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Module 8-9 Environmental

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Module 8:

1. Give a brief summary of what you learned from the past module 7 about the
biomes of the earth.

I learned that biomes are the geographical area that is very large in size.
Each of these geographical areas has certain groups of animals, plants and
rock and soil they have their ability to adapt in that particular type of
environment. Biomes include both biotic and abiotic factors. The land biomes
are the world’s major land habitats. These biomes support our life here in the
earth. Most land biomes exist in the world today, including tundra biome,
desert biome, forest biome and grassland biome.
Biomes play a critical role in the understanding of ecology because they help
scientist study not only a specific plant or animal but also the role it plays in its
community and the characteristic that is has developed to live in its
environment. It is important to preserve all types of biomes as each houses
many unique forms of life. However, the continued heavy exploitation of certain
biomes, such as the forest and aquatic, may have more severe implication.
Forest are important as they are home to the most diverse biotic communities
in the world. Not only biomes feed us, they provide us with essential resources
to create the material for us, while each biome is diverse and important in its
own aspect, together they actually define our earth and sustain all the life
found on it.


1. Why is biodiversity important in our ecosystem?


Biodiversity is the scale on which we measure the variety in ecosystems, genetic, and

species levels. It helps us to determine the variability on Earth. This variability
is important, as it allows us to keep ecosystems, environment and their relationship in
check. Biodiversity is important in ecosystems because it prevents extinction of
species, allows organisms to adapt to changes in the environment and provides a wide
range of materials and foods for survival. Biodiversity is categorized into species
diversity, genetic diversity and ecosystem diversity. Each organism within an ecosystem
serves important functions that help balance the Earth’s ecology. High biodiversity in an
ecosystem, that is a large variety of species and genes in the ecosystem contribute to a
stronger ecosystem. Human life relies on our ecosystems providing the life-sustaining
services of providing oxygen, detoxifying our soil and water, providing materials for
clothing and shelter and providing our food and the nutrients we require.
2.How was the deforestation of large areas contributed to an increase in atmospheric
Not only does deforestation contribute to global warming by increasing the amount of
carbon dioxide in the air but it also directly increases the temperature radiating from the
land. The forest canopy shades the ground, absorbs the sun's rays for photosynthesis,
and reflects about 12 to 15 percent, cooling the land beneath.
When deforestation is coupled with the extraction of fossil fuels & the release of their
carbon into the Earth’s atmosphere when burned or otherwise released (through
processes such as fracking) it further increases the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere
and thus adds to the increase in global temperatures.

3.What are the underlying socioeconomic forces and circumstances driving biodiversity
 Biodiversity loss is largely a result of human activities. This is true at the global
level, and is often true for a particular local situation.

 Biodiversity loss is the direct result of many individual decisions about resource

 These decisions are rational within the given set of socioeconomic parameters
including, for example, social structures, prices and market opportunities, cultural
expectations, institutions, and laws.

 Policies, institutions, structures, and norms that promote biodiversity loss are
providing benefits to some groups. Looking at why these policies, institutions,
structures, and norms persist will help explain biodiversity loss.

 Biodiversity loss is often overdetermined. Several critical factors may be working

separately or in conjunction to promote biodiversity loss.

 Demographic Change

 Inequality and Poverty

 Public Policies, Markets, and Politics

 Macroeconomic Policies and Structures

 Poverty causes biodiversity loss, or exploitation of the environment by the wealthy

causes biodiversity loss;

 Economic development causes biodiversity loss, or underdevelopment causes

biodiversity loss;

 Rural over-population causes biodiversity loss, or shrinking rural populations

cause biodiversity loss;

4. What is your understanding of the statement of McNeill and Shie that biodiversity is
the life insurance of life itself?


because all of us relies on biodiversity, from food we eat, from shelter, from
water and etc. Biodiversity is a life insurance asset for all as it supports
most functions for life’s survival on Earth. It contributes to sustainable
development, regulates natural systems and provides enormous resources
for sustaining life and welfare. based on three pillars namely environmental,
social and economic. The environmental pillar includes biodiversity, land,
water and soils; social pillar consists of food security, health, gender,
knowledge and skills; and economic pillar includes policies, finances,
energy, markets and livelihoods.
1. List down the protected areas in your region and the endemic species present in each
identified protected areas. (You may get listing from DENR)


Protective Landscape Vulnerable PHALAENOPSISOR
) Camarines Sur SCREW MOUSE Camsur
Rodentia Mt. Isarog
Wilderness Areas
ISLAND(185.38ha) SHARK
Camarines Sur Orectolobiformes,
Natural Biotic Areas
Camarines Sur (ISAROGENSIS)-
MANGANAP(5,420.12ha) Camarines Sur
Camarines Norte
Watershed Forest Reserver  BRACHYMELES
Camarines Norte SWIMMING SKINK
Squamata, Bicol
 DAHICAN(44.00ha) Region
Camarines Norte
Natural Parks (MICROLEPINS)-
 BICOL(5,201.0ha) DOG FACED
Camarines Sur WATER SNAKE
Camarines Norte (Squamata)
Lake buhi, lake
 BULUSAN manapao, bicol
VOLCANO(3,672.00ha) peninsula
Anura, bicol region
Camarines Sur

2. Enumerate ways on how to help conserve and protect the endemic species in your
region. As a student how can you help the present status of our species in our
As a student I can help conserve and protect the endemic species in our region
simply by I can educate my all the people and reach as many folks. I will be an
advocate for endemic species by spreading message and tell them what they can do to
help. By reducing the amount of water that we can help to conserve clean water for
animals to use. Reducing our personal pollution foot print we can walk, bike if there is
not too far. We can plant more trees because many of animals rely on plants for many
things including food and shelter. Avoid some pesticides and herbicides, these
chemicals can harmful the plants especially the animals. Protect endemic species as we
protect ourselves and secure our future for our planet and all the creatures who dwell
upon its surface. We can give time to protect the endemic species in our area that’s why
we can maintain a healthy and functional ecosystem.
Module 9: Philippine Natural Resources
1. What are the underlying reasons of misuse of natural resources?
Most of the people are lazy on the utilization of resources available. For example,
availability of water resources like rivers and lakes can support irrigation system but
due to laziness people are depending much on rainfall. Also some leaders are
irresponsible in their duties such as the implementation of policy. Misuse of
environment resources means wasting of our raw natural resources which leads to
unbalance in the nature elements. This can be caused by two ways direct and
indirect. For example, cutting forests to use their wood is considered as direct
misuse; at the same time lacking of trees is reducing the amount of oxygen in the air
and increasing the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) that is an indirect way of
misusing. And, because of modern technology arises, the natural resources have no
2. What is the relationship between ecosystem and natural resources?
Natural resources are part of the ecosystem or it composes the entirety of the
ecosystem. That is the relationship that these two have. An ecosystem simply
refers to a community made up of different kinds of organisms, natural resources
and the influence and interaction that happens among them.

3. What is the significance of natural resources to the country’s economy?

 Natural resources are available, in varying quantities, in all parts of the world.
The natural availability of certain resources in a given region, makes it easier for
the people to acquire and use them. Otherwise, a country, where a certain
natural resource is not available, has to depend on other countries, in order to
acquire it, owing to which the former has to invest a lot of monetary resources in
the trade. However, for the common people of a country to be aware of the value
of natural resources, it is extremely vital that the political structures are strong
enough. If a country is fortunate enough to have a good leadership, the attitude
of the common masses can be mended in a way that they learn to use their
natural resources wisely and in a sustainable manner. So, whether or not the
country’s reserve of natural resources actually aids in its economic development
is determined largely, by the quality of public response, rather than the amount of
resources. It is important to note that in a developing economy, natural resources
can provide a number of opportunities, in order to enhance the economic
development. In an agrarian economy, for instance, natural resources, such as
land, soil, forests, animals, fisheries, etc., may be extremely important. These not
only maintain the livelihood of the people, but also provide them with
subsistence. Therefore, it becomes very necessary to keep a check on the use of
these resources, as even if some of them, like land may be renewable, the law of
diminishing returns still applies. While natural resources may be considered as
one of the factors aiding the process of economic development, it needs to be
noted that their excessive exploitation and/or misuse, may also hinder the same.
It is, therefore, essential that economies make optimum and judicious use of their
natural resources. Though it is true that mineral industries have created many
jobs throughout the world, it is also vital to take note of the environmental
hazards and challenges that their excessive and unethical use may pose.

4. What are the classification of natural resources based on various factors be able
to differentiate one of them?
Classification of Natural Resources: The Natural resources can be classified
such as renewable or non-renewable, biotic, abiotic, potential, current, reserves
and stock.

1. Based on your knowledge on natural resources, how will you contribute to the
preservation of and conservation of our natural resources?
I can help protect to our natural resources and save our biodiversity by being
frugal and prudent towards the environment. I will practice the 3R’s: REDUCE,
REUSE AND RECYCLE to minimize garbage production. I will engage myself in
planting trees or other varieties of plants to help clean the air. Preservation and
conservation is the best care for our natural resources.

2. Compare and contrast the human resources in the Philippines and Japan showing
the advantages of the age distribution and potentialities of the population?
In this global competitiveness, Japan is listed as the 15 th most competitive nation
while the Philippines trails behind at rank 54. The human resources of the
Philippines and Japan showing the advantages of the age distribution and
potentialities of the population is that the Philippines today has the largest
generation of young people in its history. 30 million young people between the
ages of 10-24 account for28 % of the Philippine population. Developing policies
and investments for the future of young people could lead the Philippines to reap
the benefits of a demographic dividend- the economic growth potential that can
result from household having fewer children and a larger number of young people
who know have better health, better education and decent jobs who can save and
invest for their own future. while the Japan has the highest portion of elderly
citizens of any country in the world. Japan’s population is shrinking due to low
fertility rates., the aging population is rapidly increasing. the Japanese
government is facilitating the shift in the burden of caring for the elderly back to
the family, with the middle-aged women being targeted for the role of primary care
givers, however the observed increased in the labor participation rate of Japanese
women and declining co-residence patterns in japans reflect higher opportunity
costs for women and the shift in values about caring for elderly people.

Now let’s start on what you have learned from your readings.
1. Among the mineral deposits in the country, the most abundant is COPPER.

2. The two major agricultural crops in the country are RICE AND COCONUTS.

3. Forest resources is a RENEWABLE RESOURCES.

4. The heat emitted from within the earth’s crust, usually in the forms of hot water or
steam exploited for electricity generation is called GEOTHERMAL ENERGY.

5. Areas with high ratio of concentration of endemic species and the exceptional
loss of habitat is called an BIODIVERSITY HOTSPOT.

6. A GENE is a unit of hereditary information consisting of a specific nucleotide

sequence in DNA.

7. The world’s largest flower is RAFFLESIA ARNOLDII

8. The city with Majestic Waterfalls is ILIGAN.

Module 10: Air Pollution

Answer the following critical thinking questions.
1. How will the chemical pollutants affect the health of the individual person?
Chemical pollutants entering the human body through inhalation, ingestion or dermal
absorption may have local effect on specific organs. It may increase risk of cancer,
disturbances of our hormone system, nervous system birth defects. Exposure to toxic
substances such as gasoline can cause burns, vomiting, diarrhea and very large
amounts drowsiness or death, it is toxic.
2. What is the current situation of the earth’s atmosphere?
Because the atmosphere is a thin layer when compared to the size of the earth, it faces
more severe problems from human activity than other components of the planet. It is a
mixture of many gases but it is a mixture of many gases but its composition is changing.
If the changes continue, the problems of the earth’s atmosphere may have negative
consequences- intensive for all life, but particularly for our own complex and energy-
intensive civilization.
The current situation of the earth’s atmosphere today is very different to the earth’s
atmosphere before. Climate is changing During the 20 th Century Earth’s average
temperature rose 0.6° Celsius (11°F) while climate has changed throughout the Earth’s
history. Human activities especially burning of fossil fuels, are leading to increased
levels of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which in turn
amplify the natural greenhouse effect causing the Temperature of the Earth’s
atmosphere, ocean and land surface to increase. Global warming occurs because of the
increasing concentration of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the atmosphere. the biggest
cause of global warming is the improper human activities. the atmosphere today
contains more greenhouse gas molecules, so more of the infrared energy emitted by
the surface ends up being absorbed by the atmosphere. since some of the extra energy
from a warmer atmosphere from a warmer atmosphere radiates back down to the
surface, Earth’s temperature rises.
3. How has air pollution affected forests throughout the world?
Forests around the world are affected by air and water pollution, produced from
industrial and commercial activities. Besides the pollution caused by oil spills, toxic
by-products, and mining accidents, rainforests are seriously degraded
by air pollution. Having pollution in rain forests can lead to dying trees and dying
animals because the air and water are polluted with harmful gases and trash.
Loss of forests intensifies air pollution Without rainforests, the ability to filter air and
remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere is at risk.

4. Explain how acid rain is formed?


Acid rain is caused by a chemical reaction that begins when compounds such as
sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen are released into the air. These substances
can rise very high up into the atmosphere, where they mix and react with water,
oxygen, and other chemicals to form more acidic pollutants called acid rain.
This acid rain can leach toxic aluminum from the soil, which at low levels can stress
fish in lakes and streams or, at higher concentrations, kill them outright. Acid rain
also weakens trees in forests and contributes to air pollution that can harm humans.
5. Discuss the different ways for minimizing air pollution:
 Using public transports
Using public transport is a sure short way of contributing to less air pollution as it
provides with less gas and energy, even carpools contribute to it. In addition to less
release of fuels and gas, using a public transport can also help in saving money.
 Turn off the lights when not in use
The energy that the lights take also contribute to air pollution, thus less consumption
of electricity can save energy. Use energy saving fluorescent lights to help the
 Recycle and Reuse
The concept of recycle and reuse is not just conserve resources and use them
judicially but also is helpful for air pollution as it helps in reducing pollution
emissions. The recycled products also take less power to make other products.
 No to plastic bags
The use of plastic products could be very harmful to the environment as they take a
very long time to decompose, due to their material made up of oil. The use of paper
bags instead is a better alternative as they decompose easily and are recyclable.

 Reduction of forest fires and smoking

The collecting of garbage and getting it on fire in dry seasons or dry leaves catching
fires is a huge factor for causing air pollution, moreover smoking  also causes air
pollution and causes the air quality to worsen along with obviously damaging one’s
 Use of fans instead of Air Conditioner
The usage of AC’s takes a lot of energy and emits a lot of heat which is bad for the
environment. AC’s also take a lot of power and energy to work as compared to fans.
 Use filters for chimneys
The gas that is emitted from fireplaces in homes and factories are extremely
dangerous for air pollution and harms the air quality severely. The use of filters
should be used at least if the consumption couldn’t be lessened, this will help to
reduce the effect of harmful gases absorbing in the air.
 Avoid usage of crackers
The use of crackers during festivals and weddings is sadly one of the biggest
contributors to air pollution, leading to a layer of smog which is extremely harmful for
health. So, practice of no crackers should be implemented.
 Avoid using of products with chemicals
Products that use the chemicals in their usage or smell strongly, like paints or
perfumes should be used less or outside the house. There can also be an
alternative to use products with low chemical content and organic properties.
 Implement Afforestation
Last but not the least, plant and grow as many trees as possible. The practice of
planting trees provides a lot of benefits to the environment and helps with the
release of oxygen.
Ways to Prevent Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution.

1. Minimize air pollution from cars
2. Walk, bike or use public transportation
3. Save energy
4. Maintain your wood stove or fireplace
5. Recycle & buy recycled products
6. Consume less & choose sustainable products
7. Eat local, organic produce & less meat
8. Grow your own food
9. Plant trees
10. Raise awareness

1. Keep air-purifying indoor plants
2. Open windows
3. Use natural products
4. Use essential oils
5. Test your home for radon
6. Do not smoke indoors
7. Keep indoor humidity low
8. Vacuum clean with a HEPA filter
9. Clean dust
10. Use air purifiers

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