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Basic Interface of Flash

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General Information: Adobe Flash is a product of Multimedia. Originally acquired

by Macromedia in 1996. It’s a popular method for Graphics, text, animation and
applications for websites, advertisements, and to integrate videos into web pages. It
can also be used to create executable files to be played from CD or any PC without
requiring any additional software. They consist primarily of Vector graphics, but they
can also contain imported video, bitmap graphics, and sounds. Web designers use
Flash to create navigation controls, animated logos, long-form animations with
synchronized sound, and even complete rich Web Sites.

Note: Long-form animation: The process of providing some form of moving video.

Flash movies use compact vector graphics, so they download rapidly and scale to the
viewer’s screen size while restoring the same quality of the graphics.

Viewing a Flash movie on the Flash Player is similar to viewing a DVD on a DVD
player – the Flash Player is the device used to display the movies you create in the
Flash authoring application.

Kinds of Computer Graphics:-

There are two kinds of computer graphics: VECTOR(composed of

paths) and Raster ( combination of pixels).

A bitmap image uses a grid of individual pixels where each pixel

can be a different color or shade. Bitmaps are composed of

Vector graphics use mathematical relationships between points and the paths
connecting them to describe an image. Vector graphics are composed of paths.

Flash documents, which have the .fla file name extension, contain all the information
required to develop, design, and test interactive content ( might be referred to as
the working document or source file). Flash documents are not the movies the Flash
Player displays. Instead, you publish you FLA documents as Flash movies, which
have the .swf filename extension and contain only the information needed to display
the movie.

General Flash seetings and features.


Like films, Flash movies divide lengths of time into frames. The Stage is where you
compose the content for individual frames in the movie; drawing artwork on it
directly or arranging imported artwork on it.

When the grid is displayed in a document, it appears as a set of lines behind the
artwork in all scenes. You can snap objects to the grid, and you can modify the
grid size and grid color.


1) Choose View>Grid>Edit Grid

2) For Color, click the triangle in the color box and select a grid line COLOR from
the palette.
3) The default grid line color is Gray.
4) Select or deselect SHOW GRID to display or hide the grid
5) Select or deselect Snap to Grid to turn snapping to grid lines on or off.
6) For grid spacing, enter values in the text boxes to the right of the horizontal
and vertical arrows.
7) For Snap Accuracy, select an option from the pop-up menu.
8) If you want to save the current settings as the default, click Save Default.

You can drag horizontal and vertical guides from the rulers onto the stage when the
rulers are displayed. You can move guides, lock guides, hide guides, and remove
guides. You can also snap objects to guides, and change guide color and snap
tolerance ( how close objects must be to snap to a guide). Drag-able guides appear
only in the Timeline in which they were created.


1) Choose View>Guides>Edit Guides.

2) For Color, click the triangle in the colr box and select a guideline color from
the palatte. The default guide color is green.
3) Select or deselect Show Guides to display or hide guides.
4) Select or deselect Snap to Guides to turn snapping to guides on or off.
5) Select or deselect Lock Guides to lock or unlock guides.
6) For Snap Accuracy, select an optin from the pop-up menu.
7) If you want to remove all guides, click Clear All.
8) If you want to save the current settings as the default, click Save Default.


1) Choose File>New
2) Choose Modify>Document. The Document Properties dialog box appears.
(shortcut key [ctrl+J]). The document Properties dialog box appears.
3) For Frame Rate, enter the number of animation frames to be displayed every
second. For most computer-displayed animations, specially those playing
from a website, 8 fps(frames per second) to 12 fps is sufficient.
4) To set the background coor of your movie, click the triangle in the
background color box and select a color frm the palette.


1) Choose File> New from Template.

Using the TIMELINE

The Timeline organizes and controls a movie’s conent over time in layers and
frames. Like films, Flash movies divide lengths of time into frames. Layers are like
multiple film strips stacked on top of each other, each containing a different image or
object that appears on the Stage. The major components of the Timeline are layers,
frames, and the playhead. Layers in a document are listed in a column on the left
side of the Timeline. Frames contained in each layer appear in a row to the right of
the layer name. The Timeline header at the top of the Timeline indicates frame
numbers. The playhear indicates the current frame displayed on the stage.

The Timeline status display at the bottom of the Timeline indicated the selected
frame number, the current frame rate, and the elapsed time to the current frame.
You can change the way frames are displayed, as well as display thumbnails of frame
content in the Timeline. The Timeline shows where there is animation in a movie.
Controls in the layers section of the Timeline let you hide or show, lok or unlock
layers, as well as display contents as outlines.

You can insert, delete, select, and move frames in the Timeline. You can also drag
frames to a new location on the same layer or to a different layer.

Changing the location of the playhead: The playhead moves through the Timeline to
indicate the current frame displayed on the Stage. The Timeline header shows the
frame numbers of the animation. To display a frame on the stage, you move the
playhead to the frame in the Timeline.


A Key frame is a frame in which you define a change in an animation or include

frame actions to modify a movie. Flash can tween, or fill in, the frames between key
frames to produce animations. Because keyframes let you produce animation without
drawing each frame, they make creating movies easier.

You can change the length of a tweened animation by dragging a keyframe in the

The order in which frames and keyframes appear in the Timeline determined the
order in which they are displayed in a movie. You can arrange keyframes in the
Timeline to edit the sequence of events in a movie.


You can perform the following modifications on frames or keyframes:

Insert, select, delete and move frames or keyframes.

• Drag frames and keyframes to a new location on the same layer or on a

different layer.
• Copy and paste frames and keyframes
• Convert keyframes to frames
• Drag an item from the Library panel onto the stage to add the item to the
current Keyframe


To insert a new frame, Choose Insert> Frame

To create a new keyframe, choose Insert> Keyframe or right-click the frame
where you want to place a keyframe, and choose Insert Keyframe from the
context menu.
To create a new blank keyframe, choose Insert> Blank Keyframe.

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