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59PALMER RIDGE, GANSEVOORT, NY 12831 E-mait: Yamorts

Baby Beau

1003 KAleer Early
original crochet design

OarnArts 59 PALMERRIDGE,GANSEVOORT, NY 12831 Emalt Yarsarts
#1003 Baby Beau 18"
month old baby bying on his belly)
by Crochat 9rtist Katbloon Eary

Baby Beau has individual fingers and toes, little buns and a navel. He's completely
erocheted using no plastic parts of felt features, but you can substitute directions for the
crocheted eyes, with 10 mm plastic (owl) eyes.

Special Note: The amount ofyam and the siae of the finished item may vany due to differing temsios used
by the individual crocheter. To obtain the best results, do not overstuff Overstuffing will stretch your
stitches, distort the proportions and eliminate many of the fine details, which are crocheted into the design
Use the cover sheet as a guide for assembling and stuffing These paterns are usunly crocheted in rounds
Mark the beginning of rounds and do not turm unless told to do so. When stitches are listed between
parentheses, repeat these stitches, the number of times,given following the parenthesis. Ex: (2sc in 3, hde)
2 times. Means place 2 ac in each of the text 3 stitches, hdc in the next stitch, 2 sc in the next 3 stitches,
then hde in the next stitch. We have eliminated the extra wording to shorten the length of our patterns and
all YamArts pattermsare written in this format The number of stitches in the completed round is listed in
brackets at the end of the round.

Abbreviations: Rnd-Round, Sc-singie crochet, hde - half double crochet, de- double crochet, tre
triple crochet, ch- chain, sl st- slip stitch, inc'ing- incrensing, tog-together, sts stitches, hk- book
dec'ing decreasing, BLO-back loop only, FLO-froet loop only, Ip- loop lps- loops, yo-yarm over
hook, po-popcom stitcth (direction for stitch givem), tr cl-triple cluster (dlirections for stich given), sk

Materials: Size H-book, G-hook, D-book;yam needle;polyester stuffing: 4 ply knitting

yarn-8 oz. fNesh; baby or sport yam-small amounts of light blue, dark blue and white
(for eyes), red cmayon for blushing cheeks

Note-Instructions for making a triple cluster (tr c) in this pattern: (tre but do not pull
thru last set of Ips on hk) 4 times, yo and pull thru 5 Ips on hk - all in the same st.

Some mds will end with stitches left over and some mds will ask you to continue
crocheting beyond the end of the rnd. Follow the directions as given and begin the next
md wherever these mds end off.
#1003 Baby Beau page 2

First Leg: With flesh yarm and H-hook, ch 8, sc in 2 ch from hk and in cach ch across
[7work 2 more se in the end ch (heel) (working down other side of ch) sc in next 2, sl
st, sc in 2,4 sc in end st Do not turn unless told to do so.
Rnd 2: Scin 3, sl st, se in 3, 3 se in end st, sc in 6,2 sc, se in 3,2 sc in 2, sc in 8. This
will bring you to the heel. End mds here, mark it. Continue to work in nds without
Rnd 3 2 sc, se in 4, sl st, hde in 10, se in 7 to heel. [24]
Rnd 4: Scin 9, hdc, tr cl, sl st, [(tre but do not pull thru last 2 Ips on hk) 2 times, de and
pull thru all ips on hk -all in next st]. sl st in next st, (de leaving last Ip on hk) 3 times,
yo and pull thru lps on hk, si st in next st, repeat "to in next st, si st in same st, repeat
t o in next st, sl st in same st, se in 6 to heel. Tum toes right side out
Rnd 5t (sc) around. [26]
Rnd 6: Sc in 9, (se 2 tog. se) 3 times, (se 2 tog) 2 times, se in 4. [21
Rnd 7: Sc 2 tog, se in 3, se 2 tog, se in 2, (sc 2 tog) 3 times, sc in 2, sc 2 tog, sc in 2. [15]
Rnd8: (2 sc, sc in 2) 2 times, sc 2 tog. sc in 2, sc 2 tog, 2 se, sc, 2 sc. [17
Rnd 9: (2 sc, se) 3 times, 2se inContinue
5, se, 2 sc, sc in 4, move markerand sc in 2more sts
to se to the center back of foot, mark for
Rnd 10-16:(sc) around. [26]
beginning of rnds. Stuf
Rnd 17: Sc in 3, sc 2 tog. hde in 16, se 2 tog, sc in 3. 124]
Rnd 18: S1 st in 4 (loosely), hdc in 5, hdc 2 tog, hde in 2, hde 2 tog, hde in 5, sl st in 4.
Rnd 19: Sl st in 4, hdc in 5, 2 hde in 4, hde in 5, sl st in 4.
Rnd 20-21: Sl st in 4, hdc in 18, sl st in 4
Rnd 22: Sl st in 8, hdc in 4, (hde 2 tog) 4 times, hdc in 4, sl st in 2, sl st in 3 more sts
after end of md.
Rnd 23: Sl st in 6, hdc in 3, 2 hde, hde in 2.2 hdc, hdc in 3, sl st in 6.
Rnd 24: S1 st in 6, hdc in 12, sl st in 6.
Rnd 25: Se 2 tog, then (sc) the rest of the way around. [23]
Rnd 26: Fold back of knee down the way it naturally wants to go, "sc around post of sc
directly below (next st) on row of sc before si sts, se in next regular s of Rnd 25repeat
t0,se in 20 sts, repeat *to, skip last st ending rmd. [26]
Rnd 27-29 (sc) around. [26) Si st in last 2 sts, end off. Stuff.

Second Leg: Repeat foot of first leg to Rnd 2

Rnd 2: sc in 3, sl st, se in 3,3 sc in end st, se in 8, 2 se in 2, sc in 3,2 sc, se in 6.
Rad 3: Sc in 7, hdc in 10, si st, se in 4,2 se. [24]
Rnd 4: Sc in 6, sl st, "(dc leaving last lp on hk) 3 times, then yo and puall thnu Ips on hk
in next st, sl st in same st, repeat "to in next st, sl st in next st, repeatto, sl st in next st,
(tre but do not pull thiru last 2 lps on hk ) 2 times, de in same st and pull thru all Ips on hk,
slRndst in5: same st, tr
cl, hde, sc in 9.
(sc) [26]
Rad 6: sc in 4, (sc 2 tog) 2 times, (sc, sc 2 tog) 3 times, se in 9.
Rnd 7: sc in 2, sc 2 tog. se in 2, (c 2 tog) 3 times, se in 2, sc 2 tog, sc in 3, se 2 tog
Rnd 8: 2 se, te, 2 se, se 2 tog, sc in 2, sc 2 tog. (sc in 2, 2 sc) 2 times [17]
Rad 9sc
Rnd 10-29:
sc, sc.2 sc in 5, (sc, 2 so) 3 times, move marker and se in 2 more sts
in Complete
4,2 the same as other leg.
#1003 Baby Beau page 3

Rad 1: ch 4,in 2 ch from hk,
end ch, mark bere. [8]
se, 3 se in end st, se in other side of original ch, 2 se in

Rmd 2: (2 sc) around. [16]

Rnd 3: se in 8, 2 sc in 8. [24]
Rnd 4: (2 sc, sc) around. (36]
Rnd 5: (tc in 2,2 sc) around. {48]
Rnd 6: (sc in 3, 2 sc) around. [60
Rnd 7: (sc in 4,2 sc) around. [72]
Rnd 8: se in 45, (sc 2 tog) 2 times, se to end of md. Mark decreases
Rnd 9: sc in 30, se 2 tog, sc in 7, sc 2 tos, (sc in 4, sc 2 tog) 2 times, se in 7, se 2 tog. s
in 8.
Rnd 10: sc in 24, se 2tog (sc in 3, se 2 tog) 2 times, (sc in 2, se 2 tog) 2 times, (sc in 3,
sc 2 tog) 4 times. Rads will not end at marker
Rnd I1: Mark spot directly opposite fanny cleavage (decrease marker), this will mark
the navel later. Sc in 18, sc 2 tog. hde in 15, sl st in 8, hdc in 15, se 2 tog
Rnd 12: sc in 18, se 2 tog, hdc in 5, sc 2 tog, sl st in 7, (this should bring you around to
the cleavage, if not, sl st to it), si st in 7, sc 2 tog, hde in 5, se 2 tog, sc in 12 (or to navel
marker), sc in 12, se 2 tog, hde in 4, (e 2 tog) 2 times, sl st in 6, (se 2 tog) 2 times, hde in
4,sc 2 tog, sc in 3.
Rnd 13: (c) around.
Rnd 14: (sc) around to fianny cleavage. Mark
Rnd 15: slst in 7, sc in 3, hde in 24, se in 3, sl st in 7
Rnd 16-17: Repeat Rnd 15, but sl st in 2 more sts past end of md after Rnd 16 before
beginning Rnd 17.
Rnd 18: sl st in 7, se in 14, tr cl (same as in note, but tre 5 times with 6 lps on hk, yo and
pull thru all Ips on hk), (navel made), sc in 15, sl st in 7. Stuff. With flesh yam on yam
needle place a stitch from the inside of navel to the fanay cleavage top, tie off and cut
yarn. This will keep the navel in. Do not pull tight.
Rnd 19: sl st in 8, sc in 4, hdc in 20, se in 4, si st in 8.
Rnd 20: sc in 14, sc 2 tog. (sc in 3, se 2 tog) 3 times, sc in 13.
Rnd 21: se in 2,2 sc, se in 3,2 sc, se in 4, hdc in 18, se in 4, 2 se, se in 3, 2 se, se in 2.
Rnd 22-23: RepeatRnds 20-21. Se in 2
Rnd 24-26: sc in 13, hde in 18, sc in 13.
more sts after end of Rnd 23.

Rnd 27-30: se in 15, hdc in 22, sc in 7.

Rnd 31: sc in 4, move marker here for beginning of md. Sc in 11, hde in 22, sc in 11.
Rnd 32: (e in 2, 2 sc)2 times, se in 5, de in 4, hde 2 tog) 3 times, hde in 4, sc in 5.2
se, se in 2) 2 times
Rad 33: Repeat Rnd 32, but stop at marker (you will be short 1 st).
Rnd 34: se in 5, se 2 tog, (hde, hde 2 tog) 4 times, (hdc in 2, hdc 2 tog) 3 times, (hde,
bde 2 tog) 3 times, hde, se 2 tog, se in 2.
Rnd 35: sc in 3, sc 2 tog. (sc in 2, sc 2 tog) 7 times. Stuft
Rnd in hde
36: se 2, se 2 tog. hdc in 2, 2 tog) 5 times, sc.
Rad 37: (sc 2 tog, sc) around until the last two sts, se in them
Rnd 38: sc in 3, then (sc 2tog) the rest of the way around.
Rnd 39 until elosed: (sc 2 tog) around. End off.
#1003 Baby Beau page 4

The chose, small work, but this is necessary to make them

Hands: fingers require
proportionate to hands.

Thumbs: With flesh yarn and G-hook (for fingers only), ch 2,4 sc in 2ch from bk
Rad 2-3: (sc) around
Rnd 4: 2 sc in 2, se in 2.
Rnd 5: (c) around, sl st and end off, lay aside.

, 2 3 Fingers: ch 2,4 sc in 2d ch from hk.

Rnd 2-4: (sc) around, end off, iay aside.
Little Finger: Same as others only stop after 3 md. Do not end off.
Pick up any finger and sc in any st of it, 2 sc in next st, pick up another finger and
holding it next to the other two, se in any st of it, 2 in next st, pickup last finger and se
in any st of it, 2 se in next st, sc in next, 2 sc in next, pick up and se in next un-worked st
of the finger next to the one you are working on, 2 sc in next st ofit, contiuae to (sc, 2 sc)
across fingers to the first finger. This will be the beginning of mnds. Mark Here
Change to H-book.
Rnd 1: Right hand: sc in 12, (tre, se, hdc) 3 times, trc. (1 sc is left over for next rmd)
Rnd 2: sc, (ol st, se 2 tog) 3 times, se, (hde 2 tog, hde) 4 times.
Rnd 3: sc in 5, mate thumb and sl st thru both thumb and hand for 2 sts, hde, sc in 8
Rnd 4: scin 5, hdc in joining s, going around the outside instead of the joining sts of
iast md, hde in other 4 outside sts of thumb, hdc in joining st, hdc in last 7 sts of hand, se.
Rnd 5: (sc 2tog) 2
Rnd 6: (se) around.
times, sc, se 2 tog, sc in 3, se 2 tog, sc in 7.
Rnd 7: sc, 2 sc, sc in 3, (sc, 2 sc) 5 times.
Rnd 8-13: (sc) around. You should be below the center of the hand, (sc) to below the
thumb edge, mark here for beginning of mds
Rmd 14: se,«2 tog, se in 5, se 2 1og, sc in 2, sc 2 tog, sc in 4, se 2 tog, sc. Stuff.
Rnd 15: sc, 2 sc, se in 5, 2 sc, sc in 2, 2 sc, sc in 4,2 se, (stop rnd here for left arm&
go to Rnd 16) (for right arm continue with) se, (sc in 2 more sts, move marker).
Rnd 16: sl st in 5, hde in 4, hde 2 tog, hde in 4, sl st in 6.
Rnd 17: sl st in 4, sc, hde, 2 hdc, (hdc in 2, 2 hde) 2 times, hde, se, sl st in S.
Rnd 18: sl st in 4, se, hdc in 2, tr el, hdc in 2, hdce 2 tog. hdc, hde 2 tog. hdc in 2, tr el,
hdc in 2, sc, sl st in 2.
Rad 19 sl st in 4, so, se 2 tog. hde 2 tog, (hdc, 2 hde) 2 times, hdc, hde 2 tog. se 2 1og.
se, sl st in 2.
Rnd 20: sl stin 3, sc in 2, hde, hde 2 tog. hde in 7, hde 2 tog, hde, sc.
Rnd 21: (sc, 2 sc) 2 times, sc, hdc in 10, sc, 2 sc. Stul.
Rnd 22: sc in 2, 2sc, sc in 3, 2 sc, (sc around the post of sc in row of sc's directly below
you before sl sts), sc in next regular st of row, 2 sc, (sc in 2,2 sc) 3 times, se, sc around
post of row of se's below working row again, sc in last st of md.
Rnd 23: sc in 3, fold upper arm down against top of forearm as it naturally wants to go,
sc around post of se of forearm at whatever point it makes contact, sc in next st of row
you are on, se, repeat "to, sc in 3, sk 2, sc, se 2 tog. hdc. (hde 2 tog, hde in 2) 2 times
hde, se 2 tog. sc in 2.
#1003 Baby Beau page

sc in sc 2 tog. sc in 14.
Rnd 24: se 2 tog.
Rnd 25-26: (sc) around.
Rnd 27t sc in 10, hde in 12.
Rnd 28: (sc in 2, sc 2 tog) 3 times, (hde in 2, hdc 2 tog) 2 times, hdc in 2. Stuff.
Rnd 29: (sic, sc 2 tog) 5 times, se in 2.
Rad 30: (sc 2 tog) around until closed. Sew shoulder ofam to shoulder of body.
Left Hand:
Rnd 1: (tre, se, hác) 3 times, tre, se in 12, 1 sc is left-over and used in next md. Change
to H-hook
Rnd 2: (hde, hdc 2 tog) 4 times, se, (se 2 tog, sl st) 3 times, sc.
Rnd 3: sc in 8, hdc, mate thumb and sl st thru both thumb and hand for 2 sts, sc in last 5
sts of hand.
Rad 4: sc in 2, hde in 7 sts of hand, hde in joining st, (going around the outside instead
of the joining sts of last md), hdc in other 4 outside sts of thumb, hde in joining st, sc in 4.
Rnd 5: se 2 tog, se in 7, sc 2 tog, sc in 3, se 2 tog. sc, sc 2 tog
Rad 6-30: Follow directions for right arm.

Head: With fesh yam and H-hook, ch 2,6sc in 2 ch from hk.

Rnd 2: (2se) around. [12)
Rnd 3: (sc, 2 sc) around. [18)
Rnd 4: (sc in 2,2 sc) around. [24)
Rnd 5: (sc in 3, 2 sc) around. [30}
Rmd 6: (sc in 4,2 sc) around. [36]
Rnd 7: (sc in 5, 2 se) around. [42]
Rad 8: (sc in 6, 2 sc) around. [48)
Rnd 9: (sc) around. [48]
Rnd 10: (se in 7, 2 sc) around. [54)
Rnd 11-18: (sc) around. [54)
Rad 19: sc in 20, se 2 tog. hdc, tr et in 2 sts, hde, se in 4, hdc, tr el in 2, hde, se 2 tog, se
in 18.
Rnd 20 se in 25, ch, skS,se in 22. (The5skipped stssre the ones you will pick up
and erochet later for the nose)
Rad 21: sc in 20, 2 hdc, (hde,2 hde) 2 times, hde in 3 ch sts, 2 hde in next regular st,
(hde, 2 hde) 2 times, sc in 16.
Rad2 se in 2, se2 tog, sc in 6, se 2 tog, se in 8, hde in 4,2 bde in 4, se in 4, 2hde in 4,
sc in 8, sc 2 tog, se in 9.
Rnd 23: s 2 tog. (se in 5, se 2 tog) 2 times, sc in 3, hde in 4, (hde 2 tog) 4 times, sc in 3,
(hde 2 tog)4 times, hde in 4, sc in 3, se 2 tog. sc in 5, sc 2 tog. sc in 2.
Rnd 24: sc in 2, sc 2 tog, (sc in 3, se 2 tog) 2 times, sc in 3, hdc in 2, hde 2 tog, hdc, hdc
2tog, se, 3hde, se, (hdc 2 tog. hdc) 2 times, hde, (oc in 3, sc 2tog) 2 times, sc in 3.
Rnd 25: (c in 2, sc 2 tog) 4 times, Chdc 2 tog) 2 times, se, 2 hdc in 3, sc, (hde 2 tog)02
times, (sc 2 tog, se in 2)2 times, sc 2 tog, se.
Rad 26: (sc in 2, sc2 tog) 3 times, se in 2, hde in 2, (hde 2 tog) 2 times, hdc in 2, se in 2,
(sc 2 tog, sc in 2) 2 times. Stuff
Rnd 27 (ic in 2, se 2 tog) 3 times, hde 2 tog. hde, hde 2 tog. (se 2 tog. se in 2) 2 times
#1003 Baby Beau page 6

Rad 28: sl st in 5, se, hde, (hde 2 tog, hdc) 3 times, se, sl st.
Rad 29: sl st in 6, hde in 2, Chde 2 tog) 2 times, hde in 2, sl st. Stuff again.
Rad 30: (se, 2 sc) 3 times, (hde, 2 hde) 3 times, sl st in last st and end off.

Nose: With lesh yarn and G-book. pick up and sc in top 4 um-worker sts of nose, eh 1,
Row 2 se, se 2 tog, se, end off. Sew down end over opening in face.
Top Lip: With lesh yarn and G-hook, ch 8.
Row I: sc in 3, tre, sc in 3.
Row 2: (sc) across. End off. Sew ch edge under end of nose. Stitch down both sides
but leave bottom edge un-sewn.
Bottom Lip: With flesh yarn and G-hook, ch 6, (sc) across for 2 rows, end off. Sew
beneath top lip with the top edge left un-sewn. Blush open edge of lips with red erayon.

Eyes: (Optional: plastic eyes may be substituted for these crocheted eyes.) With white
baby yan and D-book (for eyes only), ch 8, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, se, hdc, de, hde,
sc, sl st. Repeat this row on the other side of ch sts. End off With blue baby yarn, whip
stitch from the center stitch out one stitch all the way around in a circle. Repeat this step
witha darker shade of blue (only sparsely so the light blue shows thru between stitches)
Sew in eye socket area.

Lids: With fesh yam on yam needle, satin stitch 3 stitches over and one stitch under
cach eye.

Ears: ch 2,6 se in 2nd ch from book.

Rnd 2: (2 sc) around,. [12]
Rad 3: (sc, 2 sc) around. [18)
Rad 4: Fold in half and se both sides together, continue to se down fold to its center, end
off. Make second ear the same as the first until Rnd 4.
Rmd 4:(2ear) End off ear after Rnd 3. Fold in half. Join yarn in the center st of fold,
sC up the fold to the doubleedge, then (sc) around joining the two sides together. End off.
Sew to the sides of the head. The top of the ears should be even with the top of the eyes.

See diagram sheet for finishing details,

YarnArts 1989
YaraArts 2005
Paerm #1003 -Diagrams

satin st
In flesh Embroidera
French knot
in black

IRIS-whip stitch
In It blue-
& dark blu-
oye plece

Sew tip of nose

Just over the
opening in face. Croeheted eyes are
sewn in Indentations
before making lide.

Sew earn as shown.

Sew down ch edge of

lips (dotted ine) but
NOT the last row of lipe

Bow out center of lips

from the face.


Patterned aftor Fred's dad, Frederick L. Earty, borm March 26, 1923.
Momma Early 1923

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