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O2017-308 Truancy

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O2017 – 308

Republic of the Philippines

Province of Iloilo

EXCERPT from the Minutes of Session of the Sangguniang Bayan ng Oton, Iloilo recorded during
its Regular Session held at Barangay Calam-isan, Oton, Iloilo on July 19, 2017 at 1:00 in the afternoon.
PRESENT: Hon. Vicente B. Flores, Jr. Vice Mayor and Presiding Officer
Hon. Jafet P. Salinas SB Member
Hon. Grace Marie Escanlar–Cruz SB Member
Hon. Lee C. Alison SB Member
Hon. Honorato P. Nad SB Member
Hon. Ma. Lorna T. Geonigo SB Member
Hon. Juan Miguel M. Flores SB Member (On Vacation Leave)
Hon. Eusebio G. Villavicencio, Jr. SB Member (On Leave, MC 6
Hon. Margarito T. Clavel III SB Member (Liga ng mga Barangay Representative)

ORDINANCE NO. 2017 – 308


AS PROPOSED by Vice Mayor Vicente B. Flores, Jr., ON MOTION of the Committees on Youth
and Sports Development composed by Hon. Lee C. Alison, and Hon. Margarito T. Clavel III, and Education
composed by Hon. Juan Miguel M. Flores, Hon. Lee C. Alison which was duly seconded by Hon. Ma. Lorna
T. Geonigo
BE IT ORDAINED by the Sangguniang Bayan of Oton, Iloilo, that:
SECTION 1. Introductory Clause. It is a standing policy of administrations of elementary and high
schools that learners who have incurred more than ten (10) days consecutive absences are
considered drop-outs. Despite of this, “truants” or learners playing hooky, or the so-called
“bulakboleros” in Tagalog or “Palaligoy” in Hiligaynon can be seen loitering in public places and
entering internet cafes, business establishments and playing video/ computer games and billiards
during school hours.
Worse, some learners are occasionally found to be involved in prohibited activities during
hours that they are supposed to be in school attending their classes. Because of truancy, some
learners also become victims of street crimes.
This ordinance, therefore, aims to protect the interests of learners for the peace of mind of
their parents and guardians, by isolating them from the effects of social ills that destroy their
learner’s life and their future, and also to control and prevent juvenile delinquency, It will apply to
elementary learners and high school learners enrolled in public and private schools in the
Municipality of Oton, Iloilo.
This Ordinance also proposes the establishment of a Truancy Board, and the deputation of
all Punong Barangays, Barangay Tanods, school officials and teachers as action officers in the
implementation of this Ordinance.
Under this Ordinance, corresponding disciplinary measures and penalties are imposed
against both erring owners of business establishments, truant learners and their parents or
guardians as well.
It is high time that the municipal government adopt a truancy system so that the best
interests of learners whom the government and parents have provided a place in school are
SECTION 2. TITLE. This Ordinance, for brevity, shall be known as “The Anti-Truancy Ordinance of the
Municipality of Oton.”
SECTION 3. SCOPE. This ordinance shall cover the violations herein defined within the
territorial jurisdiction of the Municipality of Oton, Iloilo.

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SECTION 4. DEFINITION OF TERMS. The following words and phrase, whenever used in this
Ordinance, shall be construed as defined in this Section:
a) Learner – means any elementary and high school learner who is officially enrolled in a public or
private school in the Municipality of Oton.
b) Truant – means a learner who is absent from school without valid cause;
c) School – means public and private elementary and secondary school in the Municipality of Oton.
d) School Hours – means the time from 7:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, from 1:00 to 5:00 PM during
weekdays (Monday to Friday) except when a weekday falls on a Holiday, from 4:00 to 9:00 PM for
night class and 8:00AM to 5:00PM during Saturdays.
e) Business Establishment – means internet cafes, computer shops/ centers, video shops/ centers,
billiard halls, movie houses, malls and other similar entertainment establishments in the
Municipality of Oton.
f) Operator – means the owner, manager, administrator, lessee or any person who operates and is
responsible for the operation of a business establishment.
g) Parent – means a person who is a natural parent, adoptive parent, or step-parent of a minor.
h) Guardian – means:
1) A person who, under court order, is the guardian of a minor;
2) A public or private agency with whom a learner has been placed for custody by a court;
3) A person in charge of the custody or who is taking care of a learner, whether relative or not; or
i) Public Place – means a place located in the Municipality of Oton where the general public, or a
substantial group of people, have access, including but not limited to streets, highways, sidewalks,
parking lots, vacant lots or any unsupervised place, parks and the common areas in and about
churches, apartment buildings, office buildings, hospitals/ clinics, schools, shops, and places of
entertainment such as movie theaters and similar places and business establishments.
j) Linger or stay – means to loiter or remain, as well as to refuse to leave when requested to do so by
an authorized person, or the owner or other person in control of a public place. This term also
encompasses activities which may be mobile, such as walking, driving and riding about in a public
place or business establishment.
k) Emergency – means an unforeseen combination of circumstances or the resulting state that calls
for immediate action. The term includes, but is not limited to: fire, natural disaster, automobile
accident, or any situation requiring immediate action to prevent serious bodily injury or loss of life.
a) It shall be unlawful for a learner to linger or stay or be in public place or business establishment
during school hours.
b) It shall be unlawful for a parent or guardian, teacher and school authorities to knowingly permit, or
by insufficient control allow the learner to linger or stay in any business establishment or public
place within the municipality during school hours.
c) It shall be unlawful for an operator of any business establishment to knowingly permit or by
insufficient control allow a learner to linger or stay and play computer/ video, billiard or other games
during school hours (as provided in Ord. No. 2004–134 as amended, entitled, An Ordinance
Regulating the Operation of Gaming Centers in the Municipality of Oton, Iloilo).
SECTION 6. EXCEPTIONS. The activities prohibited by Section 5 shall not be unlawful in the
following circumstances:
a) When the learner is in a motor vehicle or other travel in no violation of this Ordinance.
b) When the learner is involved in an emergency.
c) When the learner is going to or from a medical appointment;

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d) When the learner has been permitted to leave school campus for some school-related activities
and has in his/ her possession a valid, school-issued, off-campus permit, letter of authorization.
e) When the learner is with his/ her parents or guardian.
SECTION 7. ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURE. Before taking any enforcement action under this
Ordinance, a Punong Barangay, Police Officer, Barangay Tanod, School Authorities shall ask the
apparent offender’s age and reason for being in the public place or business establishment. The
officer or enforcer shall issue a citation to the violator, after reasonably believing that a violation
was committed and explaining the circumstances of such violation under this Ordinance, to be
dealt with pursuant to the applicable provisions in Section 10 hereof.
created shall be composed of the following:
Chairman of the Board
Mayor or the Municipal Administrator as authorized by the Mayor
Vice-Chairman of the Board
SB Chair, Committee on Education
SB Chair, Committee on Peace and Order
SB Chair, Committee on Youth
Members of the Board
Liga ng mga Barangay President/ Committee on Education Liga ng mga Barangay
PNP Chief of Oton
Tanod Associations Federation President
5 Federated Officers of Barangay Kagawad, Chair, Committee on Education
District Supervisor of Oton
Principals of Elementary and Secondary Schools
Principals/ Heads of Private Schools
Federated PTA President of the Municipality
SECTION 9. FUNCTIONS OF TRUANCY BOARD. The Truancy Board shall have the following
a) Make responsive and essential the implementation of the Anti-Truancy Ordinance.
b) Deputize all Punong Barangays, Barangay Tanods, school officials, PTA Officers and teachers as
action officers in the implementation of this Ordinance.
c) Control and Prevent juvenile delinquency and in order that the health, safety and welfare of
learners will be protected.
d) Take active steps in ensuring the welfare of elementary pupils and high school learner in the
Municipality of Oton.
a) The penalty / intervention for a learner who violates this Ordinance shall be:
For the 1st Offense – a learner found violating this Ordinance for the first time will be given a copy
of citation ticket and referred to the school where he/ she is officially enrolled for
counseling before being properly turned over to his/ her parent/s or guardian/s or to the
concerned school authorities.
For every subsequent Offense – a learner found violating this Ordinance for the second time and
every time thereafter will be required to report to the Barangay Council for the Protection of
Children (BCPC) of the barangay where he/ she is residing, for counseling Provided, that
the Punong Barangay shall certify compliance or non-compliance by the concerned learner
with this penalty / intervention; Provided Further, that the violator shall be required to
submit the certification issued by the Punong Barangay to the apprehending officer and
school administrator or principal within a period not to exceed two (2) months from date of
violation; and Provided Furthermore, that every non-compliance with the prescribed
penalty shall be automatically converted to a fine of Two Hundred Pesos (Php200.00) to

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be imposed against the violator’s parent or guardian concerned on top of the fine already
imposed upon said parent or guardian under Section 10 (b) hereof.
b) Any parent or guardian and teacher or school authorities in charge of the custody and in direct
supervision of a learner who violated this Ordinance shall be penalized with a fine of Three
Hundred Pesos (Php300.00)
c) Any operator of business establishment covered under this Ordinance found violating any provision
hereof shall be meted with the following penalties as indicated in Mun. Ord. Nos. 2004–134 and
amended by 2008–193.
SECTION 11. Budgetary Requirements. The amount of One Hundred Thousand Pesos
(Php100,000.00) as budget for information dissemination, printing of citation tickets, travel
expenses and other miscellaneous expenses shall be taken from the General Fund of the Local
Government Unit.
SECTION 12. Separability Clause. If any provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the other
provisions not affected thereby shall continue in operation.
SECTION 13. Repealing Clause. All municipal ordinances or parts of any municipal ordinance
inconsistent with the provisions of this Ordinance are hereby repealed or modified accordingly.
SECTION 14. Effectivity Clause. Based on Section 511 of the Local Government Code, this Ordinance
with penal sanctions shall take effect either on the day following its publication, or at the end of
three (3) consecutive weeks period of posting, whichever occurs later.
SECTION 15. Copies. This Ordinance shall be furnished to the Office of the Mayor; MPDO; MSWDO;
MBO; MTO; Actg. Office; Oton PNP; Federated PTA; 37 Barangays; District Supervisor, DepEd; All
public and private Elementary and High Schools in the Municipality of Oton; All business
establishments (like gaming centers and malls); and the Sangguniang Panlalawigan of Iloilo for
information, guidance and review respectively.
I HEREBY CERTIFY to the correctness of the foregoing Ordinance.


Secretary to the Sanggunian
Chair, Committee on Rules and Privileges


Vice Mayor and Presiding Officer
Municipal Mayor

Date Approved by LCE: ________________________ Date Posted: ____________________________ /jod/

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