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UAS Prose Semester 6/ Agnes Ivana 2018.111.113 1. Define What Prose Is

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UAS Prose

Semester 6/ Agnes Ivana 2018.111.113

1. Define what prose is

Prose is a form of literary works that are arranged in the form of stories and do not have rhyme
and continuous piece of writing. Prose can also be in the form of article, works of fiction & non-
fictions, essays and so on.

2. Define what is verse

Verse is line of poetry, novels or written in chapters or paragraphs. Verse is the writing arranged
with a metrical rhythm, usually having a rhyme, it is natural rhymes of speech. Organized in lines
with a consistent number of syllables.

3. Mention 5 novels you love and best, why

a. Little Women
b. Dunia Sophie
c. Everything Between Us
d. Bumi Manusia
e. Dilan


Because every novel that I have mention above have interesting story and characteristic, the most
favorite novel I love is Dunia Sophie work by Jostein Garrder in first published in 1991 in
Norwegian. This novel is story about a little girl named Sophie that have an interest about life and
philosophy. This novel describes everything about Philosopher and Philosophy. How Sophie can
see the world from different perspective.

4. Who is William Shakespeare?

William Shakespeare is a famous for his extraordinary works, even today they are still admired by
the world. His works was fully of mystery same as his life. William Shakespeare was an English
poet, playwright, and actor, widely regarded as the greatest English-language playwright. He is
often referred to as England’s national poet and is nicknamed “The poet of Avon”. Has at least
39 works of drama scripts, 154 sonnets, 2 narrative poems and a number of other poems.

5. Pick up his best novel 2 only

Romeo and Juliet:

William Shakespeare’s best works usually revolve around the world of romance including this one.
William Shakespeare's best works usually revolve around the world of romance, including this one.
This story is one of the finest and timeless works William has ever written. tells the story of two
young couples who love and care for each other, namely Romeo and Juliet. But unfortunately, the
two families of this couple are hostile to each other.

King Lear:
King Lear tells the story of a king who wants to share his wealth with his three children, namely
Goneril, Regan, and Cordele. Only Goneril and Regan are married, while Cornella is still the fiancée
of the King of France. King Lear at that time even gave his wealth to two married children. Actually,
these two children wanted to kill the king. The Cornella, who really loves her father, is even
expelled from the palace.

6. What is a film explain by one best novel?

Me Before You is a romantic drama genre film that was released in 2016. The story in the film,
directed by Thea Sharrock, is based on the novel of the same name by Jojo Moyes. With a duration
of 110 minutes, this film stars Emilia Clarke and Sam Claflin. The story is about Louisa Clark (Emilia
Clarke), a simple 26-year-old girl who recently lost her job at a cafe. Soon, Louisa gets a job offer
to become a personal nurse for a disabled man named Will Traynor (Sam Claflin). Louisa was hired
by Will's mother because of her cheerful personality. He hoped that Louisa's cheerfulness could
help bring Will back to life. However, Louisa and Will's first meeting did not go well. Will often
behaves coldly and rudely to Louisa. Before suffering from paralysis, Will was a successful man
with an almost perfect life. Unfortunately, he had a tragic accident that left him paralyzed and
now suffers from the psychological stress of feeling helpless. This psychological condition that
makes Will turn cold and rude to everyone who intends to help him, including Louisa. The tension
peaks when Will is rude and breaks the glass frame after his ex-girlfriend and best friend come to
give out wedding invitations. Louisa couldn't stand Will's attitude and told the truth that she
wanted to take care of Will just because she needed money. After this incident, Will was
impressed by Louisa's courage in telling the truth. Will's demeanor began to soften and they
slowly became close. Unfortunately, Louisa is also aware of the fact that Will once tried to commit
suicide by slicing his wrist. This is done by Will because his mother refuses to enroll Will in a
"suicide program" through an organization in Switzerland. Louisa then persuaded Will to cancel
his intention, but Will refused. He also promised to fulfill all of Will's wishes as long as he wanted
to survive for at least another six months. During these six months, Louisa promised to make Will
believe that his life still meant a lot.

7. Elaborate a Novel

Novel is form written or fiction prose of a certain length more than 50.000 words and have
characters, plot, and events. Usually, Novel is printed on a book divided into chapter. For example,
novel from Loisa May Alcott, Little women. This novel has more than 50.000 words and 491
characters. Little Women was published into 2 volumes in 1869 and 1869. Tells story about life of
5 siblings in American life.
8. Elaborate an Indonesia novel

Same like define above, Indonesian novel is form written or fiction prose of a certain length more
than 50.000 words and have characters, plot, and events. Bumi Manusia Novel works by
Pramoedya Ananta Toer the first time published in 1980 when he stayed in Buru Island. This story
setting in colonies time talks about young Indonesian man that really want same like Netherland
people. As time goes by, after seeing the life around him from a different perspective, he realizes
that his conscience was that if him is Indonesia nation. How he saw his people being treated
unfairly by the colonials.

9. Write a short story with free topic

The Fortune comes with me

There lives a girl named Lisa, she lived with her mother in the city of Syter, this city is one
of the metropolitan cities in the country, luxurious buildings and modern life are very
attached in that city. People love to live in this city because Syter is a best city for grew
up and spend time with their family, but not for Lisa. Lisa’s life is not like as usual teenager
in general, she always feels broken and thinks her life is not beautiful as teenager’s life
and it makes Lisa to be “cold-hearted girl”.

Margaret, her mother is often called by the principal because the rude attitude of Lisa’s
against her classmates and teacher. One time, Lisa threw an eraser at the teacher because
she felt bored and many rude attitude and rude action makes other people stayed away
from her. Not without reason Lisa became to devastated teenager, all this happened
because 10 years ago, Lisa’s father died because her biological mother poisoned him and
kill herself in front of Lisa, after that Lisa was thrown into an orphanage. Life in orphanage
makes Lisa feel more depressed, because the nun in orphanage call Lisa “Unlucky Child”
and no one child want to be friend with her.

Margaret felt that she had to find a way for Lisa to change, she knew all this because Lisa’s
unfinished childhood trauma, coincidentally she gets an invitation from Grip Village to
come to “The Fortune Festival” which is held every 10 years. She decided to take Lisa to
the village of Grip, where Margaret grew up. During on the way Margaret always tries to
get conversation with Lisa,

‘Well Lisa, do u exited to take vacation now, all your packages are complete right?’

‘I’m so miss that place because so many memories in Grip, when I was kid, I always get
green fortune cookies, but I never have the red one, I’m so sad’
‘Lis? Are u listening?’

‘Hmm ya.’ Lisa said, she always ignored her, Lisa thinks if Margaret only pretended care
about her.

After travelling for 8 hours from Syter to Grip, they arrived in the village, a cold air village
with lots of tree makes Lisa smile, she heard the sound of a clear river flows. They were
warmly welcomed by the people, when Lisa for the first time set foot in Grip village, Lisa
knew that she would have a great experience in this place and Lisa saw an old man comes
to them and hug Margareth warmly

‘My beloved daughter Marga’

Father, long time no see you’

‘Daughter, i’m glad to hear from you’

and the old man looked at Lisa ‘Hello this is my granddaughter right? i never meet her

‘You can call me Papa Robert’

‘Hello Robert’ said Lisa Prestige

Robert smile warmly to Lisa, and he took Lisa and Margareth around the village, Lisa felt
that day was a different day, people in Grip liked her. Night falls, they spend the night at
Robert’s house

‘Lisa, tomorrow is a Great day, people in Grip look forward to this festival, we call it
“Fortune Cookies Festival” you should join with others, you will love it trust me’ Robert

‘Really? i never been join any fest before and not interested but i’ll try to join tomorrow’

‘Yea Lisa, you should participate tomorrow but first you must take a rest, i already
prepared your bed’ Margareth Smile

That night Lisa was fall asleep, she never feeling happy than another day before, this is
first time she was gratefull in her life. She wondered what happened tomorrow. That Big
Day came, the sound of nature the village’s adorn that morning, the bird was singing and
the sun gave her hug warmly. Lisa wake up and walked to the window, she saw people
preparing for this festival.

‘Hello lady, good morning you just wake up?’

‘Mmmph yeaa..’
‘Nice day huh? c’mon we need to prepared for the festival they wait us’ Margareth said

That festival was so attractive lots of fortune cookies decoration everywhere, people
dressed in any colors, people dancing happily with traditional song of Grip, children
playing with their friends and lot of stand food in there. Lisa come into the main hall and
see a young boy looking at her, she felt she knew him. When Lisa came to that boy, he
ran towards the forest. Out of curiosity Lisa followed that boy. The longer she followed
that boy the longer she come into the forest and Lisa was lost that boy. When she gave
up and looked for back to home, she found a red box under oak tree, Lisa opens that box
slowly and she found a red fortune cookie.

“Fortune cookie? But wait I think this is the legendary one, YEAAAA I remembered Robert
and Marga said that is the luckiest fortune cookies in the world!! Ok, forget that boy Lisa
and back to home” Lisa told to herself

But unfortunately, she did not find her way to back home, that day was getting dark and
she was very hungry, Lisa decided to eat the fortune cookie, she no longer concerned with
luck. When she ate her fortune cookie, she found a letter and necklace in it. Lisa wears
that beautiful necklace and open the letter “Welcome to The Fortune” it said and she was
fall asleep. When she woke up, she saw the young boy she was looking for, he smiled and

‘Hello myself Lisa, nice to meet you’

Lisa was surprised and looked at that boy’s face carefully, Lisa was surprised because how
similar that boy to her

‘WHO ARE YOU?!’ Lisa screaming

‘I am you from another pararel world, I’m Loui. I’m here to help you’


‘Lisa, I know you was surprised but you must trust me because I’m here to help yourself
out from your trauma and evil. I know you were lonely and feels unlucky. I’m waiting this
moment for 10 years’ Loui soothes Lisa

‘Sorry but what my experiencing right now really doesn’t make sense, who am I with,
what I’m going through right now makes something very strange’

Loui understands Lisa’s condition, she was very surprised by all of this. Loui takes Lisa to
the village where he lives and take care of Lisa. The village where Loui lives is Grip village
but in different universe. Loui is Lisa’s self in another pararel world. Loui is Lisa’s happiness
soul who has been missing. He always feels everything about Lisa, he has finding out for
10 years how to help Lisa. And Loui’s main goal is change Lisa to be better, he wants her
appreciate Mama Margaret and other people. He told to Lisa if mama Margaret has died
in Louis world 10 years ago and the necklace that mama Margarete has, brought Lisa to
the pararel world. Loui tells that if Lisa always like this, his life will be threatened, he will
disappear from his world, all of this happened because pararel world interconnected.

In the necklace it is shown how Margaret choose Lisa when in orphanage because
Margarete love Lisa from the first sight. Margaret really loved Lisa because she felt Lisa is
part of her life. Many of Margaret’s scarifies that is Lisa never knew. On the necklace Lisa
also saw how she was bad towards other people around her. Lisa is very sorry and she
promised that she would be better person and when she was sorry and crying, she woke
up and saw Margaret crying. Lisa hug Margaret and sorry for all happened. That day is the
day when Lisa becomes to new person, she feels much better than before. Luck will come
when we learn to be grateful for our lives and if we respect other people.

10. Write 3 prominent characters of Mr. Bean

a. Immature
b. Extremely competitive
c. Self-absorbed

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