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Simulation of Dam-Break Flood Wave and Inundation Mapping: A Case Study of Attabad Lake

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ISSN 2347 - 3983

Wasim Karam et al., International Journal of Emerging 9. No.
Trends 6, June 2021
in Engineering Research, 9(6), June 2021, 703 – 714
International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research
Available Online at

Simulation of Dam-Break Flood Wave and Inundation Mapping: A

Case study of Attabad Lake
Wasim Karam1, Fayaz A. Khan2, Muhammad Alam3, Sajjad Ali4
Lab. Engineer, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Mardan, Pakistan,
Assistant Professor, National Institute of Urban Infrastructure Planning, University of Engineering and Technology Peshawar,
Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology Mardan, Pakistan,,

The break study of Landslide or embankment dams is more To establish sustainable management of the water resources
essential due to uncertainty in their composition and lack of dams are much necessary. Dams are constructed to obstruct
knowledge of their response to other natural events because the flow path of a river stream and make good use of the water
they are natural and not properly designed for any disaster. that is ponded upstream of the structure. Dams can be
The paper aims to improve different methods of hydraulic classified in many ways, Based on the material of the dam,
modeling of dam break. In this present study dam break of dams are classified into embankment dams, concrete dams,
Attabad lake is simulated using the computational fluid and masonry dams [1]. More of the same a lake is a natural
dynamics technique. The numerical model (FLOW-3D) is pool of water caused by blockage of the river or underground
developed to solve the Reynolds averaged Navier-Stoke stream.
equation fully in 3D to predict peak flow depth at different
cross-sections, peak velocity, peak discharge, time to peak Dam serves a variety of purposes such as water supply for
depth, and time to peak discharge. The standard RNG irrigation, for drinking purposes, flood protection and
turbulence model is employed to simulate turbulence and then generation of electric power, recreation and navigation, etc.
flood inundation maps and velocity vectors for flow at villages [2]. However, despite all the safety that is incurred in its
are drawn. The results show that most of the flood wave design, there always lies a risk of breaching in dams. Dams
modeled through the Hunza river channel, is contained by the may fail due to large earthquakes, insufficient spillway
flood plain of Hunza River but for some of the villages i.e. capacity, piping, seepage, and extreme storms [3]. A dam
Miaun and chalat, which are situated inside the flood plain of break is a complete or incomplete catastrophic failure of a dam
Hunza River are at higher risk of inundation but the flood that causes an uncontrolled release of water. The flood wave
arrival time estimated for these villages is 31 and 44 min travels at a very high speed in the downstream reach of the
respectively which is enough time for the evacuation of the channel. Dam Breaks has some devastating consequences
population to safer areas while for some villages like Hassan including damage to property and infrastructure, loss of life.
Abad situated adjacent to Ali Abad is at higher risk of On the other hand, it also possess some serious ecological
inundation while the estimated flood arrival time for the impacts. [4]
village is 12 min which are not enough for the evacuation of
the population hence will need some extra flood protection The most common concern about dam break failures is that
structures for flood containment. The estimate of the peak they are abrupt which causes immediate flooding downstream
velocities implies higher shear stress in the river plain, risk of of the dam which leaves very little time for evacuation of
heavy erosion, damage to agricultural lands, residencies, and residents or protection of the property. In contrast flooding
morphological changes are projected. The analysis of the dam from the rainfall or snowmelt can be predicted days or weeks
break i.e. Peak depths, Peak Velocities, flood arrival time, and in advance. That’s why Dam breaks kill thousands of people
flood inundation maps should only be used as a guide in future across the globe. Some notable dam breaks are Malpasset
risk analysis and flood management. dam-break failure in France in 1959 (killed 500 people),
Vaoint dam failure in Italy in 1963 (killed 2600 people), Teton
Key words: Attabad Lake, Computational Fluid Dynamics, dam failure in Idaho United states in 1976 (killed 11 people
Dam Break Simulation, FLOW-3D, Flood inundation and 13000 cattle). Emergency action plans have to be prepared
Mapping, Navier stokes equation, Three dimensional Model. for every dam higher than 20 m with a reservoir volume over
15Mm3 [5]. Therefore accurate estimates of the flood arrival
time, flow depths, velocities are important for emergency
planning and flood hazard assessment because of the very least

Wasim Karam et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 9(6), June 2021, 703 – 714

margin that we have in contrast to the flooding from rainfall or gradually varied [8]. This means that changes in channel
snowmelt. Since the most important part of flood hazard properties, such as cross-section shape, invert level, flow
assessment is the delineation of the flood plain and the depth, and pressure distribution, are negligible at shorter
identification of high-risk areas [6]. Hence predicting the distances. Which makes it hard for these models to simulate
high-risk areas is possible by drawing the flood inundation areas of rapid acceleration or deceleration. The numerical
maps. However, to predict these quantities we need to solve solution used by two-dimensional hydraulic models is usually
the governing equations they are unsteady and contain terms of based on a shallow water equation, from which the
pressure gradient, viscosity which need a lot of boundary Saint-Venant equation is derived for unidirectional flow.
conditions making it very difficult to solve them manually for Traditionally, the mesh has been a fixed-space rectilinear grid
with the governing equations solved. But two-dimensional
such complex situations. Either, we can use scale-down
hydraulic models assume that flow is one- or two-dimensional,
models but scale-down models can describe a very limited
vertical variations in the flow properties are neglected [9].
amount of problems with very limited operating conditions.
Then comes the 3D models which can easily simulate the
Moreover, scale-down models in cases of dam-break are also downstream, lateral, and vertical components of flow.
not very efficient because replicating the complex bed
topography in the laboratory can be a very expansive and Robb and Vasquez investigated the capability of two fully
laborious job. To do so even for simple dam-break scenarios three-dimensional computational (3D) fluid dynamics models
and non-variant bed topography a lot of technical assistance and one two-dimensional (2D) depth-averaged model. They
and financial resources are required. Alternatively, Flood found out that the results from CFD models (3D) show quite an
inundation maps are obtained by simulating the flood through improvement over those from the depth-averaged model (2D).
the terrain with the given initial and boundary conditions using [4]
Numerical Models. Numerical models discretize the partial
Ozmen-Cagatay and Kocaman presented an experimental
differential equations and give an approximate solution to the
and numerical investigation of the dam-break flow in the
problem. With the help of numerical models we can analyze
presence of obstacles over initially dry bed conditions. A
any fluid dynamics problem for the actual flow domain and
comparison was made between the shallow water equation,
virtually any realistic operating conditions. Reynolds’s Averaged Navier Stoke Equation, and physical
model. The experimental setup contained a rectangular
The discretization techniques that are normally in use are
channel 8.9m long, 0.3m wide, and 0.34m high. FLOW-3D
the finite difference method, finite volume method, and finite
was used for numerical investigation solving RANS Equation
with k-e Turbulence Model and it was concluded that the
shallow water equation is capable of generating free surface
profiles and the process requires less CPU time for large
computational domains. The measuring technique adopted in
the experiment yields accurate results and the RANS model
reproduces the flow under investigation with reasonable
accuracy while the simple SWE model indicates some
discrepancies particularly in predicting the negative wave
propagation. [10]

L. Toombes and H. Chanson performed an experiment on

the weir and examined the validity of different numerical
models. They verified the predictions of the models against
physical data. 4 different hydraulic models i.e. FLOW 3D,
HEC-RAS, MIKE11, and MIKE 21 were used to simulate
flow over a weir and flow in a sloppy channel with a hydraulic
Figure 1: Finding solution to fluid dynamics problems jump and found that Flow 3D with its ability to model vertical
element method. For this purpose, many numerical modeling velocity component, flow accelerations and non-hydrostatic
tools are used. As the Figure 1 shows we can analyze a pressure produce accurate results matching the results of the
problem for all desired quantities and with high resolution in physical model. Moreover, they concluded that the inability of
space and time. Numerical models are Quantitative 1-D models to simulate supercritical flow and the ‘water
predictions of a flow phenomenon. These models make some column’ effect of two-dimensional models can cause
approximations to solve the principles that govern the significant inaccuracy in model predictions. [11]
phenomenon and based on that, they have their limitations. [7]
Zarein and Naderkhanloo modeled the Dam break flow
One-Dimensional Hydraulic models use the Backwater using 3D mike 3 hydraulic models and modified the common
equation for steady flow problems and the saint venant 3D shallow water equations and found that from the results of
equation for unsteady flow problems. The primary assumption a 1-hour model evaluation it was observed that the results of
of these one-dimensional hydraulic models is that the flow is his parametric tests were quite similar in comparison with the

Wasim Karam et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 9(6), June 2021, 703 – 714

simulated water depths and velocities. Velocities in the profile River and hence forming a lake on the upstream side. A huge
and plan at the upper layer were higher than in the lower layer landslide happened near Attabad village on the 4th of January
which represents the physical phenomena. [12] in 2010 at 100 km upstream of the confluence of Hunza and
Gilgit rivers as shown in Figure 2.
Roga and Pandey used two-dimensional turbulent
non-premixed combustion model. A standard k-ω turbulence
model was used for modelling turbulence. It was observed
from the modelling results that very little amount of OH were
found after combustion. A complete combustion process was
modelled using 2D CFD model. [14]

Zarein and Naderkhanloo modeled the Dam break flow

using 3D mike 3 hydraulic models and modified the common
3D shallow water equations and found that from the results of
a 1-hour model evaluation it was observed that the results of
his parametric tests were quite similar in comparison with the
simulated water depths and velocities. Velocities in the profile
and plan at the upper layer were higher than in the lower layer
which represents the physical phenomena. [12]

Rostami and Siosemarde simulated the Dam break of Upper

Gotvand Dam using FLOW-3D and found that the flood of the
dam break will reach Gotvand City in 6 mins and shoshar city
in 10 min from the dam break time. [5] Figure 3: Lake Condition 3 months after Landslide

George and Nair simulated the dam break of the Thenmala

Dam of Kerala state, India using BOSS DAMBRK. As a part That caused the death of 20 people, displacing more than
of the work, the maximum precipitation and maximum flood 25,000 people. 2 kilometers of the Karakoram Highway was
have been evaluated using the Gumbel’s and Clark’s methods inundated by the Landslide. The height of the debris varies
respectively. The final analysis is done using BOSS from 126 m to 210 m across the Hunza River. The Hunza
DAMBRK for evaluating the extent of inundation, travel time, River was completely blocked as shown in Figure 3 as a
and velocity of the downstream wave. They observed that the result, a lake was formed at the upstream side of the Landslide.
total time of dam-break flood wave is 35.98 hours and the Immediately after the landslide, water started accumulating
maximum discharge will be 4589.42 cubic m/s corresponding upstream of the landslide hence the water surface elevation
to a max precipitation of 396mm. [13] was continuously going up as a result the upstream villages
were all in an alarming situation and were at risk of being
drowned by the lake, and the huge accumulation of water
produced a high risk of dam burst scenario. So, to drain the
water from the lake 24 m deep and 45 m wide channel was
excavated by Frontier Works Organization (FWO) that
decreased the risk of dam burst scenario by 56%. Currently,
the capacity of the lake is 305 Million cubic meters with a
mean depth of 109 m.

After all efforts from the local agencies the immediate risk
of dam break due to overtopping was reduced but still there are
many other mechanisms with which the dam can possibly
break. Owing to the geophysics and the location of the Attabad
lake, it can break because of two reasons (1) Attabad lake is
located in Zone 3 as per zonation of seismic activity and is
always susceptible to larger earthquakes so the waterlogged
material of the landslide causing the impounding of water may
lose its strength due to strong ground shaking (liquefaction)
Figure 2: Case Study Location on Map of Pakistan and hence the dam may break (2) another landslide into the
body of the lake may occur, causing the overflow of water over
1.1 Study Area the impounding material and hence the dam material may
The paper focuses on performing a dam-break flow breach. Previously the estimate of the break of Attabad Lake
simulation of Attabad Lake in Pakistan. The lake is formed has been attempted using the One-dimensional HEC-RAS
due to a natural landslide disaster that blocked the Hunza model. In this study, we analyzed the dam break using a 3D

Wasim Karam et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 9(6), June 2021, 703 – 714

hydraulic Model i.e. FLOW-3D. The dam break analysis of

the lake will guide in developing flood inundation maps,
establishing emergency action plans and flood management
Different numerical models are used to make
approximations to the governing equations. The reliability of
the results depends upon the approximations and the
assumptions that are made to solve the governing equation for
a particular CFD problem. These governing equations are
solved either in 1-D i.e. the properties in the remaining two
directions are averaged in 2D or in 3D.

2.1 FLOW-3D

The modeling tool that is used in simulating the dam-break

of Attabad Lake is “FLOW-3D”. FLOW-3D is a CFD Figure 5: 3D Model from the Merged DEM
software package developed by flow science. It is extensively
used throughout the world in a variety of research works.
FLOW-3D solves the Reynolds’s Averaged Navier-Stokes
system of equations in three dimensions to simulate the flow of
fluid. FLOW-3D contains models for change in the dynamic
properties of the fluid such as viscosity, density, and other
hydrodynamic properties of fluids. It uses a trademarked
volume-of-fluid (VOF) method to track the free surface.

Figure 6: Three Dimensional Model of the Hunza Valley

Figure 4: VOF Technique for RANS Equation in FLOW-3D

Registered as TruVOF, the approach provides three important
functions for free surface flow: accurate location and
orientation of free surfaces within computational cells,
accurate tracking of free surface motion through cells, and an
accurate boundary condition applied at the free surface
interface. The mechanism can be shown in Figure 4.

Figure 7: Free Surface Elevation relative to local origin
3.1 Topography
the underlying terrain was enclosed in 4 ASTER global DEMs
Normally the topography can be taken from the DEMs of that are downloaded from earth explorer, USGS. The DEMs
the particular location in 30m resolution. The topography of are then merged in ArcGIS to make a single tagged image

Wasim Karam et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 9(6), June 2021, 703 – 714

format (.tif) file. FLOW-3D takes the topography as stereo the data in FLOW-3D. Probes can either be a line or a point.
lithography (.stl) file so the resultant .tif file is to be converted Point probes are assigned at 15 different locations to derive the
into .stl format. There is also a utility available in FLOW-3D fluid properties at those points after simulation. Probes are
for the conversion from DEM format to topography (.stl) points at which the model gives us the data output. The data
format but the file that is extracted from the ArcGIS after output that we can get from these probes includes Velocity,
mosaicking the 4 DEMs has .tif format. The .tif file is Hydraulic head, Pressure, Scour, Free surface elevation, Flow
converted to .stl file through a computer program. The merged depth and other hydraulic parameters of fluid and the
DEM was then converted to stereo lithography (.stl) format. topography.
As shown in Figure 5 the file is in 3D and is in .stl format. But
as we can see the file represents downstream of the lake. 3.4 Assumptions/Boundary Conditions
Meshing and applying the equation to the DEM as a whole can To simulate the Attabad dam-break using FLOW-3D, the
lengthen simulation time. Handling the 3D model is not easy following conditions are assumed,
due to its larger size. Therefore we have to reduce the size by
cutting the terrain and restraining the terrain to area  The soil mass is replaced by an X-plane baffle with the
representing only the pathway of Hunza River. So for this X-Coordinate at -2303. This baffle will be completely
purpose, The DEM was edited in Google SketchUp with the removed as a situation of a dam break.
help of its handy FREDO tools. The resultant image of the
DEM can be seen in Figure 6 and 7.  The earthen dam is assumed to be completely removed at
the instant the dam breaks.
3.2 Reservoir Modelling
 The base flow of the Hunza River is not considered in the
As the .stl file is imported to FLOW-3D, Water depth in the simulation.
DEM was modeled with the help of defining a fluid region.
The fluid region was defined in a manner to give a maximum  No input discharge to the reservoir is taken into account.
depth of 109 in the lake. The coordinates of the depths and the
 Manning’s n value for the area is assumed to be 0.03.
lake are taken with respect to the local origin. The location of
the fluid region along with the spatial distribution of flow  The dam break is instantaneous.
depth referenced over Google Earth image can be seen in
Figure 8. 3.5 Specific conditions (Related to FLOW-3D)
The following conditions were assumed related specifically
to FLOW-3D,

 Total simulation finish time = 4714 sec (1 hour 18 min 34


 SI units

 Single fluid modeling (water at 200 C)

 Two working models (Viscosity and Gravity Models)

 Gravity = - 9.81 m/sec2 (Z direction)

 RNG (Re-Normalized Group) turbulence modelling is used

to simulate viscosity and Turbulence.

3.5 Meshing
The quality of the results depends upon the mesh size. Finer
the mesh size greater the accuracy. With finer meshes, the
simulation time may increase but the results are accurate.
FLOW-3D uses a Rectangular/Cylindrical Cartesian Mesh to
apply the governing equations to the domain in which the
Figure 8: Model of lake referenced over Google Earth Image scenario is enclosed. Initial and boundary conditions are
applied to the mesh. In FLOW-3D rectangular mesh is used.
3.3 Probes Installation So the domain is enclosed in about a total of 15 mesh blocks.
Where two meshes coincide, there a continuative boundary
To obtain the data from the analysis we must spot locations condition is used. A continuative boundary condition means
in the terrain. These locations are assigned with probes to get
Wasim Karam et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 9(6), June 2021, 703 – 714

whatever the scenario is there in the connected mesh block the inundation maps, and flow depth hydrographs) is extracted
other mesh block just keeps it continuous. The boundary from the simulation files.
condition at the junction of the two mesh blocks is marked as
“continuative”, which means that the numerical scheme is 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
continuative on this boundary and in a case, fluid is passing
A total of 4714 sec of the simulation was done for the dam
through this boundary, the flow properties through this
break and the flood wave was modeled in the downstream
boundary will be continuous within the fluid. The result of the
terrain from the point of the dam break. The results obtained
meshing of lake is shown in Figure 9.
from the simulations are
1. Flow Depth Hydrographs
2. Flood inundation maps
3. Velocity Vectors at different time frames after the Dam

4.1 Summary of the Results

The data was received from the probes set out at different
cross-sections of the villages. The peak discharge, peak depth,
time of flood arrival, and time of peak discharge are all
important factors for deriving a flood mitigation plan hence all
are taken from FLOW-3D in this analysis. We can get the data
at any point in the solution domain (mesh) other than the
probes. Table 1 represents the summary of the data.
4.2 Flow Depth Hydrographs
Hydrographs are important in showing the depth variation at
the particular cross-section of the village. Max flow depth
Figure 9: Meshing in the 3D Terrain Model occurs at the Ali Abad section due to the retention at the
meander bend at the Mutazabad village where water lost
3.6 Time stepping
much of its kinetic energy because it produced a centrifugal
The initial time step for the history data interval from the force that caused accumulation of water at the outer bend at
numerical solver is 60 sec each. The solver gives history data Aliabad and since then the flow depth at the sections decreases
each 60 sec. the history data is calculated at the probes which gradually as we can see 86 at Miachar then 80, 62 and 50 at
are used to draw X-Y plots of spatial and temporal changes in Minapin, Ghulmet and thol respectively after the uniformity in
particular flow property. History data includes the output from flow length. The depth starts rising again due to the
sampling volumes, history probes, flux surfaces, moving accumulation of water starting at Jafarabad reaching 70 m due
object data, and the pressure and shear force output on to the meander bend at Sikandar Abad. But eventually, the
components. For history data probes are used, a total of 15 depth starts to fall off from the chalat after entering into a wide
probes are installed at different village’s locations and the and open area. The flow depth hydrographs are given in
history data is obtained on these probe locations. History Figure 10. The spatial and temporal change in depth and
probes are located at each village at the bend of the river potential energy of water that occurred throughout the flow of
adjacent to the village. water from Karim Abad to Nomal Bridge can be estimated
from the flow depth hydrographs shown in Figure 10.
The basis for the output data is selected as time rather than In the Figure 11, the output discharge hydrograph at the
“fill fraction”. The output data that is to be extracted is (1) location Karim Abad, the 2nd modeled cross-section, and the
Velocities (2) Hydraulic Data (3) Turbulent Quantities. last modeled downstream cross-section, Nomal Bridge is
3.7 Simulation shown. The peak discharge is reduced from 472404 to 146710
m3/sec while flowing from one cross-section to another
After meshing and all the boundary and initial conditions, respectively. The attenuation can be estimated from the fact
we are set for the simulations. The whole 4714-sec simulation that the arrival time at the Karim Abad section is 5 mins after
can’t be completed in a single simulation file. We have to split the dam break while the time of arrival at Nomal bridge is 68
the simulation time into parts of particular simulation times. mins. As we can see the rising limb of the hydrograph for the
For this purpose we use restart simulation tool in FLOW-3D to Nomal Bridge is approximately at the falling limb of the
extend the simulation time for the terrain. hydrograph of the first modelled cross-section. Though the
3.8 Post Processing hydrograph at the cross-section of the Nomal Bridge seems to
be incomplete but is past its peak right about at the end of the
All the data was analyzed and the results are obtained in the Karim Abad hydrograph. But we can assume that we will have
FLOW SIGHT. Software that is a sub tool of FLOW-3D. In a lengthened falling limb of the hydrograph of the Nomal-
FLOWSIGHT all the data from the probes (velocity vectors,

Wasim Karam et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 9(6), June 2021, 703 – 714

(A) (B) (C)

(D) (E)

Figure 10: Flow Depth Hydrographs of the downstream villages Bridge having a higher base time because of the slow arrival of
(A) Karim Abad (B) Ghulmet (C) Thol (D) Chalat (E) Nomal the attenuated water mass throughout the valley.
4.3 Flood Inundation Maps
The Flood inundation maps show the extent of flooding that
could happen if the dam breaks. Flood inundation maps are
created with the help of reference images of Google Earth that
are textured on the DEMs topography in FLOW-3D For flood
inundation maps, first we model the Peak Flow Depth at a
particular section that happens at a correspondent simulation
time. For example, the flood inundation map for the Karim
Abad village is derived for the simulation time of 1800 sec
because max flow depth at this section occurs at 1800th sec of
the simulation time. Similarly then by drawing the Flow Depth
Contours we know the exact depth at the particular location of
the particular section. Flood inundation maps are derived for
max depth at the particular probe installed at the village
cross-section in the topography. The flood inundation map of
Karim Abad shows in Figure 11 that the smaller villages of
Ganish, Altit, and Garlet are at higher risk of inundation than
most of the Karim Abad, Ali Abad, and Sumayar areas which
are at more elevated areas than these villages. The maximum
section of the village of Hassan abad situated under the flood
Figure 11: Flow Hydrograph at Karim Abad and Nomal Bridge plain between the villages of Aliabad and Miachar are at
greater risk of inundation.

Wasim Karam et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 9(6), June 2021, 703 – 714

In Figure 12 we can see that the part of Sikandar Abad chalat village are at greater risk of inundation. Max part of the
agricultural fields and most of the Miaun Village as modeled chalat village situated at the right bank of the Hunza River is
are at risk of inundation. The Miaun village is situated on the completely inundated as modeled. While engulfing most of the
right bank of the Hunza River opposite to thol. The flood chalat valley road and also the Karakoram highway at the
arrival time for Miaun village is 31 min which can be regarded meander bend at the end of the chalat valley. The arrival time
as enough time for the population of Miaun to evacuate to near of flood wave at the chalat valley is 44 min which is enough
situated safer areas subject to availability. While for most of time for the evacuation of the population to safer sites.
the villages after Ghulmet the flood wave is contained by the
flood plain and the villages in this section other than Miaun are
comparatively at lower risk. While Figure 13 shows that a
large part of the Sonikot road and Karakoram highway near the

Figure 12: Flood Inundation Map of Karim Abad

Figure 13: Flood Inundation Map of Ghulmet

Wasim Karam et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 9(6), June 2021, 703 – 714

Figure 14: Flood Inundation Map of Chalat

Figure 15: Velocity Vectors of flow at Karim Abad

Wasim Karam et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 9(6), June 2021, 703 – 714

4.4 Velocity Vectors valley, the velocity again increases going through the Hunza
From the velocity data obtained from the probes, we know River. Which shows that the flood wave entered a choked
that the highest velocity in the main channel of the Hunza valley after the chalat and thus the velocity starts increasing
River due to flood wave occurred at Ahmedabad just below again.
the dam break site while the minimum velocity occurs at The flow while going through the meander bend just before
Jafarabad, Sikandar abad, and Chalat which is 21, 21, and 22 the chalat valley undergoes centrifugal action and the wave is
m/s respectively. That is due to the huge meander bend that split after hitting the mountain as the velocity vectors at the
intercepts the flow while entering into chalat valley and the start of the chalat village can be seen in Figure 17.
water entering into a wider area in chalat. After the chalat

Figure 16: Velocity Vectors of Flow at Ghulmet

Figure 17: Velocity Vectors of Flow at Chalat

Wasim Karam et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 9(6), June 2021, 703 – 714

Table 1: Results Summary

Time Time to
Flood Depth at
Peak Peak to Max Peak
Arrival Peak
S. No Village Name Discharge Depth Peak Velocity Discharg
Time Velocity
(m3/sec) (m) Depth (m/sec) e
(sec) (m)
(sec) (sec)

1 Ahmed Abad 472085 48 1560 44 300 1773 6

2 Karim Abad 471405 78 1800 29 600 1860 21
3 Ali Abad 378971 92 2520 28 720 2100 10

4 Miachar 320641 86 3060 33 1260 2280 5

5 Minappin 304174 80 2100 29 1380 2760 8
6 Ghulmet 288524 62 3660 31 1680 2820 44
7 Thol 275236 50 3780 33 1860 3420 36
8 Jafar Abad 273109 70 3720 21 2100 3720 34
9 Sikandar Abad 255163 68 3720 22 2160 4080 5
10 Chalat Bridge 234487 53 4600 22 2640 4560 16
11 Jaglot 215864 49 4080 25 3240 4600 43
12 Rahim Abad 159437 35 4660 25 3660 4714 23
13 Nomal Bridge 146710 15 4500 28 4080 4660 14

Every model has its limitation based on the assumptions that prediction of the parameters like inundation maps and
it takes to solve the basic principle equation. The uncertainty estimates arrival times can never be completely accurate
in the solution of dam break problem using CFD arises initially because no single model can fully explain any particular
due to the resolution of the Bed topography derived from the complex scenario like a dam break. Every model has its
dam break, it is quite hard to replicate it because of the variant limitations. Also, the uncertainty of the failure mechanism of
bed topography and also the change in the density of the water the breaching process of the embankment material, though the
with time as it flows downstream. These limitations have a process in this study was not taken into account, makes the
direct impact on the results of the solution such as flood travel results less reliable. However, 3D CFD Models do solve most
time and flood inundation maps. Since to make the results of the problems associated with the assumptions to the models
more reliable high resolution, newly developed satellite data but it does that by the cost of lengthened simulation time and
should be used. Though the results are key in the identification higher range of data input. However, the results of the CFD
of areas that are at risk if the Attabad Lake is breached but the models also depend upon the resolution of the topographic
calculated discharges, travel time of wave, water depths, and data i.e. Resolution of the DEM, incorporation of the land
Velocities should only be used as a guide in future studies and cover, and properties of water i.e. density of the flood wave as
emergency flood management practices. Manning’s n value it flows downstream, etc. Using the FLOW-3D CFD model,
cannot be replicated with ultimate accuracy in any flow flood inundation maps, velocity vectors, and flow depth
problem and for such large-scale problems like Dam-Break hydrographs for the dam break of Attabad lake were plotted.
DEM and its resolution, initially assuming the dam to break Results of the simulations show that the peak depth at various
instantaneously while we are not certain about the dam failure sections of the villages downstream of the lake caries between
mechanism and accurately replicating the Manning’s n value 92 to 15 m. These values indicate higher inundation extents as
directly alter the simulation results. shown in inundation maps of the villages. The peak velocities
6. CONCLUSIONS vary between 44 to 21 m/sec it indicates higher shear stress at
the downstream valley and through the sections where the
Dam break causes heavy damages to infrastructure, flood passes can experience an extreme washout of
landscapes, agriculture, and the environment but the
Wasim Karam et al., International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research, 9(6), June 2021, 703 – 714

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Department of Civil Engineering, Abasyn University Supersonic Flow Regime Using Ramp Injector with
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Engineering, UET Peshawar, Pakistan in terrain modelling is 31–40, 2013.http://
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