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Anti Radiation Pills Remedies

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RADIATION EXPOSURE or more. This can be a consequence of some types of

treatment or events such as nuclear power plant
In today's environment, we worry not so much about Radioactive elements are structurally similar to
nuclear war and fallout from atomic testing, but about ra­ nonradioactive counterparts, differing only in the
dioactive pollution from nuclear reactors, plutonium dis­ of neutrons the atoms contain. This is why nutrition is
posal, and uranium mining. Cellular telephones, x-rays, portant in preventing or blocking damage from eXJ)OSUI1!!
nuclear medicine, computer monitors, television sets, smoke to radioactive elements. If you do not obtain <>LU.Ln.JeCl"l
detectors, and microwave ovens are among the common amounts of calcium, potassium, and other minerals in
items that are sources of radiation exposure. Radiation is diet, your body may absorb radioactive elements that
around us all the time in both natural and artificially intro­ similar in structure to these nutrients. For example, if
duced forms. The sun is a natural source of radiation expo­ do not obtain enough calcium, your body will absorb
sure, and so is radon, a naturally occurring radioactive gas dioactive strontium 90 (SR-90) or other elements that
that is reported to be the second leading cause of lung can­ similar in structure to calcium, if they are available.
cer in the United States. The human body itself is a source larly, if you obtain sufficient potassium from your
of some radiation. your body will be less likely to retain any raCllO'1CtlLve,
Radioactive elements are made up of unstable atoms cesium 137 it encounters, as this element is similar
that give off energy as the result of spontaneous decay of potassium.
their nuclei. If the energy released by a radioactive element If the cells are able to obtain all nutrients they need
is strong enough to dislodge electrons from other atoms your diet, they will be less likely to absorb radioactive
or molecules in its path, it can damage or even kill living stitutes, which are then more likely to be discarded from
tissue. the body.
This type of radiation is called ionizing radiation. Even The effects of radiation exposure can be acute,
if only one cell is exposed to radiation, the radiation can a single, relatively high-intensity exposure, or they can
destroy, damage, or alter the makeup of that cell. The alter­ delayed or chronic. Acute reactions to radiation are ex­
ation of cell structure by radioactive particles can lead to tremely dangerous. They cause symptoms of listlessness"
the development of cancer. If a cell's DNA is damaged, this nausea, vomiting, weakness, and loss of coordination.
can cause genetic mutations that can be passed down to leading to dehydration, convulsions, shock, and even
offspring. death.
The National Council on Radiation Protection and Mea­ Fortunately, the amount and type of exposure that
surements (NCRP) estimates that radiation exposure in the causes such serious reactions is extremely rare.
United States comes primarily from the following sources, Radiotherapy treatment for cancer involves the adrni.nis­
in order: tration of fairly high doses of radiation specifically targeted
at cancerous cells. The idea underlying this treatment is that
• Radon: 55 percent.
the radiation kills the cancer, but healthy tissue, which is
• Other natural sources: 27 percent. not targeted, is only minimally affected. Not surprisin~
• Medical sources: 27 percent. the major side effect of this type of treatment is radiation
sickness, with the classic symptoms of nausea, vomiting..
• Other man-made sources: 3 percent. headache, weakness, loss of appetite, and hair loss.
Radiation exposure is measured in units called rem. The Dental checkups today often include x-rays to locate
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the cavities. Physicians take x-rays to determine whether a
NCRI' estimate that the average American is exposed to bone is broken, to check cardiovascular and respiratory
about 360 millirem (a millirem is equal to Ih,ooo rem) of ra­ health, and to locate tumors and areas of dysfunction.
dioactivity per year. Our bodies naturally produce about Women are urged to have regular mammograms, OJ:
39 millirem of radiation per year. Flying across the United breast x-rays, for early detection of breast cancer. Cancel'
States exposes you to about 5 millirem of radiation (the research indicates that a significant percentage of women
high altitude eliminates some natural protection from the in the United States have inherited a gene, dubbed onco­
sun's rays). A dental x-ray exposes you to about 3 millirem; gene AC, that is sensitive to x-ray exposure. For these
a chest x-ray, 20 to 50 millirem. Living in a home with a women, even short periods of x-ray exposure can lead to
smoke detector increases exposure by under 1 millirem a the development of cancer.
year. Fruits and vegetables-in fact, all foods~ontain so~
The risk of dying from radiation-induced cancer in­ level of radioactive material. Milk is checked in some stateS
creases by 8 percent for each exposure exceeding 10 rem (or for the presence of strontium 90 (Sr-90), an element that is
10,000 millirem). The least amount of exposure it would present as a result of aboveground nuclear testing (though
take to kill a person is 200 rem, but with aggressive treat­ aboveground testing is now banned in the United States).
ment, people can survive 1,000 rem of exposure. Acute ra­ Sr-90 has a half-life of twenty-nine years.
diation sickness is induced by exposure to doses of 100 rem There is nothing that can protect a person against ra­


dioactive substances such as radon except detection and Lecithin granules 1tbsp 3times daily, Protects cell membranes
or with meals. from radiation.
eradication of the problem. But good nutrition and a good capsules 1,200 mg 3times daily,
supplement program will provide support and protection with meals.
for your immune system. It is advisable to buy your fruit, Vitamin A 25,000 IU daily. If you Protects and strengthens
vegetables, meat, and grains from sources that employ or­ with are pregnant, do not the immune system,
ganic methods of farming to exclude further toxins from mixed carotenoids exceed 10,000 IU daily. especially in combination
including with vitamin E.
your diet. beta-carotene
Unless otherwise specified, the doses recommended
Vitamin Bcomplex 50 mg of each major Helps to protect against the
here are for persons age eighteen and over. For children be­ Bvitamin 3times daily harmful effects of
tween twelve and seventeen, use three-quarters the recom­ (amounts of individual radiation.
mended dose; for children between six and twelve, use vitamins in acomplex
plus extra will vary).
one-half the recommended dose; and for children under inositol 100 mg daily.
six, use one-quarter the recommended dose. Vitamin E 200 IU daily. Protects and strengthens the
immune system, especially in
combination with vitamin A.
NUTRIENTS Use d-alpha-tocopherol form.


Zinc 50-ao mg daily. Do not Helps to increase immunity.
exceed atotal of 100 mg Use zinc gluconate
Important daily from all supplements. lozenges or OptiZinc for best
Calcium 1,500 mg daily. To help prevent the body
and from absorbing radioactive
magnesium 750 mg daily. materials.
Coenzyme Q10 100 mg daily. Protects the body from
plus harmful radiation.
Coenzyme Afrom As directed on labe\. Works with coenzyme Q10 to o The herb chaparral helps protect against harmful
Coenzyme-A support the immune system radiation.
Technologies and detoxify the bloodstream.
Caution: Do not use this herb on a regular basis, and do
Glutathione 500 mg each daily, on an To detoxify harmful
plus empty stomach. Take with su bstances and protect not take it daily for longer than one week. Long-term use
L-cysteine water or juice. Do not take against the harmful effects may be harmful to the liver.
and with milk. Take with of radiation.
L-methionine 50 mg vitamin B6 and
100 mg vitamin Cfor
better absorption. Recommendations

Kelp 1,000-1,500 mg daily. Protects against radiation.
~ Include apples in the diet; they are a good source of
Take kelp in tablet form or eat
sea vegetables. pectin, which binds with radioactive particles. Pectin is .
also available in supplement form.

Garlic (Kyolic from 2 capsules 3times daily. Stimulates and protects the
o Eat buckwheat, which is high in rutin, a bioflavonoid
Wakunaga) immune system. that protects against the effects of radiation.
Grape seed extract As directed on labe\. Apowerful antioxidant. o Consume avocados, lemons, and cold-pressed saf­
flower and olive oils. These supply essential fatty acids.
Oxy-5000 Forte from As directed on labe\. This antioxidant is high in
American Biologies superoxide disrnutase (SOD). a :J Drink plenty of steam-distilled water.
powerful antioxidant.
Pantothenic acid 200 mg before and after Protects against the
o If you use a cellular telephone, guard against possible
(vitamin B5) x-ray exposure; 50 mg daily harmful effects of
contamination by purchasing an earpiece or phone guard.
thereafter. radiation. Use the phone only for short calls and only when needed.
Selenium 200 mcg daily. If you are Afree radical scavenger that o No link between brain cancer and cell phone use and
pregnant, do not exceed protects against cancer. illness has yet been proved, but it makes sense to be cau­
40 mcg daily.
tious. The electromagnetic waves from a cell phone are
Vitamin C 5,000-20,000 mg daily in Apowerful free radical supposed to meet government guidelines, but this is un­
with divided doses. (See scavenger. Avitamin C
bioflavonoids ASCORBIC ACID FLUSH complex that contains 200 mg charted territory. It is best to err on the side of caution.
including in Part Three.) of rutin per capsule is best. There are numerous products on the market that contain
rutin an earpiece and attached microphone that allow you to

Brewer's yeast As directed on labe/. Anatural source of pantothenic
acid, as well as the other
keep the telephone itself some distance from your body.
o If you use a computer and sit in front of a monitor all
day, use a radiation/ glare filter screen. Monitors are much
better than they used to be, but it is wise to be cautious.


o Have your home tested for radon. This is a radioactive New rare diseases are discovered every year. Most are
gas that occurs naturally in the soil in some places. It has inherited and caused by alterations or genetic mutations
no smell. The biggest danger is from exposure to radon in­ (defects in genes). Genes are pieces of DNA, part of the
side the home, where the gas can accumulate and escape code that determines the traits and individual characteris­
detection. People who smoke are at even greater risk from tics of all living things. Each human cell contains around
the damaging effects radon has on the lungs. Radon detec­ 30,000 genes. Besides influencing features such as eye and
tion kits are available in most hardware stores and home hair color, genes also can playa role in the development of
centers. They may also be available from your local depart­ diseases and in their transmission from parent to child. In
ment of health and some drugstores. addition to those with genetic causes, there are some rare
o If there is even a chance you might be pregnant, do not
diseases that can be acquired as a result of environmental
and toxic conditions.
let your doctor or dentist do any x-ray testing. Women ex­
posed to x-rays in the first three to five weeks of pregnancy As disparate as rare diseases are, the people who have
them share many common frustrations. For example, for
are at a higher risk of having a miscarriage or delivering a
one-third of people with a rare disease, getting an accurate
baby with birth defects. Exposure between the eighth and
fifteenth week can cause the baby to suffer brain damage. diagnosis can take one to five years. And people often are
so isolated that they may never know anyone else with the
Childhood leukemia can occur if a fetus is exposed to
x-rays during the first trimester of pregnancy. same disease. They often must travel long distances to visit
the few doctors knowledgeable about their illnesses, and
the costs involved with diagnosis, treatment, and other
Considerations related expenses can be exorbitant.
Many rare diseases or conditions can be difficult to di­
o As technology improves and more becomes known agnose and manage because in their early stages, the
about how cancer cells work, the part that radiation ther­ symptoms may be absent or masked, misunderstood, or
apy has to play in cancer treatment has been reduced. Ra­ confused with those of other diseases. One disease that
diation exposure is also more carefully monitored than it was originally misdiagnosed as multiple sclerosis (MS) led
was in the past. to delayed and inappropriate treatment of the individual's
o A study conducted at the University of Medicine and true problem-adrenomyeloneuropathy (AMN). AMN is a
Dentistry of New Jersey in Newark showed that rats given milder form of adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD), one of a
orange juice before exposure to low-level radiation (1 to 50 group of genetically determined progressive disorders,
rems) suffered two times less damage than rats given wa­ known collectively as leukodystrophies, which affect the
ter before exposure. brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves. This one case
o See also WEAKENED IMMUNE SYSTEM in Part Two. raised a red flag for the individual's doctor when his pa­
tient mentioned that not only had his grandfather been di­
agnosed with MS-and in fact had died from it-but also
RARE DISORDERS that he had lost two brothers and several cousins to the
same disease.
Jumping Frenchmen of Maine sounds like an uproarious, Because MS is not hereditary, the doctor in this case
modern-day stage show or a new music group of some suspected that the disease that had befallen his patient's
kind. But it is neither. It is actually the name of an unusual family members, and now him, was not MS because of its
disorder that causes an extreme startle reaction to unex­ genetic pattern of inheritance. An in-depth family history
pected noises or sights. Though little is known about jump­ revealed that he and his brothers had had a 50 percent
ing Frenchmen of Maine, the disorder and more than 6,000 chance of having either ALD or AMN because their mother
other rare, or "orphan," diseases are receiving increasing was a carrier of the defective gene involved. Following his
attention from government, patient groups, and the phar­ diagnosis of AMN, two more of his brothers died of the
maceutical industry. disease.
In the United States, an orphan disease is defined as a ALD affects only 1 in about 15,500 people worldwide.
condition that affects fewer than 200,000 people nation­ This was enough, however, to form an organization, the
wide. This includes diseases as familiar as cystic fibrosis, United Leukodystrophy Foundation, a voluntary health
Lou Gehrig's disease, and Tourette's syndrome, and as organization. According to the United Leukodystrophy
unfamiliar as hamburger disease, Job syndrome, and Foundation (ULF), the leukodystrophies are often misdiag­
acromegaly (or gigantism). For some diseases, there are nosed as MS because diagnosis of neurological conditions
fewer than one hundred known cases. Collectively, how­ relies on subtle and circumstantial evidence, and even the
ever, rare disorders affect as many as 25 million Americans, most experienced clinicians may have difficulty distin­
according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and guishing between the two.
that makes these diseases-and finding treatments for For people with rare disorders there may be no cures,
them-a serious public health concern. but treatments of the symptoms can help. Having the sup­


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