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Pneumonia Detection Using CNNs

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25th International Conference on Information Technology (IT)

Zabljak, 17 – 20 February 2021

Pneumonia Detection Using Deep Learning

Based on Convolutional Neural Network
Luka Račić, Tomo Popović, Senior Member, IEEE, Stevan Čakić, Stevan Šandi

Abstract— Artificial intelligence has found its use in various the fact that computers did not have sufficient processing power
fields during the course of its development, especially in recent to handle the work required [3]. The comeback of AI started
years with the enormous increase in available data. Its main when IBM developed their chess playing program, Deep Blue,
task is to assist making better, faster and more reliable
decisions. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are
which was able to beat world champion Gary Kasparov in 1997
increasingly finding their application in medicine. This is [1]. In the following years AI started to develop rapidly, which
especially true for medical fields that utilize various types of resulted in development of new fields such as Machine
biomedical images and where diagnostic procedures rely on Learning (ML) and Deep Learning (DL). In contrast to ML, DL
collecting and processing a large number of digital images. The uses a set number of traits and requires human input, and can be
application of machine learning in processing of medical images trained to classify data on its own [2].
helps with consistency and boosts accuracy in reporting. This
paper describes the use of machine learning algorithms to Despite the fact that they were first described in the
process chest X-ray images in order to support the decision- 1940s, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) made a big
making process in determining the correct diagnosis. comeback in 2016 when Google’s program AlphaGo, based
Specifically, the research is focused on the use of deep learning on DL, managed to beat the world champion in the board
algorithm based on convolutional neural network in order to game Go [2]. This is considered to be one of the biggest
build a processing model. This model has the task to help with a milestones and successes of AI. For comparison in chess at
classification problem that is detecting whether a chest X-ray
shows changes consistent with pneumonia or not, and
opening there are 20 possible moves, but 361 in Go. This
classifying the X-ray images in two groups depending on the success further pushed AI research and ANN and DL
detection results. algorithms are used for image recognition, speech
recognition, sensor data processing, etc. It is no surprise that
Index Terms— artificial intelligence; convolutional neural with its recent development AI, especially DL, and their
network; deep learning; image processing, machine learning; application in medicine is growing rapidly. DL algorithms
pneumonia detection.
such as Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), which have
I. INTRODUCTION the ability to successfully recognize patterns and classify
images, are finding their use in medicine [4,5]. Today AI is
Artificial intelligence (AI) was recognized as an academic used in various medical fields, such as: gastroenterology [6],
discipline as early as in 1950s, but it was not widely radiology [7], cardiology [8], endoscopy [2]. AI and ML are
explored by scientific community due to its limited practical usually used in the fields that have the ability to build a large
feasibility for a long time [1]. In last couple of decades, database of medical data, typically in a form of digital
because of increasing availability of processing power and images, that can be used later for training models. The use of
emergence of big data, AI became a focal point of research AI in support tools for processing medical images has been
and business discussions. AI went through various phases in suggested in order to improve accuracy and consistency, and
its development, often regarded as “Seasons of AI”. Until time efficiency in reporting [2].
recently the best-known season of AI, was the period from In this paper, we have focused on pneumonia and the use
the 1970s to the 2000s and the majority of this period is of CNN based algorithm to process chest X-ray images.
referred to as the “AI Winter” [2]. One of the main reasons Pneumonia is an infection of the lower part of the respiratory
why AI could not develop at a fast pace during this period is tract in which the airways and lung parenchym are affected,
and the alveolar spaces are consolidated. The annual
*Research supported in part by the EuroCC project, grant agreement
951732 EuroCC-H2020-JTI-EuroHPC-2019-2. incidence of pneumonia in children under the age of 5 in
Luka Račić is with Faculty for Information Systems and Technologies, Europe is 34-40 per 1000. In developing countries,
University of Donja Gorica, Oktoih 1, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro (e- pneumonia is the leading cause of child mortality. X-rays of
Tomo Popović is with Faculty for Information Systems and the lungs are very useful in diagnosing respiratory disorders
Technologies, University of Donja Gorica, Oktoih 1, 81000 Podgorica, and diseases in children [9]. Pneumonia is also detected in
Montenegro (e-mail: hospitalized patients infected with 2019-nCoV coronavirus
Stevan Čakić is with Faculty for Information Systems and Technologies,
University of Donja Gorica, Oktoih 1, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro (e- [10], which further motivated us to explore and research this
mail: problem at the time of worldwide pandemic.
Stevan Šandi is with Faculty for Information Systems and Technologies,
University of Donja Gorica, Oktoih 1, 81000 Podgorica, Montenegro (e-
II. MATERIALS AND METHODS B. Pre-processing of Images, Dataset Preparation
A. Images of Chest X-Rays, The Dataset Most of the time, the first step before building a model is
the preprocessing of the imported data. The original images
The dataset used for this research is provided by
are RGB, but for the purpose of this experiment , they were
Guangzhou Women and Children’s Medical Center,
imported as grayscale and resized to 200x200 pixels. After
Guangzhou and is openly available on Kaggle [11]. Before
that, the pixel intensity values were normalized by dividing
the analysis all the bad quality X-rays have been removed.
the pixel values with 255. This way the pixels in the image
The rest has been classified by three experts in the field of
are represented with floating point numbers between 0 and 1,
radiology [11].
rather than integer numbers in the range 0 to 255. This
The dataset contains 5856 images of chest X-rays (JPEG).
should positively affect the performance of CNN [12].
It is divided into three folders, named train, val and test, that
As stated before, the data augmentation has been
are used as training, validation and testing data. The original
performed, because of the disbalance in the number of
dataset has only 16 images in the validation folder. For the
training examples of images showing pneumonia versus
purpose of experiments in this research, an 80/10/10 split has
those that were normal. This was done because the degree of
been performed. That means that 80% of the images is used
as training data, 10% as validation data and 10% as test data. model overfitting is determined by both its power and the
Therefore, the train folder for this experiment contains 4684 amount of training it receives, providing a CNN with more
images, val folder 586 images and test folder 586 images. training examples of images diagnosed as normal, in order to
Each of these three folders contains two subfolders reduce overfitting. In situations when there is no more
containing images diagnosed as pneumonia or normal. The available data of certain type it can be artificially created by
subfolder names represent the data labels. zooming, asymmetrically cropping or rotating input
The images are high-quality and come in various sizes, images[12]. All of this can be performed with Keras’s
but they were subsequently resized for training the model. preprocessing tools [13].
Because there were more images of X-rays labeled as C. Convolutional Neural Network and Tools Selection
“Pneumonia” in the training dataset, in order to increase the The main tools used in this example were: Numpy,
number of training examples of “Normal” images, the data Pandas, Keras, Jupyter notebook, matplotlib and seaborn
augmentation was used. A couple of examples of X-ray [14]. The training and testing of the model were performed
images, with their corresponding labels are shown in Fig. 1. locally, on a PC with the following hardware: AMD Ryzen 5
3600 CPU, Nvidia GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER GPU and
A) 16GB of RAM at 3200MHz. Training the model would take
up to 90 minutes.
The image classification was done with the use of a CNN-
based machine learning algorithm. The CNN is a class of
deep learning neural networks. CNNs represent a huge
breakthrough in image recognition and classification, where
they are most commonly used. They consist of few layers,
such as: input, output and between them there are hidden
layers. These hidden layers do the most work in terms of
calculation. Convolutional layers can be found inside of the
hidden layers [13]. Hidden layers can also consist of pooling
layers and fully connected layers.
The most important building block of a CNN is the
B) convolutional layer: each neuron in the convolutional layer
is only connect to a small number of neurons (receptive
field) in the next convolutional layer [13]. Such a design
allows the network structure to focus on a small low-level
feature in the first hidden layer, and then aggregate them into
higher-level features in the next hidden layer, and so on [13].
This design is one the main reasons why CNNs are
successfully used in image recognition.
The main use of pooling layers is to reduce the size of the
input image without losing any important information. This
is done to reduce the computational cost, and reduce
Fig. 1. The dataset illustration: A) a chest X-ray labeled as pneumonia, and
memory usage. This process also reduces the number of
B) a chest X-ray labeled as normal
parameters, which reduces the risk of overfitting.
Figure 2 shows a max pooling layer, which is the most
common type of pooling layer [12,13]. The max pooling has
been used in this project as well.
The activation function used in our experiments was the
ReLU activation function. ReLU behaves very good in deep
neural networks, mostly because it does not saturate for
positive values and because it is fast to compute. There are
some variations of the ReLU activation function such as
leaky ReLU, parametric leaky ReLU and SELU [13]. In
addition, in the model creation, a dropout method was used
to boost the performance. The dropout is a technique where
some neurons are randomly shut down and are not used for
that iteration. Just by simply adding a dropout, the network
can get a 1-2% accuracy boost.

Fig. 2. Illustration of the max pooling layer (2 × 2 pooling kernel, stride 2,

Fig. 3. The model summary printout of the CNN used in the experiment
no padding) [13]

The architecture of the CNN used for this research is III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
depicted in Figures 3 and 4. Figure 3 shows the printout of the Evaluation of the results can be done by analyzing the
model summary of the CNN model used for the experiments various parameters such as training accuracy and loss,
discussed in this paper. The details on the architecture of the validation accuracy and loss and of course model accuracy.
CNN implementation are illustrated in Fig. 4. The progress of the training and validation accuracy and
Similar approaches were used in [15] and [16]. In [16], the loss during time is shown in the Figures 5 and 6. They show
same dataset was used, but the authors used the original split that over time, both the training and validation accuracy
of the data into training, validation and test subsets. were getting better, especially after the 12th epoch.
Figure 6 shows that the validation loss has spikes in the
last 30 epochs, especially at epochs 198, but at the end it
come to a good level of near 0. The loss is a way to analyze
how well the model is doing on both the training and
validation set. It calculated how well the model is doing on
each example in these sets and calculates the sum of errors
made on them.

Fig. 4. Architecture of the CNN used for this example

promising results, but more research is needed.
Even though the model accuracy is relatively high, nearly
90%, there is a possibility of overfitting due to the size of the
dataset. Also, the 90% accuracy means that the prediction
model could potentially be used as a decision support tool,
but there is still much work to be done. The proper diagnosis
of any kind of disease still requires the involvement and
presence of medical specialists. In order to build a good and
reliable disease classification model, it is very important to
gather as much data as possible.
Fig. 5. Training and validation accuracy over time Further research steps will include experimenting with
various preprocessing and CNN configurations, data
augmentation techniques, as well as using additional X-ray
datasets with additional data labels showing other

This research is supported in part by the EuroCC project,
grant agreement grant agreement 951732 EuroCC-H2020-

Fig. 6. Training and validation loss in the last 30 of 200 epochs

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