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The Format and Assignment Requirements Are As Follows

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This assignment involves investigating and researching an area of Computing and Information

Technology (CIT) at the workplace. You are to select an organization in any industry, choose a
computer system in the organization that is for customer use and undertake a research of its
related activities.

The format and assignment requirements are as follows:

1. Cover Page
2. Table of Contents
3. Marking Scheme
4. Group Component (60 marks)
4.1. Introduction (brief historical background of the organization. Introduce the selected system)
4.2. Benefits (discuss two (2) of the selected system’s benefits to the organization)
4.3. System Limitations (analyze two (2) problems/limitations in the selected system)
4.4. Recommendations (provide two (2) recommendations to solve the two system
limitations identified above)
5. Conclusion - Do not include references. The conclusion is about the team’s idea on the topic.
6. Individual Component (40 marks)
This is related to the organization selected in the Group Component above. Each member
must choose one topic below, ensuring separation of topics - do not share the same topic,
otherwise marks awarded will be divided between the 2 team members.

Your selected organization plans to investigate and implement the following:

i. Green Computing – Carbon Footprint reduction
a) Recommend three renewable energy sources for your organization with justifications
b) Describe three methods these two IT corporations have taken to promote Green
Computing: Microsoft and IBM. Recommend one from these two IT corporations to your
organization justifying your reasons
ii. Health Concern - Back and Neck Pains, and Tendonitis
a) Explain three healing methods for Back and Neck pains, and Tendonitis
b) Recommend three methods on proper workplace ergonomics related to Back and
Neck pains for your organization with justifications
iii. Enterprise Computing - Productivity
a) Study three VPN (Virtual Private Network) providers and explain clearly two
features offered by the providers
b) Locate the cost for a video conferencing system from two different IT vendors.
Recommend one video conferencing system to your organization with your justifications
iv. Security – Malware
a) Describe clearly three malware preventive measures. Compare two antivirus
software, describing three features how they differ from each other
b) Recommend three biometric devices for security to your organization with your
v) Internet – Browsers
a) Explain three rules of Netiquette
b) Compare any three browsers and recommend one browser to your organization with
your justifications
Assignment Requirements
1. This is a group assignment
2. The expected length should be 5000 words for a four-member team and 6000 words for a five-
member team. You need to include a word count at the end of the report.
3. The document must be well presented and typed. Submission of reports that are unprofessional in
appearance (dirty, disorganized, inconsistent look, varying coloured paper and size, fading print) will
not fare well when marks are allocated.
4. All reports must be prepared with a front cover. A protective transparent plastic sheet can be placed
in front of the report to protect the front cover. The front cover should be presented with the
following details:-
a) Names of team members
b) Intake code
c) Subject
d) Project Title
e) Date Assigned (date the report was handed out)
f) Date Completed (date the report is due to be submitted)

5. You should include a statement regarding the division of work by your group, signed by all members.
This will be used to adjust the marks for individual members if necessary.
6. All information, figures and diagrams obtained from external sources must be referenced using the
Harvard Referencing system accordingly
7. Must submit a hardcopy and softcopy of the report.
8. Plagiarism is a serious offence and will automatically be awarded zero (0) marks.
You have to hand in your assignment hardcopy on time with Coursework Submission and Feed Back Form.

Marking Criteria
The assignment will contribute 50% towards the in-course assessment, as mentioned on the Student
Assessment & Information Sheet (SAIS). The document must contain the marking grid (work
breakdown structure) as per the sample shown below, which should be printed next to the cover page.
Any document that does not contain the marking grid will forfeit the entire 10% marks and will be
allocated 0 marks for this section!

Distinction A+, A
Demonstrated comprehensive research with detailed evidence. High level of analysis performed,
exceptional and thorough knowledge and understanding displayed with regard to application. This
includes analysis and evaluation of facts followed by results of evaluation. Documentation presented in
a professional manner, following proper sequencing and flow. Displayed evidence of critical appraisal.
Correctly listing in-text citations and references.

Credit B+, B
Adequate research conducted with fair detail of evidence presented. Moderate level of understanding,
analysis and knowledge displayed. Some level of relevance included in terms of application. Moderate
level of analysis and evaluation of facts followed by results comparison. Good level of documentation
presented. Some level of reflection was evident in the documentation. Moderate level of listing citation
and references.

Pass C+, C, C-

Low level research conducted. Some evidence of research displayed. Basic level of understanding and
knowledge analysis displayed. Satisfactory level of documentation. No evaluation and analysis of facts,
no results comparison performed Satisfactory or low level of reflection displayed. Low level of listing
citation and references.

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