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BIS Working Papers

No 758
Foreign currency
borrowing, balance sheet
shocks and real outcomes
by Bryan Hardy

Monetary and Economic Department

November 2018

JEL classification: E44, F31, F41, F44, G31, G32

Keywords: Balance Sheet Shocks, Credit Rationing,

Currency Risk, Foreign Currency, Corporate, Finance,
Bank Lending, Investment
BIS Working Papers are written by members of the Monetary and Economic
Department of the Bank for International Settlements, and from time to time by other
economists, and are published by the Bank. The papers are on subjects of topical
interest and are technical in character. The views expressed in them are those of their
authors and not necessarily the views of the BIS.

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ISSN 1020-0959 (print)

ISSN 1682-7678 (online)
Foreign Currency Borrowing, Balance Sheet Shocks,
and Real Outcomes∗
Bryan Hardy†
Bank for International Settlements

November 16, 2018


Emerging market firms frequently borrow in foreign currency (FX), but their assets are
often denominated in domestic currency. This behavior leads to an FX mismatch on firms
balance sheets, which can harm their net worth in the event of a depreciation. I use a large,
unanticipated, and exogenous depreciation episode and a unique dataset to identify the
real and financial effects of firm balance sheet shocks. I construct a new dataset of all listed
non-financial firms, matched to their banks, in Mexico over 2008q1-2015q2. This dataset
combines firm-level balance sheets and real outcomes, currency composition of both assets
and liabilities, and firms’ loan-level borrowing from banks in peso and FX. This data allows
me to control for shocks to firms’ credit supply to identify the balance sheet shock and ex-
amine its real consequences. I find that non-exporting firms that have a larger FX mismatch
experience greater negative balance sheet effects following the depreciation. Among these,
smaller firms see a decrease in loan growth, resulting in stagnant employment growth and
decreased growth in physical capital relative to firms with smaller FX mismatch. Larger
firms with a large FX mismatch also have lower growth in FX loans following the shock,
but are able to increase borrowing in peso loans, resulting in relatively higher growth in
employment and physical capital. My results imply that firms are subject to net worth
based borrowing constraints, and that these constraints are more binding on smaller firms
and for loans in FX.

JEL-Codes: E44, F31, F41, F44, G31, G32

Keywords: Balance Sheet Shocks, Credit Rationing, Currency Risk, Foreign Currency, Cor-
porate Finance, Bank Lending, Investment

∗I am grateful to Şebnem Kalemli-Özcan for her continued guidance and advice on this project, as well as to
Felipe Saffie and Ethan Kaplan. I thank Carolina Villegas-Sanchez and Vadym Volosovych for their help working
with the data. I am thankful to John Shea, Ina Simonovska, Michael Faulkender, and Stefan Avdjiev for their
support and helpful comments, and participants at seminars at the 84th International Atlantic Economic Society
Conference, Brigham Young University, FDIC, U.S. Treasury OCC Credit RAD, the Federal Reserve Bank of
Dallas, the Federal Reserve Board of Governors, and the Bank for International Settlements. I benefitted from
discussions with numerous other individuals. All errors are my own. The views expressed here are those of the
author and not necessarily those of the Bank for International Settlements.
1 Introduction

Much of the credit extended to emerging market firms is denominated in foreign curren-

cies.1 In this paper, I study the impact that foreign currency (FX) borrowing has on firms

following a large depreciation. More generally, I address how negative shocks to firm net

worth (balance sheet shocks) affect firm activity. I construct a novel dataset of currency ex-

posures and loan-level borrowing and examine both the financial and real consequences of

negative balance sheet shocks due to foreign currency mismatch.

Standard theory predicts that balance sheet shocks, with no offsetting changes to firm

revenue, will lead to tighter borrowing constraints and a consequent decline in real activity.

I find that firm size and the currency denomination of debt are two important characteristics

that determine the impact of these constraints. Borrowing constraints are more binding

following adverse balance sheet shocks for smaller firms, indicating a net worth or size-

based borrowing constraint, and for foreign currency loans, suggesting an additional tighter

constraint on a firm’s foreign currency debt. The interaction of these two constraints leads

large firms with a negative shock to decrease their foreign currency borrowing, but allows

them to increase their local currency borrowing and thus remain unconstrained in their real

activity. Small firms who are constrained in their total borrowing contract their real activity

following a negative balance sheet shock.

Balance sheet effects are difficult to identify empirically because it is hard to separate

changes in outcomes due to firm balance sheet shocks from other channels. For example,

shocks to the supply of bank credit (the bank lending channel) have been shown to be quan-

titatively large and important for real outcomes (Chodorow-Reich, 2014). Firm specific de-

mand shocks are also hard to separate from the effects of firm-specific balance sheet shocks.

Existing empirical work in both macro and finance cannot cleanly identify balance sheet


I address these challenges in this paper. I construct a dataset that consists of firm bal-
1 See Caballero, Panizza, and Powell (2014); Chui, Kuruc, and Turner (2016); Du and Schreger (2015); Maggiori,

Neiman, and Schreger (2017); McCauley, McGuire, and Sushko (2015); Shin (2013).

ance sheets and loan level outcomes for all listed non-financial firms in Mexico, matched

to their banks. This dataset allows me to capture developments on both the financial and

real sides of firm activity, connecting balance sheet effects to real outcomes. The dataset has

two unique features that are crucial to the identification of a balance sheet shock. First, it

includes data on both firms’ FX assets and FX liabilities. This allows me to construct a mea-

sure of true balance sheet FX exposure (currency mismatch) for each firm and to compare

firms with differing levels of exposure, as larger exposure should result in larger shocks to

a firm’s balance sheet for a given sized depreciation.2 Second, the data includes loan-level

information for each of the banks that the firm borrows from, in both foreign and domestic

currency. To my knowledge, this paper is the first to employ such matched firm-bank data

to identify the impacts on the firm of balance sheet shocks, controlling for credit supply


The matched nature of the data makes it possible to compare firms who borrow from

the same bank in the same currency at the same time and are thus exposed to the same

bank-level shocks to credit supply in each currency. This comparison isolates differences

in credit outcomes due to idiosyncratic shocks to firms. Controlling for shocks to credit

supply is crucial because such shocks directly affect the channel by which the balance sheet

effect operates, through the credit available to the firm. Failure to control for bank credit

supply shocks can bias estimates of balance sheet effects if, for instance, firms who borrow

more in foreign currency also borrow more from stronger banks. I show that, for regressions

estimating the impact of the balance sheet shock on FX loan borrowing, failure to control for

credit supply shocks can bias the estimated coefficient downward (toward zero) by 40%.

I analyze the effect of a shock to the exchange rate initiated by the collapse of Lehman
2 Most datasets used in these studies only have data on debt dollarization, but not assets. Exceptions include
Kalemli-Özcan, Kamil, and Villegas-Sanchez (2016), Cowan, Hansen, and Óscar Herrera (2005b), and Alvarez
and Hansen (2017).
3 Niepmann and Schmidt-Eisenlohr (2017a) use loan level data to show that firms with a higher share of foreign

currency loans are more likely to default on their loans, though they do not examine changes in credit or real
outcomes for these firms. Gan (2007) uses matched firm-bank data in Japan to study if banking relationships
affect the impact of a real estate balance sheet shock, but does not fully control for shocks to credit supply on

Brothers in 2008. This depreciation was large, unanticipated, and exogenous to Mexico’s

fundamentals. An endogenous exchange rate shock, such as currency crises used in pre-

vious literature, is problematic because the cause of the shock likely also caused changes

in outcomes through other channels. If the shock is anticipated, firms may endogenously

adjust their FX borrowing and behavior in advance of the shock, leading to mismeasure-

ment of the balance sheet effect. Thus, an exogenous, unanticipated depreciation is ideal to

identify the balance sheet effect.

My analysis focuses on the interaction of the firm’s pre-shock balance sheet exposure

(FX mismatch) with an indicator variable for the period following the depreciation shock:

Exposure f × Shock t . This serves as a difference-in-difference estimator, capturing the dif-

ferences in outcomes post-depreciation for firms with different exposure (and thus different

size of balance sheet shock). Importantly, I study both the financial and real outcomes of

the firms, which has been seldom done in the literature. For financial outcomes, I focus

on loan growth in foreign and domestic currency, and for real outcomes, I examine growth

in employment and physical capital. Examining financial outcomes is important to iden-

tify the channel by which balance sheet shocks operate, via loss of credit, while examining

real outcomes is important to understand the impacts on firm behavior and real economic


In addition to controlling for correlated credit supply effects, I take several steps to con-

trol for changes in credit demand from the firm that are not driven by balance sheet shocks.

First, I focus on non-exporting firms, which do not have significant foreign currency rev-

enues that would increase with the favorable terms-of-trade change. Second, I control for

shocks to broadly defined sectors (such as changes in demand or production costs) either by

including sector interactions (with the shock) or sector*year fixed effects. Third, I control for

time-varying characteristics of the firm that might affect loan demand, including firm size,

leverage, sales, cash, derivatives, exports, and bond credit. Fourth, I compare the interaction

of the shock with FX exposure with other interacted firm characteristics that may affect firm

credit demand following the shock. Fifth, I compare the responses of large vs. small firms in

my sample;4 large and small firms should both respond to changes in demand, but smaller

firms are more likely to be constrained following an adverse balance sheet shock.

Real outcomes vary at the firm level rather than the loan level. In order to control for

shocks to bank credit supply in regressions on real outcomes, I construct a firm-level mea-

sure of bank credit shocks from the loan level data. I show that this measure can be used

as a time varying control when time fixed effects are included in the regression, enabling

me to dynamically control for shocks to credit supply at the firm level. I then proceed with

the same difference-in-difference estimator as before, controlling for time varying firm char-

acteristics and firm-specific credit supply shocks, comparing different interactions with the

shock, and comparing outcomes of large and small firms.

For loan outcomes, I find the expected balance sheet effect on foreign currency loans:

firms (non-exporters) with higher currency mismatch see lower loan growth than less ex-

posed firms following the shock. Large firms with higher mismatch, however, compensate

with an even larger increase in local currency borrowing. Smaller firms do not see this in-

crease in their peso borrowing. Uncovered interest rate parity (UIP) fails such that foreign

currency loans have lower interest rates and are more attractive to borrowers. However, the

switch from foreign to domestic currency loans by large firms is not driven by changes in

the interest rate differential following the shock. Foreign currency loans remain consistently

cheaper than local currency loans, even comparing within-firm and within-bank variation

in interest rates. This suggests that the switch to peso loans is driven by borrowing con-

straints, where firms are subject to a borrowing constraint on their total borrowing and an

additional, tighter constraint on their FX borrowing.

At the firm level, the impact of the shock is largely insignificant when large and small

firms are pooled together. Consistent with results found with loan outcomes, I find that
4 Smallis defined as being below the sample median in total assets. My sample consists of listed firms, which
tend to be much larger than other firms in the economy, so “small” is a relative term. Nevertheless, both large
and small firms in my sample will be subject to similar demand shocks, particularly those in the same sector in
the same year, so the difference in size will be a salient characteristic in their response.

large, exposed non-exporters (who are able to increase their total borrowing by switching

to peso) increase their employment and investment, while small, exposed non-exporters

have no change in employment growth and decrease their physical capital growth relative

to firms with lower mismatch. These results together suggest that balance sheet shocks

can trigger financial constraints that affect a firm’s ability to borrow, which can then have

real effects. The curious finding of an increase for large firms, also found previously in the

literature, could be due to a reallocation of capital towards safer borrowers (in this case

domestic currency capital).

My results have two implications for policy. First, domestic currency liquidity and the

health of the domestic banking system may be a relevant factor for risk assessment of firm

balance sheet shocks, as domestic currency loans provide a substitute for credit lost by large

firms who experience a negative balance sheet shock. This further implies that negative

balance sheet effects will be stronger when a banking crisis accompanies a currency crisis,

the so-called “twin crises” (Kaminsky & Reinhart, 1999). Second, negative real effects from

balance sheet shocks are more likely to come from small firms, so the joint distribution of

size and FX mismatch is important to understand the risk to the economy. Opposite the

conventional wisdom that large firms are important for aggregate effects, small and medium

firms may contribute significantly to the observed negative aggregate outcomes if their FX

mismatch is sufficiently large.

My empirical results are relevant for the theoretical literature. First, I show how firms

may face an additional borrowing constraint on their foreign currency borrowing in addi-

tion to the typically modelled borrowing constraint on total debt. Second, my results suggest

that firm heterogeneity in size matters for the impact of the shock through these two con-

straints. Accounting for and explaining the different behavior of large and small firms, and

the general equilibrium implications, will be important in order to understand the aggre-

gate effects. Theoretical research on balance sheet effects should thus account for the joint

distribution of firm size and balance sheet shock exposure.

The remainder of the paper proceeds as follows: Section 2 reviews the literature and

further clarifies the contribution of this paper; Section 3 presents and describes the data

and the context for Mexico; Section 4 describes the identification strategy and presents re-

sults for outcomes at the firm-bank level; Section 5 describes the identification strategy and

presents results for outcomes at the firm level; Section 6 discusses implications for theory;

and Section 7 concludes.

2 Literature

Much of the empirical work studying firm balance sheet shocks has been done in the context

of exchange rate shocks. A couple of papers, notably Gan (2007) (for Japan) and Chaney,

Sraer, and Thesmar (2012) (for the U.S.), find evidence of a balance sheet channel affecting

firm investment in the context of a real estate price shock. The more expansive FX literature

largely uses firm-level data and examines the effect on investment of an interaction of firm

FX debt with exchange rate changes.5 Most of these papers draw on periods involving a

crisis, with some explicitly using a difference-in-difference approach around the crisis.

Evidence of negative effects from exchange rate related balance sheet shocks have been

found in studies for Mexico (Aguiar, 2005; Pratap, Lobato, & Somuano, 2003), as well as

other emerging markets (Carranza, Cayo, & Galdon-Sanchez, 2003; Cowan et al., 2005b;

Echeverrya, Fergussona, Steinerb, & Aguilara, 2003; Gilchrist & Sim, 2007). Firms with

more FX debt reduce investment following the depreciation, though exporters fare better.6

However, several studies find either zero or positive balance sheet effects (Benavente, John-

son, & Morande, 2003; Bleakley & Cowan, 2008; Bonomo, Martins, & Pinto, 2003; Lueng-

naruemitchai, 2003). These positive effects are sometimes attributed to firms matching their

FX debt with FX revenues, FX assets, or FX derivatives. Very few of these studies have
5 See Table 1 of Cowan, Hansen, and Óscar Herrera (2005a) for a useful comparison of FX exposure measures,
countries, samples, outcomes, and controls for FX assets and derivatives across papers in the literature.
6 Cross country evidence is sparse, but includes Bleakley and Cowan (2008); Caballero (2018); Kalemli-Özcan

et al. (2016); Serena Garralda and Sousa (2017). Serena Garralda and Sousa (2017) and Caballero (2018) use bond
borrowing in FX by firms in many countries to show that FX borrowing is correlated with reduced investment
following an exchange rate shock.

data on FX assets or derivatives. Exceptions include Kalemli-Özcan et al. (2016), which uses

a dummy variable indicator for holdings of FX assets in a sample of Latin American firms,

and Cowan et al. (2005b) and Alvarez and Hansen (2017), which find that Chilean firms with

FX liabilities match with FX assets, FX revenues, and FX derivatives. Cowan et al. (2005a)

shows that controlling for FX assets can cause the positive and insignificant coefficient on FX

debt (interacted with depreciation) to become negative and insignificant. On the extensive

margin, Kim, Tesar, and Zhang (2015) shows that negative balance sheet shocks due to FX

debt can increase the probability of firm exit. Similar top this paper, they also highlight that

large firms, who are often used in this literature due to data availability, actually increase

their investment and survival probability following a negative balance sheet shock, while

small firms decrease investment and increase their probability of exit.

The existing literature largely relies on variation due to crisis episodes without the abil-

ity to control for shocks to credit supply. Variation in the exchange rate during non-crisis

periods is also problematic, as it is less sudden and likely driven by the economy’s fun-

damentals. Estimates using this variation are thus more prone to bias from forward look-

ing behavior regarding future exchange rate realizations and simultaneity of past borrow-

ing and investment affecting future realizations of the exchange rate. Kalemli-Özcan et al.

(2016) provides an identification strategy to separate the balance sheet shock from credit

supply shocks. Using a cross-country dataset on listed firms, they compare outcomes of

exporting firms during currency crises with those in countries experiencing simultaneous

currency and banking crises (the “twin crises”). They find that during a depreciation, all ex-

porting firms increase investment, but when the depreciation is accompanied by a banking

crisis, only foreign-owned exporters (who have better access to capital) increase investment.

Desai, Foley, and Forbes (2008) similarly conclude that affiliate firms of US multinationals

in emerging markets are able to bypass credit constraints following sharp depreciations,

whereas domestic firms cannot, further illustrating the importance of accounting for credit

access and credit supply.

This paper contributes to and harmonizes the existing empirical literature in several

ways. In addition to controlling for the value of FX assets, FX revenues, and net derivatives

position, I directly control for credit supply shocks using matched firm-bank data. This al-

lows me to use a sharp depreciation episode to measure a clear shock to the balance sheet

while controlling for correlated changes in credit conditions. This identification of the bal-

ance sheet effect of depreciations is unique to the literature. My results confirm those in Kim

et al. (2015), finding that the conflicting results in the literature can be driven by the behavior

of large firms. By comparing domestic vs. foreign currency borrowing, I can further explain

how large firms are able to increase their investment, which is precisely because they are

able to access domestic currency debt, despite the negative balance sheet shock. This cor-

roborates the evidence shown in Kalemli-Özcan et al. (2016), as a concurrent banking crisis,

which reduces domestic currency liquidity, is more likely to generate negative effects even

for large firms. Thus, crisis episodes in emerging markets are likely to generate negative

balance sheet effects, but these effects measured on data from large firms could be zero or

positive if there is sufficient liquidity in domestic currency loans.

Most of the existing literature does not directly examine how balance sheet shocks affect

access to credit, focusing rather on firm level outcomes like profitability and investment.

In addition to examining real outcomes, I test the mechanism of the balance sheet channel

directly by examining borrowing outcomes for these firms, cleaned of credit supply shocks,

and additionally differentiate the effects by currency of borrowing. Niepmann and Schmidt-

Eisenlohr (2017a) examines the effects of balance sheet shocks on credit from the perspective

of lending banks. They show indirect evidence of balance sheet effects on loan repayment

using loan-level data from US banks to firms in many emerging markets, finding that a US

dollar appreciation is associated with a higher likelihood of default (becoming past due on

loan payments) for firms with a higher share of loans in FX. This provides direct evidence

that firm risk due to FX mismatch can transfer to banks, even if the bank has no FX mis-

match. My research complements theirs by matching the loan-level data to firm FX expo-

sures, balance sheets, and studying the real outcomes of firms. Gan (2007) uses a real estate

bubble in Japan as a shock to firm asset value, concurrently examining banking relation-

ships. In addition to decreased investment, she finds that firms with larger shock exposure

see a decrease in their long term bank loans. While the paper examines the propensity of

banks to lend to more exposed firms, it does not fully control for shocks to credit supply.

Chaney et al. (2012) uses variation in local real estate prices in the US as a shock to firm col-

lateral value. They find that firms issue more debt when the value of local real estate where

the firm is headquartered increases.

This paper is also related to the literature on the determinants of foreign currency bor-

rowing.7 I contribute to this literature by examining how exchange rate balance sheet shocks

affect the currency composition of firm borrowing.8 Methodologically, this paper is in line

with much of the recent literature on the bank lending channel, which uses credit registry

and other matched firm-bank data (Chodorow-Reich, 2014; Cingano, Manaresi, & Sette,

2016; Jiménez, Ongena, Peydró, & Saurina, 2014; Khwaja & Mian, 2008). These papers ex-

ploit the matched nature of their datasets for identification, often by including various sets

of fixed effects to remove confounding variation, including firm-time, bank-time, or firm-

bank fixed effects to control for possible time varying characteristics of firms and banks and

time invariant characteristics of a particular firm-bank match. Several of these papers specif-

ically analyze the international transmission of shocks via the banking system (Baskaya, di

Giovanni, Kalemli-Özcan, Peydró, & Ulu, in press; Baskaya, di Giovanni, Kalemli-Özcan,

& Ulu, 2017; Morais, Peydró, & Ruiz, 2015; Ongena, Peydró, & van Horen, 2015; Ongena,

Schindele, & Vonnak, 2016; Schnabl, 2012). While my analysis relies on an international

shock (namely, the dollar appreciation due to the 2008 financial crisis), I focus on the effect

of firm exposure to the shock, controlling for changes in credit supply.

7 See for example Barajas and Morales (2003); Basso, Calvo-Gonzalez, and Jurgilas (2011); Ize and Levy Yey-
ati (2003); Luca and Petrova (2008); Rosenberg and Tirpák (2008) for studies using macro data and Allayannis,
Brown, and Klapper (2003); Brown and de Haas (2012); Brown, Kirschenmann, and Ongena (2014); Brown, On-
gena, and Yeşin (2011); Martı́nez and Werner (2002); Salomao and Varela (2016) for studies using micro data.
8 Bonomo et al. (2003) finds a similar result that large firms adjust the currency composition of their debt

towards local currency when exchange rate risk increases.

Further, the construction of firm level bank shocks from loan level data is related to Al-

faro, Garcia-Santana, and Moral-Benito (2016); Amiti and Weinstein (in press); Greenstone,

Mas, and Nguyen (2014); Niepmann and Schmidt-Eisenlohr (2017b). My work makes an

important contribution here by proving that these bank shock estimates can be included dy-

namically in panel regressions when properly demeaned. This result can be potentially use-

ful in any application of using granular data (e.g. credit registries, student-teacher datasets,

bilateral trade data, etc.) to compute aggregated regressors.

In the theoretical literature, balance sheet effects are central to many macroeconomic

and international finance models (Bernanke, Gertler, & Gilchrist, 1999; Kiyotaki & Moore,

1997). These models rely on a borrowing constraint that depends on the firm’s collateral or

net worth. Krugman (1999) adapted this mechanism to study the impact of exchange rates

and foreign currency debt. Recently the theoretical literature has incorporated currency

mismatch and balance sheet shocks into general equilibrium environments (Bianchi, 2011;

Céspedes, Chang, & Velasco, 2004; Korinek, 2011; Mendoza, 2010). These papers generally

assume that firms only borrow in FX. This paper contributes to the theoretical literature

by highlighting the difference in borrowing constraints by currency and the importance of

firm heterogeneity in size and shock exposure. This necessitates considering balance sheet

shocks in an environment where firms can choose the currency of their debt. Salomao and

Varela (2016) constructs a two period model of firm investment dynamics in which firms

can choose a mix of foreign and domestic currency debt. They find that more productive

firms select into larger FX mismatches, but they do not explore the consequences of balance

sheet shocks for these firms. In the appendix, I show that a simple model with borrowing

in both local and foreign currency and separate constraints on total and FX borrowing can

explain many of my empirical results.9

9 Adrian, Colla, and Shin (2012) presents evidence and a model showing how shocks can induce credit to move

from one instrument, bank lending, to another instrument, bond finance. Rather than switching between types
of debt, my paper shows a shift between currencies of debt.

3 Data
3.1 Data Description

The source of my data is quarterly financial reports of firms listed on the Mexican stock

exchange, the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV). Non-financial listed firms are required to

submit quarterly financial reports to the BMV, which are published on the BMV website as

well as distributed by the individual firms.10 These reports come in pdf form and contain

tables for balance sheet statements, income statements, and cash flow statements. In ad-

dition, several annex tables include more detailed information on sales, sources of credit,

and currency composition of the balance sheet, among other things. These reports are con-

solidated, and so include the positions of any subsidiaries, whether foreign or domestic.

The data from these reports are scraped from the pdf files, harmonized across different pdf

formats and variable names, and assembled into a single dataset.

The reports include standard balance sheet variables, notably the value of property,

plant, and equipment (physical capital) and the market value of on-balance sheet deriva-

tives positions. In addition to standard balance sheet variables, a couple of pieces of in-

formation reported are worth noting. Firms report the volume of external sales, which is

exports plus sales by foreign subsidiaries, which gives a more comprehensive measure of

foreign currency revenue for the firm than exports alone.11 Also, firms include a separate

line item for total employment in each quarter. Thus, I can connect financial outcomes from

the balance sheet with real outcomes like employment and investment.

The two most important and unique features of this dataset are the data on currency

composition of the balance sheet and the data on sources of credit. The annex on currency
10 The
Mexican National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV) requires reporting of relevant corporate
information (i.e. may influence its stock price) to the regulators and public for all listed issuers on the BMV.
Circular 11-28 establishes these reporting requirements, the dissemination of which is managed by the BMV
(Ritch, 2001). Under the new Securities Market Law established in 2006, “listed companies are required to prepare
consolidated financial statements following the standards of the CNBV...The CNBV has established procedures to
review financial statements of the regulated entities in order to enforce compliance with accounting and auditing
requirements...The CNBV is empowered to impose sanctions for the violation of the reporting requirements.”
(OECD, 2008)
11 Sales by these firms’ foreign subsidiaries to buyers in Mexico are assumed to be negligible.

composition lists the assets and liabilities on the balance sheet in foreign currency, split into

US dollar and other currencies. On average, about 90% of all foreign currency liabilities

for my sample are denominated in USD. As I cannot determine which foreign currency

a given loan is in, I make the simplifying assumption that all FX balance sheet items are

denominated in USD for the remainder of the paper. The currency composition of both

sides of the balance sheet is used to give a more complete picture of a firm’s on-balance

sheet exposure to an exchange rate shock.12

The second unique feature of this data is the detail on credit to the firms. Firms list

every loan product that they have outstanding, as well as bonds and trade credit extended

by other firms. For each loan, the firm indicates the name of the bank extending the loan,

the interest rate on the loan, the currency of the loan (either peso or FX), and the remaining

maturity structure on the loan (how much of the loan is due within 1 year, within 2 years,

etc.). Loans are listed both from banks resident in Mexico as well as cross-border banks. The

combination of data on a firm’s on-balance sheet foreign currency positions with loan level

data, split by currency, is a unique data contribution that is crucial to identifying the impact

of a balance sheet shock.

My identification strategy relies on using matched firm-bank data on credit relationships.

However, the firms list only the name of the lending bank for each loan, with no common

identifiers. I harmonize by hand all of the bank names reported in the data, taking account

of nicknames, abbreviations, different spellings, different languages, and name changes for

the bank.13 5% of loans by volume are identified only by generic names or grouped together

as “Others” or “Various”. These observations are dropped from the main estimation sample.

Of the remaining loans, 30% (by volume) either list multiple banks as the lenders or indicate

that the loan is a syndicated loan without identifying the bank. In these cases, I reference
12 I consider also the on-balance sheet derivatives positions, though I cannot tell the notional amounts of the
derivatives or the type (currency or foreign exchange derivatives, etc.).
13 Information on each bank (location, ownership, mergers, names and nicknames, etc.) was obtained from

banks’ individual web pages, wikipedia, and Bloomberg pages. I further match these banks up to information
in Bankscope, when possible, and use that information and notes in the Foreign Bank Ownership database,
provided by Claessens and Van Horen (2014), to further identify the banks and match them up appropriately for
each firm.

information on syndicated loans for these firms from the Thompson One database. Where

it is obvious who the lead bank is, I match the loan to the lead bank. When I cannot tell

who the lead bank is, I match the loan to the largest bank by assets that I can identify as

part of the syndicate. For the few cases in which the participating banks are unclear, the

loan is given its own unique bank identifier.14 With the banks uniquely identified, loans are

aggregated up to the firm-bank-currency-time level.15

All data is presented in thousands of pesos.16 All FX loans are cleaned of valuation effects

and all series are deflated to 2010 pesos using Mexico’s CPI.17 The resulting dataset covers

134 firms over 2008q1-2015q2.18,19

3.2 Representativeness

Listed firms in Mexico make up an important part of the economy. The market capitaliza-

tion of these firms fluctuates around 30-40% of GDP (source World Bank, BMV). The vast

majority of listed firms in Mexico are non-financial firms. Between 2008-2014, the total share

of GDP from non-financial firms (both listed and unlisted) was around 62%.20

Listed non-financial firms represent about 7% of total employment in Mexico in 2008.21

Table A7 plots the share of overall GDP, share of GDP in the non-financial sector, and share

of total credit to the private non-financial sector made up by my full sample of firms. Listed

firms make up around 10% of GDP, and up to a quarter of all non-financial output in 2009.

These firms also absorb a large volume of formal credit (defined as loans + bonds) in the
14 Results are robust to excluding sydicated loans.
15 While care has been taken to accurately match firms to banks, note that any error in the matching process
will add noise to the dependent variable, loans. This measurement error works against my results by attenuating
the estimates.
16 A few financial reports are presented in thousands of US dollars. These are converted into peso using end of

period exchange rates.

17 After the 1995 peso crisis, Mexico introduced inflation indexed lending (UDIS) that banks could use, funded

by nominal bonds which shifted the inflation risk to the government. Such lending was primarily used for
mortgages (Karaoglan & Lubrano, 1995).
18 Balance sheet data for these firms is available from 2005q1, but I am unable to examine loan-level trends

before 2008.
19 For perspective, there are about 130 firms listed on the BMV at any given time.
20 Source for Market capitalization of listed firms is from the World Bank and BMV. Source for GDP share of

non-financial firms is INEGI.

21 Source is the 2009 Economic Census in Mexico. For reference, the 1000 largest firms represent 17% of total


economy, usually around 60% of all credit to the private non-financial sector.

The firms in my data account for a large portion of the foreign currency debt in Mexico.

Non-banks in Mexico (which includes government, households, etc.) had US dollar debt

outstanding of $117.7 Billion USD on average in 2008.22 In that same period, the firms in my

data accounted for $55.5 Billion USD in FX debt (mostly US dollar), which is about 47% of

all FX debt for non-banks in Mexico.

Relative to the largest 1000 firms in Mexico, firms in my dataset are at the top end of

the size distribution. Table A8 shows the average size, employment, sales, equipment, and

operating margin of firms in Mexico in 2008, with data in the first two columns drawn from

the 2009 Economic Census in Mexico.23 While my sample is not necessarily representative

of all firms in Mexico, it does represent an important segment of the overall economy, so

their outcomes have ramifications for the aggregate, as well as potential spillover effects to

smaller firms, such as through production network shocks or credit spillovers. These firms

may also be similar to large firms in other emerging markets, so their behavior could be

more widely informative.

3.3 Sample and Summary

For my regression analysis, I drop state owned/controlled firms, utilities, and non-financial

firms that provide auxiliary financial services.24 I also drop a few firms that are controlled

by a parent company in the sample and all firms with either no loans or no loans from an

identifiable bank.25

I split the sample into exporters and non-exporters, where exporters are defined as hav-

ing their median share of external sales to total sales over the sample greater than 15%. I

focus my analysis in this paper on the non-exporter sample, so as to isolate the balance
22 Source: BIS global liquidity indicators.
23 Note that I remove the financial firms from the “All Firms” and “1000 Largest Firms” samples. The 1000
largest firms are then the 921 largest non-financial firms.
24 The only quasi public firm is PEMEX, while the only auxiliary financial firm is American Express Mexico.
25 Some firms group smaller loans into ”various” or ”others” categories, and some loans are identified with too

generic a name for the bank in order to identify which bank it is. This drops 5% of loan volume from the sample.

sheet shock from changes in export revenues, but results for exporters are in the appendix

for comparison. I also split the sample by firm size, where “small’ is defined as having av-

erage size (measured by log assets) below the sample median.26 These splits break the firms

roughly in half for each group in the regression sample, as shown in Table A1. While large

firms are split evenly between the exporter and non-exporter samples, fewer small firms are


These firms are spread across a variety of (broadly defined) sectors,27 shown in Table A2,

though half of the firms and observations are in the manufacturing sector. These sectoral

differences may be relevant for how firms are affected by and respond to the exchange rate

shock and global recession. I address this in Section 4.

As my identification strategy relies on comparing different firms borrowing from the

same bank, Table A3 summarizes the banking relationships in the regression sample. The

vast majority of firms and loan volume in the sample are covered by firms that maintain

multiple banking relationships, with firms averaging close to 7 simultaneous bank relation-

ships. On the bank side, there are many more banks in this sample than there are firms. This

is due to the sample being large listed firms that borrow both domestically and internation-

ally. In addition to borrowing from banks resident in Mexico, each firm may borrow from

any one of a wide variety of cross-border banks. This makes it more likely that these banks

will lend to just one firm in the sample. Despite having a large number of banks with only

one relationship with a firm in the sample, between 73-90% of total loan volume is covered

by banks with multiple borrowers in sample. The average number of lending relationships

in the sample for the full set of banks is around 3, but that number doubles when single

relationship banks (which are dropped with the inclusion of bank-quarter fixed effects) are


Including the extensive set of fixed effects in separate samples reduces the firm sample

size to 93 firms. Table A4 shows how the full sample, regression sample (after dropping
26 Resultsare robust to adjusting the cutoffs for both exporter and small designations.
27 Sectorsare broad categories: Construction, Energy, Health, IT, Manufacturing, Real Estate, Restaurants and
Hotels, Retail and Wholesale, Telecom, and Transportation.

firms with no bank debt, and fixed effects sample compare. There are a few mild differ-

nces across samples, the most significant of which are that the fixed effect sample firms are

slightly larger on average (assets, employees) than the main regression sample. Otherwise,

the fixed effects do not change the composition of the sample of firms.

Table A5 summarizes the loan observations of the regression sample, aggregated to the

firm-bank-currency level. Interest rates are loan weighted averages up to the firm-bank-

currency level. Non-exporters tend to have slightly more and larger loan relationships in

peso than they do in FX, whereas exporting firms have substantially more and larger loan

relationships in FX. However, both exporter and non-exporter firms have lower interest

rates on their FX borrowing than their peso borrowing, on average.28 Across both groups

and both currencies, firms tend to have about half of their outstanding loans due within 1

year. These firms thus may need to roll over both their peso and FX bank debt frequently.

A key variable in my analysis is the firm’s foreign currency exposure (mismatch). I define

this exposure as
FXLiabilities f ,t − FXAssets f ,t
Exposure f ,t = (1)
Assets f ,t
which captures the net share of assets that is exposed to foreign currency mismatch. As a

firm increases its FX exposure, it makes itself more vulnerable to a depreciation that will

have larger negative effects on the balance sheet. Table A6 explores the characteristics of

firms that have more exposure prior to the shock. In the left panel, firms in the telecom

sector have the largest mismatch, while the manufacturing sector, which accounts for the

largest share of firms, has the second highest exposure. Since exposure is not even across

sectors, it will be important to make sure that the effects are driven by exposure and not

by sectoral differences. The right panel presents correlation coefficients for Exposure f ,t with

other firm characteristics. Exposure is higher for firms that are larger in terms of assets and

physical capital, and that have higher leverage, less cash holdings, and a higher share of ex-

ports.29 Leverage is the strongest correlate. I control for all of these variables in my regres-
28 These are simple averages of the interest rates calculated at the firm-bank-currency level. I formally test the
difference between FX and peso interest rates in loan weighted regressions in Table 6.
29 Note that my non-exporter sample can still have non-zero FX revenues. While these revenues are still small

sion analysis, and allow for interactions of these attributes with the shock period dummy to

ensure that I am not measuring a spurious relationship of exposure to outcomes.

The comparison between exporting and non-exporting firms highlights the degree of ex-

posure in the non-exporting firms. Figure 1 plots the time series for the average share of

foreign sales in total shares, with scale on the left axis, and the average on-balance sheet

FX exposure, with scale on the right axis. Exporters on average receive 40-45% of their rev-

enues from external buyers, whereas the non-export sample average is closer to 5% of their

sales, as expected by definition. Despite the substantial difference in potential FX revenue,

non-exporting firms still have a relatively high exposure to FX, between 5-10% as compared

to the exporter average of 10-15%. Hence while exporters may have their balance sheet

positions sufficiently hedged by their FX revenues, it is less likely that the balance sheet

positions of non-exporting firms are adequately hedged. Despite having little revenue de-

nominated in FX, non-exporters have half of their (aggregated) loans denominated in FX at

the beginning of 2008.

To further illustrate the importance of my measure of mismatch, Figure 2 plots Exposure f ,t

for my firms against the share of their loans denominated in FX. As is evident in the figure,

the amount of FX loan borrowing does not always give an accurate picture of the currency

exposure of the firm. Some firms with 100% of their loans in FX have a negative exposure

due to their holdings of FX assets, while some firms with 0% of their loans in FX have posi-

tive exposure, due to FX borrowing in other forms (bonds, etc.).

3.4 Context For Mexico

The source of the balance sheet shock comes from a sharp depreciation of the exchange rate

in late 2008. The collapse of Lehman brothers in the US precipitated the global financial cri-

sis. One important effect that accompanied this crisis was an appreciation of the US dollar

vis-a-vis almost every other currency. The US Dollar Mexican peso exchange rate is plot-

ted in Figure 3. The depreciation of the peso was both sudden and unexpected. This is
and infrequent, I control for them directly in the empirical analysis.

important for my identification because firms were not adjusting their currency positions

in anticipation of a depreciation, and the exchange rate shock was not driven by Mexico’s

fundamentals. The currency movement was also large, as the dollar appreciated by 55%

against the peso.30

The shaded area of the graph is the shock period, which captures the aftermath of the

shock for 8 quarters.31 There is also a large depreciation at the end of the sample, beginning

with the Taper Tantrum in 2013.32 However, this depreciation is a long and protracted event

that was likely to be anticipated and possibly connected to Mexico’s fundamentals, making

it unsuitable as an experiment. I end my regression sample in 2013q1 to avoid this period.33

While the Lehman-induced exchange rate shock is plausibly exogenous, there are other

consequences of the global financial crisis that could potentially also affect the firms in my

sample, particularly because of Mexico’s close proximity and ties to the United States. Fig-

ure 4 shows some of the macroeconomic trends in Mexico around this same period. Around

the crisis, there was a clear slow down in growth in Mexico, as well as a mild decrease in ex-

ports relative to GDP. The drop in exports occurred despite the terms-of-trade improvement,

which reflects decreased demand from its primary trading partner, the US.34 This movement

in exports directly affects the foreign currency revenues in the economy, so export status and

revenue are important factors to account for in my analysis.

Panel (b) of Figure 4 examines trends in financial variables. Debt inflows to the banking

and corporate sectors both dropped significantly in the aftermath of the crisis, followed by

a strong recovery. Also plotted is the growth of total US dollar credit to non-banks through-

out Latin America, which highlights the general trends of dollar liquidity over the period,
30 SeeSidaoui, Ramos-Francia, and Cuadra (2010) for a more detailed description of Mexico’s experience with
and response to the global financial crisis.
31 Results are robust to adjusting this period to end earlier or start earlier.
32 The Taper Tantrum was a panic in emerging markets that was initiated on May 22, 2013 when the Federal Re-

serve announced that it would begin tapering its bond purchases. This sparked the panic because an anticipated
US dollar appreciation and tighter US monetary policy meant that the FX debt accumulated during quantitative
easing would inflate and become difficult to service.
33 Results are robust to extending the sample to 2015q2, the last period in my data.
34 80% of Mexico’s exports are to the US, and 50% of its imports are from the US over the sample period (UN

COMTRADE database). For the remaining trade, recent evidence from Gopinath (2015) shows that most trade is
invoiced in USD, even if the US is not involved in the trade.

matching the capital inflows. Changes in these flows could affect the price and availability

of foreign currency credit. Key to my identification is the ability to control for shocks to

credit supply in each currency.

Despite the growth slowdown, drop in exports, and drying up of external and USD fi-

nancing, Mexico was able to recover fairly quickly from the crisis. Mexico’s banking system

was well capitalized ahead of the shock (Sidaoui et al., 2010).35 It is dominated by several

large foreign banks, but the Credit Institutions Law restricts the amount of capital a sub-

sidiary can transfer abroad to their parent bank to less than 50% of Tier 1 capital, which

helped keep the domestic banking sector more stable during the crisis (Sidaoui et al., 2010).

The strong position of domestic banks could potentially help to absorb the loss of external

financing and smooth out the credit results for borrowing firms. Further, banks in Mexico

are required to keep their open FX position below 15% of Tier 1 capital maintained on their

balance sheet, to limit their on-balance sheet currency mismatch (IMF, 2016). This addition-

ally may have helped prevent trouble arising in these banks. However, firms have no such

regulation. My sample consists of large firms who borrow substantially in FX from banks

both within and outside of Mexico, making them a pertinent sample to study the effects of

exchange rate related balance sheet shocks.36

It is possible that firms in my sample have derivatives positions that hedge their expo-

sure. Anecdotally the use of derivatives by emerging market firms to hedge FX exposure is

quite limited, however, and the market value of their on-balance-sheet net derivatives posi-

tions appear to be small. Figure 5 plots the sample average net derivatives position relative

to total assets. Derivatives positions that would hedge against exchange rate movements

would be reflected after the exchange rate depreciates at the end of 2008, as the sudden de-

preciation would cause their value to change. For non-exporters, the average market value

of their derivatives positions did jump to about half a percent of assets following the depre-
35 The Basel III regulatory framework released in 2010 suggests a capital adequacy ratio (CAR) of about 8-10%,
whereas Mexico’s aggregate CAR has been around 16% over the whole sample period (Banco de Mexico).
36 Of loans made by domestic banks, the share denominated in foreign currencies was historically just below

20% prior to 2003, but has since dropped to just under 10% since 2005 (Hardy, 2018).

ciation, indicating some potential hedging, but anecdotally firms did not use derivatives to

hedge and the market value remained small compared to the nearly 10% of assets exposure

(on average) that these firms had at the time. Exporters may have a natural hedge of FX rev-

enues, but their derivatives positions turn negative on average following the shock. This is

due to several listed firms engaging in risky derivatives contracts that essentially bet against

a large depreciation of the peso (Chui, Fender, & Sushko, 2014; Sidaoui et al., 2010).

Why would non-exporting firms take the risk of unhedged FX exposure on their balance

sheet? As is common in many emerging markets, deviations from uncovered interest rate

parity (UIP) make FX loans relatively attractive despite the risk.37 Figure 6 plots deviations

from UIP, where = 1 means UIP holds, and > 1 indicates that FX loans are relatively cheaper

than peso loans. There are consistent deviations from UIP that make FX loans attractive for

even unhedged firms to borrow in. This incentivizes firms tol take unhedged FX positions,

exposing themselves to potential future balance sheet shocks.

4 Firm-Bank Level Loan Outcomes

4.1 Identification Strategy

A key component to my identification strategy is an exogenous shock to firms’ balance

sheets. The sharp depreciation of the peso at the end of 2008 provides such a shock, as

discussed earlier and shown in Figure 3. While this shock provides a movement in the

exchange rate that is exogenous to Mexico’s fundamentals, there could be other macroe-

conomic effects that occurred simultaneously with the global financial crisis. Of particular

concern are changes in trade, which affect foreign currency revenues, and capital inflows,

which affect the credit supply.38 To address the first concern, I split the sample into export-

ing firms (defined as those whose median sales share of exports is above 15%) and non-
37 See
Salomao and Varela (2016) for evidence of UIP deviations in European countries and the correlation of
FX loans with UIP.
38 While a depreciation is usually associated with increased exports due to the terms-of-trade improvement,

the recession in the US (Mexico’s primary trading partner) led to a reduction in demand that overpowered the
improved competitiveness.

exporting firms. Non-exporting firms are of particular interest because they do not have the

same “natural hedge” of FX revenues as exporting firms.

Financial markets worldwide were shocked following the collapse of Lehman Brothers

(concurrent with the depreciation). Credit supply shocks to a firm’s bank could bias the

estimated effect of the shock if banks that lend more in foreign currency or lend more to

exposed firms are affected differently from the shock. My identification strategy addresses

this by exploiting the matched nature of my dataset between firms and banks. Firms often

maintain multiple bank relationships, and banks lend to many firms. By comparing mul-

tiple firms that borrow from the same bank in the same currency, I am able to control for

credit supply shocks to a specific bank in that currency. In particular, I estimate separate re-

gressions for FX and peso loans, and control for bank-time fixed effects, which accounts for

all variation in outcomes from observed and unobserved time-varying bank factors. This

leaves variation in loan outcomes coming from firm characteristics, with FX mismatch as

the main characteristic of interest.

The shock period is from 2009q1-2010q4, capturing the 2 years following the large peso

depreciation.39,40 Shock t takes a value of 1 during this period and 0 otherwise. Defining the

shock in this manner allows for flexibility in the timing of the impact for each firm, as firms

may not need to roll over debt or adjust their investment in every quarter. I take the average

of my FX exposure measure ((FX Liabilities - FX Assets)/Total Assets) over 2008 to get a time

invariant measure of exposure just prior to the shock period. I winsorize this measure for

two outlier firms, which have unusually large stocks of FX assets.41 I interact this measure

with the shock dummy to capture the balance sheet shock. Using a time-invariant pre-shock

measure of FX exposure avoids possible endogenous adjustment of the firm’s FX position

39 Results are robust to adjusting the length of the shock period to end 2 or 3 quarters earlier, or start 1 quarter
earlier. Given that the exchange rate is both at a higher level and more volatile following the Lehman collapse, I
also check results using just a sample from 2009q1-2013q1 (comparing the immediate aftermath of the shock with
normal times after the shock). Results are robust.
40 The “Taper Tantrum” episode in 2013 also sparked a depreciation of the peso, but this depreciation was a

steady, prolonged episode, and so it is less plausible as an unexpected shock unrelated to Mexico’s fundamentals.
Hence, my main sample of interest ends before that period, spanning 2008q1-2013q1.
41 Results are stronger with the inclusion of non-winsorized outliers. I prefer a winsorized specification to

ensure that results are not driven by these two firms.

in response to the shock.

My identification assumption is that, conditional on firm fixed effects and additional

time-varying firm controls, firms with different FX exposure who borrow from the same

bank in the same currency do not differ from each other in a way that is correlated with

the difference in their loan growth outcomes following the shock. This improves on the

existing literature, which assumes that firms are exposed to the same credit supply shocks.

The primary threat to this identification will be latent firm characteristics that are correlated

with exposure and that affect loan outcomes through some other channel during the shock

period. I discuss and address these threats in Section 4.2.1.

I implement my empirical strategy using the following baseline regression for non-exporting

firms, run separately by currency:

∆ log( Loancf ,b,t ) = α f + αb,t + β 0 Exposure f × Shock t + ΦX f ,t−1 + ecf ,b,t (2)

where log( Loancf ,b,t ) is the log value of the loans outstanding at firm f from bank b at

time t (quarterly data) in currency c. The dependent variable is loan growth, measured

by ∆ log( Loancf ,b,t ) = log( Loancf ,b,t ) − log( Loancf ,b,t−1 ), which compares the loans outstand-

ing between the same firm-bank pair in the same currency over time.42 Bank-quarter αb,t

and firm α f fixed effects control for time-varying credit supply factors and time-invariant

firm heterogeneity.43 In some specifications, I also include sector dummy interactions or

sector-year fixed effects to account for trends in each sector that could be correlated with the

exchange rate shock, such as changes in demand or input cost.

X f ,t−1 is a vector of time varying firm controls, lagged one period to avoid simultaneity,

which captures any remaining determinants of loan outcomes not associated with the bal-

ance sheet shock. These include firm size measured by log assets, the ratios of cash to assets,

bond debt to assets, total liabilities to assets, sales to assets, and net derivatives position
42 This is winsorized at 1% to reduce the influence large outliers in terms of loan outcomes, but results are
robust to not winsorizing.
43 Any common effects from macroeconomic conditions varying at the quarterly level are subsumed in the

bank-quarter fixed effects.

relative to liabilities, as well as the share of sales to foreigners (which includes both exports

and sales by foreign subsidiaries).44 Since my independent variable of interest varies only

at the firm-time level, but my outcome variable varies at the firm-bank-time level, I cluster

the standard errors at the firm level.45 The regressions are weighted by the lagged value of

log loans, log( Loancf ,b,t−1 ).46,47

It is possible that we would not observe a significant effect because firms may receive

a balance sheet shock but not hit their borrowing constraint. The effect of a given shock

should be more relevant for firms that are more vulnerable or have less collateral, such as

smaller firms. Thus, I add an interaction of the shock with a dummy for small firms, defined

as having average size (measured by log assets) below the sample median.48,49

∆ log( Loancf ,b,t ) = α f + αb,t + β 1 Exposure f × Shock t + β 2 Small f × Shock t

+ β 3 Exposure f × Small f × Shock t + ΦX f ,t−1 + ecf ,b,t (3)

In this specification, β 1 represents the impact of the shock for large firms, while β 1 + β 3 is

the impact of the shock for small firms. Note that the sample consists of some of the largest

firms in the economy, so small is a relative term, but it is useful to separate out these firms

from the ultra-large firms since extreme size may enable such firms to access capital readily
44 These variables are winsorized as necessary to avoid the influence of outliers, but results are robust to either
including non-winsorized controls and excluding controls.
45 While clustering may be appropriate, some of the regressions have a lower number of clusters (e.g. 34) which

casts doubt on the asymptotic properties of the estimator. However, results are robust to pooling the exporters
and non-exporters together (for more clusters) and including an exporter dummy interaction with the main
variables of interest. For presentational convenience, results are presented separately by export status. Results
are robust to two way clustering on firm and time. Results are also robust to using Huber-White robust errors
instead of clustered errors.
46 This weighting allows larger loans to be given more weight in the results, so the movements of smaller, less

meaningful loans do not drive the results, but with a decreasing returns to size, so idiosyncrasies in ultra large
loans are not given undue influence on the estimates. Results are robust to not weighting.
47 All regressions are produced in STATA using reghdfe (Correia, 2016).
48 Results are robust to defining the small firm dummy as being in the bottom third instead of the bottom half.
49 While leverage seems like a better candidate to classify more vulnerable firms, the capacity for leverage

increases non-linearly with firm size (Gopinath, Kalemli-Özcan, Karabarbounis, & Villegas-Sanchez, 2017). Thus,
some firms may have a large amount of leverage and not be near their borrowing constraint, while other will have
less leverage and have their constraint be binding. Thus, when working with a sample of firms at the larger end
of the firm-size distribution, size may be a better measure of nearness to a borrowing constraint than leverage. I
consider leverage in conjunction with size and FX exposure in Table A11.

despite increased risk.

My identification strategy follows a difference-in-difference framework. I check the va-

lidity of this approach by examining pre-period placebos (to check the parallel trends as-

sumption), and firm specific time trends (to control for any differential trends for each firm).

I next present results for loan outcomes at the firm-bank level. I focus on non-exporters

in my analysis, but results for exporters can be found in the Appendix in Tables A15 and


4.2 Results

Table 1 presents my main results at the firm-bank level. In columns (1)-(4), I find that firms

with a higher level of FX mismatch have lower growth in FX loans following the depreci-

ation. This result holds after including bank-quarter fixed effects in column (3). Of note is

the difference between columns (2) and (3). Column (2) uses the same sample as column

(3), but does not include the bank-quarter fixed effects.50 Failing to control for changes in

bank credit supply can bias the main coefficient of interest downward because firms that

have a currency mismatch and borrow in FX are likely to be borrowing from larger, stronger

banks. Omitting this control in column (2) results in an estimate that is nearly 40% smaller

in absolute value, though still significant. The drop in FX loan growth appears to be general

among both small and large firms, as seen in column (4). The JointTest row at the bot-

tom of the table shows the p-value on the joint significance test of Exposure f × Shock t and

Exposure f × Shock t × Small f (H0 : β̂ 1 + β̂ 3 = 0). Thus, smaller firms have a statistically sig-

nificant, though smaller in magnitude, drop in their FX credit growth, though the smaller

magnitude is not statistically different from the larger effect on the large firms.

Columns (5)-(8) shows the results for peso loans. In Columns (5)-(7), firms with more

exposure have a higher loan growth than less exposed firms following the shock. Here,

accounting for credit supply shocks does not appear to be as important, as reflected in the
50 Includingthe bank-quarter fixed effects reduces the sample size for FX loans because there are many foreign
banks that lend only to one firm in the sample, so their observations are wiped out with the bank-quarter fixed

coefficients in columns (6) and (7). The interesting difference comes in column (8), where we

see that the large increase in peso borrowing is driven by larger firms, while smaller firms

see a mild (though insignificant) decrease in peso loan growth. Thus while all mismatched

firms have lower loan growth in FX, only the large firms increase their peso borrowing to

compensate. Results are robust to alternate specifications of loan growth and of exposure,51

adjusting the length of the shock period, and adjusting the cutoff for exporter and small firm


How large are these effects? I use columns (4) and (8) of Table 1 to calculate the estimated

effects for small and large firms separately. For small firms, the net impact on their FX loan

growth following the shock from the FX exposure is −0.264 and the net impact on their peso

loan growth is −0.121. If a small firm increases their FX exposure by 10% of assets (about

equivalent to increasing from the median to the 75th percentile), then their FX loan growth

will fall by 2.64% and their peso loan growth will fall by 1.21%. For a small firm with 33% of

its loans in FX (the pre-shock average), this results in a 1.68% drop in total loan growth. For

a large firm, the estimated impact of the shock is −0.691 for FX and 0.899 for peso. A 10%

increase in exposure for a large firm results in a drop of 6.91% in their FX loan growth and

an increase of 8.99% in their peso loan growth. For a large firm with 56.5% of its loans in FX,

these effects will cancel out. The pre-shock average large non-exporting firm had 27% of its

loans in FX, which would result in a total increase in loan growth of 4.7%.

To put the 1.68% drop for small firms and 4.7% increase for large firms in perspective, the

average loan growth rates in 2008 were 11% and 25% for small and large firms, respectively,

while the median rates were 5% and 2.8%, respectively.53 Thus, for the typical small firm

(in terms of loan growth), increasing their initial FX exposure could completely stall their

loan growth after the depreciation shock. The increase for large exposed firms is large, more

than doubling loan growth for the typical large firm. These effects are thus important to the
51 See Table A16, which examines exposure measured by short term FX liabilities over assets, standard growth
measures, and growth measures that admit entry and exit of firm-bank relationships.
52 Available upon request.
53 These numbers for 2011 were 16.8% and 9.5% for small and large average, and -0.2% and 0.8% for small and

large median.

outcomes of the firm.

It could be the case that the the FX and peso results for large firms are driven by different

sets of firms, rather than the same firms moving from FX to peso. In Table 2, I pool FX

and peso loans together in the same regression, and add an interaction with an FX dummy

variable to examine the relative difference between FX and peso borrowing for each firm.

In this pooled specification, I can include firm-quarter fixed effects in order to compare the

relative loan growth of FX vs peso within firm. The regression takes the form:

log(loancf ,b,t ) = α f ,t + αb,t,c + δ0 Exposure f × FXc + δ1 Exposure × Shock t × FXc + ecf ,b,t (4)

where c indexes currency (domestic or foreign). While this specification can control for all

time-varying firm heterogeneity, it relies on variation only from firms who borrow both in

FX and peso. In columns (1) and (2), I include firm fixed effects and bank-quarter-currency

fixed effects, the latter to account for different credit supply shocks for each currency, and

I add in the firm-quarter fixed effects in columns (3) and (4). These results, while more

difficult to interpret with the extra interactions, reveal that there is a significant within firm

difference between peso and FX borrowing for large exposed firms following the shock.

Note that the difference for small firms (the sum of the coefficients on Exposure f × Shock t ×

FXc and Exposure f × Shock t × Small f × FXc ) is close to zero and statistically insignificant,

as small firms have declines in both FX and peso growth.

Is the overall effect on loan outcomes positive or negative for large and small firms? Ta-

ble 3 presents results with FX and peso loans pooled together.54 Controlling for bank supply

shocks in column (1), we see that large exposed firms do have a large and positive impact

on their loan growth, whereas small exposed firms have a negative, though not statistically

significant, impact. Controlling for credit supply shocks by currency in columns (2) and (3)

reveals a significant decline in loan growth for small firms. Thus, it appears that, after con-

trolling for supply shocks, small firms hit with a balance sheet shock indeed appear to hit

their borrowing constraint and decrease their overall loan growth.

54 Note that there are very few firms that borrow from the same bank at the same time in both currencies.

In addition to affecting the net worth of the firm, the exchange rate shock could also

impact the firm by affecting the firm’s ability to repay short term debt coming due. I exam-

ine and compare the impact on borrowing of the firm’s short term FX exposure with total

FX exposure to attempt to separate the net worth effect from the liquidity effect. These two

measures are highly correlated, so results should be interpreted with caution. Short term ex-

posure is defined as the firm’s 2008 average of short term FX liabilities minus total FX assets,

divided by total assets. For my sample of firms, I have data on the maturity composition of

FX assets only from 2012 onward. However, examination of the post-2012 data reveals that

the average firm holds over 90% of its FX assets as short term assets (e.g. FX deposits, etc.).

Thus, I make the assumption that all FX assets are short term, which allows me to construct

net short FX exposure prior to the exchange rate shock.

Table 4 reports these results. Comparing just the effect on all firms, columns (1) and (4)

illustrate that the variation from the total FX exposure drives the decrease in FX borrow-

ing and increase in peso borrowing, whereas the short exposure is insignificant. Splitting

by firm size in columns (2) and (5) indicate that small firms may be more sensitive to their

short exposure. Large firms still show the decrease in FX borrowing due to the net worth

shock, but those with a large shock to their short term positions increase their FX borrow-

ing. This likely reflects large firms who have short exposure, but are not fully constrained,

borrowing relatively more in FX to meet their short term FX obligations. Smaller firms do

not appear to have this luxury. While the net effect for small firms is not significant for ei-

ther total exposure or short exposure, the negative net outcome for FX loans in Table 1 is

reflected more in the net coefficient on the short term exposure (−0.916). Column (5) shows

the same increase in peso borrowing by large firms as before, driven by their total FX ex-

posure, but smaller firms with higher short term exposure show a decrease in their peso

borrowing. Thus, smaller firms appear to be more sensitive to the illiquidity aspect of the

balance sheet shock. Columns (3) and (6) present results with just the short term exposure

by itself. These results likewise suggest that large firms are not as affected by their short

term exposure in the amounts that they borrow, but smaller firms with higher short term

FX exposure decrease both their FX and peso borrowing following the exchange rate shock.

This element of maturity mismatch and rollover risk may be an important aspect to analyze

when accounting for the responses of firms in the lower end of the size distribution to an

exchange rate shock.55

The mechanism for the effects of the balance sheet shock on loan volume could work

through changes in the interest rates charged on firm borrowing. Table 5 presents the base-

line results with the log of (1+ the real or nominal interest rate) as the dependent variable.56

Interest rates are loan weighted within a firm-bank-currency triplet in each period (when

aggregating the data to the firm-bank-currency level), and the regressions are weighted by

contemporaneous log( Loanscf ,b,q ). The regression takes the form:

log(1 + icf ,b,t ) = α f ,b + αb,t + β 1 Exposure f × Shock t + β 2 Small f × Shock t

+ β 3 Exposure f × Small f × Shock t + ΦX f ,t−1 + ecf ,b,t (5)

where α f ,b captures any time invariant variation in interest rates that is specific to a given

firm-bank pair. This controls for any preferential or unusual banking relationships that may

determine the interest rate. A caveat to this analysis is that interest rates reflect all outstand-

ing loans in the period, not just newly granted loans. The regressions return insignificant

results. The coefficients point in the right direction for small firms with high exposure to

the shock, who should experience higher interest rates if they are more risky, but we cannot

distinguish these effects from 0.57

55 Table A17 in the Appendix considers differences in outcomes by the remaining maturity of the loans. While
this measure does not capture maturity at origination, we see that most of the reduction in FX borrowing comes
from the remaining maturity short-term FX loans for larger firms. Small exposed firms have a significantly larger
decline in their long-term FX borrowing, as compared to large exposed firms. This may indicate that large firms
are able to rollover their expiring FX debt with more readily. On the peso, side, most of the increase in loan
growth for large firms occurs in long term peso borrowing. This reinforces the result that the maturity dimension
matters more for smaller firms, who are unable to obtain more short term FX funding or long term funding in
either currency.
56 Real rates subtract the 1-year expected inflation rate of the peso and add on expected 1-year peso depreciation

to FX loans. Both forecast series are from the Bank of Mexico’s survey of inflation and exchange rate forecasts.
57 There may not be enough variation in interest rates (as measured by outstanding loans) to capture these

developments. Note that regressions with weaker fixed effects yield similar results.

If there is a change in the interest rate differential, this could affect firm borrowing in FX

relative to peso (and thus potentially explain the finding that large exposed firms switch to

peso). Table 6 pools the FX and peso loans together, and considers the following regression:

log(1 + r cf ,b,t ) =α f ,b + α f ,t + αb,t + η0 FXc + η1 FXc × Shock t (6)

+ η2 FXc × Exposure f + η3 FXc × Shock t × Exposure f + ecf ,b,t

where r is the real interest rate. In this specification, I can control for all time varying firm

and bank characteristics, and time-invariant firm-bank match characteristics that may deter-

mine the terms of these loans. In columns (1)-(2), I find a decrease in the differential price of

FX vs. peso loans following the depreciation, though this effect is not significantly different

for firms who are more exposed following the shock. The significant and negative FX coef-

ficient indicates that there is a premium on the interest rates for peso loans at the individual

level, even after controlling for all observable and unobservable time varying characteristics

of both firm and bank. This premium is only reduced by 30% following the shock. This

confirms the failure of UIP seen at the aggregate level, and suggests that FX loans are still

attractive for firms (relative to peso) following the shock if they are able to obtain such a


In column (3), we see that the increase in the real interest rate on FX loans is driven by

loans to small firms. That is, firms in the smaller half of the sample face more expensive FX

borrowing in real terms following the shock.58 This is important as it means that a change

in the interest rate differential cannot explain why large firms switch to peso borrowing

following the shock. Indeed, given that the increase in the FX interest rate is driven mainly

by small firms, we would expect that those firms would have a higher propensity to switch

to the local currency. Column (4) controls for time-vayring bank-specific factors in each

currency via bank-quarter-currency fixed effects. Fully controlling for credit supply shocks

in both currencies removes the significance of the effect for small firms and reduces the

coefficient by nearly two-thrids. This may be due to soaking up too much variation with
58 This result is highly significant with weaker sets of fixed effects.

a heavy fixed effect specification, but shocks to bank credit supply in each currency may

play more of a role in determining the change in the interest rate differential than does firm-

specific risk. Columns (5) and (6) include the full interactions, which are not significant

(excepting the coefficient on FX in column (5)).

4.2.1 Potential Threats to Identification

Given my empirical setup, the primary threats to identification are firm characteristics that

are correlated with FX mismatch and are affected by macroeconomic changes that occur

during the shock period. I test my identification assumption by comparing my interaction

of interest, Exposure f × Shock t with competing interactions of Shock t with other firm char-

acteristics, similarly defined as time-invariant pre-depreciation averages. From the main

results, I focus on the overall effect for FX loans and the small vs large split for peso loans.

Tables A9 and A10 show these regressions, for FX and peso loans respectively, for six firm

characteristics that are correlated with exposure or potentially determine firm outcomes fol-

lowing the depreciation: ratios of exports to sales,59 cash holdings to assets, sales to assets,

net derivatives to liabilities, and leverage (liabilities to assets), as well as firm size (log as-

sets). Exports and size affect the main coefficient of interest the most, but in every case the

sign and significance of the coefficient on Exposure × Shock t are robust to including these

competing interactions.

As noted earlier, firms in some sectors tend to be more exposed to currency shocks than

others. It is possible that firms in different sectors are impacted differently during the shock

period for other reasons, either due to differences in the change in demand, the change

in input costs, or the change in investment opportunities, so the exposure measure could

simply be capturing differences in outcomes by sector. In Tables A12 and A13, I explicitly

include interactions of Shock t and Exposure f × Shock t with sector dummies, in order to see

if see if the balance sheet shocks differ by sector or if a single sector is driving the results.

These regressions include sector dummies one by one, with the column heading indicating
59 Note that since non-exporters are defined as having their median share of sales to foreigners as less than 15%
of total sales, some firms in the non-exporting sample will have some export revenue.

which sector is in the interaction term Sector f . While some of the sectors do appear to be

differentially affected during the shock period, none of the interactions appreciably affect

the significance or magnitude of the exposure interaction.60

Table 7 further tests for robustness to sectoral differences using alternative fixed effects

specifications. In columns (1) and (4), I include sector-year fixed effect as a more compre-

hensive way to account for trends that may affect certain sectors and thus contaminate my

identification.61 Alternatively, it is possible that banks may differentially adjust their credit

supply following the shock depending on the sector of the firm. This would violate my

identification assumption that firms borrowing from the same bank in the same currency

are exposed to the same credit supply shock in each period. Columns (2) and (5) include

bank-sector-year fixed effects to account for this possibility. Additionally, there could be

unobservable characteristics of each firm-bank match that are correlated with exposure and

affect lending outcomes. For instance, higher mismatch firms may match with banks that

are more exposed to exchange rate shocks. Columns (3) and (6) address this possibility

by including firm-bank fixed effects. In all of these cases, the main results concerning the

interaction of Exposure f and Shock t are robust

Differences in the effect of exposure between large and small firms could be driven by by

some other firm characteristic instead of size. For instance, high leverage could make a firm

more vulnerable to a balance sheet shock. Also, many of the large manufacturing firms are

exporting firms, while the small manufacturing firms are largely non-exporters. Table A11

examines if these characteristics determine the observed differential behavior between small
60 The exception is column (6) of Table A13. Firms in the construction sector appear to have larger impacts
on their peso borrowing (larger positive for large firms, larger negative for small firms) than firms generally.
Nevertheless, the results for construction and non-construction firms point in the same direction. Note that some
of the triple and quadruple interactions in Table A13 are missing due to collinearity.
61 My non-exporter sample largely is not exposed to changes in export revenues associated with the exchange

rate change. However, they could be negatively exposed if they import intermediate goods which would become
more expensive with the change in terms-of-trade. Exporting firms do a lot of importing (see Blaum (2017) for
evidence of this from Mexico), so the exporter sample would be more affected by this issue, but the sector-year
fixed effects do capture sector wide changes in import cost over the shock period. For a very limited sample
of firms, I compute the share of production costs accounted for by imported inputs. Including this measure as
a control captures relevant variation (as indicated by the increase in the within-R2 ), but does not change the
estimated coefficient. These results are available upon request.

vs. large firms.62 Columns (1) and (3) compare interactions with a dummy for having pre-
2009 leverage (defined as Equity ) above the sample median. Leverage appears to generate

more noise in the FX regression in column (1), though the coefficients remain sizable and

point in the same directions. Still, leverage itself does not appear to explain the observed

patterns for either FX or peso loans. Columns (2) and (4) introduce a competing interaction

with a manufacturing dummy. Here, the potential selection effect of manufacturing firms

being small clearly does not determine or affect the results.

My regression approach follows a difference-in-difference specification. I test the validity

of the parallel trends assumption underlying this approach in Tables A14 for loan outcomes.

The first two columns in either table highlight that the pre-periods show no significant dif-

ferences in outcomes by level of exposure leading up to the shock. The second two columns

show that the results are robust to the inclusion of firm-specific linear time trends.

Table A18 presents results from a few alternative specifications. First, 42% of loan vol-

ume for sample firms originates from cross-border banks. Thus, these changes in loan out-

comes may be driven by cross-border banks reacting more strongly to the firm balance sheet

shocks, as cross-border banks may differ in their access to FX financing and exposure to the

financial crisis. In columns (1) and (3), I restrict my firm-bank sample to just banks resident

in Mexico and find that the results are robust. Second, the period following the deprecia-

tion was characterized by higher volatility of the exchange rate. Thus, the results could be

driven by an increase in volatility and uncertainty about the exchange rate, rather than the

actual depreciation shock. Restricting the sample to include just the period after the shock,

comparing the immediate aftermath of the depreciation with the later post period, delivers

the same results as shown in columns (2) and (5). Lastly, I conduct a placebo test, replacing

the original shock variable with a dummy that equals 1 from 2010q3-2011q2, a period in

which there were no large exchange rate movements, when firms should not be differen-

tially affected by the exchange rate. This specification delivers the expected null result.
62 Notethat these serve as competing interactions with the small firm dummy, unlike in Tables A12 and A13
where the variables are competing with the exposure measure.

Overall, I find strong evidence for a balance sheet effect, whereby a deterioration in net

worth affects firms’ ability to borrow. This constraint on borrowing appears to be tighter for

loans in FX, and more binding generally on smaller firms. The bite of the binding borrowing

constraint on small firms may be amplified if the firm has a larger shock to their short term

positions. This is important, as my small firms are still quite large, so the negative effects

could be larger still for out of sample firms. My results are further suggestive that liquidity

in the domestic currency may be an important factor to offset the negative impact of FX mis-

match shocks for larger firms, though the general equilibrium repercussions of the switch

from FX to peso borrowing are less well understood.

5 Firm Level Outcomes

When analyzing balance sheet shocks, we are ultimately interested in their effects on real

outcomes. Real economic activity does not vary at the loan level, so analysis of real outcomes

necessitates working at the firm level. This section presents the empirical approach and

results for my firm level analysis. I focus on employment and investment outcomes for the

baseline sample of non-exporting firms.

5.1 Identification Strategy

Working at the loan level allows me to control for bank shocks (via bank-time fixed effects)

to isolate the impact of firm-level characteristics. When examining firm-level outcomes,

controlling for bank shocks would be equally valuable. In order to do so, I construct a

control for variation in bank credit supply that varies at the firm level. This is in line with

the work of Alfaro et al. (2016); Amiti and Weinstein (in press); Greenstone et al. (2014);

Niepmann and Schmidt-Eisenlohr (2017b). I first estimate the following regression at the

firm-bank level:63

∆ log( L f ,b,t ) = α f ,t + αb,t + e f ,b,t (7)

63 Note that I have combined FX and peso loans to get the evolution of total loans from the bank.

This regression separates loan growth into bank- and firm-specific factors.64 Note that if the

firm-time fixed effects are not included, the bank-time effects will be biased, as they will

attribute all of the time-variation in loan growth to the bank; certain banks may have high

loan growth because they are lending to high loan growth firms.

I construct a firm-specific bank shock as the (loan) weighted sum of the estimated bank

shocks α̂b,t for each bank that the firm borrows from. Formally,65
L f ,b,t−1
BS f ,t = ∑ α̂b,t (8)
b∈ B ∑b∈ B f ,t L f ,b,t−1
f ,t

I then include this variable as a control in the firm level regressions:

log(Y f ,t ) = α f + αt + γ1 Exposure f × Shock t + γ0 BS f ,t−1 + X f ,t−1 θ + e f ,t (9)

log(Y f ,t ) = α f + αt + γ1 Exposure f × Shock t + γ2 Small f × Shock t

+ γ3 Exposure f × Small f × Shock t + γ0 BS f ,t−1 + X f ,t−1 θ + e f ,t (10)

where Y f ,t is either physical capital, measured as property, plant, and equipment (PPE),

or employment, with log(Y f ,t ) winsorized at 2% to reduce the influence of outliers; α f is a

firm fixed effect; αt is a time fixed effect; and the other variables and controls are defined

as in the firm-bank level regressions. Similar to those regressions, the firm-level regressions

compare outcomes for firms with differing levels of exposure following the large deprecia-

tion shock.

There is an important econometric issue to address when using the bank shock control.

Consider a single period version of Equation 7:

∆ log( L f ,b ) = α f + αb + e f ,b (11)
64 These effects are computed using the felsdvreg command in STATA (Cornelissen, 2008). See Alfaro et al.
(2016) for more discussion on this approach, which extends methodology originally developed in Abowd, Kra-
marz, and Margolis (1999).
65 This formulation is similar to the Bartik instrument.

When both firm and bank fixed effects are included, each set of fixed effects will span

the whole space. Thus, one individual fixed effect must be omitted due to collinearity, and

the remaining fixed effects in this set are then measured relative to the omitted group. This

would be true for each period in which we run this regression. If we expand back to the

multiple period regression in Equation 7, we see that in each period, one fixed effect group

will be omitted, and so the remaining fixed effects will all be estimated relative to the omit-

ted group. Since the effects in each period are measured relative to their own omitted group,

the estimates of the effects cannot be compared across time.66

This means that my constructed bank shock measure is also not comparable over time.

To address this issue, the following proposition will prove useful:

Proposition 5.1. Time demeaned values of the estimated α̂ f ,t and α̂b,t are the same as the time

demeaned values of a hypothetical α̂∗f ,t and α̂∗b,t which have all of the fixed effects measured relative

to the same benchmark (e.g. 0). Further, the constructed BS f ,t , when time demeaned, has the same

value as a time demeaned hypothetical BS∗f ,t constructed using α̂∗b,t .

Proof: See Appendix B

Proposition 5.1 indicates that by including time fixed effects in the firm level regression

(and thus time demeaning the data), the coefficient on the bank shock in Equation 9 is exactly

the same as it would be if all of the fixed effects were estimated relative to 0 rather than

relative to an omitted category. This result is useful generally when using connected datasets

(such as credit registry data or bilateral trade data) to construct similar shock estimates for

use in collapsed regressions. So long as the appropriate regression specification includes

66 More generally, the effects are only consistently identified within a connected group of firms and banks. A
group is connected if any firm borrows from at least one bank in the group and any bank lends to at least one
firm in the group. A group is separate from another group if no firms in the first group borrow from any banks
in the second, and no banks in the first group lend to any firms in the second. When you estimate two sets of
fixed effects, both sets will span each connected group and so be collinear. Hence, one effect in each group will
need to be omitted to avoid the dummy variable trap. Since each connected group has a different omitted effect,
the estimates of the fixed effects are all measured relative to different reference points. These effects are therefore
consistently estimated and comparable within a connected group, but not necessarily comparable across groups.
In the data, around 98% or more of observations in each period are in the same connected group. The handful of
observations not in the main group in each period are dropped from this construction.

a time fixed effect,67 the fixed effect estimates from the matched data can be used in that


5.2 Results

I first examine potential substitution at the firm-level to other sources of funding besides

loans (such as bonds and trade credit). These results are presented in Table 8. Columns (1)-

(3) present results where the dependent variable is non-bank liabilities (either total, FX, or

peso). These results mirror the bank borrowing results: large firms increase their funding,

whereas small firms do not. The increase for large firms is driven by their peso borrowing.

One specific area of concern is that the large firms may be switching to FX bond debt in order

to replace their lost FX bank debt (in addition to using more peso borrowing). Columns

(4)-(6) shows that this is not the case. Though not significant, the coefficient on the main

interaction is negative for bond debt, particularly FX bond debt, indicating that the effect of

the balance sheet shock on bonds is either unchanged or possibly negative.

Table 9 presents my main results at the firm level. Consistent with the firm-bank level

results, I find that while there is no measured effect of the balance sheet shock across all

firms on average (as found elsewhere in the literature), there is a difference in outcomes

for large vs small firms. In columns (1) and (2), I show results for total bank borrowing of

these firms. Large exposed firms see an increase in their bank borrowing relative to large,

less exposed firms, reflecting the increased access to peso credit, while small exposed firms

have a net negative effect, though not statistically significant. In columns (3) and (4), the

difference in employment is similar, with exposed large firms seeing a mild increase while

small firms do not. Columns (5) and (6) examine growth in physical capital. Here, large

exposed firms again see an increase, but smaller exposed firms see a decrease in growth.

While the total effects for small exposed firms measure as a statistical zero for bank credit
67 Or more generally, a fixed effect that aligns with each connected group.
68 Thisdoes not absolve more general issues associated with using an estimated factor in the regression, such
as measurement error. A relatively small sample size makes bootstrapping the errors less feasible, but the results
are robust to excluding the bank shock control, so any measurement error in the bank shock does not appear to
be biasing the coefficients of interest.

and employment, there is a significant decrease in growth of physical capital for these firms.

An increase in exposure of 10% of assets for a small firm would result in a decrease in

physical capital growth of 1.14%. For the median small firm, pre-shock capital growth was

on the order of 0.2%, so this shock could represent a substantial decline for some firms, or a

significant reduction relative to their previous expansion path for others.

These results are again robust to horseraced interactions with other firm characteristics.

These results are shown in Tables A19 and A20 for employment and capital respectively. The

results are further largely robust to alternative specifications of exposure and growth mea-

surement, shown in the appendix in Table A25, and to interactions with sector dummies,

shown in Tables A21 and A22.69 Thus for smaller firms with a large currency mismatch,

balance sheet shocks can have negative real consequences as well as the negative financial

consequences documented earlier. This provides corroborating evidence that currency mis-

match and balance sheet effects can lead to negative real outcomes via binding borrowing


Table A23 checks the validity of the difference-in-difference design for real outcomes.

The first two columns in either table highlight that the pre-periods show no significant dif-

ferences in outcomes by level of exposure leading up to the shock. The second two columns

examine robustness to the inclusion of firm-specific linear time trends. Investmen outcomes

are robust. The employment outcomes in column (3) are no longer significant after includ-

ing firm specific time trends, nevertheless the coefficients are of approximately the same

magnitude as the main specification, or larger.

The 75th percentile firm in terms of FX exposure (for either small or large) experienced

a drop in net worth of 3.33% of assets. The median firm (either small or large) experienced

a 1.1% drop in net worth. Using the estimates from Table 9, a small firm that experiences

a drop in net worth of 1% of assets experiences a decline in physical capital of 0.34%. For
69 The effects on employment appear to be driven in part by the construction sector.
In column (6) of Table A21,
balance sheet shocks to large construction firms result in positive outcomes, but balance sheet shocks to small
construction firms result in large negative outcomes. The direction of the effect for other sectors remains the
same, but is statistically insignificant.

a large firm, a drop in net worth of 1% of assets results in an increase in employment of

0.48% and an increase in physical capital of 0.38%. If FX debt in the economy at large is

primarily concentrated among the listed firms, then the aggregate implication is that there

is not much of a net effect of the balance sheet shock on aggregate investment, as the smaller

firms decrease investment while the larger firms increase investment.70 However, direct and

indirect impacts on firms outside of my sample may be important sources of negative real

outcomes. These are briefly discussed in Section 6.

How important is it to capture the firm’s full on-balance sheet exposure to FX, rather than

relying on more limited measures (e.g. FX debt only)? Table 10 reports coefficients from the

investment and employment regressions using alternative measures of FX exposure. Col-

umn (1) augments the main measue used in this paper with an estimate of FX hedging.

This is done by taking the value of the net derivatives position just after the depreciation

(2009q1) and subtracting the net derivatives position just before the depreciation (2008q3).

This captures the fact that if firms were using derivatives to hedge the exchange rate shock,

the market value of these positions would turn positive (into assets) with the sharp depre-

ciation of the peso (as shown earlier in Figure 5). Although this measure does not fully

capture derivatives hedging, comparing columns (1) and (2) suggests that accounting for

derivatives usage for these firms does not appreciably alter the estimates.

Column (3) removes FX assets from the measure, as many studies rely on just informa-

tion about FX liabilities. Here the magnitude for the effect on employment at large firms

decreases, while for physical capital the magnitude for both large and small is halved. This

suggests that firms holding FX liabilities may often also hold some FX assets, so we would

measure a smaller than true effect because we over estimate their exposure. Some stud-

ies rely just on one source of debt to get FX exposure, such as loans or bonds. Column

(4) uses just FX loans in the numerator of the exposure measure. The measured effects on

employment in Panel A are attenuated downwards and all estimates lose significance. The
70 Asshown in Table A15, exporting firms with FX exposure are largely unaffected in their real outcomes,
suggesting their positions are fully hedged.

estimates for investment remain similar to those of column (3), still underestimating the im-

pact, but recording a negative net impact for small firms. Column (5) uses only FX bond

debt in the numerator of the exposure measure. With just this piece, we lose all significance

for the investment regression in Panel B. Panel A on employment, however, shows a large

positive (though statistically insignificant) effect for large firms, and a large negative and

significant effect on small firms. These results together highight the importance of having a

more comprehensive measure of firm FX exposure in order to accurately measure the bal-

ance sheet effects of exchange rate shocks.

The result that large firms with a negative balance sheet shock actually have higher

growth in terms of debt, employment, and physical capital than less exposed firms has

been found previously in the empirical literature, yet is contrary to the standard model. We

would expect either a negative effect, if the firm is constrained, or a null effect, if the firm is

unconstrained. The positive effect of a balance sheet shock suggests that there may be some

other factors at play, although a large variety of observable firm characteristics fail to explain

this relationship. The next section discusses implications for theory which could rationalize

these findings.

6 Implications for Theory

The evidence presented in this paper is consistent with firms being subject to a constraint

on their total borrowing as well as facing a second, tighter constraint on their FX borrowing.

These constraints, when binding, change the allocation of credit (differently by currency)

and lead to differences in real outcomes. Appendix C presents a simple 3-period model to

illustrate how including this second borrowing constraint on foreign currency debt can gen-

erate the observed patterns in borrowing following the exchange rate shock. The presence

of both borrowing constraints, dependent on net worth or size, is further validated in the

data by Figure 7, which plots the bank debt of non-exporting firms in my sample in peso

and FX against their size (log assets). As firms get larger, they increase their leverage in peso

before increasing their leverage in FX.71 This is striking as the lower price of FX debt and

failure of UIP suggests that risk-neutral firms would desire to do the opposite.

In many models, the constraint on total borrowing that the firm faces can be derived

(implicitly or explicitly) from an incentive compatibility constraint in which the firm should

not have an incentive to default on their debt (under most realizations of the exchange rate).

The additional constraint on FX borrowing reflects the risks faced by the bank. Niepmann

and Schmidt-Eisenlohr (2017a) provide evidence that firms that borrow more in FX have a

higher probability of defaulting on their loans (both FX and peso) in the event of a depre-

ciation. Further, most collateral backing loans to emerging market firms is denominated

in local currency (see Calomiris, Larrain, Liberti, and Sturgess (2017) and Fleisig, Safavian,

and de la Peña (2006) for evidence that immovable collateral is frequently required to secure

lending in emerging markets). That means that when a loan is made in FX and the exchange

rate depreciates, the bank recovers a smaller share of the loan value in the event of default,

increasing their downside risk. Thus, the bank has an incentive to limit FX borrowing in

addition to limiting total borrowing.72

The differential behavior of large vs small firms poses another challenge to existing the-

ory. While standard theory would suggest that a negative balance sheet shock would at

best have no effect on the real activity of the firm (if the firm is away from its borrowing

constraint), my results show that for very large such firms, they are able to increase their

borrowing and investment.73 The model in the appendix considers selection into FX debt

by more productive firms as one possible explanation, as in Salomao and Varela (2016).

Another possible explanation is that the exchange rate movement itself changes the oppor-

tunity set of large vs small firms. For example, large firms may have their revenues tied to

the US dollar via production chains where they serve as suppliers to exporting firms. For
71 Size based borrowing constraints (as in Gopinath et al. (2017)) match the data better, but are not necessary to
generate the qualitative results observed in my analysis.
72 This incentive may strengthen if the bank faces higher penalties for not repaying its FX creditors as compared

to domestic currency creditors.

73 This result has previously been found explicitly in the empirical literature (e.g. Kim et al. (2015)) and may

affect results implicitly in many other papers (as many studies rely on data from listed firms and have shown
both positive and negative results).

firms in my sample, the large non-exporting firms with large FX exposure tend to be in ser-

vices or the construction industry. Thus, this explanation is possible in principle, though

less likely in practice for my sample.

General equilibrium effects may thus play an important role to understand the results.

Carabarı́n, de la Garza, and Moreno (2015) find for Mexico that as alternative sources of

funding (FX bond markets) open up for these large firms, capital in the banking sector is

freed up to lend more to small and medium sized firms. The converse could certainly be

the case, where these large firms shift away from their FX borrowing and towards peso

borrowing, which crowds out smaller firms. Negative aggregate effects, often documented

in the aggregate data following a large depreciation or currency crisis, could occur due to

a misallocation of capital, as banks may reallocate resources from risky borrowers to safe

(large) borrowers in the event of a negative capital shock. Negative effects could also arise

if FX borrowing is pervasive prior to the shock among the small and medium sized firms

who are more likely to be constrained in the event of a shock. Even if the large firms are

unaffected, the decline in investment by smaller firms together may make a larger impact.

General equilibrium effects could also operate through changes in demand during the re-

cession that favor larger firms.Thus, further incorporating firm heterogeneity and currency

of borrowing, modeling the joint distribution of FX debt and firm size, into our macroeco-

nomic models will be important to capture the behavior of the economy and the aggregate

implications of the balance sheet effects of exchange rate shocks.

7 Conclusion

In this paper, I estimate the effect of balance sheet shocks on firm borrowing and real activity.

I construct a unique dataset of listed non-financial firms in Mexico that combines firm bal-

ance sheet data, including data on real outcomes, export revenues, and currency exposures,

with loan level data for each firm that includes the currency of borrowing as well as the iden-

tity of the lending bank. I exploit an exogenous and sudden depreciation episode connected

with the financial crisis in the US as an experiment. Using matched firm-bank data, I control

for bank credit supply shocks with bank-quarter-currency fixed effects and isolate the im-

pact of pre-existing differences in firm characteristics (e.g. currency mismatch) on responses

to the depreciation. I thus directly examine the mechanism of the balance sheet shock (via

credit outcomes), and differentiate these effects by currency. I estimate bank credit supply

shocks at the firm level, and show how to include this measure as a time-varying control

in firm-level regressions. I then examine the effect of the balance sheet shock for the real

firm-level outcomes of employment and investment.

I find that non-exporting firms with a higher currency mismatch on their balance sheet

have slower loan growth in FX following the depreciation shock. However, large firms with

higher FX exposure compensate for this by increasing their peso borrowing, while smaller

exposed firms do not. These results are robust to numerous alternative specifications and

controls. While the borrowing costs for FX loans relative to peso increase following the

shock, compressing the interest rate differential, this was driven by the small firms who did

not switch into peso borrowing. FX loans remain cheaper in real terms for all firms, but this

result suggests that FX loans were still as attractive as before to large firms in terms of the

cost advantage they afford.

At the firm level, I find that total bank borrowing by large non-exporters with a mis-

match increases, while smaller non-exporters with a mismatch do not increase the growth

of their bank debt. Larger firms consequently see higher growth in their investment and

employment, while smaller firms do not see higher employment growth and experience

lower investment growth. Together, these results suggest that balance sheet effects can lead

to binding borrowing constraints, that these constraints may bind more tightly on FX loans

and smaller firms, and that these binding constraints can affect real outcomes.

This paper helps to harmonize and complement existing research by identifying and

highlighting the roles of firm size and currency of debt for borrowing constraints. I show

that the null or positive impact of FX related balance sheet shocks found in some studies

could be due to their focus on large firms that are able to substitute lost FX credit for do-

mestic currency credit after the shock. This suggests that some firms can avoid a binding

borrowing constraint after a shock if they are able to switch to local currency credit, but oth-

erwise balance sheet effects can have real impacts on these firms. The stability and liquidity

of the domestic banking sector could be a factor for emerging market policy makers to con-

sider when assessing the risk posed by corporate borrowing in foreign currencies. Further,

risk assessment should focus on the exposure of small and medium sized firms, as that is

where the largest negative real impacts are likely to occur.

An important implication of my results is that the observed movement of the largest

firms into the local currency credit market could have spillover effects for smaller firms

(especially those not in my sample) by crowding them out of local currency borrowing.

The converse result has been found for listed firms in Mexico by Carabarı́n et al. (2015), who

show that as alternative sources of funding (FX bond markets) open up for these large firms,

capital in the banking sector is freed up to lend more to small and medium sized firms. Thus,

negative effects could occur due to a misallocation of capital from risky to safe borrowers.

Negative real effects could also arise if FX borrowing is pervasive prior to the shock among

the small and medium sized firms who are more likely to be constrained in the event of a

shock. As most existing research relies on large firms for data and analysis of their FX debt,

firm level empirical studies may fail to examine the portion of the economy where negative

effects might be stronger. A more complete empirical examination the distribution of FX

debt among the universe of firms and analysis accounting for general equilibrium channels

should be a priority in this line of research.

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Figure 1: Exports and Exposure

(a) Non-Exporters (b) Exporters

Source: Author’s calculations. FX Exposure is (FX Liabilities - FX Assets)/Total Assets, right axis. Exports is
share of external sales relative to total sales, left axis. Exporting firms are defined as having the share of external
sales to total sales above 15%.

Figure 2: Exposure vs Loan Share

Source: Author’s calculations. % of Loans in FX is FX denominated loans divided by total loans. Balance Sheet
Mismatch is (FX Liabilities - FX Assets)/Total Assets. 2008q1-2015q2.

Figure 3: US Dollar - Mexican peso Exchange Rate

Source: FRED. Data is daily.

Figure 4: Macroeconomic Trends of Mexico

(a) Exports and GDP Growth (b) Capital Inflows and Dollar Liquidity

Source: World Bank WDI, Avdjiev et al. (2017), BIS. Debt inflows is defined as portfolio debt inflows (e.g. bonds)
plus other investment debt inflows (e.g. loans) capital flows from external creditors to resident banks or
non-bank firms. USD credit to LA non-banks is total credit provided to non-bank institutions resident in Latin
American countries.

Figure 5: Average Net Derivatives Position to Assets

Source: Author’s calculations based on on-balance sheet derivatives positions. Figures expressed as percent.

Figure 6: UIP Deviations

Source: Banco de Mexico, FRED. UIP Deviation defined as (st /E[st+1 ]) ∗ ((1 + rt )/(1 + rt∗ )), where st is the
exchange rate expressed as dollars per peso, E[st+1 ] is the year ahead expected exchange rate (from survey of
professional forecasters), and r and r ∗ are the the interest rates on 1 year treasury bills for Mexico and the U.S.,
respectively. All rates are period averages over each quarter.

Figure 7: Bank Debt vs Firm Size

Source: Author’s calculations. Non-exportering firms, 2008q1-2013q2

Table 1: Growth in Bank Loans (%), Firm-Bank Level

FX Peso
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Shockt 0.0553 0.0265 -0.0423∗∗ -0.0397

(0.0353) (0.0368) (0.0210) (0.0239)
Exposure f × Shockt -0.402∗∗∗ -0.322∗∗∗ -0.542∗∗∗ -0.691∗∗∗ 0.404∗∗ 0.464∗ 0.477∗ 0.899∗∗∗
(0.0825) (0.103) (0.108) (0.209) (0.196) (0.256) (0.250) (0.279)
Small f × Shockt -0.288∗∗ 0.0710∗
(0.119) (0.0389)
Exposure f × Small f × Shockt 0.427 -1.020∗∗∗
(0.270) (0.299)

Observations 1636 764 764 764 2818 2377 2377 2377

R2 0.054 0.096 0.475 0.484 0.032 0.034 0.151 0.154
Firms 40 34 34 34 49 47 47 47
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankQuarterFE No No Yes Yes No No Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JointTest 0.0505 0.314
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable is the log difference of loans
outstanding in FX or Peso at the firm-bank level in each period, winsorized at 1%. Exposure is the firm’s average 2008 net FX position
to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized. Small is a dummy equal to one if the firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is below the
sample median. Shock is a dummy variable taking a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. Firm Controls include one quarter lags
of firm size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized at 1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%, bond credit to assets, share of
sales to foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign subsidiaries), sales to assets ratio, and net derivatives position to total liabilities
winsorized at 3%. Regressions are weighted by the lagged value of log loan. Errors are clustered at the firm level. JointTest reports the
p-value of the F-test that the sum of the coefficients of Exposure*Shock and Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, ***
p < 0.01
Table 2: Growth in Bank Loans (%), Firm-Bank Level - FX vs Peso

(1) (2) (3) (4)

Exposure f × Shockt 0.449∗ 0.837∗∗∗

(0.246) (0.270)
Exposure f × FXc 0.396∗∗∗ 0.787∗∗∗ 0.185 0.542∗∗∗
(0.146) (0.174) (0.162) (0.139)
Exposure f × Shockt × FXc -0.798∗∗∗ -1.173∗∗∗ -0.358∗ -0.656∗∗∗
(0.260) (0.255) (0.206) (0.238)
Shockt × Small f 0.0653
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f -0.947∗∗∗
Small f × FXc 0.235∗∗∗ 0.219∗∗∗
(0.0740) (0.0642)
Exposure f × Small f × FXc -0.927∗∗∗ -0.784∗∗∗
(0.244) (0.194)
Shockt × Small f × FXc -0.281∗∗∗ -0.275∗∗∗
(0.0765) (0.0766)
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f × FXc 1.046∗∗∗ 0.752∗
(0.315) (0.378)
Observations 3142 3142 2964 2964
R2 0.200 0.204 0.411 0.413
Firms 50 50 47 47
FirmFE Yes Yes - -
FirmQuarterFE No No Yes Yes
BankQuarterCurrencyFE Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes - -
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent
variable is the log difference of loans outstanding at the firm-bank level in each period, win-
sorized at 1%. Exposure is the firm’s average 2008 net FX position to assets, with 2 outlier firms
winsorized. Small is a dummy equal to one if the firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is
below the sample median. Shock is a dummy variable taking a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0
otherwise. FX is a dummy equal to 1 if the loan is in foreign currency. Firm Controls include one
quarter lags of firm size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized at 1%, total liabilities to assets
ratio winsorized at 2%, bond credit to assets, share of sales to foreigners (including exports and
sales by foreign subsidiaries), sales to assets ratio, and net derivatives position to total liabilities
winsorized at 3%. Regressions are weighted by the lagged value of log loan. Errors are clustered
at the firm level. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

Table 3: Growth in Bank Loans (%), Firm-Bank Level - All Loans

(1) (2) (3)

Exposure f × Shockt 0.553∗ 0.529∗ 0.324∗

(0.275) (0.272) (0.187)
Small f × Shockt 0.0419 0.0348 0.0453
(0.0375) (0.0390) (0.0406)
Exposure f × Small f × Shockt -0.724∗∗ -0.789∗∗ -0.565∗∗
(0.291) (0.305) (0.234)
Observations 3413 3142 3112
R2 0.197 0.200 0.254
Firms 51 50 50
FirmFE Yes Yes -
FirmBankFE No No Yes
BankQuarterFE Yes - -
BankQuarterCurrencyFE No Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes
JointTest 0.121 0.0129 0.0244
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each re-
gression. Dependent variable is the log difference of loans outstanding at
the firm-bank level in each period, winsorized at 1%. Exposure is the firm’s
average 2008 net FX position to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized.
Small is a dummy equal to one if the firm’s average size (measured by
log assets) is below the sample median. Shock is a dummy variable tak-
ing a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. Firm Controls include
one quarter lags of firm size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized
at 1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%, bond credit to as-
sets, share of sales to foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign
subsidiaries), sales to assets ratio, and net derivatives position to total li-
abilities winsorized at 3%. Regressions are weighted by the lagged value
of log loan. Errors are clustered at the firm level. JointTest reports the p-
value of the F-test that the sum of the coefficients of Exposure*Shock and
Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

Table 4: Growth in Bank Loans (%), Firm-Bank Level - Short vs Total FX Exposure

FX Peso
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Exposure f × Shockt -0.690∗∗ -1.266∗∗∗ 0.591∗∗∗ 0.894∗∗∗

(0.309) (0.294) (0.208) (0.300)
Short Exposure f × Shockt 0.284 1.498∗∗∗ -0.257 -0.247 -0.00319 0.745
(0.573) (0.496) (0.603) (0.372) (0.404) (0.592)
Small f × Shockt -0.436∗∗∗ -0.239∗∗ 0.0562 0.0221
(0.152) (0.117) (0.0438) (0.0400)
Exposure f × Small f × Shockt 1.582∗∗ -0.561
(0.619) (0.392)
Short Exposure f × Small f × Shockt -2.414∗∗ -0.285 -1.047 -1.462∗∗
(0.922) (0.608) (0.626) (0.672)
Observations 764 764 764 2284 2284 2284
R2 0.475 0.488 0.480 0.156 0.159 0.156
Firms 34 34 34 46 46 46
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankQuarterFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JointTest 0.518 0.148
JointTestShort 0.223 0.0248 0.0369 0.0482
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable is the log
difference of loans outstanding in FX or Peso at the firm-bank level in each period, winsorized at 1%. Exposure is
the firm’s average 2008 net FX position to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized. Short Exposure is the firm’s 2008
average of short term FX liabilities less total FX assets divided by total assets, with 3 outlier firms winsorized. Small
is a dummy equal to one if the firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is below the sample median. Shock is a
dummy variable taking a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. Firm Controls include one quarter lags of firm
size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized at 1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%, bond credit to
assets, share of sales to foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign subsidiaries), sales to assets ratio, and net
derivatives position to total liabilities winsorized at 3%. Regressions are weighted by the lagged value of log loan.
Errors are clustered at the firm level. JointTest reports the p-value of the F-test that the sum of the coefficients of
Exposure*Shock and Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. JointTestShort reports the p-value of the F-test that the sum
of the coefficients of ShortExposure*Shock and ShortExposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p
< 0.01

Table 5: Interest Rates, Firm-Bank Level

Nominal FX Real FX Nominal Peso Real Peso

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Exposure f × Shockt 0.00994 -0.00420 0.00989 -0.00366 -0.00277 -0.0121 -0.00276 -0.0120
(0.0109) (0.00953) (0.0112) (0.0103) (0.00919) (0.0138) (0.00974) (0.0145)
Shockt × Small f 0.00497 0.00453 0.00177 0.00201
(0.00611) (0.00632) (0.00255) (0.00263)
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f 0.0194 0.0188 0.0185 0.0182
(0.0226) (0.0233) (0.0194) (0.0202)
Observations 691 691 691 691 2250 2250 2239 2239

R2 0.947 0.948 0.973 0.974 0.921 0.921 0.920 0.921

Firms 28 28 28 28 44 44 44 44
FirmBankFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankQuarterFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JointTest 0.468 0.481 0.644 0.664
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable in columns (1)-(2) is the log of 1 +
the loan weighted nominal interest rate at the firm-bank level in each period. Depedent variable in columns (3)-(4) is the log of the nominal
rate, plus the expected Peso depreciation rate for the foreign currency loans, minus expected Peso inflation rate. Shock is a dummy variable
taking a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. FX is a dummy variable equal to 1 if the loan is denominated in foreign currency.
Small is a dummy equal to one if the firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is below the sample median. Firm Controls include one
quarter lags of firm size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized at 1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%, bond credit to
assets, share of sales to foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign subsidiaries), sales to assets ratio, and net derivatives position to
total liabilities winsorized at 3%. Regressions are weighted by log loan. Errors are clustered at the firm level. JointTest reports the p-value
of the F-test that the sum of the coefficients of Exposure*Shock and Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01
Table 6: Real Interest Rate Differential, Firm-Bank Level

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

FXc -0.0530∗∗∗ -0.0535∗∗∗ -0.0492∗∗∗ -0.0484∗∗∗

(0.00424) (0.00487) (0.00622) (0.00686)
FXc × Shockt 0.0132∗∗ 0.0141∗ 0.00547 0.00755
(0.00526) (0.00713) (0.00828) (0.0100)
FXc × Exposure f 0.00817 -0.000279 -0.00362
(0.0228) (0.0362) (0.0109)
FXc × Shockt × Exposure f -0.0126 -0.0359 0.00926
(0.0303) (0.0468) (0.0187)
FXc × Small f -0.00763 -0.00196 -0.0130 -0.0106
(0.00807) (0.00715) (0.0105) (0.00809)
FXc × Shockt × Small f 0.0151∗ 0.00735 0.0130 0.00532
(0.00877) (0.00680) (0.0118) (0.00966)

FXc × Exposure f × Small f 0.0345 0.0473

(0.0464) (0.0302)
FXc × Shockt × Exposure f × Small f 0.0368 0.00146
(0.0549) (0.0347)
Observations 3616 3222 3616 3278 3222 2946
R2 0.891 0.881 0.891 0.977 0.882 0.976
Firms 54 45 54 53 45 44
FirmBankFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankQuarterFE Yes Yes Yes - Yes -
FirmQuarterFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankQuarterCurrencyFE No No No Yes No Yes
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable is the log of 1 + the loan
weighted nominal interest rate at the firm-bank level in each period, plus expected Peso depreciation for foreign currency loans,
minus expected Peso inflation rate. Shock is a dummy variable taking a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. FX is a
dummy variable equal to 1 if the loan is denominated in foreign currency. Small is a dummy equal to one if the firm’s average
size (measured by log assets) is below the sample median. Regressions are weighted by log loan. Errors are clustered at the firm
level. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01
Table 7: Growth in Bank Loans (%), Firm-Bank Level, Alternate Fixed Effects

FX Peso
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Exposure f × Shockt -0.479∗∗ -0.780∗∗ -0.552∗∗∗ 0.817∗∗ 0.833∗∗ 0.717∗∗∗

(0.231) (0.324) (0.133) (0.359) (0.388) (0.185)
Small f × Shockt 0.0182 -0.0289 0.0768∗
(0.0442) (0.0655) (0.0393)
Exposure f × Small f × Shockt -1.145∗∗ -1.117∗∗ -0.821∗∗∗
(0.444) (0.464) (0.256)
Observations 760 1511 749 2376 2690 2351
R2 0.500 0.354 0.560 0.165 0.182 0.215
Firms 34 40 33 47 49 47
FirmFE Yes Yes N/A Yes Yes N/A

QuarterFE N/A Yes N/A N/A Yes N/A

SectorYearFE Yes N/A No Yes N/A No
BankQuarterFE Yes No Yes Yes No Yes
BankSectorYearFE No Yes No No Yes No
FirmBankFE No No Yes No No Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JointTest 0.118 0.115 0.523
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable is
the log difference of loans outstanding in FX or Peso at the firm-bank level in each period, winsorized at 1%.
Exposure is the firm’s average 2008 net FX position to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized. Small is a dummy
equal to one if the firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is below the sample median. Shock is a dummy
variable taking a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. Firm Controls include one quarter lags of firm
size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized at 1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%, bond
credit to assets, share of sales to foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign subsidiaries), sales to assets
ratio, and net derivatives position to total liabilities winsorized at 3%. Regressions are weighted by the lagged
value of log loan. Errors are clustered at the firm level. JointTest reports the p-value of the F-test that the sum
of the coefficients of Exposure*Shock and Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p <
Table 8: Growth in Firm Level Non-Bank Financing (%)

Non-Bank Liabilities Bond Debt

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Total FX Peso Total FX Peso
Exposure f × Shockt 0.331∗∗ -0.425 0.814∗ -0.179 -0.201 0.249
(0.161) (0.285) (0.405) (0.303) (0.147) (0.479)
Shockt × Small f 0.0517 -0.167∗ 0.109 ∗ -0.193∗∗ -0.0321 -0.143
(0.0365) (0.0877) (0.0595) (0.0771) (0.0515) (0.0910)
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f -0.482∗∗ 0.335 -0.672 0.525 -0.122 0.176
(0.211) (0.330) (0.434) (0.438) (0.320) (0.556)
Observations 844 517 790 837 837 844
R2 0.217 0.273 0.161 0.082 0.084 0.076
Firms 52 40 47 52 52 52
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
TimeFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankShock Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JointTest 0.292 0.585 0.405 0.296 0.267 0.130
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable
in columns (1)-(3) is the log difference of non-bank liabilities outstanding at the firm level in each period,
winsorized at 2%. Dependent variable in columns (4)-(6) is the log difference of bond debt at the firm level
in each period, winsorized at 2%. Exposure is the firm’s average 2008 net FX position to assets, with 2 outlier
firms winsorized. Small is a dummy equal to one if the firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is below
the sample median. Shock is a dummy variable taking a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. Bank
shock is a control for credit supply shocks to each firm, as constructed in the text. Firm Controls include
one quarter lags of firm size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized at 1%, total liabilities to assets ratio
winsorized at 2%, bond credit to assets, share of sales to foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign
subsidiaries), sales to assets ratio, and net derivatives position to total liabilities winsorized at 3%. Errors
are clustered at the firm level. JointTest reports the p-value of the F-test that the sum of the coefficients of
Exposure*Shock and Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

Table 9: Growth in Firm Level Outcomes (%)

Bank Debt Employment PPE

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Exposure f × Shockt 0.249 0.479∗∗ 0.0705 0.161∗∗ 0.0336 0.126∗

(0.162) (0.202) (0.0474) (0.0789) (0.0568) (0.0650)
Shockt × Small f 0.0769∗ 0.00446 0.0148
(0.0441) (0.0145) (0.0110)
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f -0.600∗∗ -0.227∗∗ -0.239∗∗∗
(0.240) (0.108) (0.0825)
Observations 850 850 770 770 792 792
R2 0.205 0.209 0.158 0.164 0.199 0.207
Firms 52 52 51 51 52 52
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
TimeFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankShock Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JointTest 0.394 0.395 0.0351
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable in
columns (1) and (2) is the log difference of bank credit outstanding at the firm level in each period, winsorized
at 1%. Dependent variable in columns (3) and (4) is the log difference of employment at the firm level in each
period, winsorized at 2%. Dependent variable in columns (5) and (6) is the log difference of physical capital
outstanding, measured as property, plant, and equipment, at the firm level in each period, winsorized at
2%. Exposure is the firm’s average 2008 net FX position to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized. Small
is a dummy equal to one if the firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is below the sample median.
Shock is a dummy variable taking a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. Bank shock is a control
for credit supply shocks to each firm, as constructed in the text. Firm Controls include one quarter lags of
firm size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized at 1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%,
bond credit to assets, share of sales to foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign subsidiaries), sales
to assets ratio, and net derivatives position to total liabilities winsorized at 3%. Errors are clustered at the
firm level. JointTest reports the p-value of the F-test that the sum of the coefficients of Exposure*Shock and
Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

Table 10: Measures of FX Exposure and Growth in Firm Outcomes (%)

Panel A: Employment
Exposure Measure Assets Assets Assets Assets Assets

Exposure f × Shockt 0.184∗∗ 0.160∗∗ 0.105 0.021 0.442

Exposure f × Small f × Shockt -0.268∗∗ -0.234∗∗ -0.177∗∗ -0.064 -0.707∗∗

Total Effect (Small) -0.084 -0.074 -0.072 -0.043 -0.265∗∗
Panel B: Physical Capital
Exposure Measure Assets Assets Assets Assets Assets

Exposure f × Shockt 0.128∗ 0.128∗ 0.079∗ 0.106 0.081

Exposure f × Small f × Shockt -0.253∗∗∗ -0.249∗∗∗ -0.140∗∗∗ -0.179∗∗ -0.28

Total Effect (Small) -0.125∗∗ -0.121∗∗ -0.061∗ -0.073∗ -0.199
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable in
Panel A is the log difference of employment at the firm level in each period, winsorized at 2%. Dependent
variable in Panel B is the log difference of physical capital outstanding, measured as property, plant, and
equipment, at the firm level in each period, winsorized at 2%. Exposure variable in column (1) is FX
liabilities minus FX assets minus estimated derivatives hedging (as described in the text), divided by total
assets; in column 2, FX assets minus FX liabilities, divided by total assets; in column (3), FX liabilities
divided by total assets; in column (4), FX loans divded by total assets; in column (5), FX bonds divided
by total assets. Exposure variables are all defined as the 2008 average. Shock is a dummy variable taking
a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. Small is a dummy equal to one if the firm’s average size
(measured by log assets) is below the sample median. All regressions include firm fixed effects, time fixed
effects, and time-varying firm controls consisting of one quarter lags of firm size (log assets), cash to assets
ratio winsorized at 1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%, bond credit to assets, share of sales
to foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign subsidiaries), sales to assets ratio, and net derivatives
position to total liabilities winsorized at 3%. Errors are clustered at the firm level. Total Effect (Small) reports
the sum of the coefficients of Exposure*Shock and Exposure*Shock*Small, with their estimated significance.
All regressions also include Shock*Small. N=765 for PanelA, N=787 for Panel B. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, ***
p < 0.01

A Appendix Tables

Table A1: Firms by Category

Exporters Exporters Total
Small 44 20 64
Large 28 32 60
Total 72 52 124
Firms are from the regression sample, which in-
cludes just firms with loan data from identifiable
banks over 2008q1-2013q1. Exporters are defined as
having their median share of external sales to total
sales over the sample greater than 15%. Small firms
are defined as having their average size (measured
by log assets) below the sample median.

Table A2: Firms by Sector

Number Firm-Bank
Sector of Firms Observations
Construction 14 2106
Energy 1 8
Health 5 294
IT 1 105
Manufacturing 60 7194
Real Estate 6 339
Restaurants 8 669
Retail and Wholesale 11 578
Telecom 12 1313
Transportation 6 464
Total 124 13 070
Firms are from the regression sample, which includes
just firms with loan data from identifiable banks over

Table A3: Firm-Bank Relationships

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)
Firms: Multiple Bank Rels. Banks: Multiple Firm Rels.
Av. No. Av. No.
Num Firm Loan Rel. per Num Bank Loan Rel. per
Firms Firms Share Share Firm Banks Banks Share Share Bank
2008 94 80 0.851 0.995 7.280 221 94 0.425 0.732 3.095
2009 89 81 0.910 0.991 6.831 204 82 0.402 0.797 2.980
2010 94 77 0.819 0.957 6.638 220 84 0.382 0.742 2.836
2011 90 73 0.811 0.955 6.644 202 67 0.331 0.760 2.960
2012 89 77 0.865 0.943 6.798 186 82 0.441 0.876 3.253
2013 87 75 0.862 0.941 6.782 180 82 0.456 0.900 3.278
2014 88 75 0.852 0.936 6.898 191 93 0.487 0.902 3.178
This table presents annual (quarter 4) summary statistics on the frequency of different types of firm-bank relationships
within the loan data using end-of-year data for the regression sample. Column (1) lists the number of firm; columns
(2)-(4) deal with firms who borrow from multiple banks, listing the number of them, the share of firms, and the share of
loans accounted for, respectively; column (5) gives the average number of bank relationships each firm in sample has;
column (6) lists the number of banks; columns (7)-(9) deal with banks that lend to multiple firms, listing the number,
the share of banks, and the share of loans accounted for, respectively; and column (10) gives the average number of
firms each bank lends to in sample.

Table A4: Sample Summary

Sample Means Differences

Full Regression Effects
Sample Sample Sample Full-Reg Reg-FE Full-FE
Firms 74 54 51
N 2537 1685 1493
log(Assets) 16.27 16.37 16.50 −0.10 * −0.14 ** −0.23***
Liabilities/Assets 53.91 53.24 52.73 0.67 0.51 1.19
Cash/Assets 7.59 6.99 7.21 0.59*** −0.21 0.38
PPE/Assets 39.39 39.03 37.94 0.37 1.09 1.45*
Employment 18.09 16.77 18.68 1.32 −1.92 * −0.60
Output/Assets 20.59 20.02 20.52 0.57 −0.50 0.75
External Sales/Sales 17.61 19.31 20.26 −1.70 ** −0.95 −2.65***
FX Exposure 7.86 9.16 9.17 −1.31 ** −0.01 −1.31**
Samples as described in the text. N reports the number of firm-time observations. The first 3 data
columns are the means for each sample, with all figures expressed in percent, except Employment (mea-
sured in thousands of persons) and log(Assets) (where assets are measured in thousands of pesos). PPE
is property, plant, and equipment. FX Exposure is defined as (FX Liabilities - FX Assets)/Total Assets.
The last 3 data columns are the differences between those means, along with their statistical significance.
* p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

Table A5: Firm-Bank Level Loan Summary

Panel A: Non-Exporters, peso Loans

Obs Mean Median Std. Dev. Min Max
Volume 3980 0.65 0.20 1.19 0.00 13.90
Interest Rate 3980 11.21 11.75 4.79 0 25.52
Short Term Share 3980 0.54 0.50 0.41 0 1
Panel B: Non-Exporters, FX Loans
Obs Mean Median Std. Dev. Min Max
Volume 2040 0.64 0.09 2.57 0.00 43.00
Interest Rate 2039 9.24 8.74 4.75 0 35.43
Short Term Share 2040 0.55 0.49 0.41 0 1
Panel C: Exporters, peso Loans
Obs Mean Median Std. Dev. Min Max
Volume 1814 0.75 0.28 1.46 0.00 13.50
Interest Rate 1814 12.62 12.43 3.81 0 30.25
Short Term Share 1814 0.53 0.46 0.43 0 1
Panel D: Exporters, FX Loans
Obs Mean Median Std. Dev. Min Max
Volume 5228 1.25 0.16 4.89 0.00 99.00
Interest Rate 5228 9.80 9.05 5.00 0 36.73
Short Term Share 5228 0.51 0.40 0.43 0 1
Loan volume is expressed in billions of pesos. Interest rate is nominal. Short term share
is the share of the loan that is due within 1 year divided by the total amount of the loan.
The maximum loan volume is expressed in billions of pesos.

Table A6: Correlates with Exposure

Mean Exposure Correlation

Sector in 2008 Observations Variable Coefficient
Construction 1.99 35 Assets 0.08∗∗∗
Health 0.00 16 Employment −0.03
IT 4.73 1 PPE/Assets 0.11∗∗∗
Manufacturing 5.71 85 Liabilities/Assets 0.45∗∗∗
Real Estate −3.03 16 Profit/Assets −0.03
Restaurants 0.65 20 Cash/Assets −0.28 ∗∗∗
Retail and Wholesale 2.18 26 Sales/Assets −0.05
Telecom 14.78 40 Exports/Sales 0.24∗∗∗
Transportation 3.27 20 Bond Debt/Assets 0.05∗
Total 4.78 259 N 1033
Sample is non-exporting firms over 2005-2008. Left side of the table show the average FX exposure in 2008
for each sector. The right side of the table shows the correlation coefficients of various firm characteristics
with exposure over 2005-2008. Sample size for correlations is 1033, except for profits where it is 986. t-stat on
significance is non-directional. PPE is property, plant, and equipment * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

Table A7: Aggregate Representativeness

Share of
Total Credit
Share of to Private
Share of NFC Value Non-Financial
Year GDP Added Sector
2006 9.34 14.73 55.75
2007 9.19 14.42 56.05
2008 12.67 19.77 62.02
2009 14.52 24.41 61.13
2010 11.90 19.64 63.06
2011 10.85 17.49 61.47
2012 8.34 13.19 61.98
2013 7.05 11.31 60.40
2014 6.24 9.96 60.28
Source: World Bank WDI, INEGI, BIS, author’s cal-
culations. Total credit is loans + bonds. Value added
from my sample calculated as sales - cost of goods
sold. Credit to non-financial sector series from BIS is
to the private non-financial sector, so PEMEX is ex-
cluded from those calculations.

Table A8: Comparability to Other Firms In Mexico

All 1000 Largest Listed

Firms Firms Firms
Assets 1.62 3930.89 45 588.96
Equipment 0.74 1796.25 29 805.38
Sales 4.09 8846.96 9493.23
Employment 5.44 3344.42 15 807.39
Operating Margin 126.58 135.88 139.17
Source: Mexico 2009 Economic Census, author’s calculations.
The 1000 largest firms include some financial firms, so those
firms are excluded from these numbers resulting in the 921
largest non-financial firms. All firms are similarly adjusted to
remove financial firms. All figures are averages. Assets, equip-
ment, and sales are expressed in millions of pesos, employment
is expressed in total persons, and operating margin (defined as
Operating Income/Sales) is expressed in percent.

Table A9: Growth in FX Loans (%), Firm-Bank Level, Horseraces

Dependent Variable = log(loan FX

f ,b,t )
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Horse Variable Exports Cash Derivatives Size Leverage Sales
Exposure f × Shockt -0.399∗∗ -0.592∗∗∗ -0.549∗∗∗ -0.487∗∗∗ -0.557∗∗∗ -0.565∗∗∗
(0.147) (0.148) (0.132) (0.0962) (0.157) (0.111)
Horse f × Shockt -0.00355 -0.00282 0.00302 0.0193 0.000405 0.00485
(0.00375) (0.00535) (0.0257) (0.0251) (0.00342) (0.00487)
Observations 764 764 764 764 764 764
R2 0.476 0.475 0.475 0.476 0.475 0.476
Firms 34 34 34 34 34 34
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankQuarterFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable is the
log difference of loans outstanding in FX at the firm-bank level in each period, winsorized at 1%. Exposure is
the firm’s average 2008 net FX position to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized. Horse is the firm characteristic
indicated in the column heading. Exports is the 2008 average of the firm’s external sales (exports + sales by
foreign subsidiaries) over total sales. Cash is the 2008 average of cash to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized.
Derivatives is the 2008 average of the net derivatives position to liabilities. Size is the 2008 average of log of
assets. Leverage is the ratio of liabilities to assets. Sales is the ratio of sales to assets. Shock is a dummy variable
taking a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. Firm Controls include one quarter lags of firm size (log
assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized at 1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%, bond credit to
assets, share of sales to foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign subsidiaries), sales to assets ratio,
and net derivatives position to total liabilities winsorized at 3%. Regressions are weighted by the lagged value
of log loan. Errors are clustered at the firm level. JointTest reports the p-value of the F-test that the sum of the
coefficients of Exposure*Shock and Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

Table A10: Growth in peso Loans (%), Firm-Bank Level, Horseraces
Dependent Variable = log(loan f ,b,t )
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Horse Variable Exports Cash Derivatives Size Leverage Sales
Exposure f × Shockt 0.854∗∗∗ 0.998∗∗∗ 0.924∗∗∗ 0.898∗∗∗ 1.103∗∗∗ 0.885∗∗∗
(0.279) (0.267) (0.277) (0.293) (0.238) (0.266)
Shockt × Small f 0.0838∗∗ 0.264∗∗∗ 0.0610 -0.409 -0.116 0.115
(0.0384) (0.0646) (0.0407) (1.012) (0.140) (0.0845)
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f -1.332 ∗∗∗ -1.305∗∗∗ -0.975∗∗∗ -0.846∗∗ -1.210∗∗∗ -1.012∗∗∗
(0.402) (0.307) (0.307) (0.330) (0.267) (0.290)
Horse f × Shockt 0.00654 ∗ 0.00694∗∗ -0.00723 0.00124 -0.00403∗∗ 0.00101
(0.00331) (0.00283) (0.0154) (0.0502) (0.00165) (0.00224)
Horse f × Shockt × Small f -0.00140 -0.0304∗∗∗ -0.0841 0.0309 0.00376 -0.00225
(0.00506) (0.00949) (0.0538) (0.0600) (0.00288) (0.00330)
Observations 2377 2377 2377 2377 2377 2377

R2 0.155 0.157 0.154 0.154 0.156 0.154

Firms 47 47 47 47 47 47
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankQuarterFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JointTest 0.134 0.0769 0.691 0.749 0.439 0.314
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable is the log difference
of loans outstanding in peso at the firm-bank level in each period, winsorized at 1%. Exposure is the firm’s average 2008
net FX position to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized. Horse is the firm characteristic indicated in the column heading.
Exports is the 2008 average of the firm’s external sales (exports + sales by foreign subsidiaries) over total sales. Cash is
the 2008 average of cash to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized. Derivatives is the 2008 average of the net derivatives
position to liabilities. Size is the 2008 average of log of assets. Leverage is the ratio of liabilities to assets. Sales is the ratio
of sales to assets. Shock is a dummy variable taking a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. Firm Controls include
one quarter lags of firm size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized at 1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at
2%, bond credit to assets, share of sales to foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign subsidiaries), sales to assets
ratio, and net derivatives position to total liabilities winsorized at 3%. Regressions are weighted by the lagged value of
log loan. Errors are clustered at the firm level. JointTest reports the p-value of the F-test that the sum of the coefficients of
Exposure*Shock and Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01
Table A11: Growth in Bank Loans (%), Firm-Bank Level - Other Firm Characteristics

FX Peso
(1) (2) (3) (4)

Exposure f × Shockt -0.851 -0.723∗∗∗ 0.763∗ 0.918∗∗∗

(0.849) (0.214) (0.448) (0.276)
Shockt × Small f -0.322∗∗ -0.212 0.0645 0.0697∗
(0.121) (0.127) (0.0471) (0.0392)
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f 0.523∗ -0.964 -0.978∗∗∗ -1.791∗∗
(0.292) (0.942) (0.305) (0.789)
High Leverage f × Shockt -0.0637 -0.0173
(0.0994) (0.0516)
Exposure f × High Leverage f × Shockt 0.175 0.144
(0.869) (0.385)
Shockt × Manufacturing -0.208 0.0644
(0.182) (0.0549)
Exposure f × Shockt × Manufacturing 1.843 0.578
(1.123) (0.782)
Observations 764 764 2377 2377
R2 0.484 0.486 0.154 0.155
Firms 34 34 47 47
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankQuarterFE Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes
JointTest 0.688 0.0812 0.518 0.270
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent vari-
able is the log difference of loans outstanding in FX or Peso at the firm-bank level in each period,
winsorized at 1%. Exposure is the firm’s average 2008 net FX position to assets, with 2 outlier firms
winsorized. Small is a dummy equal to one if the firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is
below the sample median. High Leverage is a dummy equal to 1 if the firm’s average ratio of assets
to equity is above the sample median. Manufacturing is a dummy equal to 1 if the firm is in the man-
ufacturing sector. Shock is a dummy variable taking a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise.
Firm Controls include one quarter lags of firm size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized at 1%,
total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%, bond credit to assets, share of sales to foreigners (in-
cluding exports and sales by foreign subsidiaries), sales to assets ratio, and net derivatives position
to total liabilities winsorized at 3%. Regressions are weighted by the lagged value of log loan. Errors
are clustered at the firm level. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

Table A12: Growth in FX Loans (%), Firm-Bank Level - Robustness To Sectors

Dependent Variable = log(loan FX

f ,b,t )
Sector Interaction Telecom Manufacturing Construction Transportation
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Exposure f × Shockt -0.581∗∗∗ -0.577∗∗∗ -0.364∗∗ -0.561∗∗∗ -0.428∗∗∗ -0.424∗∗∗ -0.576∗∗∗ -0.575∗∗∗
(0.117) (0.171) (0.166) (0.181) (0.111) (0.106) (0.107) (0.107)
Shockt × Sector f 0.0633 0.0677 -0.119 -0.252 0.130∗ 0.136∗∗ -0.389∗∗∗ -0.543∗∗∗
(0.0778) (0.114) (0.114) (0.192) (0.0767) (0.0648) (0.109) (0.0802)
Exposure f × Shockt × Sector f -0.0180 0.630 -0.113 1.449
(0.364) (0.508) (0.646) (1.003)

Observations 764 764 764 764 764 764 764 764

R2 0.475 0.475 0.477 0.478 0.477 0.477 0.478 0.478
Firms 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankQuarterFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable is the log difference of loans outstanding
in FX or peso at the firm-bank level in each period, winsorized at 1%. Sector is a dummy variable taking a value of one if the firm is in the
sector indicated in the column heading. Exposure is the firm’s average 2008 net FX position to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized. Small
is a dummy equal to one if the firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is below the sample median. Shock is a dummy variable taking
a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. Firm Controls include one quarter lags of firm size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized
at 1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%, bond credit to assets, share of sales to foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign
subsidiaries), sales to assets ratio, and net derivatives position to total liabilities winsorized at 3%. Regressions are weighted by the lagged value
of log loan. Errors are clustered at the firm level. JointTest reports the p-value of the F-test that the sum of the coefficients of Exposure*Shock and
Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01
Table A13: Growth in peso Loans (%), Firm-Bank Level - Robustness To Sectors
Dependent Variable = log(loan f ,b,t )
Sector Interaction Telecom Manufacturing Construction Transportation
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Exposure f × Shockt 0.855∗∗ 1.614∗∗∗ 0.934∗∗∗ 0.936∗∗∗ 0.889∗∗∗ 0.417∗∗ 0.908∗∗∗ 0.907∗∗∗
(0.318) (0.205) (0.277) (0.276) (0.278) (0.159) (0.279) (0.278)
Shockt × Small f 0.0784∗ 0.0966∗∗ 0.0754∗ 0.0912∗∗ 0.0836 0.0561 0.0705∗ 0.0680∗
(0.0403) (0.0393) (0.0425) (0.0437) (0.0502) (0.0515) (0.0400) (0.0395)
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f -0.963∗∗∗ -1.703∗∗∗ -1.163∗∗∗ -2.132∗∗ -1.111∗∗∗ -0.551∗∗ -1.042∗∗∗ -0.998∗∗∗
(0.334) (0.218) (0.360) (0.841) (0.308) (0.228) (0.300) (0.298)
Shockt × Sector f 0.0531 0.125∗ 0.153∗∗∗ 0.173∗∗∗ -0.0261 -0.0692 0.0777∗ 0.0512
(0.0741) (0.0675) (0.0496) (0.0531) (0.0537) (0.0510) (0.0411) (0.0402)
Shockt × Small f × Sector f 0.184∗ 0.173∗ -0.117 -0.169∗ -0.0709 0.0300 0.0403 0.251∗∗∗
(0.109) (0.102) (0.0871) (0.0993) (0.0820) (0.0687) (0.0947) (0.0714)

Exposure f × Shockt × Sector f -1.283∗∗∗ 1.082 1.308∗∗∗ -2.501∗∗

(0.327) (0.872) (0.292) (0.978)
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f × Sector f -4.377∗∗
Observations 2377 2377 2377 2377 2377 2377 2377 2377
R2 0.155 0.157 0.155 0.155 0.155 0.158 0.154 0.155
Firms 47 47 47 47 47 47 47 47
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankQuarterFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JointTest 0.370 0.471 0.330 0.153 0.123 0.336 0.275 0.455
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable is the log difference of loans outstanding in FX
or peso at the firm-bank level in each period, winsorized at 1%. Sector is a dummy variable taking a value of one if the firm is in the sector indicated
in the column heading. Exposure is the firm’s average 2008 net FX position to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized. Small is a dummy equal to one
if the firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is below the sample median. Shock is a dummy variable taking a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0
otherwise. Firm Controls include one quarter lags of firm size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized at 1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized
at 2%, bond credit to assets, share of sales to foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign subsidiaries), sales to assets ratio, and net derivatives
position to total liabilities winsorized at 3%. Regressions are weighted by the lagged value of log loan. Errors are clustered at the firm level. JointTest
reports the p-value of the F-test that the sum of the coefficients of Exposure*Shock and Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p
< 0.01
Table A14: Growth in Bank Loans (%), Firm-Bank Level - Difference in Difference Justification

Pre-Period Firm Specific

Differences Time Trend
(1) (2) (3) (4)
FX Peso FX Peso
Exposure f × 2008q3 0.212 0.202
(0.327) (0.560)
Exposure f × 2008q4 -0.0298 0.928
(0.503) (0.882)
2008q3 × Small f -0.130
2008q4 × Small f 0.0149
Exposure f × 2008q3 × Small f -0.583
Exposure f × 2008q4 × Small f 0.461
Exposure f × Shockt -0.521∗∗∗ 1.118∗∗ -0.594∗∗∗ 0.913∗∗∗
(0.108) (0.466) (0.167) (0.313)
Shockt × Small f 0.0661 0.0631
(0.0481) (0.0423)
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f -1.177∗∗ -1.003∗∗∗
(0.485) (0.335)
Observations 764 2377 1636 2819
R2 0.475 0.157 0.815 0.255
Firms 34 47 40 50
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankQuarterFE Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmTimeTrend No No Yes Yes
JointTest 0.691 0.509
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. De-
pendent variable is the log difference of loans outstanding in FX or Peso at the firm-bank
level in each period, winsorized at 1%. Exposure is the firm’s average 2008 net FX po-
sition to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized. Small is a dummy equal to one if the
firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is below the sample median. Shock is a
dummy variable taking a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. Firm Controls
include one quarter lags of firm size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized at 1%,
total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%, bond credit to assets, share of sales to
foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign subsidiaries), sales to assets ratio, and
net derivatives position to total liabilities winsorized at 3%. Regressions are weighted
by the lagged value of log loan. Errors are clustered at the firm level. JointTest reports
the p-value of the F-test that the sum of the coefficients of Exposure*Shock and Expo-
sure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

Table A15: Growth in Bank Loans (%), Firm-Bank Level - Exporters

FX Peso
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Shockt -0.0155 -0.0365∗

(0.0240) (0.0207)
Exposure f × Shockt -0.0273 0.00681 0.0217 0.176 0.347∗∗ 0.413∗
(0.0679) (0.0826) (0.0888) (0.144) (0.169) (0.243)
Small f × Shockt -0.0110 -0.0179
(0.0975) (0.104)
Exposure f × Small f × Shockt -0.0970 -0.109
(0.351) (0.384)
Observations 3853 2271 2271 1485 1162 1162

R2 0.013 0.387 0.387 0.041 0.261 0.261

Firms 37 36 36 34 34 34
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankQuarterFE No Yes Yes No Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JointTest 0.828 0.351
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable is
the log difference of loans outstanding in FX or Peso at the firm-bank level in each period, winsorized at
1%. Exposure is the firm’s average 2008 net FX position to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized. Small is a
dummy equal to one if the firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is below the sample median. Shock is a
dummy variable taking a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. Firm Controls include one quarter lags
of firm size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized at 1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%,
bond credit to assets, share of sales to foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign subsidiaries), sales
to assets ratio, and net derivatives position to total liabilities winsorized at 3%. Regressions are weighted by
the lagged value of log loan. Errors are clustered at the firm level. JointTest reports the p-value of the F-test
that the sum of the coefficients of Exposure*Shock and Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p <
0.05, *** p < 0.01
Table A16: Loan Growth(%), Firm-Bank Level, Alternate Specifications

L − L −1 L − L −1
L −1 0.5∗( L+ L−1 )

(1) (2) (3) (4)

FX Peso FX Peso
Exposure f × Shockt -0.539∗∗∗ 0.941∗∗∗ -0.417∗∗∗ 0.832∗∗∗
(0.128) (0.257) (0.116) (0.260)
Small f × Shockt 0.102∗∗∗ 0.0696∗
(0.0367) (0.0356)
Exposure f × Small f × Shockt -0.956∗∗∗ -0.948∗∗∗
(0.296) (0.277)
Observations 772 2377 911 2681
R2 0.471 0.162 0.502 0.172
Firms 34 47 34 48
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankQuarterFE Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes
JointTest 0.926 0.303
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. De-
pendent variable in columns (1) and (2) is ( Lcf ,b,t − Lcf ,b,t−1 )/Lcf ,b,t−1 , winsorized at 3% for
outliers. Dependent variable in columns (3) and (4) is ( Lcf ,b,t − Lcf ,b,t−1 )/(0.5 ∗ ( Lcf ,b,t +
Lcf ,b,t−1 )), which admits firm-bank entry and exit, and is bounded by [-2,2]. Exposure is the
firm’s average 2008 net FX position to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized. Small is a
dummy equal to one if the firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is below the sample
median. Risky is a dummy equal to 1 if the firm is a small firm whose average leverage is
above the sample median. Shock is a dummy variable taking a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010
and 0 otherwise. Firm Controls include one quarter lags of firm size (log assets), cash to
assets ratio winsorized at 1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%, bond credit
to assets, share of sales to foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign subsidiaries),
sales to assets ratio, and net derivatives position to total liabilities winsorized at 3%. Re-
gressions are weighted by the lagged value of log loan. Errors are clustered at the firm level.
JointTest reports the p-value of the F-test that the sum of the coefficients of Exposure*Shock
and Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

Table A17: Growth in Bank Loans by Remaining Maturity (%), Firm-Bank Level

FX Peso
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Short Short Long Long Short Short Long Long
Exposure f × Shockt -0.811∗∗∗ -0.768∗ -0.00147 0.599 0.154 0.129 0.864∗∗ 1.326∗∗
(0.259) (0.446) (0.466) (0.356) (0.169) (0.277) (0.389) (0.538)
Shockt × Small f -0.366∗∗∗ 0.189 -0.0411 0.0524
(0.112) (0.153) (0.0568) (0.0712)
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f 0.316 -1.038∗∗∗ 0.0962 -1.157∗
(0.490) (0.362) (0.372) (0.626)
Observations 560 560 397 397 2002 2002 1422 1422
R2 0.448 0.457 0.505 0.513 0.150 0.150 0.206 0.208

Firms 28 28 25 25 47 47 42 42
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankQuarterFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JointTest 0.0430 0.284 0.333 0.640
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable is the log difference of loans
outstanding in FX at the firm-bank level in each period, winsorized at 1%. Exposure is the firm’s average 2008 net FX position to
assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized. Small is a dummy equal to one if the firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is below the
sample median. Risky is a dummy equal to 1 if the firm is a small firm whose average leverage is above the sample median. Shock is a
dummy variable taking a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. Firm Controls include one quarter lags of firm size (log assets),
cash to assets ratio winsorized at 1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%, bond credit to assets, share of sales to foreigners
(including exports and sales by foreign subsidiaries), sales to assets ratio, and net derivatives position to total liabilities winsorized at
3%. Regressions are weighted by the lagged value of log loan. Errors are clustered at the firm level. JointTest reports the p-value of
the F-test that the sum of the coefficients of Exposure*Shock and Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p <
Table A18: Growth in Bank Loans (%), Firm-Bank Level, Alternate Samples and Placebos

FX Peso
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Sample: Sample: Placebo: Sample: Sample: Placebo:
Domestic 2009q1- 2010q3- Domestic 2009q1- 2010q3-
Banks 2013q1 2011q2 Banks 2013q1 2011q2
Exposure f × Shockt -0.583∗∗∗ -0.407∗∗∗ -0.257 0.896∗∗∗ 1.253∗∗ -0.440
(0.162) (0.134) (0.265) (0.277) (0.522) (0.327)
Shockt × Small f 0.0723∗ 0.0945∗∗ -0.0158
(0.0388) (0.0454) (0.0454)
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f -1.012∗∗∗ -1.340∗∗ 0.0847
(0.297) (0.539) (0.380)
Observations 493 634 764 2371 2075 2377

R2 0.492 0.490 0.469 0.154 0.153 0.150

Firms 30 32 34 47 45 47
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankQuarterFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JointTest 0.334 0.554 0.169
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable is the log
difference of loans outstanding in FX or Peso at the firm-bank level in each period, winsorized at 1%. Exposure is
the firm’s average 2008 net FX position to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized. Small is a dummy equal to one if
the firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is below the sample median. Shock is a dummy variable taking a
value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. Firm Controls include one quarter lags of firm size (log assets), cash
to assets ratio winsorized at 1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%, bond credit to assets, share of sales
to foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign subsidiaries), sales to assets ratio, and net derivatives position
to total liabilities winsorized at 3%. Regressions are weighted by the lagged value of log loan. Errors are clustered
at the firm level. JointTest reports the p-value of the F-test that the sum of the coefficients of Exposure*Shock and
Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01
Table A19: Growth in Employment (%), Horseraces

Dependent Variable = log( Employment f ,t )

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Horse Variable Exports Cash Derivatives Size Leverage Sales
Exposure f × Shockt 0.169∗ 0.160∗∗ 0.179∗∗∗ 0.187∗∗∗ 0.157∗∗ 0.158∗
(0.0856) (0.0790) (0.0633) (0.0561) (0.0737) (0.0793)
Shockt × Small f 0.00312 -0.00295 0.00523 -0.444∗ -0.00722 0.0252
(0.0161) (0.0192) (0.0148) (0.247) (0.0305) (0.0223)
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f -0.403∗∗ -0.223∗ -0.240∗∗ -0.217∗∗ -0.242∗∗ -0.235∗∗
(0.182) (0.111) (0.0991) (0.0959) (0.112) (0.103)
Horse f × Shockt -0.000872 -0.0000946 -0.00533 -0.0169 0.0000796 -0.000216
(0.00156) (0.000789) (0.00433) (0.0109) (0.000357) (0.000393)
Horse f × Shockt × Small f 0.00331 0.00143 -0.000358 0.0271∗ 0.000273 -0.00106
(0.00244) (0.00227) (0.0142) (0.0150) (0.000630) (0.000686)
Observations 770 770 770 770 770 770

R2 0.166 0.164 0.165 0.166 0.164 0.168

Firms 51 51 51 51 51 51
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
TimeFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankShock Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JointTest 0.139 0.439 0.451 0.705 0.340 0.288
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable is the log difference of
employment at the firm level in each period, winsorized at 2%. Exposure is the firm’s average 2008 net FX position to assets,
with 2 outlier firms winsorized. Small is a dummy equal to one if the firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is below
the sample median. Horse is the firm characteristic indicated in the column heading. Exports is the 2008 average of the firm’s
external sales (exports + sales by foreign subsidiaries) over total sales. Cash is the 2008 average of cash to assets, with 2 outlier
firms winsorized. Derivatives is the 2008 average of the net derivatives position to liabilities. Size is the 2008 average of log of
assets. Leverage is the ratio of liabilities to assets. Sales is the ratio of total sales to assets. Shock is a dummy variable taking
a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. Bank shock is a control for credit supply shocks to each firm, as constructed in
the text, lagged one period. Firm Controls include one quarter lags of firm size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized at
1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%, bond credit to assets, share of sales to foreigners (including exports and
sales by foreign subsidiaries), sales to assets ratio, and net derivatives position to total liabilities winsorized at 3%. Errors are
clustered at the firm level. JointTest reports the p-value of the F-test that the sum of the coefficients of Exposure*Shock and
Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01
Table A20: Growth in Physical Capital (%), Horseraces

Dependent Variable = log( PPE f ,t )

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Horse Variable Exports Cash Derivatives Size Leverage Sales
Exposure f × Shockt 0.125∗ 0.129∗ 0.158∗∗∗ 0.143∗∗ 0.156∗∗ 0.117∗∗
(0.0652) (0.0666) (0.0510) (0.0578) (0.0690) (0.0571)
Shockt × Small f 0.0160 0.0154 0.0171 -0.126 -0.0222 0.0498∗∗
(0.0114) (0.0155) (0.0102) (0.190) (0.0278) (0.0196)
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f -0.330∗∗∗ -0.241∗∗∗ -0.274∗∗∗ -0.272∗∗∗ -0.285∗∗∗ -0.244∗∗∗
(0.118) (0.0849) (0.0750) (0.0788) (0.0952) (0.0729)
Horse f × Shockt 0.000448 0.000308 -0.00921∗∗∗ -0.0117 -0.000517 0.000797
(0.000809) (0.000586) (0.00327) (0.00893) (0.000353) (0.000517)
Horse f × Shockt × Small f 0.000882 0.000137 0.0109 0.00783 0.000803 -0.00183∗∗
(0.00144) (0.00194) (0.00820) (0.0117) (0.000663) (0.000784)
Observations 792 792 792 792 792 792

R2 0.208 0.207 0.212 0.208 0.209 0.212

Firms 52 52 52 52 52 52
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
TimeFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankShock Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JointTest 0.0282 0.0479 0.0393 0.0216 0.0369 0.0110
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable is the log difference
of physical capital outstanding, measured as property, plant, and equipment, at the firm level in each period, winsorized at
2%. Exposure is the firm’s average 2008 net FX position to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized. Small is a dummy equal to
one if the firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is below the sample median. Horse is the firm characteristic indicated
in the column heading. Exports is the 2008 average of the firm’s external sales (exports + sales by foreign subsidiaries) over
total sales. Cash is the 2008 average of cash to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized. Derivatives is the 2008 average of the
net derivatives position to liabilities. Size is the 2008 average of log of assets. Leverage is the ratio of liabilities to assets. Sales
is the ratio of total sales to assets. Shock is a dummy variable taking a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. Bank
shock is a control for credit supply shocks to each firm, as constructed in the text, lagged one period. Firm Controls include
one quarter lags of firm size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized at 1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%,
bond credit to assets, share of sales to foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign subsidiaries), sales to assets ratio, and
net derivatives position to total liabilities winsorized at 3%. Errors are clustered at the firm level. JointTest reports the p-value
of the F-test that the sum of the coefficients of Exposure*Shock and Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05,
*** p < 0.01
Table A21: Growth in Employment (%) - Robustness to Sectors

Dependent Variable = log( Employment f ,t )

Sector Interaction Telecom Manufacturing Construction Transportation
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Exposure f × Shockt 0.405∗∗∗ 0.412∗ 0.376∗∗∗ 0.379∗∗∗ 0.414∗∗∗ 0.400∗∗∗ 0.393∗∗∗ 0.393∗∗∗
(0.115) (0.215) (0.0986) (0.0986) (0.0870) (0.0428) (0.102) (0.102)
Shockt × Small f -0.00101 -0.000992 0.0150 0.0214 -0.00290 -0.00748 0.00208 0.00220
(0.0214) (0.0214) (0.0197) (0.0221) (0.0132) (0.0129) (0.0206) (0.0207)
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f -0.419∗∗ -0.425∗ -0.230 -0.439 -0.367∗∗∗ -0.268∗∗ -0.413∗∗ -0.417∗∗
(0.163) (0.243) (0.151) (0.280) (0.130) (0.102) (0.154) (0.160)
Shockt × Sector f -0.0171 -0.0164 -0.0209∗ -0.0207∗ 0.0422 0.0414 0.0127 0.0127
(0.0239) (0.0194) (0.0114) (0.0115) (0.0291) (0.0280) (0.0121) (0.0121)
Shockt × Small f × Sector f 0.0168 0.0166 -0.0540∗∗ -0.0683∗∗∗ 0.0301 0.0708∗∗ -0.00242 -0.00917
(0.0307) (0.0298) (0.0217) (0.0238) (0.0436) (0.0322) (0.0176) (0.0265)

Exposure f × Shockt × Sector f -0.0145 0.0336

(0.222) (0.174)
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f × Sector f 0.298 -1.549∗∗ 0.0671
(0.264) (0.605) (0.190)
Observations 517 517 517 517 517 517 517 517
R2 0.203 0.203 0.216 0.218 0.220 0.229 0.203 0.203
Firms 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
TimeFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankShock Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JointTest 0.906 0.907 0.179 0.812 0.628 0.129 0.863 0.844
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable is the log difference of employment at the firm
level in each period, winsorized at 2%. Sector is a dummy variable taking a value of 1 if the firm is in the sector indicated in the column heading. Exposure
is the firm’s average 2008 net FX position to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized. Small is a dummy equal to one if the firm’s average size (measured by
log assets) is below the sample median. Shock is a dummy variable taking a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. Bank shock is a control for credit
supply shocks to each firm, as constructed in the text. Firm Controls include one quarter lags of firm size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized at
1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%, bond credit to assets, share of sales to foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign subsidiaries),
sales to assets ratio, and net derivatives position to total liabilities winsorized at 3%. Errors are clustered at the firm level. JointTest reports the p-value of
the F-test that the sum of the coefficients of Exposure*Shock and Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01
Table A22: Growth in Physical Capital (%) - Robustness to Sectors

Dependent Variable = log( PPE f ,t )

Sector Interaction Telecom Manufacturing Construction Transportation
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Exposure f × Shockt 0.213∗∗ 0.276∗ 0.218∗∗ 0.219∗∗ 0.202∗∗∗ 0.176∗∗∗ 0.220∗∗ 0.220∗∗
(0.0935) (0.139) (0.0845) (0.0851) (0.0634) (0.0453) (0.0864) (0.0864)
Shockt × Small f 0.00978 0.0100 0.0167 0.0200 -0.00560 -0.00616 0.0108 0.0109
(0.0125) (0.0124) (0.0129) (0.0130) (0.0129) (0.0126) (0.0124) (0.0124)
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f -0.257∗ -0.319∗ -0.208 -0.311 -0.232∗∗ -0.204∗∗ -0.281∗∗ -0.286∗∗
(0.134) (0.169) (0.148) (0.221) (0.115) (0.0993) (0.129) (0.137)
Shockt × Sector f 0.00934 0.0163 0.0195 0.0219∗ -0.0316 -0.0319 0.0124 0.0123
(0.0184) (0.0171) (0.0122) (0.0126) (0.0213) (0.0210) (0.00999) (0.0100)
Shockt × Small f × Sector f 0.0342 0.0332 -0.0459∗ -0.0555∗ 0.0573∗∗ 0.0582∗∗ 0.00943 0.00266
(0.0216) (0.0208) (0.0272) (0.0298) (0.0284) (0.0267) (0.0160) (0.0245)

Exposure f × Shockt × Sector f -0.138 0.148 0.0539

(0.143) (0.184) (0.0995)
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f × Sector f -0.0816 0.0675
(0.596) (0.164)
Observations 537 537 537 537 537 537 537 537
R2 0.231 0.232 0.232 0.232 0.235 0.235 0.230 0.230
Firms 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
TimeFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankShock Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JointTest 0.622 0.635 0.931 0.618 0.743 0.743 0.499 0.507
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable is the log difference of physical capital outstand-
ing, measured as property, plant, and equipment, at the firm level in each period, winsorized at 2%. Sector is a dummy variable taking a value of 1 if
the firm is in the sector indicated in the column heading. Exposure is the firm’s average 2008 net FX position to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized.
Small is a dummy equal to one if the firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is below the sample median. Shock is a dummy variable taking a
value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. Bank shock is a control for credit supply shocks to each firm, as constructed in the text. Firm Controls
include one quarter lags of firm size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized at 1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%, bond credit to
assets, share of sales to foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign subsidiaries), sales to assets ratio, and net derivatives position to total liabilities
winsorized at 3%. Errors are clustered at the firm level. JointTest reports the p-value of the F-test that the sum of the coefficients of Exposure*Shock and
Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01
Table A23: Growth in Firm Level Outcomes (%)

Pre-Period Firm Specific

Differences Time Trend
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Exposure f × 2008q3 0.000349 -0.0539
(0.178) (0.0600)
Exposure f × 2008q4 0.0990 -0.0347
(0.0899) (0.0726)
2008q3 × Small f -0.0488 0.0107
(0.0305) (0.0210)
2008q4 × Small f 0.00145 -0.0173
(0.0291) (0.0282)
Exposure f × 2008q3× Small f -0.00180 -0.0622
(0.227) (0.197)
Exposure f × 2008q4 × Small f -0.308 0.149
(0.254) (0.251)
Exposure f × Shockt 0.190 0.109 0.296 0.375∗
(0.115) (0.0731) (0.220) (0.214)
Shockt × Small f 0.00282 0.0147 0.0168 0.0160
(0.0146) (0.0119) (0.0220) (0.0154)
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f -0.300∗∗ -0.229∗∗ -0.284 -0.593∗∗
(0.129) (0.0890) (0.244) (0.223)
Observations 768 790 545 567
R2 0.173 0.208 0.250 0.312
Firms 51 52 47 48
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes
TimeFE Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankShock Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmTimeTrend No No Yes Yes
JointTest 0.0829 0.0237 0.927 0.00927
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. De-
pendent variable in columns (1) and (3) is the log difference of employment at the firm
level in each period, winsorized at 2%. Dependent variable in columns (2) and (4) is the
log difference of physical capital outstanding, measured as property, plant, and equip-
ment, at the firm level in each period, winsorized at 2%. Exposure is the firm’s average
2008 net FX position to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized. Small is a dummy equal
to one if the firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is below the sample median.
Shock is a dummy variable taking a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise. Bank
shock is a control for credit supply shocks to each firm, as constructed in the text. Firm
Controls include one quarter lags of firm size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized
at 1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%, bond credit to assets, share of sales
to foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign subsidiaries), sales to assets ratio,
and net derivatives position to total liabilities winsorized at 3%. Errors are clustered at
the firm level. JointTest reports the p-value of the F-test that the sum of the coefficients
of Exposure*Shock and Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, ***
p < 0.01

Table A24: Growth in Firm Level Outcomes (%) - Exporters

Bank Debt Employment PPE

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Exposure f × Shockt 0.354∗∗ 0.207 0.0127 0.0235 0.0148 0.0288

(0.142) (0.162) (0.0263) (0.0322) (0.0247) (0.0243)
Shockt × Small f -0.0406 0.0137 0.0137
(0.0818) (0.0167) (0.0169)
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f 0.487∗ -0.0436 -0.0536
(0.287) (0.0575) (0.0585)
Observations 639 639 598 598 600 600
R2 0.154 0.157 0.183 0.185 0.329 0.331
Firms 38 38 38 38 38 38
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
TimeFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankShock Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JointTest 0.0112 0.681 0.651
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable
in columns (1) and (2) is the log difference of bank credit outstanding at the firm level in each period,
winsorized at 1%. Dependent variable in columns (3) and (4) is the log difference of employment at the
firm level in each period, winsorized at 2%. Dependent variable in columns (5) and (6) is the log difference
of physical capital outstanding, measured as property, plant, and equipment, at the firm level in each
period, winsorized at 2%. Exposure is the firm’s average 2008 net FX position to assets, with 2 outlier
firms winsorized. Small is a dummy equal to one if the firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is
below the sample median. Shock is a dummy variable taking a value of 1 in 2009 and 2010 and 0 otherwise.
Bank shock is a control for credit supply shocks to each firm, as constructed in the text. Firm Controls
include one quarter lags of firm size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized at 1%, total liabilities to
assets ratio winsorized at 2%, bond credit to assets, share of sales to foreigners (including exports and sales
by foreign subsidiaries), sales to assets ratio, and net derivatives position to total liabilities winsorized at
3%. Errors are clustered at the firm level. JointTest reports the p-value of the F-test that the sum of the
coefficients of Exposure*Shock and Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01

Table A25: Growth in Firm Level Outcomes (%), Alternate Specifications

E− E−1 PPE− PPE−1

∆ log( E) E−1 ∆ log( PPE) PPE−1

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Short Exposure f × Shockt 0.0418 0.209∗∗∗ 0.0683 0.223∗∗

(0.0603) (0.0775) (0.0875) (0.108)
Shockt × Small f -0.0107 0.00371 0.000394 0.0167
(0.0149) (0.0145) (0.00822) (0.0124)
Short Exposure f × Shockt × Small f -0.321∗∗∗ -0.319∗∗
(0.111) (0.132)
Exposure f × Shockt 0.0776∗ 0.156∗∗ 0.0369 0.140∗
(0.0452) (0.0769) (0.0640) (0.0715)
Exposure f × Shockt × Small f -0.197∗ -0.266∗∗∗
(0.105) (0.0894)

Observations 770 770 754 754 773 773 792 792

R2 0.156 0.162 0.148 0.153 0.225 0.233 0.189 0.197
Firms 51 51 51 51 51 51 52 52
FirmFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
TimeFE Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BankShock Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
FirmControls Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
JointTest 0.167 0.586 0.236 0.0278
Sample spans 2008q1-2013q1, Firms reports the number of firms in each regression. Dependent variable in columns (1) and (2) is the log
difference of employment at the firm level in each period, winsorized at 2%; in columns (3) and (4) is employment growth ( E − E−1 )/E−1
at the firm level in each period, winsorized at 2%; in columns (5) and (6) is the log difference of physical capital outstanding, measured as
property, plant, and equipment (PPE), at the firm level in each period, winsorized at 2%.; and in columns (7) and (8) is ( PPE − PPE−1 )/PPE−1 ,
winsorized at 2%. Exposure is the firm’s average 2008 net FX position to assets, with 2 outlier firms winsorized. Short Exposure is the firm’s
2008 average of short term FX liabilities less total FX assets divided by total assets, with 3 outlier firms winsorized. Small is a dummy equal
to one if the firm’s average size (measured by log assets) is below the sample median. Shock is a dummy variable taking a value of 1 in 2009
and 2010 and 0 otherwise. Bank shock is a control for credit supply shocks to each firm, as constructed in the text, lagged one period. Firm
Controls include one quarter lags of firm size (log assets), cash to assets ratio winsorized at 1%, total liabilities to assets ratio winsorized at 2%,
bond credit to assets, share of sales to foreigners (including exports and sales by foreign subsidiaries), sales to assets ratio, and net derivatives
position to total liabilities winsorized at 3%. Errors are clustered at the firm level. JointTest reports the p-value of the F-test that the sum of
the coefficients of Exposure*Shock and Exposure*Shock*Small is equal to 0. * p < 0.10, ** p < 0.05, *** p < 0.01
B Equivalence of using demeaned estimates of bank shocks

Proof of Proposition 5.1. Rewrite the estimated effect as

α̂b,t = α̂∗b,t − α̂re

f ,t (12)

∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Note that the time average of α̂re f ,t is α̂re f ,t . Thus α̂b,t − α̂t = α̂b,t − α̂t , where α̂t is the time
f f∗ f
average of α̂b,t . By the same logic, α̂ f ,t − α̂t = α̂∗f ,t − α̂t where α̂t is the time average of α̂ f ,t .

Define L f ,t−1 = ∑b∈ B f ,t L f ,b,t−1 . Then, by time demeaning BS

c f ,t and substituting in equa-

tion 12, we obtain

 
1 1 1
c f ,t − BS
BS ct =
L f ,t−1 ∑ ( L f ,b,t−1 × α̂b,t ) −
Ft ∑ 
L f ,t−1 ∑ ( L f ,b,t−1 × α̂b,t )
b∈ B f ,t f ;∈ Ft b∈ B f ,t
L f ,t−1 ∑ ( L f ,b,t−1 × (α̂∗b,t − α̂re

f ,t ))
b∈ B f ,t
 
1 1

Ft ∑ 
L f ,t−1 ∑ ( L f ,b,t−1 × (α̂∗b,t − α̂re

f ,t ))

f ∈ Ft b∈ B f ,t

1 α̂re f ,t ∑b∈ B f ,t L f ,b,t−1
L f ,t−1 ∑ ( L f ,b,t−1 × α̂∗b,t ) −
L f ,t−1
b∈ B f ,t
 

1 1 α̂re f ,t ∑b∈ B f ,t L f ,b,t−1

Ft ∑ 
L f ,t−1 ∑ ( L f ,b,t−1 × α̂∗b,t ) −
L f ,t−1

f ∈ Ft b∈ B f ,t

c ∗f ,t − α̂∗ − 1 c ∗f ,t − α̂∗
= BS re f ,t
Ft ∑ BS re f ,t
f ∈ Ft

c ∗f ,t − α̂∗ − ( BS
= BS c t − α̂∗ )
re f ,t re f ,t

c ∗f ,t − BS
= BS ct

C Model

My results suggest that firms are subject to a constraint on their total borrowing and a sec-

ond, tighter constraint on their FX borrowing, which gives the balance sheet shocks real

impacts. Here, I present a stylized 3 period model which serves to illustrate qualitatively

how this mechanism can generate the behavior observed in the empirical results. The model

is partial equilibrium in nature to focus on the decisions of the firm.74

The key to the model is that firms, in addition to being constrained in their total debt,

are subject to a second borrowing constraint specifically on their FX borrowing. These con-

straints both depend on the net worth of the firm, which in this model is directly related

to firm size. This assumption is justified in Figure 7, which plots the bank debt of non-

exporting firms in my sample in peso and FX against their size (log assets). As firms get

larger, they increase their leverage in peso before increasing their leverage in FX.75 This is

striking as the lower price of FX debt and failure of UIP suggests that firms would desire to

do the opposite.

The constraint on total borrowing that the firm faces can be derived from an incentive

compatibility constraint, in which the firm should not have the incentive to default on their

debt (under most realizations of the exchange rate). The additional constraint on FX borrow-

ing reflects the risks faced by the bank. Niepmann and Schmidt-Eisenlohr (2017a) provide

evidence that firms that borrow more in FX have a higher probability of defaulting on their

loans (both FX and peso) in the event of a depreciation. Further, most collateral backing

loans to firms is denominated in local currency (see Calomiris et al. (2017) and Fleisig et

al. (2006) for evidence that immovable collateral is frequently required to secure lending in

emerging markets). That means that when a loan is made in FX and the exchange rate depre-

ciates, the bank recovers a smaller share of the loan value in the event of default, increasing

their downside risk. Thus, the bank has an incentive to limit FX borrowing in addition to

limiting total borrowing.76

74 Iabstract from the maturity mismatch dimension of the balance sheet shock to focus on just the net worth
impact and its consequences, as shown in my empirical results.
75 Size based borrowing constraints (as in Gopinath et al. (2017)) may match the data better, but are not neces-

sary to generate the qualitative results observed in my analysis.

76 This incentive may strengthen if the bank faces higher penalties for not repaying its FX creditors as compared

to domestic peso creditors. In this model, I leave the explicit problem generating this constraint un-modeled.

C.1 General Framework

There are 3 periods t ∈ {0, 1, 2}. The economy is populated by firms (or entrepreneurs) who

seek to maximize their period 2 wealth. Firms are endowed with initial wealth w0 . Firms

are risk neutral and produce using technology yt = f (k t ) = zkαt .77 Capital depreciates fully

upon use.

The timing works as follows: at t = 0, firms inherit their initial wealth (their size) and

make borrowing and investment decisions. At the beginning of t = 1, a depreciation shock

is realized. Firms produce and repay their debt (which may be affected by the depreciation),

or default and exit if they are unable to repay, and then use the remaining profits to make

borrowing and investment decisions. At the beginning of t = 2, uncertainty about the

exchange rate is again resolved, firms produce, repay their debt or default, and consume

their profits.

Firms can borrow in peso and FX, but the rate of currency depreciation is uncertain, and

UIP fails such that FX debt is attractive.78 UIP failure takes the following form: E[1 + φ] =
1+r 1
1+r ∗ γ , where γ > 1 captures the deviation from UIP, r > r ∗ are the interest rates on local and
foreign currency loans, respectively, and φ is the rate of depreciation of the local currency.

Firms are subject to constraints on their total borrowing and on their FX borrowing.

C.2 Firm’s Problem at t = 1

The problem is solved recursively. At the end of t = 1, firms take as given wealth w1 and

solve the following problem:79

max∗ z2 kα2 − (1 + r )d2 − (1 + r ∗ ) E[1 + φ2 ]d2∗ (13)

d2 ,d2


k2 = w1 + d2 + d2∗ (14)
77 Iabstract from employment decisions of the firm for simplicity.
78 UIP failure is shown in the aggregate in Figure 6 and in the microdata at the firm level in Table 6.
79 This formulation is similar to that in Aghion, Bacchetta, and Banerjee (2001).

0 ≤ d2 + d2∗ ≤ κ0 w1 (15)

0 ≤ d2∗ ≤ κ1 w1 (16)

where d is peso debt, d∗ is FX debt, z is the (potentially firm specific) productivity, and

k is investment in physical capital. κ1 < κ0 , which means that the borrowing constraint on

FX loans is tighter than for the firm’s overall borrowing. Solving the t = 1 problem leads to

decision rules d2 (w1 ), d2∗ (w1 ), and k2 (w1 ), which depend on wealth carried intro period 1.

Note that the firm maximizes expected period 2 profit, where the only source of uncertainty

is the period 2 exchange rate realization.

1+r 1
Recall that E[1 + φ] = 1+r ∗ γ . Let the CDF of the random variable 1 + φ be given by G (·).

The solution for the t=1 decision breaks into 6 cases (denoted by cutoffs W0 to W4 ), whose

probability depend on w1 and z2 :

Case 0: w1 ≤ 0 = W0
z1 kα1 −(1+r )d1
Pr (Case0) = 1 − G ( (1+r ∗ )d1∗
k2 = 0, d2∗ = 0, d2 = 0

Π2 = 0
( 1z+2 αr ) 1−α
Case 1: 0 < w1 ≤ 1+κ 0 = W1
z kα −(1+r )d z kα −(1+r )d −W
Pr (Case1) = G ( 1 (11+r∗ )d∗ 1 ) − G ( 1 1 (1+r∗ )d∗1 1 )
1 1

k2 = (1 + κ0 )w1 , d2∗ = κ1 w1 , d2 = (κ0 − κ1 )w1

Π2 = z2 ((1 + κ0 )w1 )α − (1 + r )(κ0 − κ1 )w1 − (1 + r ∗ )(1 + φ2 )κ1 w1

z2 αγ

1− α
( 1z+2 αr ) 1−α (1+r )
Case 2: 1+κ 0 ≤ w1 < 1+κ 0 = W2
z1 kα1 −(1+r )d1 −W1 z kα −(1+r )d −W
Pr (Case2) = G ( ) − G ( 1 1 (1+r∗ )d∗1 2 )
(1+r ∗ )d1∗ 1
1 1
z2 α  1− α ∗ z2 α  1− α
k 2 = 1+r , d 2 = κ 1 w1 , d 2 = 1+ r − ( 1 + κ 1 ) w1
α 1
z2 α  1− α z2 α  1− α
Π 2 = z 2 1+r − (1 + r ) 1+r − (1 + κ1 )w1 − (1 + r ∗ )(1 + φ2 )κ1 w1
1 1
z2 αγ z2 αγ
1− α 1− α
(1+r ) (1+r )
Case 3: 1+κ 0 ≤ w1 < 1+κ 1 = W3
z1 kα1 −(1+r )d1 −W2 z1 kα1 −(1+r )d1 −W3
Pr (Case3) = G( (1+r ∗ )d1∗
)− G( (1+r ∗ )d1∗
k2 = (1 + κ1 )w1 , d2∗ = κ ∗ w1 , d2 = 0

Π2 = z2 ((1 + κ1 )w1 )α − (1 + r ∗ )(1 + φ2 )κ1 w1
z2 αγ 1−α

z2 αγ 1−α
Case 4: (1+1+ r)
κ ≤ w 1 < (1+r )
= W4
z kα −(1+r )d −W z kα −(1+r )d −W
Pr (Case4) = G ( 1 1 (1+r∗ )d∗1 3 ) − G ( 1 1 (1+r∗ )d∗1 4 )
1 1
z2 αγ  1−1 α ∗ z2 αγ  1−1 α
k 2 = 1+r , d 2 = 1+r − w1 , d 2 = 0
z2 αγ  1−αα
∗ z2 αγ  1−1 α
Π 2 = z 2 1+r − (1 + r )(1 + φ2 ) 1+r − w1
1− α
Case 5: (z12+αγr) ≤ w1
z1 kα1 −(1+r )d1 −W4
Pr (Case5) = G ( (1+r ∗ )d1∗
k2 = w1 , d2∗ = 0, d2 = 0

Π2 = z2 w1α

Figure C1 illustrates the relationship between wealth w1 and investment k2 . The differ-

ent cases are determined by which constraints are binding and the funding source (peso, FX,

or own wealth) with which the marginal unit of investment is financed. Starting from 0 in

Figure C1, as a firm increases in w1 , investment k2 increases since higher wealth relaxes the

total borrowing constraint. While the marginal debt is denominated in pesos, the optimal
investment level is 1zα
1−α . Once wealth is sufficiently large, the firm can make this level

of investment, so investment is flat though FX debt increases with increasing wealth, which

relaxes the FX borrowing constraint. Once the marginal unit of debt switches to FX, the
optimal level of investment increases to 1zαγ
1−α , so firms increase FX debt with increas-

ing wealth (which relaxes their FX debt constraint). Once wealth is sufficiently large, the

firm makes the new optimal level of investment. When the marginal unit of investment is

purchased solely with wealth, then investment increases one-for-one with wealth.

The purpose of this model is to rationalize the patterns of borrowing and investment

outcomes for small firms and large firms after a balance sheet shock. Small firms are con-

strained in their total borrowing, while large firms may be constrained only in their FX

borrowing. Therefore, I focus my analysis on the first two cases, given by wealth cutoffs W1

and W2 corresponding to the first increasing slope and flat segment of the investment curve

Figure C1: Size and Investment

k2 (1+κ0)w1 (1+κ1)w1

𝑧αγ !!!
! !
! Debt
𝑧α !!!
! !

Total FX
Constrained Constrained Unconstrained

in Figure C1.80,81

For illustration, consider two firms that have the same initial wealth w0 and investment
d1∗ 82
k1 , but for random reasons differ in terms of the FX share of initial debt d1 +d1∗ . A large

depreciation will lead to a larger decrease in w1 for the more exposed firm. Proposition C.1

summarizes the response of borrowing and investment to a shock to w1 for firms in the first

two cases.

Proposition C.1. If 0 < w1 ≤ W1 , then a negative shock to w1 results in lower FX debt, peso debt,
∂d2∗ ∂d2 ∂k2
and investment. That is, ∂w1 > 0, ∂w1 > 0, and ∂w1 > 0.
If W1 < w1 ≤ W2 , then a negative shock to w1 (such that w1 remains above the lower threshold)

results in lower FX debt, higher peso debt, higher total debt, and unchanged investment. That is,
80 Note, however, that the pattern from the other cases matches the data plotted in Figure 7: as the firm gets
bigger, the firm levers up in peso, decreases total borrowing while shifting to FX debt, then levers up in FX debt,
and finally decreases bank debt as firm size becomes extremely large.
81 There is also a case 0, where firms default in period 1 and exit, and so does not involve any decisions for

period 2.
82 The depreciation is quite unexpected, so this assumption could be justified that small and random differences

may generate differences in exposure orthogonal to other firm characteristics.

∂d2∗ ∂d2 ∂(d2 +d2∗ ) ∂k2
∂w1 > 0, ∂w1 < 0, ∂w1 < 0, and ∂w1 =0


Proof of Proposition C.1. If 0 < w1 ≤ W1 , the constrained optimal debt and investment choices
are d2∗ = κ1 w1 , d2 = (κ0 − κ1 )w1 , and k2 = (1 + κ0 )w1 . It follows that ∂w1 = κ1 > 0,
∂d2 ∂k2
∂w1 = (κ0 − κ1 ) > 0, and ∂w1 = 1 + κ0 > 0. Hence, a negative shock to w1 leads to lower FX
debt, peso debt, and investment.

If W1 < w1 ≤ W2 , the semi-constrained optimal debt and investment choices are d2∗ =
 1  1  1
κ1 w1 , d2 = 1z+
2 α 1− α
r − ( 1 + κ 1 ) w 1 , d 2 + d ∗ = z2 α 1−α − w , and k = z2 α 1−α . It then
2 1+r 1 2 1+r
∂d2∗ ∂d2 ∂(d2 +d2∗ ) ∂k2
follows that ∂w1 = κ1 > 0, ∂w1 = −(1 + κ1 ) < 0, ∂w1 = −1 < 0, and ∂w1 = 0. Hence,
a negative shock to w1 which leaves w1 > W1 , results in lower FX debt, higher peso debt,

higher total debt, and unchanged investment. 

The intuition for the first case is straightforward: the firm is constrained in their borrow-

ing, and a negative shock to net worth causes that constraint to bind more tightly, so the

firm must borrow and invest less. The intuition for the second case is as follows: the firm

is constrained in their FX debt, so the negative shock forces them to reduce their FX debt.

They remain unconstrained in their total debt. So, the firm makes up for the lost wealth and

lost FX debt with an increase in peso debt. The increase in peso debt is thus larger than the

decrease in FX debt, so total debt rises.

This matches most of my key empirical results shown in Table 1 and Table 9. However,

the model does not explain why large exposed non-exporters have higher investment and

employment following the shock, rather than unchanged real outcomes.83 Further, I have

assumed firms of the same size randomly have different levels of FX mismatch. If I relax

this assumption, firms of the same size would choose exactly the same exposure in period 0.

To address these two issues, I allow firms to differ from each other in terms of their period
83 This is also found empirically elsewhere in the literature. See for example Kim et al. (2015).

1 and 2 productivity (z1 , z2 ).84 I next describe the firm’s period 0 problem and the role of

productivity in determining FX exposure and real outcomes.

C.3 Firm’s Problem at t = 0

At t = 0, firms solve the following problem, taking the decision rules d2 (w1 , z1 , z2 ), d2∗ (w1 , z1 , z2 ),

and k2 (w1 , z1 , z2 ) and initial wealth w0 as given:

max∗ E[z2 k2 (w1 , z1 , z2 )α − (1 + r )d2 (w1 , z1 , z2 ) − (1 + r ∗ )(1 + φ2 )d2∗ (w1 , z1 , z2 )] (17)

d1 ,d1


w1 = z1 kα1 − (1 + r )d1 − (1 + r ∗ ) E[1 + φ1 ]d1∗ (18)

k1 = w0 + d1 + d1∗ (19)

d1 + d1∗ ≤ κ0 w0 (20)

d1∗ ≤ κ1 w0 (21)

(z1 , z2 ) are known at t = 0. The solution for d1 and d1∗ depends on the distribution of
1 + φ and may not have a closed form depending on the functional form of the CDF, G (·).

Using the probabilities of being in case and the expected profit from each case derived

earlier, we can express the period 0 decision as maximizing the expected period 2 profit,

given w0 , and subject to the budget constraint and borrowing constraints.

max∗ ∑ Pr (Casei |z2 ) ∗ Π2i (w1 , z2 ) (22)
d1 ,d1 i =0

s.t. the same set of constraints

Differences in productivity have a couple of key effects that can generate the patterns

observed in the empirical analysis. The first concerns the cross-sectional difference in firm

productivity, highlighted by Proposition C.2

84 This need not be the only way to generate these results, but it is useful as a simple extension to the model.
Note that the main empirical results that exposed firms decrease FX borrowing, exposed small firms decrease in-
vestment, and large exposed firms increase peso (and total) borrowing, do not require this additional assumption
of differences in future productivity.

Proposition C.2. For a given initial wealth w0 , firms that are more productive in period 1 borrow
more in FX in period 0 than firms that are less productive in period 1: ∂z1 ≥ 0.


Proof of Proposition C.2. The proof proceeds in several steps: First, I show that E1 [ Pi2 ] is

strictly increasing in w1 , ∀ w1 > 0:

∂E1 [Π2 ]
Case 1: ∂w1 = αz2 ((1 + κ0 )w1 )α−1 (1 + κ0 ) − (1 + r )(κ0 − κ1 γ− 1
γ ) > 0 ∀ w1 ∈ (0, W1 )
∂E1 [Π2 ]
Case 2: ∂w1 = (1 + r )(1 + κ1 γ− 1
γ )>0
∂E1 [Π2 ]
Case 3: ∂w1 = αz2 ((1 + κ1 )w1 )α−1 (1 + κ1 ) − κ1 1+ r
γ > 0 ∀ w1 ∈ (W2 , W3 )
∂E1 [Π2 ] 1+r
Case 4: ∂w1 = γ >0
∂E1 [Π2 ]
Case 5: ∂w1 = αz2 w1α−1 > 0
Thus, maximizing E1 [Π2 ] requires maximizing E0 [w1 ], accounting for the probability of


Next, I show that E0 [w1 ] is increasing in FX debt, holding k1 (and thus d1 + d1∗ ) constant

and thresholds Wi constant:

∂E0 [w1 ]
∂d1∗ |Wi =W̄i ,(k1 =k̄) = (1 + r ) γ − 1
γ >0

Next, I show that the default probability is increasing in d1∗ , again holding investment

∂Pr (w1 <W0 ) z1 kα1 −(1+r )(k1 −w0 )
∂d1∗ |k1 =k̄ = G 0 (·) (1+r ∗ )(d1∗ )2
> 0 for all values of debt d1 + d1∗ such that the
firm does not default with probability 1 (prevented by borrowing constraint).

Lastly, I show that the default probability is increasing in z1 :

∂Pr (w1 <W0 ) kα1
∂z1 = (1+r ∗ )d1∗
This implies that with a higher z1 , the firm could increase their share of FX debt while

maintaining their original default probability and thus have higher expected wealth w1 and
then higher expected period 2 profits Π2 . So, ∂z1 >0

The intuition is that higher d1∗ increases your probability of being constrained, but higher

z1 decreases your probability of being constrained or defaulting. So, firms that have higher

z1 can borrow more in the cheaper currency while maintaining an equal or lower probabil-

ity of default than firms with lower z1 .85 This mechanism is modeled more fully in Salomao

and Varela (2016), which presents a model of firm dynamics that generates more produc-

tive firms selecting into FX borrowing. They confirm this prediction with data for firms in


The second effect of productivity differences concerns the increase in productivity over

time. Increased future productivity increases the optimal scale of current investment. If

the firm is unconstrained in period 1 and future productivity is higher than current pro-

ductivity (z2 > z1 ), the firm will increase investment k2 up to the new optimal level. Note

that, all things equal, the probability of being constrained increases with higher future pro-
∂Pr (w1 <Wi )
ductivity as the optimal investment size gets larger, requiring more debt: ∂z2 >0∀
i ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}, where Wi ’s are the cutoffs for the different cases of the solution, detailed

above. Higher future productivity decreases your probability of default.

Combining the cross-sectional and dynamic differences in productivity generates the de-

sired results. Firms with higher productivity in period 1 select into FX debt in period 0, but

if there is a negative balance sheet shock in period 1, only the firms who initially had more

wealth will be unconstrained. These unconstrained firms will be able to increase their in-

vestment k2 up to a higher optimal level, relative to firms who are less productive in period

1 (and so chose less FX exposure). I assume that Corr (z1 , zz2 ) > 0, so that currently more

productive firms are also more likely to have productive future investment opportunities.

Formally, I consider two types of firms: unproductive firms who have productivity z̄ in both

periods, and productive firms who have productivity z1 and z2 such that z̄ < z1 < z2 .87
85 Since borrowing decisions made in period 0 affect how binding constraints will be for period 1 borrowing
decisions, the FX borrowing constraint may be slack in period 0 for lower productivity firms.
86 In my data, large non-exporting firms with higher income and more productive capacity (higher levels of

physical capital) tend to have larger FX mismatches. However, I do not have data on hours worked or wage bill,
so I cannot compute standard measures of total factor productivity directly. While exposed firms tend to have
higher absolute income and higher levels of physical capital, those characteristics do not explain the positive
results for exposed large firms following the depreciation. Thus, modeling this as an unobserved future oppor-
tunity is appropriate and is one possibility that rationalizes the fact found here, and elsewhere in the literature,
that large exposed firms sometimes do better following a depreciation.
87 The results are similar if firms differ in their initial productivity z , while all firms face the same productivity
growth rate: z2 = (1 + gz )z1 .

Proposition C.3 gives the conditions whereby a firm with increasing productivity would

choose a higher proportion of their debt in FX:

Proposition C.3. Let z̄ be the productivity level of unproductive firms in both periods and z1 , z2

be the productivity of highly productive firms, such that z̄ < z1 < z2 . Then d1∗ (w0 , z1 , z2 ) ≥
1 1
z21−α −z̄ 1−α
d1∗ (w0 , z̄, z̄) when z1 −z̄ < X1 kα1 , for a given constant X1 .


Proof of Proposition C.3. From Proposition C.2, we know that the probability of default in

period 1 does not depend on z2 and is decreasing in z1 . For the remaining thresholds, it is

sufficient to find conditions for W4 such that Pr (w1 < W4 |z1 , z2 ) < Pr (w1 < W4 |z̄) :

z̄kα1 − (1 + r )d1 − W4 (z̄) z1 kα1 − (1 + r )d1 − W4 (z2 )

(1 + r ∗ )d1∗ (1 + r ∗ )d1∗

W4 (z2 ) − W4 (z̄) < kα1 (z1 − z̄)

 1   1
1− α
1 αγ 1−α
z2 − z̄ 1−α < kα1 (z1 − z̄)
1 1
z21−α − z̄ 1−α
< X1 kα1
z1 − z̄
1+r 1− α
where X4 = . Note that for the other thresholds, the constant is, X1 = (1 +
  1   1   1
1+ r 1− α 1+ r 1− α 1+ r 1− α
κ0 ) α X2 = (1 + κ0 ) αγ , and X3 = (1 + κ1 ) αγ , so X4 < X3 < X2 < X1 .

Assuming this condition holds, then Pr (w1 < Wi |z1 , z2 ) < Pr (w1 < Wi |z̄) ∀ i ∈ {1, 2, 3, 4}.

From the logic in the proof to Proposition C.2, this implies that d1∗ (w0 , z1 , z2 ) > d1∗ (w0 , z̄, z̄).

This condition implies that the increase in z2 over z1 cannot be too large, or the firm

will avoid FX debt in period 0 because their constraint (for the higher level of investment)

would be more likely to bind in period 1. Under these conditions, highly productive firms

will borrow more in FX in period 0. Thus, the result in the data that large exposed firms do

better following the depreciation can be explained in the model by selection into exposure

in period 0 by firms with higher current productivity and increasing future productivity

(that is, they have productive future investments to make). These firms borrow more in FX

initially and experience a large balance sheet shock. Highly productive but small firms (in

terms of initial wealth w0 , which implies smaller k1 ) are constrained as before, while larger

firms are unconstrained, and so they can increase their investment up to the new optimal


For illustration, suppose that the realized depreciation is large enough that the produc-

tive firms (who borrow more in FX in period 0) end up with lower w1 than unproductive

firms of the same initial w0 .88 This is not necessary, but serves as a useful demonstration that

these results are not due to more productive firms making more money in period 1 than their

less productive counterparts. The effects on period 1 decisions are illustrated in Figure C2.

Consider 4 firms with high or low productivity and high or low initial wealth: {(w H , z H ),

(w H , z L ), (w L , z H ), (w L , z L )}. For firms with lower initial wealth, the drop in net worth that
the productive firms experience (given their higher FX exposure) leads to lower borrowing

and investment, relative to less exposed firms, due to the binding borrowing constraint. For

large (high wealth) firms, the negative shock to net worth leaves them in the unconstrained

range, and so they are able to increase borrowing and investment up to the new optimal

level k2 , but decrease FX borrowing and increase peso borrowing to do so. Thus, comparing

exposed firms to less exposed firms of the same w0 size following the shock, the large firms

invest more but the small firms invest less.

While productivity differences with selection into FX exposure is a plausible explana-

tion for the increase in real outcomes for more exposed large firms, one important caveat

with the preceeding discussion is that these differences imply that more productive large

firms would increase their real activity regardless of the exchange rate shock. This would

violate the parallel trends assumption in the empirical section. Thus, while the proposed

model may be a useful framework, especially for understanding the reallocation of debt

by currency (which does not require the assumptions about productivity differences), other
kα1 −(1+r ) ∂z 1
88 This occurs when (1 + φ) > 1
(1+r ∗ ) ∂z1

Figure C2: Size and Investment: Difference by Productivity


𝑧 ! 𝛼𝛾 !!!
! !
! 1+𝑟
𝑧 ! 𝛼𝛾 !!!
! !
1+𝑟 !
𝑧 ! 𝛼 !!!
! !
! 1+𝑟
𝑧 ! 𝛼 !!!
! !

(wL,zH) (wH,zH) w1
(wL,zL) (wH,zL)

explanations are important to pursue.

Previous volumes in this series

757 Explaining Monetary Spillovers: The Matrix Jonathan Kearns, Andreas Schrimpf
November 2018 Reloaded and Fan Dora Xia

756 Financial structure and income inequality Michael Brei, Giovanni Ferri and
November 2018 Leonardo Gambacorta

755 Measuring financial cycle time Andrew Filardo, Marco Lombardi

November 2018 and Marek Raczko

754 Euro area unconventional monetary policy Fernando Avalos and

November 2018 and bank resilience Emmanuel C Mamatzakis

753 Currency depreciation and emerging market Valentina Bruno and

October 2018 corporate distress Hyun Song Shin

752 The effects of prudential regulation, financial Pierre-Richard Agénor , Leonardo

October 2018 development and financial openness on Gambacorta , Enisse Kharroubi and
economic growth Luiz Awazu Pereira da Silva

751 Exchange rates and prices: evidence from the Raphael Auer, Ariel Burstein and
October 2018 2015 Swiss franc appreciation Sarah M Lein

750 Forward guidance and heterogeneous beliefs Philippe Andrade, Gaetano Gaballo,
October 2018 Eric Mengus and Benoit Mojon

749 Whatever it takes. What's the impact of a Carlo Alcaraz, Stijn Claessens,
October 2018 major nonconventional monetary policy Gabriel Cuadra, David Marques-
intervention? Ibanez and Horacio Sapriza

748 Domestic and global output gaps as inflation Martina Jašová, Richhild Moessner
September 2018 drivers: what does the Phillips curve tell? and Előd Takáts

747 How Do Credit Ratings Affect Bank Lending Stijn Claessens, Andy Law and
September 2018 Under Capital Constraints? Teng Wang

746 What drives local lending by global banks? Stefan Avdjiev, Uluc Aysun and
September 2018 Ralf Hepp

745 Financial stress in lender countries and capital Ilhyock Shim and Kwanho Shin
September 2018 outflows from emerging market economies

744 Why you should use the Hodrick-Prescott Mathias Drehmann and
September 2018 filter - at least to generate credit gaps James Yetman

743 An intermediation-based model of exchange Semyon Malamud and

September 2018 rates Andreas Schrimpf

All volumes are available on our website

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