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Installation Powerplay Pro/Station: For Tenants

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Installation POWERplay Pro/Station

Installation manual
for tenants


Product line neo, version 5.2

The described functions can be used with the following ASC products:

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ASC Technologies AG - Seibelstr. 2-4 - 63768 Hösbach - Germany



1 General information .................................................................................................... 4

2 Introduction ................................................................................................................. 5

3 System requirements.................................................................................................. 6
3.1 Client hardware components ........................................................................................ 6
3.2 Client software components.......................................................................................... 6

4 Installation requirements ........................................................................................... 7

4.1 Licenses ........................................................................................................................ 7
4.2 Information .................................................................................................................... 7

5 Overview install and configure product.................................................................... 8

6 Installation ................................................................................................................... 9
6.1 Install client software..................................................................................................... 9
6.2 Install client software via MSI...................................................................................... 12

7 Start application ........................................................................................................ 13

7.1 Single Sign On ............................................................................................................ 13
7.2 Active authentication ................................................................................................... 13
7.2.1 Single user login.......................................................................................................... 15
7.2.2 Combination user login ............................................................................................... 15
7.2.3 Create new server connection .................................................................................... 16
7.2.4 Delete server connection ............................................................................................ 17
7.2.5 Edit server connection................................................................................................. 17
7.3 Create program icon for automatic login ..................................................................... 17

8 Update ........................................................................................................................ 19

9 Maintenance and troubleshooting........................................................................... 20

10 Uninstalling................................................................................................................ 21
10.1 Uninstall client software .............................................................................................. 21
10.2 Uninstall client software via MSI ................................................................................. 22

List of figures ............................................................................................................ 23

List of tables .............................................................................................................. 24

Glossary..................................................................................................................... 25

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1 General information

1 General information

In the context of this document ASC represents ASC Technologies AG, its subsidiaries, branch
offices, and distributors. An up-to-date overview of the aforementioned entities can be found at
ASC assumes no guarantee for the actuality, correctness, integrity or quality of the information
provided in the manuals.
ASC regularly checks the content of the released manuals for consistency with the described
hardware and software. Nevertheless, deviations cannot be excluded. Necessary revisions are
included in subsequent editions.
Some aspects of the ASC technology are described in general terms to protect the ownership
and the confidential information or trade secrets of ASC.
The software programs and the manuals of ASC are protected by copyright law. All rights on the
manuals are reserved including the rights of reproduction and multiplication of any kind, be it
photo mechanical, typographical or on digital data media. This also applies to translations.
Copying the manuals, completely or in parts, is only allowed with written authorization of ASC.
Representative, if not defined otherwise, is the technical status at the time of the delivery of the
software, the devices and the manuals of ASC. Technical changes without specified announce-
ments are reserved. Previous manuals lose their validity.
The general conditions of sales and delivery of ASC in their latest version apply.

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2 Introduction

2 Introduction

This manual describes the installation of the client software for the application POWERplay Pro.
POWERplay Pro is a client application for searching and replaying recorded conversations. The
user has the possibility to systematically search for conversations, listen in on current conversa-
tions (Monitoring), replay several conversations at the same time or listen to parts of a conver-
sation in an endless loop.
POWERplay Pro can be used from every computer in the system with a LAN or WLAN connec-
tion to the replay server.
The application does not require a browser environment.

If the languages Chinese or Japanese are supposed to be available for this client application, it
is a precondition that the operating system supports the respective language. If this is not the
case, the Chinese and Japanese characters may be depicted incorrectly. The language sup-
port then has to be activated manually on the operating system.

POWERplay Pro is a client application. It has to be installed on each client computer which is
supposed to use it.

POWERplay Station does not require a separate installation or configuration. Upon installing
an optional license in POWERplay Pro, replay of terminated archive media of other neo sys-
tems is activated.

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3 System requirements

3 System requirements

The versions of hardware and software components mentioned below correspond to the ver-
sions known and tested at the time this document was written. For information about other
supported versions refer to the current neo Integration Overview in the ASC Partner Portal.

For basic information about the necessary hardware and software components refer to the in-
stallation manual Installation requirements.

A list of the codecs which are supported in this recording solution can be found in the ASC
Partner Portal in the current neo Integration Overview.

3.1 Client hardware components

Reference system without SCREENrec

Minimum requirements
CPU Dual Core ≥ 2.0 GHz
RAM ≥ 4 GB
Hard disk ≥ 350 MB free disk space
Screen resolution 1280*1024 or 1680*1050
Tab. 1: Reference system without SCREENrec

Reference system with SCREENrec

Minimum requirements
CPU Quad Core ≥ 2.0 GHz
RAM ≥ 4 GB
Hard disk ≥ 500 MB free disk space
Screen resolution 1280*1024 or 1680*1050
Tab. 2: Reference system with SCREENrec

Additional components for replay via computer

• Sound card
• Speakers

3.2 Client software components

Supported operating systems

The following operating systems are supported for clients:
• Microsoft Windows 7 Professional SP1 32 Bit/64 Bit
• Microsoft Windows 10 Pro 64 Bit

Required third-party provider software

• Java 1.8.x, 32 bit
If the application is installed via MSI setup, the following software component must already have
been installed on the client computer:
• Java Runtime 8u xx

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4 Installation requirements

4 Installation requirements

For basic information about the used default ports refer to the installation manual Installation
requirements in chapter Communication matrix.

If you have configured customer-specific ports, you have to open them in the firewall sepa-

4.1 Licenses


License name Number Description

POWERplay Pro 1 per concurrent user License required for using
POWERplay Pro.
Tab. 3: Licenses of ASC

License name Number Description

POWERplay Station 1 per system This license enables you to re-
play terminated archive media
of other neo systems.
Tab. 4: Optional license of ASC

4.2 Information
Before you start the installation, please make sure that the following information is available:
• IP address of the replay server

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5 Overview install and configure product

5 Overview install and configure product

The following steps have to be carried out:

1. Install the POWERplay Pro software on the client computers (see chapter "Install client
software", p. 9).

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List of figures

List of figures

Fig. 1 InstallShield for Java Runtime Environment ........................................................... 9

Fig. 2 Information about the installation progress ............................................................. 9
Fig. 3 Change target directory........................................................................................... 10
Fig. 4 Configure replay server........................................................................................... 10
Fig. 5 Start installation....................................................................................................... 11
Fig. 6 Information about the installation progress ............................................................. 11
Fig. 7 Finish installation..................................................................................................... 11
Fig. 8 Start application - Single Sign On ........................................................................... 13
Fig. 9 Start application - Active authentication .................................................................. 13
Fig. 10 Login window .......................................................................................................... 13
Fig. 11 Login window (example) ......................................................................................... 15
Fig. 12 Login window (example) ......................................................................................... 15
Fig. 13 Login window combination user login (example) .................................................... 16
Fig. 14 Create new server connections (example).............................................................. 16
Fig. 15 Edit server connection (example)............................................................................ 17
Fig. 16 Uninstall software ................................................................................................... 21
Fig. 17 Confirm uninstallation.............................................................................................. 21
Fig. 18 Finish uninstallation................................................................................................. 22

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6 Installation

ð Once Java Runtime Environment has been installed, the InstallShield Wizard for the in-
stallation of the POWERplay Pro software appears.
5. On the welcome screen, click on the button Next to continue.
6. If required, change the target directory by clicking on the button Change.

Fig. 3: Change target directory

7. Select a target directory.

8. Click on the button OK to apply the path settings.
9. Click on the button Next to continue.
10. Enter the IP address of the replay server of your system.

Fig. 4: Configure replay server

11. Confirm the entry by clicking on the button Next.

12. Select whether the application is supposed to be available for all users of the computer or
only for the administrator.
Start the installation by clicking on the corresponding button:
- Anyone who uses this computer - application available for all users
- Only for me - application is available only for the currently logged-in user

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6 Installation

Fig. 5: Start installation

ð The installation progress is displayed.

Fig. 6: Information about the installation progress

13. Click on the button Finish to finish the installation of the POWERplay Pro software.

Fig. 7: Finish installation

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6 Installation

6.2 Install client software via MSI

Basic information about the installation via MSI can be found at:

To install the software via MSI, the file msiexec.exe has to be executed with the respective pa-
You can install with the following command:
msiexec.exe /i "POWERplay Pro.msi" /quiet

/i Installation of the software packet "POWERplay Pro.msi"

/quiet Starts the installation in the background.
To define the default installation in greater detail, you can add the following parameters:

CONNECTIP= IP of the recording server, e. g.

ALLUSERS="" "" User-dependent
"1" Computer-dependent
"2" Computer-dependent installation, but installs user-depen-
dently if the executing user does not have any access rights
to this computer.
Example for the user-dependent installation of POWERplay Pro in the background with the IP
address for the recording server.
msiexec.exe /i "POWERplay Pro.msi" /quiet CONNECTIP= ALLUSERS=""

Further information about the parameters for ALLUSERS can be found at https://msdn.micro-

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7 Start application

7 Start application

Optionally, the application POWERplay Pro can be started via Single Sign On (SSO) or via ac-
tive authentication. To this end, 2 different program icons are created on the desktop during the
• See chapter "Single Sign On", p. 13
• See chapter "Active authentication", p. 13
In addition, you have the possibility to create and configure a shortcut on the desktop which al-
lows starting the application without having to enter the login data every time.
• See chapter "Create program icon for automatic login", p. 17

7.1 Single Sign On

Fig. 8: Start application - Single Sign On

When starting the application by logging in via Single Sign On (SSO), active authentication is
omitted. You are automatically logged in with your Windows login data.
Precondition: The function Single Sign On (SSO) has been activated by the administrator during
the configuration of the system.
1. Double-click on the program icon for SSO.
ð Connection establishment to the replay server is started directly.
ð POWERplay Pro is started as soon as the connection has been established successfully.

If the login via SSO fails, an error message and the login window appear. Proceed as de-
scribed in chapter "Active authentication", p. 13.

7.2 Active authentication

Fig. 9: Start application - Active authentication

When starting the application via active authentication, you have to enter your login data.
1. Double-click on the program icon for active authentication.
ð The following window appears:

Fig. 10: Login window

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7 Start application

SSL encryption Determines whether an SSL encryption protocol for secure data trans-
mission in the Internet is used.
Select the respective option in the drop-down list.

= SSL encryption protocol is only used if an SSL connec-

tion can be established.
The application will first try to establish an SSL connection. If this at-
tempt fails, a standard connection without SSL is established.

= SSL encryption protocol is always used.

Only SSL connections are accepted. If only a connection without SSL
is available, it will not be used but an error message will be displayed.

= SSL encryption protocol is never used.

Combination user Switches to the combination user login window, see chapter "Combina-
tion user login", p. 15.
Single User Switches to the single user login window, see chapter "Single user lo-
gin", p. 15.

Activates the SSO login, see chapter "Single Sign On", p. 13.

(Activate SSO login)

Deactivates the SSO login.

(Deactivate SSO login)

Creates a new server connection, see chapter "Create new server con-
nection", p. 16.

Deletes a created server connection, see chapter "Delete server con-

nection", p. 17.

Settings Opens the window containing the server settings, see chapter "Edit
server connection", p. 17.

Starts the application.

Cancels the login process.


Opens the online help.

There are the following options to navigate in the online help:
• Navigation bar on the left of the window
• Contents (via the menu item Contents in the header)
• Cross reference to additional information at the bottom of the page

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7 Start application

In general, there are the following login options:

• Single user = normal user login, see chapter "Single user login", p. 15
• Combination user, see chapter "Combination user login", p. 15

Your system administrator will tell you which login you have to use.

7.2.1 Single user login

Fig. 11: Login window (example)

1. Enter your user name and the password.

2. Select the IP address of the server name of the recording server that the application ac-
3. Click on the button Log In.
ð The application is started.

7.2.2 Combination user login

For safety reasons, it may be sensible to assign a combination user to a user. That way it can
be ensured for instance that a supervisor only accesses recorded conversations when a mem-
ber of the work council is present.
If a combination user has been defined, the actual user is only allowed to log in when the com-
bination user has logged in, too. If entering the login data of a combination user is required, pro-
ceed as follows:
1. In the login window, click on Combination User.

Fig. 12: Login window (example)

2. The window Combination User appears.

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7 Start application

Fig. 13: Login window combination user login (example)

3. Enter your user name and your password as well as the user name and password of your
combination user.
4. Select the IP address of the server name of the recording server that the application ac-
5. Click on the button Log In.
ð The application is started.

7.2.3 Create new server connection

1. In the window Server, click on the icon (New).
ð The following window appears:

Fig. 14: Create new server connections (example)

2. Enter the IP address or the server name and the port number for the connection to a replay
Optionally, you can enter a description of the server. If you do not enter a description, the
IP address or the server name will be inserted automatically upon adding the server con-
3. Click on the button Add.
4. To save the entries and close the window, click on the button OK.
To discard the entries and close the window, click on the button Cancel.

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7 Start application

7.2.4 Delete server connection

1. In the window Servers, select the server connection that you would like to delete.
2. Click on the icon (Delete).
ð The selected server connection is deleted.

7.2.5 Edit server connection

1. In the window Server, select the server connection that you would like to edit.
2. Click on Settings.
ð The following window appears:

Fig. 15: Edit server connection (example)

3. Change the values of the server connection.

4. To change the entries, click on the button Change.
To add the entries as new server connection, click on the button Add.
5. To save the entries and close the window, click on the button OK.
To discard the entries and close the window, click on the button Cancel.

7.3 Create program icon for automatic login

1. Open the installation directory of the application (e. g. C:\Program Files (x86)\ASC\ASC
POWERplay Pro).
2. Create a shortcut on the desktop for the file powerplay.exe.
3. Right-click on the program icon of the new shortcut.
ð The context menu appears.
4. Select the menu item Properties.
5. Click on the tab Shortcut.
6. In the entry field Destination, add the following parameters to the entry:

Parameters Description Example

ServerAddress IP address or name of the replay server.
ServerPort Port of the replay server. 4000
PrimaryLogin Login name of the employee for whom the au- kschneider
tomatic login is configured.

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7 Start application

Parameters Description Example

PrimaryPassword Password of the employee for whom the auto- YZ4711
matic login is configured.
• Example for the added entry:
"C:\Program Files\ASC\ASC POWERplay Pro\powerplay.exe" -ServerAddress
"" -ServerPort 4000 -PrimaryLogin "kschneider" -
PrimaryPassword "YZ4711"
7. Click on the button OK to save the change.
ð By double-clicking on the new program icon, the user (in the example above kschneider)
can start the application without entering login data.

Consider that the password has not been encrypted in the shortcut and thus
can be read by anyone who has access to the shortcut.
Only create such a shortcut if you are sure that no unauthorized persons can gain access to
the shortcut.

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8 Update

8 Update

There are no updates available for client applications.

If you would like to install a more recent version of the client application, proceed as follows:
1. Uninstall the current version of the client application.
2. Install new version of the client application.

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9 Maintenance and troubleshooting

9 Maintenance and troubleshooting

If problems with the installed software or inexplicable error messages occur, please contact
your local ASC support or the ASC Customer Assistance Center (+49 700 27278776) at the
ASC headquarter.
Do not use the functions Repair and Modify in the setup menu!

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10 Uninstalling

10 Uninstalling

Before the application can be uninstalled, you have to exit it.

10.1 Uninstall client software

1. Insert the setup CD for the POWERplay Pro software.
2. Open the directory of the POWERplay Pro software.
3. From the context menu of the file setup.exe, select the menu item Run as Administrator.
4. On the welcome screen, click on the button Next to continue.
5. In the window Program Maintenance, select the option Remove.

Fig. 16: Uninstall software

6. Confirm the selection by clicking on the button Next.

7. To actually uninstall the application, confirm the security prompt by clicking on the button

Fig. 17: Confirm uninstallation

8. Finish the uninstallation by clicking on the button Finish.

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10 Uninstalling

Fig. 18: Finish uninstallation

ð Uninstallation of the software is being finished.

ð The program icons are being removed from the desktop and from the start menu of Win-

Programs such as Java which may have been installed automatically since they are necessary
to use the application are not removed automatically but have to be uninstalled manually if re-

If the computer has to be rebooted, a separate window with a corresponding message will ap-

10.2 Uninstall client software via MSI

To uninstall the software via MSI, the file msiexec.exe has to be executed with the respective
1. For the uninstallation, enter the following command in the command line prompt:
msiexec.exe /x "POWERplay Pro.msi" /quiet

/x Uninstalls the software packet "POWERplay Pro.msi"

/quiet Uninstalls in the background

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List of figures

List of figures

Fig. 1 InstallShield for Java Runtime Environment ........................................................... 9

Fig. 2 Information about the installation progress ............................................................. 9
Fig. 3 Change target directory........................................................................................... 10
Fig. 4 Configure replay server........................................................................................... 10
Fig. 5 Start installation....................................................................................................... 11
Fig. 6 Information about the installation progress ............................................................. 11
Fig. 7 Finish installation..................................................................................................... 11
Fig. 8 Start application - Single Sign On ........................................................................... 13
Fig. 9 Start application - Active authentication .................................................................. 13
Fig. 10 Login window .......................................................................................................... 13
Fig. 11 Login window (example) ......................................................................................... 15
Fig. 12 Login window (example) ......................................................................................... 15
Fig. 13 Login window combination user login (example) .................................................... 16
Fig. 14 Create new server connections (example).............................................................. 16
Fig. 15 Edit server connection (example)............................................................................ 17
Fig. 16 Uninstall software ................................................................................................... 21
Fig. 17 Confirm uninstallation.............................................................................................. 21
Fig. 18 Finish uninstallation................................................................................................. 22

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List of tables

List of tables

Tab. 1 Reference system without SCREENrec.................................................................. 6

Tab. 2 Reference system with SCREENrec....................................................................... 6
Tab. 3 Licenses of ASC...................................................................................................... 7
Tab. 4 Optional license of ASC .......................................................................................... 7

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Central Processing Unit

Microsoft Installer or Windows Installer provides a runtime environment for installation rou-
tines on a Microsoft Windows operating system.

Random Access Memory

Secure Socket Layer

Single Sign On; Simplified login mode. After a one-off authentication at one workplace users
will be able to use all services and applications that they have been authorized for from this
workplace. They do not have to authenticate for the individual applications again.

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