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Annual Report of The Council - 1972: International Civil Avlatlon Organization

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Annual Report
of the Council - 1972

for the session of the Assembly in 1974


Published by the Secretary General under authority of the Council

Published in separate English, French and Spanish editions by the International

Civil Aviation Organization. All correspondence. except orders and subscriptions,
should be addressed to the Secretary General of ICAO, International Aviation
Building, 1080 University Street, Montreal 101, Quebec, Canada.

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I have the honour to transmit, at the direction of the Council, its Report for
the year I9 72, prepared in compliance with Article 54 (a) of the Convention
on International Civil Aviation. It constitutes documentation for the next
ordinary Session of the Assembly, which will be convened in 1974, but it is
being circukzted to Contracting States now for their information. It will also
be sent to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations in
pursuance of Article VI, paragraph 2 (a) of the Agreement between the
United Nations and ICAO.
The Report was prepared by the Secretariat and circulated in draft form
to the Representatives of Council Member States for their suggestions. The
Council, as a body, did not formally examine or adopt it but, as in the past,
delegated to its President authority to approve the final text after
considering all the suggestions received.
As in previous years, Chapter I is a description of significant develop-
ments in civil aviation during the year; the activities of ICAO itself are
described in Chapters II to VIII.
The Council held three sessions in 19 72. These were the Seventy-fifth
Session from 24 January to 30 March with a total of fourteen meetings, one
of which was held outside the Council phase; the Seventy-sixth Session from
28 April to 30 June, with a total of seventeen meetings, one of which
was held outside the Council phase; and the Seventy-seventh Session
from 18 September to 15 December, with a total of twenty-two
meetings, three of which were held outside the Council phase. Authority
was delegated to the President to act on a number of matters, as
necessary, when the Council was not in session.

Walter Binaghi
President of the Council

Chapter I. Civil Aviation in 1972 ................................. 1

l.Traffk .............................................. 1
2. Non-scheduled Commercial Air Transport ....................... 11
3. Financial Results ....................................... 15
4. Airline Fares and Rates ................................... 18
5. Inter-airline Co-operation .................................. 20
6. General Aviation ........................................ 23
7. Evolution of the Commercial Air Transport Fleet of ICAO Contracting States 25
8. Safety ............................................... 28
9. Technical Trends and Developments ........................... 32


Chapter II. Air Navigation ...................................... 39

1. Introduction .......................................... 39
2, Meetings ............................................. 39
3. International Standards, Recommended Practices and Procedures ....... 43
4. Air Navigation Plans ..................................... 46
5. Participation of the Regional Offices in Air Navigation Activities ........ 47
6. Projects given special attention during 1972 ...................... 53

Chapter III. Air Transport ...................................... 59

1. Introduction .......................................... 59
2. Meetings ............................................. 59
3. Economic Activities ..................................... 59
4. Statistics ............................................. 60
5. Facilitation ........................................... 61
6. Participation of the Regional Offices in Air Transport Activities ........ 61

Chapter IV. Joint Financing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65

l.General ........... ................... ... ........... .. 65
2. Agreement on the Joint Financing of Certain Air Navigation Services in
Greenland and the Faroes, 1956 (The Danish Joint Financing Agreement) . . 65
3. Agreement on the Joint Financing of Certain Air Navigation Services in
Iceland, 1956 (The Icelandic Joint Financing Agreement) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
4. North Atlantic Ocean Stations Joint Financing Agreement, 1954 . . . . . . . . 67

Chapter V. Technical Assistance .................................. 69

1. Introduction .......................................... 69
2. Participation of the Regional Offices in Technical Assistance Activities .... 70
3. Finance .............................................. 71
4. Personnel ............................................ 73
5. Fellowships and Scholarships ............................... 73
6. UNDP, UNROD and FIT Programmes .......................... 73
7. United Nations Funds for the Development of West Irian ............. 84

(iv) Annual Report of the Council - I972

Chapter VI. Constitutional and Legal Questions . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

1. Introduction .......................................... 85
2. Chicago Acts .......................................... 85
3. International Air Law Conventions ............................ 86
4. Unlawful Interference with International Civil Aviation and its Facilities ... 87
5. Work Programme of the Legal Committee ....................... 88
6. Privileges, Immunities and Facilities of the Organization .............. 88
7. Registration of Agreements and Arrangements .................... 88
8. Collection of National Aviation Laws and Regulations ............... 88

Chapter VII. Relations with Other International Organizations .............. 89

1. The United Nations ...................................... 89
2. Inter-Agency Bodies ..................................... 90
3. Specialized Agencies ..................................... 90
4. Other International Organizations ............................ 92

Chapter VIII. organization and Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93

1. Introduction .......................................... 93
2. Organization .......................................... 93
3. Personnel ............................................ 93
4. Twenty-second ICAO Familiarization Course ..................... 94
5. Public Information Activities ............................... 94
6. Computer ............................................ 95
7. Language Services, Publications and Library ...................... 95
8. Premises ............................................. 96
9. Finance .............................................. 96

1. Part I - States Parties to the Chicago Acts as of 31 December 1972 ...... 99
Part II - Protocol on the Authentic Trilingual Text of the Convention on
International Civil Aviation (Chicago, 1944), done at Buenos Aires on 24
September 1968 ........................................ 103
2. List of States Parties to the Geneva, Rome, Guadalajara, Tokyo, The Hague
and Montreal Conventions and The Hague Protocol, as of 31 December 1972 105
3. Part I - Annexes to the Convention - Amendments Adopted up to 31
December 1972 ........................................ 109
Part II - Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) - Amendments
Approved up to 31 December 1972 ........................... 115
4. The Council, its Committees and the Air Navigation Commission ........ 117
5. ICAO Meetings held in 1972 ................................ 124
6. Programme of ICAO Meetings for 1973 ......................... 127
7. Participation of States and International Organizations in Main ICAO
Meetingsin ....................................... 129
8. Structure of ICAO Secretariat as of 31 December 1972 .............. 133
9. National Distribution of Professional Category Staff as of 31 December 1972 134
10. Distribution of Technical Assistance Field Staff by Nationality, Grade and
Programme, ....................................... 137
11. Distribution of Technical Assistance Field Staff by Programme and Profes-
sion or Trade, 1972 ...................................... 138
12. Fellowship and Scholarship Awards made during 1972 under ICAO
Programmes ........................................... 140
13. Statistics for Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147

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