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Job Description Example - Library Manager: Position Title: Position Statement

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Introductory note: There are many different formats for Job Descriptions, and so we
suggest you align your school’s documentation for school library positions to whatever
format your school uses.

The Performance Measures described in the Job Description provide a very useful link
to the objectives you set during the Performance Appraisal and development process.

Check how the various delegations are allocated in your school, so that the
responsibilities outlined in the Job Descriptions for your school library positions are

For schools who elect not to have a Teacher with Library Responsibility (TLR), check the
responsibilities in the TLR Job Description to ensure that key liaison and collaboration
with teaching staff is included within the Library Manager’s role.

Position Title: Library Manager

Position statement: Responsible for the day-to-day management and

operation of the school library

Responsible to: The Principal

Responsible for: School Librarian / Library Assistant, Student

librarians, volunteers

Functional relationships: Library and teaching staff, students, external


Hours of work: x hours per week for x weeks per year

Responsibilities: Example statements

1. Inquiry Learning

Key Responsibilities Desired Outcomes Performance Measures

 Promote the role of the  All teachers and students  Staff and students are
library, and the range of receive appropriate able to access
resources students can coaching and assistance appropriate information
access through the to access and use print and resources
library, to support inquiry and online resources to
and develop information support inquiry learning  The school library is
literacy across all year regarded by teachers and
levels and all curriculum  Library users gain in skills students as a key source
areas and confidence using of information to support
online and print inquiry
 Collaborate with staff to resources relevant to
plan inquiry units and their inquiry
identify appropriate
resourcing and
scaffolding to support
students’ research

 Plan and implement the  Staff and students are  Informal feedback from
library orientation confident library users users indicates
programme satisfaction with
assistance received

 All new staff and students

participate in library

2. Library Management

Key Responsibilities Desired Outcomes Performance Measures

 Establish and monitor  Library operates  Allocated tasks are

day-to-day systems and effectively completed within agreed
workflows in library timeframes

 Document library  All library processes and  The Library Handbook is

procedures procedures are relevant and up-to-date
 Manage Library Team,  Library operates  Allocated tasks are
student librarians and effectively completed

 Manage and monitor the  Library expenditure is  Annual financial reports,

library budget in controlled according to in relation to the budget,
accordance with school school standards are submitted to school
practice management

3. Resources

Key Responsibilities Desired Outcomes Performance Measures

 Provision of high quality  Library has a balanced,  Borrowing records on the

resources, including e- up-to-date collection of library system show
resources, that meet the print and online appropriate material
reading and information resources that meet issued to students and
needs of the school users’ needs staff
 Library users have  Library computers are
access to e-resources used to access online
that are relevant to their information
 Students and teachers
find and use appropriate

 Encourage library usage  Users are able to find  Users’ recommendations

resources that meet their are included in buying
information and leisure plans
 Library is open
 Library promotional before/after school and
events and activities during breaks
result in increased library
usage and awareness of  Anecdotal and statistical
services available evidence of increased
usage resulting from
 Library is staffed during promotional events and
‘out of class’ times to activities
allow maximum

4. Library ICT

Key Responsibilities Desired Outcomes Performance Measures

 Maintain the library  Library management  Users locate information

management system system provides easy to meet their needs
access to information
 Library management  Library Manager is
system is updated to familiar with latest
latest version features of library
management system,
and is able to share these
with others

 Contribute content to the  Library pages on school  Anecdotal and statistical

Library pages on the intranet highlight library evidence of intranet use
school intranet resources and services by students and staff

 Maintain close liaison  Library ICT facilities are  Library ICT is upgraded
with school ICT team so adequate to support the as part of the school’s
that library ICT facilities research needs of ICT planning
are able to cater for students
increasing online  Liaison with technical
research needs of  Library ICT experiences support ensures minimal
students minimal down-time, and disruption to library
technical support is services
provided in a timely

5. Liaison and Reporting

Key Responsibilities Desired Outcomes Performance Measures

 Prepare and present  School management  Reports are presented to

regular reports that focus have up-to-date school management
on the library’s support information about the
for teaching and learning, library’s performance  An Annual Report is
highlighting significant presented to the Board of
developments and  Reporting draws on a Trustees
identifying future needs sound evidence base,
including analysed
reading data, and library
system data.

 Liaise and collaborate  Library is seen and used  Regularly promote library
with teaching staff and as a key resource to resources and services
literacy specialists support reading and
research  Evidence of positive
results for promotional
 Liaise with external  Relationships are  Regular contact is made
agencies and support developed and with network groups,
groups e.g. National maintained so that including online networks
Library of New Zealand, sources of professional accessed through the
SLANZA, school library development and support School Library Horizons
networks are used effectively website [hyperlink]

 Library users are aware  Regularly promote

of the range of services services from other
and resources that are agencies to school staff
Person Profile:


 Professional library qualification

Skills, knowledge and experience:

 Knowledge of the New Zealand Curriculum and of teaching and learning

programmes in the school
 Experience in supporting Inquiry Learning and Literacy through the school library
 Knowledge of learning resources – print and electronic
 Knowledge and experience of library management and systems
 Experience of collaboration with ICT and teaching staff
 Excellent oral and written communication skills
 Financial management experience

Personal qualities:

 Ability to interact positively with students and staff

 Ability to facilitate change
 Love of literature
 Willingness to keep up-to-date with information technology and library trends


Library Manager: __________________________Date: ______________

Principal: ________________________________ Date: ______________

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