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36.WEF The Global Covid19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study 2020

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The Global

Covid-19 FinTech
Market Rapid
Assessment Study
with the support of
This study was partially funded by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) through the
Cambridge Alternative Finance Collaboration Network (CAFCN) Programme implemented by the Cambridge Centre
for Alternative Finance (CCAF) at the University of Cambridge Judge Business School.

The financial contribution provided by the World Bank Group towards this study was partially funded by the Ministry
of Finance of Luxembourg, which has contributed to the funding as a donor for the World Bank Group’s Joint Capital
Markets (JCAP) Program.

Please cite this study as CCAF, World Bank and World Economic Forum (2020) The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market
Rapid Assessment Report, University of Cambridge, World Bank Group and the World Economic Forum.
The Global Covid-19 FinTech
Market Rapid Assessment Study
Table of Contents

CCAF Foreword................................................................................................................................................. 7
World Bank Foreword..................................................................................................................................... 8
World Economic Forum Foreword............................................................................................................ 9
UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Minister Foreword...................... 10

Research Team...................................................................................................................11
Contributors and Reviewers..................................................................................................................... 11
Acknowledgements....................................................................................................................................... 11

Executive Summary........................................................................................................16
FinTech market performance in general during Covid-19........................................................... 16
FinTechs’ Responses to Covid-19 . ......................................................................................................... 17
FinTech operations and fundraising challenges during Covid-19............................................. 18
Regulatory responses and support for FinTechs during Covid-19.......................................... 18

Chapter 1. Introduction ..................................................................................................21

Research Objectives...................................................................................................................................... 21
Rationale for Study: Existing evidence of the impact of Covid-19 in FinTech.................... 21
Methodology..................................................................................................................................................... 22
Developing a Working Taxonomy for FinTech.................................................................................. 24
Overview of Survey Respondents.......................................................................................................... 25

Chapter 2. Global overview of the FinTech industry.....................................28

Market performance of the global FinTech industry in light of Covid-19............................ 28
FinTech Changes in Policies, Products and Services as a Response to Covid-19............. 29
Participation in Covid-19 Relief Measure(s) as a delivery partner ......................................... 32
Regulatory Responses and Policy Needs during Covid-19 . ...................................................... 33
Financial Position and Operational Challenges to the Global FinTech Industry . ............ 35
The impact of Covid-19 lockdowns on FinTechs . ...........................................................................36
Lockdown Stringency Impact on Operational Indicators............................................................ 37
FinTech markets by World Bank income groups.............................................................................. 39

Chapter 3. Impact of Covid-19 on selected FinTech Verticals ................... 45

Digital Lending . ............................................................................................................................................... 45
Overview of Respondents ................................................................................................................ 45
Market Performance Indicators...................................................................................................... 47
Change in Investor Activity............................................................................................................... 49
Changes to Existing Products and Services..............................................................................50
New Products and Services ............................................................................................................. 50
Participation in Covid-19 Relief Measures................................................................................. 51
Regulatory Responses or Innovations.......................................................................................... 51
Operational and Risk Indicators ..................................................................................................... 52
Digital Payments ............................................................................................................................................ 53
Overview of Respondents ................................................................................................................ 53
Market Performance Indicators...................................................................................................... 55
Changes to Existing Products and Services.............................................................................. 56
New Products and Services.............................................................................................................. 57
Participation in Covid-19 Relief Measures . .............................................................................. 58
Regulatory Responses or Innovations.......................................................................................... 58
Operational and Risk Indicators...................................................................................................... 59
Digital Capital Raising................................................................................................................................... 60
Overview of Respondents................................................................................................................. 61
Market Performance Indicators...................................................................................................... 62
Change in Investor Activity............................................................................................................... 63
Changes to Existing Products and Services .............................................................................64
New Products and Services.............................................................................................................. 65
Regulatory Responses or Innovations.......................................................................................... 65
Operational and Risk Indicators ..................................................................................................... 66
InsurTech . .......................................................................................................................................................... 67
Overview of Respondents................................................................................................................. 67
Market Performance Indicators...................................................................................................... 68
Changes to Existing Products and Services.............................................................................. 70
New Products and Services.............................................................................................................. 70
Regulatory Responses or Innovations.......................................................................................... 71
Operational and Risk Indicators...................................................................................................... 71
Market Provisioning . .................................................................................................................................... 72
Overview of Respondents................................................................................................................. 72
Market Performance Indicators...................................................................................................... 74
Changes to Existing Products and Services.............................................................................. 75
Regulatory Responses or Innovations . ....................................................................................... 76
Operational and Risk Indicators .....................................................................................................77

Chapter 4. Impact of Covid-19 on selected regions ....................................... 80

Sub-Saharan Africa .......................................................................................................................................80
Overview of SSA Respondents........................................................................................................80
Market Performance Indicators for Top 3 Verticals.............................................................. 81
Regulatory Responses or Innovations (Top 5).......................................................................... 81
Government Interventions (Top 5)................................................................................................ 82
The Asia-Pacific Region................................................................................................................................ 82
Overview of APAC Respondents.................................................................................................... 83
Market Performance Indicators for Top 3 Verticals . ........................................................... 83
Participation in Covid-19 Relief Measures . ..............................................................................84
Regulatory Responses or Innovations (Top 5)..........................................................................84
Government Interventions (Top 5)................................................................................................84
North America.................................................................................................................................................. 84
Overview of North America Respondents ............................................................................... 85
Market Performance Indicators for Top 3 Verticals . ........................................................... 85
Regulatory Responses or Innovations (Top 5)..........................................................................86
Government Interventions (Top 5)................................................................................................ 86
Europe & the United Kingdom.................................................................................................................. 87
Overview of Europe (excluding UK) Respondents................................................................. 87
Market Performance Indicators for Top 3 Verticals . ........................................................... 88
Regulatory Responses or Innovations (Top 5)..........................................................................88
Government Interventions (Top 5)................................................................................................88

United Kingdom – a Country-Level Case Study.............................................................................. 89

Country context and overview of Respondents..................................................................... 89
Market Performance Indicators for Top 5 Verticals . ...........................................................90
Transaction Volume for Key Models in the UK - 2019.........................................................90
SME-Focused Finance......................................................................................................................... 91
Changes to Products and Services ............................................................................................... 94
New Products and Services ............................................................................................................. 95
Regulatory Responses or Innovations (Top 5) . ....................................................................... 95
Government Interventions (Top 5) . ............................................................................................. 96
Latin America and the Caribbean .......................................................................................................... 96
Overview of LAC Respondents....................................................................................................... 97
Market Performance Indicators for Top 3 Verticals.............................................................. 97
Regulatory Responses or Innovations (Top 5).......................................................................... 98
Government Interventions (Top 5)................................................................................................ 98
Middle East and North Africa................................................................................................................... 98
Overview of MENA Respondents.................................................................................................. 99
Market Performance indicators...................................................................................................... 99
Regulatory Responses or Innovations (Top 5).......................................................................100
Government Interventions (Top 5)............................................................................................. 100

Appendix A: List of Respondent HQ Countries or Jurisdiction, OxCGRT Lockdown
Stringency Index Average & Designated Quantile, World Bank Income Designation..... 104
Appendix B: Composition Matrix, Proportion of EMDEs and AEs within Designated
Lockdown Stringency Quantiles . .............................................................................................................. 106
Appendix C1: A Working Taxonomy for the Global FinTech Industry by Verticals and
Sub-Verticalsl....................................................................................................................................................... 107
Appendix C2: Definition of FinTech Business Models by Sub-Vertical................................... 108
Appendix D: Number of observations by headquarter Country/Jurisdiction..................... 111
Appendix E: FinTech Firms that Participated in the Study............................................................ 112

Endnotes.............................................................................................................................. 121

CCAF Foreword

Covid-19 has profoundly impacted financial systems across the world, including the provision of digital
financial services and the functioning of FinTech markets. Recent anecdotal evidence suggests that the
socio-economic shocks associated with the global pandemic have severely disrupted some FinTech sectors,
created opportunities to others and introduced a state of flux for many.
As consumers and MSMEs increasingly look to digital financial channels and instruments for payments
and remittances, saving or insurance solutions, as well as capital raising amid more stringent lockdown
measures, there is an urgent need to gather empirical data from the FinTech markets. This can
support evidence-based decision-making by the industry, investors, business communities, regulators,
governments, multilateral institutions and other key stakeholders.
This is the context in which the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) partnered with the
World Bank Group and the World Economic Forum to conceptualize, design and deliver the Global
Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Report. This market assessment report endeavors to answer a
series of pertinent questions on how Covid-19 has impacted the global FinTech industry.
For instance, how has Covid-19 impacted the global FinTech industry in terms of transaction volume,
customer retention and growth? Is there uniform performance or market bifurcation? How agile and
resilient have FinTech firms been across geographies and verticals? What kind of regulatory support and
policy assistance are most needed? How has the FinTech industry contributed to the relief and recovery
efforts through solutions for both public and private sector actors? What are some of the operational
challenges and emergent risks facing the FinTech industry today?
A global study of this scale is not easy to implement, even in the best of times. It is thanks to the remarkable
support of over 110 FinTech industry survey partners including Money20/20, GSMA, Innovate Finance,
LendIt FinTech, Crowdfund Insider and Finextra, as well as the overwhelming response of the FinTechs
across verticals and geographies, that the joint research team was able to successfully survey 1,385 unique
firms operating in 169 countries.
As one of the largest empirical studies on FinTech to date, this research finds that in spite of unparalleled
levels of uncertainty and rapid changes in market conditions, the global FinTech industry as a whole has
been largely resilient in responding to Covid-19. It has been adaptable in adjusting business models and
product offerings, and innovative in working with both private and public sectors. The evidence also
reveals uneven performance of FinTechs across verticals and geographies, and a need for more regulatory
and policy support as market consolidation continues and acute challenges remain.
At the CCAF, we are thankful for the opportunity to collaborate once again with colleagues at the
World Bank Group and the World Economic Forum. We are particularly thankful for the leadership and
foresight of Caroline Freund, Anderson Caputo Silva, Mahesh Uttamchandani, Ana Fiorella Carvajal and
Harish Natarajan at the World Bank, and Matthew Blake at the Forum. We are also very grateful for the
foundational funding provided by the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO) through
the Prosperity Fund Global Finance Programme to the Cambridge Alternative Finance Collaboration
Network (CAFCN), which also helped support this research. We also would like to thank the Ministry of
Finance of Luxembourg for their contribution.
We hope that both the global FinTech industry and the regulatory community will find this report useful in
crystallizing insights on the impact of Covid-19. We hope it will contribute by laying out the challenges and
opportunities for FinTechs across models and markets, and how increasingly digitalized financial services
can play a pivotal role in fostering innovation, improving access to finance and driving economic recovery.

Bryan Zhang Tania Ziegler

Co-Founder and Executive Director Lead in Global Benchmarking
Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance

World Bank Foreword
The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Access to critical financial services, such as payments, savings and insurance, helps people improve their
lives. But access is unequal and poor people and small firms typically have many fewer options. FinTech has
shown its potential to close gaps in the delivery of financial services to households and firms in emerging
markets and developing economies. Initially, such benefits were channeled via mobile money and digital
payments solutions. Research conducted at country and regional level, and more recently at global level,
has shown the effectiveness of such solutions for financial inclusion. Other types of FinTech firms, such
as lending and capital raising platforms, are showing their potential to improve access to finance for
underserved groups, including SMEs, although these platform solutions are still at an early stage in the
majority of emerging markets and developing economies. Finally, firms that provide supporting services
such as credit scoring or digital ID solutions are helping to expand the benefits of fintech across the entire
financial sector.
The Covid-19 pandemic is accelerating the use of FinTech as it facilitates the remote provision of financial
services. However, FinTech firms are not a monolithic sector, but rather comprise a range of firms, which
deliver different financial services, based on different business models. For the World Bank Group, it is
critical to gain a deeper understanding of the impact of the pandemic across different types of firms and
also across regions, in order to better tailor the advice that it provides to country authorities.
This Global Rapid Market Survey—including responses of 1,385 fintech firms operating in 169
jurisdictions—promotes understanding of the impact of covid-19 on FinTech firms through an industry
view of key issues. Respondents represented all types of financial services firms across all regions, including
advanced economies, and emerging markets and developing economies.
The findings of the survey indicate that FinTech firms’ operations have continued to grow. On average,
FinTech firms reported a year-on-year increase in their transaction numbers and volumes of 13% and
11% respectively. However, this growth has not been without challenges, in terms of added costs, and
increased risks. Furthermore, the survey provides preliminary insights as to which types of firms are more
vulnerable, as well as to differences across regions. In this regard, lending platforms constitute an outlier,
as they are the only type of FinTech for which, on average, firms reported a contraction in transaction
volumes and numbers, also compounded by other factors such as an increase in arrears and defaults. While
on average, firms in all regions reported growth, firms in the MENA regions stood out as they reported a
much higher year-on-year change. The survey also points to specific regulatory actions that FinTech firms
consider necessary for their growth in the short term. Particular areas mentioned include: electronic know
your customer (e-KYC); simplified customer due diligence; remote onboarding, and more generally, in
making supervisory processes more efficient.
The insights provided in this study, together with the Global Covid-19 FinTech Regulatory Rapid
Assessment Study conducted in October of this year, can be useful to government authorities as they
seek to identify what is needed to reap the benefits of FinTech across the financial sector and support
the growth of FinTech firms while managing the risks that financial technology can bring to consumer
protection, integrity and financial stability. The World Bank Group stands ready to continue supporting
countries in these efforts.
The World Bank Group appreciates the partnership developed with the Cambridge Centre for
Alternative Finance and the World Economic Forum, which has been instrumental to achieving this level
of participation from the FinTech industry. It also appreciates the support of the Ministry of Finance of
Luxembourg, which has contributed to the funding of this study as a donor to the World Bank Group's
Joint Capital Markets (J-CAP) Program. As well, this study received support from the UK Foreign,
Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO).

Caroline Freund
World Bank Director for Finance, Competitiveness and Innovation

World Economic Forum Foreword

COVID-19 has taken over 1.3 million lives worldwide, while leaving economies, industries and communities
ravished in its wake. Every stakeholder faces unique challenges as a result of the pandemic, and the FinTech
community is no exception. Given the significance of fintech operators in today’s economy, the World
Economic Forum’s Platform for Shaping the Future of Financial and Monetary Systems has partnered with
the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance at Cambridge University’s Judge Business School and the
World Bank Group to study the impact of COVID-19 on global FinTech markets.
Over the past decade, FinTechs have fundamentally changed the way the financial services ecosystem
operates by streamlining current products, providing new customer-focused solutions, transforming back-
end business processes and offering remedies to outdated infrastructure. With their innovative business
models, FinTechs have accelerated the pace of change across the financial services industry. At the same
time, given the young age of the industry, many FinTech firms have experienced their first significant bout
of economic uncertainty as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. This research collaboration, launched
in the spring of 2020 when the global pandemic was rapidly accelerating, moved quickly to grasp the
challenges for FinTechs as well as the solutions these nimble businesses could potentially provide to the
public. Specifically, the group looked at the impact of the pandemic on global FinTech markets, the response
of the FinTech industry to COVID-19 and the immediate regulatory and policy implications arising from the
economic volatility related to the pandemic.
As the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation, the World Economic Forum is
committed to convening organizations from across the globe to address the most pressing issues impacting
today’s society. This research collaboration directly aligns with the Forum’s mission by surveying almost
1,400 firms across 169 jurisdictions. Moving forward, the Forum hopes to serve as a platform for FinTechs
and other relevant stakeholders to discuss avenues for recovery from the economic impact of the
COVID-19 pandemic.
The Global COVID-19 Fintech Market Rapid Assessment Study is the first step in understanding the
potential of FinTech operating models to better serve the public in the aftermath of the pandemic. The
World Economic Forum is grateful for the strong collaboration and deep expertise lent by the Cambridge
Centre for Alternative Finance and the World Bank Group throughout the research process.

Matthew Blake
Head of Financial and Monetary Systems
World Economic Forum

UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office Minister Foreword
The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Financial Technology (FinTech) is disrupting traditional financial markets and offers significant opportunity
to increase the reach of financial services to the poor and financially excluded segments of the population.
Technology and new sources of data make it easier, cheaper and faster to reach these populations in
emerging and developing economies.
The UK is a leading global centre for FinTech, employing over 76,000 people and generating an annual
revenue of around £7 billion. The UK’s Fintech market is estimated to have grown by nearly 70% since
2015. This demonstrates the large opportunities FinTech provides, not only for commercial investors
looking to make a financial return, but in creating jobs and contributing to a country’s economy.
Emerging and developing economies are home to some of the fastest growing FinTech markets in the
world. This year the combined value of FinTech start-ups in Southeast Asia is $150 billion. The growth in
financial inclusion across Africa since 2011 is mainly due to the availability of mobile banking. It is estimated
that 10% of all venture investment deals across the Middle East and North Africa are made in this sector.
As a former banker, I am passionate about FinTech and the revolutionary impact it can have. Covid-19 is
accelerating change in how people interact with financial services. This has led to unprecedented demand
from developing countries to progress their transition to secure and inclusive digital finance and away from
the use of physical cash.
The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study is one of the largest empirical studies to date
on the impact of Covid-19 on FinTech firms globally. It is positive to see that, despite tough economic
conditions in 2020, FinTech firms are reporting on average higher growth compared to Q1-Q2 2019,
especially in emerging and developing economies. The study also highlights that many FinTech firms are
suffering a deterioration in their financial position and are concerned over their ability to raise capital in
future. This is something that the global FinTech community should be mindful of given the significant
economic opportunities that FinTech presents.
As Minister for Africa, I look forward to working with industry and regulators to harness the potential of
FinTech to grow economies and alleviate poverty across the World.

James Duddridge MP
The UK’s Minister for Africa
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO)

Research Team

Research Team
Tania Ziegler (CCAF), Bryan Zhang (CCAF), Ana Fiorella Carvajal (World Bank), Mary Emma Barton
(World Economic Forum), Herman Smit (CCAF), Karsten Wenzlaff (CCAF), Harish Natarajan (World Bank),
Felipe Ferri de Camargo Paes (CCAF), Krishnamurthy Suresh (CCAF), Hannah Forbes (CCAF), Neha
Kekre (CCAF), Charles Wanga (CCAF), Guillermo Alfonso Galicia Rabadan (World Bank), Nilima Chhabilal
Ramteke (World Bank), Cecilia López Closs (CCAF), Leyla Mammadova (CCAF), Alexander Reviakin
(CCAF), Rui Hao (CCAF), Nafis Alam (APU), Pawee Jenweeranon (Thammasat University), Rose Njuguna
(CCAF), Grigory McKain (CCAF), Nadeenut Suvanprakorn (CCAF), Altantsetseg Ganbold (CCAF), Chris
Knaup (CCAF), Chung Liang Khong (CCAF), and Hunter Sims (CCAF).

Contributors and Reviewers

Anderson Caputo Silva (World Bank), Mahesh Uttamchandani (World Bank), Matthew Blake (World
Economic Forum), Robert Wardrop (CCAF), Raghu Rau (CCAF), Erik Feyen (World Bank), Margaret Miller
(World Bank), Jesse McWaters (Independent), Philip Rowan (CCAF), Michel Rauchs (CCAF), Lesly Goh
(World Bank), Miguel Soriano (IFC), Jon Frost (BIS), Peter Morgan (ADBI) and Pedro Xavier Faz de los
Santos (World Bank).

The CCAF, World Bank Group and World Economic Forum research team would like to thank the following
individuals for their help and support in making this study possible (in no particular order): Peter Renton
(LendIt), Andrew Dix (CrowdfundInsider), Janine Hirt (Innovate Finance), Sophie Wawro (Money 2020),
Steve Ellis (Finextra), Doubell Chamberlain (Cenfri), Laura Munoz Perex (CENFRI), Max Cuvellier (GSMA),
Nika Naghavi (GSMA), Takeshi Kito (Japan FinTech Association), Diego Herrera (IDB), Gabriela Andrade
(IDB), Sameer Gulati (DIT), Tom Herbstein (DIT), Malik Khan Kotadia (GIFT), Leah Callon-Butler (GIFT),
Sebastian Resano (GIFT), Elizabeth Howard (Africa Crowdfunding Association), Rotem Shneor (UIA),
Ronald Kleverlaan (Crowdfunding Hub / ECAF), Ana Odorovic (CCAF), Craig Asano (NCFA Canada),
Maelis Carraro (Catalyst Fund), Susanne Chishti (FinTech Circle), Lawrence Wintermeyer (Global Digital
Finance), Mercy Simorangkir (AFTECH), Nameer Khan (MENA FinTech Association), Chia Hock Lai
(Singapore FinTech Association), Pauline Theobald Wray (Expand Research-BCG), Aaron Block (Expand
Research-BCG), Stijn van der Krogt (Universidad Paraguayo Alemana), Ben Shenglin (ZIBS), Olayinka
David-West (Lagos Business School), Benita Margon (Findexable), Marina Dimova (Women’s Wordl
Banking), Gabrielle Inzirillo (Plug and Play), Tal Schwartz (Canadian Lenders Association), Gary Schwartz
(Canadian Lenders Association), Tom Hill (EY), Maria Oliver Roman (CFTE), Niall Barton (InsurTech UK),
Priyashmita Guha (Digital Lending Association of India), Subas Roy (International RegTech Assocation),
George Kesselman (Global InsurTech Alliance), Angel Sierra (FinTech Chile), Augustos Santos (Portugal
FinTech), Matthew Pinter (Crowdfunding Institute of Australia), Simon Clegg (New Zealand Crowdfunding
Association), Jan Korte (FinTech Hamburg), Fernando E. Hernandez Casco (Comision Nacional de Bancos
y Seguros), Natalia Pinzon (Asociacion FinTech Guatemala), Mariano F. Biocca (Camara Argentina de
FinTech), Jorge Reyes (Ecuador FinTech), Juan Carols Zamalloa (FinTech Peru), Brian Tang (Hong Kong
FinTech Association), Alessandro Lerro (Italian Equity Crowdfunding Association), Segun Aina (FinTech
Association of Nigeria), Nattha Sirithanapisarn (Thai FinTech Association), Bruce Davis (UKCFA), Erick
Rincon Cardenas (Colombia FinTech / Alianza Ibero-America), Kartik Varma (TechStars), Daniela Rocha
Gil (Colombia FinTech), Cinthia Facciuto (Camara FinTech Paraguay), Francisco Mere (FinTech Mexico),
Tulga Sukhdorj (Mongolian FinTech Association), Louise Garbo (Swedish FinTech Association), Christian
Fae (Digital Finance Forum), Antonina Olecka (Swiss Finance and Technology Association), Alex Scandurra
(Stone & Chalk), Shan Luo (FinTech Space), Josue Toho (Africa FinTech Forum), George Kesselman
(InsurTech Asia Association), Carlos Valderrama (Legal Paradox), Ignacio Esteban Carballo (UCA), Owolabi

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Taiwo (Africa FinTech Network), Alex Sea (Africa FinTech Forum), Shan Luo (FinTech Space), Eladio
Delgado (Spanish Crowdlending Association), Florence de Maupeou (Financement Participatif France),
Miguel Armaza (Wharton FinTech) and David Charlet (Anacofi).

In addition, we would like to thank the following organisations for their assistance in data collection
and verification across Europe: European Centre for Alternative Finance at the University of Utrecht,
Copenhagen FinTech, Finance Estonia, University of Hamburg, Bundesverband Crowdfunding,
Financement Participatif France, UK Crowdfunding Association, Lithuanian Lending Association, Spanish
Crowdlending Association, Swedish FinTech Association, Swiss Finance and Technology Association,
International RegTech Association, Nordic RegTech Association, Crowd-Fund-Port Interreg Central
Europe, Bulgarian Fintech Association, Romanian Fintech Association, Geneva WealthTech Forum and
InsurTech UK.

The Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance would also like to express our gratitude to the UK Foreign,
Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) for its continued support to our work through the
CAFCN. We would like to particularly thank Kim Bromley, Kathryn White and Shakira Birtwhistle at the
FCDO for their help and guidance.

We are grateful to Apolline Blandin, Anton Dek, Keith Bear, Thomas Bennet, Dee Allen, Philip Rowan and
Emmanuel Schizas from the CCAF for their support and insights in developing the data collection tool
and supporting outreach efforts. We would also like to thank your Summer-2020 CCAF Interns for their
support and assistance in survey dissemination: Hui Li, Huayi Zhang, Qiqi Cai, Lang Wang, Yajing Sun,
Vasudha Rajain, Sourav Padhi and Hatim Hussain.

We are very thankful to Louise Smith for designing the report, Charles Goldsmith, Neil Jessiman and
Philippa Coney for press and communications support, and Yvona Duncan and Kate Belger for their
administrative support.

In addition, we would like to thank Madeleine Hillyer, Samuel Werthmuller, Meagan Andrews, Beatrice Di
Caro, Leena Calusell and Emina Ajvazoska from the World Economic Forum for their immense help in the
dissemination of this study.

Research Team

Global Industry Survey Partners

Global Survey Media Partners

FinTech Ecosystem Survey Partners

Regional, National and Industry Vertical Survey Partners

Naonal Internet Finance Associaon of China

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study


AEs: Advanced Economies
AI: Artificial Intelligence
APAC: The Asia Pacific excluding China
API: Application Program Interface
BaaS: Banking as a Service
BTM: Bitcoin Teller Machines
B2B: Business-to-Business
B2C: Business-to-Consumer
B2P: Business-to-Peer
CAFCN: Cambridge Alternative Finance Collaboration Network
CCAF: Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance
CDD: Customer Due Diligence
DCR: Digital Capital Raising
DFS: Digital Financial Services
EMDEs: Emerging Markets or Developing Economies
EMEM: e-Money Electronic Money
FTE: Full-Time Employees
H1: First Half Calendar Year (Q1-Q2)
HQ: Head Quarter
IMF: International Monetary Fund
IoT: Internet of Things
e-KYC: Electronic Know Your Customer
LAC: Latin America and Caribbean
MENA: Middle East and North Africa
ML: Machine Learning
MNOs: Mobile Network Operator
MSME: Micro, Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
NA: North America (for purpose of this study, inclusive of United States & Canada)
NLP: Natural Language Processing
PoS: Point of Sales
P2B: Peer-to-Business
P2P: Peer-to-Peer
SaaS: Software as a Service
SSA: Sub-Saharan Africa
TSP: Technical Service Provider
UK: United Kingdom
WBG: World Bank Group
WEF: World Economic Forum

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Executive Summary
This global study seeks to assess how financial technology firms (FinTechs) have been impacted by
Covid-19, and how they are responding to the resultant challenges and opportunities. The study is a joint
initiative of the Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) at the University of Cambridge Judge
Business School, the World Bank Group and the World Economic Forum. This research was supported by
the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, and the Ministry of Finance of Luxembourg.

The study draws on a rapid global survey of FinTechs. Between June 15th and August 18th, 2020,
the joint research team designed an online questionnaire and successfully surveyed 1,385 unique
FinTech firms operating in 169 countries. This unique dataset provides insights on global FinTechs’ i)
market performance, ii) responses to Covid-19, iii) regulatory needs and policy support requests, and iv)
operational challenges and risks. This study represents one of the largest studies to date on the impact of
Covid-19 on FinTechs globally.1 This report seeks to provide timely data to a broad set of decision makers.
To this end, this study focuses on summarizing the key findings stemming from information and views
provided by the respondents, as this can provide preliminary but valuable insights to industry and policy
makers. Future research will seek to analyze the impact of Covid-19 and related policy and regulatory
implications in a more comprehensive and deeper manner.

FinTech is defined as encompassing advances in technology and changes in business models that have
the potential to transform the provision of financial services through the development of innovative
instruments, channels and systems. For the purposes of this study, FinTech refers to a set of activities
(which may be either regulated or unregulated, according to each jurisdiction) contributing to the provision
of financial services facilitated predominately by entities emerging from outside of the traditional finance
system (such as the banking industry or capital markets). Therefore, within this study, FinTech is narrower
in scope than digital financial services (DFS). A major contribution of this study is further standardization
towards a commonly acceptable taxonomy when discussing an array of differentiated FinTech activities
both for market analysis and regulatory context. According to our working taxonomy of FinTech activities,
the survey respondents were from 13 different primary verticals, and 103 sub-verticals representing
both retail-facing and market-provisioning activities. To further contextualize responses, FinTech verticals
were grouped into Retail Facing (i.e. providing financial products and services with a focus on consumers,
households and MSMEs, and more likely to be B2C) and Market Provisioning FinTechs (i.e. those which
enable or support the infrastructure or key functionalities of FinTech and/or DFS markets, thus more likely
to be B2B).

This study finds that, overall, FinTechs operations across the globe have grown, albeit subject to several
operational challenges. 12 out of 13 surveyed FinTech verticals reported growth on average in Q1-Q2
2020, compared with the same period in 2019. FinTechs were nimble and innovative in adapting to market
conditions by both tweaking existing products and services and launching new ones. However, they still
face significant headwinds in operations and fundraising, and seem to be in need of further government
and regulatory support.

FinTech market performance in general during Covid-19

Despite Covid-19, FinTechs continue to grow globally. On average, FinTech firms reported a year-on-
year increase in their transaction numbers and volumes of 13% and 11% respectively in Q1-Q2 (used
interchangeably with H1 throughout the report). This is consistent with reported improvements in other
key market performance indicators such as new customer acquisition and customer retention.

However, the impact of Covid-19 on market performance is not uniform across FinTech business
verticals or geographic jurisdictions. Except for Digital Lending, all verticals reported an increase in

Executive Summary

transaction volume, however the rate of growth varied significantly. Digital Asset Exchanges, Digital
Payments, Digital Savings and WealthTech all reported year-on-year growth in transaction volume in
excess of 20% in Q1-Q2, whereas Digital Banking, Digital Identity and RegTech sectors reported more
modest year-on-year increases of around 10% in Q1-Q2. Conversely, Digital Lending firms reported an 8%
year-on-year contraction in Q1-Q2 globally in transaction volume and numbers of transactions, as well as
a 6% decrease in the number of new loans issued. This situation was compounded by a 9% rise in defaults
on outstanding loans. All geographic regions reported growth by transaction volume, but with pronounced
variations among them, with the highest increase reported in the Middle East and North Africa (40%),
followed by North America (21%) and Sub-Saharan Africa (21%).

FinTech markets with more stringent Covid-19 lockdown measures reported higher growth in
transaction volume. With OxCGRT dataset 2 , countries in the FinTech survey sample were grouped
into low, medium and high stringency quantiles according to the lockdown stringency of government
responses to Covid-19. On average FinTech transaction volume growth in high stringency markets was
50% higher than those in low stringency jurisdictions. This trend was most evident for Digital Payments,
where FinTechs in high stringency jurisdictions reported a 29% growth, twice the average growth of
Digital Payments providers in low stringency jurisdictions during the same period. The demand for Market
Provisioning FinTechs also followed this trend, with transaction volume growth of 20% for high stringency
jurisdictions compared to just 2% for low stringency jurisdictions.

FinTechs in emerging market and developing economies (EMDEs) reported higher growth that those in
advanced economies (AEs). EMDE FinTechs reported an average H1 growth in transaction volume and
numbers of 12% and 15% respectively – more than the 10% and 11% reported by firms from AEs. FinTechs
from EMDEs also reported higher growth in new customers and higher customer retention than firms from
AEs. While FinTechs from EMDEs were able to grow their customer base and transactions during Covid-19,
they also reported larger increases in operational challenges, costs and risks than firms from AEs, as will be
explained further below.

FinTechs’ Responses to Covid-19

FinTechs have responded to Covid-19 by implementing changes to their existing products, services and
policies. Two-thirds of surveyed firms reported making two or more changes to their products or services
in response to Covid-19, and 30% reported being in the process of doing so. The most prevalent changes
across all FinTech verticals were ‘fee or commission reductions and waivers’, ‘changes to qualification/
onboarding criteria’ and ‘payment easements’. For instance, 36% of surveyed Digital Payment firms
implemented fee or commission reductions, while 53% of Digital Lending firms made changes to their
qualification or onboarding criteria and 49% introduced payment easements.

FinTechs have launched a range of new products and services. 60% of surveyed firms reported launching
a new product or service in response to Covid-19, with a further 32% planning to do so. The most prevalent
change for Digital Payments firms was the development and deployment of additional payments channels
(38% of firms). For Digital Lending it was an increase in value-added non-financial services (e.g. information
services, introduced by 35% of firms). For Digital Capital Raising it was hosting Covid-19-specific funding
campaigns (introduced by 35% of firms).

To date, there is limited involvement by FinTechs in the delivery of Covid-19 related relief, despite
significant willingness by firms. More than a third of surveyed FinTech firms reported a willingness to
participate in the delivery of one or more Covid-19 related relief measures or schemes. This demonstrates
strong interest, yet the participation rates of FinTech firms in relief schemes are still relatively low.
Only 13% of the surveyed FinTechs have contributed to the delivery of the Government Job Retention
Measures, 7% participated in the delivery of stimulus funding for MSMEs and a further 6% involved in
the delivery of stimulus funding for households. FinTech firms were most likely to indicate interest in the
delivery of industry-led relief measures (32% of firms), government match-funding schemes (32%) and
government-based stimulus funding to MSMEs (30%).

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

These findings hold a similar pattern, when analyzed by level of lockdown stringency and income level.

FinTech operations and fundraising challenges during Covid-19

Covid-19 is posing operational challenges to FinTechs, which are also experiencing higher costs.
Overall, FinTechs reported a 5% average increase in agent or partner downtime and a 7% increase in the
number of unsuccessful transactions, queries or access requests compared to the same period in 2019
(Q1- Q2). FinTechs also reported an 8% rise in onboarding expenses and an 11% increase in data storage
expenditure. They also indicated an average of 4% decrease in revising their fiscal year 2020 turnover

FinTechs also reported an increase in risks, in particular cybersecurity. FinTechs globally reported a
17% year-on-year increase in cyber-security risk perception. Digital Asset Exchange, Digital Banking and
Digital Payments firms reported the largest perceived increase in cyber-security risks, up 32%, 20% and
19% respectively. In line with this perception, 28% of surveyed firms reported introducing enhanced fraud
or cyber-security features, and a further 12% reported being in the process of doing so. FinTechs also
reported that they perceived an increase in liquidity (17%) and foreign currency exposure risks (12%).

Some of these challenges appear more severe for FinTechs in EMDEs. In particular firms in EMDEs
reported higher increases in costs related to onboarding and storage. However, FinTechs in EMDEs, on
average, indicated that they will retain their Fiscal Year 2020 Turnover Target and grew their full-time
equivalent employees (FTEs) by 8% on a year-on-year basis. Concerning risks, cybersecurity concerns
were also higher for firms in EMDEs, which reported a 19% increase over the same period.

FinTechs operating in countries with more stringent Covid-19 lockdown measures may face more
operational challenges and incur more costs. FinTech firms in high stringency markets reported an
average 5% increase in agent or partner downtime, compared to -3% in low stringency markets. This trend
held for growth in onboarding expenditure with firms in high stringency jurisdictions reporting an 11%
increase compared to low stringency jurisdictions reporting no increase. Perceived cyber-security risks
were also positively correlated with lockdown measures, with firms in high stringency markets reporting
an 18% increase for this risk compared to 8% for low stringency markets. FinTechs in low stringency
jurisdictions reported higher expected fall in their fiscal year 2020 turnover target (8%) than FinTechs
from high stringency jurisdictions (unchanged). FinTechs in low stringency jurisdictions also reported
a significant fall of an average 19% in the number of full-time equivalent employees (FTEs), in contrast,
FinTechs in higher stringency jurisdictions reported an average of 10% increase in FTEs.

In line with these challenges, the financial position of FinTechs has deteriorated during Covid-19, with
mixed views on the prospect of future fundraising. More than half of FinTechs reported that Covid-19
negatively impacted their capital reserves, with 21% of firms reporting a significant impact and 30%
reporting a slight impact. About 40% of firms reported that Covid-19 had a significantly negative (14%) or
slightly negative impact (26%) on their firms' valuation. On the future fundraising outlook, firm responses
were more mixed, with 34% reporting negative impacts, 21% reporting positive impacts and 30% of firms
reporting no change or saying it was too soon to tell. Overall these findings hold irrespective of the income
level or lockdown stringency level of the jurisdiction where the firms are located.

Regulatory responses and support for FinTechs during Covid-19

A limited number of firms were benefitted from government interventions, but much more firms consider
them urgent. In this regard, 13% of the firms reported the use of job retention scheme, and 10% were
making use of a tax relief/subsidy. In general, however, most firms indicated that they have yet to receive
any government support and ‘urgently needed’ a variety of governmental interventions. In particular, 38%
of firms reported urgently needed access to liquidity facilities, 31% reported urgently needed access to tax
relief or subsidies, and 30% needed urgent inclusion in a fiscal stimulus package.

Early regulatory responses to Covid-19 have provided relief to some FinTechs, but firms consider that more
regulatory support is also urgently needed. FinTechs benefited from both regulatory measures and regulatory
innovations initiatives. The regulatory support that most firms reported to be using were regarding to e-KYC (17%
of respondents), working with a FinTech Innovation Office (14%), simplified customer due diligence - CDD (13%), and
support for remote onboarding (12%). FinTechs have utilized these measures differently. Digital Payment and Digital
Lending were more likely to report benefiting from e-KYC, simplified CDD and remote onboarding support measures
over other respondents. Similarly, FinTechs from MENA, APAC and SSA reported higher rate of utilization of these
regulatory measures than other regions.

However, FinTechs indicated that they urgently need more regulatory support. Overall, FinTechs were more likely
to report an urgent need for regulatory responses related to the regulation and supervision of FinTech (e.g. licensing,
permissions and reporting) than those related to regulatory innovation initiatives. Indeed, the measures that most
firms reported as urgently need were faster authorization for new activities (36% of firms), streamlined product or
services approvals (31%), simplified CDD (30%), regulatory support for remote onboarding (28%) or less burdensome
supervisory or reporting requirements (26%). Nevertheless, certain verticals, in particular Market Provisioning
FinTechs (and within it RegTech and Enterprise Technology providers), were more likely to consider the admission
to FinTech innovation offices and regulatory sandboxes, as well as participation in hackathons and Techsprints, as
urgently needed, likely because many of their activities are not regulated. Overall, the urgent need for additional
regulatory support measures was more acute for FinTech firms from SSA, MENA and LAC respectively.

FinTechs from EMDEs tend to have utilised more regulatory support than firms in AEs. Nevertheless, FinTechs from
EMDEs were also more likely to report an urgent need for regulatory support than FinTech firms from AEs. This
trend held for all regulatory response measures tracked in this study. Nearly half of FinTechs from EMDEs reported
urgently needing faster authorization or licensing for new activity. This was followed by an urgent need for streamlined
product or services approvals (40%) and regulatory support for e-KYC (39%).

The need for regulatory support is higher in firms located in countries with more stringent Covid-19 lockdown
measures. 21% of firms in high stringency jurisdictions reported currently benefiting from regulatory support for
remote onboarding (compared to 15% in low stringency jurisdictions). Yet a further 45% of firms in high stringency
jurisdictions reported that they urgently needing this support (compared to 27% in low stringency jurisdictions). This
trend held across all regulatory support measures tracked in this study, including support for e-KYC, simplified CDD
and faster authorization and licensing. Respondents in high stringency jurisdictions were also more likely to report that
they have already utilised regulatory support than firms in low stringency jurisdictions.
1. I ntroduction
Chapter 1. Introduction

Chapter 1. Introduction
Research Objectives
This Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid them to harness the opportunities arising from
Assessment Report seeks to capture, analyze and FinTech while ensuring that risks to the integrity
understand the following: of the financial system, consumer protection and
financial stability remain well managed.4
• Changes in FinTech market performance. How
has Covid-19 impacted market dynamics and The Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the way
affected firm performance? in which humans interact with one another and
their surrounding environments. As a result, it is
• Specific Covid-19 responses by FinTech firms.
also impacting the ways in which financial services
How have FinTech firms adapted, or how do
and products are accessed and used. In the first
they plan to adapt their product offerings and
prolonged economic downturn since the 2008
service agreements in response to Covid-19?
Global Financial Crisis, FinTechs – many of which
• Regulatory intervention or policy assistance. have been founded during a period of relatively
What assistance or interventions have FinTechs sustained economic growth – are being tested both
received, and what will they require from on the strength of their operating models in times
government institutions as a result of Covid-19? of stress and the ways in which they can contribute
• Operational challenges. How has Covid-19 to relief and recovery efforts.
impacted the daily operations of FinTechs? The empirical evidence on the impact of the
This report seeks to provide timely data to a broad pandemic on FinTechs is scarce. To some extent
set of decision makers. To this end, this study this is because the pandemic is still ongoing. Still,
focuses on summarizing the key findings stemming the difficulties of collecting reliable FinTech market
from the information and views provided by the data at a global level hamper any effort to get a
FinTechs that answered the survey, as this can comprehensive view of the impact of Covid-19 on
provide preliminary but valuable insights to industry FinTech.
and policy makers. Future research will seek to
The anecdotal evidence suggest that the pandemic
analyze the impact of Covid-19 or the related policy
is affecting FinTechs unevenly across different
implications in a more comprehensive and deeper
business models. For payments, the pandemic is
likely to accelerate the pace of digitalization as
digital payments allow people to conduct financial
Rationale for Study: Existing services while adhering to social distancing.
evidence of the impact of Covid-19 in Furthermore, there is evidence that governments
FinTech in EMDEs are taking measures to accelerate
the use of digital payments. 5,6 Along these lines,
Over the past decade, FinTech has significantly
the pandemic has accelerated customers’ use of
transformed financial services, by adding innovative
mobile applications to access their finances across
instruments and channels to reach customers, and
many countries, both AEs and EMDEs alike.7
by improving the systems used by firms to deliver
Much less research exists concerning the impact
services to customers. As a result, FinTechs may not
of Covid-19 in other important FinTech verticals,
only deliver efficiencies to the financial sector but
such as Digital Lending. Anecdotal evidence from
also contribute to financial inclusion, especially in
specific platforms suggests that, contrary to digital
EMDEs.3 Given the opportunities associated with
payments, lending platforms might have been
FinTech, in 2018 the World Bank Group and the
negatively impacted by the pandemic.
International Monetary Fund (IMF) launched the
Bali Fintech Agenda. This Agenda provides a high- But even in the cases where some research is
level framework for policy authorities to enable available, such research does not allow a full view

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

of how Covid-19 is impacting different aspects Methodology

of the operations of FinTechs at a global level,
appreciating the diversity and differentiations The following section outlines key aspects and
between various FinTech business models within considerations relating to the methodology of the
and across verticals . These aspects range from the study, including the data source, data collection
volume of transactions and the number of clients or procedures, data handling and quality control
customers to operational challenges that they may measures.
be encountering, such as increased downtimes, or
to challenges related to their fundraising activities. Data Source
Along the same lines, beyond cyber-security The primary dataset used in this study was
risks – which seem to have been amplified by collected through the Global Covid-19 FinTech
Covid-19 – there is limited information on how Market Rapid Assessment Survey, developed jointly
other risks have evolved. 8, 9 Finally, there is limited by the CCAF, World Bank Group and World
information about the extent to which government Economic Forum research teams and administered
authorities have used FinTechs to deliver their by CCAF. This 18-question survey was distributed
relief packages to households and companies. That both as a stand-alone online survey, and as an
said, the existing evidence does indicate that some additional survey module appended to the annual
governments have leveraged FinTechs, including in Global Alternative Finance Industry Benchmarking
EMDEs.10 But how widespread their use has been is Survey, which collects time-series data focusing on
an open question. Digital Lending and Digital Capital Raising verticals.
The World Bank Group, the CCAF and the World The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid
Economic Forum have taken steps to improve Assessment Survey captured data from active
the understanding of the impact of Covid-19 in FinTechs that undertake at least one FinTech
Fintech. In March of this year, the Forum held a activity as defined in the taxonomy in Table 1. The
series of virtual discussions to examine the impact research team compiled a database of FinTechs
of Covid-19 on the global financial system.11 A key to enable outreach activities. This database of
conclusion was that Covid-19 could have a negative 9,431 FinTechs was compiled from participants
effect on FinTechs, which in turn could be a major in previous CCAF surveys, contacts provided by
blow to financial inclusion. More recently, the Survey Partners, third-party FinTech registries and
CCAF and the World Bank Group partnered for desk-based research.
the Global FinTech Regulatory Rapid Assessment
Study,12 which assessed how financial regulators
Data Collection
and central banks are responding to the challenges
of Covid-19, especially as they relate to FinTech. FinTechs were encouraged to respond to the survey
This study also examined the impact of Covid-19 on through a phased and multi-pronged outreach
regulatory innovation initiatives. Regulators from campaign. This included social media and press
EMDEs, in particular, perceive that the pandemic activities to raise awareness of the study, and direct
has resulted in an increase in the usage and offering outreach13 from the research team and 110 global,
of digital payments and remittances. regional and national Survey Partners.

Even with these additions, the information available The survey consisted of 18 questions, of which
is not yet sufficient. In this light, the Global FinTech 7 were compulsory. To reduce the length of the
Market Rapid Assessment Study conducted jointly survey, the research team made use of logic-
by the CCAF, the World Bank Group and The based questions, presented as sub-sets within an
World Economic Forum provides important insights overarching question theme. Firms thus received
to compare and contrast against existing research, only sub-set questions applicable to their selected
with a view to better understand the opportunities FinTech activity. For example, a Digital Lending
and challenges for FinTech during Covid-19 and firm was asked to respond on defaults while an
beyond. InsurTech firm reported on claims.

To reach global FinTech markets and enhance

accessibility, the survey was translated into

Chapter 1. Introduction

12 languages (English, French, Italian, Spanish, increased the total number of firm level
Portuguese, German, Japanese, Thai, Bahasa observations from 1,385 to 1,428, which is the
Indonesia, Simplified Chinese, Korean and Arabic). It empirical dataset that the research team used in
was live for 7 weeks between June 15th and August analysis for this report.
18th 2020.
• Regional analysis is based on the HQ of
the FinTech firm. 43% of the surveyed firms
Data Sanitization, Verification and Analysis: reported operations in more than one country
Sanitization and verification of the raw data were or jurisdiction. On average, these multi-country
conducted between 4th August and 10th October firms had operations in 4.5 countries. Since
2020 by the Cambridge-based research team. In firms could indicate their HQ and operational
compliance with the EU General Data Protection countries, one limitation of this study is an
Regulation (GDPR) and University of Cambridge inability to sufficiently attribute firm-level
data controller and protection rules, all personal or responses to a unique country. As such,
firm-level identifying information was stripped and analysis was conducted on an overarching
securely removed from the database. Analysis was geographical region (e.g. Asia-Pacfic) or key
performed against an anonymized file and reported national market (e.g. United Kingdom) based on
at an aggregate level (i.e. by vertical or geographical the firm’s indicated HQ. For 93% of the dataset,
jurisdiction). all operational countries reported by firms
corresponded to the assigned HQ region.
In total, the research team received 1,546
unique survey entries. During data verification When interpreting the results of this study, it is
and sanitization processes, 161 responses were important to note that the responses were not
removed as they did not meet the criteria of the weighted to account for the turnover of firms
study. Overall, 1,385 unique responses were nor their relative market share. This study aims
retained and form the basis of the analysis for this to rapidly assess broad directional changes in
study. FinTech markets in light of Covid-19, not to collect
precise transaction volume data, especially given
Survey respondents reported the location of their the considerable lag in financial reporting and
firm’s headquarters (HQ), additional countries in empirical data collection. In 2021, the joint research
which their firms operate and the FinTech activities team aims to conduct a follow-on study, to collect
that they facilitate, both at a vertical level (e.g. full-year transaction data from all of the FinTech
Digital Lending) and a sub-vertical level (e.g. Peer- verticals for 2020 in order to comprehensively
to-Peer Business Lending within Digital Lending). examine the impact of Covid-19 on the industry.
Firms were able to select all the applicable FinTech
activities they undertake, or to include additional For this study, the research team identified
activities in a text box to best describe their and targeted FinTech firms by vertical and by
activities. During the analysis the team attributed jurisdiction, to ensure that the data collection was
responses to FinTech verticals and geographic representative of the FinTech activities reviewed
regions. Two data manipulations and features are in this study. In addition to direct communication
worth noting: from the research team, external partners provided
further assistance on outreach to FinTechs. As
• Each respondent was assigned a primary special attention was taken to obtain input from a
vertical. The majority of surveyed respondents robust panel of firms across different verticals and
selected more than one FinTech vertical. To regions, this study encapsulates the largest primary
allow the research team to analyze each FinTech dataset of FinTech firms globally. Nevertheless, the
vertical independently, each respondent was results presented in this study are representative
assigned a primary FinTech vertical. This was only of those firms which responded to the survey
done by reviewing each recorded survey entry, and not reflective of the entire FinTech ecosystem.
re-contacting respondents and conducting a
desktop review of the firm’s product offering. The research team undertook a number of steps
For 4% of the firms, two primary verticals during analysis and data collection to account for
were assigned. This data verification process unknown factors respective of missing responses
at a geographical or vertical level. Where analysis

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

was based upon response averages, to account Finally, the analysis and write-up of this report were
for potential response bias, results were checked subject to extensive peer review both within the
against a normal distribution and significant outliers three authoring institutions and externally.
were excluded where appropriate. To mitigate
against selection bias in advance of analysis, the Developing a Working Taxonomy for
research team made every attempt to capture a
robust sample of firms from across each vertical,
and within each country, during data collection. Defined broadly, FinTech encompasses advances
Firms of all sizes and stages of development were in technology and changes in business models
targeted to ensure that the final sample was not that have the potential to transform the provision
biased against an unbalanced distribution of firm- of financial services through the development of
types. innovative instruments, channels and systems. This
study focuses on the analysis of market trends of
Analysis was done for all FinTechs within the sample major FinTech verticals (by their distinctive business
in aggregate, and at a unique vertical or regional models) and in key regional and national markets.
level. It is important to note that transaction volume
in this study aims to capture the ‘value of flow’, This study developed a working taxonomy that
which is different to the number of transactions. brings together a coherent conceptualization of
For instance, for digital lending, transaction volume FinTech activities, whilst appreciating the sectors
refers to the value of new loans issued and the the diversity and differentiated business models.
number of transactions denote the number of new This includes thirteen discrete primary FinTech
loans issued. For digital payments, transaction verticals and 103 sub-verticals. These have been
volume refers to the value of payments facilitated, further categorized into two overarching groups –
which is different to the number of payment Retail Facing (i.e. providing financial products and
transactions made. services with a focus on consumers, households
and MSMEs, and more likely to be B2C) and Market
To address confounding effects on the reported Provisioning (i.e. those which enable or support the
findings, additional analysis was undertaken to infrastructure or key functionalities of FinTech and/
account for the stringency of Covid-19 related or DFS markets, thus more likely to be B2B). Table
lockdowns and the level of economic development 1 below summarizes the taxonomy. An overview for
of the countries in which respondents were each of the primary FinTech vertical and associated
headquartered. For the former, the analysis sub-verticals can be found in Appendix C.
benefited greatly from the utilisation of the
Oxford COVID-19 Government Reponses Tracker
(OxCGRT), which provided a common Lockdown
Stringency Index according to governments’ policies
and measures in response to the coronavirus
outbreak. The jurisdictions within the survey
sample were analysed as three stringency groups
(low, medium and high stringencies) to identify
data patterns and correlate analysis. For the latter,
the jurisdictions within the sample were divided
and analysed according to their income level, as
per World Bank classification. In both cases this
analysis was performed at a vertical and region-
specific level for survey-questions related to market
performance indicators, operational indicators,
perceived risks, government intervention and
regulatory support measures needed by FinTechs.
Where these results provided additional insights,
they were reported in the document. A list of these
countries and their respective World Bank income
designation can be found in appendix A and B.

Chapter 1. Introduction

Table 1: FinTech Taxonomy and Classification

FinTech Vertical/
Category Sub-verticals/Business Models included in each Vertical
Business Model
P2P/Marketplace Consumer Lending, P2P/Marketplace Business Lending, P2P/Marketplace
Property Lending, Balance Sheet Consumer Lending, Balance Sheet Business Lending,
Digital Lending Balance Sheet Property Lending, Debt-based Securities, Invoice Trading, Crowd-led
Microfinance, Consumer Purchase Financing/Customer Cash-advance, Digital Merchant-
cash Advance Solutions
Equity-based Crowdfunding, Real Estate Crowdfunding, Revenue/Profit Share
Digital Capital Raising
Crowdfunding, Reward-based Crowdfunding, Donation-based Crowdfunding
Fully Digitally Native Bank (Retail), Fully Digitally Native Bank (MSME), Marketplace Bank
Digital Banking (Retail), Marketplace Bank (MSME), Banking as a Service (BaaS), Agent Banking (Cash-in/
Digital Money Market/Fund, Digital Micro Saving Solutions, Digital Savings Collective/Pool,
Digital Savings
Retail Facing Savings-as-a-service (SaaS)
(Consumers, Digital Remittances (Cross Border-P2P), Digital Remittances (Domestic-P2P), Money
Households & transfer (P2P, P2B, B2P, B2B), eMoney Issuers, Mobile Money, Acquiring services providers
# of respondents Digital Payments for merchants, Points of access (PoS, mPoS, on-line PoS), Bulk Payment Solutions - Payroll,
1,122 Grants, etc., Top-ups and refill, Payment gateways, Payment aggregators, API Hubs for
Payments, Settlement and clearing services providers
Order-book, DEX relayer, Single dealer platform/OTC trading, Trading bots, HFT services,
Digital Asset Exchange Advanced trading services, Brokerage services, Aggregation, Bitcoin Teller Machines (BTM),
P2P marketplaces, Clearing
Software Wallet (Mobile Wallet/Tablet Wallet/Desktop Wallet), Web Wallet (eMoney Wallet),
Digital Custody
Vault services, Key management services, Hardware Wallet
Usage-based, Parametric-based, On-Demand Insurance, Peer-to-Peer Insurance, Technical
InsurTech Service Provider (TSP), Digital Brokers or Agent, Comparison Portal, Customer Management,
Claims & Risk Management Solutions, IoT (including telematics)
Digital Wealth Management, Social Trading, Robo-Advisors, Robo Retirement/Pension
Planning, Personal Financial Management/Planning, Financial Comparison Sites
Profiling and due diligence, Blockchain forensics, Risk Analytics, Dynamic Compliance,
Regulatory Reporting, Market Monitoring
Market Alternative Credit & Alternative Credit Rating Agency, Credit Scoring, Psychometric Analytics, Sociometric
Provisioning Data Analytics Analytics, Biometric Analytics
# of respondents
306 Digital Identity Security & Biometrics, KYC Solutions, Fraud Prevention & Risk Management
Enterprise Technology API Management, Cloud Computing, AI/ML/NLP, Enterprise Blockchain, Financial
Provisioning Management and Business Intelligence, Digital Accounting, Electronic Invoicing

Overview of Survey Respondents

Figure 1: Survey sample composition according to Primary FinTech Vertical (total number, % of total)

Digital Lending (n.305) 21%

Digital Payments (n.251) 18%
Digital Capital Raising (n.200) 14%
Enterprise Technology Provisioning (n.130) 9%
WealthTech (n.111) 8%
InsurTech (n.100) 7%
RegTech (n.90) 6%
Digital Banking (n.86) 6%
Alternative Credit & Data Analytics (n.45) 3%
Digital Identity (n.41) 3%
Digital Asset Exchange (n.38) 3%
Digital Savings (n.21) 1%
Digital Custody (n.10) 1%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%

By primary FinTech vertical, the survey dataset vertical. Digital Lending, Digital Payments and
contains 1,428 firm-level observations. Figure 1 Digital Capital Raising firms make up more than
above provides a snapshot of the sample by primary half of the sample size. Most of the respondent

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

FinTech firms were classified as conducting ‘Retail engaged in Enterprise Technology Provisioning
Facing’ activities, representing 79% of the sample. (9%), RegTech (6%), Alternative Credit & Data
The remaining 21% of firms undertake ‘Market Analytics (3%) and Digital Identity (3%).
Provisioning’ activities, including those that are

Figure 2: Geographic location of survey respondents (by HQ & Operational Countries and Jurisdictions)


The 1,428 firm-level respondents were (excluding the UK), the United Kingdom, Latin
headquartered in 119 jurisdictions operating in 169 America and the Caribbean (LAC), Middle East and
countries at the time of the survey (figure 2). The North Africa (MENA), North America (the United
countries with the largest number of respondents States and Canada) and Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA).
were the United Kingdom (UK), the United States, A list of jurisdictions included in each region can be
India and Singapore. found in Appendix D.

In the remainder of this study, responses are Table 2 provides a distribution of the sample
reported against eight regional or national FinTech by regions. 22% of surveyed respondents were
markets where applicable and appropriate. These headquartered or operational in Europe (excluding
FinTech markets are the Asia Pacific region or Asia- the UK). This was closely followed by the APAC
Pacific (excluding China), China (Mainland), Europe region (excluding China) with 21% of respondents.

Table 2: Representation of Respondents by Region (% of sample, % of country in region represented in sample)

Regions # of responses % of sample by region (HQ+OP) % of region covered
APAC 303 21% 71%
China 73 5% 100%
Europe 316 22% 96%
LAC 202 14% 63%
MENA 46 3% 100%
North America (US & Canada) 142 10% 100%
SSA 171 12% 89%
United Kingdom 175 12% 100%
Total 1428
Total Countries of sample 169
% of sample by countries 86%

2. G
 lobal overview of the
FinTech industry
Chapter 2. Global overview of the FinTech industry

Chapter 2. Global overview of the

FinTech industry
Market performance of the global FinTech industry in light of Covid-19
An overview of the global FinTech market team took measures to solicit responses from a
performance, during the first two quarters of 2020, broad range of FinTechs across size, geography and
was derived from asking respondents to specify market activities (see Chapter 1), responses were
the approximate directional change of several key not further weighted to account for the size or
market performance indicators, as they compared relative market share of responding firms.
to the same period in 2019. While the research

Figure 3: State of Global FinTech by Market Performance Indicators (% change, year-on-year H1)
n. 1428

Transaction Volumes 11%

Number of Transactions 13%
Number of Fundraisers 10%
Number of Unique Corporate Customers 15%
Number of Proofs of Concept 14%
New Customers/Users 22%
New Borrowers/Issuers 10%
Retention of Existing Customers/Users 29%
Repeat Borrowers/Issuers 10%
Investment by Retail Investor 6%
Investment by Institutional Investors 3%
Delayed Payments -1%
Number of New Loans Issued -1%
Number of Claims 9%
Non-Payments 9%
Default on Outstanding Loans 9%
Arrears or Late-Repayment 14%
Contractual Disputes with Clients or Users 2%
Time to Value 11%

-5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Negative Impact   Positive Impact

The averaged responses, across verticals or regions, number of new borrowers) increased year-on-year.
provide a snapshot of the state of the global FinTech The most significant positive change was reported
industry during Covid-19 (see Figure 3). Of the in customer retention or renewal, which increased
nineteen key performance indicators tracked in this by 29% compared with Q1 and Q2 in 2019.
study, twelve (shown in green) improved year-on-
year during Q1 and Q2 of 2020. However, Covid-19 also had a negative impact
on the global FinTech industry, as illustrated by
Overall, the global aggregate FinTech industry grew the nine market performance indicators in red.
in 2020, with respondents reporting an average These include a 14% increase in arrears or late
growth in transaction volume of 11% and an repayments, an 11% increase in Time-to-Value (the
average growth in number of transactions of 13%.14 time lag between client introduction to onboarding
When considering market performance indicators time), and a 9% rise in the number of claims,
relating to customer growth, all relevant indicators non-payments, and defaults on outstanding loans
(including the number of unique corporate relative to Q1 and Q2 2019.
customers, the number of new customers, and the

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Figure 4: Transaction Volumes, All FinTech Verticals (% change, year-on-year H1)

Digital Lending -8%

Digital Payments 21%
Digital Capital Raising 16%
Enterprise Technology Provisioning 13%
Transaction Volumes (n.1035)

WealthTech 24%
InsurTech 13%
RegTech 10%
Digital Banking 10%
Alternative Credit & Data Analytics 14%
Digital Identity 9%
Digital Asset Exchange 33%
Digital Savings 26%
Digital Custody 36%

-10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

When isolating specific verticals, noticeable FinTech Changes in Policies,

differences emerge when considering transaction Products and Services as a Response
volume change. Of note, Digital Lending (also the to Covid-19
largest represented vertical in this sample) is the
only primary vertical to contract, with a drop of FinTech firms have responded to Covid-19 by
8%. All the other verticals reported an average implementing changes to their existing terms,
H1 year-on-year increase. Furthermore, nine products and service agreements. Two thirds
FinTech verticals saw above-average increases of surveyed firms reported making two or more
in transaction volume, with the most significant changes to their existing products or services, and
increase reported in Digital Custody (36%), Digital 30% indicated being in the process of implementing
Asset Exchange (33%), Digital Savings (26%), changes. Whilst firms have been responsive across
WealthTech (24%) and Digital Payments (21%) (see the board, the ways in which products, services
Figure 4). and policies have been changed varied among

Figure 5: Top 10 Changes to Existing Products & Services, All FinTech Verticals (% of respondents; yes, in progress)

Changes to Qualification/Onboarding Criteria (n.1022) 29% 11%

All FinTechs

Fee/Commission Reduction (n.1369) 29% 9%

Payment Easements (n.1215) 25% 8%

Fee/Commission Waiver (n.1371) 23% 8%

Deployed Additional Payment Channels (n.480) 30% 15%

Applicable FinTech

Introduction of Payment Plans (n.528) 24% 11%


Suspension of New Loan Origination (n.598) 23% 5%

Enhanced Benefits or Additional Cover (n.157) 22% 10%

Eased Terms of Credit (n.527) 20% 9%

Monetary Incentives for Using Online Services (n.599) 18% 12%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

Yes   In Progress
*Note that “N/A” and “No” responses have been omitted from this chart

When considering the entire FinTech industry, note, response options were based upon logic
certain changes were more prevalent across the implemented throughout the survey. As such,
dataset. Figure 5 represents the top ten changes several options were only visible to appropriate and
implemented by firms (indicated as ‘Yes’) or in applicable respondents, based upon their Primary
the process of being implemented (indicated as Vertical.
‘In Progress’) as a result of Covid-19.15 Please

Chapter 2. Global overview of the FinTech industry

Over a third of FinTech firms had either made 40% of Digital Banking firms, for instance, had
changes to or were in the process of adjusting their already applied a fee or commission reduction to
‘qualification or onboarding criteria’. For FinTech their pricing, with 5% in the process of doing so.
firms, adjusting how they engage with clients during Furthermore, 36% of Digital Payment firms had also
onboarding has been important, especially when made this change and an additional 9% were in the
considering the growing number of new clients that process of doing so, making fee reduction the most
began using FinTech services in Q1-Q2 of 2020 (up common change for Digital Payments providers.
22% against Q1-Q2 2019). Digital Lending firms and
Digital Banks were most likely to report changes to Similarly, fee and commission waivers were applied
their onboarding criteria, with reported changes at by 23% of firms, while 8% were in the process
53% and 35% respectively. of doing so. Payment easement, described to
respondents as ‘payment based upon affordability’
Several FinTechs implemented pricing and payment- has been introduced by 25% of the surveyed firms,
related changes. Changes to the way firms are paid with an additional 8% in the process of applying this
indicate that FinTechs have been required to be change.
more flexible, adjusting to constraints that their
customers or clients may be facing because of Overall, FinTech firms have been responsive to
Covid-19 accordingly. Some of the changes captured Covid-19 with many adjusting their products,
were fee or commission reductions (with 29% of services or policies in recognition of potential
firms having already implemented this), payment changes in their customers’ circumstances. The
easements (25%) and fee/commission waivers (23%). addition of alternative payment channels (applicable
only to respondents from Digital Payment and
When considering specific FinTech verticals, Digital Custody) was the most adopted change for
fee reductions occurred to varying degrees. that vertical segmentation.

Figure 6: New or Updated Products/Services/Features, All FinTech Verticals (% of respondents; yes, in progress)

Value Added Non-financial Services (n.1196) 31% 11%

Enhanced Fraud and/or Cyber-security Features (n.1195) 28% 12%

Disbursement of Covid-19 Relief/Assistance Funds (n.1201) 18% 7%

Hosting Covid-19 Specific Funding or Relief Campaigns (n.1192) 16% 6%

Credit or Micro-Credit Facility (n.1192) 14% 7%

Launched a Voucher System (n.1179) 8% 5%

Insurance Related to Covid-19 (n.1191) 7% 5%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

Yes   In Progress
*Note that “N/A” and “No” responses have been omitted from this chart

When asked to indicate whether they had launches. Table 3 below provides additional
launched new or updated products and services, examples of new or updated products launched by
or introduced new features to support their FinTechs.
activities or internal processes as a result of
Covid-19, the results show 60% of surveyed firms Firms also introduced new internal features to
had implemented or introduced new products or support their FinTech activities, with Enhanced
services, and a further 32% reported being in the Fraud and Cyber-security Features indicated as an
process of doing so. As shown in Figure 6, value important change for firms during Covid-19 (with
added non-financial services (i.e. informational 28% having launched such features). FinTechs from
services) were amongst the most readily introduced Digital Payment (38%), Digital Banking (38%), and
products or services (31%), with an additional 11% Digital Asset Exchange (29%) had already adopted
of respondents working towards this introduction. such new features, while Digital Lending (13%) and
The introduction of value-added non-financial Digital Savings (30%) indicated being in the process.
services was most common among Digital Savings The disbursement of Covid-19 relief and assistance
firms with more than 57% committing product funds was also prevalent among respondents.

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

18% of the survey respondents launched such Banking (30%), Digital Payments (22%), and Digital
a service and 7% were in the process of doing Lending (21%), than for firms engaging in Market
so. Unsurprisingly, this was more prevalent for Provisioning activities.
firms in the Retail Facing verticals such as Digital

Table 3: Examples of New or Updated FinTech Products Launched in response to Covid-19

Region or Change to existing/
Model Example from the field
Market New or updated
A Digital Lending platform in India has recently created an add-on
Digital Lending APAC   Value-added portal to help low-income female entrepreneurs understand the
financial products that the platform offers, and how best to use them.
P2P Digital Lending firms across India provided an interest rate
Digital Lending APAC   Eased Terms of Credit 
moratorium to the borrowers as directed by the Reserve Bank of India.  
A lending platform in Uganda created a website to connect
Digital Lending  SSA  New Products and Services 
unemployed professionals to SME owners. 
Credit or micro-credit A Digital Lending platform and a Food Delivery Service collaborated to
Digital Lending   LAC  
facility  offer a loan facility to restaurants in Mexico.  
A Digital Lending Firm in Uganda created an SME Network to
Value-Added Non-financial
Digital Lending   SSA   help connect unemployed professionals to SME owners that need
professional help.  
A Digital Payment Provider based in the UK segmented its SSA
customers (mobile money agents) into two segments. For mobile
money agents which were closed, the FinTech waived all late
Digital Payment UK/SSA Fee/Commision Waiver repayment penalties and worked with mobile money agents to ensure
repayment. For those mobile money agents which were able to keep
their shop open, new products were offered with reduced fees and
additional risk mitigation.
A global digital payment provider with seat in North America launched
Digital Payment  NA  Fee/Commission Waiver  a short-term interest-free buy-now-pay-later instalment offering for
merchants in the US. 
A Chinese payment service provided a faster payment channel for
medical institutions, foundations and other charities. During the
Digital Payments   China   Products and services   Covid-19 pandemic, the company opened more than 400 special
accounts for hospitals, organizations and foundations to ensure the
smooth medical work and fundraising process.  
Two telecom providers from Liberia partnered with the Central
Bank of Liberia to suspend all mobile payment transactions fees to
Digital Payments   SSA   Fee Commission Waivers  
encourage customers to shift to digital payments, while minimizing the
use of cash.  
A Digital Capital Raising platform in Switzerland launched a Covid-19
Digital Capital Europe  New Products and Services  related campaign called "Join the Fight" which reached over 100% of
A Donation-based Crowdfunding platform in Kenya partnered with a
bank and provided vouchers to low-income families to address food
Digital Capital
SSA   Launched a voucher system  shortages caused by the pandemic and provide essential goods to
vulnerable families. The vouchers can be redeemed at nearby shops
with no transaction fees charged. 
Digital Capital An equity-based Crowdfunding platform in Sweden added a donation-
Europe   Launched a voucher system 
Raising   based functionality to provide a voucher-service for SMEs.  
An InsurTech from Chile introduced a new product called
Insurtech  LAC  New Products and Services  “insurance per kilometer” to address the changing mobility habits of
citizens in Chile during Covid-19. 
Changes to Existing An InsurTech based in Malaysia introduced an online claims survey
InsurTech  APAC 
Products and Services  service to minimize face to face interaction during the pandemic.  
An InsurTech firm in Uganda put together a hospitalization and
Insurance Related to
InsurTech  SSA  life insurance product that costs only $2/month, specifically for
COVID-19 patients. 
A front-end fintech connector service launched an ‘eligibility checker’
Market Value-Added Non-financial
Europe   to help customers determine whether they are eligible for government
Provisioning   service  
financial aid.  
Europe and North
Market European and North American connector services made their Open
America (US & Fee/Commision Waiver 
Provisioning   Banking API available free of charge during the coronavirus.  
A RegTech start-up launched a new service to provide the Covid-19
RegTech   UK   Fee/Commision Waiver 
regulation updates for free.  
A DLT provider launched a new product to enable non-
Digital Asset profit organizations to join as miners on the network. In return, the
UK   New products and services  
Exchanges   proceeds from the mining were given as donation to the non-
profit organization. 

Chapter 2. Global overview of the FinTech industry

Participation in Covid-19 Relief Measure(s) as a delivery partner

Governments across the world have responded implementation partners. This study aims to show
to the pandemic with a myriad of policy measures. the extent to which FinTech firms have engaged in
To support the various Covid-19 related socio- these supportive activities, and their willingness to
economic relief measures, FinTechs may be do so.
playing or have played an active role as delivery or

Figure 7: Implementation or Delivery Partner in Covid-19-related Relief Measures or Schemes, All FinTech Verticals
(% of respondents)

Government Job Retention Measures (n.1366) 13% 4% 22%

Government Tax Relief Schemes (n.1355) 11% 5% 28%

Industry-led Relief Measures (n.1356) 7% 6% 32%

NGO-led Relief Measures (n.1352) 7% 4% 26%

Delivering Government-based Stimulus Funding (MSMEs) (n.1358) 7% 7% 30%

Delivering Government-based Stimulus Funding (Households) (n.1354) 6% 5% 26%

Government Match-Funding Schemes (n.1355) 6% 6% 32%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

Yes   In discussions   No, but would be willing

*Note that “N/A” and “No, not interested” responses have been omitted from this chart

As shown in Figure 7, the survey finds that to serve as a delivery partner. Among those who
most FinTechs did not participate as a delivery have participated, 13% reported taking part
or implementation partner in Covid-19 relief in government-based job retention measures
measures, but there was indication of interest while 11% helped facilitate government tax relief
in doing so: 22% to 32% of surveyed FinTechs measures. Table 4 provides additional examples
were willing to support one or more schemes. of the type of relief measures in which FinTech
This shows the untapped potential for FinTech’s participated.

Table 4: Examples of FinTechs’ Participation in Covid-19 Relief Measure(s)

Model Region or Market Change Example from the field

A US-based banking solution provider helped to ease government
disbursement of funds by digitizing and automating the application and
North America (US Delivery of Government processing of US government relief package. Businesses affected by the
Digital Banking 
& Canada)  Intervention  pandemic applied to the Fintech, the Fintech then partnered with Digital
Lending firms to automate the requests, collect required documents,
perform all the underwriting, and close the loans. 
During the pandemic, a digital bank in Hong Kong launched an
Delivering Government-
Digital Banking  APAC  initiative to get the government stimulus check to people earlier in form
based Stimulus Funding 
of fee-free and interest-free loans. 
Several equity-based German Crowdfunding platforms held joint
Digital Capital fundraising rounds for Covid-19-startups, combining their investor
Europe  Industry-led relief options 
Raising  base and thus increasing the overall financing volume. Beforehand, they
synchronized their term sheets and investment contracts. 
Several UK equity crowdfunding sites delivered government match
Digital Capital Delivering Government- funding via their sites as part of the “UK Future Fund”, which made it
Raising  based Stimulus Funding  possible for startups with earlier equity-based Crowdfunding to obtain a
convertible loan at reduced interest rates. 
Participation in Covid-19 The governments of Colombia and Paraguay partnered with digital
Digital Custody  LAC 
related relief measures  wallets to distribute Covid-19 related stimulus.  
With the federal Covid-19 relief measures not being available to SMEs,
Delivering Government-
Digital Lending  NA  a US-based Digital Lending firm entered into a partnership with a state-
based Stimulus Funding 
wide Covid-19 relief recovery fund to disburse loans to this segment. 
A Spanish Fintech provides digital pension services to retail customers.
As part of a Covid-19 relief measure for local shops, the FinTech clients
Digital Pension  Europe  Industry-led relief measure 
received credits to their pension account when shopping at local
A Tunisian Fintech serving as intermediary between the national social
Implementation or security system and rural women. During COVID-19 they worked with
InsurTech  MENA 
Delivery Partner  a mobile communication company to disburse government social aid
packages during the lockdown to rural women. 

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Model Region or Market Change Example from the field

A UK-based InsurTech stated they had worked with the UK government
on a Trade Credit Reinsurance Scheme. The UK government
Participation in Covid-19
InsurTech  UK  created the £10 billion (US$12.5 billion) reinsurance scheme to help
related relief measures 
businesses during the Covid-19 pandemic by guaranteeing transactions
insured by trade credit insurers. 
An Austrian company highlighted its role as RegTech firm for
Delivering Government-
RegTech  Europe  government loan models to speed up relief measures by supporting the
based Stimulus Funding 
vetting process and helping avoidance of fraud. 

Regulatory Responses and Policy Needs during Covid-19

This section provides insight on the regulatory regulatory supervision, which includes licensing,
measures or interventions that FinTech firms are permissions and reporting, or regulatory innovation
currently using or in need of. Regulatory responses initiatives such as FinTech innovation offices,
have been broadly categorized into either regulatory sandboxes and hackathons.

Figure 8: Regulatory Responses & Interventions, All FinTech Verticals Usage & Needs (% of respondents)

Regulatory Support for e-KYC (n.1360) 17% 31% 15%

Simplified Customer Due Diligence (n.1355) 13% 30% 20%

Regulatory Support for Remote Onboarding (n.1343) 12% 28% 16%

Streamlined Product or Services Approval (n.1340) 7% 31% 22%

Less Burdensome Supervisory/Reporting Requirements (n.1351) 6% 26% 24%

Exemption to Operate New Financial Services or Products (n.1340) 5% 26% 21%

Extension of Interim Permissions (n.1331) 4% 17% 12%

Faster Authorisation or Licensing Processes for New Activities (n.1354) 4% 36% 23%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Needed in the Long Term

*Note that “N/A” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

Figure 8 provides a snapshot of the type of While some FinTechs reported benefitting from
regulatory measures which FinTechs have existing measures, about half reported the need
benefitted or consider necessary. Some FinTech for regulatory measures that support simplified
firms reported benefitting from measures related CDD (30% urgently in need and 20% needing in the
to their client/customer onboarding processes, with longer term), 44% support with remote onboarding
17% of firms have utilized regulatory support for and 46% with e-KYC. The order in which these
e-KYC, 13% for simplified customer due diligence regulations were deemed a priority or need was
(CDD) processes, and 12% for remote onboarding. similarly reflected by regulators in responses to
Table 5 below provides examples of the type of the World Bank-CCAF Global Covid-19 FinTech
regulatory measures introduced. Regulatory Rapid Assessment Study. The most
commonly undertaken measures by regulators in
These findings are in line with the results from both EMDEs and advanced economies were related
the Global FinTech Regulatory Rapid Assessment to e-KYC, followed by economic relief, business
Study, which finds 49% of surveyed regulators continuity, cyber-security, and employment and
have undertaken regulatory measures relating to talent. Analysis with regards to stringency level
e-KYC, AML and digital identity, mostly as part of shows that 43% of firms in high stringency markets
the financial services sector-wide responses. In the urgently need e-KYC support compared to the
regulatory study, it also finds 37% of the responding FinTech average of 31%. Similarly, regulatory
regulators have undertaken at least one measure remote onboarding was urgently needed by 45% of
targeting one or more specific FinTech activities or firms in high stringency markets compared to the
sectors, with considerably more measures directed average of 28% across all firms.
at the digital payments and remittances activities
than any other areas.16

Chapter 2. Global overview of the FinTech industry

In many cases, firms indicated that they ‘urgently product or services approvals and regulatory
needed’ support or assistance from their support for e-KYC. Digital Payment firms also
regulator(s). For instance, 36% of surveyed indicated their pressing need towards faster
firms indicated that they urgently needed ‘faster authorization or licensing processes for new
authorization or licensing processes for new activities (54%).
activities’, while 31% firms needed streamlined
Table 5: Examples of FinTechs use of Regulatory Responses during Covid-19
Model Region Regulatory responses Example from the field
Digital Capital Regulatory support for CVM Brazil facilitated rules for fundraising, allowing equity-based CF companies to
Raising remote onboarding relax onboarding criteria for MSME due to Covid-19.
A Digital Lending firm in Greece indicated that their government took measures
Regulatory support for
Digital Lending Europe that made customer onboarding easier for them (electronic PoAs and e-signatures)
remote onboarding
during the pandemic.
Based on Suggestions by the Fintech Industry in Thailand, the Central Bank of
Digital Lending APAC Regulatory Responses Thailand issued approved the application for digital loan business licenses which
used alternative data, such as utility bills and online shopping information.
An Indonesian Bank worked with the government of Singapore to use a face
verification technology for digital banking services. The face verification technology,
Regulatory support for
Digital Banking APAC used for citizen to interact with government services, can be used for the online
sign-up process at the bank. Instead of using PINs, customers register with a selfie
which is matched with a photo entry in the governments database.
Regulatory support
The Central Bank of Egypt launched an eKYC solution to facilitate the electronic
for remote onboarding
Digital Payments MENA opening of bank accounts, while at the same time, increasing transaction limits for
& amendments to
mobile payments.
transaction limits
The Central Bank of Kenya increased the transaction and balance limits for mobile
Amendments to
Digital Payments SSA money by over 100% in March, and reporting that this has led to increased levels of
transaction limits
mobile money usage in the country during Covid-19.

Figure 9: Regulatory Innovation Initiatives, All FinTech Verticals Usage & Needs (% of respondents)

Working with a FinTech Innovation Office (n.1357) 14% 20% 21%

Inclusion in a Hackathon/TechSprint (n.514) 9% 13% 19%

Admission of my Firm into a Regulatory Sandbox (n.1353) 6% 24% 18%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Needed in the Long Term

*Note that “N/A” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

As shown in Figure 9, with respect to regulatory InsurTech and Enterprise Technology verticals,
innovation initiatives, 14% of the FinTechs reported 9% reported already making use of ‘Inclusion in
that they were making use of a fintech innovation a Hackathon/TechSprint’, while 13% considered
office, but about 20% more considered that such them urgently needed. Finally, 6% of FinTechs were
offices are urgently needed. Of the RegTech, currently using a Regulatory Sandbox, and 24%
Alternative Credit & Data Analytics, Digital Identity, considered them urgently needed.

Figure 10: Government Interventions, All FinTech Verticals (% of respondents; currently using, urgently need, might need
further down the line)

Inclusion of my Staff in a Government Job Retention Scheme (n.1334) 13% 12% 20%

Tax Relief/Subsidy (n.1338) 10% 31% 30%

Inclusion of my Firm/Sector in a Fiscal Stimulus Package (n.1343) 8% 30% 28%

Receiving Government Loan or Credit Facility (n.1341) 5% 27% 26%

Receiving Government Loan-guarantee (n.1343) 5% 24% 25%

Access to Liquidity Facilities (n.768) 4% 38% 26%

Interest Reduction or Payment Holiday for My Firm (n.1327) 4% 16% 21%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Might need further down the line
*Note that “N/A”, “Not Needed” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

When asked which government-based facilities, 31% reported urgently needed access
interventions, if any, FinTech firms were utilizing or to tax relief or subsidies, and 30% needed urgent
might need, 13% of the surveyed firms reported inclusion in a fiscal stimulus package. However,
that they were currently using a government job for certain Fintech verticals the need for such
retention scheme, and 10% were making use of support appears more acute. In particular, for
a tax relief/subsidy. In general, however, most Digital Lending firms, the most urgently needed
firms indicated that they have yet to receive any interventions reported were access to liquidity
government support and ‘urgently needed’ a variety facilities (48%)17, government loans or credit
of governmental interventions. In particular, 38% of facilities (41%), and inclusion in a fiscal stimulus
firms reported urgently needed access to liquidity package (40%) (See Figure 10).

Financial Position and Operational Challenges to the Global FinTech Industry

Figure 11: Operational Performance and Costs Indicators, All FinTech Verticals (% change, year-on-year H1)

Platform Downtime (n.607) 1%

Agent or Partner Downtime (n.659) 5%
Number of Unsuccessful Transactions/
Queries/Access Requests (n.626) 7%
Number of Full Time Equivalent Employees (n.924) 5%
Onboarding Expenditure (n.719) 8%
Lending Spread (n.230) 3%
Fiscal Year 2020 Turnover Target (n.1024) -4%
Data Storage Expenditure (n.600) 11%

-6% -4% -2% 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12%

As FinTech firms deal with day-to-day operational transactions, queries and access requests. In
challenges, this study sought to understand how addition, they reported having increased their
such endogenous factors have been impacted headcount (i.e. FTEs) by 5% year-on-year. At the
by the pandemic, and how firms have adapted same time, they revised their 2020 revenue targets
accordingly. In aggregate, FinTech firms noted downward by 4% amidst an increase in costs related
slight increases in platform downtime, agent or to onboarding (8%) and data storage (11%) year-on-
partner downtime, and the number of unsuccessful year (See Figure 11).

Figure 12: Impact of Covid-19 on the Financial Position, All FinTech Verticals (% of respondents)

Capital Reserve (n.1286) -51% 8%

Current Valuation (n.1283) -41% 18%
Future Fundraising Outlook (n.1291) -34% 21%

-60% -50% -40% -30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30%

Negative Impact   Positive Impact

The study suggests that Covid-19 has negatively Digital Lending (59%) and Enterprise Technology
impacted FinTechs’ financial position. As shown Provisioning (55%). 40% of surveyed firms have
in Figure 12, 51% of surveyed firms indicated a also experienced a negative impact on their current
negative impact on their capital reserves (21% valuation, while 34% have indicated a negative
significantly, and 30% slightly). This was particularly impact on their future fundraising outlook.
large for Digital Savings (70%), InsurTech (62%),

Figure 13: Risk Indicators, All FinTech Verticals (% change, year-on-year H1)

Liquidity Risk (n.433) 17%

Foreign Currency Exposure Risk (n.492) 12%
Cyber-security Risk (n.674) 17%
0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18%

Chapter 2. Global overview of the FinTech industry

When considering external factors that might Global Covid-19 FinTech Regulatory Rapid Assessment
impact their operations, firms identified several Study also finds that 78% of surveyed regulators
key risk factors. As shown in Figure 13, among the regarded cyber-security risk among their top 3
highest perceived risks were liquidity (17%) and increasing risks in light of Covid-19.18
cyber-security (17%). It is notable that the parallel

The impact of Covid-19 lockdowns on FinTechs

As governments worldwide respond to Covid-19, lockdown stringency groups based on the severity
it is worth understanding how the FinTech of lockdowns in their headquartered jurisdictions. 20
ecosystem has been impacted by the varying Jurisdictions were assigned into three equal-sized
severity of lockdown measures enacted within groups based on their respective score on the
each market.19 To enable this analysis, the research Oxford Covid-19 Government Response Tracker
team assigned FinTechs to low, medium and high (OxCGRT).21

Figure 14: Transaction Volumes & Number of Transactions under low, medium and high Covid-19 lockdown stringencies, All
FinTech Verticals (% change, year-on-year H1)
16% 15%
10% 10%
10% 9%




Low Stringency (n. 229) Medium Stringency (n. 707) High Stringency (n. 397)

Transaction Volumes   Number of Transactions

As shown in Figure 14, the study reveals that jurisdictions. Similarly, when accounting for other
FinTechs in markets with more stringent Covid-19 key market performance indicators, such as ‘new
lockdown restrictions reported larger growth in customer acquisition’, it was observed that firms
transaction volume and number of transactions. within high stringency markets reported a 28%
On average, volume and number of transactions for year-on-year H1 increase, compared to all FinTechs
firms headquartered in high stringency jurisdictions (a 22% increase).
was 50% higher when compared to firms in the
lowest quantile. This suggests that demand for The demand for Market Provisioning FinTechs (i.e.
FinTech services increased as more stringent Digital Identity, Alternative Credit & Data Analytics,
restrictions on movement and economic activity RegTech, and Enterprise Technology Provisioning)
were imposed: the higher the Covid-19 stringency, also followed this trend, with an average transaction
the higher the transaction volume, leading to growth of 20% for high stringency jurisdictions
increased adoption of FinTech services in these compared to 2% for low stringency jurisdictions
(see Figure 15).

Figure 15: Transaction Volumes & Number of Transactions under low, medium and high Covid-19 lockdown stringencies,
Market Provisioning FinTechs (% change, year-on-year H1)

Low Stringency (n. 146)

High Stringency (n. 114)
-3% 2% 7% 12% 17% 23%

Transaction Volumes   Number of Transactions

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

A hallmark of Market Provisioning FinTech activities in-hand. It is not surprising to see that in these
is that they provide infrastructure and support higher-stringency jurisdictions, FinTech activities
to financial services. As lockdown stringency have served to support the digitalization of financial
increases, a reliance on digitalization goes hand- services, spurring their growth.

Figure 16: Transaction Volumes & Number of Transactions under low, medium and high Covid-19 lockdown stringencies,
Digital Payments (% change, year-on-year H1)

Low Stringency (n. 106)

High Stringency (n. 180)
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Transaction Volumes   Number of Transactions

As noted, there is a positive correlation between trend is most acutely observed in Digital Payments,
stringency levels and market performance with high stringency markets reporting a 29%
indicators such as transaction volume and the growth – twice the average growth of Digital
number of transactions. This trend becomes Payments providers in low stringency markets (see
more apparent when looking at specific verticals. Figure 16). 22
Through vertical-specific analysis, the established

Lockdown Stringency Impact on Operational Indicators

While FinTechs in high stringency markets tend to the operational impact of Covid-19 lockdown
to experience higher growth than those in low- measures.
stringency markets, they have not been immune

Figure 17: Operational Performance Indicators under low, medium and high Covid-19 lockdown stringencies, All FinTech
Verticals (% change, year-on-year H1)
12% 11%
6% 5%
4% 3% 3% 3%
-2% -1%

-4% -3%
Platform Downtime Agent or Partner Downtime Number of Unsuccessful Transactions/
Queries/Access Requests
Low Stringency (n.276)      Medium Stringency (n.672)     High Stringency (n.365)

When considering indicators of operational it reduced for those in low stringency markets.
performance such as platform downtime, agent or FinTech firms in high stringency markets reported
partner downtime, and unsuccessful transactions, an 11% increase in agent or partner downtime,
firms in higher stringency jurisdictions have compared to 3% in low stringency markets. Similar
experienced a more negative impact. trends can be seen for the number of unsuccessful
transactions (see Figure 17). This suggests that the
For example, platform downtime increased by 5% changes required due to more severe lockdown
for firms within high stringency markets, while measures might have increased operational risks.

Chapter 2. Global overview of the FinTech industry

Figure 18: Operational Costs Indicators under low, medium and high Covid-19 lockdown stringencies, All FinTech Verticals
(% change, year-on-year H1)


8% 7% 7%



Data Storage Expenditure Onboarding Expenditure

Low Stringency (n.278)    Medium Stringency (n.662)    High Stringency (n.366)

When considering operational costs, both data firms in high stringency jurisdictions reported a
storage expenditure and onboarding expenditure 14% increase, compared to the discernible change
increased to a greater extent for firms in high evidenced in low stringency markets (see Figure
stringency markets. Onboarding expenditure for 18).
Table 6: Cyber-security Risk Indicators under low, medium and high Covid-19 lockdown stringencies, All FinTech Verticals (%
change, year-on-year H1)
Stringency Quantile Cyber-security Risk Average Observations
Low Stringency 8% 275
Medium Stringency 15% 660
High Stringency 17% 364

Perceived cyber-security risk was also positively compared to 8% for low stringency markets. (see
related to lockdown measures, with firms in high Table 6). Firms in medium stringency markets also
stringency markets reporting a 17% increase saw high levels of cyber-security risk.

Figure 19: Turnover Targets and FTE under low, medium and high Covid-19 lockdown stringencies, All FinTech Verticals (%
change, year-on-year H1)

5% 4%

-10% -8%


-20% -19%

Fiscal Year 2020 Number of Full Time
Turnover Target Equivalent Employees

Low Stringency (n.282)    Medium Stringency (n.679)    High Stringency (n.373)

In general, firms in high stringency jurisdictions regulatory support tended to be higher in countries
reported a negligible change in fiscal year revenue with higher-stringency lockdown. FinTechs in high
targets for 2020, compared to the 8% drop stringency jurisdictions were more likely to report
reported by FinTechs in low stringency markets. benefiting from regulatory support measures than
FinTechs in high-stringency markets reported a firms in low stringency jurisdictions. This suggests
higher level of FTEs than those from low stringency that regulators were more likely to extend support
markets (see Figure 19). measures in countries where lockdown measures
were more severe.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, FinTechs’ demand for

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Figure 20: Regulatory Responses by high, low Covid-19 lockdown stringencies, All FinTech Verticals (% of respondents;
currently using, urgently needed)
for Remote

15% 27%

Low Stringency (n.279)

High Stringency (n.373) 21% 45%

Support for

Low Stringency (n.284) 10% 24%


High Stringency (n.379) 18% 43%

of Interim

Low Stringency (n.276) 10% 23%

High Stringency (n.370) 14% 41%

Product or


Low Stringency (n.279) 5% 28%

High Stringency (n.370) 8% 45%

Customer Due


Low Stringency (n.280) 4% 20%

High Stringency (n.380) 8% 39%

or Licensing New Financial Supervisory/

Low Stringency (n.282) 5% 19%


High Stringency (n.377) 7% 35%

Services or
to Operate


Low Stringency (n.280) 3% 23%

High Stringency (n.372) 6% 39%

New Activities

Processes for

Low Stringency (n.284) 2% 31%


High Stringency (n.377) 4% 52%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed

*Note that “N/A”, “Needed in the Long Term” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

Overall, FinTechs desire more regulatory support reported urgently needing this support (compared
than they have received. While 21% of firms in to 27% in low stringency jurisdictions). This trend
high stringency jurisdictions reported receiving was evident across all regulatory support measures,
regulatory support for remote onboarding including support for e-KYC, Simplified CDD and
(compared to 15% in low stringency jurisdictions), Faster Authorization and Licensing (see Figure 20).
another 43% of firms in high stringency jurisdictions

FinTech markets by World Bank income groups

FinTech markets may differ by the level of economic EMDEs, which includes low-income, lower-middle
development. To assess how FinTechs have been income and upper middle-income countries or
impacted in Covid-19 depending on the level of territories, or (AE) group AEs which comprises
economic development in their HQ countries, high-income countries or territories. 23
survey respondents were assigned to either

Chapter 2. Global overview of the FinTech industry

Figure 21: Transaction Volumes and Number of Transactions by World Bank income groups, All FinTech Verticals
(% change, year-on-year H1)
16% 15%
12% 11%
Advanced Economies Advanced Economies
EMDEs (n.598) EMDEs (n.598)
(n.820) (n.819)
Transaction Volumes Number of Transactions

On average, FinTech firms from EMDEs reported prominent for the number of transactions, with 11%
higher year-on-year growth both in total averaged growth for FinTechs in AEs compared to
transaction values and volumes than respondents 15% for FinTechs in EMDEs.
from AEs (see Figure 21). This growth was more

Figure 22: Selected Market Performance Indicators by World Bank income groups, All FinTech Verticals
(% change, year-on-year H1)

32% 32%
26% 26%
25% 24%

10% 8%

EMDEs Advanced EMDEs Advanced EMDEs Advanced EMDEs Advanced
(n.530) Economies (n.510) Economies (n.590) Economies (n.591) Economies
(n.718) (n.701) (n.817) (n.816)
Retention or Renewal of Existing
New Customers/Users New Borrowers or Issuers Repeat/Existing Borrowers or Issuers

FinTechs from EMDEs further reported higher existing customers (versus 26% in AEs). Equally,
year-on-year growth of new customers/users and for EMDE-based respondents, the number of new
improvements in customer retention than firms borrowers or issuers rose by 11% year-on-year,
from AEs. With respect to new customers or users, compared to 8% from AEs, and borrower or issuer
EMDE FinTechs reported a 24% year-on-year retention grew by 32% against the 26% noted by
increase (versus 20% of firms in AEs), with a 32% firms in AEs (see Figure 22).
year-on-year increase in retention or renewal of

Figure 23: Operational Performance and Costs Indicators, All FinTech Verticals (% change, year-on-year H1)

Platform Downtime

Agent or Partner Downtime

Number of Unsuccessful Transactions/ 10%
Queries/Access Requests 5%
Data Storage Expenditure

Onboarding Expenditure

Fiscal Year 2020 Turnover Target

Number of Full Time 8%
Equivalent Employees 3%
-10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20%

EMDEs (n571)   Advanced Economies (n.778)

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

FinTechs from EMDEs on average also reported queries than firms from Advanced Economies.
larger increases in operational expenditure, related Despite these challenges, FinTechs in EMDEs, on
to client onboarding and data storage, and a more average, retained their pre-Covid-19 Fiscal Year
challenging operational environment with larger 2020 Turnover Target and grew their FTE by 8% on
increases in platform downtime, agent or partner a year-on-year basis (see Figure 23).
downtime and number of unsuccessful transaction/

Figure 24: Risk Indicators, All FinTech Verticals (% change, year-on-year H1)

Cyber-security Risk

Foreign Currency Exposure Risk

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%

EMDEs (n571)   Advanced Economies (n.778)

Firms in EMDEs also reported larger increases in Cyber-security and foreign currency exposure risks than
firms from AEs, when considering external operational risk factors (see Figure 24).

Figure 25: Regulatory Response measures by World Bank income groups, All FinTech Verticals
(% of respondents; currently using, urgently needed)

Support for

EMDEs (n.577)


Advanced Economies 13%

(n.781) 25%
Customer Due

EMDEs (n.577)


Advanced Economies 9%
(n.776) 23%

EMDEs (n.565)
for Remote


Advanced Economies 10%

(n.776) 22%

EMDEs (n.568)
Product or


Advanced Economies 4%
(n.770) 25%

EMDEs (n.572)


Advanced Economies 4%
(n.777) 20%

EMDEs (n.566)
of Interim

Advanced Economies 2%
(n.763) 12%
New Financial

EMDEs (n.564)
Services or
to Operate


Advanced Economies 4%
(n.774) 18%
New Activities

Processes for
or Licensing

EMDEs (n.570)

Advanced Economies 3%
(n.782) 27%
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed

*Note that “N/A”, “Needed in the Long Term” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

Chapter 2. Global overview of the FinTech industry

As shown in Figure 25, firms from EMDEs were support for e-KYC was cited as one of the most
more likely to report an urgent need for regulatory utilized regulatory measures by firms from both
support than FinTech firms from AEs. The most EMDEs and AEs. EMDEs firms reported the use of
cited urgent need was faster authorization or regulatory interventions or support mechanisms
licensing for new activities, followed by streamlined (such as streamlined product or service approvals,
product or services approvals and regulatory or faster authorization or licensing processes for
support for e-KYC. Firms in EMDEs were also new activities) at a higher frequency than those in
more likely to have used one or more Covid-19 AEs.
related regulatory response measures. Regulatory

Figure 26: Regulatory Innovation Initiatives by World Bank income groups, All FinTech Verticals (% of respondents; currently
using, urgently needed)

Admission of

a Regulatory
my Firm into

EMDEs (n.574)

Advanced Economies 6%
(n.777) 18%
Working with

EMDEs (n.573)
a FinTech


Advanced Economies 13%

(n.782) 15%
Inclusion in a

EMDEs (n.210)

Advanced Economies 8%
(n.304) 10%
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed

*Note that “N/A”, “Needed in the Long Term” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

Firms from EMDEs were also more likely to current participation in a regulatory sandbox was
report that they were benefiting from a regulatory roughly similar between EMDEs and AEs, 33% of
innovation initiative, or that they were urgently firms in EMDEs reported urgently needing them
needing such type of initiatives; but the percentages compared to 18% in AEs (see Figure 26)
were much higher for the latter. For example, while

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Figure 27: Government Interventions to Support FinTech activities by World Bank income groups, All FinTech Verticals
(% of respondents; currently using, urgently needed, might need further down the line)
Fiscal Stimulus
of my Firm/
Government Injection Scheme Sector in a


EMDEs (n.568) 5% 38% 28%

Advanced Economies 10% 24% 28%
Inclusion of Recapitalisation
A Sector-Wide

Funded by
or Equity

EMDEs (n.569) 3% 30% 23%

Advanced Economies 2%
19% 25%
Job Retention
my Staff in a

7% 18% 20%

EMDEs (n.567)
Advanced Economies 17% 8% 20%
Tax Relief/

8% 43% 26%

EMDEs (n.569)
Advanced Economies 11% 23% 34%
Holiday for My
or Payment

4% 25% 21%

EMDEs (n.567)

Advanced Economies 3% 9% 22%



EMDEs (n.571) 4% 35% 21%


Advanced Economies 7% 17% 28%

Loan or Credit

EMDEs (n.569) 4% 38% 21%


Advanced Economies 6% 19% 30%


0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Might need further down the line
*Note that “N/A”, “Not Needed” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

Overall, firms from AEs have utilized government-based schemes to a higher degree than those in EMDEs.
In contrast, EMDE firms tended to indicate a more urgent need for assistance (see Figure 27).

3. I mpact of Covid-19
on selected FinTech
Chapter 3. Impact of Covid-19 on selected FinTech Verticals

Chapter 3. Impact of Covid-19 on

selected FinTech Verticals
This chapter provides an overview of the key • More than half of Digital Lenders have made
findings for selected Retail-facing FinTech verticals changes to their onboarding criteria or have
including Digital Lending, Digital Payments, Digital introduced payment easements in response to
Capital Raising, and Insurtech. These four verticals Covid-19. Half of Digital Lenders have either
collectively account for 60% of the survey sample. already introduced enhanced fraud and/or
This chapter also includes analysis of Market cyber-security features or where in the process
Provisioning FinTech verticals, which include of introducing this feature.
Enterprise Technology Provisioning, Digital Identity,
• Digital Lending firms most urgently need
Alternative Data and Credit Analytics, and RegTech,
regulatory support measures for ‘faster
accounting for 21% of survey responses.
authorization for new activities’, followed
by ‘less burdensome supervisory/reporting
Digital Lending requirements’, ‘regulatory support for e-KYC’
Selected vertical highlights and ‘simplified CDD’.
• Digital lending firms reported a contraction
in almost all market performance indicators, Overview of Respondents
including contractions in transactions by volume Digital Lending accounted for the largest number
and number. Firms from higher stringency of responses to the survey, with 305 firm-level
lockdown jurisdictions experienced these responses globally, representing 21% of the total
contractions in a more pronounced manner, database. Firms in Europe (excluding the UK)
while there were few discernable differences accounted for 30% of firms, followed by 23%
between EMDEs and AEs. This drop in activity of firms representing APAC, 19% representing
makes this vertical an outlier, as no other LAC, 13% representing SSA, 5% representing
FinTech vertical reported a year-on-year H1 North America and 2% representing MENA. It is
decline in their growth. important to note that these percentages refer to
the number of respondents and do not account for
• This was compounded by increases in arrears
nor attempt to qualify the size or market share of a
and defaults, with firms operating in EMDEs
unique firm.
or in high stringency jurisdictions seeing
above average increases for both indicators. At an individual country level, both India (7%)
Operational costs increased for Digital Lending and United Kingdom (7%) reported the highest
firms, particularly for those in high stringency concentration of firms (see Figure 28). Interestingly,
markets. most Indian firms were focused on servicing their
• A decline in market performance for Digital domestic market, while firms with Headquarters
Lending firms and increase in operational in the United Kingdom were more likely to
complexity and costs was mirrored by a 14% report operations in several countries, mostly
downward revision of 2020 fiscal year turnover concentrated in Europe. On average, 30% of
target. They also reported downward revisions Digital Lending firms were operating in 2 or more
to their profitability. countries, exemplifying the internationalization of
FinTech activities.
• Significant regional variation exists when
considering retail investment shifts. Retail-led
investment has, on balance shrunk, except
in LAC and in North America. In contrast,
institutional investment increased across most
regions, but shrunk in APAC, SSA, and the UK.

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Figure 28: Top 15 countries (by HQ & countries of operation), Digital Lending (number of respondents)
7% 7%

4% 4%
3% 3% 3%
2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%


1) m ) ) es ) ) 6) ) 3) ) 2) 1) ) .9) .9)
do 1) .29 .24 at ) .19 .18 .14 .12 .11
(n.4 ng (n.4 (n (n St n.24 (n (n n.1 (n n.1 (n n.1 n.1 (n (n (n
ia K i
i c o z i l
t e d ( ia s ia y a( a ly r u( l ia r e( ny( in a na n da
d d a i b n It e a o a a h a
In ite ex Br Un lo
m ne Ke P st
r ap rm Sp G Ug
M do Au ng Ge
Co In Si

When considering the top 15 countries, or 53% HQ and operations, which are also served as critical
in this dataset, we note that within LAC, Mexico spring-board countries, with firms operating in a
(5%) and Brazil (4%) are the most represented number of surrounding countries, albeit at smaller
countries in terms of both HQ and operational levels. In APAC, India, Indonesia and Singapore
activity. Colombia, Peru and Chile had ten or saw significant concentrations of activity. Firms in
more operational firms, despite not having a Australia and India tended to focus on servicing
local headquarter. In Europe, Italy, Germany, and their domestic economies, with limited examples
Spain reported some of the highest numbers of of multi-jurisdictional firms. On the other hand,
respondents, across both HQ and operational Singapore served as a critical spring-board country,
activity. In SSA, Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, and South with firms operating in a number of additional
Africa reported high concentrations in firm-level ASEAN countries.

Figure 29: Distribution of Digital Lending Respondents by sub-vertical (% of total)

Balance Sheet Property Lending
P2P/Marketplace Property Lending
Mini Bonds
Digital Merchant-cash 2%
P2P/Marketplace Consumer Lending
Advance Solutions <1% 7%
Debt-based Securities 2% 19%

Invoice Trading

44% 13% Balance Sheet

Consumer Lending

Balance Sheet 11%
Business Lending

Consumer Purchase Financing/
Customer Cash-advance
Crowd-led Microfinance
P2P/Marketplace Business Lending

Consumer (n.218)   MSME (n.235)   Property (n.44)

The Digital Lending vertical included 12 different and consumer borrowers, 2) MSMEs or other
models referred to henceforth as sub-verticals. business entity borrowers, and 3) property or real-
These can be broadly assembled into three estate markets to either MSMEs, households or
groups; those which primarily serve 1) household corporates. This provides an indication of whether

Chapter 3. Impact of Covid-19 on selected FinTech Verticals

Digital Lending firms, in general, catered to business to select more than one sub-vertical, particularly
customers or consumers. This comparison is useful within this vertical. Digital Lending firms with
in understanding both now, and in the future, where a consumer-finance focus made up 44% of the
Digital Lending is most valued and throughout dataset, with P2P/Marketplace Consumer Lending
which customer group growth is more achievable. accounting for 19% and Balance Sheet Consumer
Lending accounting for 13%. Property Lending
As shown in Figure 29, nearly half (47%) of includes lending activities with a property or real
Digital Lending firms that responded the survey estate focus. It was not possible to determine the
were classified as MSME-focused, with P2P/ correct borrower-category for firm-respondents,
Marketplace Business Lending firms making up as property-lending could apply to both MSME/
22% of the dataset, followed by Balance Sheet Corporate borrowers, as well as household and
Business Lending (11%), and Invoice Trading (8%). residential mortgages. As such, this group was
It is worth noting that it is not uncommon for firms separately ring-fenced for analysis.

Market Performance Indicators

Figure 30: Market Performance Indicators by Region (Volumes, Number of Transactions, New Borrowers & Repeat Borrowers),
Digital Lending (% change, year-on-year H1)
30% 26%
20% 18%
20% 17%
10% 9%
1% 1% 2% 1%
0% <-1%
-3% -1% -1%
-4% -2%
-6% -5%
-10% -9% -9% -8%
-10% -11%
-20% -16% -17%
-22% -24%
Transaction Volumes (n.303) Number of Transactions (n.303) New Borrowers (n.302) Repeat Borrowers (n.302)

APAC     Europe     LAC     MENA     North America (US & Canada)     SSA     United Kingdom

Covid-19 has had an observably negative impact between EMDE or AE firms, as both were within a
on the Digital Lending vertical, especially as related percentage point of each other (EMDEs showing an
to transaction volume and number of transactions, average decrease of 8% in both transaction volume
with an average decline of 8% year-on-year in Q1 and number, while for AEs this was an average
and Q2 2020 for both indicators. From a regional decrease of 9%).
perspective, drops in transaction volume and
number of transactions were most prevalent in However, observations on the number of new
APAC (a 16% and 17% decline respectively), and borrowers and repeat borrowers in specific regions
in the United Kingdom (22% and 24%). The only were in contradiction to the volume and number
exception was MENA, where transaction volume of transaction performance. An increase in new
grew by 9% and the volume of transactions by 40% borrower activity was reported in Digital Lending
(see Figure 31). firms across MENA (20%), LAC (17%), and Europe
(2%). Declines were noted, however, in APAC,
When accounting for lockdown stringency, Digital North America, and the United Kingdom. These
Lending firms in High stringency markets noted disparate findings were more pronounced when
a 10% decrease in both transaction volume and observing changes in repeat or existing borrower
number of transactions, followed by low stringency activity, with increases reported in MENA, LAC,
markets (with an average decrease of 9%) and and North America, and declines in APAC, SSA, and
medium stringency markets (with an average the United Kingdom (see Figure 30).
decrease of 7%). There was no significant difference

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Table 7: Market Performance Indicators for Consumer & MSME-focused Digital Lenders (% change, year-on-year H1)
Consumer-focused MSME-focused
Lending Lending
Transaction Volume -9% -4%
Number of Transaction -7% -5%
New Borrowers 5% 1%
Repeat/Existing Borrowers 10% 4%

After the breakdown by consumer-focused and Table 7). This suggests that while there were more
MSME-focused digital lending, consumer-lending borrowers participating in the consumer space, the
activities reported larger declines in volume and value of new loans had likely decreased relative to
number of transactions despite relatively higher prior years.
customer acquisition and retention rates (see

Figure 31: Market Performance Indicators by Region (Number of New Loans, Default on Outstanding Loans & Arrears or Late
Repayment), Digital Lending (% change, year-on-year H1)
24% 22%
20% 19% 18%
14% 15%
13% 12% 11%
10% 9% 8% 8% 9%
2% 3% 3% 1%
-10% -9%
-20% -15%
Number of New Loans Issued (n.297) Default on Outstanding Loans (n.297) Arrears or Late-Repayment (n.296)

APAC     Europe     LAC     MENA     North America (US & Canada)     SSA     United Kingdom

Digital Lending firms reported a year-on-year New loans for MSME-specific Digital Lending saw
H1 average decline of 6% in the number of loans a more modest 2% decline in the number of new
issued, in addition to a 13% rise in arrears/late- loans issued. 24
repayment, and a 9% increase in defaults. MENA
saw an increase of 22% in defaults, while APAC and When comparing by income level, firms in AEs
North America reported a 15% and 13% increase reported larger decreases of new loans (at -7%)
in defaults, respectively. SSA and Europe saw a than the average for the vertical. Important
more modest increase in defaults, although coupled differences can also be observed depending on
with the rise in late repayments in SSA, the regional the level of lockdown stringency. Firms located in
default risk may be poised to increase (see Figure high stringency jurisdictions on average reported
31)The number of defaults on loans increased to a 6% decrease in new loans. In contrast, firms in
11% for firms in the high stringency index. Firms low stringency jurisdictions reported a near 17%
operating in EMDEs saw an increase in defaults on increase in new loans issued.
loans of 12%, whilst those in AEs saw only 4%. An increase in arrears was reported by firms across
There were important differences in the number of all regions, income level and level of lockdown,
new loans by region, by income level and by level of although the percentages vary. Firms across regions
lockdown stringency. When comparing regionally, indicated a rise in arrears or late repayment of loans
the number of new loans issued increased (13% vertical average), with the largest increase
significantly for firms in MENA (24%) and in North reported in MENA (31%), followed by North
America (14%), while firms in LAC and Europe America (19%), and SSA (18%). . In high stringency
reported a modest 3% and 2% rise respectively. In jurisdictions, arrears grew to 14%, while in low
contrast, firms in the United Kingdom and APAC stringency jurisdictions reported a 9% increase.
observed a notable decline in the number of loan Finally, EMDEs firms reported a 13% increase, and
issued (20% and 15% respectively) (see Figure 31). AEs 11%%.

Chapter 3. Impact of Covid-19 on selected FinTech Verticals

Table 8: Transaction Volumes, Digital Lending by Sub-verticals (% change, year-on-year H1)

Sub-Vertical (% of firms) Transaction Volumes

P2P/Marketplace Consumer Lending (18%) -8%
P2P/Marketplace Business Lending (22%) 4%
P2P/Marketplace Property Lending (7%) -11%
Balance Sheet Consumer Lending (12%) -7%
Balance Sheet Business Lending (11%) -18%
Balance Sheet Property Lending (2%) 9%
Debt-based Securities (Debentures/Bonds) (3%) 4%
Invoice Trading (9%) -6%
Crowd-led Microfinance (5%) -3%
Consumer Purchase Financing / Customer Cash-advance (8%) -6%
Digital Merchant-cash Advance Solutions (2%) -7%
Vertical Average -8%

Above vertical average

Below vertical average

Analysis according to sub-vertical shows that some 4% respectively. Overall these results show that
sub-verticals, specifically Balance Sheet Property while Digital Lending as a whole contracted, there
Lending firms, P2P/Marketplace Business Lending were a handful of sub-verticals that outperform the
and Debt-based Securities firms, reported an vertical average (see Table 8).
increase in their transaction volume by 9%, 4% and

Change in Investor Activity

Figure 32: Market Performance Indicators by Region (Retail, Institutional and Government Investments), Digital Lending
(% change, year-on-year H1)
20% 15%
11% 14% 10% 10%
3% 4%
-10% -7%
-3% -3% -3% -5% -2% -3%
-10% -9%
-20% -16%
-20% -21%
Investment made by a Retail or Investment made by an Institutional Investors Investment made by a Governmental/
Individual Investor or Lender (n.302) (n.302) Public Entity (n.301)

APAC     Europe     LAC     MENA     North America (US & Canada)     SSA     United Kingdom

For many Digital Lending firms, the supply of during the pandemic within these regions. All other
finance is linked to investment from a variety of regions experienced a decline. At the negative end
stakeholders, namely Retail, Institutional, and/ of the spectrum, MENA observed a sizeable decline
or Government investors. This study sought to of 20% in retail investor activity, with a smaller but
understand how these different stakeholder groups still significant decline for APAC (10%), UK (9%),
engaged in the provision of funding for digital Europe (7%) and SSA (3%) (see Figure 32).
lending firms have changed their lending activities
as a result of Covid-19. Regarding institutional investor-based lending,
Digital Lending firms reported an averaged
Looking at the year-on-year change in retail increase of 1% across; but there were differences
investment activity (down 2% on average) in the on investors’ behavior across regions. An increase
first half of 2020 only Digital Lending firms in North was reported in LAC (14%), Europe (11%), North
America (30%) and LAC (15%) indicated growth America (10%), and MENA (10%), while a decline
in retail-led investments, suggesting alternative was observed in APAC (16%), United Kingdom (3%)
finance as an increasingly option of investments and SSA (3%) (see Figure 32).

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Finally, in terms of investments by governmental markets experienced a decline in investment. SSA

and public entities (down 2% on average), North (21%) and China (18%) indicated larger declines in
American firms reported a significant rise in Government-based investment, whereas Europe
investor activity (20%), while the UK (4%) and (5%), MENA (3%) and LAC (2%) reported smaller
APAC (3%) indicated more modest growth. Other declines (see Figure 32).

Changes to Existing Products and Services

Figure 33: Changes to Existing Products & Services, Digital Lending (% of respondents; yes, in progress)

Changes to Qualification/Onboarding Criteria (n.207) 53% 10%

Payment Easements (n.287) 49% 8%

Payment Holiday (n.292) 40% 4%

Fee/Commission Reduction (n.288) 34% 7%

Suspension of New Loan Origination (n.275) 34% 5%

Fee/Commission Waiver (n.292) 29% 5%

Reducing Interest Rates to Borrowers (n.268) 24% 9%

Discontinued the Sale of Products or Services (n.282) 18% 4%

Early Access to Funds/Deposits (n.278) 15% 3%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Yes   In Progress
*Note that “N/A” and “No” responses have been omitted from this chart

For more than half of Digital Lending firms, changes affordability), and a further 8% in the process of
to qualification/onboarding criteria was a top implementing such a program. Introduction of
measure implemented, with 53% having already Payment Holidays, Fee/Commission Reduction and
implemented this change and an additional 10% Waivers, and reduced interest rates also ranked
in the process of doing so (See Figure 33). Given high among Digital Lending firms. It is worth noting,
that many Digital Lending platforms have a two- fee reductions and waivers may also apply to retail
sided market model (lenders vs. borrowers), these investors, with some 15% have allowed for early
changes may relate not only to the onboarding of access to funds.
borrowers but also to investors.
Finally, in line with results observed around the
Many of the changes implemented relate to pricing reduction in transaction volume and a general
or payment structures, reflecting the economic decline in lending, some 34% of firms have
realities that Covid-19 has imposed upon borrowers suspended new loan origination in some of their
utilizing Digital Lending. For instance, nearly half product offerings, and some 18% have discontinued
of firms had already implemented a payment the sale of other products or services (see Figure
easement program (with repayment based upon 33).

New Products and Services

Figure 34: New or Updated Products/Services/Features, Digital Lending (% of respondents; yes, in progress)

Value Added Non-financial Services (e.g. information services) (n.288) 35% 8%

Enhanced Fraud and/or Cyber-security Features (n.286) 27% 13%

Credit or Micro-Credit Facility (n.285) 27% 7%

Disbursement of Covid-19 Relief/Assistance Funds (n.287) 21% 8%

Emergency Working Capital (n.286) 20% 8%

Hosting Covid-19 Specific Funding or Relief Campaigns (n.286) 13% 7%

Insurance Related to Covid-19 (n.286) 7% 6%

Launched a Voucher System (n.283) 5% 2%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45%

Yes   In Progress
*Note that “N/A” and “No” responses have been omitted from this chart

Chapter 3. Impact of Covid-19 on selected FinTech Verticals

Digital Lending firms were asked to report new progressing in the addition of this feature. This is
products or services that they launched or closely followed by the introduction of a credit or
introduced on their platform as a result of or in micro-credit facility, a measure cited by 27% of
response to Covid-19. Overall, the survey indicates lenders. Consumer-facing lending firms were more
that in many cases, Digital Lending firms launched likely to report introducing credit or micro-credit
new products or features to combat particular facilities (34% of firms) while MSME-focused firms
challenges brought about by the pandemic. were more likely to report introducing emergency
working capital (25% of firms). Finally, a smaller
The most common new feature introduced is number of Digital Lending firms hosted a Covid-
value-added non-financial services, which has 19-specific funding campaign or relief fund (13%),
been implemented by 35% of respondents and introduced insurance related to Covid-19 (7%), or
was in the process of being introduced by 8%. In launched a voucher system (5%) (see Figure 34).
addition, 27% of respondents introduced enhanced Table 9 below provides examples of the types of
fraud or cyber-security features and 13% were new products and services launched.

Table 9: Examples of New or Updated FinTech Products launched in response to Covid-19, Digital Lending
Region orChange to existing/
Model Example from the field
Market New or updated
New products A P2P firm in India launched a new product “Anti-Lockdown Loans” to help credit-worthy
and services businesses and individuals access credit to meet their short-term liquidity.
New products A Digital Bank in Europe launched a ‘connected card’ feature which enables a customer to
Digital and services give a second digital or physical card to someone to spend on their behalf, with a £200 limit.
Lending New products Two Brazilian platforms joined the governments’ programme to aid SMEs during the
and services pandemic, both companies will be the intermediary and facilitators to deliver the loans.
New products A digital lender launched an online solution to streamline loan application processes to give
US & Canada
and services business access to multiple lenders including government loans.

Participation in Covid-19 Relief Measures

While a large number of Digital Lending firms to MSMEs (9%). Despite this low participation,
reported a clear willingness to participate in delivering government-based stimulus funding
Covid-19 relief measures, only a small number of (MSMEs) (38%), government match-funding
firms reported participation. Participating Digital schemes (37%), and industry-led relief measures
Lending were most likely to report participation (36%) were reported as the top schemes that these
in government job retention measures (14%), firms were willing to engage with in delivery or
followed by government tax relief schemes (10%) implementation (see Figure 35).
and delivering government-based stimulus funding

Figure 35: Implementation or Delivery Partner in Covid-19-related Relief Measures or Schemes, Digital Lending
(% of respondents)
Government Job Retention Measures (n.292) 14% 4% 25%

Government Tax Relief Schemes (n.290) 10% 6% 28%

Delivering Government-based Stimulus Funding (MSMEs) (n.291) 9% 7% 38%

Industry-led Relief Measures (n.292) 5% 6% 36%

Delivering Government-based Stimulus Funding (Households) (n.290) 4% 5% 34%

NGO-led Relief Measures (n.288) 3% 4% 32%

Government Match-Funding Schemes (n.289) 3% 7% 37%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Yes   In discussions   No, but would be willing

*Note that “N/A” and “No, not interested” responses have been omitted from this chart

Regulatory Responses or Innovations

When considering the regulatory responses or tracked in this study. Firms did however indicate
innovations that would support Digital Lending significant need (either in the short or longer-term)
firms in light of Covid-19, firms have reported for regulatory support (see Figure 36).
relatively low usage across regulatory measures

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Figure 36: Regulatory Responses & Innovations Initiatives, Digital Lending Usage & Needs (% of respondents)

Regulatory Support for e-KYC (n.292) 21% 31% 17%

Simplified Customer Due Diligence (n.292) 16% 31% 19%

Regulatory Support for Remote Onboarding (n.286) 16% 28% 13%

Working with a FinTech Innovation Office (n.291) 12% 21% 20%

Admission of my Firm into a Regulatory Sandbox (n.289) 8% 24% 17%

Streamlined Product or Services Approval (n.288) 8% 31% 23%

Less Burdensome Supervisory/ 6% 32% 24%
Reporting Requirements (n.286)
Exemption to Operate New Financial 6% 29% 22%
Services or Products (n.287)
Extension of Interim Permissions (n.284) 5% 20% 14%
Faster Authorisation or Licensing 5% 38% 25%
Processes for New Activities (n.287)
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Needed in the Long Term

*Note that “N/A” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

Digital Lending firms were more likely to report the use of regulatory response measures related
using regulatory support measures for customer to ’licensing and authorization of new products’
acquisition and onboarding. Digital Lending firms and ‘less burdensome reporting requirements’.
were already making use of regulatory support for Yet overall, these were the types of interventions
e-KYC (21%), simplified CDD (16%), and regulatory that were most cited as urgently needed. In this
support for remote onboarding (16%). However, a regard, 38% of firms noted an urgent need for
greater proportion of firms (about 30%) reported faster authorization or licensing processes for
urgently needing their regulator to support them new activities, followed by less burdensome
through such interventions. supervisory/reporting requirements (32%) and
streamlined product or services approval (31%).
A much more limited number of firms reported

Operational and Risk Indicators

Figure 37: Operational Performance and Costs Indicators, Digital Lending (% change, year-on-year H1)

Platform Downtime (n.132) 3%

Agent or Partner Downtime (n.143) 9%
Number of Unsuccessful Transactions/
Queries/Access Requests (n.146) 14%
Number of Full Time Equivalent Employees (n.212) -4%
Onboarding Expenditure (n.177) 4%
Lending Spread (n.176) 1%
Fiscal Year 2020 Turnover Target (n 256) -14%
Data Storage Expenditure (n.157) 10%

-20% -15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15%

Figure 37 summarizes key operational aspects rise in platform downtime (3%), agent or partner
for Digital Lending firms. As shown therein, downtime (9%), and number of unsuccessful
overall the decline in market performance transactions (14%), this latter negative indicator
indicators summarized in previous paragraphs was stands with the significant need to regulatory
accompanied by an increase in operational costs, support in client onboarding processes (e-KYC,
and a downward revision of annual revenue targets CDD and Remote Onboarding) reported by
for 2020. Digital Lending respondents. Analysis according to
World Bank Income Groups showed that EMDEs
Operational indicators such as data storage and firms reported higher increases in data storage
onboarding expenditure increased by 10% and and onboarding than AEs. AEs firms reported an
4% respectively. Furthermore, firms reported a increase of their data storage expenditure by 7%

Chapter 3. Impact of Covid-19 on selected FinTech Verticals

while EMDEs firms reported an increase of 11%. negative outlook with respect to their Capital
Likewise, EMDEs firms reported a 6% increase in Reserves and 54% reported a perceived drop in
onboarding expenditure, while AEs firms did not their valuation. When considering their future
report an increase in such costs. fundraising outlook, 43% of firms remarked that
Covid-19 had a negative impact on their ability to
Digital Lending firms also reported a deterioration fundraise, especially related to equity finance (58%)
in their financial position. 59% of firms had a and debt fundraising (54%).

Figure 38: Risk Indicators, Digital Lending (% change, year-on-year H1)

Liquidity Risk (n.202) 20%

Foreign Currency Exposure Risk (n.147) 22%
Cyber-security Risk (n.171) 14%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%

When considering external operational challenges • Despite these apparent increases, firms have
introduced by the Covid-19 pandemic and related indicated that their 2020 fiscal year turnover
lock-down measures, it is not surprising that Digital target had increased, with firms in high
Lending firms have overwhelmingly reported an stringency markets revising upwards by 16%.
increase in key risk indicators. An average, firms
• Digital Payment firms were amongst the most
reported a 20% year-on-year increase in liquidity
active to adjusting their terms, products and
risks and a 14% increase in cyber-security risk
services. More than half of Digital Payment
(see Figure 38). However, on the latter analysis
firms reported that they had already introduced
according to World Bank Income Group shows
or were in the process of ‘deploying additional
important difference between AEs and EMDEs
payment channels’, and nearly half had
firms on their perception of cyber-security risk.
reported the introduction of fee or commission
10% of AEs indicated an increase in cyber-security
reductions/waivers or were in the process of
while a significant 17% of EMDEs indicated
doing so.
an increase. When accounting for Lockdown
Stringency, firms in high stringency markets • More than half reported urgently needing
reported a much higher increase in cyber-security regulatory support measures for faster
risk (18%), compared to those in low stringency authorization of new activities. Firms also
markets (8%). highlighted the urgent need for simplified CDD
and streamlined product or service approvals.
Digital Payments
Overview of Respondents
Selected vertical highlights
The second most prominent vertical in the dataset
• Digital Payments firms reported increases in
is Digital Payments, representing 18% of all
key market performance indicators such as
survey respondents. Digital payments have seen
transaction volume, number of transactions and
a particularly large surge in demand during the
number of new customers/users, doubling the
pandemic. 25 These 251 firms reported operations in
overall FinTech average. Firms in high stringency
164 different countries. APAC firms made up 23%
markets observed an even higher increase in
of this data set, followed by SSA (21%), LAC (18%),
their transaction volumes, and firms in AEs also
Europe (excluding the United Kingdom) (14%), North
saw more pronounced growth.
America (8%), and MENA (6%). Key national markets,
• Digital Payment firms also reported above such as the United Kingdom and China, represented
average increases to their operational costs, in 8% and 2% of respondents respectively. These
particular data and onboarding expenditures. figures are based upon the number of respondents
Firms in high stringency jurisdictions saw some in a given region or national market and do not
of the highest increases to their costs, and firms account for nor attempt to qualify the size or market
in EMDEs also saw higher than average cost share of a unique firm.
hikes in 2020 H1.

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Figure 39: Top 15 countries (by HQ & countries of operation), Digital Payments (number of respondents)

5% 5%


3% 3% 3% 3%

2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%


es m ) 0) ) 9) 8) ) 6) 6) ) ) 4) ) )
at ) do 5) .25 n.2 .20 n.1 n.1 .17 n.1 n.1 .15 .15 n.1 .14 .13
St n.37 ng .3 (n (n (n (n (n (n (n
d Ki (n ia o( re a( a( ca a( a( ia ia g( ia ia
i te ( d d i c o ny a n r i i n n d s e r o n y s b
Un ite In ex ap Ke Gh
f Ch a ne g K ala
M ng hA Ug do Ni ng lo
Un Si ut In Ho
M Co

Though APAC, SSA and LAC were the largest country headquarters. Among the top 15 countries,
represented regions, it is worth noting that in terms five are based in APAC, 5 in SSA and 2 in LAC,
of key country concentration, the United States showing a concentration of activities predominantly
and the United Kingdom had the largest number of in emerging markets (see Figure 39).
firm-based activities, in particular as this related to

Figure 40: Distribution of Digital Payments Respondents by sub-vertical (% of total)

Settlement and clearing Digital Remittances
services providers (n.53) (Domestic-P2P) (n.93)
API Hubs for Payments (n.84)
4% 8% Digital Remittances
7% (Cross Border-P2P) (n.79)
Payment aggregators (n.103)

8% 11%
Money transfer (P2P,
P2B, B2P, B2B) (n.140)
Points of access (PoS,
mPoS, on-line PoS) (n.99) 8%
37% 3%
eMoney Issuers (n.42)

11% Top-ups and refill (n.92)
Payment gateways (n.136)
9% Bulk Payment Solutions -
Payroll, Grants, etc (n.73)
Acquiring services providers
for merchants (n.106)
Mobile Money (n.112)

Payment Service Providers   Merchant Payment Services   Other Payment Services

Digital Payments providers were further segmented of the dataset, which included Payment Gateways
into 13 sub-verticals grouped broadly into Payment (11% of the vertical), Acquiring service providers
Service Providers, Merchant Payment Services for merchants (9%), Points of Access (8%), and
and Other Payment Services. More than half of Payment Aggregators (8%). Finally, Other Payment
respondents self-classified as a Payment Service Services included API Hubs for Payments (7%) and
Providers with 12% identifying under Money Settlement & Clearing Service Providers (4%) (see
Transfers and 15% under Digital Remittances (8% Figure 40). See endnote for a furtherbreakdown of
serving domestic markets while 7% operated cross- sub-verticals by region. 26
border). Merchant Payment Services made up 37%

Chapter 3. Impact of Covid-19 on selected FinTech Verticals

Figure 41: Payment Instruments offered by Digital Payments Firms (% of total responses, 251 observations)


70% 69% 68%

44% 43%
31% 29%


en ) 1) 0) 0) al/ ) 5) sm 2) )
.17 .13 .11 rtu 7 n.8 ni ail n.7 .59
aym .172 n n n ( Vi n.10 S( ha m 8) S( (n
e p (n t( e( S( rd ) ( ec or e (n.7 D
in e lle d PO PO P O SS
nl ic a Co Ca ized e y M S t) al U
O serv ta
lw R ile n nl
in Pa SM en sic
gi Q ob ke O to end aym hy
Di M To t
es . s p P
qu e.g ing
Re ( est

Digital Payment firms were also asked to indicate instruments. The most prominent payment
the types of payment instruments offered by their instruments offered were online payment services,
firm. On average, firms selected four different followed by digital wallets (see Figure 41).

Market Performance Indicators

Figure 42: Market Performance Indicators (Volumes, Number of Transactions & New Customers), Digital Payments
(% change, year-on-year H1)


24% 24%




Transaction Volumes Number of Transactions New Customers/Users
(n.214) (n.212) (n.213)

As shown in Figure 42, on average, Digital The key performance indicators for firms
Payments respondents reported increases categorized as Payment Service Providers showed
in transaction volume, the total number of that 8 sub-verticals performed above the vertical
transactions and new customers by 21%, 24% average, with particular emphasis on new customer
and 24% year-on-year respectively. This general acquisition. In contrast, Merchant Payment
trend of market growth in light of Covid-19 is also Solutions and Other Payment Solutions reported
reflected across sub-verticals, with some showing more modest growths, albeit to varying degrees
above average growth and some demonstrating a (see Table 10).
more modest gain (see Table 10). 27

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Table 10: Market Performance Indicators, Digital Payments by Sub-Verticals (% change, year-on-year H1)
Transaction Number of
New Customers
Volume Transactions
Digital Remittances (Cross Border-P2P) 24% 25% 28%
Digital Remittances (Domestic-P2P) 26% 28% 28%
Money transfer (P2P, P2B, B2P, B2B) 23% 26% 29%
eMoney Issuers 16% 16% 22%
Mobile Money 24% 25% 29%
Acquiring services providers for merchants 9% 13% 19%
Points of access (PoS, mPoS, on-line PoS) 16% 16% 16%
Bulk Payment Solutions - Payroll, Grants, etc. 21% 26% 29%
Top-ups and refill 18% 19% 25%
Payment gateways 16% 18% 25%
Payment aggregators 17% 20% 22%
API Hubs for Payments 15% 20% 26%
Above Vertical Average
Settlement & clearing services providers 7% 11% 19% Below Vertical Average

Figure 43: Transaction Volumes and Number of Transactions, by Region, Digital Payments (% change, year-on-year H1)


51% 52%

40% 37%
31% 29%
24% 25% 25%
20% 17%
4% 6%

Transaction Volumes (n.214) Number of Transactions (n.212)

APAC     Europe     LAC     MENA     North America (US & Canada)     SSA

On average, Digital Payments firms reported a 21% stringency markets (an average of 29%). When
year-on-year growth in transaction volume but analyzing by income level, AEs showed an average
with considerable regional variations. The MENA 23% increase in transaction volume compared to an
region showed the largest year-on-year growth average of 19% for EMDEs
in both transaction volume (51%) and transaction
numbers (52%). Meanwhile, respondents from Changes to Existing Products and Services
North America (US & Canada) and SSA reported
In light of Covid-19, more than half of digital
a nearly equal average growth increase in total
payment firms reported that they had already
transaction values, with 24% and 25% respectively.
introduced or were in the process of deploying
Respondents from North America however
additional payment channels, with 38% having
reported stronger growth in total transactions
already made this change and 15% in the process
by number with 29%, compared to 25% in SSA.
of doing so. Around a third of Digital Payments
Digital Payments providers in the APAC region
firms globally waived fees or commissions due to
reported the lowest year-on-year growth for both
Covid-19, and 9% were in the process of doing
transaction volume (4%) and transaction numbers
so, with an additional 36% of these firms having
(6%), relative to other key markets (see Figure 43).
reduced their fee or commission, and a further 9%
Analysis according to stringency levels shows a
reportedly in the process of doing so. One quarter
significant difference between transaction volume
of the firms have made changes to qualification/
performance in low stringency markets (an average
onboarding criteria while 11% reported providing
of 14%) compared to market performance in high
free data for usage (see Figure 44).

Chapter 3. Impact of Covid-19 on selected FinTech Verticals

Figure 44: Changes to Existing Products & Services, Digital Payments (% of respondents: yes, in progress)

Deployed Additional Payment Channels (n.229) 38% 15%

Fee/Commission Reduction (n.239) 36% 9%

Fee/Commission Waiver (n.241) 35% 9%

Changes in Transfer or Payment Limits (n.232) 28% 6%

Changes to Qualification/Onboarding Criteria (n.234) 25% 12%

Monetary Incentives for Using Online Services (n.230) 24% 14%

Discontinued the Sale of Products or Services (n.237) 13% 5%

Providing Free Data for Usage (n.231) 11% 6%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Yes   In Progress
*Note that “N/A” and “No” responses have been omitted from this chart

New Products and Services

Digital Payment firms were asked to list the new not all together surprising, when considered against
or updated products and services they launched the growth in new-customer onboarding noted in
as a direct effect of Covid-19. Cyber-security key performance indicators, and a move towards
features ranked among the highest, with 38% of greater digitalization resulting from Covid-19 in
firms reporting enhancements to their fraud and/ most economies.
or cyber-security features (see Figure 45). This is

Figure 45: New or Updated Products/Services/Features, Digital Payments (% of respondents; yes, in progress)

Enhanced Fraud and/or Cyber-security Features (n.239) 38% 15%

Value Added Non-financial Services (e.g. information services) (n.235) 32% 14%

Launched an E-commerce Platform (n.229) 27% 16%

Disbursement of Covid-19 Relief/Assistance Funds (n.241) 22% 10%

Hosting Covid-19 Specific Funding or Relief Campaigns (n.237) 18% 6%

Launched a Voucher System (n.233) 14% 11%

Emergency Working Capital (n.237) 12% 8%

Credit or Micro-Credit Facility (n.236) 11% 11%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Yes   In Progress
*Note that “N/A” and “No” responses have been omitted from this chart

Vis-à-vis their customers, new value-added non- which tended to be household or consumer-facing.
financial products and services were cited by the In addition, more than one quarter of the firms
larger percentage of firms. In this regard, 32% of (27%) reported launching an E-Commerce platform
Digital Payment firms reported having launched while 16% are in progress of launching such a
such products. It is worth noting that firms platform (see Figure 45). Table 11 below provides
responding to this particular option tended to come examples of the type of new products and services
from the Payment Service Providers category, launched.

Table 11: Examples of New or Updated FinTech Products launched in response to Covid-19, Digital Payments
Change to existing/
Model Region Example from the field
New or updated
A platform in India launched omni-channel loyalty platform ‘nth Rewards’: which allows users
New products to earn ‘nth’ (denoting infinite possibilities) points through various bank transactions and
and services redeem them faster on various exciting products, E-Vouchers, donations, hotel and flight
A digital payment firm greatly increased remote delivery of digital payment accounts, which
New products
LAC link to personal loans and money market savings funds. They are not however permitted to
and services
take deposits or receive customers’ salaries or state benefits directly into the account.

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Participation in Covid-19 Relief Measures

Figure 46: Implementation or Delivery Partner in Covid-19-related Relief Measures or Schemes, Digital Payments
(% of respondents)
NGO-led Relief Measures (n.237) 14% 7% 28%

Delivering Government-based Stimulus Funding (Households) (n.237) 12% 8% 26%

Industry-led Relief Measures (n.237) 12% 8% 34%

Government Job Retention Measures (n.238) 10% 5% 24%

Government Tax Relief Schemes (n.237) 9% 6% 32%

Delivering Government-based Stimulus Funding (MSMEs) (n.238) 9% 9% 32%

Government Match-Funding Schemes (n.238) 5% 8% 32%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Yes   In discussions   No, but would be willing

*Note that “N/A” and “No, not interested” responses have been omitted from this chart

Most firms were not currently engaged in Covid-19 in industry-led relief measures, 32% in delivering
relief measures but indicated a willingness to government-based stimulus funding (MSMEs), and
participate. One third of the respondents reported 32% in assisting government tax relief schemes and
their willingness to participate in the Covid-19 government match-funding schemes (see Figure 46).
related measures, with 34% willing to be involved

Figure 47: Delivery of Government-based Stimulus Funding to Households or MSMEs, Digital Payments, by Key Regions
(% of respondents)

APAC (n.52) 13% 15% 27%

Delivering Government-
based Stimulus Funding
(Households) (n.237)

Europe (n.34) 3% 6% 26%

LAC (n.43) 12% 7% 23%

MENA (n.16) 25% 6% 31%

North America (US & 11% 6% 11%
Canada) (n.18)
SSA (n.50) 18% 8% 36%

APAC (n.52) 4% 17% 33%

Delivering Government-
based Stimulus Funding

Europe (n.34) 3% 3% 29%

(MSMEs) (n.238)

LAC (n.43) 9% 9% 28%

MENA (n.16) 13% 13% 56%

North America (US 11% 6% 17%
& Canada) (n.18)
SSA (n.51) 20% 8% 39%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Yes   In discussions   No, but would be willing

*Note that “N/A” and “No, not interested” responses have been omitted from this chart

This study assessed the regional differences in the innovations would support their FinTech businesses
delivery of government-based stimulus funding to to better navigate Covid-19. Less than a third
consumers and MSMEs by Digital Payment firms. of Digital Payment firms are currently receiving
A quarter of firms in the MENA region participated support from their regulator. When considering
in delivering government-based stimulus funding the support mechanisms these firms are already
to consumers, while one fifth of firms in SSA using, 27% reported that they had already
participated in delivering government-based obtained regulatory support for e-KYC, followed
stimulus funding to MSMEs. The MENA region by working with a FinTech innovation office (20%)
showed the largest proportion of firms (56%) willing and simplified CDD (17%). When considering the
to participate in delivering government-based areas that firms needed assistance with, the three
stimulus funding to MSMEs followed by firms in the most urgently needed regulatory responses for
SSA region (39%) (see Figure 47). Digital Payments firms were faster authorization
or licensing processes for new activities (54%),
Regulatory Responses or Innovations simplified customer due diligence (CDD) (44%) and
streamlined product or service approval (43%) (see
Firms were asked what regulatory responses or
Figure 48).

Chapter 3. Impact of Covid-19 on selected FinTech Verticals

Figure 48: Regulatory Responses & Innovations Initiatives, Digital Payments Usage & Needs (% of respondents)

Regulatory Support for e-KYC (n.237) 27% 40% 12%

Working with a FinTech Innovation Office (n.236) 20% 25% 19%

Simplified Customer Due Diligence (n.237) 17% 44% 19%

Regulatory Support for Remote Onboarding (n.233) 16% 39% 18%

Amendments to Transaction Limits (n.226) 11% 31% 17%

Extension of Interim Permissions (n.230) 9% 22% 14%

Streamlined Product or Services Approval (n.231) 8% 43% 22%

Exemption to Operate New Financial Services or Products (n.234) 7% 41% 22%

Less Burdensome Supervisory/Reporting Requirements (n.235) 7% 37% 24%

Admission of my Firm into a Regulatory Sandbox (n.235) 6% 34% 23%

Faster Authorisation or Licensing Processes for New Activities (n.238) 5% 54% 19%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Needed in the Long Term

*Note that “N/A” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

Operational and Risk Indicators

Figure 49: Operational Performance and Costs Indicators, Digital Payments (% change, year-on-year H1)

Platform Downtime (n.138) 3%

Agent or Partner Downtime (n.144) 7%
Number of Unsuccessful Transactions/Queries/Access Requests (n.134) 10%
Number of Full Time Equivalent Employees (n.190) 12%
Onboarding Expenditure (n.155) 15%
Fiscal Year 2020 Turnover Target (n.181) 5%
Data Storage Expenditure (n.133) 15%

0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16%

While Digital Payment firms have seen an increase showed a 3% increase in agent or partner
in transaction volume, this has been accompanied downtime, the lowest of the three.
by increases in operational expenditure and risks.
Digital Payment firms reported an increase in With regards to data storage expenditure, a large
their onboarding expenditure (up 15% against the difference between the three stringency levels was
previous year) and data storage costs (15%). Firms also shown with high stringency markets showing a
also reported slight increases in platform downtime 22% increase compared to a 4% increase shown in
(3%), agent or partner downtime (7%) and in the low stringency markets. For AEs, this was an 11%
number of unsuccessful transactions (10%) (see increase, while 17% for EMDEs. Finally, analysis
Figure 49). Analysis according to the stringency according to the three stringency levels also shows
level showed a significance difference in agent or significant differences for onboarding expenditure
partner downtime between levels. Firms in high with high stringency showing a 23% increase
stringency jurisdictions showed a 13% increase in compared to a significantly smaller increase of 8%
agent or partner downtime, the highest of the three for low stringency markets. Similarly, for AEs, firms
levels, low stringency showed a 5% increase in reported a 10%, while those in EMDEs reported
agent or partner downtime and medium stringency 18%.

Figure 50: Risk Indicators, Digital Payments (% change, year-on-year H1)

Liquidity Risk (n.140) 12%

Foreign Currency Exposure Risk (n.140) 9%
Cyber-security Risk (n.155) 19%

0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20%

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

When considering external operational risk factors, previous year. When looking at certain specific
firms reported an increase in liquidity risk (12%) sub-verticals, 4 of the 13 models indicated the
and FX exposure (9%) against the previous year. expectation that their fiscal year turnover would
Perception of cyber-security risk had the largest decline in 2020, while the remaining 9 expect to
average year-on-year increase at 19% (see Figure higher turnover against 2019 (see Table 12).
50). However, there were important differences on
the perceptions of such risk depending on where Regarding Digital Payment firms’ financial position,
the firm was located. Cyber-security is a greater 47% reported a negative outlook with respect to
external risk for firms located in high stringency their Capital Reserves, and 38% noted a perceived
jurisdictions (25%), while those in low stringency drop in their valuation. When considering their
markets reported an 11% increase. Similarly, those future fundraising outlook, 34% of firms reported
which were located in EMDEs noted a 21% increase that Covid-19 had had a negative impact on their
in cyber-security risk, as opposed to 16% noted by ability to fundraise, especially as related to equity
firms in AEs. finance (with 48% reporting a negative impact)
and debt fundraising (29%). Some firms reported
Despite these operational challenges, Digital positive impacts of Covid-19 on their financial
Payment firms indicated that their 2020 fiscal position with 26% of firms indicating that their
year turnover target had increased, albeit only by current valuation would increase as a result of
5%, (though by 16% for those in high stringency Covid-19, and 23% noted that their fundraising
jurisdictions) and that their FTE for employees outlook had improved.
had increased by an average of 12% against the

Table 12: Annual turnover targets and FTE, Digital Payments by Sub-Vertical (% change)
Fiscal Year 2020 Turnover Target Full Time Equivalent Employees
Digital Remittances (Cross Border-P2P) 7% 16%
Digital Remittances (Domestic-P2P) 4% 15%
eMoney Issuers -8% 12%
Mobile Money 2% 12%
Money Transfer 6% 12%
Acquiring services providers for merchants -1% 5%
API Hubs for Payments 9% 12%
Bulk Payment Solutions 8% 14%
Payment aggregators 10% 14%
Payment gateway 3% 6%
Point of Access -1% 10%
Settlement and clearing services providers 0% 6%
Top-ups and refill 2% 15%

Digital Capital Raising

Selected vertical highlights • In most regions, retail investment through
• The majority of surveyed Digital Capital digital capital raising platforms increased,
Raising firms operate in Europe and the United especially regarding non-investment activities.
Kingdom. On average, Digital Capital Raising Similarly, firms in high stringency jurisdictions
firms reported an increase in their transaction reported a slightly above average increase for
volumes in H1 2020, on par with the average for retail investment growth. In contrast, overall
all FinTech verticals. However, firms categorized institutional investment decreased, most
as ‘non-investment’ saw far more pronounced significantly for firms operating an investment
average transaction volume increases when model.
compared to ‘investment-based’ modes such as
• Operational performance indicators indicated
equity crowdfunding.
an over-all increase in costs, especially for
• Firms in medium stringency jurisdictions saw the firms in high stringency jurisdictions. Firms also
highest increases in their transaction volume, revised down their fiscal year turnover targets,
and EMDEs outperformed those in AEs by a and FTEs dropped as well.
significant margin (31% compared to 11%).

Chapter 3. Impact of Covid-19 on selected FinTech Verticals

• While Digital Capital Raising firms did adjust Overview of Respondents

their existing products, services and policies, Digital Capital Raising firms accounted for 14% of
their activity in this regard was not as active the dataset. The below results reference the 200
as other verticals. Nevertheless, nearly a firms identified under this vertical and includes
third of respondents in Digital Capital Raising both investment-based and non-investment-based
implemented fee/commission reductions and activities most often referred to as Crowdfunding.
one-fifth of firms implemented changes to their
qualification/onboarding criteria. Unlike other FinTech verticals discussed in this
report, Digital Capital Raising firms that answered
• Digital Capital Raising firms were most likely to
the survey tended to be more highly concentrated
report an urgent need for regulatory support for
in Europe, with 47% of the observed sample
faster authorization or licensing processes for
headquartered within this region, and another 11%
new activities, e-KYC and simplified CDD.
hailing from the United Kingdom. APAC accounted
for 18% of the sample, followed by 8% from North
America, 7% in SSA, 7% in LAC, and 2% from

Figure 51: Top 15 countries (by HQ & countries of operation), Digital Capital Raising (number of respondents)

5% 5% 5%
2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%


m ) es ) ) ) 1)
ra 9) .8) .7) .7) ) ) ) )
do 8) .23 at ) .20 .18 .15 n.7 n.7 n.6 n.6
ng (n.2 (n St n.21 (n (n (n (n.1 d A n. (n (n (n a( n( a( a(
i y d ( ia ti e es ( ico sia ay ric de tri ni
d K a n i te d a in n ce
Italy n
U ira t ex ay r w f e s t o
ite rm Un In Sp Fr
a M al No hA Sw Au Es
Un Ge Em M ut

On a country level, when considering key country online funding instrument or channel that connects
concentration on both a Headquarter and ‘crowds’ of individuals to fund projects, individual
Operational basis, the United Kingdom accounted consumers and businesses. Investment-based
for 7% of the firms, followed by Germany (6%), the models include Equity-based Crowdfunding which
United States (5%) and India (5%). Firms located relates to activities where individuals or institutions
in several European countries also reported high invest in unlisted shares or debt-based securities
responses, such as Spain with 18 firms, France issued by a business, typically an SME. As equity-
with 13 firms, Italy with 11 firms. Firms located based models have advanced, subsets of the model
in EMDEs were represented by the United Arab like Real Estate Crowdfunding have flourished,
Emirates (9 firms), Mexico (8 firms), Malaysia (7 with investors able to acquire ownership of a
firms) and South Africa (7 firms) (see Figure51). property asset via the purchase of property shares.
Similarly, Revenue/Profit-sharing Crowdfunding
When considering a breakdown of the sub-verticals has evolved from the more orthodox equity model,
of Digital Capital Raising, it is first important to with a number of platforms offering investors a way
make a distinction between the two over-arching to purchase securities from SMEs against future
Crowdfunding categories, synonymous with Digital profits or convertible notes. When considering
Capital Raising i.e. investment-based models and non-investment-based models, including Reward
non-investment-based models. Using a broad & Donation Crowdfunding, these are arguably
definition, Crowdfunding 28 can be described as an the iterations of Crowdfunding most commonly

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

recognized by the general public. In the case of any obligation from the ‘fundraiser’ to provide a
these two models, individuals provide funding monetary return for the funds raised.
to a project, an individual or a business without

Figure 52: Distribution of Digital Capital Raising Respondents by sub-vertical (% of total)

Donation-based Crowdfunding


Equity-based Crowdfunding




Reward-based Crowdfunding

9% Real Estate Crowdfunding
Community Shares

Revenue/Profit Share Crowdfunding

Investment-based Activities (n166)   Non-investment Activities (n116)

Fifty-nine percent of surveyed Digital Capital non-investment-based firms, 23% from Donation-
Raising firms were Investment-based models, based Crowdfunding and 18% from Reward-based
with 32% of the dataset from Equity-based Crowdfunding (see Figure 52). Given the inherent
Crowdfunding followed by 17% from Real Estate differences between the two categories, wherever
Crowdfunding, 9% from Revenue/Profit-sharing findings diverge, the research team will provide
Crowdfunding and slightly less than 1% from statistical analysis based upon the two cohorts in
Community Shares. The remaining 41% were isolation.

Market Performance Indicators

Figure 53 : Market Performance Indicators by Region (Volumes, Number of Transactions, New Borrowers/Issuers, Repeat
Borrowers/Issuers), Digital Capital Raising (% change, year-on-year H1)
83% 82%
47% 47% 46% 42%
34% 39% 39%
40% 33% 31% 33%
20% 13% 17% 18% 19%
12% 9% 8%
-4% -3%
-20% -10%
-21% -22%
Transaction Volumes (n.199) Number of Transactions (n.199) New Borrowers or Issuers (n.199) Repeat/Existing Borrowers
or Issuers (n.199)

APAC     Europe     LAC     MENA     North America (US & Canada)     SSA     United Kingdom

On average, Digital Capital Raising reported However, regional differences related to these key
positive changes year-on-year, especially as related performance indicators are quite stark, and worth
to transaction volume growth (16% increase discussing on a case-by-case basis.
when compared to 2019), increase in number of
transactions (17% increase), and greater customer Digital Capital Raising firms in MENA reported
acquisition (25%) and retention (9%). the most positive performance indicators overall,

Chapter 3. Impact of Covid-19 on selected FinTech Verticals

followed by firms in LAC, APAC, North America as well as 46% growth of new issuers and an 18%
and Europe (excluding UK). SSA firms reported year-on-year increase in repeat issuers. APAC firms
slightly negative performance indicators, with the reported growth across all indicators of market
exception of the number of transactions. Similarly, performance, with a 34% increase of transaction
firms in the United Kingdom reported negative volume, 39% of number of transactions, and 33%
performance across all the indicators except for the and 17% of new and repeat issuers respectively
addition of new issuers. (see Figure 53).

Firms in SSA, reported a decreased in transaction For firms in US and Canada, volumes increased by
volume (4%) but an increase year-on-year in the 33% in value and 31% in transactions, as well as
number of transactions (9%). The number of new growth of 39% and 19% respectively in new and
and repeat issuers decreased by 10% and 22% repeat issuers. For firms in Europe all indicators
respectively. Firms in MENA reported an increase were moderately positive, with transaction volume
of 83% in transaction volume, 82% in the number and number of transactions increasing 13% and
of transactions, 100% in new issuers and 18% in 12% respectively, accompanied by growth of 25%
existing issuers. LAC firms reported growth of in new issuers and 8% in repeat issuers (see Figure
47% for both volume and numbers of transactions, 53).

Table 13: Market Performance Indicators (Volumes, Number of Transactions, New Issuers & Repeat Issuers), Non-Investment
& Investment-based (% change, year-on-year H1)
Vertical Average Non-Investment Investment-based
Total Transaction Volume (n.68) 16% 33% 6%
Total Number of Transactions (n.67) 17% 37% 4%
Number of New Issuers (n.43) 25% 29% 22%
Repeat/Existing Issuers (n.32) 9% 15% 6%

In addition to significant regional differences, the according to stringency levels showed that firms
degree to which firms have experienced growth in low stringency jurisdictions outperformed high
is affected by their over-arching category. Non- stringency jurisdictions by 1% (16% compared
investment firms reported much higher growth to 15% increase respectively) but that medium
rates for the four indicators. In contrast, while stringency markets outperformed high and low
Investment-based firms did indicate an increase stringency with an average increase in transaction
in volumes, number of transactions and repeat volume of 19%. With regards to the World Bank
activity, year-on-year change was far more modest Income Group, firms in EMDEs significantly
(see Table 13). outperformed those in AEs with an average
increase in transaction volume of 31% compared to
When considering transaction volume, analysis an average increase for AEs of 11%.

Change in Investor Activity

Figure 54: Market Performance Indicators by Region (Retail and Institutional Investments), Digital Capital Raising
(% change, year-on-year H1)
80% 72%
40% 28%
20% 12%
2% 1% 7%
1% 1%
-8% -7%
-20% -19% -24%
-40% -37%
Investment made by a Retail or Individual Investor or Lender (n.199) Investment made by an Institutional Investors (n.119)

APAC     Europe     LAC     MENA     North America (US & Canada)     SSA     United Kingdom

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

On average, retail investment grew by 8% across regions with more mature Digital Capital Raising
the entire vertical. However, the comparative markets evidenced only marginal growth: Europe
year-on-year growth differs across the two (2%), and US and Canada (1%). In line with market
vertical groupings. Non-investment firms reported performance indicators, the most significant
an increase of 20%, whereas Investment-based regional decrease was SSA (19%), followed by the
firms reported a more modest 6% increase (see UK (8%) (see Figure 54). Finally, when considering
Table 14). When considered at a regional level, the retail-investor engagement by stringency
Q1-Q2 analysis on retail investments highlighted groupings, firms in high stringency jurisdictions
three regions with significant growth: MENA reported a slightly above average increase, of 10%.
(72%), LAC (59%) and APAC (28%). In contrast,

Table 14: Retail and Institutional Investors (% change, year-on-year H1)

Vertical Average Non-Investment Investment-based
Investment by Retail Investor 8% 20% 6%
Investment by Institutional Investors -6% 1% -8%

Institutional investment decreased by an average (see Table 12). Regionally, the year-on-year change
of 6% across the vertical. However this was mostly of investments made by institutional investors were
the result of a decrease in institutional investment positive in US and Canada (12%), MENA (7%), APAC
funding, for which firms reported a decrease of (1%) and Europe (1%), whereas investment volumes
8%, while firms reported an increase in institutional from institution investors decreased in SSA (37%),
investment in non-investment crowdfunding of 1% UK (24%) and LAC (7%) (see Figure 54).

Changes to Existing Products and Services

Figure 55: Changes to Existing Products & Services, Digital Capital Raising (% of respondents; yes, in progress)

Fee/Commission Reduction (n.196) 31% 5%

Changes to Qualification/Onboarding Criteria (n.92) 21% 10%

Fee/Commission Waiver (n.191) 19% 3%

Early Access to Funds/Deposits (n.187) 14% 2%

Payment Easements (n.192) 14% 5%

Discontinued the Sale of Products or Services (n.191) 9% 2%

Payment Holiday (n.192) 9% 4%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Yes   In Progress
*Note that “N/A” and “No” responses have been omitted from this chart

Providing a ‘fee or commission reduction’ was the criteria, with an additional 10% pursuing this
change considered by most Digital Capital Raising change. This was the second most indicated change
FinTechs, with 31% of firms reporting that they among the respondents. Other important changes
had already implemented this type of change and reported was ‘fee/commission waiver’ (see Figure
5% more reporting to be in the process of doing so. 55).
21% of firms reported changes to their onboarding

Chapter 3. Impact of Covid-19 on selected FinTech Verticals

New Products and Services

Figure 56: New or Updated Products/Services/Features, Digital Capital Raising (% of respondents; yes, in progress)

Hosting Covid-19 Specific Funding or Relief Campaigns (n.188) 35% 4%

Value Added Non-financial Services (e.g. information services) (n.182) 27% 5%

Disbursement of Covid-19 Relief/Assistance Funds (n.188) 17% 3%

Enhanced Fraud and/or Cyber-security Features (n.184) 15% 4%

Launched a Voucher System (n.182) 9%

Credit or Micro-Credit Facility (n.186) 7% 4%

Insurance Related to Covid-19 (n.184) 2% 2%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Yes   In Progress
*Note that “N/A” and “No” responses have been omitted from this chart

The new product or service most introduced by benefitting from each of the regulatory support
firms was the hosting of Covid-19 specific funding or innovation measures surveyed. The measures
campaigns or relief funds, with 35% of Digital that were mentioned by most firms were eKYC,
Capital Raising firms reporting that they had simplified customer diligence procedures, and
introduced this new product, and a further 4% working with a FinTech Innovation Office on the
reported that they were in the process of doing Government Level, which were used by 11%, 10%
so. Firms also indicated a move to introduce value and 7% of the firms, respectively.
added non-financial services such as information
services, with 27% of firms reporting having But more firms reported to be in urgent need
introduced these new services and 5% in the for regulatory support measures. Digital Capital
process of doing so (see Figure 56). Raising firms indicated that the most important
policy response needed is faster authorization
procedures, with 29% of the firms reporting that
Regulatory Responses or Innovations they urgently needed this type of support. In
Digital Capital Raising firms indicated which addition 27% considered eKYC to be urgently
regulatory responses or innovations would support needed and 23% considered streamlined
their activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. procedures or exemptions to be urgently needed
Overall a limited number of firms reported (see Figure 57).

Figure 57: Regulatory Responses & Innovations Initiatives, Digital Capital Raising Usage & Needs (% of respondents)

Regulatory Support for e-KYC (n.192) 11% 27% 14%

Simplified Customer Due Diligence (n.189) 10% 19% 20%

Working with a FinTech Innovation Office (n.189) 7% 13% 20%

Regulatory Support for Remote Onboarding (n.188) 6% 19% 12%

Less Burdensome Supervisory/ 5% 19% 18%
Reporting Requirements (n.190)
Admission of my Firm into a Regulatory Sandbox (n.190) 5% 16% 12%
Exemption to Operate New Financial 4% 23% 22%
Services or Products (n.188)
Streamlined Product or Services Approval (n.188) 3% 23% 22%
1% 2%

Extension of Interim Permissions (n.187) 12% 9%

Faster Authorisation or Licensing 29% 26%
Processes for New Activities (n.190)
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Needed in the Long Term

*Note that “N/A” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

Overall, when dividing between investment based which firms urgently needed regulatory assistance
and non-investment-based firms, the type of was higher for investment-based firms. Table 15
support measures currently used and urgently highlights such differences.
needed remain the same. However, the degree to

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Table 15: Regulatory Responses & Innovations Initiatives, Investment-based firms (% of respondents)
Needed in the
Investment-based Firms Only Currently Using Urgently Needed
Long Term
Regulatory Support for e-KYC (n.125) 15% 34% 17%
Simplified Customer Due Diligence (n.122) 12% 24% 24%
Working with a FinTech Innovation Office (n.122) 7% 16% 22%
Regulatory Support for Remote Onboarding (n.121) 7% 26% 15%
Admission of my Firm into a Regulatory Sandbox (n.123) 7% 20% 15%
Less Burdensome Supervisory/Reporting Requirements (n.123) 6% 25% 24%
Exemption to Operate New Financial Services or Products (n.121) 4% 32% 26%
Streamlined Product or Services Approval (n.122) 4% 33% 27%
Faster Authorization or Licensing Processes for New Activities (n.123) 2% 38% 29%
Extension of Interim Permissions (n.120) 1% 16% 13%

Operational and Risk Indicators

Figure 58: Operational Performance and Costs Indicators, Digital Capital Raising (% change, year-on-year H1)

Platform Downtime (n.86) -6%

Number of Unsuccessful Transactions/
Queries/Access Requests (n.89) 8%
Number of Full Time Equivalent Employees (n.101) -3%
Onboarding Expenditure (n.89) 7%
Fiscal Year 2020 Turnover Target (n.150) -7%
Data Storage Expenditure (n.72) 12%

-10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15%

Operational performance indicators of Digital performance for Digital Capital Raising firms as a
Capital Raising firms show changes mostly in line whole (see Figure 58).
with the overall FinTech average, with platform
downtime showing a 6% decrease, unsuccessful Digit Capital Raising firms reported a larger
transactions increasing by 8%, onboarding percentage risk for both Foreign Currency
expenditure increasing by 7%, number of full-time Exposure Risk (13%) and Cyber-security risk (19%)
employees decreasing by 3%, Fiscal Year 2020 compared to FinTechs as a whole (see Figure 59).
Turnover Target 2020 decreasing by 7% and data For firms in high stringency markets, cyber-security
storage expenditure increasing by 12% (though risk 18%, and for mid-stringency markets, this
for high stringency markets it was 17%, and 14% was even more pronounced at 23%. With respect
for EMDEs). Overall these figures show declining to income groupings, firms in AEs noted a 21%
increase, while those in EMDEs a 15%.

Figure 59: Risk Indicators, Digital Capital Raising (% change, year-on-year H1)

Foreign Currency Exposure Risk (n.81) 13%

Cyber-security Risk (n.79) 19%

0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20%

However, there are important differences between Turnover Target. It is observed that non-investment
investment and non-investment firms. Most stark models show positive change, while investment-
are the differences in regard to platform downtime, based models reported negative impacts (see Table
agent or partner downtime, FTE and Fiscal Year 16).

Chapter 3. Impact of Covid-19 on selected FinTech Verticals

Table 16: Operational Performance, Costs & Risk Indicators, Non-investment & Investment-based (% change, year-on-year H1)
Non-Investment Investment-based
Platform Downtime -1% -12%
Agent or Partner Downtime 7% 1%
FTE Equivalent 5% -8%
Fiscal Year 2020 Turnover Target 2% -16%
Foreign Currency Exposure Risk 13% 11%
Data Storage Expenditure 13% 10%
Cyber-security Risk 22% 15%

Analysis according to stringency level shows turnover target, with firms in low stringency
significant differences in Fiscal Turnover Target markets exhibiting a 4% decrease and high
across the levels. Firms in medium stringency stringency markets exhibiting a relatively significant
markets show a relatively low 2% decrease in 12% decrease in Fiscal Turnover Target.

Selected vertical highlights • A limited percentage of InsurTechs are
• A fifth of InsurTech firms were headquartered benefitting from regulatory support, with the
in the UK and half of firms were from the APAC, support most often utilized being ‘FinTech
Europe and SSA regions. innovation offices’, remote onboarding, and
e-KYC. About a third of firms reported an
• InsurTech firms reported a year-on-year H1
urgent need for support related to simplified
increase in transaction volume, customer
CDD and streamlined regulatory approval for
acquisition and customer retention. InsurTechs
products or services.
from the APAC reported the highest average
growth in transaction volume while firms
from LAC reported the largest growth in new Overview of Respondents
customers. Firms in AEs also outperformed As a primary vertical, InsurTech represented 7% of
EMDEs by 9% vis a vis transaction volume. the dataset, capturing operations from 100 firms
in 74 countries. The largest number of InsurTech
• Overall InsurTech firms reported making
respondents were headquartered in APAC (19%),
fewer changes to their products in response
Europe (17%), SSA (17%), North America (11%),
to Covid-19 when compared to other
LAC (6%), and MENA (4%). When isolating the
verticals, with the caveat that these firms
UK market, this market accounted for the highest
did implement changes related to enhanced
concentration of firm HQs, representing 21% of the
benefits or additional insurance coverage. A
sample. InsurTech is an important area of FinTech
small proportion of InsurTech firms have also
innovation overall, and while its use may not rise
enacted payment easements, made changes to
in the initial stage of the pandemic, it is likely that
qualification/onboarding criteria and introduced
digital channels will become important for new
payment holidays.
revenues going forward.

Figure 60: Top 15 countries (by HQ & countries of operation), InsurTech (number of respondents)


3% 3% 3%
2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2% 2%

) 4) .15
) 1) n.8
) .7) .6) .6) .6) .6) .6) .5) .5) .5)
.27 n.2 (n n.1 a( y( (n (n (n (n (n (n (n l (n (n
(n s( ca re( li an ce ina dia
ia ain nd na ae ny
d om t at
fri po s tra rm Fr
an Ch In
ala Sp ail
Isr Ke
a Th
ng dS hA ng Au Ge M
Ki i te ut Si
Un So

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

The countries with the highest number of suggests that these top countries are also viewed as
respondent firms (inclusive of both headquarters good destination countries for InsurTech activities.
and operational locations) were the United However, there are some notable exceptions.
Kingdom, United States, South Africa, and The Philippines, Ireland, Mexico, India, and Kenya
Singapore. In most cases, countries with high ranked among the top 15 destination countries,
concentrations of HQ firms also reported a number despite having very limited domestically originated
of foreign firms operating within their borders. This firms within their borders (see Figure 60).

Figure 61: Distribution of InsurTech by sub-vertical (% of respondents)

IoT (including telematics) (n.7)
Comparison Portal (n.11)
Peer-to-Peer Insurance (n.12) 5%
Digital Brokers or Agent (n.49)
5% 20%

Parametric-based (n.17)

Usage-based (n.19)

16% Claims & Risk Management

Solutions (n.39)

Customer Management (n.28)

On-Demand Insurance (n.32)
Technical Service Provider (TSP) (n.30)

InsurTech consists of 10 sub-verticals, with more and On-demand Insurance (13%). Europe, APAC,
than half of responding firms operating in two or and the UK are among the most diverse markets
more sub-verticals. Among the highest-ranking regarding composition of sub-models (see Figure
sub-verticals were Digital Brokers or Agents 61).
(20%), Claims & Risk Management Solutions (16%)

Market Performance Indicators

Figure 62: Market Performance Indicators (Volumes, Number of Transactions, New Customers/Users & No. of Claims),
InsurTech (% change, year-on-year H1)

20% 19%
14% 13%
6% 5%
Transaction Volumes Number of Transactions New Customers/Users Number of Claims
(n.99) (n.99) (n.84) (n.54)

InsurTech firms were asked to report the reported a 19% average increase in new customers
percentage change in their market performance (see Figure 62). In contrast, there was no observed
between the first half of 2019 (Q1-Q2) and the growth in the number of insurance policy lapses.
same period in 2020. On average, total transaction There was, however, a 5% average increase in
volume and the number of transactions increased claims rates.
by 13% and 14% respectively. InsurTechs also

Chapter 3. Impact of Covid-19 on selected FinTech Verticals

Figure 63: Market Performance Indicators by Region (Volumes, Number of Transactions, New Customers & Retention of
Customers), InsurTech (% change, year-on-year H1)
50% 47%
40% 37% 36%
30% 33% 31% 31%
30% 25% 26%
20% 22%
20% 15% 13% 13%
17% 15% 18% 15%
10% 11% 7% 7%
10% 6% 4%
Transaction Volumes (n.79) Number of Transactions (n.79) New Customers/Users (n.84) Retention or Renewal of Existing
Customers/Users (n.69)

APAC     Europe     LAC     MENA     North America (US & Canada)     SSA     United Kingdom

At regional level, firms reported positive results The largest growth in firms’ acquiring unique
for four key indicators (see Figure 63). In terms of corporate customers was evidenced in MENA
transaction volume, InsurTech firms headquartered (44%), followed by the United Kingdom (30%).
in North America reported the highest growth, with European InsurTech firms also reported low growth
transaction value increasing by 37% and number of (1%). When considering the addition of new retail
transactions increasing by 30%. This was followed customers, the regions with the highest reported
by MENA with a 25% increase in transaction value average growth were LAC (47%) and MENA (40%).
and 17% growth in number of transactions. In the InsurTechs in APAC experienced the lowest growth
broader APAC region (excluding China) transaction (4%) marginally outperformed by Europe (7%).
volume grew by 3% and number of transactions
grew by 7%. Analysis according to stringency level Similarly, the regions with the largest average
showed no significant discernable difference across increase in retaining (or renewing) the existing
the three stringency levels. With regards to World customer were MENA (72%) and LAC (36%). The
Bank Income Group, firms in AEs (average increase other regions lagged in reported growth for this
of 16%) outperformed firms in EMDEs (7%) with indicator: APAC (15%), SSA (15%), and Europe
respect to transaction volume by 9% points. (18%).

Figure 64: Negative Market Performance Indicators by Region (Policy Lapses, Number of Claims & Delayed Payments),
InsurTech (% change, year-on-year H1)
30% 27%
15% 14%
9% 8% 8% 9%
10% 7% 7% 5%
0% 0% 0%

-20% -19% -19%
Number of Insurance Policy Lapses (n.47) Number of Claims (n.54) Delayed Payments (n.53)

APAC    Europe    LAC    MENA    North America (US & Canada)    SSA    United Kingdom

In contrast there were important differences at by InsurTechs rose in North America (25%), the
a regional level in regard to policy lapses, number United Kingdom (15%), Europe (9%), and SSA (8%).
of claims and delayed payments. Insurance policy The average number of insurance claims reported
lapses increased across all regions except for APAC by firms decreased in APAC (22%), and LAC (16%).
(down 19%) and the United Kingdom (down 3%). When comparing this to the over-arching vertical
InsurTech firms in Europe and MENA didn’t report average (a 5% increase), it may be more useful to
any change in this indicator (see Figure 64). note that firms in AEs denoted a 12% increase in
insurance claims, while those in EMDEs reported a
The average number of insurance claims reported drop of 5%.

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Delayed payments rose by 4% on average for this this factor is by looking at differences that arise
vertical, though InsurTechs in MENA reported a when considering WB income level groupings.
27% rise in delayed payments, however, firms in Firms in AEs, for instance, recorded an increase of
APAC and LAC reported a decrease of 19% and 5% 8%, while those in EMDEs reported a drop of 5%.
respectively. Perhaps a more suitable of measuring

Changes to Existing Products and Services

Figure 65: Changes to Existing Products & Services, InsurTech (% of providers; yes, in progress)

Enhanced Benefits or Additional Cover (n.94) 22% 10%

Payment Easements (n.96) 22% 9%

Changes to Qualification/Onboarding Criteria (n.98) 20% 9%

Payment Holiday (n.97) 20% 4%

Premium for Insurance Reductions (n.95) 17% 5%

Discontinued the Sale of Products or Services (n.96) 16% 4%

Fee/Commission Reduction (n.95) 15% 8%

Fee/Commission Waiver (n.97) 13% 3%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Yes   In Progress
*Note that “N/A” and “No” responses have been omitted from this chart

Many InsurTech firms made changes to their agreements, several firms made changes that
existing products. The most prominent changes enabled their customers to weather the crisis
reported were enhanced benefits or provision of through payment holidays (24%) or payment
additional cover (32%). This was followed by fee easements (31%). Here, payment holidays refer
commission reduction (23%), reduction in insurance to a scheme allowing delayed repayments while
premiums (22%), or waiver (16%). Almost 20% payment easements denote affordability-based
of the firms reportedly discontinued the sales payments. InsurTechs further reported changes
of existing products (or services) in response to (20% yes, 9% in progress) to the onboarding criteria
Covid-19. In terms of changes to service level for new customers (See Figure 65).

New Products and Services

Figure 66: New or Updated Products/Services/Features, InsurTech (% of providers; yes, in progress)

Value Added Non-financial Services

(e.g. information services) (n.94) 29% 11%

Insurance Related to Covid-19 (n.92) 25% 8%

Enhanced Fraud and/or Cyber-security Features (n.92) 18% 5%

Disbursement of Covid-19 Relief/Assistance Funds (n.91) 11%

Hosting Covid-19 Specific Funding or Relief Campaigns (n.91) 7% 7%

Credit or Micro-Credit Facility (n.91) 5% 2%


Launched a Voucher System (n.91) 4%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Yes   In Progress
*Note that “N/A” and “No” responses have been omitted from this chart

InsurTech firms also reported the launch of new insurance products, while 23% had already
products and services in response to Covid-19. introduced (or were in the process of introducing)
Almost 40% of InsurTech firms reportedly enhanced fraud / cyber-security features to
introduced or began the process of introducing support their activities or internal processes (see
new value-added non-financial services globally. Figure 66). Table 17 provides examples of the type
Additionally, 33% of InsurTech firms reported of new products or services launched.
launching or proceeding with Covid-19 related

Chapter 3. Impact of Covid-19 on selected FinTech Verticals

Table 17: Examples of New or Updated FinTech Products launched in response to Covid-19, InsurTech
Region or Change to existing/
Model Example from the field
Market New or updated
A platform in India launched a new product to simplify Insurance for SMEs and Start-ups.
The product provides customers with a seamless experience, right from picking products,
New Products and
APAC to policy issuance to claim processes. It is powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine
Learning (ML), image analytics, tracking technologies and data lakes, builds general
insurance products, such as motor, health, travel and home insurance, among others.
InsurTech An InsurTech firm launched a product that covers all destinations, including countries
United New Products and
under FCO and government essential and non- essential travel advisories. Covid-19
Kingdom Services
medical expenses are also covered for travellers up to age 59.
An InsurTech firm based in Berlin launched a new technology platform, which will be made
New Products and
Europe available to brokers for free amid concerns that the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic is
affecting sales.

Regulatory Responses or Innovations

Figure 67: Regulatory Responses & Innovations Initiatives, InsurTech Usage & Needs (% of respondents)

Working with a FinTech Innovation Office (n.97) 10% 13% 22%

Regulatory Support for Remote Onboarding (n.97) 9% 24% 13%

Regulatory Support for e-KYC (n.97) 9% 20% 22%

Simplified Customer Due Diligence (n.97) 6% 30% 12%

Streamlined Product or Services Approval (n.97) 4% 30% 24%

Admission of my Firm into a Regulatory Sandbox (n.97) 4% 13% 21%

Extension of Interim Permissions (n.97) 4% 12% 8%

Faster Authorisation or Licensing Processes for New Activities (n.97) 3% 27% 26%
1% 2%

Less Burdensome Supervisory/Reporting Requirements (n.97) 24% 26%

Exemption to Operate New Financial 19% 21%
Services or Products (n.97)
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Needed in the Long Term

*Note that “N/A” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

A limited number of InsurTechs are benefitting addition to the 10% of surveyed firms currently
from regulatory support, the support most often working with a regulatory innovation office, 13% of
utilized being FinTech innovation offices (10%), InsurTech firms reported that they urgently needed
remote onboarding (9%), and e-KYC (9%). About a admission to a regulatory sandbox and regulatory
third of firms reported urgently requiring simplified innovation office, and nearly 21% reported that it
customer due diligence processes (30%) and was needed in the long term. At the same time, 19%
streamlined regulatory approval for products or to 29% of the firms were unsure whether admitting
services (30%) (See Figure 67). their firm into a regulatory sandbox or working with
a regulatory innovation office would be beneficial
Regarding regulatory innovations initiatives, in for their business.

Operational and Risk Indicators

Figure 68: Risk Indicators, InsurTech (% change, year-on-year H1)

Foreign Currency Exposure Risk (n.45) 8%

Cyber-security Risk (n.62) 13%

0% -5% 10% 15%

Globally, InsurTech firms reported a year-on-year increase in risks related to cyber-security (13%) and
foreign currency exposure (8%) (see Figure 68).

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Figure 69: Operational Performance and Costs Indicators, InsurTech (% change, year-on-year H1)

Platform Downtime (n.59) <-1%

Agent or Partner Downtime (n.64) 7%
Number of Unsuccessful Transactions/
Queries/Access Requests (n.60) 1%
Number of Full Time Equivalent Employees (n.80) <1%
Onboarding Expenditure (n.67) 5%
Fiscal Year 2020 Turnover Target (n.76) -9%
Data Storage Expenditure (n.59) 5%

-10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15%

The surveyed InsurTechs also reported average increase in their volumes, while Digital Identity
increases in the cost of onboarding customers and Enterprise Technology Provisioning both
(5%) and storing data (5%). In terms of platform’s observed the largest increase in corporate
performance, InsurTech firms reported a materially customer acquisition.
negligible change in their platform downtime • The only negative indicator of market
and ability to execute successful transactions on performance was an increase in time-to-value,
their platforms. However, they faced an increase referring to an increased time-lapse between
in partner downtime (7%) which indicates the client introduction to on-boarding. This was the
unavailability of key services necessary for the least pronounced for RegTech firms. .
firm’s operations. Noticeably, InsurTech firms
reported an average decline of 9% in their 2020 • Changes to existing products and services
revenue target year-on-year (see Figure 69). related predominantly to fee/commission waiver
and fee/commission reduction, with these
Overwhelmingly, Insurtech firms perceive Covid-19 product changes sighted as the most prominent
as negatively affecting their financial position. When by all four verticals.
asked specifically about their perception towards • Regulatory considerations were quite different
their Capital Reserves, 62% indicated that their for Market Provisioning firms than their Retail-
reserves had been impacted negatively, with 42% facing FinTech counterparts, given most of
of firms noting that their current valuation had also the activities undertaken are not regulated.
been negatively impacted by the pandemic. The A greater emphasis was placed upon utilizing
outlook on future fundraising was also on-balance regulatory innovation mechanisms, such as
negative, with 37% noting a negative impact on their FinTech innovation offices, Hackathons/
ability to fundraise. This was particularly apparent TechSprints or Regulatory Sandboxes.
when considering equity fundraising, with 59% of
firms indicating a negative change to their ability to
Overview of Respondents
raise funding via sale of equity.
In this study, Market Provisioning refers to those
FinTech verticals that support the provision
Market Provisioning of financial services by providing services,
Selected Vertical highlights infrastructure, and support mechanisms for
• Market Provisioning firms were more likely to be the FinTech ecosystem. These include RegTech,
headquartered or operational in AEs, with the Alternative Credit and Data Analytics, Digital
United States and United Kingdom accounting Identity, and Enterprise Technology Provisioning.
for 22% of respondents. This group accounts for 21% of this study’s overall
dataset, with 306 FinTech respondents attributed
• Market Provisioning firms have reported
to the Market Provisioning category.
increases in their volumes, acquisition of
corporate customers, and the number of Proofs Enterprise Technology Provisioning respondents
of Concept/Trials brought forth with key constituted 42% of Market Provisioning firms,
stakeholder clients. providing 130 firm level observations. RegTech
• Firms representing the Alternative Credit & constituted the second largest vertical (29%),
Data Analytics vertical reported the greatest followed by Alternative Credit and Data Analytics
(15%) and Digital Identity (13%) (see Figure 70).

Chapter 3. Impact of Covid-19 on selected FinTech Verticals

Figure 70: Proportion of Market Provisioning Verticals Table 18: Top 15 Countries for Market Provisioning FinTech
(% of respondents) firms
Top 15 Countries (HQ & Operations) Proportion
15% United Kingdom (n.106) 12%
United States (n.91) 10%
29% Singapore (n.48) 5%
India (n.36) 4%
13% Australia (n.32) 4%
China (n.27) 3%
Canada (n.23) 3%
Germany (n.23) 3%
Mexico (n.22) 3%
Japan (n.18) 2%
Brazil (n.17) 2%
Argentina (n.15) 2%
Ireland (n.14) 2%
Spain (n.14) 2%
Alternative Credit & Data Analytics (n.45)
Digital Identity (n.41)
Switzerland (n.14) 2%
Enterprise Technology Provisioning (n.130)
RegTech (n.90)

Yet, when looking at the blend of activities across

the key markets, certain activities are more
Across 98 countries or territories, Market prevalent in certain regions than others. For
Provisioning firms that responded the survey are instance, the highest number of responses on
fairly concentrated in North America, the United Alternative Credit & Data Analytics was from
Kingdom, and APAC. The highest concentration of Europe, accounting for 31% of observations,
firm-level HQs and operations is in the UK, followed followed by APAC and the United Kingdom both
by the US, Singapore, India, and Australia (see Table accounting for 16% of responses attributed to the
18). vertical (see Figure 71).

Figure 71: Responses by Top 3 Regions, Market Provisioning

30% 29%
20% 19% 19%
20% 18% 18%
16% 16% 17%



) .7)
do 7)
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do 3) ica ) ) ica om )
.14 (n ng (n. ng (n. (n (n .24 ng (n.2
er .19) .26 .23 er .17) gd 7
(n i i (n i Am) (n (n (n Am) (n in (n.1
e AC dK dK LA
e C K
op AP AP PA h
rt da op PA h
rt da d
r ite ite A ite No ana Eu
r A No ana ite
Un Un Un C C Un
& S &
(U (U
Alternative Credit Enterprise Technology
and Data Analytics Digital Identity Provisioning RegTech

When considering Digital Identity firms, the with fewer operations in surrounding EMDEs.
highest proportion of responses (22%) were Similarly, Enterprise Technology provisioning firms
headquartered in the UK. LAC accounted for the were concentrated in APAC, the UK, and North
second highest response region (20%), serving America. Finally, RegTech firms were concentrated
as an important example of how EMDEs are in Europe, with 29% headquartered within this
embracing and supporting infrastructure related region (see Figure 71). Given the clear emphasis on
to Digital Identity in financial services. APAC was FinTech-focused regulation, regions with relatively
third, though firms tended to be concentrated established FinTech regulatory ecosystems appear
in AEs such as Singapore, Australia, and Japan, more suitable for RegTech services.

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Figure 72: Distribution of Market Provisioning by sub-verticals (% of respondents)















Credit Scoring (n.28)

Sociometric Analytics (n.23)

Psychometric Analytics (n.9)

Alternative Credit Rating

Agency (n.8)

Biometric Analytics (n.5)

KYC Solutions (n.31)

Fraud Prevention & Risk

Management (n.29)

Security & Biometrics (n.24)

Financial Management and

Business Intelligence (n.59)

API Management (n.54)

Cloud Computing (n.49)

AI/ML/NLP (n.41)

Enterprise Blockchain (n.38)

Digital Accounting (n.26)

Electronic Invoicing (n.23)

EduTech (n.4)

Dynamic Compliance (n.53)

Profiling and due diligence (n.49)

Regulatory Reporting (n.44)

Risk Analytics (n.41)

Market Monitoring (n.18)

Blockchain forensics (n.8)

Alternative Credit Digital Enterprise Technology Provisioning RegTech
and Data Analytics Identity

Each vertical includes several sub-vertical models, operate in one primary sub-vertical. 37% focused
offering a view of the different types of activities on KYC Solutions, 35% on Fraud Prevention
taken-up by Market Provisioning firms. For Management, and 29% in Security & Biometrics.
Alternative Credit & Data Analytics, 6 sub-verticals In RegTech, 25% of firms identified as Dynamic
were identified from the survey sample. Nearly Compliance firms, 23% as Profiling & Due Diligence,
every firm operated in at least two sub-verticals, and 21% in Regulatory reporting. Finally, Enterprise
with just over a third operating a credit scoring Technology Provisioning included 8 sub-verticals;
model alongside one other sub-vertical. To that end, the top 3 represented sub-verticals were Financial
38% of Alternative Credit and Data Analytics firms Management and Business Intelligence (20% of
reported activities in Credit Scoring, followed by observations), API Management (18%), and Cloud
32% in Sociometric Analytics. Digital Identity firms Computing (17%) (see Figure 72).
were far more siloed, with firms tending to only

Market Performance Indicators

Figure 73: Market Performance Indicators (Volumes, Unique Corporate Customers, Proofs of Concept & Time to Value),
Market Provisioning (% change, year-on-year H1)

Transaction Volumes (n.20) 14%

Credit & Data


Number of Unique Corporate Customers (n.32) 12%

Number of Proofs of Concept/Trials
with Corporate Customers (n.32) 9%
Time to Value (n.27) 13%

Digital Identity

Transaction Volumes (n.12)

Number of Unique Corporate Customers (n.37) 15%
Number of Proofs of Concept/Trials
with Corporate Customers (n.36) 13%
Time to Value (n.29) 6%

Transaction Volumes (n.80) 13%


Number of Unique Corporate Customers (n.85) 15%

Number of Proofs of Concept/Trials
with Corporate Customers (n.88) 15%
Time to Value (n.64) 12%

Transaction Volumes (n.16) 10%


Number of Unique Corporate Customers (n.76) 14%

Number of Proofs of Concept/Trials
with Corporate Customers (n.72) 10%
Time to Value (n.64) 4%

0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18%

Chapter 3. Impact of Covid-19 on selected FinTech Verticals

Across the board, Market Provisioning firms have reported in the Digital Identity vertical, with
reported over-all increases in their volumes, increases in total transaction volume (9%), the
acquisition of corporate customers, and the number number of unique corporate customers (15%),
of Proofs of Concept/Trials brought forth with and the number of proofs or trials with corporate
key stakeholder clients. The only negative market customers (13%). Similar to Alternative Credit &
performance indicator was an increase in time-to- Data Analytics, the market indicator ‘time to value’
value, referring to an increased time-lapse between increased for firms in this sub-vertical, representing
client introduction to on-boarding (see Figure 73). a negative impact. Firms in this vertical reported an
On the latter, firms in EMDEs reported a 15% average of 6% increased lag-time.
increase, while those in AEs a 6%.
Firms in Enterprise Technology Provisioning
When looking at each vertical, for Alternative also saw a proportionally positive change, with
Credit & Data Analytics positive proportional growth in total transaction volume (13%), the
changes compared to the same period in the number of unique corporate customers (15%),
previous year can be noted for the following key and the number of proofs or trials with corporate
metrics; total transaction volume rose by 9%, the customers (15%). Akin to other sub-verticals in the
number of unique corporate customers increased Market Provisioning category, firms here reported
by 12% and the number of proofs or trials with an increase in ‘time to value’, representing a 12%
corporate customers increased by 9%. On the proportional change compared to the previous
other hand, the market indicator ‘time to value’ also year. In RegTech, total transaction volume rose by
increased by 13%, denoting a negative impact on 10%, the number of unique corporate customers by
the time required for customer on-boarding. 14%, and proofs of concept or trials with corporate
customers also grew by 10%. Finally, ‘time to value’
Following this trend, positive changes were saw the most significant increase in lag-time at 4%.

Changes to Existing Products and Services

Figure 74: Changes to Exiting Products & Services, Market Provisioning (% of respondents; yes, in progress)

21% 14%
Alternative Credit &

Fee/Commission Waiver (n.43)

Data Analytics

Fee/Commission Reduction (n.43) 26% 21%

Temporary Upgrading to Premium Features (n.35) 17% 23%
Introduction of Payment Plans (n.36) 19% 14%
Discontinued the Sale of 15% 10%
Products or Services (n.41)

Fee/Commission Waiver (n.39) 21% 15%

Digital Identity

Fee/Commission Reduction (n.40) 33% 13%

Temporary Upgrading to Premium Features (n.38) 11% 13%
Introduction of Payment Plans (n.40) 28% 15%
Discontinued the Sale of 11%
Products or Services (n.38)

Fee/Commission Waiver (n.125) 15% 14%

26% 18%

Fee/Commission Reduction (n.125)


Temporary Upgrading to Premium Features (n.97) 20% 10%

Introduction of Payment Plans (n.97) 13% 19%
Discontinued the Sale of 13% 8%
Products or Services (n.126)

Fee/Commission Waiver (n.86 14% 3%

Fee/Commission Reduction (n.88) 20% 10%

Temporary Upgrading to Premium Features (n.86) 9% 6%

Introduction of Payment Plans (n.86) 16% 2%
Discontinued the Sale of 7% 3%
Products or Services (n.86)

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

Yes   In Progress
*Note that “N/A” and “No” responses have been omitted from this chart

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Figure 74 provides an overview of changes firms reported ‘Fee/Commission reduction’ and

implemented by Market Provisioning FinTechs. ‘introduction of payment plans’ as the two most
Digital Identity firms were amongst the most most commonly implemented changes. Alternative
reactive. Credit & Data Analytics firms also reported ‘fee/
commission reduction’ as the most implemented
Across the four verticals, more than a quarter of change, followed by ‘fee/commission waiver’
market provisioning firms had already implemented and ‘introductio of payment plans’. This vertical
a fee/commission reduction. Amongst the four reported ‘Temporary upgrading to premium
verticals, Digital Identity firms reported this features’ as the most in-progress factor as well.
change by the largest proportion. This change was
also the most selected ‘in progress’ factor across Enterprise Technology Provisioning firms
Market Provisioning firms as a whole. Around implemented ‘fee/commission reduction’ at
15% of Market Provisioning firms also reported the highest prevalence, followed by ‘temporary
the ‘introduction of Payment Plans’ as the second upgrading to premium features’ and then ‘fee/
most implemented feature, with a further 11% ‘in commission waiver’. Finally, RegTechs implemented
progress’. ‘fee/commissions reduction’, followed by
‘introduction of payment plans’.
When looking at specific verticals, Digital Identity

Regulatory Responses or Innovations

Figure 75: Regulatory Responses & Innovations Initiatives, Market Provisioning Usage & Needs (% of respondents)

Working with a FinTech Innovation Office (n.84) 19% 23% 26%

Inclusion in a Hackathon/TechSprint (n.83) 8% 11% 23%
Admission of my Firm into a Regulatory Sandbox (n.82) 7% 32% 17%

Simplified Customer Due Diligence (n.82) 5% 26% 20%

Less Burdensome Supervisory/Reporting Requirements (n.84) 5% 13% 21%
Streamlined Product or Services Approval (n.82) 4% 20% 16%

Exemption to Operate New Financial Services or Products (n.82) 6% 17%

Regulatory Support for e-KYC (n.40) 23% 48% 13%

Regulatory Support for Remote Onboarding (n.39) 21% 44% 18%
Simplified Customer Due Diligence (n.39) 21% 26% 26%
Working with a FinTech Innovation Office (n.40) 20% 15% 18%
Digital Identity

Streamlined Product or Services Approval (n.39) 13% 28% 18%

Inclusion in a Hackathon/TechSprint (n.38) 8% 8% 21%
Admission of my Firm into a Regulatory Sandbox (n.40) 8% 23% 15%
Less Burdensome Supervisory/Reporting Requirements (n.40) 5% 15% 23%
Faster Authorisation or Licensing 25% 25%
3% 3% 3%

Processes for New Activities (n.40)

Exemption to Operate New Financial Services or Products (n.40) 25% 8%
Extension of Interim Permissions (n.40) 13% 15%

Working with a FinTech Innovation Office (n.122) 12% 22% 25%


Simplified Customer Due Diligence (n.121) 12% 21% 28%

Less Burdensome Supervisory/Reporting Requirements (n.121) 10% 22% 22%
Alternative Credit & Data Analytics

Regulatory Support for e-KYC (n.42) 14% 24% 7%

Simplified Customer Due Diligence (n.42) 12% 19% 19%
Regulatory Support for Remote Onboarding (n.42) 12% 24% 19%

Inclusion in a Hackathon/TechSprint (n.35) 11% 11%

Faster Authorisation or Licensing 7% 37% 15%
Processes for New Activities (n.41)
Less Burdensome Supervisory/Reporting Requirements (n.43) 5% 21% 28%

Extension of Interim Permissions (n.42) 5% 10% 17%


Exemption to Operate New Financial Services or Products (n.42) 21% 21%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Needed in the Long Term

*Note that “N/A” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

Chapter 3. Impact of Covid-19 on selected FinTech Verticals

Market Provisioning firms were asked to respond this vertical’s urgent needs, 32% of respondents
on the regulatory responses, innovations, and reported admission into a Regulatory Sandbox and
interventions needed to support their market receiving Regulatory Support for e-KYC as urgently
activities in light of Covid-19. Since these firms needed.
were primarily B2B, regulatory considerations were
somewhat different than their Retail-facing FinTech Alternative Credit & Data Analytics’ top responses
counterparts. In aggregate, Market Provisioning for currently using were Regulatory Support for
firms responded to interventions related to e-KYC (14%), followed by Remote Onboarding
innovation, such as ‘working with a FinTech office’, and Simplified Customer Due Diligence (12%)
‘inclusion in a hackathon/techsprint’’ or ‘admission respectively. In terms of the support mechanisms
to a regulatory sandbox’ (see Figure 75). Certain they urgently needed, these firms noted Faster
verticals within the category also responded to Authorization (37%), Admission to a Regulatory
regulatory interventions related to supervisory or Sandbox (30%), and Streamlined Product and
core regulatory activities (such as simplified CDD, Services Approval (26%).
reporting, etc). The responses varied for Enterprise Technology
For the Digital Identity vertical, firm responses Provisioning. Respondents indicated that they were
were concentrated in a couple of key areas. With currently using regulatory support mechanisms
respect to regulatory innovations, 20% of firms such as a FinTech Innovation Office (12%) and
were already making use of a FinTech innovation Simplified Customer Due Diligence (12%). In terms
office. In contrast, only a 8% of firms were engaging of urgently requirement, faster authorization
already in a Regulatory Sandbox, though some 23% or licensing process for new activities (31%),
noted that they would urgently like to do so. When regulatory support for e-KYC (26%) and admission
considering regulatory supervisory measures, into a regulatory sandbox (25%) were noted to be
respondents indicated that they were currently critical.
using Regulatory Support for e-KYC (23%) and A key finding is therefore the importance of
Remote Onboarding (21%), as well as Simplified regulatory sandboxes for these FinTechs, which
CDD (21%) as their top priorities. At the same time, is also shown to be a priority for regulators. The
firms strongly emphasized that Regulatory Support World Bank and CCAF 2019 Regulating Alternative
for e-KYC (48%) and Remote Onboarding (44%) Finance: Results from a Global Regulator Survey29
were urgently needed, followed by streamlined shows that 22% of surveyed regulators have
product and services approval (28%). created regulatory sandboxes and in The World
RegTechs were most likely to report utilizing a Bank and CCAF 2020 Global COVID-19 FinTech
FinTech Innovation Office, with 19% currently Regulatory Rapid Assessment Study30 regulatory
engaged this way, followed by Inclusion in a sandboxes are the most frequently cited regulatory
Hackathon or TechSprint (8%). With respect to innovation by respondents.

Operational and Risk Indicators

Figure 76: Cyber-security Risk Indicator, Market Provisioning (% change, year-on-year H1)

Cyber-security Risk (n.180)
0% 5% 10% 15% 20%

Alternative Credit & Data Analytics    Digital Identity     Enterprise Technology Provisioning    RegTech

When considering cyber-security risk, all Market Technology Provisioning at 14% and Digital Identity
Provisioning verticals noted an increase against at 13%. The lowest increase in cyber-security risk
the previous year, with RegTech noting the largest was seen in Alternative Credit & Data Analytics at
increase in risk at 16%, followed by Enterprise 11% (see Figure 76).

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Figure 77: Operational Performance and Costs Indicators, Market Provisioning (% change, year-on-year H1)

Platform Downtime (n.155)
Agent or Partner Downtime (n.170)
Number of Unsuccessful Transactions/Queries/ 6%
Access Requests (n.152) 4%
Number of Full Time Equivalent Employees 1%
(n.217) 9%
Fiscal Year 2020 Turnover Target (n.232)
Onboarding Expenditure (n.178)
Data Storage Expenditure (n.170)
-10 -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20%

Alternative Credit & Data Analytics    Digital Identity     Enterprise Technology Provisioning    RegTech

Broadly speaking, operational performance Technology Provisioning saw the highest increase
indicators tended to deteriorate across all four in the number of full-time employees at 7%, whilst
Market Provisioning verticals (see Figure 77) . both Alternative Credit & Data Analytics and Digital
Platform downtime was slightly higher during Identity providers saw the lowest increase at just
Q1-Q2 2020 compared to the same period in 1%. RegTech saw the second largest increase in the
2019. Agent or partner downtime increased for number of full-time employees at 7%. Onboarding
all sub-verticals, with the exception of Alternative expenditure increased or stayed the same in all four
Credit & Data Analytics. These respondents verticals. Digital Identity saw the biggest increase
denoted a 7% decrease in agent or partner in this expenditure at 11%, whilst this was closely
downtime and represented the only vertical followed by Enterprise Technology Provisioning at
positively impacted as related to this indicator. The 5% and RegTech at 4%. Data storage expenditure
number of unsuccessful transaction queries and increased across all four verticals, with Enterprise
access requests increased across all four verticals. Technology Provisioning denoting the largest
Digital Identity providers saw the highest increase expenditure increased at 12%.
in the number of unsuccessful transactions, with
an increase of 6%. Both RegTech and Enterprise Finally, the fiscal year 2020 turnover targets
Technology Provisioning firms saw an increase of declined for all but one vertical, with Digital Identity
4%, whilst Alternative Credit & Data Analytics saw noting a 2% increase. For all other verticals, firms
the lowest increase at 2%. noted a slight decline in their projected turnover, a
drop of 5% for Alternative Credit & Data Analytics
None of the verticals saw a decrease in the number and RegTech firms, and a 2% drop for Enterprise
of full-time equivalent employees. Enterprise Technology Provisioning firms.

4. Impact of Covid-19
on selected regions
Chapter 4. Impact of Covid-19 on selected regions

Chapter 4. Impact of Covid-19 on

selected regions
This chapter provides a regional overview of reported the second largest contraction in
FinTech market development in the Asia Pacific, repeat borrowers.
Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle
• FinTech from SSA were much more likely to
East and North Africa, North America and Sub-
report the urgent need for regulatory support
Saharan Africa. This regional analysis includes
measures than FinTechs from other regions.
data on changes in the market performance of the
More than half of FinTech from SSA reported
most prominent FinTech verticals in that region,
the urgent need for ‘faster authorization or
participation in Covid-19 relief measures, request
licensing processes for new activities’, and
for government interventions and the impact of
‘streamlined product or services approval’ and
Covid-19 on the ability of firms to serve MSMEs,
women and the unbanked.
• FinTechs from SSA were more likely to report
the urgent need for government interventions
Sub-Saharan Africa
than firms from other regions. More than half
Selected regional highlights of FinTechs in SSA reported the urgent need
• The Sub-Saharan African region accounts for for “tax relief/subsidy” and “access to liquidity
12% of total survey respondents, with the facility”.
highest concentration of FinTech headquarters
being in South Africa, Uganda, Nigeria and Overview of SSA Respondents
SSA 31 represents 12% of all respondents who
• On aggregate, FinTechs from the SSA region participated in the survey. 171 respondents
reported growth in transaction volume, reported being headquartered in 22 SSA countries.
customer acquisition and retention of existing The countries with the largest number of firms
customers. Across all regions, SSA reported the headquartered were South Africa (43), Uganda
second largest growth in transaction volumes. (28), Nigeria (23) and Kenya (19). The respondents
In-line with the global trend, firms in Digital to this survey reported operating in 42 SSA
Lending registered a contraction in transaction countries representing 89% of the countries in the
volume, new borrowers and repeat borrows. region.
Across all regions, Digital Lending firms in SSA

Figure 78: Number of SSA respondents by FinTech Vertical (% of total responses for the region)




10% 8% 8%
5% 5% 4%
2% 2% 1% 1%
ts ng ) g
in ) gy gs ) ) ge t& ) .1) .1)
en 2) di 9) .17 ais .14 lo 4) in ) n.9 n.8 an .7) di 4) n.3 (n (n
ym (n.5 en (n.2 (n R n no (n.1 S av n.12 c h( g( ch (n re s (n. t y( h y
a al
l ( h
ec g a l ( Te i n E x C c t i ec od
git git nk et ive ti en gT us
rT ap e T nin Di lth Ba ss at aly Id Re
Di su lC ris isio ea al rn An al lC
Di In a p W i t a lA e i t ta
gi t r
te ro
g git
Al at
g igi
Di En P Di D D

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

The three FinTech verticals with the largest number in the region, was Digital Payments (30%), Digital
of responses, representing 57% of all respondents Lending (17%) and InsurTech (10%) (see Figure 78).

Market Performance Indicators for Top 3 Verticals

Figure 79: Market Performance Indicators, Digital Lending, Digital Payments, InsurTech (% change, year-on-year H1)

Digital Lending

Transaction Volumes (n.26)

Number of Transactions (n.27) -9%
New Borrowers or Issuers(n.24) <-1%
Repeat/Existing Borrowers or Issuers (n.24) -8%
Digital Payments

Transaction Volumes (n.46) 25%

Number of Transactions (n.47) 25%
New Customers/Users (n.48) 22%
Retention or Renewal of Existing
Customers/Users (n.35) 33%

Transaction Volumes (n.13) 15%


Number of Transactions (n.13) 6%

New Customers/Users (n.12) 18%
Retention or Renewal of Existing
Customers/Users (n.13 15%

-15% -10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Negative Impact   Positive Impact

Firms from SSA reported a year-on-year average Payments reported a 25% increase in transaction
increase in transaction volume of 12% and new volume and the number of transactions and a
customers/users of 18%. The market performance 22% increase in number of new customers/users.
of Digital Lending, Digital Payments and InsurTech InsurTech firms reported an increase in transaction
respondents in SSA is closely aligned with the volume (15%), number of transactions (6%) and in
overall trend. In this regard, Digital Lending firms the number of new customers (18%) (see Figure
reported a 4% decrease in transaction volume and 79).
a 9% decrease in number of transactions. Digital

Regulatory Responses or Innovations (Top 5)

Figure 80: Regulatory Responses & Innovation Initiatives, Top 5 Usage & Needs in SSA (ranked by % of providers use & needs)

Simplified Customer Due Diligence (n.165) 25% 47% 15%

Regulatory Support for e-KYC (n.164) 22% 53% 12%

Regulatory Support for Remote Onboarding (n.158) 17% 49% 15%

Streamlined Product or Services Approval (n.161) 6% 52% 24%

Faster Authorisation or Licensing 3% 63% 17%
Processes for New Activities (n.162)
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Needed in the Long Term

*Note that “N/A” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

In terms of regulatory support, the largest In addition, firms consider that measures were
proportion of current usage reported by SSA firms urgently needed for faster authorization or
were Simplified Due Diligence (25%), regulatory licensing processes for new activities (63% of the
support for e-KYC (22%) and regulatory support firms), streamlined procedures (52% of the firms)
for remote onboarding (17%). and regulatory support for onboarding (49% of the
firms) (see Figure 80).

Chapter 4. Impact of Covid-19 on selected regions

Government Interventions (Top 5)

Figure 81: Use of & Need for Government Interventions in SSA, by FinTech Verticals (ranked by % of providers use & needs)

Tax Relief/Subsidy (n.163) 6% 52% 25%

Inclusion of my Firm/Sector in a

2% 3%
40% 31%
Fiscal Stimulus Package (n.163)
Receiving Government Loan-guarantee (n.166) 40% 19%

1% 2%
Access to Liquidity Facilities (n.117) 56% 15%
Receiving Government Loan or 43% 20%
Credit Facility (n.164)
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Might need further down the line
*Note that “N/A”, “Not Needed” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

Very few firms reported benefitting from customers/users, and repeat/existing borrowers
government interventions, while the majority or issuers, while the average number of new
consider that some form of government borrowers or issuers remained flat across the
intervention was urgently needed. The majority region year-on-year.
of firms reported urgently needing government
• Unlike the global increase reported in number of
interventions to support their business. Access to
new borrowers and repeat/existing borrowers,
liquity facilities (56%) and tax relief/subsidy (52%)
Digital Lending firms in APAC reported a decline
were reported as the most needed Covid-19 related
across these two performance indicators,
interventions followed by receiving a government
while Digital Payment platforms in the region
loan or credit facility (43%) (see Figure 81)
indicated a modest increase in total transaction
volume, number of transactions, as well as in the
The Asia-Pacific Region number of new customers and retention.
Selected regional highlights • APAC FinTechs indicated that more regulatory
• The three most represented verticals in the support in e-KYC, faster authorization or
APAC region (excluding China) were Digital licensing for new activities and simplified CDD
Lending (28%), Digital Payments (19%) and was urgently needed.
Digital Capital Raising (12%), which collectively
• APAC FinTechs reported urgent need for
accounted for 59% of total survey responses
government interventions related to access
from the region.
to liquidity facilities, tax relief/subsidies and
• APAC FinTechs generally indicated an increase receiving government loan or credit facilities.
in transaction volume and transaction numbers
This section includes an analysis into the survey
across all verticals. This growth was however
responses from firms in the Asia-Pacific (APAC)
more subdued than other regions with APAC
region.32 This includes an overview of respondents
firms reporting the second lowest growth in
according to FinTech vertical, an analysis on market
comparison to other regions. Similarly, indicators
performance, participation in Covid-19 relief
were positive for number of new customers/
measures or schemes and need for regulatory
users, retention or renewal of existing
measures, government interventions.

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Overview of APAC Respondents

Figure 82: Number of APAC respondents by FinTech Vertical (% of total responses for the region)

30% 28%


20% 19%

8% 8% 7% 6%
5% 3% 2% 2% 2%
1% 1%
in ) ts g
in ) gy ) ) ) )
it )
& ) ge .4) .3)
nd 86 en )
m n.57 ais 36 lo 4) .23 .21 .19 .10 ed n.7 n.7 an .6) (n (n
Le (n. y l R (n. no .2 (n (n (n (n
Cr ics ( y( ch (n dy gs
l a ( ch g (n ch ch ch ng tit E x o vin
ita lP ita e
T in e e e k i e
iv t e n t st
g a p gT lth
T rT an at aly Id se u Sa
Di git Ca ise on Re su lB rn An al As lC al
Di al pr isi ea In ta lte ata git al ta git
t er rov W i i i t gi Di
En P Di
g A
g Di

The top three represented verticals in APAC (excluding China) accounted for 59% of total responses in the
region: Digital Lending (28%), Digital Payments (19%) and Digital Capital Raising (12%) (see Figure 82).

Market Performance Indicators for Top 3 Verticals

Figure 83: Market Performance Indicators, Digital Lending, Digital Payments, Digital Capital Raising
(% change, year-on-year H1)

Digital Lending

Transaction Volumes (n.74)

Number of Transactions (n.74) -17%
New Borrowers or Issuers(n.69) -10%
Repeat/Existing Borrowers or Issuers (n.63) -5%
Digital Payments

Transaction Volumes (n.49) 4%

Number of Transactions (n.47) 6%
New Customers/Users (n.47) 16%
Retention or Renewal of Existing
Customers/Users (n.39) 30%

Transaction Volumes (n.31) 34%

Digital Capital


Number of Transactions (n.30)

New Customers/Users (n.18) 33%
Repeat/Existing Borrowers or Issuers (n.13) 17%

-30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50%

Negative Impact   Positive Impact

Overall, APAC respondents indicated an increase decrease in the number of new borrowers (10%)
in transaction activity in both volumes (6%) and and repeat/existing borrowers (5%). The other
numbers (5%) across verticals. Similarly, indicators two verticals reported increases. Digital Payment
trended positively for number of new customers/ firms in the region indicated a modest increase
users (16%), retention or renewal of existing in total transaction volume (4%), and the number
customers/users (27%), and repeat/existing of transactions (6%) as well as an increase in the
borrowers or issuers (4%), while the average number of new customers (16%) and retention
number of new borrowers or issuers remained flat (30%). The vertical also evidenced an increase in
across the region year-on-year. number of new customers (16%) and retention/
renewal of existing users (30%). Digital Capital
However, there are important differences in market Raising firms reported a significant increase in
indicators, in particular for Digital Lending firms. total transaction volume and numbers as well as an
Digital Lending firms reported a decline across increase in the number of new issuers (33%) and
the market performance variables, including a repeat/existing issuers (17%) (see Figure 83).

Chapter 4. Impact of Covid-19 on selected regions

Participation in Covid-19 Relief Measures

On average, only 9% of respondents reported being engaged in at least one kind of Covid-19 relief
measures, with the highest engagement being Government Job Retention Measures (13%).

Regulatory Responses or Innovations (Top 5)

Figure 84: Regulatory Responses & Innovations Initiatives, Top 5 Usage & Needs in APAC (ranked by % of providers, use &
Regulatory Support for e-KYC (n.286) 22% 33% 16%

Simplified Customer Due Diligence (n.283) 16% 31% 19%

Streamlined Product or Services Approval (n.279) 8% 28% 28%

Less Burdensome Supervisory/Reporting Requirements (n.287) 7% 31% 24%

Faster Authorisation or Licensing 5% 35% 26%
Processes for New Activities (n.284)
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Needed in the Long Term

*Note that “N/A” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

FinTechs were also asked to indicate the regulatory diligence, by 31% of the firms. On the other hand,
responses or innovations that were in use or were faster authorization or licensing processes for
needed to support their business considering new activities was reported as the most needed
Covid-19. Regulatory support for eKYC was regulatory response (35%), followed by regulatory
reported as the measure most commonly used, support for e-KYC (33%) (see Figure 84).
by 22% of the firms, followed by simplified due

Government Interventions (Top 5)

FinTechs were asked to indicate the government and inclusion in a fiscal stimulus package (both
interventions that they feel are necessary to support at 13%). Access to liquidity facilities (37%) was
their company during the pandemic. reported as the most urgently needed intervention,
followed by receiving a government loan or credit
The proportion of firms indicating current usage of facility, and tax relief/subsidy with 29% of responses
government interventions in APAC was low with each. (see Figure 85).
the most used interventions being tax relief/subsidy

Figure 85: Use of & Need for Government Interventions in APAC, by FinTech Verticals (ranked by % of providers use & needs)

Tax Relief/Subsidy (n.283) 13% 29% 35%

Inclusion of my Firm/Sector in a 13% 28% 29%
Fiscal Stimulus Package (n.285)
Receiving Government Loan or Credit Facility (n.285) 4% 29% 29%

Receiving Government Loan-guarantee (n.285) 4% 26% 30%

Access to Liquidity Facilities (n.170) 4% 37% 32%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Might need further down the line
*Note that “N/A”, “Not Needed” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

North America
Selected section highlights respectively market performance indicators.
• The North American region comprises of two While North American Digital Payment firms
countries for this study, the United States reported average growth in transaction volumes
of America and Canada, which collectively that are on par with the global average Digital
accounted for 10% of all FinTech respondents. Lenders from this region reported a smaller
average decline in transaction volumes.
• FinTechs in North America reported higher-than
average increases in total transaction volumes • North American firms reported relatively
and number of transactions; ranking third low usage of regulatory support measures in
and second highest among regions for these comparison to other regions, however, 12%

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

of surveyed FinTechs reported that they This section focuses on an analysis into the survey
have worked with a FinTech innovation office, responses from firms in North America (NA). Two
which is a comparatively high utilization rate countries are represented as part of this region:
for that initiative. Simplified eKYC, remote United States and Canada. This section includes
onboarding and simplified due diligence were an overview of respondents according to vertical,
the interventions mentioned as most urgent. analysis on market performance, participation in
Covid-19 relief measures or schemes, analysis on
• Access to liquidity facilities and to a stimulus
regulatory innovations and analysis on government
package were the most cited urgent government
interventions for FinTechs from North America

Overview of North America Respondents

Figure 86: Number of North America respondents by FinTech Vertical (% of total responses for the region)

14% 13% 13%

12% 11%
10% 9%

6% 5%
4% 4%
l e
) ) gy ) ta ) ) ) t& )
ng ) .1)
.23 .19 lo 9) .17 pi 6) .13 .11 n.7 di 6) n.6 (n
(n (n no (n.1 (n Ca (n.1 (n (n g( re s (n. y( ha (n.4
n g t s h
c g c h l
a g c h c h i n C c t i t E xc
n gs
i n e e i t
g in e e k e i n t v i
d e
e T nin gT T rT an iv t e se Sa
en m
Re Di ais lth su lB at aly Id
As al
lL ay ris io R ea In ita rn n al
g i ta a lP e rp ovis W i g l te ta A i git i t al i git
t t r A g
Di gi En P D Da D

North America represents 10% of total respondents, with 142 firms. The FinTech vertical with the largest
number of responses is Digital Lending, with 23 firms contributing to the survey. This is closely followed by
Digital Payment (19) and Enterprise Technology Solutions (19). These top 3 verticals make up 42% of total
respondents in the region (see Figure 86).

Market Performance Indicators for Top 3 Verticals

Examining the proportionate change in firms’ market performance for the first half of 2020 (Q1-Q2)
compared to the same period in 2019, Digital Payments and Enterprise Technology Provisioning firms
saw improvements in market performance, while Digital Lending firms saw a decline in some measures of
market performance (see Figure 87).

Figure 87: Market Performance Indicators, Digital Lending, Digital Payments, Enterprise Technology Provisioning
(% change, year-on-year H1)

Digital Lending

Transaction Volumes (n.23)

Number of Transactions (n.23) 1%
New Borrowers or Issuers(n.23) -6%
Repeat/Existing Borrowers or Issuers (n.23) 18%
Technology Digital Payments

Transaction Volumes (n.19) 24%

Number of Transactions (n.19) 29%
New Customers/Users (n.19) 21%
Retention or Renewal of Existing
Customers/Users (n.18) 31%


Transaction Volumes (n19)

Number of Transactions (n.19) 17%
Number of Unique Corporate Customers (n.19) 17%

-10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%

Negative Impact   Positive Impact

Chapter 4. Impact of Covid-19 on selected regions

Digital Payments firms reported a 24% increase Regulatory Responses or Innovations (Top 5)
in total transaction volume and 29% increase in FinTech respondents reported, of the top
the number of transactions. There was also a 21% regulatory innovations during Covid-19, working
growth in the number of new customers and 31% with a FinTech innovation office as the most used,
increase in the renewal of existing customers. with 12% of firms indicating they were currently
Enterprise Technology Provisioning firms indicated using the initiative. The second most widely used
a 16% increase in total transaction value and a 17% regulatory innovations were simplified CDD
increase in total transaction number. Meanwhile, and regulatory support for e-KYC, with 11% of
the number of unique corporate customers also respondents citing the use of both. In addition,
grew by 17%. 23% of the respondents considered that support
for eKYC, simplified customer due diligence and
In contrast, Digital Lending firms reported a slight remote onboarding were urgently needed (see
drop of 1% in total transaction volume, although Figure 88).
there was a 1% rise in the number of transactions.
The number of new borrowers or issuers also fell by

Figure 88: Regulatory Responses & Innovations Initiatives, Top 5 Usage & Needs in NA (ranked by % of providers use & needs)

Working with a FinTech Innovation Office (n.131) 12% 18% 25%

Regulatory Support for e-KYC (n.131) 11% 23% 21%

Simplified Customer Due Diligence (n.132) 11% 23% 25%

Regulatory Support for Remote Onboarding (n.131) 8% 23% 15%

Faster Authorisation or Licensing Processes for New Activities (n.131) 4% 21% 26%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Needed in the Long Term

*Note that “N/A” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

Government Interventions (Top 5)

A limited number of firms reported having number of firms (37%) as urgently needed, despite
benefitted from a government intervention scheme. seeing the smallest proportion of current use (4%).
Inclusion in a fiscal stimulus package was the most The second most needed government intervention
used intervention (11% of firms). Tax relief or was inclusion in a fiscal stimulus package (24%),
subsidy (6%), government loan or credit facility (5%) followed by tax relief or subsidy (19%) and receiving
and government loan-guarantee (5%) were used government loan or credit facility (19%) (see Figure
by a smaller proportion of respondents. However, 89).
access to liquidity facilities is cited by the greatest

Figure 89: Use of & Need for Government Interventions in NA, by FinTech Verticals (ranked by % of providers use & needs)

Inclusion of my Firm/Sector in a Fiscal Stimulus Package (n.127) 11% 24% 22%

Tax Relief/Subsidy (n.125) 6% 19% 30%

Receiving Government Loan or Credit Facility (n.127) 5% 19% 28%

Receiving Government Loan-guarantee (n.127) 5% 18% 20%

Access to Liquidity Facilities (n.54) 4% 37% 19%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Might need further down the line
*Note that “N/A”, “Not Needed” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Europe & the United Kingdom

Europe Selected regional highlights leading global FinTech hub, with UK firms having
• Europe (excluding the UK) accounts for 22% of reported activities in key European countries
the global FinTech survey sample, with the UK (such as France, Germany, and the Netherlands),
FinTechs contributing a further 12%. Germany SSA (Kenya and South Africa), LAC (Mexico,
and France were the leading countries in Chile, and Brazil) and APAC regions (Australia,
Europe in terms of having FinTech headquarter Malaysia, Singapore).
concentration. • While most FinTech verticals in the UK reported
• Overall, firms in Europe reported a higher year-on-year H1 transaction volume growth
transaction volume compared to their 2019 (Enterprise Technology, Digital Payments and
H1 records, this growth was however lower InsurTech etc), a reduction in total volume stems
than the global average and third lowest when from significant contractions reported by Digital
compared with other regions. For Digital Capital Lending (-22%) and Digital Capital Raising
Raising, both investment and non-investment- (-21%) firms.
based activities reported higher transaction • UK FinTechs indicated that regulatory support
volume growth albeit to different degrees. for eKYC, faster authorization or licensing
Conversely, Digital Lending respondents processes for new activities and remote
reported an average of 3% decline. onboarding are the three most needed
• ‘Faster authorization or licensing processes for regulatory measures.
new activities’ was the top regulatory measure • UK FinTechs were most likely to report urgently
identified as urgently needed (32%) and needed needing a government loan-guarantee, sector
in the long-term (18%), making this regulatory wide recapitulation and inclusion of staff in a
support measure an important issue for 51% of government job retention scheme.
European respondents.
This section constitutes a more in-depth analysis
• FinTechs from Europe were most likely to report
of the survey responses from firms in Europe
urgently needing tax relief/subsidies followed by
(excluding the United Kingdom)33 and an additional
access to liquidity facility and inclusion in a fiscal
case-study analysis of the UK market. This section
stimulus package.
will include an overview of respondents according
United Kingdom Selected country highlights to vertical, analysis on market performance,
• The United Kingdom had the highest participation in Covid-19 relief measures or
concentration of FinTech headquarters of any schemes, analysis on regulatory innovations and
country in our sample. The UK is regarded as a analysis on government interventions.

Overview of Europe (excluding UK) Respondents

Figure 90: Number of Europe (excluding UK) respondents by FinTech Vertical (% of total responses for the region)



10% 8% 8%
6% 5% 5%
5% 4% 3% 2% 1% <1%
ng ng ts ) ) ) )
og )
it )
& ge .5) .4) .1)
isi 4) di 4) en )
m .35 .26 .25 .18 .17 ol 15 ed .14 an .8) (n (n (n
Ra .9 en .5 ay (n h(
n (n h(
hn (n. Cr s (n ch (n ity dy gs
it al (n ta
l L (n P c c
ng c c
e g e E x t t o i n
p gi a l Te Te rT
e T nin iv ic t en us Sa
Ca Di igi
t g h
n at lyt se l Id
al Re alt In
su ris io rn a As ita
lC al
D e al rp ovis te a An al ita git
git W git e
t r l
A at i t i g i g D i
Di Di En P D Di
g D D

This figure presents the represented verticals of FinTech respondents in Europe. The three FinTech
verticals with the largest number of responses, representing 58% of all respondents in the region, were
Digital Capital Raising (30%), Digital Lending (17%) and Digital Payments (11%) (see Figure 90).
Chapter 4. Impact of Covid-19 on selected regions

Market Performance Indicators for Top 3 Verticals

Figure 91: Market Performance Indicators, Digital Capital Raising, Digital Lending, Digital Payments (% change, year-on-year H1)

Transaction Volumes (n.72) 13%

Digital Capital


Number of Transactions (n.69)

New Borrowers or Issuers(n.53) 25%
Repeat/Existing Borrowers or Issuers (n.43) 8%

Digital Lending

Transaction Volumes (n.47)

Number of Transactions (n.47) -2%
New Borrowers or Issuers (n.41) 25%
Repeat/Existing Borrowers or Issuers (n.38) 8%
Digital Payments

Transaction Volumes (n.30) 14%

Number of Transactions (n.29) 17%
New Customers/Users (n.27) 21%
Retention or Renewal of Existing
Customers/Users (n.21) 26%

-5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

Negative Impact   Positive Impact

Digital Capital Raising and Digital Payments increase of 21% and 26% respectively
firms in Europe saw improvements while Digital (see Figure 91).
Lending showed a decrease in year-on-year market
performance. Digital Payments firms reported a Regulatory Responses or Innovations (Top 5)
14% increase in total transaction volume and 17%
European respondents have mostly made use
increase in the number of transactions, the largest
of regulatory support for e-KYC (13%), remote
increase compared to other verticals while Digital
onboarding (10%) and simplified CDD (8%). Faster
Lending reported a year-on-year decrease in total
authorization processes was the top regulatory
transaction volume. Digital Capital Raising firms
measure identified as urgently needed (32%)
reported growth in number of new borrowers
and needed in the long-term (18%), making this
(25%) and customer retention (8%) while Digital
regulatory innovation an important issue for 51%
Lending firms indicated an increase of 8% and 25%
European respondents (see Figure 92).
respectively and Digital Payments indicated an

Figure 92: Regulatory Responses & Innovations Initiatives, Top 5 Usage & Needs in Europe (excluding UK) (ranked by % of
providers use & needs)

Regulatory Support for e-KYC (n.303) 13% 28% 10%

Regulatory Support for Remote Onboarding (n.301) 10% 23% 12%

Simplified Customer Due Diligence (n.299) 8% 26% 19%

Less Burdensome Supervisory/Reporting Requirements (n.300) 3% 22% 19%

Faster Authorisation or Licensing 32% 18%

Processes for New Activities (n.302)

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Needed in the Long Term

*Note that “N/A” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

Government Interventions (Top 5)

Figure 93: Use of & Need for Government Interventions in Europe (excluding UK), by FinTech Verticals (ranked by % of
providers use & needs)
Receiving Government Loan-guarantee (n.295) 10% 15% 28%

Receiving Government Loan or Credit Facility (n.296) 9% 15% 28%

Tax Relief/Subsidy (n.293) 8% 24% 34%

Inclusion of my Firm/Sector in a Fiscal Stimulus Package (n.294) 7% 22% 29%

Access to Liquidity Facilities (n.145) 6% 22% 31%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Might need further down the line
*Note that “N/A”, “Not Needed” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

A limited number of firms were benefitted from industry. Of all countries observed in this study,
government intervention schemes. The most used the UK had the single largest concentration of
interventions were the reception of a government firms, with 175 firms headquartered there, and an
loan guarantee reported by 10% of the firms, and of additional 113 with operations within this market.
a loan or credit facility by 9% of the firms. Tax reliefs The UK market alone represented 12% of all global
and subsidies were reported as urgently needed FinTech respondents surveyed.
by 24% of the firms, followed by inclusion in fiscal
stimulus package and access to liquidity facilities The UK FinTech sector, estimated to employ
which were considered urgently needed by 22% of 76,500 individuals34 , continues to enjoy favorable
the respondents (see Figure 93). governmental policies and attention. While
acknowledging the vulnerability of FinTechs during
the pandemic, the Bank of England35 states that
United Kingdom – a Country-Level FinTech is expected to continue contributing to
Case Study financial stability, competition, other regulatory
objectives and to the wider economy. The UK is
Country context and overview of also regarded as a leading global FinTech hub which
Respondents not only supports domestic FinTechs in expanding
With a large concentration of FinTech activities globally but also attracts overseas FinTechs36 . UK
and active government support for this sector, FinTechs also reported activities in key European
the United Kingdom (UK) serves as an important countries (such as France, Germany, and the
case study to understand both opportunities and Netherlands), SSA (Kenya and South Africa), LAC
challenges presented by Covid-19 for the FinTech (Mexico, Chile, and Brazil) and APAC regions
(Australia, Malaysia, Singapore).

Figure 94: Number of UK respondents by FinTech Vertical (% of total responses)

18% 17%

14% 13%
12% 12%
12% 11%
10% 9%
6% 5%

2% 1% 1%
y l e
og ) ta ) ) ) ) ) ) t& ng ) .1)
.29 ol 23 pi 1) .21 .20 .17 .15 .10 n.9 di 7) ha n.2 (n
g (n hn (n. l Ca (n.2 h (n s (n h (n h (n g (n ity( C re s (n. xc ( gs
in c a g c t ec ec in nt c E i n
d Te ing git in rT
e en gT hT k e ive ti et av
en ise on Di ais su ym Re lt an l Id at aly ss lS
lL pr visi R In Pa ea lB ta rn n lA ita
ta r l ta gi te ta A t a g
igi te ro git
a W igi Di
A a gi D i
D En P Di D D Di

The UK FinTech ecosystem also features (12%), InsurTech (11%) and Digital Payments (11%)
considerable diversity, incorporating 12 of the 13 (see Figure 94). It is worth noting that these figures
primary verticals presented in this report. 17% relate to the number of firms within the UK, and do
of the UK respondents operated within Digital not attempt to qualify the relative size of UK market
Lending, followed by Enterprise Technology share.
Provisioning firms (13%), Digital Capital Raising

Chapter 4. Impact of Covid-19 on selected regions

Market Performance Indicators for Top 5 Verticals

Figure 95: Market Performance Indicators for Top 5 Verticals (% change, year-on-year H1)

Digital Lending

Transaction Volumes
Number of Transactions -26%
(n. 29)

New Borrowers or Issuers -8%

Repeat/Existing Borrowers or Issuers -19%

Transaction Volumes 17%


(n. 23)

Number of Transactions 7%
Number of Unique Corporate Customers 29%

Transaction Volumes -21%

Digital Capital
Raising (n. 21)

Number of Transactions -26%

New Borrowers or Issuers 7%
Repeat/Existing Borrowers or Issuers -3%

Transaction Volumes 13%

InsurTech (n. 21)

Number of Transactions 22%

New Customers/Users 33%
Number of Insurance Policy Lapses -3%
Number of Claims 15%
Digital Payments

Transaction Volumes 28%

Number of Transactions 23%

New Customers/Users 1%
Retention or Renewal of Existing Customers/Users 8%

-30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40%

Negative Impact   Positive Impact

When measuring key metrics related to market Furthermore, as discussed in the methodology
performance for the top five verticals (which make section, weighting (for instance according to
up 68% of the observed UK panel), two of the three the revenue of the firm or market share) was
verticals observed reported growth in key metrics, not applied in regard to market performance, as
while both Digital Lending and Digital Capital this rapid assessment aims to understand broad
Raising reported year-on-year declines. Specifically, directional changes in FinTech markets, not to
Digital Lending firms reported a year-on-year collect precise transaction volume data. This rapid
transaction volume reduction by 22%, and the total assessment study also focused on the comparative
number of transactions decreased by 26%. Digital analysis of H1 2020 to relation to H1 2019. The
Capital Raising firms also reported a reduction in market conditions for FinTech sectors can obviously
total transaction volume. It is important to note change in Q3 and Q4 2020. Therefore, the findings
that the results captured in this study are skewed for the UK FinTech market performance in light
towards investment-based activities, as over of Covid are indicative only, as for other markets
90% of responses collected came from Equity included in the study.
Crowdfunding or Real Estate Crowdfunding firms.
Other verticals reported more positive trends in Transaction Volume for Key Models in the
key market performance indicators. For instance, UK - 2019
Enterprise Technology Provisioning and Digital
However, the analysis of the UK FinTech market
Payments reported an increase across all market
does benefit from CCAF’s collection of time-series
performance indicators with Digital Payment firms
transaction volume data over the last 8 years,
reporting the highest increase in total transaction
especially focusing on key models within the Digital
volume of 28%.
Lending and Digital Capital Raising verticals.
The data shows that the overall response to These key models play important role to facilitate
Covid-19, demonstrated by UK respondents, funding for consumers, start-ups and SMEs in the
is highly dependent on vertical (see Figure 95). UK and are collectively analyzed as the ‘online

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

alternative finance sector’ in a series of industry a more holistic context to understand the dynamics
benchmarking reports published by the CCAF of the UK FinTech industry. As a country case
and its collaborators. Typically, FinTechs would study, it also illustrates the value of collecting and
report realized annual transaction data in the next analyzing sector-wide and longitudinal transaction
calendar year, therefore, surveyed UK firms in this datasets to understand the socio-economic impact
case provided their 2019 yearly data in 2020 via of FinTech, especially in the context of traditional
the parallel global alternative finance benchmarking finance. It demonstrates, importantly, what kind
survey, also administrated during Covid-19. of follow-on study the research team will set out
to design and implement in 2021, when we aim to
Focusing on the performance of the UK Digital collect full year transaction data for 2020 in order
Lending and Digital Capital Raising firms in 2019, to truly understand the impact of Covid-19 on the
the following analysis provides a useful baseline and FinTech markets globally.

Figure 96: Online Alternative finance volume by key models in the UK in 2019 (£ billions)

P2P/Marketplace Property Lending £2.5b

P2P/Marketplace Business Lending £1.8b
P2P/Marketplace Consumer Lending £1.7b
Balance Sheet Business Lending £588.1m
Equity-based Crowdfunding £363.7m
Invoice Trading £362.1m
Debt-based Securities £104.0m
Real Estate Crowdfunding £90.6m
Balance Sheet Consumer Lending £13.9m
£0m £500m £1000m £1500m £2000m £2500m £3000m

Based on the data provided by 67 UK Digital in the UK, followed by P2P/Marketplace Business
Lending and Digital Capital Raising firms Lending and P2P/Marketplace Consumer Lending.
(captured both through this study and the annual This data-set isolates volume attributed solely
alternative finance benchmarking study), as Figure to Balance-sheet activities, although it is worth
96 illustrates that for 2019, P2P/Marketplace noting that in most cases, firms operating a P2P/
Property Lending was the largest model in terms Marketplace Lending activity will also run Balance
of transaction volume in online alternative finance Sheet activities alongside their core business model.

SME-Focused Finance
Figure 97: Total UK SME Alternative Finance Volume in 2011-2019 (£billions)

2011 £26.7m
2012 £104.3m
2013 £332m
2014 £1.1b
2015 £2.2b
2016 £3.3b
2017 £4.2b
2018 £4.9b
2019 £5.8b

£0.0b £0.5b £1.0b £1.5b £2.0b £2.5b £3.0b £3.5b £4.0b £4.5b £5.0b £5.5b £6.0b £6.5b

Chapter 4. Impact of Covid-19 on selected regions

A hallmark of the UK’s alternative finance industry Figure 98: Distribution of Alternative Finance by Category
(£billions) - 2019
is its capability to facilitate funding for SME £0.27m
borrowers, issuers and fundraisers. In 2019, £5.8
billion (or 77% of the UK’s total alternative finance
volume) was raised through online channels for
business borrowers, issuers and fundraisers,
representing an 18% increase in the volume against
the previous year (see Figure 97). Funding for
businesses was mainly raised by debt-based models,
with £5.3 billion being raised in this category,
accounting for 92% of all business funding.
Investment-based models accounted for £454.3
million (or 7.8% of business funding) (see Figure 98).

Debt-based Models
Investment-based Models
Non-investment-based Models

Figure 99: P2P/Marketplace Business Lending Compared to Bank Lending in 2012-2019 (£billions)
58.00 59.00 57.00 57.70 56.70
£60b 54.00
£50b 43.00

£30b 22.70
20.50 19.90 21.40 21.99
18.20 18.30 20.23
6.70 6.98 9.29 8.09
£10b 6.60 6.30 6.40 6.90
0.75 0.88 1.20 2.04 2.55 2.37
0.06 0.19
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Bank Business Lending (BoE)   New Loans to SMEs (BBA/UK Finance)   New Loans to Small Businesses (BBA/UK Finance)   P2P Business Lending

When contextualizing business finance that stems (therefore classified as small businesses), and
from the P2P/Marketplace Business Lending model, another £12.14 billion to businesses with a turnover
this chart (see Figure 99) illustrates the change in below £25 million by the UK banks. In comparison,
the business lending market volume across the last the P2P/Marketplace business lending market
seven years when comparing with traditional bank- decreased by 7% in volume from 2019 to 2018,
lending activities. The Bank of England estimates accounting for £2.37 billion in 2019 compared
that £56.7 billion was lent to SMEs by banks in to £2.55 billion in 2018. In this case, the P2P/
2019, representing a 1.7% decrease compared Marketplace Business Lending figure is inclusive
to the 2018 figure of £57.7 billion. On the other of P2P/Marketplace Business Lending as well as
hand, UK Finance estimates that £8.09 billion was Balance Sheet Business Lending volumes.
lent to businesseswith a turnover below £2 million

Figure 100: P2P/Marketplace Business Lending as a proportion of Total New Loans to SMEs by banks in the UK, 2012-2019
11.60% 11.72%
10% 9.53%
5% 4.43%
0.34% 0.94%
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

A comparison of the UK P2P/Marketplace Business lending has increased its comparative share of total
Lending volume against that of the UK Finance bank lending to SMEs steadily from just 0.34%
annual estimate of new loans to SMEs provided in 2012 to 11.60% in 2018 to its highest level of
by banks, shows that online alternative business 11.72% in 2019 (see Figure 100).

Figure 101: P2P/Marketplace Business Lending as a percentage of New Loans to Small Businesses by banks in the UK,

29.2% 29.3%
30% 27.4%

10.8% 11.7%
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

P2P/Marketplace Business Lending is becoming an Equity-based crowdfunding is also a vital source of

even more important contributor to the financing funding for seed, start-up, early stage and fast-
of small businesses, which are typical borrowers growing companies seeking venture or growth
obtaining finance via online alternative finance capital. Figure 102 shows investment through
as they do not have the ability to access capital equity-based crowdfunding as a proportion of total
markets as larger firms do. In 2019, the volume of seed and venture stage equity investment in the UK
P2P/Marketplace Business Lending in the UK is over the last 7 years.
estimated to be equivalent of 29.32% of all lending
to small businesses with an annual turnover of less
than £2 million (see Figure 101).

Figure 102: Equity-based Crowdfunding as a Proportion of Total Seed & Venture Stage Equity Investment in UK 2012-2019
18% 17.37%
14% 12.91%
12% 11.47% 11.29%
10% 9.61%
6% 5.36%
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Beauhurst data suggest that seed and venture 2019. Despite the growth in absolute terms, equity
stage funding increased slightly from £3.17 billion crowdfunding platforms’ share of all such equity
in 2018 to £3.23 billion in 2019 with a 1.9% year- funding in the UK dropped from 17.37% in 2016 to
on-year growth rate. Furthermore, the volume 11.47% in 2018. This trend continues in 2019 with
of equity-based crowdfunding is on an upward a slight year-on-year drop in this share to 11.29%
trajectory growing from just £3.9 million in 2012 (see Figure 103).
to £363 million in 2018 and to £364 million in

Chapter 4. Impact of Covid-19 on selected regions

Figure 103: Equity-based Crowdfunding Volumes in the Context of Announced Total UK Seed and Venture Stage Equity
£3500m £3,165 £3,223


£1,574 £1,566
£874 £958
£1000m £626
£563 £522 £463
£293 £345 £272 £364
£500m £343 £298
£4 £28 £333 £363
£0 £84 £245 £262
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Seed & VC (Beauhurst)   VC Funding (BVCA)   Equity Crowdfunding

Changes to Products and Services

Turning back to the Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Survey, it is worth reviewing the ways
in which these firms have modified or adjusted their core products, service agreements and terms to
accommodate for the changing needs of their customers.

Figure 104: Changes to Existing Products & Services, UK Digital Lending & Digital Capital Raising
(% of providers; yes, in progress)

Payment Holiday (n. 28) 57%

Changes to Qualification/Onboarding Criteria (n. 25) 50% 6%

Payment Easements (n. 26) 50% 8%
Suspension of New Loan Origination (n. 26) 38% 4%
Digital Lending

Reducing Interest Rates to Borrowers (n. 26) 23%

Fee/Commission Reduction (n. 27) 22% 4%

Temporary Upgrading to Premium Features (n. 16) 20%

Fee/Commission Waiver (n. 26) 19% 4%

Discontinued the Sale of Products or Services (n. 28) 18% 7%

Early Access to Funds/Deposits (n. 25) 8%

Suspension of New Loan Origination (n. 7) 29%

Payment Holiday (n. 21) 24%

Fee/Commission Reduction (n. 21) 24% 5%
Digital Capital Raising

Fee/Commission Waiver (n. 21) 24%

Discontinued the Sale of Products or Services (n. 21) 19% 5%
Payment Easements (n. 21) 19% 5%

Temporary Upgrading to Premium Features (n. 8) 13% 25%

Reducing Interest Rates to Borrowers (n.9) 11% 22%

Changes to Qualification/Onboarding Criteria (n. 21) 8%

Early Access to Funds/Deposits (n. 20) 5%

0% 5% 15% 25% 35% 45% 55% 65%

Yes   In Progress
*Note that “N/A” and “No” responses have been omitted from this chart

For Digital Lending firms, payment holidays were When considering Digital Capital Raising,
implemented by the largest number of firms temporary upgrading to premium features had the
(57%) with a further 6% in the process of doing so. highest percentage of firms that either implemented
Payment easements and changes to qualification/ the change (13%) or was in the process of
onboarding criteria were implemented by 50% of implementing the change (25%). On balance, it
the surveyed UK firms with a further 8% in the is evident that UK FinTechs have been actively
process of doing so. responding to Covid-19, implementing several
changes that are focused, particularly, on customer
acquisition and retention (see Figure 104).

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

New Products and Services

Figure 105: New or Updated Products/Services/Features, Digital Lending and Digital Capital Raising
(% of respondents; yes, in progress)

Value Added Non-financial Services (e.g. information services) (n.27) 26%

Enhanced Fraud and/or Cyber-security Features (n.27) 22% 4%
Digital Lending

Disbursement of Covid-19 Relief/Assistance Funds (n.27) 11% 4%

Credit or Micro-Credit Facility (n.27) 7%

Emergency Working Capital (n.27) 7% 7%

Insurance Related to Covid-19 (n.27) 4%

Hosting Covid-19 Specific Funding or Relief Campaigns (n.27) 4% 4%

Value Added Non-financial Services (e.g. information services) (n.21) 19% 10%
Digital Capital

Enhanced Fraud and/or Cyber-security Features (n.21) 14%

Disbursement of Covid-19 Relief/Assistance Funds (n.21) 5%
Hosting Covid-19 Specific Funding or Relief Campaigns (n.21) 5% 5%

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

Yes   In Progress
*Note that “N/A” and “No” responses have been omitted from this chart

UK firms were asked to indicate the new or updated 14% of Digital Capital Raising firms. Overall, Digital
products and services they launched as a direct Lending firms again show a higher percentage of
result of Covid-19. “Value-Added Non-financial implemented changes to products and services
Services (e.g. information services)” was the compared to Digital Capital Raising. For instance,
most common new product introduced by Digital the top two changes for both Digital Lending firms
Lending (26%) and Digital Capital Raising (19%). and Digital Capital Raising firms were Value-Added
“Enhanced Fraud and/or Cyber-security Features” Non-Financial Services and Enhanced Fraud and/or
were the second most commonly created new Cyber-security Features (See Figure 105).
products by 22% of the Digital Lending firms and

Regulatory Responses or Innovations (Top 5)

Figure 106: Regulatory Responses & Innovations Initiatives, Top 5 Usage & Needs in UK (ranked by % of providers use & needs)

Regulatory Support for e-KYC (n.165) 11% 22% 17%

Working with a FinTech Innovation Office (n. 168) 11% 14% 21%

Regulatory Support for Remote Onboarding (n. 164) 7% 18% 16%

Admission of my Firm into a Regulatory Sandbox (n. 166) 5% 13% 18%

Faster Authorisation or Licensing 2% 21% 35%
Processes for New Activities (n.164)
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Needed in the Long Term

*Note that “N/A” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

UK firms were asked to indicate which regulatory firms reporting their use. But regulatory support for
responses or regulatory innovation initiatives e-KYC and faster authorization licensing processes
would support their FinTech businesses to better for new activities were the two measures that most
respond to Covid-19. Regulatory support for e-KYC firms considered that were urgently needed (See
and working with an innovation office were the Figure 106).
measures most commonly used, with 11% of the

Chapter 4. Impact of Covid-19 on selected regions

Government Interventions (Top 5)

Figure 107: Use of & Need for Government Interventions in the UK, by FinTech Verticals (ranked by % of providers use & needs)

Inclusion of my Staff in a Government Job Retention Scheme (n.164) 23% 6% 20%

Receiving Government Loan-guarantee (n.163) 13% 25% 34%

Tax Relief/Subsidy (n.167) 5% 21% 32%

A Sector-Wide Recapitalisation or Equity Injection Scheme Funded by Government (n.164) 24% 26%

Inclusion of my Firm/Sector in a Fiscal Stimulus Package (n.165) 7% 11%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Currently Using   Urgently Neede   Might need further down the line
*Note that “N/A”, “Not Needed” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

In terms of government interventions and policies, Digital Identity (22%) followed by Digital Capital
inclusion in job retention scheme was reported Raising (21%) and InsurTech (20%). For receiving a
as being in use by 23% of the firms, followed by a government loan guarantee, the highest percentage
government loan guarantee which was reported of firms `currently using’ was Alternative
to be in use by 13% of the firms. Receiving a Data and Credit Analytics (17%) followed by
government loan guarantee and a recapitalization Digital Payments (11%), Enterprise Technology
or equity injection were the measures that most Provisioning (10%) and InsurTech (10%). Finally, for
firms reported as urgently needed. Only 7% of firms the inclusion of staff in a government job retention
indicated an urgent need for fiscal stimulus package scheme, the highest percentage of firms currently
(see Figure 107). implementing was Digital Lending (43%) followed
by Digital Capital Raising (42%) and Digital Banking
For the tax relief or subsidy, the vertical with the (38%).
highest percentage of firms `currently using’ was

Latin America and the Caribbean

Selected regional highlights for new activities and streamlined product or
• The LAC region accounted for 14% of all the services approvals.
responses to the survey. The most represented
• A significant portion of participants in LAC
verticals were Digital Lending, Digital Payments
indicated an urgent need for government
and Enterprise Technology Provisioning.
interventions. Nearly half of the firms stated an
accounting for 68% of the total regional
urgent need for access to liquidity or inclusion of
their firm or vertical in a fiscal stimulus package.
• Market performance indicators in LAC, among
This section presents a more detailed analysis of
the three most represented verticals, were
survey responses from firms in the Latin America
largely positive, except for transaction volume
and the Caribbean (LAC).37 This includes an
for Digital Lending and Enterprise Technology
overview of respondents according to vertical,
Provisioning which reported contractions.
analysis on market performance, participation in
• The most utilized regulatory response among Covid-19 relief measures or schemes, analysis on
LAC respondents was regulatory support for regulatory innovations and analysis on government
e-KYC. The most urgently needed regulatory interventions
support measures were faster authorization

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Overview of LAC Respondents

Figure 108: Number of LAC respondents by FinTech Vertical (% of total responses for the region)


25% 23%


10% 8% 8%
5% 4% 3% 3% 3% 2% 2%
0% l
) y 6) ita ) e &
.46 og ) ap .13 .8) ng ) .6) .6) it ) n.4
(n (n ol 17 n.1 (n ha n.7 (n (n ed n.5 h(
g s hn (n. g( C
l ( n ity xc ( ch ch Cr ics ( ec
in nt c
e g i n t a
gi in
t t E
e Te e
iv t gT
d e
e T nin nk Di ais Id se su lth at aly Re
lL ym ris io Ba al As In ea rn n
ta l Pa rp ovis t al R
git t al W l te ta A
igi ita e
t r g i i g i A a
D D ig En P Di D
Di D

The LAC region accounts for 14%, or 202 total was Digital Payments, accounting for 23%, followed
responses to the survey. The most represented by Enterprise Technology Provisioning, at 8% (see
vertical is Digital Lending with 37% of the Figure 108).
participants. The second-most represented vertical

Market Performance Indicators for Top 3 Verticals

Figure 109: Market Performance Indicators, Digital Lending, Digital Payments, Enterprise Technology Provisioning (% change,
year-on-year H1)

Digital Lending

Transaction Volumes (n.69)

Number of Transactions (n.68) 1%
New Borrowers or Issuers(n.60) 17%
Repeat/Existing Borrowers or Issuers (n.63) 26%
Technology Digital Payments

Transaction Volumes (n.41) 31%

Number of Transactions (n.41) 37%
New Customers/Users (n.41) 34%
Retention or Renewal of Existing
Customers/Users (n.31) 35%


Transaction Volumes (n.8)

Number of Transactions (n.7) 14%
Number of Unique Corporate Customers (n.14) 8%

-10% -5% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35% 40%

Negative Impact   Positive Impact

Figure 109 shows the market performance of LAC’s performance indicators, showing an increase in
Top 3 verticals: Digital Lending, Digital Payments the volume of transactions by 31%, an increase in
and Enterprise Technology Provisioning. Digital the number of transactions by 37%, an increase
Lending firms indicated a decrease of 1% in the in the number of new customers by 34% and an
volume of transactions and an increase of 1% in increase in the number of new borrowers by 11%.
the number of transactions, as well as an increase Enterprise Technology Provisioning firms in the
of 25% for the number of new customers and LAC region reported a 3% decrease in the volume
17% for the number of new borrowers, unlike the of transactions year-on-year, an increase in the
overall trend for this market. Digital Payment firms number of transactions by 14% and an increase in
show the largest increase across the four market the number of unique corporate customers by 8%.

Chapter 4. Impact of Covid-19 on selected regions

Regulatory Responses or Innovations (Top 5)

Figure 110: Regulatory Responses & Innovations Initiatives, Top 5 Usage & Needs in LAC (ranked by % of providers use & needs)

Regulatory Support for e-KYC (n.195) 19% 34% 15%

Simplified Customer Due Diligence (n.196) 14% 35% 19%

Streamlined Product or Services Approval (n.195) 11% 46% 12%

Exemption to Operate New Financial Services or Products (n.194) 8% 39% 17%

Faster Authorisation or Licensing 4% 47% 17%
Processes for New Activities (n.194)
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Needed in the Long Term

*Note that “N/A” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

Regulatory support for e-KYC was the regulatory or Licensing Processes for New Activities (47%).
measure that most firms were using, at 19%. This This was closely followed by `Streamlined Product
was followed by `Simplified CDD’ with 15% and or Service Approval’ with 46% and then `Exemption
`Streamlined Product or Service Approval’ with to operate New Financial Services of Products’ with
11%. Firms indicated the most urgently needed 39% of respondents (see Figure 110).
regulatory support measures as Faster authorization

Government Interventions (Top 5)

Figure 111: Use of & Need for Government Interventions in LAC, by FinTech Verticals (ranked by % of providers use & needs)

Tax Relief/Subsidy (n.193) 7% 44% 22%

Receiving Government Loan or Credit Facility (n.194) 6% 44% 18%

Inclusion of my Firm/Sector in a Fiscal Stimulus Package (n.194) 6% 48% 19%

Receiving Government Loan-guarantee (n.194) 4% 38% 19%

Access to Liquidity Facilities (n.142) 3% 49% 24%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Might need further down the line
*Note that “N/A”, “Not Needed” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

A limited number of firms reported the use of government intervention, a significant portion of
government interventions. The intervention with participants indicated an urgent need. The highest
the highest percentage of firms using was tax relief/ percentage of firms stated an urgent need for access
subsidy with 7% followed by inclusion of firm in to liquidity (49%) closely followed by inclusion of
fiscal stimulus package and receiving government their firm or vertical in a fiscal stimulus package
loan or credit facility (both 6%). For each form of (48%) (see Figure 111).

Middle East and North Africa

Selected regional highlights tracked in this study.
• MENA firms represent 4% of the global FinTech
• The most utilised regulatory response among
sample with the leading countries in terms of
MENA respondents was regulatory support
headquartered FinTechs being United Arab
for e-KYC. But exemptions to operate, faster
Emirates, Egypt and Israel.
approval process or streamlined procedures
• The most represented verticals in MENA were were the type of interventions that most firms
Digital Payments followed by Digital Lending considered urgently needed.
and Digital Banking.
• The government intervention that was reported
• FinTechs from MENA reported the largest as most needed in MENA was inclusion in a fiscal
average growth, in comparison to other regions, stimulus package and access to liquidity facilities.
for nearly all market performance indicators

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

This section provides a more in-depth analysis vertical is presented, followed by an analysis of
of the survey responses from firms in the Middle market performance, information concerning
Eastern and North African (MENA) region.38 participation in Covid-19 relief measures and the
An overview of responses according to industry use of regulatory innovations.

Overview of MENA Respondents

Figure 112: Number of MENA respondents by FinTech Vertical (% of total responses for the region)





15% 13%
10% 9% 9%
7% 7%
5% 4%
2% 2% 2%
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a n ec vin c h g t i E x ec ec
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ym Le Ba Di Ra su Sa ise sio l Id ss Re lt
Pa al al In al pr ovi ta lA ea
al igi
t git r g i t a W
t Di te Pr Di gi
Digi D D En Di

The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region Payments vertical (16 firms), followed by Digital
represented 46 firms and 4% of the total 1,428 Lending (13%, 6 firms) and Digital Banking (11%, 5
survey respondents. The countries with the largest firms). Combined, the top three FinTech verticals
number of firms are the United Arab Emirates represent nearly 60% of participating firms in the
(14), Egypt (10) and Israel (9). Over a third (35%) of region (see Figure 112).
responses came from firms operating in the Digital

Market Performance indicators

Figure 113: Market Performance Indicators, Digital Payments, Digital Lending & Digital Banking (% change, year-on-year H1)
Digital Payments

Transaction Volumes (n.13) 51%

Number of Transactions (n.13) 52%
New Customers/Users (n.13) 62%
Retention or Renewal of Existing
Customers/Users (n.10) 56%

Digital Lending

Transaction Volumes (n.6)

Number of Transactions (n.6) 40%
New Borrowers or Issuers (n.4) 20%
Repeat/Existing Borrowers or Issuers (n.4) 33%

Digital Banking

Transaction Volumes (n.2)

Number of Transactions (n.2) 66%
New Customers/Users (n.2) 59%
Retention or Renewal of Existing
Customers/Users (n.2) 49%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70%

Figure 113 shows the market performance for number of new customers and the retention of
the top three verticals in the MENA region. Firms existing customers. Digital Payments firms, similar
reported markedly more positive growth compared to Digital Banking showed significantly positive
to other regions in terms of transaction volume, growth compared to other regions, reporting a

Chapter 4. Impact of Covid-19 on selected regions

62% increase in the number of new customers by Digital Lending firms in MENA runs contrary to
or users, along with a 52% and 51% increase in trends in other regions that saw a decline in lending
transaction volume and the number of transactions activity for digital lenders.
respectively. Furthermore, the growth exhibited

Regulatory Responses or Innovations (Top 5)

Figure 114: Regulatory Responses & Innovations Initiatives, Top 5 Usage & Needs in MENA (ranked by % of providers use &

Regulatory Support for e-KYC (n.45) 27% 33% 13%

Regulatory Support for Remote Onboarding (n.45) 13% 40% 20%

Simplified Customer Due Diligence (n.45) 11% 42% 29%

Faster Authorisation or Licensing Processes for New Activities (n.46) 11% 54% 13%

Exemption to Operate New Financial Services or Products (n.44) 7% 59% 9%

Streamlined Product or Services Approval (n.45) 7% 47% 27%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Needed in the Long Term

*Note that “N/A” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

Figure 114 shows the usage of and need for government-based stimulus funding to consumers
regulatory responses or innovation according to or households, and a further 33% would be willing
MENA firms. In terms of current usage, the largest to participate.
number of FinTechs in the region reported using
regulatory support for e-KYC (27%), followed Government Interventions (Top 5)
by regulatory support for onboarding (13% of
Figure 115 shows the use of and need for
the firms). However, 59% of the firms considered
government interventions by MENA respondents.
that exemptions to operate new financial services
Only a very small percentage of firms reported
or products are urgently needed, followed by
currently using a government intervention. For
faster authorizations or licensing processes and
example, only 7% reported inclusion in fiscal
streamlined approval procedures. With regards
stimulus package and 5% benefitting from tax relief.
to the participation of MENA firms in Covid-19
But inclusion in a fiscal stimulus package and access
Relief Measures across all verticals, 13% of
to liquidity facilities were mentioned by 40% of
respondents were already engaged in delivering
firms as urgently needed.

Figure 115: Use of & Need for Government Interventions in MENA, by FinTech Verticals (ranked by % of providers use & needs)

Inclusion of my Firm/Sector in a Fiscal Stimulus Package (n.45) 7% 40% 27%

Tax Relief/Subsidy (n.44) 5% 34% 32%

Access to Liquidity Facilities (n.30) 3% 40% 20%

2% 2%

Receiving Government Loan or Credit Facility (n.44) 36% 27%

Receiving Government Loan-guarantee (n.44) 30% 30%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Currently Using   Urgently Needed   Might need further down the line
*Note that “N/A”, “Not Needed” and “Unsure” responses have been omitted from this chart

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

This Study provides a rapid assessment of the initial channels to facilitate additional economic relief to
impact of Covid-19 on the global FinTech industry. households and firms in more efficient and inclusive
It indicates that, overall, FinTechs have continued ways.
to grow, albeit in a fluid environment mixed with
challenges and opportunities. The performance In terms of regulatory measures, the Study also
of the FinTech industry is highly uneven across finds that some FinTechs have benefitted from
verticals and geographies. Indeed, Digital Lending the regulatory support provided by securities
firms appear to be more severely affected by the regulators, central banks and other regulatory
pandemic, reporting contractions across many key authorities in light of Covid-19. Nevertheless,
performance indicators. By the same token, certain FinTechs indicated that they will urgently need
geographic regions seem to have fared better more. It is important to mention that in general,
than others. Overall, FinTech markets in EMDEs such regulatory measures were not designed
and in jurisdictions with more stringent Covid-19 or applied exclusively for the FinTech industry
lockdown measures appear to be growing more in specifically, but mostly were implemented as sector-
comparison with those in AEs and lower stringency wide measures for the regulated firms in financial
jurisdictions. services. In this case, the Study provides valuable
insights as to the types of regulatory measures that
Given the important role that FinTechs can play in different FinTech verticals considered more useful
supporting the advancement of key developmental and urgent. Interestingly, with the exception of
objectives, such as financial inclusion, it is necessary Market Provisioning firms, most FinTechs consider
for policymakers to have a clear understanding of that measures directly related to the regulation and
the regulatory and governmental needs sought by supervision of FinTech, are generally more urgently
FinTechs. By understanding which additional policy needed than regulatory innovation initiatives.
interventions or regulatory measures could provide
support to this nascent industry, research such Indeed, firms pointed to two distinctive sets of
as this can assist policy makers in navigating this regulatory measures: those that facilitate eKYC,
challenging environment. simplified CDD, and remote onboarding; and
those that streamline authorization or approval
With respect to policy interventions, a key finding processes. It is worth highlighting that, in general,
from this Study is that a limited number of firms the need for regulatory support was more intensely
have benefitted from government relief programs indicated by FinTechs located in EMDEs, as well
thus far, and many more urgently needing as firms from jurisdictions with high stringency
government-based assistance. Further research lockdowns. Thus, this Study could be useful for
is required to better understand whether this financial regulators and supervisors around the
limited use reflects a more general pattern, in world, and in particular in EMDEs to inform
terms of the limited scope and capacity that many priorities as they seek to strike a balance between
governments have had to provide economic relief encouraging financial innovation and protecting the
to households and firms, or whether FinTechs have interests of consumers and maintaining financial
benefitted proportionately less than other sectors stability. In this regard, further dialogue and
from the economic relief programs instituted in engagements with the industry to understand the
a given jurisdiction. In this context, the relevant relevance of this Study findings at country level,
research findings from this Study could help inform would be useful.
the policy-making processes in the provision of
additional economic relief to the financial sectors Finally, the findings also illustrate an increase in
and the wider economy. In addition, government perceived risks associated with Covid-19. The
authorities could consider better leveraging data in this area is also preliminary, but point to
FinTech providers and technology-enabled financial increased operational risks, in particular regarding

Chapter 4. Impact of Covid-19 on selected regions

cyber-security. Some firms are seeking to address assessment study with a more comprehensive
this issue by enhancing or expanding cyber- and in-depth survey next year, that will collect
security measures. But overall, this highlights transaction data from all the FinTech verticals and
the importance for regulatory and supervisory provide greater analysis into the longer-term impact
authorities to continue monitoring closely the of Covid-19 on the global FinTech industry. We look
impact of Covid-19, to ensure that the risks within forward to continue engaging with the FinTechs
the FinTech sectors are managed and mitigated. around the world and other key stakeholder groups
to conduct research and provide more empirical
The CCAF, World Bank Group and the World evidence to inform decision-making by regulators,
Economic Forum plan to follow up this rapid policymakers and market participants.


Appendix A: List of Respondent HQ Countries or Jurisdiction, OxCGRT

Lockdown Stringency Index Average & Designated Quantile, World Bank
Income Designation
OxCGRT Average Designated Lockdown WB Economic Income
Index -  Q2  Stringency Grouping  Designation 
Australia 64 1 AEs
Germany 67 1 AEs
Switzerland 62 1 AEs
Denmark 64 1 AEs
Norway 57 1 AEs
Hong Kong 59 1 AEs
Taiwan 24 1 AEs
Ghana 64 1 EMDEs
Japan 38 1 AEs
Sweden 45 1 AEs
South Korea 56 1 AEs
Estonia 58 1 AEs
Austria 62 1 AEs
Luxembourg 57 1 AEs
Mozambique 61 1 EMDEs
Lithuania 66 1 AEs
New Zealand 58 1 AEs
Seychelles 56 1 AEs
Czech Republic 54 1 AEs
Slovakia 65 1 AEs
Uruguay 61 1 AEs
Finland 52 1 AEs
Cameroon 64 1 EMDEs
Cambodia 53 1 EMDEs
Hungary 67 1 AEs
Latvia 59 1 AEs
Bulgaria 58 1 EMDEs
Burkina Faso 65 1 EMDEs
Iceland 44 1 AEs
Benin 58 1 EMDEs
Zambia 50 1 EMDEs
Serbia 66 1 EMDEs
Andorra 48 1 AEs
Slovenia 61 1 AEs
Malawi 59 1 EMDEs
Somalia 55 1 EMDEs
United Kingdom 75 2 AEs
United States 72 2 AEs
China 72 2 EMDEs
Singapore 76 2 AEs
Brazil 78 2 EMDEs
France 75 2 AEs
Spain 73 2 AEs
Italy 70 2 AEs
Canada 72 2 AEs
Indonesia 70 2 EMDEs
Malaysia 68 2 EMDEs
United Arab Emirates 78 2 AEs
Netherlands 71 2 AEs
CHILE 76 2 AEs
Thailand 71 2 EMDEs
Portugal 76 2 AEs
Mauritius 69 2 AEs
Belgium 72 2 AEs
Poland 72 2 AEs
Sri Lanka 77 2 EMDEs
Turkey 72 2 EMDEs

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

OxCGRT Average Designated Lockdown WB Economic Income

Index -  Q2  Stringency Grouping  Designation 
Greece 68 2 AEs
Vietnam 71 2 EMDEs
Mongolia 70 2 EMDEs
Cote d'Ivoire 69 2 EMDEs
Rwanda 74 2 EMDEs
Costa Rica 74 2 EMDEs
Bahrain 75 2 AEs
Jordan 77 2 EMDEs
Botswana 73 2 EMDEs
Gibraltar 68 2 AEs
Tunisia 72 2 EMDEs
Romania 72 2 AEs
Bosnia and Herzegovina 75 2 EMDEs
Belize 77 2 EMDEs
Croatia 68 2 AEs
Senegal 71 2 EMDEs
India 86 3 EMDEs
South Africa 83 3 EMDEs
Mexico 79 3 EMDEs
Argentina 93 3 EMDEs
Uganda 88 3 EMDEs
Colombia 87 3 EMDEs
Nigeria 81 3 EMDEs
Kenya 88 3 EMDEs
Honduras 99 3 EMDEs
Ireland 82 3 AEs
Peru 92 3 EMDEs
Egypt 81 3 EMDEs
Israel 80 3 AEs
Guatemala 96 3 EMDEs
Paraguay 89 3 EMDEs
Philippines 92 3 EMDEs
Pakistan 81 3 EMDEs
Ecuador 86 3 EMDEs
Dominican Republic 87 3 EMDEs
Russia 80 3 EMDEs
Zimbabwe 83 3 EMDEs
Lebanon 79 3 EMDEs
Cayman Islands 80 3 AEs
Venezuela 83 3 EMDEs
Saudi Arabia 85 3 AEs
Qatar 83 3 AEs
Bangladesh 84 3 EMDEs
Haiti 86 3 EMDEs
Albania 80 3 EMDEs
El Salvador 94 3 EMDEs
Myanmar 81 3 EMDEs
Panama 89 3 AEs
Ukraine 79 3 EMDEs
Cyprus 81 3 AEs
Georgia 85 3 EMDEs


Appendix B: Composition Matrix, Proportion of EMDEs and AEs within

Designated Lockdown Stringency Quantiles
Overall EMDEs AEs
Low Stringency (n.301) 12% 88%
Medium Stringency (n.708) 26% 74%
High Stringency (n.399) 92% 8%

Digital Lending EMDEs AEs

Low Stringency (n.55) 11% 89%
Medium Stringency (n.137) 28% 72%
High Stringency (n.111) 90% 10%

Digital Payments EMDEs AEs

Low Stringency (n.40) 45% 55%
Medium Stringency (n.104) 31% 69%
High Stringency (n.100) 94% 6%

Digital Capital Raising EMDEs AEs

Low Stringency (n.63) 12% 88%
Medium Stringency (n.100) 15% 85%
High Stringency (n.36) 49% 51%

InsurTech EMDEs AEs

Low Stringency (n.19) 11% 89%
Medium Stringency (n.55) 18% 82%
High Stringency (n.24) 88% 13%

Market Provisioning FinTechs EMDEs AEs

Low Stringency (n.19) 11% 89%
Medium Stringency (n.55) 19% 81%
High Stringency (n.24) 79% 21%

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Appendix C1: A Working Taxonomy for the Global FinTech Industry by

Verticals and Sub-Verticalsl
FinTech Vertical and Sub-vertical Taxonomy Flywheel


Appendix C2: Definition of FinTech Business Models by Sub-Vertical

Category Business Model Sub Vertical Definition
P2P/Marketplace Consumer Individuals and/or institutional funders provide a loan to a
Lending consumer borrower
P2P/Marketplace Business Lending Individuals and/or institutional funders provide a loan to a business
P2P/Marketplace Property Lending Individuals and/or institutional funders provide a loan, secured
against a property, to a consumer or business borrower
The platform entity provides an unsecured or secured loan directly
Balance Sheet Consumer Lending to a consumer borrower
The platform entity provides an unsecured or secured loan directly
Balance Sheet Business Lending to the business borrower
The platform entity provides a loan, secured against a property,
Balance Sheet Property Lending
Digital Lending directly to a consumer or business borrower
Individuals and/or institutional funders purchase debt-based
Debt-based Securities securities, typically a bond or debenture, at a fixed interest rate
Individuals and/or institutional funders purchase invoices or
Invoice Trading receivables from a business at a discount
Interests and/or other profits are re-invested (forgoing the interest
Crowd-led Microfinance by donating) or provides microcredit at lower rates.
Consumer Purchase Financing/ A buy now/pay later payment facilitator or Store Credit solution,
Customer Cash-advance typically interest bearing
A merchant cash advance provided via an electronic platform,
Digital Merchant-cash Advance typically with a retail and/or institutional investor counterpart
Solutions receiving fixed payments or future payments based on sales.
Individuals and/or institutional funders purchase equity issued by
Equity-based Crowdfunding a company
Individuals and/or institutional funders provide equity or
Real Estate Crowdfunding subordinated-debt financing for real estate
Digital Capital Revenue/Profit Share Individuals and/or institutions purchase securities from a company,
Crowdfunding such as shares, and share in the profits or royalties of the business
Backers provide funding to individuals, projects, or companies in
Reward-based Crowdfunding exchange for non-monetary rewards or products
Retail Facing Donors provide funding to individuals, projects or companies
(Consumers Donation-based Crowdfunding based on philanthropic or civic motivations with no expectation of
& MSMEs) monetary or material
Fully Digitally Native Bank (Retail) Provide banking services to individual consumers exclusively
through digital platforms
Fully Digitally Native Bank (MSME) Provide banking services to businesses exclusively through digital
Banking provider offers products and services from a range of
Marketplace Bank (Retail) providers including its own to individual consumers
Digital Banking
Banking provider offers products and services from a range of
Marketplace Bank (MSME) providers including its own to businesses
An end-to-end process that allows other organizations to setup and
Banking as a Service (BaaS) offer digital banking services
Agent Banking (Cash-in/Cash-out) Performs services in some capacity on behalf of another banking
Allows fundraising through the selling of short-term debt which can
Digital Money Market/Fund be bought by investors
small savings opportunities identified within individuals existing
Digital Micro Saving Solutions budget and automatically puts money into a savings account to
encourage positive behavioral change
Digital Savings
Members pay into a common platform and contributions are
Digital Savings Collective/Pool pooled for issuing loans. Interest from the loans shared among the
An end-to-end process that allows other organizations to setup and
Savings-as-a-service (SaaS) offer saving services
Digital Remittances (Cross Border- Provide cross-border remittances services
Digital Remittances (Domestic-P2P) Provide domestic remittances services
Money transfer (P2P, P2B, B2P, Provide digital means of payment to access and utilize funds stored
Digital Payments B2B) in an account (e.g. Virtual debit/credit card, Wallet)
Issue electronic funds and provide digital means of payment to
eMoney Issuers access and use those funds (e.g. Virtual prepaid card, E-Money)
Use of a mobile phone to transfer funds between banks or accounts,
Mobile Money deposit or withdraw funds or pay bills

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Category Business Model Sub Vertical Definition

Acquiring services providers for Provide means for the acceptance of digital payments by merchants
Points of access (PoS, mPoS, on-line
Provide hardware or software to capture payment transactions to
PoS) transmit to a network
Bulk Payment Solutions - Payroll, Provides payments to multiple beneficiaries from a single
Grants, etc. transaction
Provider facilitating the top-ups or refill of various products and
Top-ups and refil services such as mobile phone contracts
Digital Payments Provides digital payment acceptance services on behalf of
Payment gateways multiple acquirers to integrate different types of digital payments
Collect payments on behalf of multiple merchants and accept
Payment aggregators different digital payments instruments
Integrate different online payment services through a unified API
API Hubs for Payments service
Settlement and clearing services Manage and operate digital platforms where different entities
providers exchange funds on their behalf or on behalf of their customers
Platform provides a central limit order-book using a trading engine
Order-book to match buy and sell orders from users
DEX relayer Peer-to-peer relay exchange built on top of a public blockchain
Single dealer platform/OTC trading Provider engaging in a trade enabling users to engage in bilateral
trades outside of formal trading venues
Platform using automated trading bots to mimic the actions of
Trading bots successful traders
Provider enabling automated market making and arbitrage
HFT services strategies
Digital Asset Services allowing users to buy portfolio bundles to get access to
Exchange Advanced trading services more sophisticated trading tools
Platform allows users to acquire and/or sell digital assets (in
Brokerage services particular, cryptoassets) at a given prices and submit orders
Aggregation Platform that aggregates prices to facilitate selection by the client
Allows users to buy and sell digital assets (in particular,
Bitcoin Teller Machines (BTM) cryptoassets) using physical cash
User matching platform that allows users to store funds at the
P2P marketplaces current exchange and trade externally to the platform
Retail Facing Clearing Allows trading and clearing of cryptocurrency future contracts
(Consumers Software Wallet (Mobile Wallet/ Software wallets are desktop wallets that are connected to the
& MSMEs) Tablet Wallet/Desktop Wallet) internet
Online applications that can be accessed from any connected device
Web Wallet (eMoney Wallet) via a browser
Sophisticated key management and custody solutions combining
Digital Custody Vault services multiple layers of security
Services using multi-sig and other security techniques to facilitate
Key management services key management and key recovery
A special type of bitcoin wallet which stores the user's private keys
Hardware Wallet in a secure hardware device
Usage-based Premiums or level of cover are determined by usage behavior
Compensates policy holders automatically based on pre-defined
Parametric based triggers associated with losses
Insurance is extended in real-time for a specific risk event and
On-Demand Insurance duration
Peer-to-Peer Insurance Risk-sharing network where a group of individuals pool premiums
Enables distribution partnerships with MNOs, virtual marketplaces
Technical Service Provider (TSP) and other consumer aggregation points
Allows users to buy insurance cover, underwritten by one or
Digital Brokers or Agent multiple insurers
Compares insurers and insurance options to facilitate policy
Comparison Portal selection
Customer Management Supports insurers in managing customer acquisition
Claims & Risk Management Supports insurers in risk management and the processing digital
Solutions claims
IoT (including telematics) Remote devices connected to insurance services
Digital Wealth Management Online platforms to supply and provide asset management services
Social Trading Platforms that provide investment advice through a social network
Asset management automated solutions based on algorithms or
Robo-Advisors artificial intelligence
Robo Retirement/Pension Planning Robo-advisors
WealthTech use algorithms and machine learning to offer
pension advice
Allows the ability to understand and effectively apply various
Personal Financial Management/ financial skills, including personal financial management, budgeting,
Planning and investing
Financial Comparison Sites Online and mobile platforms comparing financial products


Category Business Model Sub Vertical Definition

Collects and integrates data from multiple sources to build a
Profiling and due diligence profile of a person or entity to allow identity confirmation and
categorization according to regulation
Monitors customer deposits and withdrawals for signs of “tainted”
Blockchain forensics coins that may have been involved in criminal activity
Uses big data to assess the risk of fraud, market abuse or other
RegTech Risk Analytics misconduct at the transaction level
Facilitates and monitors regulatory changes to ensure that policies
Dynamic Compliance and controls adapt seamlessly to changing requirements
Regulatory Reporting Reporting and Dashboards
Matches market-level outcomes to regulatory or internal rules to,
Market Monitoring for example, identify poor product performance
Alternative Credit Rating Agency Issues alternative credit ratings and credit assessment
Uses alternative data to assess creditworthiness of their customers,
Credit Scoring adding much-needed nuance to credit applications
Connects an individual’s personality type and behavior with a credit
Alternative Credit Psychometric Analytics or insurance product
& Data Analytics Analyses social communication patterns with social sensing
Sociometric Analytics technology to drive innovative transformation services
Discovers patterns within biometric signals to ascertain potentially
Biometric Analytics valuable information about a person such as emotional state or
Market longevity.
Provisioning Captures and records key biometric attributes such as fingerprints
Security & Biometrics for identification
Captures and records key biographical attributes such as location of
Digital Identity KYC Solutions birth for identification
Fraud Prevention & Risk Aims to prevent theft and misuse of personal data
The process of creating and publishing web application
API Management programming interfaces (APIs) by, for example, enforcing their
usage policies and analyzing usage statistics
The on-demand availability of computer system resources,
Cloud Computing especially data storage (cloud storage) and computing power,
without direct active management by the user
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning/Natural Language
Enterprise AI/ML/NLP Processing
Technology The features of blockchain technology that will solve major
Provisioning Enterprise Blockchain enterprise problems
Business intelligence tools that help finance professionals gain
Financial Management and insight in internal and the external factors that affect the bottom
Business Intelligenc line
The formation, representation and transmission of financial data in
Digital Accounting an electronic format
Electronic Invoicing A form of electronic billing to allow collection of payment

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

Appendix D: Number of observations by headquarter Country/Jurisdiction

Number of Number of
Region Country/Jurisdiction Region Country/Jurisdiction
Observations by HQ Observations by HQ
United Kingdom United Kingdom 175 Europe Finland 4
North America Europe Greece 4
United States 122
(US & Canada) APAC Pakistan 4
APAC India 83 APAC Vietnam 4
CHINA China 73 LAC Ecuador 3
APAC Singapore 54 LAC Dominican Republic 3
SSA South Africa 43 APAC Mongolia 3
APAC Australia 42 SSA Cote d'Ivoire 3
Europe Germany 39 SSA Cameroon 3
LAC Mexico 39 SSA Rwanda 3
LAC Brazil 38 APAC Cambodia 3
Europe France 31 Europe Hungary 3
LAC Argentina 30 SSA Eswatini 3
Europe Spain 29 Europe Russia 3
SSA Uganda 28 Europe Latvia 3
LAC Colombia 24 SSA Zimbabwe 2
Europe Switzerland 24 LAC Costa Rica 2
Europe Italy 24 Europe Bulgaria 2
SSA Nigeria 23 MENA Lebanon 2
North America SSA Burkina Faso 2
Canada 20
(US & Canada)
MENA Bahrain 2
APAC Indonesia 20
LAC Cayman Islands 2
SSA Kenya 19
APAC Maldives 2
Europe Denmark 18
MENA Jordan 2
Europe Norway 17
LAC Venezuela 2
APAC Malaysia 17
MENA Saudi Arabia 2
APAC Hong Kong 16
MENA Qatar 2
MENA United Arab Emirates 14
SSA Botswana 2
APAC Taiwan 14
Europe Gibraltar 1
SSA Ghana 13
LAC Bolivia 1
LAC Honduras 13
LAC Nevis 1
Europe Ireland 13
Europe Iceland 1
Europe Netherlands 13
APAC Bangladesh 1
LAC Peru 12
Europe Macedonia 1
APAC Japan 11
LAC Haiti 1
Europe Sweden 10
SSA Benin 1
Europe Albania 1
MENA Egypt 10
MENA Tunisia 1
MENA Israel 9
SSA Zambia 1
APAC South Korea 8
Europe Romania 1
LAC Guatemala 8
LAC El Salvador 1
Europe Estonia 8
APAC Myanmar 1
APAC Thailand 7
Europe Bosnia & Herzegovina 1
Europe Austria 7
SSA Sierra Leone 1
Europe Luxembourg 7
Europe Curaçao 1
SSA Mozambique 6
Europe Serbia 1
Europe Lithuania 6
LAC Panama 1
APAC New Zealand 6
Europe Andorra 1
Europe Portugal 6
LAC Belize 1
SSA Mauritius 6
Europe Slovenia 1
Europe Malta 6
Europe Croatia 1
LAC Paraguay 6
SSA Malawi 1
Europe Belgium 5
Europe Ukraine 1
SSA Seychelles 5
Europe Isle of Man 1
APAC Philippines 5
SSA Somaliland 1
Europe Czech Republic 5
Europe Montenegro 1
Europe Poland 5
Europe Cyprus 1
Europe Slovakia 4
SSA Senegal 1
Europe Georgia 1
APAC Sri Lanka 4
Total 1428
Europe Turkey 4
LAC Uruguay 4


Appendix E: FinTech Firms that Participated in the Study

The CCAF, World Bank Group and the World Economic Forum Research Team would like to thank the
following firms for kindly participating in our study.

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study


The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study


The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study


The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study


1.  When interpreting the results of this study it is important to note that responses were not weighted to account
for the size of firms or their relative market share. For more information on the research methodology see
Chapter 1.
3.  See Arner, Douglas W., et al. “Digital Finance & The COVID-19 Crisis.” University of Hong Kong. 26 March 2020.
4.  Doyle, Sean. “Systems of Cyber Resilience: Secure and Trusted FinTech.” World Economic Forum. 23 July 2020.
5.  Agur, Itai, Soledad Martinez Peria, and Celine Rochon. “Digital Financial Services and the Pandemic:
Opportunities and Risks for Emerging and Developing Economies.” International Monetary Fund, July 2020;
Auer, Raphael, Giulio Cornelli and Jon Frost. “Covid-19, cash and the future of payments”, BIS Bulletin No 3,
April 2020.
6.  Jurd de Girancourt, Francois, Mayowa Kuyoro, Nii Amaah Ofosu-Amaah, Edem Seshie, and Frederick Twum.
“How the COVID19 crisis may affect electronic payments in Africa.” McKinsey & Company. June 2020. https://
7.  For example, a recent study by the Swiss Finance Institute that draws on mobile application statistics from 74
countries found that the spread of Covid-19 and related government lockdowns led to between 33.1 and
36.6 increase in the relative rate of daily downloads during the peak of the pandemic. Fu, Jonathan and Mrinal
Mishra. Fintech in the times of covid-19: Trust and Technological Adoption during Crises, Swiss Finance
Institute, Research paper Series 20-38.
8.  See Arner, Douglas W., et al. “Digital Finance & The COVID-19 Crisis.” University of Hong Kong. 26 March 2020.
9.  Doyle, Sean. “Systems of Cyber Resilience: Secure and Trusted FinTech.” World Economic Forum. 23 July 2020.
10.  Agur, Itai, Soledad Martinez Peria, and Celine Rochon (2020) and Sahay et al
11.  Weisman, Ben. “The Impact of COVID-19 on the Global Financial System.” World Economic Forum.
8 May 2020.
12.  World Bank and CCAF (2020) The Global Covid-19 FinTech Regulatory Rapid Assessment Report, World Bank
Group and the University of Cambridge
13.  This was through personalized emails to pertinent contacts in the firms, direct messages via social media
channels and telephone calls to platform management.
14.  No noticeable differences were observed between the market performance indicators of Retail-facing FinTechs
compared to Market Provisioning FinTechs, on average. Specific verticals categorized within the Retail-facing
FinTech category did deviate from the overall FinTech averages presented here, with specific analysis by vertical
included in Chapter 3.
15.  For instance, 480 firms in the Digital Payment and Digital Custody verticals responded to the question
concerning changes in services, with 30% of them indicated that they had deployed additional payment
channels, and a further 15% reported that they were in the process of implementing this change.
16.  The Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (2020) 2020 Global COVID-19 FinTech Regulatory Rapid
Assessment Available at:

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

17.  As logic was presented in the survey instrument, only Digital Lending, Digital Banking and Digital Savings firms
responded to ‘access to liquidity facilities’.
18.  ibid
19.  “The Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT) provides a systematic cross-national, cross-temporal
measure to understand how government responses have evolved over the full period of the disease’s spread. The
project tracks governments’ policies and interventions across a standardized series of indicators and creates a suite
of composites indices to measure the extent of these responses.” Source: BSG working paper series, Variation in
government responses to COVID-19, version 7.0
20.  The analysis team used data from Q2 which represents the data following official recognition, by WHO, of the
Covid-19 outbreak as a global pandemic on 11th March 2020. Consequently, the team calculated the averages
for Q2 of 2020 based upon daily data of each country. (
The analysis was standardized according to 109 headquarter countries and the number of observations in the
dataset (1410). This data was then split into newly defined categories of ‘lowstringency’, ‘mediumstringency’ and
‘high stringency’ measures, as can be seen in the below table.
Index Number of Countries # of responses
Low Stringency 37 302
Medium Stringency 37 709
High Stringency 35 399
Total 109 1410

21.  Retrieved from: (

22.  The only vertical to have seen a decline in total volume is that of Digital Lending. It is worth noting that the
relative decline in low vs high stringency jurisdictions is comparable, with Digital Lending firms in the low-
stringency quantile reporting a larger decline in volume than those in high Highstringency jurisdictions.
23.  Designations are based upon the GNI per capita of the country or territory, and can be referred to via the World
Bank Held Desk:
The distribution of survey respondents by income classification is as follows
Designation Income Level Number of Respondents % of Total Dataset
Advanced Economies High Income 820 57%
Low Income 42 3%
EMDEs Lower Middle Income 208 15%
Upper Middle Income 348 24%

24.  When discussing Digital Lending, it is not uncommon for comparisons to be made to Digital Banking as both
verticals engage with borrower groups, albeit under different constraints. When considering key market
performance indicators, the two verticals have been impacted by Covid-19 in contradictory ways. Whilst the
Digital Lending vertical has, on average, observed a drop in both y-o-y transaction volume and number of
transactions, Digital Banking firms reported growth respective to their transaction volume changes (up 10%)
and with respect to the number of transactions executed (21%). Similarly, when considering number of new
loans issued, Digital Banks reported a 16% increase compared to the 6% decline observed by Digital Lending
25.  Bank for International Settlements (2020), “Central banks and payments in the digital era”, BIS Annual Economic
Report, Ch. 3,


Region Sub-vertical Proportion
Money transfer (P2P, P2B, B2P, B2B) (n.36) 12%
Payment gateways (n.34) 11%
APAC Acquiring services providers for merchants (n.32) 10%
Payment aggregators (n.31) 10%
Top-ups and refill (n.29) 9%
Payment gateways (n.6) 15%
Settlement and clearing services providers (n.5) 12%
China Money transfer (P2P, P2B, B2P, B2B) (n.4) 10%
API Hubs for Payments (n.3) 7%
Acquiring services providers for merchants (n.3) 7%
Payment gateways (n.18) 14%
Acquiring services providers for merchants (n.17) 13%
Europe Money transfer (P2P, P2B, B2P, B2B) (n.15) 12%
Mobile Money (n.12) 9%
Points of access (PoS, mPoS, on-line PoS) (n.12) 9%
Payment gateways (n.26) 12%
Payment aggregators (n.23) 11%
LAC Money transfer (P2P, P2B, B2P, B2B) (n.22) 10%
API Hubs for Payments (n.19) 9%
Acquiring services providers for merchants (n.18) 9%
Acquiring services providers for merchants (n.13) 13%
Money transfer (P2P, P2B, B2P, B2B) (n.11) 11%
MENA Payment aggregators (n.11) 11%
Payment gateways (n.11) 11%
Mobile Money (n.9) 9%
Money transfer (P2P, P2B, B2P, B2B) (n.11) 18%
Mobile Money (n.7) 12%
North America Points of access (PoS, mPoS, on-line PoS) (n.7) 12%
API Hubs for Payments (n.6) 10%
Digital Remittances (Cross Border-P2P ) (n.5) 8%
Mobile Money (n.36) 13%
Money transfer (P2P, P2B, B2P, B2B) (n.31) 11%
SSA Payment gateways (n.30) 10%
Digital Remittances (Domestic-P2P ) (n.27) 9%
Bulk Payment Solutions - Payroll, Grants, etc (n.26) 9%
Money transfer (P2P, P2B, B2P, B2B) (n.10) 14%
Mobile Money (n.8) 12%
United Kingdom Digital Remittances (Cross Border-P2P ) (n.7) 10%
Points of access (PoS, mPoS, on-line PoS) (n.7) 10%
API Hubs for Payments (n.6) 9%

27.  When comparing Digital Payments with another key vertical, that of Digital Banking, some noticeable parallels
can be drawn between these two Retail-facing models. During Covid-19, both verticals reported growth
respective to their y-o-y transaction volume changes (21% and 10% respectively) and with respect to the
number of transactions executed (23% and 21% respectively). When considering customer engagement,
both also saw an increase in new customers or users (23% and 30% respectively%), and retention of existing
customers also increased (31% and 37% respectively).

Despite reporting growth of their sector, reporting on operational performance indicators suggests that both
verticals have experienced a greater number of unsuccessful transactions against the previous year, with both
verticals noting a 10% increase in this occurrence. Costs associated with onboarding (15% for Digital Payments
and 9% for Digital Banking) and data storage (15% and 12% respectively) were also documented. When
considering key risks, operators from both verticals also noted an increase in Cyber-security risk as compared to
the previous year (19% and 20% respectively).
28.  The CCAF taxonomy has evolved largely from the FCA’s general definition of Crowdfunding. In the FCA 2016,
Crowdfunding is defined as: “an internet-based business model […] in which people and businesses (including
start-ups) can try to raise money from the public, to support a business, project, campaign or individual”
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) (2016a), Crowdfunding,
29.  The World Bank and CCAF (2019) Regulating Alternative Finance: Results from a Global Regulator Survey
(Page 9)

The Global Covid-19 FinTech Market Rapid Assessment Study

30.  The World Bank and CCAF (2020) Global COVID-19 FinTech Regulatory Rapid Assessment Study (Page 10)
31.  Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad,
Comoros, Congo Republic, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea,
Eswatini, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar,
Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra
Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
32.  Australia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, Fiji, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Macao,
Malaysia, Maldives, Mongolia, Myanmar, Nepal, New Caledonia, New Zealand, North Korea, Pakistan, Papua
New Guinea, Philippines, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, China, Thailand,
Timor-Leste, Tokelau, Tonga, Vanuatu and Vietnam
33.  Albania, Andorra, Armenia, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Curaçao,
Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Faro Islands, Finland, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece,
Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania,
Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan,
Turkey and Ukraine.
34.  DIT. (2020) UK FinTech. The state of nation. Access:
35.  Bank of England. Speech given by Tom Mutton, Director, Fintech at the 2nd Bund Summit on digital currency,
fintech and inclusive finance on 25 October 2020. Access:
36.  EY UK FinTech Census 2019 A snapshot: two years on (2019). Access:
37.  Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Bolivia, Brazil, Cayman Islands,
Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Curacao, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Falkland Islands,
Greenland, Guadeloupe, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Northern Mariana
Islands, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Saint Lucia, Sint Maarten, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago,
Uruguay, Venezuela and Virgin Islands.
38.  Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman,
Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, United Arab Emirates and Yemen.


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