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English: Quarter 4 - Module 4

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Quarter 4 – Module 4:
Observing Correct Grammar in
Making Definitions
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It will guide you to
observe correct grammar in writing your definition (EN10G-IIa-29). The scope of this
module permits it to be used in many different learning situations especially in the
new normal education. Further, the language used recognizes the diverse vocabulary
level of student and lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the
After going through this lesson, you are expected to:
1. identify parts of a definition;
2. determine sentence patterns used in writing definitions;
3. spot incorrect grammar in definitions;
4. write definitions using the given sentence patterns.

What I Know
This part serves as your pre-test which will determine your background and
prior knowledge about the lesson that we are going to tackle.

Directions: Fill in the blanks in each statement by choosing the letter of the correct
answer. Write the chosen letter on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Research is the systematic investigation ______ studies materials and sources to

establish facts and reach new conclusions.
A. who B. that C. which D. what
2. Hypothesis is a statement ______ a research sets out to prove or disprove.
A. who B. which C. whoever D. that

3. A questionnaire is a research instrument ______ consists of a set of questions.

A. that B. which C. whoever D. whichever

4. Respondents are those individuals ______ have been invited to participate in a

particular study and have taken part in the study.
A. who B. which C. whose D. that

5. A citation is a reference of sources _______ you consulted and obtained

information from while writing your research paper.
A. that B. which C. whoever D. whichever

6. An opinion is a belief or judgment ______ falls short of absolute conviction,
certainty, or positive knowledge.
A. who B. that C. whose D. what

7. A literature review is a comprehensive study and interpretation of literature

_______ addresses a specific topic.
A. who B. which C. whose D. what

8. Applied Research refers to the study ________ helps solve practical problems using
scientific methods.
A. who B. that C. whose D. what

9. Qualitative research is a process _________ focuses on inquiry.

A. who B. that C. whose D. what

10. Case study is a research method ____ focuses on the circumstances, dynamics
and complexity of a single case, or a small number of cases.
A. who B. which C. whoever D. whichever

4 Making Definitions

Previously, you have learned that definition is a statement of the

meaning of a word or word group or a sign or a symbol.

However, in technical writing, we use definitions to explain the meaning

of the word as it relates to the subject being discussed. The goal of making or
writing definitions is to solve problems and confusions among the readers.
Providing definitions will enable you, as the writer; and your readers to have
a unified understanding of a term.

Other than knowing your audience, knowing how to be thorough in

providing description and details will help you make useful definitions.
Knowing the parts of a definition and correct usage of words will help you
write descriptions for your definitions easily.

This lesson will help you in observing correct grammar in writing

helpful definitions.

What’s In

Directions: Read the selection below. Then, find the definitions of the given words in
the selection. Use a separate sheet of paper to do this.

Research is defined as a careful consideration of a study regarding a particular
concern or problem using scientific methods. According to the American sociologist
Earl Robert Babbie, “research is a systematic inquiry to describe, explain, predict,
and control the observed phenomenon. It involves inductive and deductive research
Inductive research refers to the methods that analyze an observed event, while
deductive research refers to methods that verify the observed event. Inductive
approaches are associated with qualitative research. It is a method that collects data
using conversational methods, usually open-ended questions. On the other hand,
deductive methods are more commonly associated with quantitative research, which
methods deal with numbers and measurable forms. It is defined as a systematic way
of investigating events or data.

Research: Definition 1:____________________________________________

Definition 2:____________________________________________
Inductive Research: _______________________________________________
Deductive Research: ______________________________________________
Qualitative Research: _____________________________________________
Quantitative Research: ____________________________________________

What’s New
Directions: Study the definitions in column A to identify the parts of a definition in
Column B, C, D. Refer to the given example to do this. Use a separate sheet of paper
for this activity.

Definition Term General Class Differentiating

Example: Research systematic study materials
Research is the systematic investigation and sources in
investigation that study order to establish
materials and sources in order facts and reach
to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
new conclusions.

Definition Term General Differentiating
Class Characteristics
1. Fact refers to the information that has
been objectively verified.
2. An abstract is a summary of a study that
describes its most important aspects,
including major results and conclusions.
3. Anonymity refers to a research condition
which no one, including the researcher,
knows the identities of research
4. Comparability pertains to the quality of
two or more objects that can be evaluated
for their similarity and
5. Conclusion is a brief summary that tells
how the results of an experiment support
or contradict a hypothesis.

What is It

The examples below show the parts of a definition.


Fact refers to the information that has been objectively verified.

Term Class Differentiating Characteristics

And it can also be written as:

Pattern #2

The information that has been objectively verified is called a fact.

Class Differentiating Characteristics Term

Parts of a Definition:
A. Term refers to the word or phrase that is being defined. It may be introduced by
articles “the”, “an” and “a”. Written together with the term is the general class to
make an independent clause.

If you use Pattern#1 in writing a definition, the term is the subject of your
sentence and the verb to be used should agree with it. Here are the verbs or verb
conjugation that you can use when writing a definition.

is/ are refer/ refers denote/ denotes

describe/ describes is/ are defined as

pertain/ pertains to

When writing your definitions, make sure that the verb you will use agrees
with the subject of your statement. Remember, a singular subject should take a
singular verb. A plural subject should take a plural verb.
Read the following examples:

1. An abstract is a brief statement of essential information contained within

(Art.) (Term) (Verb)

a document or presentation.

2. Research questions are questions that you include in the body of your work.
(Term) (Verb)

3. An in-text citation refers to a brief form of reference that you include in

(Art.) (Term) (Verb)

in the body of your work.


Be careful with terms that end with “s” but are singular in form like the
example below:

Statistics is a form of mathematical analysis that uses quantified models.

And words that are plural in form but do not end with “s” like the example

Data are characteristics or information, that are collected through


And when a phrase comes between the subject and the verb, remember that
the verb still agrees with the subject, not the noun in the phrase following the subject
of the sentence. This may occur when you use Pattern #2 in writing your definitions.
Look at the examples below:

1. A brief statement of essential information contained within a document or

(Subject) (Class)

presentation is called an abstract

(Verb) (Art.) (Defined Term)

2. In qualitative research, a sample considered to be enlightening because it is
(Subject) (Class)

unusual is called critical sample.

(Verb) (Defined Term)

B. Class or General Class

A general class refers to the class where the term belongs.
When writing your definition, it is necessary to include the general class to
which it belongs, if there is any. Through this method, your readers will a have
specific idea of the term being defined.

1. Statistics is a form of mathematical analysis that uses quantified models.

(Term) (Class)

2. Dependent Variable is a variable that varies due to the impact of the

(Term) (Class)

independent variable.

C. Differentiating Characteristics

To introduce your differentiating characteristics, you should use relative

pronouns and a dependent clause. Look at the examples below:
Relative Dependent Clause

1. Statistics is a form of mathematical analysis that uses quantified models.

(Term) (Class) (Differentiating Characteristics)

Dependent Clause

2. Research questions are questions that you include in the body of your work.
(Term) (Class) (Differentiating Characteristics)


In writing your distinguishing characteristics, it is important to use defining

relative pronouns. These relative pronouns will help you in the transition from the
independent clause (term and class) to the subordinate clause/ defining relative
clause (distinguishing characteristics). Below is a list of defining relative pronouns
that you can use.

who that which whose whom

Defining relative clauses give essential information about someone or

something – information that we need in order to understand what or who is being
referred to. A defining relative clause usually comes immediately after the noun it
Look at the examples below, the relative pronoun is in bold face, and the
person or thing being referred to is boxed: Defining
Noun being Relative
referred to Pronoun
Dependent Clause
1. Respondents are those individuals who have been invited to
participate in a particular study.


Use “that” to introduce a clause that gives information essential to the

meaning of the sentence. Look at the example below:
Noun being Relative
referred to: Pronoun Dependent Clause

1. Applied Research refers to the study that helps solve practical problems
using scientific methods.

The example used “that” as a relative pronoun since the dependent clause
gives more explanation on what kind of study is an applied research- and the clause
cannot be eliminated.

On the other hand, “which” is used to introduce a clause that can be

eliminated. The clause introduced by “which” does not limit the meaning of the
sentence. It might lose interesting details when removed, but the meaning of the
sentence would not change. Look at the example below.
Noun being
referred to:

1. Theoretical framework is the concept underpinning of a research study

Pronoun Dependent Clause
which may be based on theory or a specific conceptual model.

The example used “which” since the dependent clause may be eliminated and
still “concept” with the phrase “underpinning of a research study” can define the
term theoretical framework.

What’s More

Activity A: Social Science Terms

Directions: Use that or which to complete each statement that will make it a correct
grammar definition. Use a separate sheet of paper to do this activity.

1. Authority refers to power ______ is attached to a position that others perceived

as legitimate.
2. Ideology are shared ideas or beliefs ______ serve to justify and support the
interests of a particular group or organization.
3. Civil disorders are social conflict (such as riots) ______ the government
becomes involved in to restore public order.
4. Deviance refers to behaviors _____ do not conform to significant norms held
by most of the members of a group or society.
5. Legitimation refers to the ways in ______ an institution create acceptance,
validity, or commitment from individuals and other institutions.
6. Ascribed status refers to a social position ______ is given at birth such as race
or sex.
7. Kinship refers to the network of social relationships ______ link individuals
through common ancestry, marriage, or adoption.
8. Crime is any action _______ violates criminal laws established by political
9. Conformity refers to the human behavior ______ follows the established norms
of a group or society.
10. Ego refers to Freud's posited part of the self ______ represents reason and
common sense.

Activity B
Directions: Arrange the following words inside the boxes to form a grammatically
correct definition for the term inside the circle. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.

1 2

3 4

What I Have Learned

Directions: Read the questions below and write the letter of the correct answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Which of the following is NOT a part of a definition?

A. term C. grammar
B. distinguishing characteristics D. general class

2. In writing your term and general class in an independent clause, what

agreement should you follow?
A. pronoun- antecedent C. subject- complement
B. subject- verb D. verb- modifier

3. Which of the following is NOT a defining relative pronoun?

A. which B. that C. who D. why

4. What relative pronoun should be used in the statement “Balance of power

refers to the theory ______ military conflict can be avoided if both sides have
roughly equivalent military power.”?
A. which B. that C. who D. why

5. What relative pronoun should be used in the statement “Norms are rules and
expectations of conduct _______ either prescribes a given type of behavior or
forbids it.”?
A. which B. that C. who D. why

What I Can Do
A- Directions: Think of a topic for a research paper. Then, using the spider map, put
the topic inside the body of the spider and the terms that are related to your main
topic in the smaller circles. Remember, these terms should be related to your topic
and will help you complete your research paper. Use a separate sheet of paper to do

B- Directions: Make an operational definition of terms for your research paper. Use
a separate sheet of paper to do this.

(Operational Definition of Terms)

Term Definition

The rubrics below will be used to rate your activity in writing operational
definition of terms.
CRITERIA 10 8 6 4
The content The content The content The content
includes all three includes only includes only includes only
necessary parts includes two includes two includes one
of the definition necessary parts necessary parts necessary part of
and can be of the definition of the definition the definition and
clearly identified. but can be and gives gives incomplete
clearly incomplete idea idea of the term.
identified. of the term.
The definition is The definition is The definition The definition
written correctly written using has a complete incorrectly used
using pattern 1 pattern 1 or idea but is not pattern 1 or
or pattern 2. pattern 2 but written using pattern 2 and
gives incomplete pattern 1 or gives incomplete
idea of the term. pattern 2. idea of the term
The definition has The definition The definition The definition has
no error in has very few has few errors in many errors in
grammar (correct errors in grammar grammar (correct
verb for the term, grammar (correct verb for verb for the term,
relative pronoun (correct verb for the term, relative relative pronoun
and dependent the term, relative pronoun and and dependent
clause) pronoun and dependent clause)
dependent clause)
There is no error There are very There are few There are many
in sentence few errors in errors in errors in sentence
MECHANICS structure sentence sentence structure
punctuation and structure structure punctuation and
capitalization. punctuation and punctuation and capitalization.
capitalization. capitalization.

Directions: Read each statement carefully and write the letter of the portion that has
an error on a separate sheet of paper. Write the letter E for no error.

1. Organization refer to a large group of individuals that is formally organized

for the purpose of attaining a goal. No Error

2. Poverty line pertain to the amount of income that it takes to maintain a family
at a basic level. No Error

3. Patriarchy is a social organization which structures the dominance
of men over women. No Error

4. Personality refers to the consistent pattern of attitudes and beliefs

that an individual projects to the social world. No Error

5. Government refers to normal institutional structures of the nation-state

which attempt to regulate internal and external relations. No Error

6. In social research, population refers to the total group of people

that the researcher are studying. No Error

7. Sanctions is reward for conformity or a punishment for nonconformity

that reinforces socially approved forms of behavior. No Error

8. Concept refers to any abstract characteristic that can potentially be measured.

No Error

9. Conflict theory is a sociological theory that emphasizes the role of power,

authority, and manipulation in sociocultural change and stability. No Error

10. Criminology is a social science discipline that focus upon the study
of crime and the criminal justice system. No Error

Additional Activity
Directions: Select a research topic and list terms that are related to your selected
topic. Write the definition of your listed terms using the patterns given in this
module. Use a separate sheet of paper to do this activity.


References/ Electronic Sources:
Abdullah, N. (2018, April 26). Research Gate. Retrieved from
Allen, S. (n.d.). Grammarly Blog. Retrieved from

Cambridge University Press. (n.d.). Retrieved from Cambridge Dictionary:
College of Liberal Arts. (n.d.). Purdue University. Retrieved from Purdue Online
Writing Lab:
Elwell, F. W. (2010, December). Retrieved from
Question Pro Survey Software. (n.d.). Retrieved from Question Pro:

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