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MPU3222 - Tan Po Ping

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The causes of Malaysians not reducing waste actively
Generally, most of the Malaysians are not aware the important of reducing waste in our daily
life. It is because most of them are selfish and not willing to do more in order to reduce the waste
actively. As for them, there is nothing more significant than easy and convenience in daily life.
Therefore, more education work should be planned in order to educate Malaysian to reduce the
waste actively.

The effects of heavy dependence on smart phones for teenagers

As for today, most of the teenagers can’t live without smart phones. The heavy dependence n
smart phone cause them fail to adapt themselves in real society life and probably isolated
themselves from the public. Apart of that, it also affects the social skills among the teenagers.
Due to that, the uses of smart phone among the teenagers should be monitored closely and
minimized by the parents.

The different types of heavy industry in Malaysia

Obviously, heavy industry plays a significant role in Gross Domestic Products (GDP) of
Malaysia. There are many types of heavy industry in Malaysia and it includes power, airlines,
metals & mining, oil & gas, automobiles and others. These heavy industries also become major
contributors to the employment in Malaysia. More friendly economic policies should be used by
government in order to establish these heavy industries.

According to the explanation that given by Lim Kean Ghee (2016) in the article titled “A Review
of Adult Obesity Research in Malaysia”, obesity happened seriously in most of the countries and
including Malaysia. It was agreed by Tim-Niklas Schoepp (2017) and he mentioned in his article
titled “Obesity in Malaysia: Unhealthy Eating is as harmful as Smoking” that according to the
latest estimates from the World Health Organization (WHO), almost 14% of the country’s citizen
fall under the ‘obese’ category. A further 40% are overweight. In the last 45 years, fat and sugar
intake has increased by 80% and 33% respectively. Unquestionable, there are lots of factors
causing the obesity problem among the people in Malaysia and these factors will be determined
and explained systematically in next section.

Generally, the findings that presented by Lim Kean Ghee (2016) shows that food intake are the
major cause of the obesity among the people in Malaysia. He explained that the consumption of
soft drinks was reported to be a significant risk factor that is associated with being overweight
among the young adult in Malaysia. Apart of that, fatty foods or high cholesterol foods like fried
chicken and Nasi lemak become among the most favorite food among Malaysian and it directly
reflect the problem of over cholesterol taking in the food seriously happened in Malaysia society.
Due to that, obesity problem significantly increased from year to year.

On the other hand, the explanation that given by Joyce Ying Hui Tee, Wan Ying Gan, Kit Aun
Tan & Yit Siew Chin (2018) also proved that lacking of physical activity in daily time also
becomes another significant risk factor that causing the obesity among the people in Malaysia.
He suggested that most of the Malaysian is reluctant to be physical active and prefer to watch
television or sit down for drink during leisure time. It caused the consumed cholesterol and fat in
the body very hard to be digested or dissolved. Due to that, the undigested cholesterol will be
precipitated and at the end of the day caused the obesity on the individual. It was agreed by Pey
Sze Teo, Abdullah Nurul-Fadhilah, Mohd Ezane Aziz, Andrew P. Hills & Leng Huat Foo (2014)
and he also mentioned that poor physical activity especially among the young adults during spare
time seriously caused them facing obesity problem in daily life.
At the mean time, the research findings reported by Lim Kean Ghee (2016) shows that the
obesity could be caused by genetic problem among the people in Malaysia. It is because he
believed that the genes may affect the amount of body fat that stored, and where that fat is
distributed. It was agreed by Joyce Ying Hui Tee, Wan Ying Gan, Kit Aun Tan & Yit Siew Chin
(2018) and he also expressed that the genetic not only affect the way of cholesterol storing but
also how effective the body converts food into energy and how the body burns calories during
the exercises. Thus, the adults that face obesity problem were advised to get the professional
consultation from medical specialist before carry out any kinds of sliming plans.

At the same time, aging also become a significant factor that causes the obesity problem among
people in Malaysia. The explanation that contributed by Vikneswaran A/L Sabraman, Idayu
Badila Idris, Rosnah Sutan, Zaleha Md. Isa, Saidatul Norbaya Buang & Hasanain Faisal Ghazi
(2015) obesity can occur at any age, even young children but as age progress, hormonal changes
and less active lifestyle increase the risk of obesity. Apart of that, he also mentioned that amount
of muscle in body tends to decrease with age. This lower muscle mass and leads to a decrement
in metabolism. At the end of the day, these changes also reduce calorie needs and can make it
harder to keep off excess weight. Then, they will slowly become obese especially if they don’t
consciously control what they eat and become more physically active as the age.

The explanation that contributed by Pey Sze Teo, Abdullah Nurul-Fadhilah, Mohd Ezane Aziz,
Andrew P. Hills & Leng Huat Foo (2014) shows that in some people, obesity can be traced to a
medical cause, such as Prader-Willi Syndrome, Cushing’s syndrome, and other conditions. The
explanation was agreed by Joyce Ying Hui Tee, Wan Ying Gan, Kit Aun Tan & Yit Siew Chin
(2018) and he also mentioned that other medical problems like arthritis, also potentially lead to
decrement in physical activity, which may result in weight gain among the people in Malaysia.

Unquestionable, the obesity problem among the people in Malaysia potentially caused by lots of
risk factors and it will also causing lots of risky problems especially healthy problem among the
people in Malaysia. Due to that, five major problems or implications that caused by obesity
among the people in Malaysia will be determined and discussed systematically in next section.
The discussion will be supported by various kinds of literature findings and relevant examples.
First at all, the research findings that presented by Lim Kean Ghee (2016) proved that obesity
can cause lots of health problem for any individual. Among most notable health problem that
caused by obesity is cardiovascular problem like high blood pressure, heart diseases and
diabetes. He also mentioned that additional fat tissue in the body needs oxygen and nutrients in
order to live, which requires the blood vessels to circulate more blood to the fat tissue. Due to
that, it will increase the workload for the heart because it must pump more blood through
additional blood vessels and it means more pressure will be on the artery walls. The higher
pressure on the artery walls increases the blood pressure of the individual. In fact, he also
mentioned that extra weight also can raise the heart rate and reduce the body’s ability to transport
blood through the vessels.

At the mean time, it is believed that obesity can cause resistance to insulin, the hormone that
regulates blood sugar in human body. When, obesity cause insulin resistance, the blood sugar
becomes elevated and it will increase the risk of diabetes. In fact, the research outcomes
presented by Pey Sze Teo, Abdullah Nurul-Fadhilah, Mohd Ezane Aziz, Andrew P. Hills & Leng
Huat Foo (2014) shows that atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) is present 10 times more
often in obese people compare to those who are not obese. He also mentioned that coronary
artery disease is also more prevalent because fatty deposits build up in arteries that supply the
heart. Then, narrowed arteries and reduced blood flow to the heart can cause chest pain (angina)
or a heart attack. These are the health impacts that significantly caused by obesity.

On the other hand, the obesity problem can cause an individual losing his or her energy and joy
for life. It was agreed by Joyce Ying Hui Tee, Wan Ying Gan, Kit Aun Tan & Yit Siew Chin
(2018) and he also mentioned that overweight people also tend to have less energy than their
normal weight peer. It is because it takes them more efforts than their friends to be active in the
daily life. Due to that, they will tend to gravitate towards low-activity lifestyles and become
sedentary at the end of the day. In fact, life stresses seem more overwhelming as exercise is
avoided and major opportunity for the reduction of muscle tension, stress and anxiety is lost. Due
to that, the stress in daily life never reduced and it will definitely cause lots of psychiatric
problem among the people in Malaysia.
Apart of that, Vikneswaran A/L Sabraman, Idayu Badila Idris, Rosnah Sutan, Zaleha Md. Isa,
Saidatul Norbaya Buang & Hasanain Faisal Ghazi (2015) also explained that depression can be
caused by obesity. It is because those people who have an obesity problem will tend to be
laughed and criticized by other due to their body shape. Unfortunately, the laugh and criticize
could be a huge emotional burden for that particular people and easily cause them live in stress.
At the end of the day, the respective individual will potentially face a depression problem in their
daily life.

Lastly, the obesity problem will also cause an individual losing their confidence especially in
meeting and communicating with other people in their daily life. It was agreed by Joyce Ying
Hui Tee, Wan Ying Gan, Kit Aun Tan & Yit Siew Chin (2018) and he also mentioned that the
obesity will seriously affect the performance of an individual both in academic studies or work
place. It is because he believed that losing confident due to obesity tend to cause the respective
individual fail to perform well in both academic studies and career. At the end of the day, their
social life and ability will be affected as well.

As a conclusion, obesity problem is a serious problem that happened in Malaysia. It was caused
by various factors like food intake, lacking of physical activity in daily time, genetic inheritance
problem, aging and medical cause. Apart of that, the discussion in this paper also found that the
obesity problem will cause lots of implications both physiological and psychological problems
for the people in Malaysia. Among the implications of obesity that been discussed includes
cardiovascular problem like high blood pressure, heart diseases and diabetes, losing his or her
energy and joy for life, depression, losing self confident and not perform well both in academic
studies and working. Due to that, the government should aware on the existence of obesity
problem among the people in Malaysia and take all kinds of necessary action like reduce sugar
taking, promote healthy lifestyle and others to solve the respective problems.

(1607 words)

Joyce Ying Hui Tee, Wan Ying Gan, Kit Aun Tan & Yit Siew Chin (2018). Plus One Article.
Obesity and Unhealthy Lifestyle associated with poor executive function among Malaysian
Adolescents. Volume 3, pg1-17

Lim Kean Ghee (2016). Medical Journal Malaysia. A Review of Adult Obesity Research in
Malaysia. Volume 71, pg1-19

Pey Sze Teo, Abdullah Nurul-Fadhilah, Mohd Ezane Aziz, Andrew P. Hills & Leng Huat Foo
(2014). International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. Lifestyle Practices
and Obesity in Malaysian Adolescents. Volume 11, pg 5828-2838

Vikneswaran A/L Sabraman, Idayu Badila Idris, Rosnah Sutan, Zaleha Md. Isa, Saidatul
Norbaya Buang & Hasanain Faisal Ghazi (2015). Malaysian Journal of Public Health Medicine,
Vol 15 (2), pg 75-83

The characteristics of a fulfilling life

Obviously, it is not easy to have a fulfilling life. It is because there are too many obstacles and
problems occurred in daily life. As for me, the fulfilling life should well full with happiness and
satisfaction. It is because work hard and study hard is aim to live in better life and better life
always refer to happier life. Apart of that, self satisfaction plays an important role in fulfilling
file. In fact, self satisfaction cannot be valued by using any kinds of monetary tools. It is kinds of
good feeling that occurred when successfully complete certain duties and tasks. It should be
something more valuable than money and any kinds of prosperity. Apart of that, healthy is also
an important characteristic of a fulfilling life. It is because we simply not able to enjoy our
richness, prosperity and family happiness if we did not have healthy body. For the example, an
ill individual is impossible to leave happily even they are millionaire or billionaire. In fact, they
definitely will to exchange his or her prosperity with a good health. Due to that, everyone should
look after themselves especially on the health of body so that they can live in a fulfilling life.
Lastly, fulfilling life is not easy to be achieved but is not impossible to achieve.

(219 words)

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