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What Is Smart Identity?: Deloitte Lab

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What is Smart Identity?

Deloitte Lab
We are a specialist team within Deloitte. We advise, design, and implement innovative
… a new kind of identity
solutions applying blockchain technology.
Deloitte’s Smart Identity platform is changing the way both customers
and organisations manage digital identity. Smart Identity offers new We span all industries and are connected with a global network of blockchain and
ways for individuals, organisations, and even devices/objects to obtain, industry specialists across Deloitte.
use, and verify identity credentials when transacting with each other.

… that solves problems today

Users can create and store identity attributes such as a driving licence
Deloitte Contacts
or passport, which can be endorsed by third parties to form verifiable
credentials for use within any digital interaction. The platform enables To learn more, please contact:
automation of identity-linked processes, such as customer registration Rohit Mahajan Gaurav Shukla
or Know Your Customer (KYC). President–Risk Advisory Partner
… and makes new things possible tomorrow
In addition to these processes, a Smart Identity can hold digital assets Gautam Kapoor Rakesh Kunwar
representing money or physical property and enabling users to Partner Director
complete complex transactions involving the exchange of ownership
and other forms of value transfer—all within a single platform.

• Customer identity verification • Credit rating and risk scoring

Financial for onboarding, KYC, and Insurance:
services automation and machine
learning (AML)
–– Provenance and custody
–– Automated claims
• Financial instrument modeling processing
• Payments

Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, a UK private company limited by guarantee (“DTTL”), its
network of member firms, and their related entities. DTTL and each of its member firms are legally separate and independent
Private • Licensing and rights

Driverless vehicles
entities. DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) does not provide services to clients. Please see
for a more detailed description of DTTL and its member firms.
sector • Corporate reporting e.g., • Supply chain tracking
This material is prepared by Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP (DTTILLP). This material (including any information
beneficial ownership • Ticketing

Smart Identity
contained in it) is intended to provide general information on a particular subject(s) and is not an exhaustive treatment of
such subject(s) or a substitute to obtaining professional services or advice. This material may contain information sourced
from publicly available information or other third party sources. DTTILLP does not independently verify any such sources and

Authorise. Authenticate.
is not responsible for any loss whatsoever caused due to reliance placed on information sourced from such sources. None of
DTTILLP, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited, its member firms, or their related entities (collectively, the “Deloitte Network”) is,
by means of this material, rendering any kind of investment, legal or other professional advice or services. You should seek
Public • Digital passport/visas
• Digital driving licences
• Medical and patient identity
• Secure digital voting
specific advice of the relevant professional(s) for these kind of services. This material or information is not intended to be
relied upon as the sole basis for any decision which may affect you or your business. Before making any decision or taking Ascertain.
sector • Vehicle/home ownership • Government verified any action that might affect your personal finances or business, you should consult a qualified professional adviser.
changes integration
• Benefit entitlements No entity in the Deloitte Network shall be responsible for any loss whatsoever sustained by any person or entity by reason of For private circulation only
access to, use of or reliance on, this material. By using this material or any information contained in it, the user accepts this
entire notice and terms of use.
May 2019 Risk Advisory
© 2019 Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu India LLP. Member of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited
Smart identity How can Smart Identity be used? Who can use Smart Identity?
In the present scenario, the identity of entities (organisations, individuals, and devices) is
fragmented. Customer information is duplicated, disconnected, and often insecure, while
Legal entities and other organisational
verification processes can be highly manual, inefficient, and expensive. Authentication and log in structures can be represented digitally, with
A customer-owned Smart attributes representing key information,
Smart Identity offers a new way for customers and organisations to manage and verify Identity to authenticate a
Digital identity such as legal entity reference and beneficial
identity, providing both privacy and security to users, and laying the foundations for a new user across multiple online
generation of highly automated digital services. documents ownership. Employee relationships can also
Digitisation of traditional be represented digitally.
identity documents, such
as driving licences and
passports, into a single,
versatile digital record, Automation of identity
which can be verified or checks (e.g., KYC)
revoked in real time Automation of the customer
identification and verification
Individual identity records
processes; automation in
Tracking physical will enable users to
organisations; use of robots
property manage and store key
enables real-time automation
Identification and identity information, such
of KYC or AML activity
tracking of digital assets as passport or driving
of any form, ranging licence details, as well as
from vehicles and endorsements of those
IoT and connected devices
property to complex attributes from trusted
Connected IoT devices
financial instruments; sources of authority.
obtaining and transacting
core attribute details
using standardised identity
and ownership can be
features, enabling them to
securely interact with other
Contracts and identities
Internet of things
agreements Connected devices and smart property
Identities can be linked can use the same platform to acquire
directly to agreements identity, manage key attributes such as
and contracts such as ownership, and transact with the wider
Digital identities will be used
Digital Identity is a critical enabler to broaden applications to insurance policies, paving
for storage and payment digital ecosystem.
new verticals… A fully digital system for storing and transferring the way for further
of fiat currencies, enabling
automation of contract
identity attributes could be directly integrated into distributed execution based on pre-
real-time verification of
financial Infrastructure.” determined triggers
transaction eligibility, and
instant settlement “A blockchain-powered Smart Identity can also be used to send,
World Economic Forum, Aug 2016
receive, and store digital assets such as currency or property.”

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