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Cheating & Bullying

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Academic Dishonesty/ Cheating

Cheating is a decision made by students because of many reasons. One of these is fear of
failure and not getting a good grade. Also, some students have retained grades, so they need to
strive harder to maintain that grades. However, there are many hindrances in studying. These are
due to a lack of understanding during teaching lessons, resources, motivation, and time to study due
to other chores at home. That is why some students are tempted to cheat even if they know it is
wrong and unethical, but still, they are exposed to cheating inside and outside the classroom.
However, some students think that cheating is their salvation to pass and get good grades. An
example of this is a student who lacks time in her studies due to household chores and other
matters. When the exam came, she struggled and thought that cheating would save her from
failing. She knows that cheating may be wrong, but the desire to pass and maintain her grades for
her scholarship is prevailing. To prevent or avoid this unethical practice, students should have
proper time management. Prioritize lessons with an earlier due date to finish it sooner as possible.
We know it is hard to weigh our time correctly. That is why proper time balance at school and home
should be done so that there is no need to compromise school works and duties.

Nevertheless, it is not good to get used to it and be a part of it as a student. Somehow,

students do not realize how their actions can affect them and the people around them. It also
changes how they view education and just being dependent on another person. It is also not a good
study habit because it may also affect how we view our life ahead of us. There are many reasons
why students feel the need to cheat. To give out a scenario, it was the time when our National
Achievement Test happened in our school, and we are required to get a passing grade. Our scores on
that test affect the passing rate and the overall performance of our school. With that, our proctor
that time distributes a paper wherein all the answers are listed. Because of that, all students in our
school passed the said test, and we can reach the passing rate. This scenario is not a good habit
because it could lead to a long-term effect, showing how incompetent the future students will be.
The students will have the intention to do cheating over and over again. For a resolution, I decided
not to look at the answers given by our proctor because I know that cheating is not a healthy way to
pass a certain test. We should be honest at all times because if we do not have that kind of
attitude, we will suffer at the end of the day.

Bullying is a widespread problem that happens to some individuals. It is physical or verbal

aggression that is done intentionally and repeatedly to someone who feels less powerful or helpless.
It can be seen in public places, on social media, and commonly at school. People bully for different
reasons, and one of these is the bully experienced being bullied. That is why they do it back to
others or want other people to experience what happened to them. Being in situations where their
power was stripped away by a bully or a dominant personality may cause them, in turn, to get that
power back by bullying others. Another is revenge. Students may use bullying to express a grievance
or retaliation on a wrong suffered. The bullying can take the form of creating rumors, silent
treatments, or cutting victims. Also, some bullies wanting to dominate others and improve their
social status. They think they are powerful and can do everything their want (Tenner, 2013).

When I was in elementary, I experienced being bullied by my classmates. Every time I am

entering our classroom, two of my classmates constantly bullied me because of my surname. They
keep calling me names like insekto, impakto and other words that are connected and sound as
Anecito (my surname). At first, I just let it pass simply because, for me, they are just teasing me
and just want to have fun. However, it became an everyday routine for them to bully and called me
in other names. Because of that, I talked to them to stop bullying me, but still, they just ignored
what I've said. It got worse, and came to the point that they hurt me physically. So I talked to our
teacher about the bullying to stop bullying me and it succeeded.

Another scenario we can give out an example of student’s moral dilemma about bullying,
when someone is being bullied by another person. The situation is that a girl named Venus and her
two best friends Wise and Edward. Wise was the most popular student because of his gaming skills
and all the students admire him. One day, Venus arrived in school and she noticed that Wise kept
avoiding her. When she said hi to him, but he just walk away and didn’t respond. It turned out that
all of her classmates turned their backs on her. She went to Edward and asked him why Wise was
mad at her. Edward told her that if he hung out with her none of the rest of the students would
talk to him anymore. Every day, Venus kept on getting names and bullied her for being a loner. They
throw things at her, whispering to each other and looking in her direction. Venus thought that
Edward would help her but he turned a blind eye. Her dilemma is that if she told the teacher about
Wise and her classmates bullying, they would make fun of her. She disregarded all of that thought
and she finally had a courage to talk with her parents and she told me about the bullying. Her
parent’s decision is that she will transfer schools to ensure that they will not bully her and for her
to start a new life with new friends who are real this time.

Reference List

Tenner, M. (2013, March 1). 10 reasons why students bully. Roseville, MN Patch.

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