Promissory Note Sample
Promissory Note Sample
Promissory Note Sample
Established under House Joint Resolution 192 (HJR 192) (Public law 7310)
Amount: _______$313.98________; On this date ______________,
Written amount: Three hundred thirteen dollars and ninety eight cents;
Issued from mailing address: 1049 Hill Drive, Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania;
This Certifies that I, TIMOTHY DOE; id number 10000000 hereby
promises to pay, ___Verizon Wireless LLC_, (holder) the full amount
specified on this note, for value received.
Terms and conditions:
The payment will be made in monthly statement (installment) amount of $163.31, per month, on
the 18th of each consecutive month until the obligation has been fulfilled. The payment can be
obtained by the holder from my government created 'Cestui Que Trust' account. I hereby give
permission to the Holder and the Holder in due course to use this Note in any way necessary as a
negotiable instrument to be financially traded on whereas such trade will terminate the obligation
Dear Sir/Madam:
Your July payment coupon of statement (No: # 820460631-00001) is being accepted and
returned for value as consideration for settlement of this account in full for the amount of
$313.98 (written amount: three hundred thirteen dollars and ninety eight cents) principal
balance. It has been noted on the payment coupon that this coupon is a 100% value
coupon and that it is accepted for the value indicated. I wish to thank you for obtaining
the funds from my government created 'CESTUI QUE TRUST' account for me..
The required IRS form 1099-A is attached to document/cover the process of this
transaction, for the funds that you have withdrawn from US Treasury CESTUI QUE
196544105. The 1099-A is so the IRS accounting department can properly account for
the transfer of these funds from this account to your account.
The first item on the 1099-A is for an Acquisition which means for the Lender (buyer,
purchaser, acquirer) and the Borrower (seller, supplier, provider, holder). By the correct
understanding of the form this means that the debt as noted in block 5 is really payment
and this 1099-A is documenting that fact.
Affidavit of Fact
A little extra information for you but I am sure you already knew it:
It is noted that said actors, agents, and fiduciaries are subject to the self-executing
regulations of the 3d and 4e sections of the 14ft Amendment to the Bill of Rights to the
Constitution for the United States of America whereby their offices are vacated and their
salaries and retirement benefits me extinguished when they do not perform the duties of
said offices. * Established in 1933 under HJR 192 and exercised by actors, agents, and
fiduciaries of every commercial transaction by commercial banking institutions since that
date with the "Abrogation of the Gold Clause".
** Damages equal to double the amount of the Negotiable Debt Instrument (under civil
action) or triple the amount of the Negotiable Debt Instrument (under Admiralty