PHD Ordinances (2018)
PHD Ordinances (2018)
PHD Ordinances (2018)
203-250-7-2018 03\PG\PhD_Ordinances.pmd
1.1 This Ordinance shall be called “Gujarat University Ph.D. Ordinance 2010; Revised in 2015 and
Revised in 2018”. It shall come into force from the date notified by the Gujarat University.
1.2 This Ordinance shall apply to the Ph.D. programme conducted in different disciplines at the University
Post Graduate (PG) Departments / University Schools, selected affiliated colleges, recognized
institutions and/or centres approved by the Gujarat University or affiliated to the Gujarat University.
1.3 The Regulations govern the conditions for imparting instructions for the courses, conduct of
examinations and evaluation of scholars’ performance leading to Ph.D. degree. These Regulations will
be effective for the batches of scholars admitted from the academic year 2018-19 onwards.
1.4 Doctoral Programme leading to the degree of Ph.D. shall be offered in the following Faculties/Subjects
and inter-disciplinary Faculties/Subjects of the University:
a. Arts
b. Commerce and Management
c. Education
d. Journalism and Communication
e. Law
f. Medicine, Dental and other paramedical subjects such as Physiotherapy, etc.
g. Physical Education
h. Science, including Computer Science
1.5. The provisions of these Regulations shall be applicable to any new disciplines/subject that are
introduced from time to time and included to the above list.
1.6. There shall be the Research Recognition Council (RRC) along with the Board of University Teaching
and Research (BUTR). The RRC/BUTR shall coordinate all the decisions pertaining to research and
Ph.D. programme. RRC/BUTR shall be primarily empowered to recommend/amend the rules,
regulations and ordinances.
1.7. Notwithstanding any provisions contained in these Regulations, on the recommendation of the Academic
Council (AC) and the Executive Council (EC) shall exercise its powers to change/amend/interpret/
implement the decisions and actions concerned with academic matters, to change any or all parts of
these Regulations at any time.
There shall be committee/s for Admission and registration like 1). Admission committee & 2). Research
Development Committee (RDC) at the School/Department/University level for each subject.
2.1 Admission Committee
a. An Admission Committee at School/department shall be constituted as:
i. Chairperson : Head/Coordinator of the University
Department/school in the concern subject
ii. Hon. VC Nominee: A Professor from other School/Department
iii. Members: Ph.D. guides from School/Department/colleges.
This committee shall coordinate all the admission related work of the department/school/college.
The Director/Head/Coordinator of the Department/School shall convene the meetings of the
Admission Committee.
c. There shall be common Entrance Test, Group Discussion (GD) and Personal Interview (PI) at
University level. The admission committee shall evaluate and scrutinize the academic, professional
and research related potential of the candidates based on the performance in the Entrance Test,
GD & PI, etc. for RDC. The admission shall be final only after the candidate become successful
in RDC.
For each subject in a faculty there shall be a Research and Development Committee (RDC) at
University level. The members of the committee shall hold office for a period of three years from the
date of constitution of the committee. The functions of the RDC will be to monitor/evaluate the Ph.D.
programme. The members of the committee shall be as:
1. Chairperson : Head/Chairperson of the University Department/School
2. Members : Director of the Concerned School
3. : Dean of the concerned faculty
4. : Chairman of the Board of Studies of the concerned subject
5. & 6. Two outside subject experts from other than Gujarat
University to be nominated by the Hon. VC
7. Invitees : Guide/s (by invitation and for admission consultation only)
The recommendations of the Research and Development Committee (RDC) shall be referred to the
RRC/BUTR and then subsequently shall be placed before the Academic Council and the Executive
Council for necessary action.
This category refers to employed scholars admitted to the Ph.D. programme. A “No Objection
Certificate” is mandatory from the Head of the institution/employer along with the application. Such
scholars shall not be entitled/eligible for any kind of fellowship, financial assistantship and
accommodation etc. offered by the University.
O. Ph.D. 4. Eligibility:
4.1. A candidate shall be eligible to register for the Ph.D. degree only in the Faculty in which he/she has
obtained Master’s Degree with at least 55% (SC/ST/OBC/SEBC 50%) or equivalent grade without
graee marks in the subject from Gujarat University or any other University recognized by the University
Grants Commission (UGC)/MHRD.
4.2 A candidate in the Faculty of Arts who has taken a Master’s Degree in Mathematics may be registered
for Ph.D. degree in Science Faculty in the subject of Mathematical Science subject to the approval from
RRC/BUTR and Hon. VC.
4.3 A candidate in the Faculty of Arts or Commerce who has taken his/her Master’s degree in Economics
or Statistics may be registered for Ph.D. degree, in any one of these faculties subject to the approval
from RRC/BUTR and Hon. VC.
4.4 A candidate who has obtained the degree of Master of Engineering or M.Tech. with Computer Science,
Information Technology, Electronics, Environment, Bioscience, Biotechnology as one of the subjects of
this University or of any other University, recognized as equivalent thereto, may be allowed to registered
for the Ph.D. degree in Science Faculty in the subject/s of Computer Science/Electronics/Environment
Science/Climate Change Impacts Management/Biotechnology/Life Science etc. subject to the approval
from RRC/BUTR and Hon. VC.
4.5 The fellow members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants and/or Institute of Costing and Works
Accounts and/or a qualified Company Secretary shall be considered eligible for registration for Ph.D.
in the subject in the concerned Board of Studies in the Faculty of Commerce, provided that they
possess a Bachelor’s Degree of any statutory University. Such candidates shall have at least five years
of professional experience, subject to the approval from RRC/BUTR and Ho. VC.
4.6 A person having a second class Master’s Degree secured prior to 19 September 1991 from any
recognized university by UGC with at least 10 years teaching experience in an educational institution
or professional experience in industry may be considered eligible for registration for Ph.D. degree
subject to the approval from RRC/BUTR and Hon. VC.
ii. In many emerging areas that are multi/intra/inter disciplinary in nature, opportunities shall be
provided for research and Ph.D. studies. A candidate applying for such emerging areas shall specify
the specific discipline in which he/she intends to pursue research, the subject of research being
wholly or partly related to the subject of the post-graduate degree qualified by the candidate. The
admission under such emerging areas shall be considered only on the basis of proven ability and
aptitude of the candidate for such level of research before the RDC after fulfilling all other applicable
criteria for admission subject to the approval by the RRC/BUTR and Hon. VC.
iii. Candidates who propose to carry out research work in Multi/intra/inter disciplinary areas shall be
permitted to have a Co-Guide on the recommendation of the RDC. The Co-Guide could be from
the same or a different department/college/centre of Gujarat University or from any other recognized
University/institution in India or abroad.
iv. Hon. VC may approve, based on the recommendation of RRC/BUTR, change to another faculty/
subject other than the one in which the candidate has obtained his/her master’s degree, and granting
registration to such scholar for the Ph.D. degree in an allied/different/concerned subject on a case
to case basis.
4.8 For foreign candidates (those who have not obtained Master’s degree or equivalent degree from Indian
Universities), the minimum percentage of marks shall be 55% or equivalent grade in the Master’s
Degree or equivalent qualification is mandatory.
O. Ph.D. 5. Recognition of Ph.D. Guides in the faculties of Arts, Commerce and Management,
Science, Education, Journalism and Communication, Law, Medicine, Dental and
other paramedical subjects such as Physiotherapy, etc.
5.1 Professors/Associate Professors holding Ph.D. degree at the Gujarat University Departments/Schools
shall be considered to be recognized Ph.D. guides of Gujarat University.
5.2 Regular teaching faculties/scientists with Ph.D. degree working in affiliated colleges/research institutions
with at least 05 years of actual post graduate teaching/Reserch experience with minimum 05 publications
in peer reviewed journals after the award of their Ph.D. shall be eligible to apply for recognition as Ph.D.
Guides. Hon. VC on the recommendation of RDC may approve such recognition as Ph.D. Guide
5.3 In the Faculty of Medicine/Dental, Paramedical, etc., a candidate with post-graduate qualifications and
05 years of actual teaching and research experience after acquiring the post-graduate qualification and
with not less than 05 years of actual teaching experience at post-graduate level and at least 05
publications in peer reviewed journals shall be eligible to apply for recognition as Ph.D. guide. On the
recommendation of RDC, such candidate may be approved by the Hon. VC as a Guide.
5.4 In the Faculty of Law, a candidate holding Ph.D. degree with 05 years of actual teaching/research
experience after acquiring the post-graduate qualifications in the faculty and with not less than 03 years
of actual teaching and research experience at post-graduate level after obtaining the Ph.D. degree and
at least 05 publications in peer reviewed journals shall be eligible to apply for recognition as Ph.D. guide.
Hon. VC may recognize such candidate as Ph.D. Guide on the recommendation of RDC.
5.5 Hon. VC, on the recommendation of RDC and RRC/BUTR, may recognize any scientist/professional
associated with a recognized/approved institution by Gujarat University, within the territorial jurisdiction
of Gujarat University and other faculty members from Nationally Renowned Institutions/universities as
Ph.D. guide subject to the following;
(i) The candidate should be Ph.D. in the subject or in a related discipline of recognized University,
(ii) At least 05 years of actual PG teaching/research/industrial/professional experience after
obtaining the Ph.D. degree,
(iii) At least 05 research papers published in a refereed/indexed/ISBN /ISSN journal of national/
international standing after the award of Ph.D. degree.
(iii) Where publications are not applicable in disciplines like Drama/fine arts, etc., the person should
have certificates of at least 05 national/international level performances/exhibitions, as the case
may be.
5.6 In Multi/intra/inter disciplinary areas (subjects), a candidate who has qualification/s or experience/
expertise in special or related discipline/s can apply for recognition as Guide in an additional/different/
allied subject and where the RRC is satisfied about the merit of the candidate, Hon. VC may recognize
a candidate as Ph.D. guide. However 5.6 (i) to (iii) shall be applicable.
5.7 Hon. VC, on the recommendations of RDC and RRC/BUTR, may recognize as Ph.D. guide to any
eminent scholar or eminent educationalist who has given his/her valuable contribution in the concern/
allied area of education.
5.8 Many newly emerged Higher Payment Programmes (HPP) have been offered by the Gujarat University
in last two decades. To cater the need of research and developmental aspects in these programmes,
Ph.D. programme was also introduced with recognized guides in each concerned subject. As it is special
requirement of the multi/intra/inter disciplinary subjects in the university, the number of scholars
registered with such guides shall be considered as supernumerary. The allotment of such scholars shall
be done on the recommendation of RDC and RRC/BUTR. The maximum number of such registered
scholars shall be per subject and 6.1 in this document.
5.9 Co-guide: To accommodate interdisciplinary aspects in research, a Ph.D. guide can act as a co-guide
on the recommendation of RDC and with the approval of the Hon. VC. The number of scholars
working under a co-guide shall not be taken into consideration while counting the permissible number
of scholars registered under a particular Ph.D. guide.
5.10 The University shall prepare a panel of external Ph.D. guides chosen from the leading and well-known
researchers in distinguished fields. This panel shall be prepared by invitation only from expression of
interest by National Laboratories, National Research institutions and overseas Universities as per the
provisions of University Grants Commission (UGC) & MHRD, time to time.
5.11 A Ph.D. guide, in case of his/her shifting/transfer to some other University/superannuation may continue
to guide the candidate/s already registered under him/her. Such person/s shall cease to be approved
Ph.D. guides of the University on successful completion of Ph.D. studies of the concerned candidates.
O.Ph.D.6. Norms for supervision
6.1 Intake
(i) Number of scholars per guide:
(a) Number of Ph.D. scholars with a Ph.D. guide shall be as under
Professor: 08
Associate Professor: 06
Assistant Professor: 04
However, the accommodation of candidates from HPP etc. shall be as per 5.9 in this
(b) The scholar who is RA/SRF/JRF/Project fellow/any other fellowship holder and working in
interdisciplinary areas and from foreign countries shall be in addition to the above numbers, i.e.,
they will be considered as supernumerary too, till the vacancy occurred and back to prescribe
(c) In case of paucity/absence of approved Ph.D. guides in Multi/intra/inter disciplinary areas, the
candidates may be permitted to register in an allied area with an available Ph.D. guide within
the University jurisdiction and have a co-guide from any other neighbouring approved research
institution by Gujarat University at the discretion of the Hon. VC, provided he/she fulfils the
applicable criteria in consultation with RDC and RRC/BUTR.
7.1 The number of available seats for each subject for Ph.D. programme in the university shall be decided
well in advance and notified on the university website or by an advertisement, along with the date for
the Entrance Test etc.
7.2 The candidates seeking admission shall have to fill up the prescribed admission form designed by the
Gujarat University time to time and submit the same within the prescribed date specified in the admission
7.3 There shall be a common Entrance Test for all the eligible candidates who are interested for Ph.D.
admission in Gujarat University as full time, part time or independent research.
7.4 Those who qualify in the Entrance Test shall have to appear for Group Discussions (GD) and Personal
Interviews (PI) at the concerned subject Department/School at the Gujarat University, Ahmedabad.
7.6 A copy of the Ph.D. Ordinance, rules and regulations, details of Entrance Test, etc., related to the Ph.D.
programme shall be provided to the candidates along with the admission form or through the website
of the University.
7.7 Only stipulated number (available seats) of candidates shall be admitted to the Ph.D. programme based
on the merit position of the eligible candidates. Merit position shall be decided after completion of the
entire process of Entrance Test, Group Discussion (GD) and Personal Interview (PI) etc.
7.8 The University shall adopt the reservation policy of State Government for admission to Ph.D.
programme, however, the reservation shall be observed on a rotation basis within departments/among
the school/affiliated Colleges/recognized Institutions etc. by maintaining the overall percentage of the
total number of seats announced. The directors of the concerned school in coordination with heads
of the departments would coordinate for such provision.
7.9 The admission process, i.e., Entrance Test/GD/PI/seminar etc. shall be conducted once a year.
However, admission shall be granted
twice a year. The first term/semester admission process is
expected to be completed
by 31 August/or as may be decided by Hon. VC and the second term
admission process by 31 January/or as may be decided by Hon. VC for every academic year.
7.12 Candidates eligible for direct admission to the Ph.D. programme without entrance test, group discussion
and personal interview:
i. The candidates who are awarded Junior Research Fellowships (JRF/TRF) or any other
prestigious fellowship from UGC, CSIR, DBT, ICMR, ICAR, etc., shall be eligible for direct
admission to the Ph.D. programme any time of the year. Such candidates should, however,
discuss their topic, research content etc., with the RDC, for final approval.
ii. Following candidates shall also be admitted direct to the Ph.D. programme on the
recommendation of the Admission Committee with the approval of the RDC, provided they
fulfill other requirements regarding eligibility, qualification, etc. However, such candidates shall
have to present a seminar and discuss the broad area of research before the RDC. Such
admissions shall be done on a case to case basis by RDC and RRC/BUTR.
a. Candidates sponsored under MoU/agreement between the Gujarat University and
University/Institution/research station/laboratory etc. in India or abroad where specific
clause(s) exist for registration of candidates for Ph.D. degree by the university and/or those
selected under international cultural/educational/research/investigation exchange schemes of
Government of Gujarat/India/UN bodies etc.
b. Non-resident Indians and foreigners residing/working abroad, who have the required
qualifications and working in academics/ research/industry/professional bodies for at least
05 years.
c. Teachers working in government/aided/unaided institutions having at least 03 years of
continuous teaching experience at degree and/or post-graduate level in the subject
concerned and granted leave for pursuing Ph.D. programme and are awarded fellowship
under Quality Improvement Programme or equivalent programme to pursue full-time Ph.D.
d. Project fellows/Teachers working for minor/major research project approved/accepted by
Gujarat University, as per the guidelines of the funding agency will also be exempted from
Entrance Test. However, such candidates are required to fulfill other applicable rules and
regulations for admission and discuss their research content before the RDC.
8.1 The admitted scholars shall be required to undertake course work organized by the University/Research
Centre/institution as the case may be. Full-time, part-time and independent Ph.D. scholars shall also be
required to go through the course work for one semester/term. The course work shall be treated as
pre-Ph.D. preparation.
8.2 The scholars who have completed M.Phil. degree shall be exempted from the course work. For all
other scholars, including JRF, and those who are getting direct admission to the Ph.D. programme,
course work is compulsory for one and all. A Ph.D. scholar has to earn prescribed credit for the course
work prior to the submission of Synopsis of the Thesis. However if any one of above candidates wishes
to opt for course work, will be permitted.
8.3 The course work shall carry 10 credits (one credit=15 hours). The concerned department/school/
institution shall decide the details of the course work, teaching schedule and evaluation within the broad
framework given below:
i. 05 credits (75 hours) for “Research Skills” which includes research methodology, quantitative
methods, computer application, tools and techniques for research and experimentation,
instrumentation, communications skills, review of published research, report writing, seminar
presentation, etc.
ii. 04 credits (60 hours) for subject specific course work. Out of the 60 hours, 25 hours shall be
devoted to review of the subject/laboratory exercises, 25 hours for seminar/teaching in different
contemporary and development issues in the subject/laboratory work and 10 hours shall be for
review of research papers in the subject.
iii. 01 credit (15 hours) for field work, seminar/lab work and other academic activities including
conducting classes in the Department/School/ASC-HRDC.
iv. The details of the specific subject shall be decided by the department/school/ ASC-HRDC.
8.4 Every year, UGC’s Academic Staff College (ASC) now Human Resource Development Centre
(HRDC) of Gujarat University would conduct the Course work to obtaining necessary credit points for
scholars, as Research Methodology Workshop/Training Course/Summer-winter School/Refresher
Course etc. of 03/04 weeks duration. For Ph.D. programme.
8.5 A certificate duly signed by the Director HRDC and Head of the concern department/school (or other
recognized bodies as per 8.8) would be essential before the submission of the synopsis. The synopsis
of the scholars would be accepted only after such necessary certification.
8.6 The detailed norms for evaluation of the course work shall be decided by the department/school/
institution/HRDC to gather. At the end of the course work all the scholars shall have to appear for
external examinations in the above two papers. The examination may be conducted online or any other
form as decided by the university.
8.7 The passing criteria for each subject/paper shall be 45% marks with an aggregate of 50% in both the
papers. Those who failed to get the minimum passing marks shall have to reappear for such
examination in next academic year or as alternative arrangement made by the university.
8.8 The course work carried out by the candidates in other recognized department/ institutions/college/
university, with the prior approval of the RDC or RRC/BUTR, for which due credit shall be given to
them, if found necessary. The Ph.D. scholars migrated abroad may be permitted to earn due credits
from their respective country with prior permission of RDC or RRC/BUTR.
8.9 Full-time scholar shall attend their respective department/school laboratory/institute/college according to
the pre-arranged time-table and programmes provided by Heads/coordinator/directors/principal. The
records of their attendance shall be maintained by the concerned Guide/s.
8.10 Part-time/independent scholars shall be required to make necessary arrangement to complete the course
work in coordination with concern Head of the department/school at the University level. Such instances
are required to discuss in detail with the RDC well in advance.
9.1 The short listed candidates in the merit lists shall not have any automatic right for allocation of guide
and enrolment for Ph.D. studies in the University. This shall be subject to availability of seats/consent
of the guide/availability of resources etc. at the University.
9.2 The allotment/allocation of guide shall not be left to the individual candidate or guide. The RDC or RRC/
BUTR shall have the sole authority to decide the allocation of guide to a candidate, subject to
availability of academic/laboratory resources/expertise etc. including the acceptance by the concerned
guide, the number of candidate per faculty, required infrastructure, research interest of the scholar as
indicated in the PI. The RDC or RRC/BUTR may, however, consider the choice indicated by the
candidate in the application, if found feasible.
9.3 The RDC or RRC/BUTR shall finalize and communicate the name of the guide and co-guide within a
month of admission of the candidate.
9.4 Notwithstanding anything contained in this ordinance, no guide or co-guide shall be under an obligation
to accept any candidate for Ph.D. studies.
9.5 The workload of Ph.D. guide shall be determined on the basis of the policy formulated by the Gujarat
University or UGC from time to time.
10.1 Minimum duration of the programme after which the thesis can be submitted:
1 Full time : 06 Semesters/Terms (03 years)
2 Part time : 08 Semesters/Terms (04 years)
3 Independent : 08 Semesters/Terms (04 years)
The duration of the programme shall be from the date of Registration, i.e., when the candidate is
admitted to the Ph.D. programme after the payment of fee.
O.Ph.D.11. Language of the thesis
11.1 The candidate should submit the Ph.D. thesis in English except when, it is related to an Indian language
or other foreign language, where the thesis should be in the language concerned.
11.2 In case of Gujarati language a scholar is allowed to submit the thesis in Gujarati. Before submitting the
thesis in Gujarati/Regional language as per the concen subject in language, the scholar is expected to
submit the abstract/important findings of the thesis in English (03 to 05 pages).
12.1 As soon as the candidates are admitted to the Ph.D. programme, they shall be provisionally registered
for the programme. After the title clearance by RDC/RRC, their Ph.D. registration shall be confirmed.
This process shall be completed within the term/semester of provisional registration.
12.2 A candidate admitted to the Ph.D. programme as per the procedure described earlier shall be registered
as a Ph.D. scholar by the University. The period of registration shall start from the date of admission.
12.3 The candidate shall be required to finalize and submit a brief research proposal of about 1000 words
containing the title, significance and scope of the topic, rationale, justification, national-international
status, theory and research methodology/techniques involved, references, bibliography, place of
research, etc., in coordination with guide/co-guide.
The RDC/RRC shall either confirm the acceptance of the research proposal or ask the scholar to make
necessary changes. (Guidelines given in Appendix I).
12.4 Once the topic and the guide are finalized, the scholar will be required to fill up the registration form
with the required fees. The registration form is given as Form III or as may be given by the University
time to time.
12.5 After the title clearance of the research proposal, the University shall notify the scholar about approval
of the topic of the thesis. (Format given in Appendix II).
12.6 A registered Ph.D. scholar shall not be allowed to pursue any other course/programme from any
University simultaneously. If any such violation is noticed, the registration of the scholar shall be
cancelled automatically.
12.7 A scholar shall not be permitted to submit a thesis for which a degree has been conferred on him/her
in this or in any other University. But a scholar shall not be precluded from incorporating any work
which he/she has already submitted for a degree in this or any other university, in a thesis covering a
wider field, provided that he/she shall indicate in a written statement accompanying the thesis any work
which has been so incorporated.
12.8 The candidate who has cleared Ph.D. Entrance Test and recommended by RDC/RRC for registration,
but awaiting for M.Phil. dissertation results shall be registered immediately after the notification of
M.Phil. degree for his/her Ph.D. programme throughout the year.
13.1 The candidate to be admitted to the Ph.D. programme shall have to pay the prescribed fees as stated
above or as modified by the university from time to time. The fees once paid shall not be adjusted or
refunded under any circumstances even, if the candidate cancels the admission. Any revision of fee shall
be payable by the Ph.D. scholar during the entire period of the Ph.D. degree.
13.2 All Ph.D. scholar shall have to pay the prescribed fee for 02 terms every year, till the date of submission
of the Ph.D. thesis.
The Ph.D. registration of a scholar is liable to be cancelled for any of the following reasons:
(a) Consistent lack of progress in research.
(b) Violation of discipline, conduct and rules of the Institute/ Department/ School/ University.
(c) Non-submission of the thesis within the stipulated period.
(d) Non-conformity with the rules/regulations/ordinances of the programme.
(e) Giving false information at the time of application/admission/registration.
(f) Registration may also be cancelled on the recommendations of the RDC/RRC on account of lack
of progress as reported by the guide and also after giving due opportunity to the scholar for
defending his/her case.
(g) Registration of the scholar shall be automatically cancelled if he/she fails to submit the Ph.D.
synopsis within 05 years from the date of registration in the case of full-time candidates and 06
years from the date of registration in the case of part-time/independent scholar.
16.2 In case the scholar fails to submit the thesis within this stipulated period he/she shall have to get re–
registered. For re–registration, the rules of registration applicable to a fresh applicant shall have to be
followed, including course work, submission of proposal, title clearance, synopsis, thesis, etc., but the
candidate shall be exempted from writing the Entrance Test and GD & PI, etc.
19.3 The Departmental Admission Committee/RDC/RRC shall meet to review the progress of the Research
Programme of the scholar at the end of every term.
20.2 The Ph.D. programme culminates with the submission of a thesis of a substantial work of original
research carried out by the scholar under the guidance of the guide. This research work is expected
to be potentially fit for publication and should stand peer review.
20.3 The scholar shall state generally in the preface and specifically in notes, the sources from which the
information is derived, the animal and human ethical approvals, obtained, if any, the extent to which the
work of others has been made use of, and the portion of the work the researcher claims as original.
20.4 The Ph.D. scholar shall publish a minimum of 02 research papers in a refereed journal before the
submission of the thesis for adjudication and produce evidence for the same in the form of acceptance
letter from the publisher or the reprint/copies of the publication.
20.5 The Ph.D. scholar shall have attended and presented at least 02 papers on his/her research work in
a state level/national level/international level seminar/conference/symposia/colloquia, etc. before the
submission of the thesis.
20.6 All the relevant documents shall be submitted at the time of submission of the thesis.
21.2 The synopsis shall contain introduction, chapter-wise brief account of the work done and overall
conclusions. The synopsis shall be in English/Gujarati/regional language as the concern subject of
21.3 The scholar shall submit 15 copies of the synopsis of his/her thesis with a fee of Rs.5,000/-(Foreign
Scholars Rs. 10,000/-), along with soft copies of the synopsis, through the guide and Head of the
Department/institute, to the university.
21.4 A full time Ph.D. scholar may submit the synopsis after minimum of 05 terms of admission and the thesis
after a minimum 06 terms.
21.5 A part time/independent Ph.D. scholar may submit the synopsis after a minimum 07 terms of admission
and the thesis after a minimum of 08 terms.
O.Ph.D.22 Format of the thesis
22.1 The Ph.D. scholar shall submit all the necessary research work stated above and produce evidence for
the same in the form of acceptance letters from the publishers or reprints/copies of the publication.
22.2 Before submitting the thesis, a scholar has to produce Anti-Plagiarism clearance Certificate as per the
Anti-plagiarism and academic dishonesty policy of the Gujarat University for the content of the thesis.
22.3 Every scholar shall submit with his/her thesis a certificate from the guide under whom he/she worked,
that the thesis submitted is a record of original research work done by the scholar during the period
of study under his/her Guidance/supervision and that the thesis has not previously formed the basis for
the award to the candidate of any Degree, Diploma or other similar titles and that the thesis represents
independent research work on the part of the scholar.
22.5 The final thesis shall be presented in accordance with the following specifications:
a. The paper used for printing shall be of A4 size.
b. The printing shall be in a standardized form two side(s) of the paper and in one and half spacing.
c. A margin of one-and-a half inches shall be on the left hand side.
d. The title of the thesis, name of the scholar, degree, name of the guide, place of research and
the month and year of submission shall be printed on the title page and the front cover.
22.6 The colour of the cover should be preferably dark. Side cover bound should clearly mention “Ph.D.
Thesis” on the top, name of the scholar, month and year of submission.
22.7 The thesis shall also contain certificates as per the proforma given in Appendix III.
23.2 The thesis shall be submitted to the University for Evaluation not later than 12 months after the
submission of the synopsis, through the guide and forwarded by Head of the University Department/
Head of the Institution.
23.3 If the scholar fails to submit the thesis within 12 months from the date of submission of the synopsis,
a maximum of 02 extensions of 06 months each may be given by Hon. VC. If the scholar wants to
submit the thesis thereafter, it can be done only with the approval of the RDC/RRC. In that case, the
scholar shall have to submit the synopsis afresh, and also required to pay the necessary fees.
23.4 Supplementary papers to the thesis, printed copies of any contributions to the knowledge of the subject
or of any cognate branch of science that may have been published in journals or periodicals may also
be included along with the thesis or given as bibliography.
O. Ph. D.24 Appointment of Examiners
24.1 The procedure for the appointment of examiners shall be undertaken soon after the scholar submits his/
her synopsis.
24.2 The thesis shall be evaluated by two external examiners for the all faculty i.e. 01 examiner from within
the State and 01 from outside the state/outside India.
24.3 The RDC/RRC shall prepare a list of 06 examiners (03 from within the state and 03 from outside the
state/country), as mentioned in 24.2 for each such submission or Head of the University Department/
Chairperson of the Board of Studies shall also be entitled for such nomination of external examiners.
24.4 Hon. VC shall appoint 02 examiners, as per the above norms, from the above list. In the case of
independent Ph.D. scholars, Hon. VC shall nominate a 3rd examiner, based on the recommendation of
RDC/RRC, who shall be a Ph.D. guide from any concerned department of the University.
25.1 The university shall complete the process of evaluation of the thesis including the Viva voce within the
period of 02 months from the date of submission of the thesis, unless under exceptional/unfavorable
To expedite this process of evaluation, pdf version (in electronic form, soft-copy) of the Ph.D. thesis
may be sent to the external examiners through e-mail from the account of Head of the University
Department/Chairperson of the Board of Studies. This responsibility is to be shared by the concern
guide once appointments of the examiners are made. Research supervisor will do all interim
correspondence to acquire the reports from the examiners as early as possible. For all these, electronic
communication will be preferred.
25.2 The evaluation shall be done by 02 external examiners and the guide. Where there is a co-guide, the
guide and co-guide may either prepare a joint report or separate evaluation reports.
25.3 The Examiners who evaluate the thesis shall report on the merit of the scholar’s thesis for the Ph.D.
degree in one of the following terms:
· The thesis to be accepted for the award of Ph.D. degree in the present form.
· The thesis to be accepted for the award of Ph.D. degree after minor corrections/revisions.
· The thesis can be passed after obtaining clarifications at the time of open Viva voce.
· The thesis be revised and resubmitted for evaluation.
· The thesis is rejected.
25.4 The format of the examiner’s adjudication report is given in Appendix IV, which shall be sent to every
examiner while sending the thesis. Communications and sending of the thesis and receiving of reports
through email/attachments/fax shall be preferable to expedite the procedure.
25.6 If the examiner/examiners insists on any correction/revision to be made in the thesis, the same shall be
made by the scholar before the open Viva voce and certified by the guide which is to be forwarded
through Head of the Department.
25.7 If the Examiner/Examiners explicitly suggest/s the need for revision and re-submission of the thesis for
further examination, then the revised thesis, duly certified by the guide, shall be sent to the same
examiner/s for further evaluation. In the absence of such a statement or if the examiner concerned
specifically instructs that the revised thesis need not be sent back to him/her, the revised thesis duly
certified by the guide shall be examined by the RDC/RRC and accepted, if found in order, and the
scholar shall be allowed to appear for open Viva voce.
25.8 Where the scholar has been asked to revise/resubmit the thesis, the same shall be done within the
shortest possible period and in any case not later than 01 year from the date of the communication
regarding the same by the University.
25.9 In case the candidate fails to submit the revised thesis within 01 year, the process of thesis evaluation
gets cancelled. Then, the candidate shall submit the synopsis again, along with the necessary fees, to start
the process of thesis evaluation afresh.
25.10 The external examiners are expected to send the evaluation report within 01 month from the date of
receipt of the thesis. In case of undue delay by the examiner to send the report, the University may,
with the approval of Hon. VC, send the thesis to another external examiner.
26.1 On receipt of satisfactory evaluation reports, either in hard copy/e-mail/fax/any e-resource, the Ph.D.
scholar shall undergo for open Viva voce, where he/she shall defend the research work in the thesis
at University Department.
26.2 In cases where the thesis has been approved, and on receipt of communication from the University, the
guide shall coordinate the conduct of open Viva voce for the scholar.
26.3 The guide shall fix the date and time of the Viva voce in consultation with the external examiner, who
shall be appointed by Hon. VC for conducting the open Viva voce. The guide shall give wide publicity
for the same. The maximum time limit for conducting open Viva voce shall be 02 months from the date
of receipt of evaluation reports from the examiners. If the scholar fails to take open Viva voce within
02 months on valid grounds, Hon. VC may permit 02 months extensions on specific request/s from the
guide through the Head of the Department concerned.
26.4 The open Viva voce shall be held on any working day of the University. In case the open Viva voce,
Examiner is not in a position to travel to the University, the guide can arrange an open Viva voce with
the participation of the external examiner through video-conferencing or at a place convenient to the
examiner, with the permission of Hon. VC.
26.5 In the open Viva voce, the guide shall introduce the External examiner, who shall then conduct the open
Viva voce at Department level. The scholar shall make a 30-minute presentation about the research
work. After the presentation, the external examiner and the guide shall conduct the open viva voce at
Departmental level.
26.6 If the scholar passes the open viva voce examination, the open viva voce examiner and the guide shall
consolidate the recommendations and submit the same to the University, as per the format given in
Appendix V, for the award of the degree based on
a. the reports of the examiners who adjudicated the thesis and
b. the evaluation of the scholar’s performance in the open viva voce examination.
26.7 The scholar who is successful in the open viva voce examination shall be declared to have qualified
for the Ph.D. degree.
26.8 If a scholar does not satisfy the Examiners at the open viva voce examination, he/she shall be re-
examined after a period of not less than three months. The scholar shall not be declared eligible for the
degree unless all the Examiners unanimously declare him/her eligible for the degree.
26.9 In the event of both the external examiners being unavailable for the open viva voce, a third (external)
examiner from within India shall be appointed by the VC, in consultation with the RDC/RRC to conduct
the open viva voce.
27.2 The Ph.D. degree shall be awarded in the discipline of the Faculty in which the scholar is registered
for the Ph.D. programme. The title of the Ph.D. thesis and subject/faculty shall be mentioned in the
27.3 If the thesis is recommended for award of the Ph. D. degree after the open viva voce, the Registrar,
with the approval of the VC, shall declare the result. A certificate to this effect shall be issued by the
Registrar to the successful scholar.
O. Ph.D.28. Deposit of thesis with the UGC and the Commissioner of Higher Education
28.1 Following the successful completion of the evaluation process and announcement of the award of the
Ph.D. the University, the scholar shall submit, through the University a soft copy of the Ph.D. thesis each
to the UGC and to the Commissioner for Higher Education, Government of Gujarat, within a period
of 30 days, for record and for hosting the same in INFLIBNET accessible to all Institutions/Universities.
In the case of a thesis written in a regional language, a translated version of the same into English shall
be submitted as above.
28.2 One hard/soft copy of the thesis shall be placed in the University Library and one hard/soft copy shall
be sent to National Library. The scholar’ name, title of the thesis and an extended abstract shall be
placed on the University website by the University.
29.3 If any differences of opinion/dispute develop between the scholar and the guide at any time during the
course of the research work, the decision of RDC/RRC in the matter shall be final and binding on the
scholar and the guide.
O. Ph.D.30. Rules for recognition of an Institute/ College/ Centre /Laboratory / Library/ Museum
etc. for Ph.D. research.
30.1 The Institute/College/Centre/Laboratory/Library/Museum, etc., which require recognition to conduct
Ph.D. research shall apply to the Registrar, Gujarat University
in triplicate with application fee at the
prescribed rate, which is non-refundable, before the 30 July every year, together with three copies of
a report containing various information required.
30.2 The RRC/BUTR may also consider applications from outside the territorial jurisdiction of the University.
In such cases the applicant institution shall have to bear the total cost of T.A./D.A. and Honorarium
etc., of the visiting team from the University in connection with the inspection, in addition to the
application fee.
30.3 A team consisting of three experts shall visit the Institute/College/Centre/ Laboratory/Library/Museum,
etc., and shall inspect the availability/adequacy of the following facilities, wherever applicable:
(a) Library Facility
(i) A library with adequate number of books (about 2,000) and journals (about 10) of
national and international standard on the subject and allied fields of study.
(ii) A full time qualified Librarian with supporting staff.
(iii) Adequate reading room facilities.
(iv) Digitalization facilities
(b) Lab Facility
(i) A Laboratory with adequate equipment and space.
(ii) Adequate staff for fabrication of specialized equipment needed for research.
(iii) Adequate staff for running and maintenance of the range of equipment needed for
(c) Details of Manpower
(i) A full time executive-in-charge of administration of the Institute/College/Centre/
Laboratory/Library/Museum, etc.
(ii) At least one person who has been recognized as guide in the subject/discipline in which
Ph.D. recognition is sought.
(d) Details regarding land and building:
(i) Areas of the land, whether owned/leased along with their details.
(ii) Nature and type of building/s.
(iii) Details of class rooms, office space, infrastructure facilities, etc., of the institution.
(e) Details of financial resources
(i) Recurring grant received during the year previous to the visit and in the visit year (if
(ii) Non-recurring grant/grants received during the year previous to the visit and in the visit
year (if available.)
(iii) Any other financial sources (with details of magnitude and, nature) including interest from
fixed deposits, if any.
30.4 The committee shall submit its report to the University with full details covering the above aspects along
with its critical observations and recommendations, which shall be submitted to the RRC for further
course of action. The recommendation of the RRC shall be placed before the Executive Council through
the Academic Council for approval.
30.5 The recognition of the institution shall be subject to renewal on the basis of a report submitted by a
team consisting of at least two experts who shall visit the Institute/College/Centre/Laboratory/Library/
Museum, for the purpose. Periodical inspection of such centres shall be arranged by the University on
a case to case basis to ensure the quality of infrastructure for research available with the institution.
30.6 Recognition shall be accorded for a period of 10 years, subject to renewal on the basis of a report
on the activities of the institution to be submitted along with a non-refundable renewal fee at the
prescribed rate.
30.7 It should be noted that even though the University may recognise an affiliated college, centre, laboratory,
institution, library/museum for research work for the award of Ph.D., their faculty members shall not be
automatically considered as approved Ph.D. guides, but each eligible faculty/professional member from
such institutions may get himself/herself recognised as approved guide by the University as per the
procedure for recognition of Ph.D. guides.
30.8 However any Guideline made available from UGC as a National policy also be consider without
University Policy and to be implemented in the perspective of the University.
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Ph.D. Programme