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A Study On Investor's Perception Towards Mutual Fund in The City of Bhubaneswar

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SSRG International Journal of Economics and Management Studies (SSRG-IJEMS) – Volume 6 Issue 10 – Oct 2019

A Study On Investor’s Perception Towards

Mutual Fund In The City Of Bhubaneswar
Dr. Somabhusana Janakiballav Mishra
Assistant Professor, Amity Global Business School, Bhubaneswar
Plot. No. H-9/5, Panchasakha Nagar, Bhubaneswar, 751019

ABSTRACT if one has Rs.1000/- to invest, it may not be appreciated

In this paper attempt is made to know the preferences very much on its own. But, when it is pooled with
towards mutual fund and analyze the importance of Rs.1000/- each from a lot of other people, then one
demographic factors that influence the decision of could create a "big fund" large enough to invest in wide
investor towards making investments. This study varieties of capital market instruments in a large scale
attempts to find out the significance of demographic and enjoy the economies of large scale operations.
factors of population such as gender, age, education, Hence, a mutual fund is something known as collective
occupation, income over investment decisions. The investment.
hypotheses have been developed considering its A mutual fund is formed with the coming together of a
relevancy to the research objectives. Investment number of investors who transfer their surplus funds to
decision making behavior has been taken as dependent a professionally qualified organization to manage it.
variable and demographic factors (age, gender and There is a simple technique that that the fund adopts to
education) are considered as independent variables. get the surplus funds from the investors. Each fund is
Data were classified; tabulated and tested. Statistical divided into a small units of equal value. Units are then
inferences were drawn by the use of hypothesis and allocated to each investor in the proportion to the
Pearson's Chi-square technique. amount of his investment. Thus every investor, whether
big or small, will have a stake in the fund and can enjoy
Keywords: Investment, Demographic factors, Mutual being a part of the wide portfolio of the investment held
fund, Investment decisions by the fund. Hence, mutual funds give an opportunity to
millions of small and large investors to participate in
INTRODUCTION and get the benefit of the capital market growth. Due to
low cost, diversified risk and high return, it has
In the last decade, mutual funds have become a hot emerged as a popular vehicle of creation of wealth.
favorite of millions of people all around the world.
Mutual funds investment give more return on the If we analyse the investment market, we can find a
investment made than the income earned in the form of variety of investors with different requirements and risk
fixed deposits, life insurance and even bonds because taking capacities. For instance, a young man would like
with a little money, they can get into the investment and to get more capital appreciation for his investments and
can able to earn higher interest rates compared to other he would be prepared to take greater risk than a person
investment avenues. One can own a string of blue chips who is just close to his retirement. This is the reason, it
like SBI, Birla Sun Life, Reliance, UTI etc,. Thus is very difficult to offer one fund to satisfy varying
mutual funds give an opportunity to enter into big needs of different investors. Therefore, many types of
companies which is otherwise impossible for an funds are available for the investors. It is completely the
ordinary investor with small amount of investment. discretion of the investor to choose anyone of them that
matches his requirement and his risk taking ability.
A Mutual fund aggregates the saving of a number of
investors who share a common financial goal. The Types of Mutual Fund Schemes
money thus collected in a mutual fund is then invested By Structure Open-Ended Funds
in capital market instruments such as bonds, securities, Close-Ended Funds
shares, debentures etc. The income earned through By Investment Objective Income Funds
these investments and the realized capital appreciation Balanced Funds
are shared by its unit holders in proportion to the Growth Funds
number of units owned by them. Other Schemes Tax Saving Scheme
Sectoral Scheme
We know small drops of water make a big ocean and Dual Funds
mutual Funds work on the same principle. For instance, Bond Funds etc.

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The Indian mutual fund industry is witnessing a Ranganathan  Analysed the fund
humongous growth as a result of infrastructural (2006) selection behavior of
development, increase in personal financial assets, and individual investors
rise in foreign direct investments. With the rising towards mutual funds-
income, growing risk appetite and increasing with reference to
awareness, mutual funds in India are becoming a Mumbai City.
preferred investment option compared to other  He found that mutual
investment vehicles like postal savings, insurance and funds have become an
fixed deposits though are considered safe, give important investment
comparatively low returns. option for the small
investors as an outcome
REVIEW OF LITERATURE of reforms of industrial
policy, public sector,
Review of literature is an important part of any financial sector and the
research. Literature on performance evaluation of many other
mutual fund is enormous. Some of the research studies developments in the
that substantially influenced the preparation of this Indian money market
study are discussed in this section. and capital market.
Walia and Kiran  The study examined
Jaspal Singh and  Evaluated two major (2009) investor's perception
Subhash Chander factors, past record and towards risk involved
(2003) growth prospects in mutual funds, returns
influenced the choice of from mutual funds in
scheme. comparison to other
 Investors look for financial avenues,
repurchase facility, transparency and
prompt service and disclosure practices.
adequate information in  The study found that
mutual funds. majority of individual
 For appraisal of mutual investors did not
funds return, portfolio consider mutual fund as
selection and NAV highly risky
were important criteria. investment.
 It is indicated in the  The study also reported
results that that significant
occupational status and relationship of
age are insignificant interdependence exists
influencing the choice between income level
of scheme. of investors and their
Jaspal Singh and  The results show that perception for mutual
Subhash Chander the investors consider funds investments.
(2004) gold to be the most
preferred form of Dr. Nishi Sharma  Attempted to
investment, followed (2012) investigate the reasons
by NSC and Post responsible for lesser
Office schemes. recognition of mutual
 Investors belonging to fund as a prime
the salaried category, investment option.
and in the age group of  It examines the
20-35, years showed investors perception
inclination towards with reference to
close-ended growth distinct features
(equity-oriented) provided by mutual
schemes over the other fund companies to
scheme type. attract them for

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investing in specific conducted in this region of the country. Through this

funds/schemes. study an attempt has been made to evaluate the investor
Binod Kumar  The study found that perception about mutual funds in this capital city of
Singh (2012) some demographic Odisha.
factors like gender,
income and level of OBJECTIVES
education have their
significant impact over 1) To study investors perceptions towards mutual funds.
the attitude towards 2) To know the demographic factors influencing
mutual funds. On the investors decision while investing in mutual funds.
contrary age and
occupation have not RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
been found influencing
the investor's attitude. The study is mainly based on primary data which is
 The study noticed that collected through a structured questionnaire (the
return potential and question are closed ended with multiple choices). A
liquidity have been sample of 178 respondents were taken on the basis of
perceived to be most convenience. Whether demographic factors influence
lucrative benefits of significantly the decision on investment in mutual fund
investing in mutual is studied using chi-square test.
funds and the same are Chi-square test:
followed by flexibility, Chi-square test formula = ∑((Observed frequency-
transparency and expected frequency)^2 / Expected frequency)
affordability. The computer calculates a Chi-square (pronounced Ki-
square) value. If the actual data and expected data (if no
difference) are identical, the Chi-square value is 0. A
IMPORTANCE OF THE STUDY bigger difference will give a bigger Chi-square value.
Greater differences between expected and actual data
The Indian financial system has undergone a number of produce a larger Chi-square value. The larger the Chi-
changes over the last three decades. Since 1991 after square value, the greater the probability that there really
the opening of the economy a new kind of investment is a significant difference.
pattern started emerging in the country. New schemes
were launched for attracting investments in different ANALYSIS
sectors of the economy. Government changed the
perception of the investors regarding investment Gender:
decisions through these initiatives. People are becoming
aware of the latest investment plans and returns on Gender Frequency Expected Percentage
these plans. Foreign direct investment changed the Male 98 89 0.55
whole scenario and attractive schemes were launched Female 80 89 0.45
by the government in order to attract a larger number of
investors. During this period one of the most important
Total 178 178
schemes emerged in the form of mutual funds. p value 0.177287

Almost all financial institutions and banks started

exploring the possibility of pushing investments 120
towards mutual funds, with some of them preferring to 98
100 Gender
float a few mutual funds themselves. This study is an 80
attempt to study the perception of investors towards 80
investment in mutual funds. The study has been 60
necessitated as more and more people are investing in 40 Frequency
mutual fund schemes launched by a number of financial 20
institutions. An attempt has been made to present the 0
investor perception about the mutual fund investment in
Bhubaneswar. The review of literature given in the Male Female
preceding pages reveal that no such study has been

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From the above analysis it is clear that 55% of the Occupation:

respondents who are male prefer to invest in mutual
funds as compared to female which is 45%. But the chi Occupation Frequency Expected percentage
square result shows a p-value of 0.17 which is greater Business 75 59.33333 0.42
than 0.05 (5% level of significance). So it is concluded Job 58 59.33333 0.33
that there is no association between gender and
Proffession 45 59.33333 0.25
preference towards mutual fund.
Total 178 178
Age: p-value 0.0220464
group Frequency Expected Percentage 80 75
Less 70 Occupatio
than 58
60 n
25 14 44.5 0.08 50 45
25-40 66 44.5 0.37 40
40-50 71 44.5 0.40 30
50-60 27 44.5 0.15 20 Frequency
Total 178 178 10
p- 1.1471E- 0
value 11

80 71
70 66 Age
50 From the above analysis it is clear that 42% of the
40 respondents belong to business class prefer to invest in
27 mutual funds followed by 33% of job holders. The chi
14 Frequency square result shows a p-value which is less than 0.05
(5% level of significance). So it is concluded that there
10 is an association between occupation and preference
0 towards mutual fund investment. As we can see
Less 25-40 40-50 50-60 business class people are more inclined to mutual fund
than investment than any other.

From the above analysis it is clear that 40% of the
respondents who are in the age group of 40-50 prefer to Education Frequency Expected Percentage
invest in mutual funds followed by the age group 25-40 Under
which is 37%. The chi square result shows a p-value Graduate 12 44.5 0.07
which is less than 0.05 (5% level of significance). So it Graduate 71 44.5 0.40
is concluded that there is an association between age
and preference towards mutual fund investment. As we Post Graduate 50 44.5 0.28
grow old the risk taking ability is likely to decrease and Professional
those who are much young less than 25 years of age Degree 45 44.5 0.25
don’t think about investment that seriously. Total 178 178
p-value 09

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relationship between income level and preference

towards mutual fund investment.

Experience Frequency Expected Percentage
Less than 2 years 48 44.5 0.27
2 years to 6
years 47 44.5 0.26
6 years to 10
years 36 44.5 0.20
Above 10 years 47 44.5 0.26
Total 178 178
p-value 0.535943
From the above analysis it is clear that 40% of the
respondents who are graduates prefer to invest in
mutual funds. 7% under graduate also show interest in
mutual investment. The chi square result shows a p-
value which is less than 0.05 (5% level of significance).
So it is concluded that there is a relationship between
education level and preference towards mutual fund
Income Frequency Expected Percentage
Less than
40000 29 44.5 0.16
40000-60000 44 44.5 0.25
60000-80000 64 44.5 0.36
Above 80000 41 44.5 0.23
Total 178 178
p-value 0.002615

From the above analysis it is clear that experience in
investing in mutual fund doesn’t matter much as a
factor. The chi square result shows a p-value which is
greater than 0.05 (5% level of significance). So it is
concluded that there is no relationship between
experience and preference towards mutual fund


Media Frequency Percentage

Print 77 0.43
Electronic 53 0.30
Pamphlets 21 0.12
Hoardings 27 0.15
From the above analysis it is clear that 16% of the Total 178
respondents only who have income less than 40000
INR prefer to invest in mutual funds. The chi square
result shows a p-value which is less than 0.05 (5% level
of significance). So it is concluded that there is a

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Time of Investment Frequency Percentage
Upto 1 year 20 0.11
1 Year to 3 years 23 0.13
3 Years to 5 Years 60 0.34
More than 5 Years 75 0.42
Total 178

From the above table and graph it is clear that print

media and electronic media attracts more than any other
medium of advertisement.

Factors Frequency Percentage
Friends/Relatives 67 0.38
The above table and graph shows that most of the
Financial Advisor 52 0.29 respondents opt for a period of minimum 5 years to stay
Personal Analysis 27 0.15 invested in mutual fund.
Return 20 0.11
Safety 5 0.03
Tax benefit 7 0.04 Scheme Frequency Percentage
Total 178 Income 40 0.22
Growth 54 0.30
Balance 53 0.30
Monthly Income Plan 20 0.11
Others 11 0.06
Total 178

The above table and graph shows that friends and

relatives and financial advisors influence the most for
taking a decision in mutual fund investment.

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The above table and graph shows that the respondents The above table and graph shows that most of the
opt for different schemes as per their requirement. respondents (45%) are dissatisfied with mutual fund
There is no clarity for any specific scheme of mutual investment because of poor after sales service.
Future Perception Frequency Percentage
Satisfaction Frequency Percentage Bright 70 0.39
Yes 136 0.76 Slow growth 22 0.12
No 42 0.24 Lack of awareness 38 0.21
Total 178 Risky avenue 22 0.12
Dark 18 0.10
No response 8 0.04
Total 178

The above table and graph shows that most of the

respondents are satisfied with mutual fund investment.

Facors of Dissatisfaction Frequency Percentage The above table and graph shows that 39% of the
Low Income 9 0.21 respondents say that the future of mutual fund is bright.
Poor after sales service 19 0.45
Better avenues in the CONCLUSION
market 7 0.17
Longer redeemption It is concluded from the research study that though the
period 7 0.17 number of male investors is more, the difference is not
Total 42 significant from the female investors. So, gender is not
a criteria that affect investment decision in mutual
funds. People in the age between of 25 to 50 likely to
invest more in mutual fund. Business class people
invest in mutual fund more than any other. People who
are more educated have more knowledge in mutual
fund and tend to invest in mutual fund more than any
other avenues of investment. Low income level doesn’t
attract much for mutual fund investment. It is evident
from the study that income more than 40000 INR are
more attracted towards mutual fund. Print and
electronic media attracts more for mutual fund than any
other medium of promotion. Friends and relatives and
financial advisors influence a lot for investment in
mutual fund. Most of the investors want to stay invested
for a minimum of 5 years and they invest in various

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schemes available. Most of the people are satisfied with sales service. Most of the respondents say that the
mutual fund where as many people are still not future of mutual fund is bright.
satisfied. The reason for dissatisfaction is poor after

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