Glak Q3 Science 1-2
Glak Q3 Science 1-2
Glak Q3 Science 1-2
Quarter 3 – Module 1:
Role of Hormones involved
in the Female and Male
Reproductive System
Science – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 1: Role of Hormones in the Female and Male Reproductive System
First Edition, 2020
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Quarter 3 – Module 1:
Role of Hormones involved
in the Female and Male
Reproductive System
Introductory Message
The Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear learners, can
continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions,
exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.
Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step as
you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.
Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM. This
will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need to ask
your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the lesson.
At the end of each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check your
learning. Answer keys are provided for each activity and test. We trust that you will
be honest in using these.
In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the teacher are also provided to
our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can best help
you on your home-based learning.
Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of this
SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises and tests. And read
the instructions carefully before performing each task.
If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the tasks
in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.
Thank you.
What I Need to Know
Going through this module can be a meaningful learning experience. All you
need to do is make use of your time and resources efficiently.
What I Know
Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and
write it in your notebook/ on a separate sheet of paper.
1. It refers to the type of reproduction that humans have in which a male and female
come together to form new life?
a. budding b. fission c. fusion d. sexual
2. It occurs around the preteen and teen years in which males' and females' bodies
mature so they are capable of creating new life?
a. childhood b. gestation c. menopause d. puberty
6. It acts significant role in the male and female reproduction system that keeps it
properly functioning?
a. alkaline b. excretory c. hormones d. sex cells
8. Which of the following statements best describes the function of the encircled part
in the picture?
9. What do you think is the organ being highlighted in the picture below?
10. Which is not considered as the functions of the highlighted organ in the photos
in question #9?
a. This is the site of fertilization.
b. It is where the fertilized egg develops.
c. It where the egg cell and sperm cell unite.
d. It serves as the passage way for the ovum from the ovary to the uterus.
11. What is the hormone responsible for producing egg cell and sperm cell?
a androgen?
b. follicle stimulating hormone
c. luteinizing hormone
d. progesterone
12. Which is not belong to group?
a. androgen b. estrogen c. progesterone d. tymosin
14. Eds wants to promote the reproductive health and wellness, what choice should
her priority?
a. have a proper diet
b. practice proper hygiene
c. use appropriate dress when going out
d. do not be in relationship
15. In promoting reproductive health and wellness, which is most likely should not
be included based on the following suggestions below?
The Role of Hormones involved
1 In the Reproductive System
What’s In
Pair Me!
Directions: List down the reproductive organ or cell that can be found on the box
below and pair them on the picture where they belong to. Write your answers in your
notebook/on a separate sheet of paper.
______________________________ __________________________
______________________________ ____________________________
______________________________ ____________________________
______________________________ ____________________________
______________________________ ____________________________
What’s New
A Directions: Based on the story board, arrange the pictures from A –E (A is the
first path of the reproductive cell). Write only the letter of your answer on a
separate sheet of paper/in your notebook.
4.____________ 5._________
B Directions: Based on the story board, arrange the statements from A –E (A is the
first path of the reproductive cell). Write only the letter of your answer in your
notebook/on a separate sheet of paper.
_______1. It is a hollow muscular organ that serves as the site of egg implantation
after fertilization and where the egg develops.
_______2. Each month, the female reproductive system prepares for a possible
pregnancy by releasing mature egg cells.
_______3. It is a muscular canal that leads from the outside of the body. Sperm
cells enter through the vagina during mating.
_______4. It is a narrow portion at the bottom of the uterus that provides opening
to the uterus from the vagina.
_______5. It serves as the passageway for the ovum from the ovary to the uterus.
This is the site of fertilization.
What is It
Examine the diagram of the male reproductive system. Figure 1 shows the
main parts of the male reproductive system. The cross-sectional side view of the
reproductive system shows that certain parts of the male reproductive system are
also parts of the excretory system.
Be familiar with the specific functions of each basic part using the table below:
Scrotum It is a loose pouch-like sac of skin that hangs
behind the penis. It holds the testicles (also called
testes), as well as many nerves and blood vessels. The
scrotum protects your testes, as well as providing a sort
of climate control system. For normal sperm
development, the testes must be at a temperature
slightly cooler than the body temperature.
A sac of skin that holds the testis
Penis It has three parts:
Vas deferens (tube) It is a long, muscular tube that travels from the
epididymis into the pelvic cavity, to just behind the
bladder. It carries sperm from testes to urethra
Urethra It is the tube that carries sperm and urine out of
the body
Epididymis A long-coiled tube that rests on the backside of
each testicle. It is where the sperm cells mature.
Glands They provide liquid in which sperm can swim.
Be familiar with the specific functions of each basic part using the table below.
Examine Figure 2 which shows the front view of the female reproductive system.
Study the table for you to be familiarized with the parts and functions of a female
reproductive system.
Vagina -It is a canal that joins the cervix (the lower part of uterus) to
the outside of the body. It also is known as the birth canal.
-It receives the penis of male during mating
Puberty involves the onset of sexual maturity and the ability to reproduce.
When a female reaches puberty, egg cells start to develop in her ovaries that produce
the sex cells. It is also the time when the body develops the capacity to conceive.
Pubertal stage is assisted by the hormones in the body.
The brain and pituitary gland produce primary hormones in the male and
female reproductive system, these are follicle-stimulating hormone and
luteinizing hormone.
2. Male hypogonadism is a condition that occurs when the testicles do not produce
enough testosterone, causing infertility, a decreased sex drive, erectile dysfunction,
fatigue, and loss of secondary male sex characteristics.
3. Polycystic ovary syndrome occurs when women develop cysts in their ovaries
that cause hormonal imbalances, particularly elevated androgen levels, which cause
menstrual complications, fertility problems, and other health issues.
What’s More
Activity 2 Complete Me!
Directions: Complete the concept map below about the role of hormones in the
reproductive system. Copy the concept map in your notebook/on a separate sheet of
paper before answering following the descriptions indicated below.
1. The gland in the brain that produces hormones which controls the male and
female reproductive organs.
2. The 2(two) primary hormones in male and female reproductive system.
3. The male reproductive organs.
4. The female reproductive organs.
5. The dominant hormones secrete by the male reproductive organ.
6. The dominant hormones secrete by the female reproductive organ.
7. Give 2(two) effects of male reproduction.
8. Give 2(two) effects of female reproduction.
What I Have Learned
Directions: Complete the paragraph by arranging the jumbled letters inside the
parentheses. Write your answers in your notebook/on a separate sheet of paper.
One of the functions of female reproductive system is to produce (8. gge ellc)
___________. The female reproduction system includes (9. tueurs)_____________ that
serves as a site off egg implantation and it is where the fertilized egg develops. The
(10. iovcutd)_________________ is where the fertilized egg develops. The (11.
inaavg)______________ receives the penis of male during mating.
The hormones plays important role in reproductive system. The gland that
secrete hormones in your brain called (12. artyiitup)_____________ produces the
primary hormones in male and female reproductive system. The
(13.ofllicel)_______________ hormone is necessary in the production of sperm cells
and egg cell. The (14.ulteiiningz) _______________ hormone stimulates testis to
produce testosterone, which is also needed to make sperm. Other gland that secretes
hormones in male reproductive system includes (15.
ulbbouhreralt)_________________ (16. Insemal silceev) __________________ (17.
sprottae) _______________ that nourish the sperm cells and help them mature. In
female reproductive organs, (18. troeseng)________________, (19. porestegroen)
__________________ hormones help to develop and to maintain female sex
characteristics and play an important role in the menstrual cycle, fertility, and (20.
What I Can Do
NOTE: Reproductive Health and wellness: Taking Care Your Reproductive Health!
Standard Rubric
Creativity and neatness 40%
Relevance to the idea 40%
Uniqueness 20%
Total 100%
Standard Rubric
Relevance to the idea /informative 60%
Creativity and neatness 20%
Uniqueness 20%
Total 100%
4. Make a Blog/Video showing a box which contains the items in promoting the
reproductive health and wellness (example soap, deodorant, brush and etc).
Have a short explanation for each item.
Standard Rubric
Showing 6 items above (40%) 40%
Showing 5 items (30%)
Showing 4-3 items (20%)
Showing 2-1 items (10%)
Directions: Read each item carefully. Choose the letter of the correct answer and
write it in your notebook/ on a separate sheet of paper.
2. What occurs around the preteen and teen years in which males' and females'
bodies mature so they are capable of creating new life?
a. childhood b. gestation c. menopause d. puberty
5. What do you think are functions of female reproductive system? EXCEPT one.
a. produces female sex cells
b. receives sperm cells in the ovary
c. produces hormones to nourish the egg cell
d. nurtures the development of and provides nourishment for the new
6. It refers to a powerful chemical that affects the growth and activity of the cell or
a. alkaline b. excretory c. hormones d. sex cells
7. It is the narrow portion at the bottom of the uterus that provides opening to the
uterus from the vagina?
a. cervix b. fallopian tube c. uterus d. vagina
8. What is the function of the highlighted part in the picture?
a. This is the path for the sperm cells from the testis.
b. It produces a fluid rich in sugars that sperm use for energy.
c. It deposits sperm in the female reproductive system during sexual activity.
d. It secretes an alkaline fluid (basic) fluid that neutralizes the acids in the
female reproductive system.
10. Which is not considered as the functions of the highlighted organ in the photos
in question #9?
a. This is the site of fertilization.
b. It is where the fertilized egg develops.
c. It where the egg cell and sperm cell unite.
d. It serves as the passageway for the ovum from the ovary to the uterus.
11. Arrange the statements describing the pathway of the sperm cell from where it
was produced in the male reproductive system?
12. Which of the following is the correct effect of primary hormone in reproductive
a. It plays an important role in pregnancy.
b. It stimulates the production of sperm cell and egg cell.
c. It produces androgen and testosterone in the male’s body.
d. It produces estrogen and progesterone in the female’s body.
13. Which of the following pairs is CORRECT?
a. Androgen-Estrogen
b. Progesterone-Androgen
c. Follicle stimulating hormone-Luteinizing hormone
d. Estrogen-Testosterone
14. Ana develops cysts on her ovaries that cause hormonal imbalance and menstrual
problems. What is the abnormal condition related to hormones she is suffering?
a. Female hypogonadism
b. Male hypogonadism
c. Gigantism
d. Polycystic ovary syndrome
15. In promoting reproductive health and wellness, which is most likely should not
be included based on the following suggestions below?
a. Engage with spiritual activities and sport.
b. Practice proper hygiene and have a balance diet
c. Create a slogan, poster and pamphlet to disseminate information.
d. Engage in a dating site from the web to find partner.
Additional Activities
What’s More (Activity 11)
Part A
1. vas deferens Carries sperm from testes to urethra
2. penis Deposits sperms into the vagina during
3. testis Produce sperm cells
4. epididymis Where the sperm cells mature
5. prostate - Secretes a slightly alkaline milky fluid that
is discharged as part of the semen
Part B
1. Oviduct Serves as passageway of eggs from the ovary,
site of fertilization
2. Ovary Produce egg cell
3. Vagina Receives penis during mating
4. Egg cell Female sex cell
5. Uterus Serves as site of egg implantation, where
fertilized eggs develops
What’s New
A1. B B1.C
2. C 2.A
What’s IN 3. E 3. E
What’s In
BOY 4. A 4.D
1. Penis 5. D 5.B
1. Vagina
2. Sperm
2. Fallopian tube
3. Testis
3. Ovary What I Know
4. Scrotum
4. Ovum 1. d 6. c 11.b
5. Prostate
5.Cervix 2.d 7.c 12.d
3. d 8.d 13.d
4.a 9.a 14.d
5. c 10.b 15.c
Answer Key
Additional Activities
1. d 6.c 11.c
What Can I do
2. d 7.a 12.b
3. d 8. a 13.c
Answers may vary
4. a 9. b 14.d
5. b 10.b 15.d
What’s More (Activity 2)
What I Have Learned 1. Pituitary gland
1. Reproductive 11. Vagina 2. FHS/LH
2. Testis 12. Pituitary 3. Testis
3. Scrotum 13. Follicle 4. Ovary
4. Penis 14. Luteinizing 5.Androgen/testosterone
5. Hormones 15. Bulbourethral 6. Estrogen/progesterone
6. Prostate 16. Seminal Vesicle 7. needed in production of sperm
7. Seminal vesicle 17. Prostate cell/stimulates testis to produce
8. Egg Cell 18. Estrogen hormones
9. Uterus 19. Progesterone 8. needed in production of egg
10. Oviduct 20. Pregnancy cell/stimulates ovary to produce
Printed Materials:
Acosta, Et Al. (2015). Science 10. Meralco Avenue, Pasig City Philippines. Rex
Bookstore, Inc.,
Electronic Sources:
What are the male reproductive system? Retrieved on December 27, 2020.
What are the male reproductive system? Retrieved on December 27, 2020.
What is the role of hormone in male and female reproductive system? Retrieved on
December 23, 2020.
What is the role of hormone in male and female reproductive system? Retrieved on
December 23, 2020.
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