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Ffaam Miillyy: Sam and Kate Are in Crystalia. Sam Kate Sam Kate

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The story provides details about the characters Sam and Kate and their adventures in Crystalia. It also includes activities about vocabulary, grammar, reading and listening related to family.

The Flintstone family lives in the Stone Age. They have stone appliances and vehicles. Fred works but doesn't like his job. Wilma stays home to take care of their daughter Pebbles. Their neighbors are the Rubbles.

On Saturdays, the singer's mom washes the kitchen floor. His dad has breakfast at 8am and then cleans the car. The singer's brother takes a long shower and his sister meets their cousin Ben at the swimming pool. The singer wakes up late and watches TV.

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3 F ami ly
1 Sam and Kate are in Crystalia.
Sam Wow! This is amazing!
Kate Look at the cars!
Sam Look at the houses!
Kate Let’s talk to those children.

2 They meet Finn and Star.

Finn I’m Finn and this is my sister, Star.
Kate I’m Kate and this is Sam. We’re King
Max’s friends. We want to help him.
Star He’s a good king. Imelda is horrible.
Kate Where is Imelda?
Finn Come with us!

3 They find Imelda.

Finn Look! There’s Imelda.
Star And that’s her mobile
Kate She’s got the crystal!
Sam Who is he?
Star His name’s Nero. He’s
Imelda’s bodyguard.

4 Imelda leaves in the

mobile palace.
Kate Wow, Look at those
Sam The palace can move!
Star Quick! You can follow
Imelda. 5 They follow Imelda.
Sam Good idea! Sam I’m scared.
Kate Come on. Run! Kate Don’t worry, Sam.

Put the events in the story in the correct order. Match the words from the story with the
a They meet Finn and Star. ■ 1 amazing (picture 1) a Not nice.
b Imelda leaves. ■ 2 horrible (picture 2) b Go after.
c The children arrive in Crystalia. ■1 3 follow (picture 4) c Frightened.
d They find Imelda’s palace. ■ 4 scared (picture 5) d Fantastic.
e They follow Imelda. ■

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Grammar Listening
Present simple (affirmative, spelling) Listen to Lucy and Kate. Choose the correct
Affirmative 3rd person spelling
I help helps
you like love + -s loves
he go goes
she likes teach teaches
it wash + -es washes
we guess guesses
you like fix fixes
they try + -ies tries

Write the third person singular form of the


1 eat 5 carry 1 Lucy’s dad makes great pizzas / hamburgers.

2 finish 6 get up 2 Oliver plays football / watches TV a lot.
3 make 7 tidy 3 Kate hates football / basketball.
4 go 8 kiss 4 Oliver and his mum like art / music.
5 Lucy / Oliver goes to the park with Bessie.
Complete the sentences. Use the present 6 Bessie is a lazy / clever dog.

We 1
(hate) Imelda. Guess about your partner’s family.

Finn and Star You live in Newton Street.

No, that’s wrong. I live

I2 (live) in Kennedy Street.
in Crystalia.

Finn Your brother plays football.

You 3 (play) a Yes, that’s right!

lot of sport in Crystalia.

Imelda 4 (travel) Complete the sentences about your family.
in a mobile palace. 1 My mum works …
2 We live …
Star 3 I get up …
4 My mum likes …
5 I play …
We 5 (want) 6 My dad watches …
to help Max.

Sam and Kate

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Look at the photos of the Flintstones. What do you know about them?
1 Do the Flintstones live in our time?
2 Do they have a pet?
3 Do they have a baby?

Read the text and check your answers to exercise 1.

Meet the Flintstones!

Do you know the Flintstones? They don’t live in
our time. They live in the Stone Age! They’ve
got a stone car, a stone TV and even a stone
5 Fred Flintstone loves films and bowling, and he
also loves golf. But he doesn’t like his job. In
fact, he’s quite lazy. He’s got a lot of crazy plans
and he wants to be very rich!
Fred’s wife Wilma loves her husband, but she
10 doesn’t like his crazy ideas. Wilma doesn’t work
because she stays at home with their baby
daughter Pebbles. She likes music and she
plays the piano, too. The Flintstones’ pet is a
red dinosaur! His name is Dino. When Fred
15 comes home from work, Dino kisses him!
The Flintstones’ neighbours are the Rubbles.
Barney Rubble works with Fred. His wife Betty
is Wilma’s best friend. Barney and Betty’s son
is Bamm-Bamm. He’s crazy!
20 The two families are great friends. At the
weekends, they go out in their stone car and eat
brontosaurus burgers! It’s their favourite food!

Read the text again and choose the correct Match the words from the text with the
answers. definitions.
1 Fred Flintstone likes … 1 the Stone Age a Have a lot of money.
a his job. b golf. c music. (line 2)
2 Wilma is Fred’s … 2 plans b A type of dinosaur.
a daughter. b pet. c wife. (line 7)
3 Dino … 3 rich c A time in the past.
a goes bowling with Fred. (line 8)
b kisses Fred. 4 brontosaurus d Ideas.
c works with Fred.
(line 22)
4 Betty is …
a Wilma’s sister. Discuss the questions.
b Barney’s daughter.
1 Do you like the Flintstones? Why/Why not?
c Wilma’s friend.
2 Do you know any other TV families?
5 At weekends, the Rubbles and the
Flintstones …
a watch TV. b go out. c play sport.

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Grammar Vocabulary
Present simple (negative, interrogative) Family

Negative Interrogative Complete Tim’s family tree with the words in

the box.
I do not like/don’t like Do I like …?
you you sister gra ndad mum cousin uncle
he he
she does not like/doesn’t like Does she like …?
it it Caroline + Alan

we we
you do not like/don’t like Do you like …?
they they
Short answers grandma +

Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

Look at the pictures and correct the Sarah + William Angela + Steve
Luke reads comics.
Luke doesn’t read
2 3
comics. He reads + dad aunt +

Tim Jake Amy Harry Sophie

2 Luke and Sarah play 3 Sarah supports 4 5

football. Manchester United. ME brother cousin

Sarah is William’s wife.

William is Sarah’s husband.
Amy is William’s daughter.
Tim is William’s son.
Amy is Caroline’s granddaughter.
4 Luke and Sarah 5 Luke likes chocolate. Harry is Caroline’s grandson.
listen to the radio.

Write the questions. Speaking

your mum/drive you to school? Ask and answer with a partner.
Does your mum drive you to school?
what sport/you play at school? Who is Tim’s grandma? Caroline.
What sport do you play at school?
1 you/like your teacher?
2 she/give you homework? Tim/grandma
3 what time/school/start? 1 Harry/parents 4 Harry/cousins
4 you/have lunch at school? 2 Alan/granddaughters 5 Angela/husband
5 where/you go/after school? 3 Sophie/brother 6 Amy/grandad
6 you/have lessons in the evening?

Answer the questions in exercise 7.

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Model text Listening

Read the text. Who cooks in Nick’s house? Look at the photos of Kelly and Matthew. Do
you think they are …
a friends?
b classmates?
c brother and sister?

My family by Nick Winton

I live in a big house with Mum and
Dad, my sister and my grandparents. Listen and check your answer to exercise 3.

My sister Julie is a good musician. Listen again and complete the notes.
She plays the guitar and she wants Kelly thinks Matthew is a bit boring.
to be a pop star. Julie has got a 1 After school, Matthew does his .
lot of friends. She goes out a lot, 2 He loves .
but she doesn’t tidy her room. 3 His room is very .
4 Kelly doesn’t like .
My mum is a teacher and my dad 5 She loves her .
works in a restaurant. They go to 6 Matthew and Kelly like .
work early. Grandma makes
breakfast for us and Grandad
takes us to school. In the evening, Speaking
my dad cooks dinner for us. He’s a Tell your partner about your family.
great cook! After dinner, I watch
TV or play cards with Grandad. But My parents’ names are …
he always wins!

I’ve got two … and one ….

Read the text again. Are the sentences true
or false? Correct the false sentences.
There are five people in Nick’s family. False
We live in …
There are six people in Nick’s family.
1 Nick’s house is very small.
2 He lives with his grandparents.
3 His mum doesn’t work. My sister likes …
4 Nick’s mum cooks dinner.
5 Nick plays cards with his grandma.

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Writing Song
and, but and or Listen and choose the
We use and, but and or to join two ideas. correct alternatives.
• My sister Jess reads books and magazines.
• I watch TV, but I don’t watch films.
• My brother doesn’t like football or basketball.
My lazy Saturday
• Do you want to eat pizza or pasta tonight?
On Saturdays, my mum 1gets/wakes up
And washes the kitchen floor
Look at the model text on page 26. My dad 2eats/has breakfast at eight o’clock
Underline and, but and or.
And then he cleans the car
Complete the sentences with and, but or or. My brother 3takes/has a long hot shower
And does some work for school
My sister 4meets/finds our cousin Ben
Outside the swimming pool

Saturdays are busy days

For them, but not for me
Because I 5wake/get up at ten o’clock
And then I watch TV

1 Is that a dog a cat?

2 I like Jack’s brother, I don’t like his sister.
3 Do you want burgers pasta?
4 My mum reads newspapers, she doesn’t
read books.
5 My aunt can play tennis basketball.
6 My cousin likes rap rock music.
7 Do you want to watch the film on Saturday

Write about your family. Use the model text

and the writing guide to help you.

Answer the questions.

Who has breakfast at eight o’clock?
the singer’s dad
Who likes TV? the singer
1 Who cleans the house?
2 Who goes swimming?
I live in … with my … 3 Who does homework?
I’ve got… brothers and … sisters 4 Who gets up late?
In the morning …
After school / dinner … 12 Find five family words in the song.

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