 1/4 1/4
Condensate Drain
Drain Line -- Inches ID 7/8 7/8
******Connections sizes, not recommended piping sizes

APC NetworkAIR™ AFX 9

Performance Specifications—Glycol Cooled
85°F DB, 64.6°F WB (29.4°C DB, 12.56°C WB) 33% RH
Total - BTU/HR (kW) 67,900 (19.9) 257,800 (75.5)
Sensible - BTU/HR (kW) 67,900 (19.9) 257,800 (75.5)
80°F DB, 67°F WB (26.67°C DB, 19.44°C WB) 50% RH
Total - BTU/HR (kW) 66,200 (19.4) 260,800 (76.4)
Sensible - BTU/HR (kW) 57,200 (16.8) 213,800 (62.6)
77°F DB, 65.6°F WB (25°C DB, 18.67°C WB) 55% RH
Total - BTU/HR (kW) 64,400 (18.9) 254,700 (74.6)
Sensible - BTU/HR (kW) 53,000 (15.5) 197,800 (58.0)
72°F DB, 60°F WB (22.2°C DB, 15.56°C WB) 50% RH
Total - BTU/HR (kW) 58,400 (17.1) 226,200 (66.3)
Sensible - BTU/HR (kW)** 54,800 (16.1) 203,000 (59.5)
68°F DB, 54.2°F WB (20°C DB, 12.3°C WB) 40% RH
Total - BTU/HR (kW) 52,800 (15.5) 203,200 (59.5)
Sensible - BTU/HR (kW) 52,800 (15.5) 203,200 (59.5)
68°F DB, 58°F WB (20°C DB, 14.4°C WB) 55% RH
Total - BTU/HR (kW) 55,600 (16.3) 216,900 (63.6)
Sensible - BTU/HR (kW) 48,200 (14.1) 183,100 (53.6)
THR -- MBH (kW) 107,000 (31.0) 419,000 (123.0)
105°F (40.6°C) Glycol In -- GPM (L/s) 19.4 (1.2) 73.8 (4.7)
Pressure Drop -- psig (kPa) 9.9 (68.1) 22.9 (157.9)
Size -- 2 Way Ball Valve -- Inches, NPT (Cv)*** 1 x 1-1/4 (14) 2 x 1-1/2 (40)
Size -- 3 Way Ball Valve -- Inches, NPT (Cv)**** 1 x 1-1/4 (14) 2 x 1-1/2 (40)
Air Volume -- CFM (L/s) 3,600 (1,699) 12,000 (5,663)
Blower Motor -- HP (kW) 3 (2.2) 5 (3.7)
External Static Pressure -- inches of water (Pa) 0.5 (124) 0.5 (124)
Number of Blowers/Motors 1 3
EER 13.4 13.4
Quantity 1 2
Face Area -- ft2 (m2) 8.75 (0.81) 36.28 (3.37)
Rows Deep 4 4
Face Velocity -- FPM (m/s) 411 (2.09) 331 (1.68)
Flush Cycle automatic automatic
Capacity -- Lbs/hr (Kg/hr) 10 (4.5) 20 (9.0)
kW 3.4 6.8
Quantity 2 6
Depth -- Inches (mm) 4 (102) 4 (102)
Size (Downflow) -- Inches (mm) 30 x 15.5 (762 x394) 30 x 15.5 (762 x394)
Size (Upflow) -- Inches (mm) 27 x 18 (686 x457) 27 x 18 (686 x457)
Electric -- Equally Loaded Three (3) Phase, Finned Tubular, Low-Watt Density
Capacity -- BTU/HR (kW) Includes Motor Heat***** 28,000 (8.3) 85,000 (24.9)
Stages 1 2
Weight -- lbs (kg) 925 (420) 2,200 (998)
Height -- Inches (mm) 76.0 (1,930) 76.0 (1,930)
Length -- Inches (mm) 34.4 (873) 98.3 (2,997)
Depth -- Inches (mm) 34.4 (873) 34.4 (873)
Glycol In/Out -- Inches OD 1-3/8 2-1/8
Supply Line -- Inches OD 1/4 1/4
Condensate Drain
Drain Line -- Inches ID 7/8 7/8
*Rated Capacity +/-10%
**Nominal Rating Point
***2-Way Single Seated, 400 psig W.W.P. max
****3-Way Single Seated, 400 psig W.W.P. max
*****With equal loading on each phase, rated at 208-230V / 3-phase, 480V / 3-phase and 600V / 3-phase
******Connections sizes, not recommended piping sizes

10 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Performance Specifications—Glycol Cooled

11 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Electrical Data

REHEAT Electric
HUMIDIFIER Electrode Canister - Steam
VOLTAGE 208 230 480 600
FLA 42.4 42.4 21.1 17.5
AFX018 MCA 55.2 55.4 27.3 22.8
MOP 70.0 70.0 35.0 30.0
FLA 136.9 126.6 54.2 52.3
AFX065 MCA 174.1 169.2 77.8 64.7
MOP 200.0 200.0 90.0 70.0
REHEAT Electric
HUMIDIFIER Electrode Canister - Steam
VOLTAGE 208 230 480 600
FLA 40.1 40.1 20.0 16.5
AFX018 MCA 55.2 55.4 27.3 22.8
MOP 70.0 70.0 35.0 30.0
FLA 128.5 122.8 52.3 50.8
AFX065 MCA 174.1 169.2 77.8 64.7
MOP 200.0 200.0 90.0 70.0
REHEAT Electric
HUMIDIFIER Electrode Canister - Steam
VOLTAGE 208 230 480 600
FLA 43.9 43.9 21.9 18.1
AFX018 MCA 55.2 55.4 27.3 22.8
MOP 70.0 70.0 35.0 30.0
FLA 140.4 128.6 55.2 52.9
AFX065 MCA 174.1 169.2 77.8 64.7
MOP 200.0 200.0 90.0 70.0
FLA = Full Load Amps
MCA = Minimum Circuit Ampacity
MOP = Maximum Overcurrent Protection

APC NetworkAIR™ AFX 11

Electrical Data

12 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Dimensional Data
Downflow - AFX018

* All dimensions are in inches (mm).

12 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Dimensional Data

Downflow - AFX065

* All dimensions are in inches (mm).

APC NetworkAIR™ AFX 13

Dimensional Data

Upflow front return - AFX018

* All dimensions are in inches (mm).

14 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Dimensional Data

Upflow front return- AFX065

* All dimensions are in inches (mm).

APC NetworkAIR™ AFX 15

Air-Cooled Condensers
Air-cooled condenser—performance/electrical data
Air Quantity # of Fan/Motor Connection Weight Electrical Data
OHE SKU Voltage Circu
its Hot
95F 105F 115F CFM L/s Qty. HP RPM Liquid Lbs Kg FLA MCA MOP
ACCD75018 208-230/1/60 018 018 N/A 6,450 3,044 1 1 1/2 1075 1-1/8 7/8 260 118 3.9 4.9 15.0
ACCD75019 480/1/60 018 018 N/A 6,450 3,044 1 1 1/2 1075 1-1/8 7/8 260 118 2.0 2.4 15.0
ACCD75022 208-230/3/60 N/A N/A 018 10,10 4,766 1 2 1/3 1140 1-1/8 7/8 450 204 5.2 5.9 15.0
ACCD75023 480/3/60 N/A N/A 018 10,10 4,766 1 2 1/3 1140 1-1/8 7/8 450 204 2.6 2.9 15.0
ACCD75150 600/3/60 N/A N/A 018 10,10 4,766 1 2 1/3 1140 1-1/8 7/8 450 204 2.1 2.4 15.0
ACCD75096 208-230/3/60 065 065 N/A 20,70 9,768 2 3 1-1/2 1140 1-5/8 1-5/8 880 400 14.0 15.8 20.0
ACCD75097 480/3/60 065 065 N/A 20,70 9,768 2 3 1-1/2 1140 1-5/8 1-5/8 880 400 7.0 7.9 15.0
ACCD75163 600/3/60 065 065 N/A 20,70 9,768 2 3 1-1/2 1140 1-5/8 1-5/8 880 400 5.6 6.3 15.0
ACCD75100 208-230/3/60 N/A N/A 065 34,80 16,42 2 3 1-1/2 1140 2-1/8 2-1/8 1,190 540 21.0 22.8 25.0
ACCD75101 480/3/60 N/A N/A 065 34,80 16,42 2 3 1-1/2 1140 2-1/8 2-1/8 1,190 540 10.5 11.4 15.0
ACCD75165 600/3/60 N/A N/A 065 34,80 16,42 2 3 1-1/2 1140 2-1/8 2-1/8 1,190 540 8.4 9.1 15.0
FLA = Full Load Amps
MCA = Minimum Circuit Ampacity
MOP = Maximum Overcurrent Protection

16 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Air-Cooled Condensers

1-fan air-cooled condenser


ACCD75018 single 208-230/1/60
ACCD75019 single 480/1/60

2-fan air-cooled condenser


ACCD75022 single 208-230/3/60
ACCD75023 single 480/3/60
ACCD75150 single 600/3/60

APC NetworkAIR™ AFX 17

Air-Cooled Condensers

2-fan air-cooled condenser


ACCD75096 dual 208-230/3/60
ACCD75097 dual 480/3/60
ACCD75163 dual 600/3/60

3-fan air-cooled condenser


ACCD75100 dual 208-230/3/60
ACCD75101 dual 480/3/60
ACCD75165 dual 600/3/60

18 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Fluid Coolers
Glycol-cooled fluid cooler—performance/electrical data
Ambient Ethylene Glycol
Air Quantity Fan/Motor Connect Weight Electrical Data
OHE SKU Voltage Temperature Glycol@ Feeds Volume
130F -ions
95F 105F PD(ft) CFM L/s Qty HP RPM Lbs Kg Gal L FLA MCA MOP
ACFC75116 208-230/3/60 018 018 25.7@20 10,100 4,766 12 2 1/3 1140 (2) 1-3/8 450 204 4.9 18.1 5.2 5.9 15.0
ACFC75117 480/3/60 018 018 25.7@20 10,100 4,766 12 2 1/3 1140 (2) 1-3/8 450 204 4.9 18.1 2.6 2.9 15.0
ACFC75242 600/3/60 018 018 25.7@20 10,100 4,766 12 2 1/3 1140 (2) 1-3/8 450 204 4.9 18.1 2.1 2.4 15.0
ACFC75144 208-230/3/60 065 N/A 20.7@70 32,900 15,526 21 3 1-1/2 1140 (2) 2-5/8 2360 1070 13.0 49.2 21.0 22.8 25.0
ACFC75145 480/3/60 065 N/A 20.7@70 32,900 15,526 21 3 1-1/2 1140 (2) 2-5/8 2360 1070 13.0 49.2 10.5 11.4 15.0
ACFC75251 600/3/60 065 N/A 20.7@70 32,900 15,526 21 3 1-1/2 1140 (2) 2-5/8 2360 1070 13.0 49.2 8.4 9.1 15.0
ACFC75153 208-230/3/60 N/A 065 16.3@70 43,900 20,716 21 4 1-1/2 1140 (2) 2-5/8 1620 735 16.7 63.2 28.0 29.8 35.0
ACFC75154 480/3/60 N/A 065 16.3@70 43,900 20,716 21 4 1-1/2 1140 (2) 2-5/8 1620 735 16.7 63.2 14.0 14.9 15.0
ACFC75254 600/3/60 N/A 065 16.3@70 43,900 20,716 21 4 1-1/2 1140 (2) 2-5/8 1620 735 16.7 63.2 11.2 11.9 15.0
FLA = Full Load Amps
MCA = Minimum Circuit Ampacity
MOP = Maximum Overcurrent Protection
*Fluid coolers can be selected for multiple indoor air conditioning units from the factory. Consult factory for help configuring many-to-one or one-to-many
glycol loops.

APC NetworkAIR™ AFX 19

Fluid Coolers

2-fan fluid cooler

3-fan fluid cooler


ACFC75116 208-230/3/60
ACFC75117 480/3/60
ACFC75242 600/3/60

3-fan fluid cooler



ACFC75144 208-230/3/60
ACFC75145 480/3/60
ACFC75251 600/3/60

20 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Fluid Coolers

4-fan fluid cooler

ACFC75153 208-230/3/60
ACFC75154 480/3/60
ACFC75254 600/3/60

APC NetworkAIR™ AFX 21

Pump Specifications

Pump performance
40 130
120 3600 R.P.M.
110 100
100 2 HP

30 90

25 80 1.5 HP
3 HP
70 1 HP
20 60
0.75 HP 50
15 50

10 30
20 20
10 10
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10


Pump connection sizes

HP (kW) 3/4 (.56) 1 (.75) 1.5 (1.1) 2 (1.5) 3 (2.2)

LINE Suction Discharge Suction Discharge Suction Discharge Suction Discharge Suction Discharge
Size (inches) 1-1/4 1 1-1/4 1 1-1/4 1 1-1/2 1-1/4 2 1-1/2

Pump electrical data

HP (kW) 3/4 (.56) 1 (.75) 1.5 (1.1) 2 (1.5) 3 (2.2)

208-230/3/60 3.5 4.4 4.6 5.8 6.6 8.3 7.5 9.4 8.2 10.3
480/3/60 1.6 2.0 2.1 2.6 3.0 3.8 3.4 4.3 3.8 4.8
*Values are calculated based on 3-phase power.
FLA = Full Load Amperes
MCA = Minimum Circuit Ampacity

22 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Pump Specifications

Single Pump Package

* All dimensions are in inches (mm).

Dual Pump Package


* All dimensions are in inches (mm).

APC NetworkAIR™ AFX 23

24 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX
Pump Specifications

25 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Guide Specifications


A. The environmental control system shall be designed specifically for precision temperature and
humidity control applications. It will automatically monitor and control heating, cooling,
humidifying, dehumidifying, and filtering functions for the conditioned space. The system
shall be built to the highest quality engineering and manufacturing standards, and shall be
floor mounted and configured for ________(up/down) discharge of conditioned airflow, with
draw-through air pattern, to provide uniform air distribution over the entire face of the coil.


A. The system shall be as described in the following specification as manufactured by APC.

1. Model: ____________________________.
2. Total cooling capacity: _______________ MBH (kW).
3. Sensible cooling capacity: ____________ MBH (kW).
4. Return air temperature: _______________ º F (º C) DB.
5. Return air temperature: _______________ º F (º C) WB.
6. Humidity: __________________________% RH.
7. Air quantity: _______________________ CFM (L/s).
8. External Static Pressure _______________inches (Pa).
9. Humidifier capacity: _________________ lbs/hr (kg/hr).
10 . Electrical supply: ________ V, _________ ph, 60 Hz.


A. Submittals shall be provided with the proposal and shall include: capacity data, electrical data,
physical data, electrical connection drawing, and piping connection drawing.


A. The system shall be completely factory-tested prior to shipment. Testing shall include, but not
be limited to: complete pressure and leak testing to ensure system integrity, “Hi-Pot” test, and
controls calibration and settings. Each system shall ship with a completed test report to verify
completion of factory testing procedure. The system shall be NTRL listed, MCA, and
electrical system shall be UL Listed to UL 1995 and CSA 22.2 No. 236.


A. System parts shall be warranted for a period of 12months from date of shipment from factory.

APC NetworkAIR™ AFX 25

Guide Specifications




1 . The microprocessor controller shall provide total environmental control. The system,
based on the main controller, shall offer up to eight analog inputs, two analog outputs,
twelve digital inputs and thirteen digital outputs. The operator interface shall provide a 4-
line, 80-character backlit LCD display. User-friendly menu structure along with clearly
defined prompts shall allow the operator to easily move about the program and monitor
the following functions and alarm conditions.
a. Status: Complete status monitoring shall be provided within the status menu of the
microprocessor controller, and shall include the following information: current
temperature, current humidity, temperature setpoint, humidity setpoint, cooling status,
heating status, humidification status and dehumidification status.
b. Alarms: Quick access to any alarm condition shall be facilitated through the menu
structure. Presence of a new alarm shall sound an audible alarm. A red alarm LED on
the display panel shall remain illuminated until such time that all alarms have been
cleared. Alarm annunciation shall include: loss of airflow, clogged filter, high head
pressure, low suction pressure, high temperature, low temperature, high humidity, and
low humidity. The temperature and humidity alarm setpoints are user adjustable.
c. Setpoint: The microprocessor controller shall provide independent setpoints for
heating, cooling, humidification, and dehumidification. Automatic setpoint cross-over
protection shall prevent the setting of the heat setpoint above the cool setpoint and the
humidify setpoint above the dehumidify setpoint. Setpoint adjustment shall be capable
of being protected via security code.
d. Configuration: Flexibility shall be offered through the use of the configuration menu.
It shall closely match the operating requirements by changing the configuration
settings. The site configuration shall be stored in the EEPROM and be protected from
unauthorized tampering by the user selectable 4-digit security password in the security
menu. Configuration options shall include: Fahrenheit or Celsius display, compressor
minimum off-time, power-loss restart time-delay, primary-secondary transfer
functions, alarm input polarity, alarm enable, temperature deadbands, humidity
deadbands, and small room delay.
e. Run time: The major components within the unit shall have independent run-timers
that monitor and store the accumulated run-hours on the components. The run timers
shall be provided with operator-adjustable run-time alarms for proper component
f. Security: The microprocessor shall have multiple security levels to prevent
unauthorized adjustment of the important system parameters. A user-selectable 4-digit
password shall allow setpoint and configuration changes.

26 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Guide Specifications


1 . The cabinet and frame shall be bolt together formed sheet steel. Access panels shall be
flush with the frame and insulated with fiberglass 1 in. (25 mm) in thickness, 1.5 lb/ft3
(24.0 kg/m3) in density. The panels shall be powder coated and lift off for access to the
unit. A piping and electrical access plate shall be provided in the bottom of the unit. All
units shall require front service access, 24 in (610 mm) minimum.


1 . The unit shall be configured for draw-through air pattern, to provide uniform air-flow over
the entire face of the coil. The blower shall be double-inlet centrifugal type, with forward-
curving blades, dynamically and statically balanced. Each blower shall be independently
driven by a premium efficiency motor. The drive package shall be designed for 200% of
the fan motor horsepower. Minimum bearing life shall be 200,000 L10 hrs. The motor and
blower shall be mounted on a common frame.


1 . Each refrigeration system shall consist of a fully protected scroll compressor, evaporator
coil mounted over an insulated stainless steel condensate pan, adjustable expansion valve,
filter-drier, liquid line solenoid valve, sight glass, receiver, liquid line isolation valve, low
pressure switch and manual reset high pressure switch.


1 . A non-automatic main power circuit breaker shall disconnect all high voltage power to the
unit if necessary. The disconnect switch shall be accessible without removing the electric
box cover.


1 . The electrical system shall conform to National Electrical Code (NEC) requirements. The
control voltage shall be 24 VAC, wired in accordance with NEC Class 1 requirements. The
wire for the control circuit shall not be smaller than 18-gauge AWG. Each wire shall end
with a service loop and be securely fastened by an approved method. Control wires more
than 6 in. (150 mm) shall be color-coded or numbered every 3 in. (80 mm) for ease of
service tracing. All electrically-actuated components shall be easily accessible from the
front of the unit. Each high voltage unit shall be individually protected on all three phases.
Main power shall be connected to a circuit breaker mounted on the electrical panel. The
compressor and motor shall have overload and short circuit protection. The electrical box
shall include all components and controls required for system operation. An emergency
cool override manual switch shall be provided with provision for control using a field
supplied thermostat. Incoming power is _________ V, _________ phase, 60 Hz.

APC NetworkAIR™ AFX 27

Guide Specifications


1 . The evaporator coil shall use the latest heat-transfer technology, raised lanced-aluminum
fins and rifle-bored copper tubes. Coil end-supports shall be galvanized steel. To enhance
dehumidification, the coil shall be split into two circuits by a microprocessor-controlled
solenoid valve. An insulated stainless steel drain pan for condensate shall be included.


1 . The air filters shall be 30% efficient per ASHRAE Standard 52.1-92, UL Class 2. The full
4” (102 mm) deep, pleated filters shall be replaceable from the front on upflow units and
from the top on downflow units.


1 . Humidifier shall be self-contained steam-generating type, factory piped and wired, with
disposable cylinder and automatic solid-state control circuit. Capacity: ______ lb/h (g/s).


1 . Reheat elements shall be low watt density, wired for three-phase, loaded equally on all
three phases and shall be electrically and thermally protected by both automatic and
manual reset thermal cutouts. Reheat capacity shall be ___________ MBH, ___________
kW, controlled in ________ (#) steps.


1 . The Condensate Pump shall be factory installed and wired and shall pump 36 gal/h (0.06
L/s) at 15 ft. (4.6m) head.


1 . Up to six units shall have the ability to communicate with each other to automatically
switch upon alarm condition, or time rotation.


1 . A stand-alone unit shall perform continuous temperature and humidity sensing through
two available proves and contact monitoring. Unit shall be controlled by available web,
control console, or SNMP interface with network connection. In the event of an
environmental anomaly, notification shall be sent to the customer via e-mail or SNMP.
The unit shall be 18.25”x 9”x 2.75”(464mm x 229mm x 70mm).

28 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Guide Specifications



1 . Water and glycol cooled systems shall employ a brazed plate condenser that uses the latest
heat transfer technology. Type 316L stainless plates shall be brazed together in a vacuum
furnace and shall comply with ASME pressure vessel code. Pressure rating shall be 450
psi (3100 kPa).


1 . Water and glycol cooled systems shall utilize two-way or three-way valves to regulate the
amount of water or glycol supplied to the condenser in response to refrigerant discharge
pressure. The standard valve pressure rating shall be 150 psi (1030 kPa).


1 . A 1” (25 mm) duct flange shall be provided for field installation on a unit to provide
convenient connection to external ductwork.


1 . A water detector shall be factory-wired and shipped in the bottom of the unit to sense
water and send a signal to the master control giving the operator possible alarm indications
options for shutdown. The water detector shall be provided with 15 ft (5 m) of wire.


1 . A leak detection sensing cable shall be shipped loose with the unit. If water or other
conductive liquids contact the cable anywhere along its length, the main controller
visually and audibly annunciates the leak.
2 . The detector shall be provided with 20ft (6 m) of cable. Cable may be cascaded up to 500ft
(152.4 m).


1 . A firestat shall be factory-installed in the return air to sense heat and send a signal to the
main controller shutting down the unit and activating a visual and audible alarm.


1 . A smoke detector shall be factory-installed in the return air to sense concentrations of

smoke and send a signal to the main controller shutting down the unit and activating a
visual and audible alarm.

APC NetworkAIR™ AFX 29

Guide Specifications


1 . Remote shutdown of the system can be done by a factory installed relay with a 24V, 120V,
or 240V coil. The relay must be powered by others to disable the cooling system.


1 . This lockout shall prevent compressor operation in emergency situations where limited
back-up power is available.


1 . When facilities have limited backup power capacity, this lockout shall prevent the
operation of electrical loads that are not essential for continued site operation.


1 . Facility and building-maintenance personnel shall have the ability to evaluate and control
the unit from up to 50ft. from the unit.


1 . Environmental sensor(s) shall be strategically placed, up to 50ft from the unit to better
meet the site’s cooling needs. The sensor shall be positioned to permit air movement
across the sensor.


1 . Activation of the hot gas bypass circuit shall maintain the evaporator coil temperature
during low load conditions.


1 . A Single-Pole, Double-Throw flow switch shall be wired to energize one device and de-
energize another device powered from the same source when fluid flow either exceeds or
drops below the set flow rate.


1 . A ninety degree air deflector shall ship loose and shall be ________ in. (mm) high.

30 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Guide Specifications


1 . The heavy gauge floorstand shall raise the unit above the subfloor to match the height of
the raised floor. Heights shall be available from 6” (142mm) to 36” (914mm) on the
AFX018 and from 18" (457mm) to 36" (914mm) on the AFX065 in 3" (76mm)
increments and shall be adjustable +/- 1.5". Threaded pedestals shall provide adjustment.
Vibration absorbing pads shall be included. Pedestals and vibration pads shall be included.
Seismic floorstands shall be available in 12” (305mm), 18” (457mm), and 24” (610mm)


1 . A discharge plenum shall mount on top of an upflow unit to direct and distribute
conditioned air.
a. The plenum shall be manually adjustable with double deflecting grilles provided on 3
or 4 sides. Plenum height shall be 20”.
b. The plenum shall be provided with a duct collar and no grilles. Plenum height shall be
24” (610mm).


1 . A browser-accessible, 1U, rackmountable appliance shall allow monitoring of

environmental conditions. Monitoring of one temperature, one humidity, and one vibration
sensor shall ship standard. When conditions change, notifications shall be sent via email to
the appropriate personnel. The EMS shall provide eight input contacts, 2 output relays,
and controllable power outlets for defining actions remotely should conditions warrant it.


1 . A non-fused disconnect switch shall be wired to an outdoor heat exchanger to disconnect

high voltage power if necessary.


1 . The Gateway shall translate transmission protocol from the system’s network into
ModBus/JBus communication protocol. One gateway shall support up to 16 units.


1 . A return duct the length and width of the unit shall be provided for field installation on a
downflow unit to provide convenient connection to external ductwork.

APC NetworkAIR™ AFX 31

Guide Specifications


1 . Each unit shall be equipped with any or all or the listed dry contact closures. Upon
activation of the associated alarm, a discreet Normally Open or Normally Closed contact
is available for remote monitoring of that discreet alarm.
a. High Temperature Alarm
b. Low Temperature Alarm
c. High Humidity Alarm
d. Low Humidity Alarm
e. Compressor High Head Pressure Alarm
f. Clogged Filter Alarm
g. Fire Alarm (with Firestat)
h. Smoke Alarm (with Smoke Detector)
i. Humidifier Change Canister Alarm
j. Water Underfloor Alarm (with Water Detector)
k. Condensate Pump Overflow Alarm (with Condensate Pump)
l. Loss of Flow (with Flow Switch)

32 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Guide Specifications



A. The indoor unit shall consist of an evaporator section including evaporator coil, blower
package, controls, electrical section, and compressor.


1 . Outdoor Propeller Fan Condenser: The outdoor condenser casing shall be made of
aluminum, and all structural supports, coil frame, motor drive supports, and mounting legs
shall be made of galvanized steel. The condenser shall have copper tubes expanded into
aluminum fins. Headers and connections shall be copper. The coil shall be pressure tested
and sealed for shipment. The condenser motors shall have permanently lubricated, sealed,
ball bearings, and internal overload protection, and operate on ________ V, ________ ph,
60 Hz power. Motors shall be 1140 RPM and mounted inside the condenser casing for
weather protection, and shall be wired to a terminal strip in a weatherproof panel on the
unit. The direct drive, aluminum fan blade and painted steel hub assembly, shall be
protected by a heavy-gauge, vinyl-coated, steel-wire fan guard. On multiple units, each
fan section shall be separated by full-width baffles to prevent bypass air. The condenser
shall be sized for ________ º F (ºC) ambient, and condensing temperature controls shall be
fan speed for -20º F (-29º C) winter ambient.A ship loose pressure relief valve shall ship
with the condenser.
2 . Flooded Controls: Flooded controls shall maintain head pressure to -30º F (-34.4ºC) by
regulating the effective condensing area within the condenser coil. Controls shall ship
loose and be mounted to the side of the condenser. A ship loose pressure relief valve shall
ship with the condenser.


A. The water-cooled system shall consist of an evaporator section including evaporator coil,
blower package, controls, electrical section, compressor, and water-cooled condenser. The
condenser shall be stainless steel brazed plate design and shall be controlled by 2-way (3-way
optional) head pressure-regulated valve. Maximum water pressure shall be 400 psi (2758 kPa).


A. The glycol-cooled system shall consist of an evaporator section including evaporator coil,
blower package, controls, electrical section, compressor, and glycol-cooled condenser. The
condenser shall be stainless steel brazed plate design and shall be controlled by 2-way (3-way
optional) head pressure-regulated valve. Maximum water pressure shall be 400 psi (2758 kPa).

APC NetworkAIR™ AFX 33

Guide Specifications


1 . Outdoor Fluid Cooler: The fluid cooler casing shall be of aluminum, and all structural
supports, coil frame, motor-drive supports, and mounting legs shall be made of galvanized
steel. The fluid cooler coil shall have copper tubes expanded into aluminum fins. Headers
and connections shall be copper. The coil shall be pressure-tested and sealed for shipment.
The fluid cooler motors shall have permanently lubricated, sealed, ball bearings, and
internal overload protection. Motors shall be mounted inside the fluid cooler casing for
weather protection and wired to a terminal strip in a weatherproof panel on the unit. The
direct-drive, aluminum fin blade and painted steel hub assembly shall be protected by a
heavy-gauge, vinyl-coated, steel-wire fan guard. On multiple fan units, each fan section
shall be separated by full-width baffles to prevent bypass air. The Fluid Cooler shall be
sized for 95º F (35º C) ambient, and operate on ________ V, ________ ph, 60 Hz power.


1 . Single Pump Package: The pump package shall be comprised of a centrifugal pump in a
vented enclosure with pump starter, separate Fluid Cooler fan and pump circuit breakers,
Aquastat, and fan cycling contractors to control the fluid temperature. The controls shall
be mounted in a weather-tight box. A _______ gal (L) expansion tank and Airtrol fitting
shall be supplied for field installation. The pump size shall be sized for ________ GPM
(L/s) at ________ ft (m) external head, and operate on ________ V, ________ ph, 60 Hz
2 . Dual Pump Package: The dual pump package shall consist of two centrifugal pumps in an
enclosure. Pump starters, automatic pump switch-over controls, lead-lag pump selector
switch, separate Fluid Cooler fan and pump circuit breakers, Aquastat, and fan cycling
contractor to control the fluid temperature shall be mounted in a separate weather-tight
box. A _______ gal (L) expansion tank and Airtrol fitting shall be supplied for field
installation. Each pump shall be sized for ________ GPM (L/s) at _________ ft (m)
external head, and operate on ________ V, ________ ph, 60 Hz power.

34 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Guidelines for Installation

The AFX provides reliable, accurate temperature and humidity control of

computer rooms, laboratories, and other environments that require close
tolerance control. The unit incorporates the latest system design innovations
to provide you with optimum efficiency, reliability, and accuracy of control.
The AFX system will provide years of trouble-free service, when
installed and maintained by technically qualified personnel.

Room preparation During the design of the room, consideration should be given to the
following factors: ease of entry for the system, floor-loading factors, and
accessibility of piping and wiring.
The room must be sealed with a vapor barrier to minimize migration of
moisture. Polyethylene film (plastic sheeting) is a good vapor barrier for
ceiling and wall applications. Rubber- or plastic-based paints should be
applied to concrete floors and walls. The room should be thoroughly
insulated to minimize thermal loads and make-up air (if required) should
be preconditioned to reduce additional temperature, filtration, and
moisture loads.
A room using a raised-floor plenum for air distribution should have at
least 9" (300 mm) of clear space between the false floor and sub-floor
for a finished floor height of 12" (380 mm). Pay special attention to the
location of pipe chases, electrical conduits and other obstructions under
the floor. These objects can block air circulation and cause loss of air
pressure, thus reducing system efficiency and causing hot spots in your
APC should be notified before installation if the unit is incorrect for the

Unit location The location of the unit is important for efficient and balanced
environmental control in your room. The air conditioner should be
located as close as possible to the largest heat load. In rooms having a
high aspect ratio, mount the unit along the longest wall to ensure even
air distribution. If improperly installed, erratic control or mechanical
failure can and will result.

Service access At least 32" (815 mm) of clear space must be left in front of the unit for
routine service (filters, humidifier).

APC NetworkAIR™ AFX 35

Guidelines for Installation

Receiving the unit Your AFX unit has been completely tested and inspected prior to
shipment. To ensure that you have received the unit in excellent
condition, perform a careful inspection of the crating and the unit
immediately upon receipt. Verify that all parts ordered were received as
specified and that the unit is the correct size and voltage necessary to
fulfill your environmental control needs. Report any damage discovered
to the freight carrier. If necessary, contact the APC field service
department for help in repairing or replacing damaged parts. While APC
is not responsible for damage incurred in transit, we want to make sure
that you have no undue delays in your system start-up.

Rigging The unit is manufactured with a formed steel frame for maximum
strength and unit integrity. However, as with all electrical and
mechanical equipment, you must take care with proper rigging of your
When using a forklift to move the unit, use the shipping skid to protect
the bottom of the unit. When using chains, cables or rope to lift the unit,
use spreader bars to prevent damage to the finished panel.

Floorstand Install a threaded pedestal into each leg of the floorstand. Use the washer
and nut on each panel to tighten against the floorstand leg.

Utility connections All connections are made through the bottom left of the unit (the left
side of upflow discharge units) for ease of service connections. Refer to
the installation manual for pipe sizes and specific locations for your unit.

Power unit The AFX unit uses 3-phase power for operation. Power connections are
landed to a receptacle on either floorstand or sub base. Bring the service
cable through the bottom left of the unit and through the bulkhead hole
into the electrical box to the circuit breaker provided on the left side of
the electrical box. The ground lug is located near the 3-phase high-

Humidifier connections The humidifier inlet connection point is provided with the equipment. A
1/4" (6.4mm) compression connection is supplied with the unit.

Condensate drain Condensate from the evaporator pan is collected and discharged by the
condensate pump to a 7/8" (22.2mm) fitting for field connection.

36 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

Guidelines for Installation

Water supply to humidifier 1. The humidifier fill valve orifice is sized for supply water pressure
from 15 PSIG (103.4 kPa) to 150 PSIG (1034 kPa).
2. For cases above 150 PSIG (1034 kPa), install a pressure-reducing
valve in the water feed line to the unit.
3. With extremely dirty or muddy water sources, proper filtration is
required on the unit’s incoming water line.
4. DO NOT use softened water with the humidifier. Softened water is
too conductive.
5. DO NOT use completely demineralized water with the humidifier.
The minerals allow the electrode principle to work.
6. DO NOT use a hot water source. Doing so will cause deposits that
will eventually block the fill valve orifices.
7. Water supplies with high conductivity (above 800 mW) must be
preconditioned for proper operation and longevity of the humidi-

Water supply A 16- to 20-mesh strainer must be installed in the water supply to the
water units to prevent clogging of brazed plate condenser. This is a field
item.Also recommended on glycol units.
Note: Because of an ongoing program dedicated to product
improvement, specifications are subject to revisions without notice.
APC assumes no responsibility, and disclaims all liability for damages
resulting from use of this information or for any errors or omissions.

APC NetworkAIR™ AFX 37

38 APC NetworkAIR™ AFX

APC Worldwide Customer Support

Customer support for this or any other APC product is available at no charge in any of the following ways:
• Visit the APC Web site to find answers to frequently asked questions (FAQs), to access documents
in the APC Knowledge Base, and to submit customer support requests.
– (Corporate Headquarters)
Connect to localized APC Web sites for specific countries, each of which provides customer
support information.
Global support with FAQs, knowledge base, and e-support.
• Contact an APC Customer Support center by telephone or e-mail.
– Regional centers:

APC headquarters U.S.,

(1)(800)800-4272 (toll free)

Latin America (1)(401)789-5735 (USA)

Europe, Middle East, Africa (353)(91)702020 (Ireland)

Asia Pacific (61) 2 9955 9366 (Australia)

– Local, country-specific centers: go to for contact information.

Contact the APC representative or other distributor from whom you purchased your APC product for
information on how to obtain local customer support.

Entire contents copyright © 2005 American Power Conversion. All rights reserved.
Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. APC, the APC logo, and
NetworkAIR are trademarks of American Power Conversion Corporation and may be
registered in some jurisdictions. All other trademarks, product names, and corporate names
are the property of their respective owners and are used for informational purposes only.

990-0828I 12/2005

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