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Overview of Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Machines Technology

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Overview of Hybrid Excitation Synchronous

Machines Technology
Sami Hlioui(1), Member, IEEE, Yacine Amara(2), Member, IEEE, Emmanuel Hoang(3), Michel
Lecrivain(4), Mohamed Gabsi(3), Member, IEEE
SATIE, CNAM, CNRS, ENS Cachan, 61, av President Wilson, F-94230 Cachan, France
GREAH, 25,Philippe Lebon,76063, Le Havre Cedex
SATIE, ENS Cachan, CNRS, UniverSud

Abstract— This paper describes the state of the art of hybrid 5) Permanent magnet synchronous machines with
excitation synchronous machines. Different hybrid excited auxiliary exciting windings.
synchronous structures from scientific and technical literature Criteria used for classification of hybrid excitation
are described and analysed. Advantages and drawbacks of the
machines are first discussed and an updated review of recently
different structures are discussed. Different method of
classification of these structures will also be discussed. The developed hybrid excitation machines will be provided in this
contribution of the hybrid excitation principle for motoring and section.
generating mode is detailed and the different models for the
design of these structures are presented.
A. Classification criteria
The double excitation principle allows a wide variety of
Index Terms— Hybrid excitation, permanent magnet structures to be realized. Many criteria can then be chosen for
machines, electric machines design, flux weakening region, high the classification of double excitation machines. Classical
speed application, embedded applications criteria used for classification of other types of electric
machines can be used; such as 2D and 3D structures, radial
field and axial field structures. However, regarding the
particular structure of double excitation machines, the

H ybrid excitation machines are those which use two

excitation flux sources: permanent magnets (PM) as well
as field coil excitation source. The goal behind the association
presence of two excitation flux sources, two criteria seem
more specific for classification of these machines [6]:
1) by analogy with electric circuits, the first criterion
of both sources is to combine advantages of both PM concerns the way the two excitation flux sources
machines and wound field synchronous machines [1]. The are combined: series and parallel double excitation
good performances of hybrid excitation machines, such as machines [1];
improved flux weakening capability and efficiency, is 2) the second criterion concerns the localization of the
stimulating increased interest for their study. In generating excitation flux sources in the machine: both
mode, hybrid excitation machines connected to a passive sources in the stator, both sources in the rotor and
rectifier constitute an interesting alternative to permanent mixed localization. By mixed localization it is
magnet alternators associated to an active power converter [2], meant that one source (excitation coils or
[3]. In motoring mode, hybrid excitation principle allows an permanent magnets) is located in the rotor or the
easier high-speed operation while the use of permanent stator and the other source in the stator or the rotor
magnets helps increase the energy efficiency [1]. Hybrid respectively. Having excitation coils in the stator is
excitation principle can also be used to reduce PM volumes favored to avoid sliding contacts [6].
and save material cost. Some comprehensive reviews on
hybrid excited topologies can be found in [1], [2], [4–9]. An B. Review of Recent Literature
alternative and updated review will be provided in this paper. A non exhaustive review of literature, dedicated to hybrid
excitation machines, is presented in this section. In this
II. STATE OF THE ART section, the structures studied in scientific and technical
literature are presented according to the nature of magnetic
Before presenting the literature review of the recently
field trajectories within these machines, i.e. 2D and 3D
investigated hybrid excited topologies, it should be noticed
structures. The choice of this classification is motivated by the
that different terms are used to qualify this kind of machines in
fact that 2D structures are more simple to study, design, and
scientific and technical literature:
manufacture than the 3D structures, and therefore more
1) Hybrid excitation synchronous machines;
attractive for industrial applications. Advantages and
2) Double excitation synchronous machines;
drawbacks of both configurations (2D and 3D structures) will
3) Dual excitation synchronous machines;
be discussed.
4) Combined excitation synchronous machines;

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C. 2D Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Machines

One of the structures which attracted considerable research
efforts, in the last years, is the hybrid excited flux switching
structure. Different hybrid excited flux switching topologies
have been investigated [10–14]. The 2D nature of magnetic
flux in flux-switching machines and the presence of all
magnetic field sources [permanent magnets and windings
(armature and excitation coils)] in the stator, which implies a
completely passive rotor, makes it a very good candidate in
many different applications. Fig. 1 presents a hybrid excited
flux switching structure which has been investigated in [11]
and [14]. This structure is also investigated in [13] and
compared to two other hybrid excited flux switching structures
with iron flux bridges. Authors concluded that this structure Fig. 1 Hybrid excited flux switching structure with iron flux bridges [11], [23]
(Fig. 1) has the most efficient open circuit flux control
capability as compared to the two other structures presented in
[13]. More recently, a new hybrid excited flux switching
structure has been investigated in [12]. This structure has been
developed to eliminate some disadvantages present in
structures with iron flux bridges that suffer from the presence
of the flux path of dc excitation (iron flux bridges) which
significantly reduces the main flux excited by magnets and
even short circuits the magnet flux. While all structures,
studied in [11–14], can be classified as parallel hybrid
excitation machines, the hybrid excited flux switching
structure investigated in [15] can be classified as series hybrid
excitation machines. This structure of hybrid excited flux
switching machines suffer from the fact that the dc excitation Fig. 2 Series hybrid excited structure [19].
field is in series with the field excited by magnets, which The machine shown in Fig. 2 has been investigated in [19].
limits the flux-adjusting capability due to low permeability of A modified series hybrid excited synchronous structure has
magnets. been studied in [6]. As the structure investigated in [15], these
Other 2D hybrid excited structures where both magnetic structures suffer from the fact that the dc excitation field is in
excitation field sources are located in the stator as for flux series with the field excited by magnets, which limits the flux-
switching machines do exist [16–18]. The EMF is induced in adjusting capability due to low permeability of magnets.
armature windings as a consequence of the modulation of However, the series hybrid excited structure studied in [6]
armature flux linkage, which is unidirectional in the armature should have a more efficient flux control capability as
coils, due to the variation of air-gap magnetic permeance compared to the one studied in [19].
when the salient rotor is turning. Different structures based on In [20–22], parallel hybrid excited synchronous structures,
this principal have been investigated in [16–18]. The fact that where both excitation flux sources are located in the rotor,
armature flux linkage is unidirectional implies a lower power have been investigated. The harmonic of open circuit magnetic
density for these machines as compared to flux switching field responsible of torque production is in fact modulated
structures for same design conditions. While structures studied using the dc excitation.
in [16] and [17] can be classified as series hybrid excitation Each structure has some advantages and drawbacks as
machines, the structure studied in [18] can be classified as compared to other structures. Flux switching structures, even
parallel hybrid excitation machine. with a simple excitation (permanent magnets or excitation
In all structures studied in [11–18], all magnetic field windings), are subject to magnetic saturation more than other
sources are located in the stator, thus avoiding sliding structures. Indeed, the presence of all magnetic field sources in
contacts. Indeed, the presence of sliding contacts implies some the stator, within a limited radial excursion, limits the
drawbacks, as brush sparking and slip ring maintenance available space for iron cores. Hybrid excited structures where
problem. Nevertheless, hybrid excited structures with slip an unidirectional flux linkage is modulated by a variable
rings do exist [3], [6], [19–22]; problems linked to the reluctance rotor should have a lower power density as
presence of sliding contacts being less restrictive for relatively compared to other 2D hybrid excited structures for same
low power applications in which these structures may be used. design constraints. Furthermore, the fact that the different
Fig. 2 shows a series hybrid excitation synchronous magnetic field sources are distributed over a larger radial
machine where both excitation flux sources are located in the excursion should make them heavier compared to flux
rotor [19]. switching machines, in particular for interior radial flux

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structures. 2D structures where excitation flux sources are

located in the rotor help solve the problem of magnetic
saturation of stator core as compared to flux switching
structures, and should have a higher power density as
compared to hybrid excited structures where an unidirectional
flux linkage is modulated by a variable reluctance rotor.
However, the presence of slip rings constitutes the major
drawback of these structures.
D. 3D Hybrid Excitation Synchronous Machines
Even if 3D structures are relatively more difficult to analyze
and manufacture than 2D ones, research on hybrid excitation
machines having 3D structures still relatively important [24–
39]. Compared to 2D structures, the choice of a 3D structure
allows a wide variety of machines to be realized. Most of 3D Fig. 4 Parallel hybrid excited 3D structure [5]
hybrid excited structures are based on parallel hybrid For all the rest of 3D hybrid excitation structures, the
excitation. Nevertheless, a 3D hybrid series excited excitation coils are static and permanent magnets located in
synchronous machine has been reported in [26] (Fig. 3). Fig. 4 the rotor.
shows a 3D parallel hybrid excited structure which has been Even if all structures discussed earlier are rotating
investigated in [5]. In most of the 3D structures, the excitation machines, it should be noticed that hybrid excitation principal
coils are static, thus avoiding sliding contacts. However, has also been applied to the case of linear motion structures
providing a low reluctance path for static wound field [39–41]. It should be noticed that many hybrid excitation
excitation flux implies the need of additional ferromagnetic structures have been also reported in many patent applications
pieces which make 3D structures heavier than 2D [21], [23], [24], [26], [28], [29], [38], [42–54]. While first
counterparts. applications where from European countries, Japan and USA,
Given the diversity of 3D hybrid excited machines studied there is a notably increase of patent applications from China
in scientific and technical literature [24–38], a classification [46–54].
according to the second criterion (localization of the excitation
1) both sources in the rotor: [24] and [25];
2) both sources in the stator: [26] (Fig. 3); The goal behind the association of both sources (permanent
3) mixed localization (static excitation coils and magnets and excitation windings) is to combine advantages of
permanent magnets in the rotor): [27–38]. PM machines and wound field synchronous machines.
The structures studied in [24] and [25] consist in two rotors, Improved flux weakening capability is one of the
a permanent magnet rotor and a wound field rotor, arranged in characteristics of hybrid excitation synchronous machines;
the machines axial direction (perpendicular to motion plane) another one is the hybridization ratio α, which is an additional
under same stator. The armature windings span the two rotors. degree of freedom from a design point of view and is defined
Fig. 3 shows a 3D series hybrid excited structure which has as
been reported in [5]. This machine is the sole 3D series hybrid ) pm
D (1)
excitation structure reported in technical literature. ) e max
where, Φpm is the PM flux linkage, and Φe max is the maximum
value of armature flux linkage.
The advantages brought by hybrid excitation principle are
discussed for motoring and generating modes in following
A. Motoring Mode
The advantages of hybrid excitation principle are assessed
in what follows for electric and hybrid traction applications
[1], [14]. Even if hybrid excitation machines are used in other
applications [37], the assets offered by hybrid excitation
principle are fully exploited in electric traction [1].
From the control point of view, hybrid excitation machines
Fig. 3 Series hybrid excited 3D structure [26] are similar to wound field machines. From the design point of
view, hybrid excitation machines have an additional degree of
freedom, which is the hybridization ratio α.

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Compared with a PM machine, the hybrid excitation one

has an extended operating area as for a wound field machine.
The maximum operating speed can be theoretically infinite.
Furthermore, maximum efficiency is equal to that of PM
machines, and it is higher than that of the wound field motor.
Thus, the hybrid excitation machine allows combining the
advantages of the PM and wound field machines.
In automotive application, traction motors operate over the
entire torque/speed range. Efficiency maps constitute then a
convenient way to assess motor design [55–58]. Traction
motors should be able to operate at any torque/speed (a) (b)
combination within the motor’s operating envelope. In
Fig. 6. Hybrid excitation synchronous machine prototype. (a) Stator. (b) Rotor
particular, traction motors should have the maximum
efficiency at the most frequently used operating point, which
is located, in most cases, in partial load areas. By adjusting the
value of α, in hybrid excited machines, it is possible to shift a
high efficiency area into the desired (torque, speed) region.
Fig. 5 (a) and (b) shows, respectively, efficiency maps for
two values of hybridization ratio, i.e., α | 0.72 and α = 1. Both
maps are drawn from experimental data. The machine used in
this experimental study is shown in Fig. 6. More details
concerning this experimental study can be found in [1]. Fig. 7
illustrates the flux control capability of this machine.



Fig. 7. Measured flux control capability. (a) Flux variation. (b) EMF variation
(170 r/min).
As it has been highlighted in this section, the hybrid
excitation machines allows combining advantages of PM
machines and those of wound field excitation machines.
Hybrid excitation offers an additional degree of freedom that
allows improving the energy efficiency of the traction motor
in electric or hybrid vehicle applications.
B. Generating Mode
The use of hybrid excited synchronous generators for
various applications has been reported in scientific literature
(b) [3], [59–61]. In [60], authors compared different hybrid
Fig. 5. Measured efficiency maps in the torque/speed plane. (a) α ≈ 0.72. (b) excited generators for an islanded application. In [61], authors
investigated a hybrid excited machine for wind generation

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systems. In [3], authors investigate the use of a hybrid Flux

Flux Enhancement Flux (MMF=0 A)
excitation machine as an automotive alternator. Weakening
In generating mode the hybrid excitation structures can be SHEM -30% +17% 87mWb/m
advantageously exploited in applications requiring variable PHEM -70% +95% 65mWb/m
speed constant voltage operations, e.g., automotive alternators Table 1. SHEM and PHEM Flux control capability comparison
applications (Fig. 8). Indeed, there is a growing demand for
efficient electric power generation in automobiles [62]. One of
the potential solutions to meet these requirements is the use of
permanent magnet alternators [62]. However, the use of
permanent magnet alternators implies the need of a
controllable power converter, which will impact negatively the
cost of the generation system. In hybrid excited alternators, the
use of auxiliary windings to control the armature flux linkage
allows the use of simple diode rectifier, thus avoiding the use
of a costly controllable power converter.
As for the motoring mode hybrid excitation alternators
allow combining the advantages of the PM and wound field


EXCITATION MACHINES Fig. 9. Comparison of the open flux control capability for a parallel and a
As Said previously in section II, hybrid excitation series hybrid excitation machines
synchronous machines can be classified by analogy to electric
circuit to Series Hybrid Excitation Machines (SHEM) and However, it is important to mention that the PM
Parallels Hybrid Excitation Machines (PHEM). The main demagnetization risk in this SHEM, due to excitation
difference between these two categories is that, for the SHEM, windings, is completely cancelled if this DC coils are only
the flux created by the excitation windings passes through the used for flux enhancing. Nevertheless, for vehicle propulsion
permanent magnets unlike the PHEM case. This means that applications, the electric traction machine is supposed to
for the SHEM case, the risk of demagnetization of the operate at relatively high speed. Designing the double
permanent magnets is existent and during the design process excitation machine for only flux enhancing mode means that
of these machines a special care have to be taken in order to the high-speed operation will condition the PM excitation
avoid this disagreement. circuit design. In this case, the improvement of efficiency in
Apart from this, depending of the studied case, both SHEM the most used operating points, which are mostly located
and PHEM can have good flux control capabilities. In order to around the base speed under light load in the torque/speed
compare this flux control capability, in [63] authors have plane (or power/speed plane), may not be possible.
developed and analytical model, based on the formal Otherwise, considering the total flux obtained by permanent
resolution of the Maxwell equations, to design and study a magnets, i.e when the DC excitation MMF is equal to zero, we
SHEM (Fig. 2). This machine has been optimally designed so can see in Fig. 9, that the SHEM produces more flux than the
as to obtain the better flux control capability. Then, the PHEM. This is mainly due to the difference between the used
obtained structure has been compared to a PHEM (Fig. 6). permanent magnets in these machines. In fact, while for the
Fig. 9 shows the total open flux evolution versus DC SHEM NdFeB magnets are used, ferrite magnets were
excitation current MMF for these two machines. employed for the PHEM. However, it should be noticed that
The obtained performances are summarized in Table 1. We ferrite magnets can be easily replaced by NdFeB magnets. The
can notice that the parallel hybrid excitation machine has use of NdFeB magnets helps increase the excitation flux due
better flux control than the series hybrid excitation machine. to permanent magnets, which can reach the same level
In fact, for the PHEM, the flux created by the excitation coils compared with SHEM.
does not pass through the permanent magnet (unlike the Finally, even if the PHEM seems to have a better flux
SHEM case). Consequently, the path is less reluctant and the control capability than the SHEM, a drawback related to the
excitation windings are more efficient and the risk of PM construction of the studied PHEM should be pointed out.
demagnetization does not exist. Indeed, since the flux created by excitation coils should pass
through the rotor laminated part in the axial direction (the
permeability is low in this direction), the open circuit flux
control capability of such a design should decrease as the
volume/length ratio of the structure decreases. Nevertheless,
massive magnetic material can be used in rotor construction
instead of laminations to overcome this problem [64].
Fig. 8. Automotive electrical power generation system.

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Hybrid excitation machines, regardless of their structures,
are mainly dedicated to variable speed/torque applications. In
fact, for single operating point applications, classical
permanent magnets machines are fare more interesting since
they have high power and torque densities, are easier to
manufacture, and do not require the additional power
converter for the DC coils needed in the case of the hybrid
excitation machines. However, for variable speed applications,
especially when the speed range is very wide, the hybrid
excited structures become more adapted than simple excited
PM machines. For this type of applications, e.g., HEV or EV,
the existence of the DC excitation coils (for hybrid excitation
machines) provides an additional degree of freedom that can
be used to increase the efficiency in the most used regions of Fig. 10. Analytical model (Maxwell equations formal resolution)
the torque/speed plane as explained in section III-A.
In this section, a design approach of hybrid excited This type of modeling (MEC) has been already largely
structures is discussed. First, modeling methods used in the applied to permanent magnet machines. It has been recently
design of hybrid excited structures are presented. Then, the applied to different hybrid excitation machines, 2D [61], [68]
design optimization of a flux switching hybrid excited or 3D structure [69–71]. In [71], authors have developed and
machine is presented to illustrate the adopted approach. equivalent magnetic circuit of the machine presented in Fig. 6,
in order to study its flux control capability. Fig. 11. shows the
A. Modeling for the design 3D equivalent magnetic circuit in d-axis position. As said
Different models for the design of hybrid excitation previously, the main advantage of these models is their
machines are developed and can be classified into two capability to take into account the saturation phenomena. They
categories: gives good agreement with measurement, however, due to
- Analytical models: complex topology of studied machine, the setting of the
o equivalent magnetic circuits; equivalent model is quite difficult and the different flux paths
o formal solution of Maxwell equations. in the machine must be well known in order to have the right
- Numerical models: estimation of the different reluctances. So generally, finite
o Finite elements analysis. element analysis (FEA) are used to help for the establishment
1) Analytical models of the reluctances network.
Different analytical models, based on the formal solution of 2) Numerical models
Maxwell equations, have been developed [63], [65–67]. In These models are the most used to study and design hybrid
[66], authors presents an analytical model of a series hybrid excitation synchronous machines. In fact, thanks to the quite
machine (Fig. 2). Fig. 10. shows the idealized geometry in facility to establish these models and the good agreements
which the formal solution of Maxwell equations in low they give compared to measurements, the finite elements
permeability regions is developed. General expression of the analysis are the most used method for the study of classical
magnetic vector potential solution is given in Fig. 10. electrical machines and non classical ones, such as the hybrid
The main advantage of this formalism is its reduced excitation machines.
execution time and its ability to handle wide geometric
parameters variations (genericity). In fact, in an optimization
process, for example, it is interesting to test all the possible
values of the different geometric parameters (such as the
stator’s tooth width, the PM height and width, … etc.) in order
to optimize the design of the studied machine.
However, it is important to mention that this kind of model
considers that the iron have an infinite permeability in order to
be able to solve the problem. Thus, the magnetic saturation
phenomenon is not taken into account.
For different embedded applications, the attributed volume
for the electrical machine is generally too small to be able to
design an optimal machine without reaching high induction
values that exceed those of the used material B-H linear
region. In order to take into account the saturation phenomena,
designers develop models based on the equivalent magnetic Fig. 11. 3D equivalent magnetic circuit of a hybrid excitation synchronous
circuit method (MEC). machine

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Fig. 12. shows a 3D finite element model of the hybrid

excitation synchronous machine presented previously in Fig.
4. However, the main drawback of this method is the time of
computation. In fact, FEA analyses, especially the 3D ones,
are too time consuming. In an optimization process it is not
possible to use this kind of model especially when the
optimization parameters vary in a very large domain. In this
case, finite elements analysis and especially the 3D ones are
used for the validation process of obtained optimal machines.
B. Application to electric and hybrid traction
As previously presented in section III, hybrid excitation
machines are well suited for the hybrid and electric vehicle Fig. 14. Torque versus armature current for different excitation currents.
application. In fact, in the case of these applications, the
It can be observed that when the excitation current density
electrical machine has to fulfill different constraints like: high
varies from 0 to 20 A/mm², the torque’s average value is
efficiency, high torque density, high torque and wide speed
doubled for an armature current density equal to 20A/mm².
range. Different topologies of Hybrid excitation synchronous
The analysis of optimized machine performance shows that
machines were studied for these applications [1], [14], [15],
must used operating (torque, speed) points, located in partial
[72], and it was shown that, thanks to the double excitation
load, low speed region, are reached without the need of the
principle, these special machines are good candidates for such
auxiliary DC excitation coils, thus obtaining higher efficiency.
applications. The hybrid excitation flux switching machine
By supplying the DC excitation coils and reinforcing the
(HESFM) is one of these structures that has been optimally
linkage flux, it will be possible to reach higher torque
designed, using 2D finite elements analysis, for the hybrid
operating point.
vehicle application [14].
In [73], the authors analyzed the optimized machine
The obtained geometry is given in Fig. 13. In order to
performance considering the New European Driving Cycle
appreciate the control capability of these hybrid excitation
(NEDC) shown on Fig. 15. This cycle represents the typical
machine, Fig. 14 shows the evolution of the torque average
usage of a car in Europe.
value versus armature current density for different DC
For each operating point of this driving cycle, the optimal
excitation current densities.
control parameters of this machine were determined in order
to fulfill different constraints.
For each operating point:
 The torque average value must be reached;
 The DC excitation and the d-axis current densities
must be determined in order to fulfill the DC
maximum voltage constraint;
 The q-axis, d-axis and DC excitations current
densities must be chosen in order to minimize the
total power losses, i.e. copper losses and iron
Copper losses are computed by classical formula taking into
account: current densities, windings sections, filling factors
Fig. 12. 3D Finite elements model of a parallel hybrid excitation and windings lengths.
synchronous machine

Fig. 13. Design of the HEFSM for a Hybrid Vehicle application Fig. 15. NEDC Driving cycle

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Iron losses are computed by considering the formula given

below (1) [74]. The iron losses are calculated in each element
of the 2D mesh of the finite element model of the machine.
Liron i , r& orT& (W / m3 ) Lh  Lec (1)
where, Lh k h1
'Bppi , r& orT&  kh 2 'B 2 ppi , r& orT& f , and
§ dB & & · ,
Lec ³ D p ¨¨ i , r orT ¸¸ dt
T 0 © dt ¹
kh1, kh2 and Dp: constant corresponding to used iron steel;
'B : peak to peak value of the flux density;
Br& : radial component of the flux density;
BT& : ortho-radial component of the flux density.
Core loss density distribution in the machine is given in Fig.
Fig. 18. DC excitation current density of the HEFSM on the NEDC driving
16 and total power losses for the NE driving cycle are given in cycle
Fig. 17. Peak power losses are corresponding to high torque
and high speed values. VI. CONCLUSION
Fig. 18 shows the DC excitation coils current density for
each operating point of the NEDC driving cycle. These coils In this paper, an overview of hybrid excitation machines
are supplied in order to reach the higher torque operating technology has been presented. An update state of the art of
points and to minimize to total losses for most used (torque, the different existing structures has been reported and a
speed) operating points [73]. classification of these structures has been given by considering
The average power losses over the driving cycle are their 2D or 3D structure. The advantages and drawbacks of
computed and are given below: these different machines topologies were qualitatively
discussed. The interest of the hybrid excitation machines was,
 Average losses = 1915 W
then, presented for both motoring and generating modes. It
 Copper losses = 955 W (q-axis = 450 W; d-
was shown that these kind of electrical machines are suitable
axis = 65 W ; Exc. = 440 W)
for variable speed applications and especially for hybrid
 Iron losses = 962 W
electrical vehicles and electrical vehicles applications. The
different models used for the design of these structures were
presented. Advantages and limitations of each model were
discussed. Finally, an example of a hybrid excitation
switching flux machine optimal design and performance
analysis was presented. This paper highlighted the
contribution of hybrid excitation principle for variable speed
applications. The additional degree of freedom, inherent to the
constitution of hybrid excitation structures, makes them good
candidates for many applications.
Fig. 16. Iron power losses density (in W/kg) distribution in the rotor and the
stator of the HEFSSM for N=4000 rpm, an armature current density equal to
30A/mm² and an excitation current density equal to 30A/mm² VII. REFERENCES
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