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Criminal Complaint For Shayla Fawn Minkel

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64-CR-21-241 Filed in District Court

State of Minnesota

State of Minnesota District Court
County of Redwood 5th Judicial District
Prosecutor File No. 21CR00177
Court File No. 64-CR-21-241

State of Minnesota, COMPLAINT
Plaintiff, Summons
601 South Drew St.
Redwood Falls, MN 56283

The Complainant submits this complaint to the Court and states that there is probable cause to believe
Defendant committed the following offense(s):
Charge: Criminal Sexual Conduct in the First Degree
Minnesota Statute: 609.342.1(a), with reference to:  609.342.2(a)
Maximum Sentence: 30 years in prison, a $40,000 fine, or both
Offense Level: Felony
Offense Date (on or about): 04/18/2012 to 04/01/2016
Control #(ICR#): 19601070
Charge Description: SHAYLA FAWN MINKEL, on or about April 18, 2012 through April 1, 2016, within the
County of Redwood, did engage in sexual penetration with another person when the complainant was
under 13 years of age and the actor was more than 36 months older than the complainant.
Charge: Criminal Sexual Conduct in the First Degree
Minnesota Statute: 609.342.1(a), with reference to:  609.342.2(a)
Maximum Sentence: 30 years in prison, a $40,000 fine, or both
Offense Level: Felony
Offense Date (on or about): 04/18/2012 to 04/01/2016
Control #(ICR#): 19601070
Charge Description: SHAYLA FAWN MINKEL, on or about April 18, 2012 through April 1, 2016, within the
County of Redwood, did engage in sexual contact with a person under 13 years of age as defined in
section 609.341, subdivision 11, paragraph (c), and the complainant was under 13 years of age and the
actor was more than 36 months older than the complainant.
Charge: Criminal Sexual Conduct in the First Degree
64-CR-21-241 Filed in District Court
State of Minnesota
Minnesota Statute: 609.342.1(c), with reference to:  609.342.2(a) 4/13/2021
Maximum Sentence: 30 years in prison, a $40,000 fine, or both
Offense Level: Felony
Offense Date (on or about): 04/18/2012 to 04/01/2016
Control #(ICR#): 19601070
Charge Description: SHAYLA FAWN MINKEL, on or about April 18, 2012 through April 1, 2016, within the
County of Redwood, did engage in sexual penetration with another person when circumstances existing
at the time of the act caused the complainant to have a reasonable fear of imminent great bodily harm to
the complainant or another.
Charge: Criminal Sexual Conduct in the First Degree
Minnesota Statute: 609.342.1(c), with reference to:  609.342.2(a)
Maximum Sentence: 30 years in prison, a $40,000 fine, or both
Offense Level: Felony
Offense Date (on or about): 04/18/2012 to 04/01/2016
Control #(ICR#): 19601070
Charge Description: SHAYLA FAWN MINKEL, on or about April 18, 2012 through April 1, 2016, within the
County of Redwood, did engage in sexual contact with a person under 13 years of age as defined in
section 609.341, subdivision 11, paragraph (c), when circumstances existing at the time of the act caused
the complainant to have a reasonable fear of imminent great bodily harm to the complainant or another.
Charge: Criminal Sexual Conduct in the First Degree
Minnesota Statute: 609.342.1(g), with reference to:  609.342.2(a)
Maximum Sentence: 30 years in prison, a $40,000 fine, or both
Offense Level: Felony
Offense Date (on or about): 04/18/2012 to 04/01/2016
Control #(ICR#): 19601070
Charge Description: SHAYLA FAWN MINKEL, on or about April 18, 2012 through April 1, 2016, within the
County of Redwood, did engage in sexual penetration with another person when the actor had a
significant relationship to the complainant and the complainant was under 16 years of age at the time of
the sexual penetration.
Charge: Criminal Sexual Conduct in the First Degree
Minnesota Statute: 609.342.1(g), with reference to:  609.342.2(a)
Maximum Sentence: 30 years in prison, a $40,000 fine, or both
Offense Level: Felony
Offense Date (on or about): 04/18/2012 to 04/01/2016
Control #(ICR#): 19601070
Charge Description: SHAYLA FAWN MINKEL, on or about April 18, 2012 through April 1, 2016, within the
County of Redwood, did engage in sexual contact with a person under 13 years of age as defined in
section 609.341, subdivision 11, paragraph (c), when the actor had a significant relationship to the
64-CR-21-241 Filed in District Court
State of Minnesota
complainant and the complainant was under 16 years of age at the time of the sexual contact. 4/13/2021

Charge: Criminal Sexual Conduct in the First Degree
Minnesota Statute: 609.342.1(h)(iii), with reference to:  609.342.2(a)
Maximum Sentence: 30 years in prison, a $40,000 fine, or both
Offense Level: Felony
Offense Date (on or about): 04/18/2012 to 04/01/2016
Control #(ICR#): 19601070
Charge Description: SHAYLA FAWN MINKEL, on or about April 18, 2012 through April 1, 2016, within the
County of Redwood, did engage in sexual penetration with another person, and the actor had a significant
relationship to the complainant, the complainant was under 16 years of age at the time of the sexual
penetration, and the sexual abuse involved multiple acts committed over an extended period of time.
Charge: Criminal Sexual Conduct in the First Degree
Minnesota Statute: 609.342.1(h)(iii), with reference to:  609.342.2(a)
Maximum Sentence: 30 years in prison, a $40,000 fine, or both
Offense Level: Felony
Offense Date (on or about): 04/18/2012 to 04/01/2016
Control #(ICR#): 19601070
Charge Description: SHAYLA FAWN MINKEL, on or about April 18, 2012 through April 1, 2016, within the
County of Redwood, did engage in sexual contact with a person under 13 years of age as defined in
section 609.341, subdivision 11, paragraph (c), and the actor had a significant relationship to the
complainant, the complainant was under 16 years of age at the time of the sexual contact, and the sexual
abuse involved multiple acts committed over an extended period of time.

64-CR-21-241 Filed in District Court
State of Minnesota

Your Complainant, Issac Froehlich, is a licensed peace officer. In this capacity your Complainant believes
the following to be true and correct.

On August 29, 2019, a forensic interview was conducted with JV1 (DOB 04/01/2004) at the Redwood
County Children's Advocacy Center. During this interview JV1 disclosed while approximately eight years
old his cousin SHAYLA FAWN MINKEL (DOB 04/18/1999), Defendant herein, would babysit JV1 at his
grandmother’s residence located within the County of Redwood. While babysitting, Defendant and JV1
would watch pornographic videos. After approximately two months of watching pornographic videos
Defendant asked JV1 if he wanted to try sexual activates. JV1 stated he and Defendant did sexual acts
together with the last act occurring when he was approximately 12 years old. 

JV1 disclosed he and Defendant had more than 10 sexual encounters. On the first occasion Defendant
sucked JV1’s penis with her mouth and had him suck her breasts. During one incident Defendant had
JV1’s Grandmother's dog lick his penis. JV1 disclosed on numerous occasions Defendant touched JV1’s
penis with her hands. The last time sexual activity occurred between Defendant and JV1 was at Jackpot
Junction Hotel where they had sexual intercourse. JV1 specified sexual intercourse was JV1’s penis
inserted into Defendant’s vagina. JV1 also disclosed during camping trips with his grandmother,
Defendant would suck JV1’s penis in the RV. 

Defendant would tell JV1 not to tell anyone what they were doing and would threaten JV1 with physical
harm if he did not participate in sexual activities. JV1 believed these incidents stopped when he was 11 or
12, after his mother got out of treatment. 

JV1 also disclosed during some of the incidents JV2 (DOB 07/14/2003) was also present. On one
occasion Defendant made JV2 touch JV1’s penis. 

On September 4, 2019, Sergeant Fenrich met with Rachelle Helen Johnson (DOB 03/20/1979), who is the
mother of JV1. According to RHJ, she was released from treatment in 2015 in the wintertime, close to
Christmas. She confirmed Defendant babysat JV1 during the reported time frame. 

On September 12, 2019, Sergeant Fenrich made contact with Defendant. Defendant stated she is a
cousin to JV1. She confirmed she used to babysit JV when he was six to eight years old. Defendant
believed she babysat JV1 on more than 10 occasions. 

On September 17, 2019, a forensic interview was conducted at the Redwood County Children's Advocacy
Center with JV2. During this interview, JV2 disclosed she is a cousin to JV1 and Defendant. JV2 stated
while at their grandmother’s residence JV2 observed JV1 and Defendant doing sexual things under a
blanket. JV2 believes sexual encounters between Defendant and JV1 occurred on multiple occasions. JV2
believed these incidents occurred when JV1 and JV2 were approximately eight to 10 years old.

64-CR-21-241 Filed in District Court
State of Minnesota

Complainant requests that Defendant, subject to bail or conditions of release, be:
(1) arrested or that other lawful steps be taken to obtain Defendant's appearance in court; or
(2) detained, if already in custody, pending further proceedings; and that said Defendant otherwise
be dealt with according to law.
Complainant declares under penalty of perjury that everything stated in this document is true and
correct. Minn. Stat. § 358.116; Minn. R. Crim. P. 2.01, subds. 1, 2.

Complainant Mark Farasyn Electronically Signed:

Chief Deputy 04/13/2021 01:47 PM
39527 Reservation Highway 1 Redwood County,  Minnesota
P.O. Box 308
Morton, MN 56270

Being authorized to prosecute the offenses charged, I approve this complaint.

Prosecuting Attorney Amy M. Busse Electronically Signed:

250 S Jefferson 04/13/2021 01:42 PM
Redwood Falls, MN 56283
(507) 637-4010

64-CR-21-241 Filed in District Court
State of Minnesota
From the above sworn facts, and any supporting affidavits or supplemental sworn testimony, I, the Issuing Officer, have
determined that probable cause exists to support, subject to bail or conditions of release where applicable, Defendant’s arrest
or other lawful steps be taken to obtain Defendant’s appearance in court, or Defendant’s detention, if already in custody,
pending further proceedings. Defendant is therefore charged with the above-stated offense(s).

THEREFORE YOU, THE DEFENDANT, ARE SUMMONED to appear as directed in the Notice of Hearing before the
above-named court to answer this complaint.
IF YOU FAIL TO APPEAR in response to this SUMMONS, a WARRANT FOR YOUR ARREST shall be issued.

To the Sheriff of the above-named county; or other person authorized to execute this warrant: I order, in the name of the State
of Minnesota, that the Defendant be apprehended and arrested without delay and brought promptly before the court (if in
session), and if not, before a Judge or Judicial Officer of such court without unnecessary delay, and in any event not later than
36 hours after the arrest or as soon as such Judge or Judicial Officer is available to be dealt with according to law.

Execute in MN Only Execute Nationwide Execute in Border States

Since the Defendant is already in custody, I order, subject to bail or conditions of release, that the Defendant continue to be
detained pending further proceedings.

Bail:  $
Conditions of Release:  

This complaint, duly subscribed and sworn to or signed under penalty of perjury, is issued by the undersigned Judicial Officer
as of the following date: April 13, 2021.

Judicial Officer Patrick Rohland Electronically Signed: 04/13/2021 02:35 PM

District Court Judge

Sworn testimony has been given before the Judicial Officer by the following witnesses:


State of Minnesota
I hereby Certify and Return that I have served a copy of this
vs. Summons upon the Defendant herein named.
Signature of Authorized Service Agent:
Shayla Fawn Minkel

64-CR-21-241 Filed in District Court
State of Minnesota

Name: Shayla Fawn Minkel
DOB: 04/18/1999
Address: 601 South Drew St.
Redwood Falls, MN 56283

Alias Names/DOB:
SID: MN19BQ0657
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Gender: FEMALE
Fingerprints Required per Statute: Yes
Fingerprint match to Criminal History Record: Yes
Driver's License #:  
Alcohol Concentration:

64-CR-21-241 Filed in District Court
State of Minnesota
Cnt Statute Offense Statute Nbrs and Descriptions Offense MOC GOC Controlling Case
Nbr Type Date(s) Level Agencies Numbers

1 Charge 4/18/2012 609.342.1(a) Felony L1B42 N MNDI06000 19601070

Criminal Sexual Cond-1st
Degree-Penetration or Contact with
Person Under 13-Actor >36m older
  Penalty 4/18/2012 609.342.2(a) Felony L1B42 N MNDI06000 19601070
Criminal Sexual Conduct-1st
Degree-Penalty-Stat Max

2 Charge 4/18/2012 609.342.1(a) Felony L1B42 N MNDI06000 19601070

Criminal Sexual Cond-1st
Degree-Penetration or Contact with
Person Under 13-Actor >36m older
  Penalty 4/18/2012 609.342.2(a) Felony L1B42 N MNDI06000 19601070
Criminal Sexual Conduct-1st
Degree-Penalty-Stat Max

3 Charge 4/18/2012 609.342.1(c) Felony L1242 N MNDI06000 19601070

Criminal Sexual Conduct-1st
Degree-Penetration - Fear Great Bodily
  Penalty 4/18/2012 609.342.2(a) Felony L1242 N MNDI06000 19601070
Criminal Sexual Conduct-1st
Degree-Penalty-Stat Max

4 Charge 4/18/2012 609.342.1(c) Felony L1242 N MNDI06000 19601070

Criminal Sexual Conduct-1st
Degree-Penetration - Fear Great Bodily
  Penalty 4/18/2012 609.342.2(a) Felony L1242 N MNDI06000 19601070
Criminal Sexual Conduct-1st
Degree-Penalty-Stat Max

5 Charge 4/18/2012 609.342.1(g) Felony L1044 N MNDI06000 19601070

Criminal Sexual Conduct-1st
Degree-Penetration - Victim Under
16-Significant Relationship
  Penalty 4/18/2012 609.342.2(a) Felony L1044 N MNDI06000 19601070
Criminal Sexual Conduct-1st
Degree-Penalty-Stat Max

6 Charge 4/18/2012 609.342.1(g) Felony L1044 N MNDI06000 19601070

Criminal Sexual Conduct-1st
Degree-Penetration - Victim Under
16-Significant Relationship
  Penalty 4/18/2012 609.342.2(a) Felony L1044 N MNDI06000 19601070
Criminal Sexual Conduct-1st
Degree-Penalty-Stat Max

7 Charge 4/18/2012 609.342.1(h)(iii) Felony L1844 N MNDI06000 19601070

Criminal Sex Conduct-1st
Degree-Penetration -Victim Under
16-Signif Rel-Multiple Acts Over Time
  Penalty 4/18/2012 609.342.2(a) Felony L1844 N MNDI06000 19601070
Criminal Sexual Conduct-1st
Degree-Penalty-Stat Max

8 Charge 4/18/2012 609.342.1(h)(iii) Felony L1844 N MNDI06000 19601070

Criminal Sex Conduct-1st
Degree-Penetration -Victim Under
16-Signif Rel-Multiple Acts Over Time
  Penalty 4/18/2012 609.342.2(a) Felony L1844 N MNDI06000 19601070
Criminal Sexual Conduct-1st
Degree-Penalty-Stat Max

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