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Alelopatie Review

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Article  in  Jordan Journal of Applied Science · January 2020

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Javed Kamal
Quaid-i-Azam University


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Journal of Novel Applied Sciences
Available online at
©2020 JNAS Journal-2020-9-1/1-12
ISSN 2322-5149 ©2020 JNAS


Javed Kamal

Department of Plant Sciences, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Quaid-I-Azam University, Islamabad,


Corresponding author: Javed Kamal

Mobile: 00923046886850

ABSTRACT: Allelopathy is a well known area of active research in ecology. However, its importance in
agro-ecology is still underappreciated. This review sets out to address this situation and introduce this new
and developing field to a wider research audience and to stimulate new research in it. The review starts
with an introduction, followed by discussions of allelochemicals, the role of allelopathy in crop production,
Allelopathy related problems in crop production, and Suggestions for future research. It also describes
broader research into allelopathy in agriculture and the biosciences, and literature resources on the
subject. We hope that it will encourage more scientists to initiate research into this exciting new field.

Keywords: Allelopathy, Agro-ecology, Bio-sciences, Crop production, Ecology.


Allelopathy is a natural phenomenon, defined as:

“The inhibition of growth in one species of plants by chemicals produced by another species”
Or, more widely:
“The biochemical interactions among all types of plants, including microorganisms”
The word allelopathy derives from two roots: allelon, meaning “of each other”; and pathos, meaning “to suffer”. The
“inhibitory” chemical is released into the environment by one plant, where it then affects the growth and development
of its neighbors.
All living things need certain resources to live and grow, and plants require sunlight, nutrients, water, and air.
The roots bring nutrients and water from the ground to the plant. The leaves absorb the energy of the sun’s rays.
Plants require sufficient space to meet their needs and many use allelopathic defenses to protect the space around
There are four major reasons why trees require their own space: fire, water, roots, and sun.
Plants need to protect themselves from harm and fire is always a threat in the wild. If trees grow too close to
each another, fire can spread from one to another very easily. Trees therefore create space for themselves in order
to remain safe. Water is in short supply in some areas, and reducing the number of surrounding plants increases the
water available for the roots. Likewise, the amount of soil available for a plant’s roots to grow in can be increased by
using allelopathic defenses to kill the roots of surrounding plants. Plants also need sunlight to grow. If too many other
plants are growing nearby, a plant will be shaded and less able to grow. Allelopathic defenses can be used to prevent
other plants growing nearby and so help them to compete for sunlight.
There are many different types of chemical allelopathy. In one, the plant space releases growth-inhibitors from
its roots into the ground to protect its immediate surroundings. New plants trying to grow near the allelopathic plant
absorb those chemicals from the soil and die. In another, an allelopathic plant releases chemicals that slow or stop
photosynthesis in its neighboring plants, or alter the amount of chlorophyll in their leaves, preventing them from
synthesizing sufficient food so that their growth is inhibited or they die. While the term was initially coined to describe
the detrimental influence of one plant upon another, it is now also used to encompass both detrimental and beneficial
chemical interactions. Also, while it was initially restricted to interactions among higher plants, it is also now also
applied to interactions among plants at all levels, including algae. In addition, interactions between plants and
J Nov. Appl Sci., 9 (1): 1-12, 2020

herbivorous insects or nematodes, in which plant substances attract, repel, deter, or retard the growth of attacking
insects or nematodes are considered to be allelopathic. Interactions between soil microorganisms and plants can
also be allelopathic in nature. Fungi and bacteria may produce and release growth inhibitors or promoters. Some soil
bacteria enhance plant growth through fixing nitrogen, while others make phosphorus available to plants.
Allelopathic compounds and interactions are much more common in terrestrial plants. In aquatic situations, the
chemicals released are too diluted to have significant interspecies competitive effects. In aquatic plants, allelopathic
chemicals are used primarily to prevent the plant from being eaten by herbivores, rather than to compete with
surrounding plants. Some scientists think that some aquatic plants can inhibit the growth of unicellular algae, but this
is not generally agreed, and it is suggested that these are in fact, competitive phenomena rather than allelopathic. In
allelopathy, a chemical is released by a plant into the environment, whereas in competition, one plant is merely more
successful in sequestering resources such as minerals, water, space, carbon dioxide, and light than its neighbors. In
the field, both allelopathy and competition usually act simultaneously. Prime examples of plants that use allelopathy
to reserve their own space are black walnut trees, sunflowers, wormwoods, sagebrushes, and trees of heaven. Some
pine trees are allelopathic. When their needles fall to the ground, they begin to decompose, releasing acids into the
soil which keeps unwanted plants from growing near the pine tree.

Allelochemicals are the Cause of Toxicity

Allelopathy is important in sustainable agriculture, and is therefore a priority area of research in many part of the
world including the USA, Canada, the European Union, Russia, Japan, Korea, Australia, Mexico, and Brazil. It is a
multidisciplinary subject incorporating agriculture (agronomy, soil science, genetics/plant breeding, agroforestry,
horticulture, vegetable crops, and weed, pest and disease control) as well as various biosciences (biotechnology,
chemistry, biochemistry, microbiology, plant physiology, fisheries and aquaculture, and zoology).
It is interesting to note the similarities between allelopathy and the Ayurveda system of medicine, particularly
with respect to pest control and the treatment of human diseases. Both systems use plants or plant extracts to control
plant pests or human diseases, and the organisms under attack do not develop tolerance/resistance either to
allelochemicals or Ayurvedic medicines, unlike pesticides or conventional allopathic medicines. In view of the
numerous problems associated with pesticides and modern allopathic medicines, many environmentally conscious
people in developed countries are turning to the use of herbal medicines for human disease control and
allelochemicals for crop pest management.
Although, the impact of allelopathy on agriculture was recognized by Democritus and Theophrastus in the 5 th
and the 3rd Century B.C., respectively (Smith and Secoy, 1977) and by DeCandolle in 1832, most of the progress in
this field has occurred during the 20th century (Rice, 1984). Since the 1960’s, allelopathy has been increasingly
recognized as an important ecological mechanism influencing plant dominance, succession, the formation of plant
communities and climax vegetation, and crop productivity. It has been related to problems in the weed-crop
interference (Bell and Koeppe, 1972), in phytotoxicity in stubble mulch fanning (McCalla and Haskins, 1964), and in
certain types of crop rotations (Conrad, 1927). Rice (1984) showed that allelopathy contributed to the problem of
weed seed longevity through two mechanisms: a) chemical inhibitors in the seed which prevent their decay by
microbes; and b) inhibitors which keep the seed dormant, though viable for many years. Most of the allelopathic
research on crops has been conducted in developed countries where mono-cropping is practiced because winters
are too severe to allow the growth of a second crop within the same calendar year. However, there has been much
less research in irrigated areas in the tropics and subtropics where the climate allows year round cropping and an
array of crops and weeds exist together, despite the fact that allelopathy plays a greater role under these conditions.
The role of allelopathy in sustainable agriculture may therefore make it an important strategy in increasing agricultural
production in the 21st century.

Proof of Allelopathy
A number of studies have provided excellent evidence for allelopathy but only a few investigators have followed
a specific protocol (similar to Koch’s postulates for proof of disease) to demonstrate the phenomenon conclusively
(Fuerst and Putnam, 1983). Proving allelopathy generally involves the following sequence of events:
i) Demonstrate the allelopathic effect using suitable controls, describe the symptoms, and quantify the growth
reduction caused.
ii) Isolate, characterize and assay the allelochemicals involved. Identification of chemicals that are not artifacts is
ii) Obtain toxicity with similar symptoms by adding the allelochemicals identified to the system.
iv) Monitor the release of chemicals from the allelopathic plant and detect them in the environment (soil, air, etc.)
around the affected plant, and ideally in the recipient plant itself.

J Nov. Appl Sci., 9 (1): 1-12, 2020

Organisms interact in many interesting ways. Chemicals produced by one organism that affect another organism
are called allelochemicals (Barbour et al., 1980; Krebs, 1978; Ricklefs, 1979; Whittaker, 1975). Sometimes a single
chemical produced by one organism is harmful to another organism but beneficial to a third. Plants of the mustard
family secrete mustard oils that irritate many animals and thus prevent them from feeding on the mustard plants. Yet
these same oils attract other animals that feed on mustard plants. One of the oils even stimulates germination of the
spores of a fungus that is parasitic on mustard roots. We are beginning to appreciate that communities include many
complex webs of chemical interactions. For example, fungi and mycelial bacteria secrete allelochemicals that are
lethal to other bacteria. We have learned to use these substances in modern medicine and call them antibioticsand
they are now part of the ecological interactions of humans. Allelochemicals were suspected in 19th century agriculture
because of many observations of “soil sickness” of farmlands. If a piece of ground is continually cropped with one
plant, the yields often decrease and cannot be improved by additional fertilizer. Fruit trees, for example, often do
poorly in ground where the same species has grown before. Furthermore, it is common for one plant to harm another
plant grown in its vicinity (by allelopathy). Many experiments of the type illustrated in Fig. 1 have been performed. In
this experiment, one set of apple seedlings was watered with tap water, another set with water that had percolated
through soil with grass growing in it, and a third set with water that had percolated through soil with nothing growing
in it. Growth of the apple seedlings was apparently inhibited by something produced by the grass plants, since
seedlings in the other two treatments grew much better. In a few cases, the allelochemicals have been isolated and
identified. It is often difficult to be sure, however, that a particular compound isolated from the roots or leaves of one
plant actually plays a toxic role in nature. It appears that juglone (5-hydroxy- naphthoquinone) from the roots and
hulls of black walnut (Juglans nigra) is an allelopathic. It will kill tomato and alfalfa plants (up to 25 m from a walnut
tree in the field) but bluegrass growth seems to be stimulated close to walnut trees. The closely related English’
walnut (J. regia) and the California walnuts (J. hindsii and J. californica) do not produce juglone. It is worth noting
that many plants produce allelochemicals that are used as drugs in medical and veterinary practice. In fact, many
early physicians (including Linnaeus) were botanists. These substances often cause changes in the physiology or
behavior of the organisms that consume them. Narcotics, for example, produce drowsiness or sleep, or lessen pain.
Harmful drugs are called poisons While beneficial ones are called medicines. Most exert both effects, depending on
their concentration and other factors. Humans cultivate tobacco, tea, coffee, and other drug producing plants.
Properly used, some of these drugs are beneficial, but we are also aware of their harmful effects. Alcohol is a waste
product of yeast metabolism (fermentation) that does not help the yeast, while urine, another waste product, is often
used by animals to help establish territories. Alcohol typically builds to levels that harm the very organisms that
produce it. Yet it is an allelochemical and a drug. Allelochemicals are generally secondary metabolites produced by
plants, and are byproducts of primary metabolic processes (Levin, 1976). They have an allelopathic effect on the
growth and development of neighboring plants. Allelochemicals include: a) plant biochemicals that exert their
physiological/toxicological action on plants (allelopathy, autotoxicity or phytotoxicity); b) plant biochemicals that exert
their physiological/toxicological action on microorganisms (allelopathy or phytotoxicity); and c) microbial biochemicals
that exert their physiological/toxicological action on plants (allelopathy and phytotoxicity. Secondary compounds are
metabolically active in plants and microorganisms, and their biosynthesis and biodegradation play an important role
in the ecology and physiology of the organism in which they occur (Waller and Nowacki, 1978; Waller and Dermer,
1981). Some of them accumulate at specific stages of growth, while the accumulation of others depends upon time
of day or season.

Classes of Allelochemicals
Allelochemicals are biosynthesized from the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and amino acids and arise from
acetate or the shikimic acid pathway (Robinson, 1983). In his review of the potential use of allelochemicals as
herbicides, Putnam (1988) listed 6 classes of allelochemicals, isolated from over 30 families of terrestrial and aquatic
These classes are: Alkaloids, Benzoxazinones , Cinnamic acid derivatives, Cyanogenic compounds , Ethylene
and other seed germination stimulants, and Flavonoids.

Occurrence of allelochemicals
Allelochemicals are produced in either the above or below ground parts of plants, or in both, as has been
reviewed by many workers. Plant parts known to contain allelochemicals (Rice, 1974) are:

J Nov. Appl Sci., 9 (1): 1-12, 2020

In general, they contain fewer, and less potent or smaller amounts of allelochemicals than leaves, although the
reverse may be true (Kamal., 2011; kamal and Bano., 2009; kamal and Bano., 2008; kamal and Bano., 2008).

These contain allelochemicals and are sometimes the principal sources of toxicity (Kamal., 2011; Kamal., 2011;
kamal,. 2010, kamal and Bano., 2009; kamal and Bano., 2008; kamal and Bano., 2008).

These are the most important sources of allelochemicals. Specific inhibitors in leaves have been demonstrated
by many workers (Kamal., 2011; kamal and Bano., 2009; kamal and Bano., 2008; kamal and Bano., 2008).

Flowers/inflorescences and pollen:

Although studies on flowers or inflorescences are limited, there is growing evidence that the pollen of corn and
sunflower have allelopathic properties.

Many fruits are known to contain toxins found to inhibit microbial growth and seed germination.

The seeds of many plant families or species have been found to inhibit seed germination and microbial growth.

Modes of release of allelochemicals

A major pre-requisite for successful allelopathy is that the allelochemical can be effectively transferred from the
donor plant to the recipient, and the mode of transfer plays an important role in the effectiveness and persistence of
allelochemicals. The donor plant generally stores these chemicals in its cells in a bound form, such as water-soluble
glycosides, polymers including tannins, lignins, and salts, so that they are not toxic to it. Once the donor plant releases
the allelochemicals into the environment, they may be either degraded or transformed before affecting the receiver
plants, and may also become toxic to the donor (autotoxicity). The allelochemicals are cleaved by plant enzymes or
environmental stress and released into the environment from special glands on the stems or leaves. First, the
terpenoids, such as a-pinene, cineole and camphor, are released to the environment through volatilization. Then the
water-borne phenolics and alkaloids are deployed by rainfall through leaching. Phytotoxic aglycones, such as
phenolics, are released during the decomposition of plant residues in soil. Metabolites, such as scopoletin and
hydroquinones, may be released into the surrounding soil through root exudates. Allelochemicals released through
leachates and root exudates must be water soluble and a broad range of chemicals are involved. These processes
are described in more detail below.

Allelochemicals may volatilize from a plant into the atmosphere. The volatile vapors may be absorbed directly
from the atmosphere by plants, and the adsorbed vapors may condense in dew and fall to the ground, where they
are absorbed onto soil particles and subsequently taken up by plants from the soil solution. The genera which release
volatiles are: Artemisia, Salvia, Parthenium and Eucalyptus. The volatile inhibitors camphene, camphor, cineole,
dipentene, a-pinene B-pinene are produced by several shrubs of the Southern California Chaparral (White et al.,
1989). Plants rich in such compounds, release them continuously as vapors into the atmosphere. The pulverized
leaves of crucifierae species (brassica juncea, B. nigra, B. napus, B. rapa and B. oleracea) also release volatile
substances. The volatiles of B. juncea and B. nigra were most harmful to the germinating seeds of lettuce and wheat
(Oleszek, 1987).

Leaching is the removal of substances from plants by the action of water in the form of rain, dew, mist, fog, and
snow. All plants seem capable of leaching, but the degree depends on type of tissue, stage of maturity, and the
amount and duration of precipitation. Many allelopathic compounds, both organic and inorganic are leached,
including phenolic acids, terpenoids and alkaloids. The leaching of mineral nutrients, carbohydrates and
phytohormones may be beneficial for the growth of associated species, although the toxic effects have generally
been studied. Most studies have focused on foliage leachates, but seed leachates may also be important. Toxin-
bearing leachates are important in weed-crop associations and in plant-plant interactions in grasslands.

J Nov. Appl Sci., 9 (1): 1-12, 2020

Figure 1. Possible routes of allelochemical release

Root exudates
Many compounds which may influence the growth of microorganisms and associated higher plants are exuded
from the roots. The identification of allelochemicals in root exudates is difficult because they may be altered by
microbial activity. Rhizosphere microorganisms in the soil environment may transform and inactivate the original
exudation compounds, and in some cases may create new active allelochemicals. Exudates very according to plant
species, nutrition and age, and temperature, light, microbial activity around the roots, and the soil type.

Decomposition of plant residues

The decomposition of plant residues is responsible for most of the allelochemicals added to the soil. When plants
die the cell contents are released into the environment. Important variables in this process are the nature of the plant
residues, the soil type, and the conditions of decomposition. Depending on the conditions, substances may be formed
during the decomposition which are either highly toxic, non-toxic, or stimulatory to plants. In general, more severe
and persistently toxic chemicals are produced in cold and wet soils.
Since the decomposing plant materials are never uniformly distributed throughout the soil, soil adjacent to the
decomposing debris may contain more decomposition products than other areas. Therefore, as roots grow through
the soil they may come into contact with patches of decomposing plant residues where they are affected by
allelochemicals, while at other locations there may be no such influences ( Kamal, J,. 2015). Some of the toxic effects
of decomposition products on plants are: inhibition of seed germination, stunted growth, inhibition of the primary root
system, increase in secondary roots, inadequate nutrient absorption, chlorosis, slow maturation, and delay or failure
of reproduction.

Factors affecting production of allelochemicals

Rice (1984) listed the factors which affect the amount of allelochemicals produced: a) radiation; b) mineral
deficiencies; c) water stress; d) temperature; e) allelopathic agents; f) age of plant organs; g) genetics; h) pathogens;
and i) predators. All except radiation and temperature could be exploited under field conditions to improve crop
productivity through better plant growth, improved crop resistance to insects/pests, and improved weed control by
exploiting the smothering ability of field crops, although further research is needed.

Mode of action of allelochemicals

Allelopathic agents influence plant growth (Rice, 1984) through the following physiological processes: i) cell
division and cell elongation; ii) phytohormone induced growth; iii) membrane permeability; iv) mineral uptake; v)
availability of soil phosphorus and potash; vi) stomatal opening and photosynthesis; vii) respiration; viii) protein
synthesis; ix) changes in lipid and organic acid metabolism; x) inhibition of porphyrin synthesis; xi) inhibition or
stimulation of specific enzymes; xii) corking and clogging of xylem elements; xiii) stem conductance of water; xiv)
internal water relations; and xv) other miscellaneous mechanisms.

Fate of allelochemicals
With the exception of the volatile allelochemicals, which are absorbed by plants directly from the air or as
leachates (after dissolution in rain, dew, mist or snow), all other allelopathic responses occur through the soil.
Potential allelochemicals must remain active in the soil to have an allelopathic effect. The biological activity,

J Nov. Appl Sci., 9 (1): 1-12, 2020

persistence, movement and fate of natural products in the soil depend upon their interaction with the soil adsorption
complex, soil microbial population and soil chemical environment. Adsorbed allelochemicals may remain biologically
active or be rendered inactive, depending on the nature of the adsorbing surface, but adsorbed molecules are less
available to soil microbes. Some natural products/allelochemicals may become irreversibly bound in soil humic
substances. Allelopathic effects in the soil therefore depend on the relative rates of addition to, and fixation of,
allelochemicals in the soil.

Figure 3. Allelopathic processes in soil

Crop-crop interactions
Field crops generally add phytotoxins or allelochemicals to the soil mainly through crop residues, and partly
through root exudates, and the allelopathic effects of these pathways have been the most studied.

Effect of Allelochemicals
The phytotoxins from crop residues have generally negative effects on crop plants such as: a) delayed or
complete inhibition of germination; b) reduced population numbers; c) stunted and deformed roots and shoots; d)
reduced nutrient absorption; e) lack of seedling vigor; f) reduced tillering; g) chlorosis; h) wilting; i) predisposition to
root rot; and j) seedling death (Norman, 1959; Patrick et al., 1963; Guenzi et al., 1967; Norstadt and McCalla, 1963;
Toussoun et al., 1968; Horricks, 1969; Kimber, 1973a,b; Cochran et al., 1977; Lynch, 1977; Kuo et al., 1981; Walker
and Jenkins, 1986; Waller et al., 1987; Oleszek and Jurzysta, 1987; Hicks et al., 1988; Khaliq et al., (2004). However,
the major effects of phytotoxins on crop plants are: i) inhibition of nitrification and biological nitrogen fixation; ii)
predisposal to disease; and iii) inhibition or stimulation of germination, growth and yield.

Root exudates
Root exudates of crops affect the germination, growth and yield of other crop plants, and therefore play major
role in crop mixtures or intercropping systems. De Candolle (1832) was the first to report harmful effects of the root
exudates of one plant on the growth of another. Sorghum and maize root exudates inhibited the growth of sesame
plants, preventing them being grown closer than 60 cm to live sorghum plants which release natural toxins into the
soil (Fletcher, 1912; Breazeale, 1924; Hawkins, 1925; Conrad, 1927; Mckinley, 1931). Of buckwheat, alfalfa, red
clover, pea, soybean, rye, vetch and blue grass, only the root exudates of buckwheat reduced the yield of tomato
(Alderman and Middleton, 1925).
According to Overland (1966), barley is an excellent smother crop due to its extensive root growth and root
exudates, which inhibited the germination and growth of tobacco, chick weed and shepherd’s purse. However, its
root exudates had no inhibitory effect on wheat plants. Live barley root exudates contained the alkaloid ‘gramine’ and
had a greater inhibitory effect than aqueous leachates of dead roots, proving the presence of active metabolic
allelopathic substances. Root exudates of rice varieties ‘CB-1’ and ‘Rupsail’ inhibited the root and shoot growth of
test seedlings of both these varieties, owing to the presence of phenolic compounds such as abscisic acid. The
maximum release of inhibitors in root exudates occurred under climatic conditions favorable for rice growth (Sadhu
and Das 1971a,b; Sadhu, 1975). Tobacco root exudates inhibited seed germination and seedling growth of maize,

J Nov. Appl Sci., 9 (1): 1-12, 2020

mustard and foxtail millet (Haq and Hussain, 1979), while that of Chinese cabbage reduced radical growth and dry
matter increase of Chinese cabbage and mustard (Akram and Hussain, 1987).
Root exudates play a significant role in living plants and may inhibit or stimulate seed germination or seedling
growth of associated weeds. The root exudates of rye (Borner, 1960), corn (Dzyubenko and Petrenko, 1971;
Dzyubenko and Krupa, 1974), oat (Martin and Rademacher, 1960; Fay and Duke, 1977), wheat (Martin and
Rademacher, 1960), sorghum (Forney et al., 1983; AlSaadawi et al., 1985; Panasuik et al., 1986), alfalfa (Abdul-
Rahman and Habib, 1989), lupin (Dzyubenko and Petrenko, 1971), soybean (Massantini et al., 1977; Rose et al.,
1984), sunflower (Wilson and Rice 1968), and buckwheat (Tsuzuki, 1980) inhibited seed germination of red sorrel
(Panasuik et al., 1986) and stimulated seed germination in witchweed (Netzy et al., 1988). Sunflower :Wilson and
Rice, 1968;
Hall, 1980, Hall et al., 1982, 1983; Leather, 1983a) and sweet potato (Harrison Jr. and Peterson, 1986) exudates
decreased germination and growth of weeds. Growing crops of barley (Mann and Barnes, 1945, 1947; Prutenskaya,
1974; Putnam and De Frank, 1983). Rice (1964) reported that aqueous extracts of lambsquarter (Chenopodium
album L.) and crabgrass (Digitaria spp.) inhibited the growth of nitrogen fixing and nitrifying bacteria. The inhibitors
present in prostrate knotweed (Polygonum aviculare L.) inhibited the growth of Rhizobium and Azotobacter (Al-
Saadawi and Rice, 1982). Aqueous extracts of Avena ludoviciana reduced seedling growth and nodulation in
greengram (Bhandari et al. 1982). Phytotoxins produced during the decomposition of crop residues inhibited the
nitrification process in the soil and biological nitrogen fixation in legumes. leaving corn residues on the soil surface
increased the concentration of nitrification inhibitors (ferulic and p coumaric acids) in the soil, which decreased the
population of Nitrosomonas and thus increased the concentration of NH4+ over NO3- compared with soil without corn
residues (Lodhi, 1981). In south Taiwan, soybean planted after rice, gave higher yields when the rice residues were
burnt than when they were left to decompose on the field (Asian Vegetables and Research Development Centre,
1978), because the phenolics produced by decomposing rice residues inhibited the growth of N fixing bacteria
(Rhizohium japonicum), reduced the number of nodules, and thus decreased biological nitrogen fixation in soybean
(Rice, 1971). Similarly, incorporation of vines and the storage root residues of sweet potato into the soil reduced the
nodulation and nitrogen fixation of cowpea (Walker and Jenkins, 1986). In an 8-year study at Los Banos the plant
stand and grain yield of successive greengram crops decreased due to allelochemical buildup in the soil which
caused a multiplication of harmful soil microbes (fungi, bacteria, nematodes etc.) and accumulation of their microbial
toxins harmful to greengram seed germination and seedling growth (Ventura et al. 1984) To date, 129 weed species
allelopathic to crops have been indentified (Narwal, 1994b).

Weeds have been growing alongside crops since the beginning of agriculture. Because, weeds have evolved
alongside crops, or in some instances are the ancestors of cultivated crops, many crops and weeds are actually the
same species. For example, the wild races of wheat, rice, barley, maize, oat, sorghum, potato, radish, cabbage,
lettuce and asparagus etc., are weeds. In addition, various modem agricultural practices favor invasion by weeds: a)
row sown crops leave enough inter-row space for colonization by other species; and (b) many crops are grown as
monocultures. Any plant species grown alone generally fails to fully exploit its habitat. For example, it may not fully
use the available sunshine because its leaf canopy develops slowly, or it may have too short a growth cycle to
consume all the available water or nutrients. Weeds can therefore invade such areas and capitalize on these unused
resources. Weeds cause greater losses in crop yields than either insects or plant diseases and reduce crop yields
through: a) allelopathy (by the release of inhibitors from seeds, living plants and plant residues); b) competition with
crops for resources (light, nutrients, water, and space); and c) providing an alternate host for insects and disease
organisms. Putnam and Tang (1986) reported that a large number of weed species are allelopathic.

Weed-crop interactions
Under field conditions, weed infestation is one of the major causes of yield reduction in crops. Historically, most
investigators have attributed these losses to various forms of competition between weeds and crops but allelopathic
interactions between them were not considered. However, since the 1950’s, studies have shown that allelopathic
interactions between crops and weeds are also partly responsible for crop yield losses. DeCandolle (1832) was the
first to report the injurious effects of root exudates of Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.) on the growth of
neighboring oat plants.

J Nov. Appl Sci., 9 (1): 1-12, 2020

Weed residues
Weed residues may have an allelopathic effect on crop plants similar to that of crop residues, but detailed studies
are lacking. Allelochemicals released from weed residues may affect crop plants in following ways: i) inhibition of
biological nitrogen fixation; ii) inhibition of nutrient uptake; and iii) inhibition of seed germination, growth and yield.

Root exudates
In crop fields, weeds suppress the growth of adjacent crop plants through the excretion of inhibitory compounds
in their root exudates. These compounds reduce seed germination, root and shoot growth, nutrient uptake and
nodulation (in legumes). However, root exudates of Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) and corn cockle
(Agrootemma githago L.) stimulated the growth and yield of crops. In some weeds, the toxicity of exudates is high in
the younger plants and decreases with maturity, while the reverse is true for others. The root exudates of Johnson
grass, quack grass, redroot pigweed, wild oat, Cyperus spp., Chenopodium spp., Bidens pilosa, Celosia argentea
and Polygonum spp. All caused severe reduction in the seed germination and growth of several crops.

Seed leachates/ extracts

The seeds or seed coats of certain weed species contain inhibitory compounds, which are released mainly during
germination. These compounds inhibit seed germination and root and shoot growth of crops sown in their vicinity.

The volatiles of palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri (L.) Wats.), mintweed (Salvia reflexa Hornem) and Stevia
eupatoria had inhibitory effects on crops, while those of wild heliotrope (Heliotropium europium) stimulated crop
growth. The volatiles released from air dried residues of Stevia eupatoria decreased the root elongation of white
clover seedlings in a closed system (Lovett, 1982). The volatiles emitted from soil incorporated or soil surface
residues severely inhibited the seed germination of carrot, tomato and onion (Bradow and Connick Jr., 1987).
Mintweed is the most common weed in some countries including the USA and Australia (Holm et al., 1979). Volatiles
released from its leaves retarded germination and seedling growth of wheat in a closed circulating system, and its
volatiles contained monterpenes, including α-pinene, β-pinene and cineole (Lovett, 1986). Volatiles released from
the dry leaves and flowers of palmer amaranth reduced seed germination in tomato, onion and carrot. The volatiles
contained 2-octonone, 2-undecanone, 2-heptanone, 2-hexanone, 3-methyl-2-3 butanone, 2-pentanone, 3-hydroxy-
2-butanone, and 2-butanone phytotoxins (Bradow and Connick Jr., 1987, 1988a,b). However, the volatiles from
leaves, stem and seeds of wild heliotrope stimulated germination and root growth in radish and fodder bean
(Grechkanev and Rodionov, 1971), ( Wa,. et,. 2015), (Ahmad. et., 2004) . Weeds compete with crops for all the
normal resources such as nutrients, water, space, light and carbon dioxide, or interfere with crops through the release
of biomolecules into the rhizosphere. Crop production losses caused by weeds vary depending according to weed
density and weed type. A variety of yield losses in wheat have been reported due to weed infestation, and may
account for 15–50% of the potential yield. In severe cases, weed infestation may cause complete crop failure. Taking
a minimum loss of 15%, these losses could amount to as much as nine billion Rupees per annum in Pakistan. Weeds
in wheat crops are controlled by various methods mechanical and chemical. Manual and mechanical methods are
weather dependent and manual methods are labor intensive as well. Both chemical and environmentally safe weed
control sprays may drift and affect non-target plants, and may also contaminate soil, water, and air. Nutritive values
of some crops are also affected by herbicides. Some weeds originally susceptible to herbicides, have now developed
resistance. These problems demand efforts to develop alternative technologies for weed control in wheat, not only
to control weeds more effectively, but also to reduce dependence on labor and weather conditions as well as to
increase environmental safety. Allelopathy may offer an improved technology for this purpose. Most allelopathic
compounds are phenolics, flavonoids and terpenes. These substances have selective effects depending upon their
concentrations; either inhibiting or stimulating the growth of neighbors, or subsequent crops or weeds (Cheema,
1998). Weed control may be achieved by applying the residues of allelopathic weeds or crop plants as mulches, or
by growing them in crop successions and leaving their residues lying on the field. By introducing an allelopathic trait
into a crop cultivar, crop plants can be bred to have a competitive edge over certain weeds (Tahir et., 2018). Crop
plants such as wheat, sunflower, rye, barley and cucumber have been reported to have allelopathic effects on weeds.
The chief phytotoxins identified in sunflower plant residues are chlorogenic acid, isochlorogenic acid, scopolin and a
suspected naphol derivative. Extracts of whole sunflower plants significantly inhibit the growth of both the radical and
shoot of wheat. Some genotypes of sunflower can reduce the total weed cover by as much as 33 percent. Residues
from mature sunflower crops exhibit selective effects on the germination and growth of weeds. Sunflower is the most
important source of high quality vegetable oil. Being a potent allelopath in nature, its effect on subsequent crops and
weed have been well studied, but very little information is available regarding its effects on wheat. Since both wheat

J Nov. Appl Sci., 9 (1): 1-12, 2020

and sunflower are important crops in Pakistan, it is important to improve our understanding of the residual interactions
between sunflower, wheat and their associated weeds in sunflower/wheat cropping systems, and the effects of
sunflower aqueous extracts on the germination of wheat and its major weeds. We propose to study the allelopathic
effects of different sunflower plant tissues (grown with and without fertilizer) on the density and growth of weeds in
the absence of wheat, and on wheat productivity, weed density and growth under two fertility conditions, using both
laboratory and field experiments. Alsaadawi (1988), (Ayub et., 2015) found that water extracts and decaying residues
of sunflower roots and shoots significantly reduced nitrification. In another experiment he reported that the allelopathic
potential of sorghum and sunflower against nitrification may help to augment the efficiency of nitrogen application in
added fertilizer (Alsaadawi, 1992), Geberiellele., et al., 2019).

The science of allelopathy is a relatively new field of study, and there is convincing evidence that allelopathic
interactions between plants play a crucial role in both natural and manipulated ecosystems.
1. These interactions undoubtedly an important factor in species distribution and abundance within some plant
2. Allelopathic interactions are also thought to be an important factor in the successful spread of many invasive
plants, for example spotted knapweed and nutsedge
3. The brightest hope for allelochemicals is that they will act as natural weed killers or pesticides, substituting
for chemicals, and promote sustainable agriculture.

3. Plants that will suppress tree growth may, in future, reduce the cost of pruning or herbicide applications in
conflicts between trees and power lines.
4. Use of allelopathic cover crops for weed suppression can decrease reliance upon herbicides.
5. An understanding of plant/chemical relationships could reveal practical benefits of ,companion planting, a
practical endorsed by organic gardeners, which is currently valued less than if it were based on science-
based research.

Allelopathy includes both inhibitory and stimulatory effects of plants on each other including micrrorganisms. It
is a very wonderful natural phenomenon; its importance can be summarized as follows: it is the cheaper way of
weeds control without polluting our environment.


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