Forgotten Realms Genesys
Forgotten Realms Genesys
Forgotten Realms Genesys
Dennis (GM): “You follow the hooded figure into the range, the difficulty is one purple die, but he has some
alleyway. The buildings around here are fairly run down, armor, so you get one black setback die as well. Sister
two-story structures. You know you must be getting close Lana, go ahead and make your Divine power check, and
to the docks as well, as you can smell the saltwater and Liam, you see that there is a small second story balcony
hear the bells of ships coming into port. The alley seems to directly above you, and there are some decent handholds
be mostly filled with refuse, and turns to the right about to get up there, so let’s say the difficulty is average- two
twenty feet ahead of you. You don’t see anyone in the alley, purple dice.”
not even the one you followed here. What do you do?” Jordan (Liam): ~rolls dice~ “It looks like I have two suc-
Ed (Milo): “Now where did he get off to? I give a quick cesses, but three threat. That’s not good. So, I scale the
look around before moving in there. I don’t want to get balcony without any problem, right?”
caught in an ambush.” Dennis (GM): ~Laughing~ “Nice try- you make it look
Dennis (GM): “OK then, make me a Perception check. easy getting up there, swinging off of a drainage pipe and
The difficulty is Average, so add two purple dice to your using a couple other easy handholds. However, as you
pool. It’s pretty dark out, so also add a setback- one black get to the balcony, your rapier catches on the railing. You
die.” slip going over the railing, and while you did successfully
Ed (Milo): “So, my dice are two yellow and one green plus end up on the balcony, you are flat on your face and your
the two purples and one black…” ~rolls dice~ “ after rapier slides out of your scabbard and hits the ground
everything cancels, I have one Success and two Advantage beneath you with a clang.”
left. What do I see?” Jordan (Liam): “Ouch…”
Dennis (GM): “You see a figure huddled into a very dark Ingrith (Penny): “So, I use Ranged to throw the axe,
alcove right around the bend in the alley, clearly trying to right? My pool for that skill is one green and one yel-
stay out of sight. You can’t see him well enough to make low…add in the difficulty dice…” ~rolls dice~ “Ah hah!
out any of his features, but you are pretty sure it’s the cut- A Triumph! Wait, though, I don’t hit- it’s a net failure…”
purse you followed in here. “ Dennis (GM): “So your attack can’t damage him, but
Ed (Milo): “There he is! I point him out to the others.” something really good happens with that Triumph. What
Dennis (GM): “No problem; they can now all see him. happens?”
What about your two advantages?” Ingrith (Penny): “I’ve got a good idea. The hatchet doesn’t
Ed (Milo): “Hmm. What about if I spot some cover hit him, but strikes the wall really close to his head, catch-
between him and us that I could duck behind?” ing the hood of his cloak. It pins him to the wall by the
cloak, and we can now see his face.”
Dennis (GM): That will work. You luck out and spot some
old, mostly broken crates that someone left here. They look Dennis (GM): “Perfect. Your hatchet knocks his hood off
like they might give just enough of a blind spot for you and pins him to the wall, and completely surprised, he
to hide. You dive down behind there to take cover. The struggles to try and get out of the cloak. When his face is
hooded figure stands up and takes an aggressive stance, revealed, you see matted grey fur, a short snout, and long
drawing a short sword from underneath his cloak. incisors- you realize it is a wererat!”
Those of you still at the entry to the alley hear some heavy Ed (Milo): “Uh oh. I knew I should have bought that sil-
bootsteps coming up behind you, as well as what a cacoph- ver dagger…”
ony of high pitched, screeching sounds- it sounds like there Sean (Sister Lana): “I rolled four success on my spell, so I
is company headed your way. suffer two strain and the spell goes off. Sister Lana closes
You have a few seconds before they get here- we’ll roll for her eyes for a moment, clasps her Holy Icon, and whis-
initiative after the rest of you take one action. What are you pers a prayer to the Lathander to keep death from taking
each going to do?” her friends in this battle (Barrier + Empowered + Divine
Health). Liam now reduces the next damage he takes this
Jordan (Liam): “I’ll get the ones coming up behind us! I encounter by four.”
want to see if I can get the high ground- maybe climb up
to a second story landing or something to get the drop on Jordan (Liam): “Thanks, I have a feeling I’m going to
them.” need it when we see what comes around that corner…”
Ingrith (Penny): “I draw my hatchets and run forward, Dennis (GM): Speaking of that, you now see another
throwing one at the enemy in the alley.” wererat moving in from behind you, and you can now
tell what was making that horrible noise- the pack of four
Sean (Sister Lana): I’m going to move forward a little and giant rats he is leading in your direction. Everyone please
get out of way. I also want to use my Divine magic to put make Cool checks for Initiative…”
a protective ward on Liam.”
Dennis (GM): That all sounds good. Penny, you run for-
ward, gripping your hatchets comfortably. You move into
short range and throw one end over end. Since its short
USING ALIGNMENT adventures progress. In addition, each character’s Align-
ment includes an emotional strength and an emotional
The Alignment system essentially tracks how good or evil
weakness that help define the character’s personality.
a Player Character acts. A PC’s struggle with being good
These personality traits are key to the character’s Align-
versus the temptation and power of the dark side mani-
ment, as a character’s moral decisions may be greatly
fests as Alignment Change points in the Alignment sys-
affected by them.
tem. A Player Character’s Alignment value changes how
he interacts with other characters in the game. The Alignment mechanic is based on a number that rep-
resents a character’s Alignment within the game rules.
Challenging the PCs’ moral choices is central to RPGs.
This is meant to encourage the character’s player to make
Sometimes, the consequences of a choice are very clear to
interesting and even risky choices, and to give something
the character. Alignment is, simply put, the measure of
that is inherently narrative (making decisions about right
right and wrong. Though the Forgotten Realms universe
and wrong) mechanical benefits and repercussions. In
has shades of moral relativism, it is primarily a universe
the Forgotten Realms, the dark side is very real, and it is
of good and evil. Alignment measures how good or evil
quite possible for people to fall to evil, and even later to
characters are. It is a measure of their actions, thoughts,
be redeemed. The gameplay aspects of Alignment repre-
and attitudes, and how they have helped, harmed, or
sent that within the framework of the rules.
hindered those around them. In addition, a character’s
Alignment can often be shaped and guided by his per- The Alignment system is not, however, intended to spawn
sonality, and therefore a character’s emotional strengths arguments between players as to whether an action is
and weaknesses can contribute to and affect his overall “evil” or not and whether a character should be penal-
Alignment. Also, a character’s Alignment can effects his ized for engaging in it. In fact, the Alignment system is
use of Magic, and Magic can in turn affect a character’s designed to avoid that in two ways. First, the system has
Alignment. Thus, in the Forgotten Realms, Alignment is a specific set of guidelines as to what actions may penalize
an important defining characteristic. a character’s Alignment, and second, it has a randomizing
element that means players do not know for certain if
During character creation, players get the chance to
their moral choices will penalize their characters or not
customize their characters not only by selecting careers,
in the course of the game.
skills, and specializations, but also by determining their
characters’ Alignment. Although some aspects of a char- Players may select their character’s Alignments weak-
acter’s Alignment may change over time—allowing the nesses and strengths from those presented in Table:
character to become a better or worse person throughout Alignment. Each entry presents an emotional strength
the course of his adventures—some aspects also remain and an emotional weakness for the character. Often,
set, continuing to influence the character’s thoughts and characters’ emotional strengths and weaknesses can play
actions throughout his life. a major part in the choices they make.
Over the course of a campaign, a character’s Alignment SHARED ALIGNMENT
not only greatly defines his personality, but it also can
affect his relationship with Magic. Those who inflict pain It is perfectly acceptable for more than one Player Char-
on others wantonly, who make selfish decisions, who act acter in a group to have the same emotional strengths and
out of anger or fear, and who seek power and glory for weaknesses and goals. Often, this simply means that they
themselves risk becoming a force of Evil. On the other have similar backgrounds and mindsets—even if they
hand, those who remain at peace with themselves, sac- originated on different worlds and in vastly different cul-
rifice their own well-being to help others, and seek to tures. Their methods for attempting to achieve their goals
improve the lives of those around them rather than bene- could be identical, or they could be vastly different. This
fit themselves may become paragons of Good. provides a means for the characters to complement one
another as they work cooperatively. Of course, at times,
Each Player Character in the Forgotten Realms has an even characters with the same Alignment could believe
Alignment, a value that measures how “good” or “evil” that there are different ways to achieve their objectives.
that character is. This value changes over the course of a This could introduce discussion, as the characters’ differ-
campaign, reflecting a character’s choices and actions as ent methods might be at odds with one another.
Character Creation
Options Cost
Increase Characteristics (only available during character
10X the level to which the Characteristic is being raised. Maximum starting level is.4.
5X the ranks to which the Skill is being raised. Must be raised Max starting rank is 2. Max ranks
Purchase ranks in skills
sequentially. Non-career skills cost an additional 5 XP per rank. after character creation is 5.
Purchase Talents from Talent Trees within Specializations Based on the position on the tree. Limited only by available XP.
10X the number of specializations the character will have
Purchase new Specializations after gaining the new one. Noncareer specializations cost 10 Limited only by available XP.
additional XP.
D100 Emotional Strength Emotional Weakness
01-08 Bravery: The character’s bravery is quite re- Anger: Hot blood, however, can easily lead to hot
markable. Whether facing down a charging tempers. The character is quick to anger, and what
rancor or racing into a burning building to he cannot deal with face-to-face can often frus-
save innocents, he is always willing to take trate him to the point of rage
risks to help others
09-16 Love: The character has an open heart. Jealousy: Love, if not given selflessly, can quickly
While he may hold a special place in his turn to jealousy. The character’s personality tends
heart for his companions or a significant toward envy if his love is not reciprocated, or
other, he tends to genuinely like most sometimes he simply envies others’ accomplish-
individuals he meets. His love for others ments or possessions.
can make him charming and affable, and
exceedingly tolerant.
17-24 Caution: The character possesses com- Fear: The line between caution and fear is a thin
mendable prudence, willing to always look one. Sometimes the character spends too much
before he leaps into a new situation. His time concerned about the potential problems of
forward-thinking ways may have saved a situation to act in that situation at all. At other
his fellows from dangerous situations on times, his caution causes him to flee when danger
numerous occasions. presents itself, through bolder action might reap
real rewards.
25-32 Enthusiasm: The character is always ready Recklessness: Of course, a little thought can go a
to try something new, and he approaches long way towards saving someone from a major
all of his tasks, even mundane ones, with mistake, which this character may find out to his
excitement. He’s not one to overthink a sorrow on more than one occasion. Reckless be-
situation, lest he miss a great new opportu- havior can leave him in dangerous situations or at
nity. the mercy of more calculating individuals.
33-40 Compassion: The character cares about the Hatred: The galaxy can be a cruel and heartless
tribulations others face, and wants to help place, and compassion can quickly turn to hatred
those he comes across. His compassion of the individuals or situations that cause others to
may lead to self-sacrifice in order to aid suffer. When a character’s mind roils with sim-
those who need it. mering hatred, that hatred may be all too slow to
41-48 Mercy: The character shows mercy toward Weakness: There is a fine line between showing
his foes, dealing with them fairly and hon- mercy to one’s foes and letting evil fester because
orably. He can spare the defenseless, will one does not want to engage with it. The character
help a helpless enemy, and generally does may let bad things happen simply because it is too
not abuse a position of strength. hard to deal with them.
49-56 Curiosity: The character is driven to learn new Obsession: Sometimes, interest in some-
things, to seek out and discover new informa- thing can turn to obsession if not tem-
tion, and to expand his knowledge and under- pered with reason. The character can slip
standing of those things that interest him. into an obsessive state about his need to
discover information, accomplish a goal,
or even defeat a rival, and he may ignore
all else until success is his.
57-64 Pride: Pride can be a powerful emotion, and can Arrogance: Pride, among all emotions, is
push a character to impressive feats of personal perhaps the easiest to fall to a darker form.
accomplishment. He strives to be the best and to Arrogance mirrors pride, but satisfac-
take pleasure in his skills. tion in one’s accomplishments is replaced
with contempt for others’ failings. It is
not enough to succeed; the character also
expects all others to fail.
65-72 Independence: The character believes in relying Coldness: Self-reliance can slip into isola-
on himself. He does not count on others to per- tion if one is not careful. A cold character
form tasks for him; instead, he ensures he can doesn’t just desire to rely only on himself,
handle any situation he encounters. He refuses but has nothing but disinterest for anyone
to be a burden on others. else. If they can’t help themselves, why
should he aid them?
73-80 Ambition: An ambitious character sets a lofty Greed: An ambitious character is only as
goal for himself and then strives to accomplish selfless as his goals. Those who strive for
it. The harder the task, the more willing the worldly pleasures, whether power, wealth,
character is to take it on, and the greater the or personal comforts, can quickly find
triumph when he finally succeeds. their ambition turning to simple greed.
81-88 Justice: The character strives for just and delib- Cruelty: All too often, the cruel use justice
erate actions in his life, and in his interactions to excuse their actions. If one stops himself
with others. He attempts to make the objectively from tempering justice with empathy and
right choice every time, knowing that justice is understanding, he can inflict great harm
more likely to guarantee positive outcomes than on others and feel justified doing it. Even-
sympathy or other emotional displays. tually, he can grow to revel in the suffering
of others, even as he deludes himself into
thinking he makes the “just” choice
89-96 Discipline: Rigorous mental and physical disci- Obstinance: Disciplined characters may
pline comes naturally to the character. He does fall into the trap of simple stubbornness
not make choices rashly, and every action is if they are not careful. An obstinate char-
precise and selected. Those who think they can acter often refuses to consider any course
goad the character into making foolish choices of action other than the one he chooses,
are sorely mistaken. unwilling to accept that someone else may
have conceived of a better option.
Roll twice on this chart. The PC has multiple emotional strengths and weaknesses
Alignment Change table
10+ Sacrifice: The character significantly puts themselves in harm’s way in order to protect the lives of oth-
ers. This may mean they get hurt, captured, possibly even killed.
10 Kindness to your Enemy: The character helps or heals a character that would be considered their ene-
6-7 Protector of Nature: The character goes out of their way to save creatures of low-level intelligence.
4-5 Non-Retaliation: The character, when attacked, refuses to fight back.
3-4 Necessary Protection: The character goes to great length to protect property or items from damage,
even if it means they are harmed instead.
2-3 Charity: Give up something of yours for the benefit of another who needs it more.
2 Negotiate: Resolve an already violent situation with words.
Comfort: Emotionally support a character experiencing a problem.
1 Inspire: Encourage a character to do good when they’re Alignment Changeed.
Honesty: Tell the truth when it means you must give up a moment of personal gain.
-1 Knowing Inaction: The PC knows that an NPC or other PC will do something particularly bad (an
action that would incur 5+ Alignment penalty) and chooses not to intervene.
Lying for Personal Gain: The PC tells a lie for selfish reasons or to benefit himself. Some lies can be told
without penalty to benefit others, such as avoiding a combat situation or protecting innocents.
Resorting to Violence as the First Solution: When confronted with a problem, the PC defaults to vio-
lent acts to solve it, without exploring any other options. This change can be mitigated if the PC is the
one being attacked.
-2 Coercion or Threatening with Violence: The PC threatens someone with violence, or coerces the per-
son to do his bidding against the person’s will.
Inflicting Emotional Abuse: The PC says something cruel or petty just to upset or cause mental tor-
ment in a person.
-2-3 Theft: The PC steals something that does not belong to him. The Alignment change can be mitigated in
this case if the PC is stealing from a corrupt and/or wealthy authority (such as a dictator), and does so
to give back to those who need it. The Alignment penalty can be increased if the PC steals something
from those who can particularly ill afford to lose it.
-3-4 Unnecessary Destruction: The PC destroys objects, property, or other items willfully and without good
-4-5 Unnecessary Violence or Assault: The PC assaults, beats, or otherwise attacks an NPC for no reason.
-6-7 Unnecessary Cruelty to Non-Sentient Creatures: The PC maliciously tortures or torments creatures of
low-level intelligence.
-10 Torture: The PCs torture a character.
-10+ Murder: The PCs murder a character. In this case, murder is killing someone who is helpless or no
threat to the PCs.
BESTOWING ALIGNMENT CHANGE Change, but possible 2 to 5 more Alignment Change.
The GM’s determination and ruling is final. Actions
The GM bestows Alignment Change through game
such as murdering another character in self defense are
mechanics and narrative action. When Alignment
especially evil actions and should be rewarded with corre-
Change is given to PCs, it is tracked as a discrete amount,
spondingly high amounts of Alignment Change.
such as 4 Alignment Change or 12 Alignment Change.
Players track Alignment Change bestowed mechanically, SESSION TALLY
since it results from specific, defined actions.
At the end of each session, each player totals the amount
The GM bestows 1 to 10 (and sometimes even more) of Alignment Change his character receives and changes
Alignment Change for narrative actions, depending on his alignment so. If the game session is unusually short
the severity of the PC’s deeds. The GM can and should or uneventful, the GM might require the tally after the
adjust the penalties to account for unusual actions or sit- following session instead.
If a player was not present for a session, his character’s
Character intent should influence the amount of Align- Alignment should not have a chance to increase. Sim-
ment Change awarded, as some actions may be consid- ilarly, if a character had no chance to do anything in a
ered good in one situation and evil in another. Obvi- session or spent an entire session incapacitated, then his
ously evil or overly selfish acts combined with the main Alignment should not increase.
transgression can add from 1 to 5 additional Alignment
Change points. Gray areas, such as a selfish, but not a
truly evil action, receives a minimum of -1 Alignment
My Forgotten Realms setting uses the Favor Economy genetic sequence and tell your character what those genes
rules found in Shadow of the Beanstalk (page 80). At are supposed to do. Meanwhile, a sergeant down at the
character creation, players may choose to have their char- NAPD could probably get your character’s hopper out
acter owe a Small, Regular, or Big favor to a faction of of impound—or ensure patrols stay well away from the
their choosing. location of an imminent gang hit. Each faction entry
The GM gets to decide the person within that faction contains a list of example favors that people who are a
who you owe the favor to, creating possible plot hooks. part of that faction can perform.
Taking a favor allows you to gain additional gold or XP Your character doesn’t need to belong to any faction
at character creation: in order to participate in the favor economy. However,
belonging to a faction does allow your character to per-
Your character interacts with factions and people who form favors for other people that your character other-
are members of a faction through something we call the wise couldn’t.
favor economy. All you need to know right now is that
the favor economy is a way of tracking and defining who FAVOR ECONOMY DURING
owes your character favors, and what favors your charac- CHARACTER CREATION
ter owes other people.
During this step of character creation, your character
A favor can be just about any service. We classify them may end up owing a favor. Nobody can get by in Faerun
as small favors, regular favors, and big favors, depending without getting someone’s help at some point! However,
on how momentous they are (see Table 2–1 in for some how big a favor you owe is going to be up to you.
examples of all three types of favors). Your character can During this step, you may (but you don’t have to) choose
perform favors for other people and probably already has, one faction. Your character owes a favor to someone in
whether they’ve helped a friend move to a new apartment that faction. You get to decide whether that favor is a
or hidden a member of the Thieves’ Guild during a heist. small favor, a big favor, or a regular favor, but your GM
These favors are based on who your character is, and what gets to decide the details about the person in that faction
they can do. So a thief can steal somethig as a favor, a whom your character owes.
Ranger could track down a missing animal, and both of
The favor has not been called in as of the start of the
them could watch a friend’s dog for an afternoon.
game, and your GM can use that uncollected favor your
However, if someone is a part of a faction, they may be character owes as a plot hook, something to get their
able to perform favors that specifically link to that fac- campaign rolling, or an unresolved bit of your character’s
tion. backstory that comes back to plague them at the worst
For example, someone who works in a Veskt Medtron- possible time!
ics Consolidated laboratory may be able to analyze a
However, that favor has helped your character get ahead in revolves around the informal and infernally complex web of
the world. Depending on the size of the favor, your character debts, promises, and IOUs that’s generally referred to as the
gets to start the game with some additional XP or gold worth favor economy.
of gear. These are added onto your character’s total starting Trading favors allows people to get what they need to survive
XP or your total starting gold and can be spent before the when money is tight, and to stay off the grid and off record.
game begins. Those additions are listed here: It can also be a lot more humane than deducting a price from
• Small Favor: Your character may start with an additional a coinpurse.
500 gold of gear.
• Regular Favor: Your character may start with an additional
1000 gold of gear or an additional 10 starting XP. The favor economy is, at its core, an exchange economy.
The core game mechanic of this economy is that a character
• Big Favor: Your character may start with an additional can exchange a favor for a favor of equal value with another
2,500 gold of gear or an additional 20 starting XP. character (as long as both characters are willing to make the
Although your character only starts the game owing some- trade). In our system, favors fall into three categories: small
body a single favor, don’t worry! They will likely owe plenty favors, regular favors, and big favors.
of other people favors as the game progresses. Of course, if • Small favors are the kinds of favors that don’t take too much
you’re lucky, maybe a few other people in Faerun will end up effort or too many resources. Watching someone’s pets for an
owing your character favors as well. afternoon, giving someone a ride in your hopper, or loaning
FAVOR ECONOMY DURING GAMEPLAY someone tools are all small favors. Chances are that characters
owe and are owed plenty of small favors in their lives.
Once the game begins, your character can offer favors and
accept promises of future favors organically. Your character • Regular Favors are more serious: the kinds of things that
can owe as many favors as you want, although someone who represent a substantial effort on someone’s part or that may
constantly makes promises to do something for someone even put someone in danger. Lending someone your vehicle
“in the future” is probably going to get a reputation as glib for a couple of days, loaning them a thousand gold, or saving
and irresponsible, and they may run into trouble with all the them from being beaten up in a bar fight are all examples of
people they owe. Likewise, your GM can always decide that regular favors. Characters are likely going to remember the
an NPC has no interest in being owed a favor and is going regular favors they owe and are owed, and they often owe or
to demand some other kind of recompense for services ren- are owed one or two regular favors.
dered, instead. • Big favors are just that: big. These are the kinds of favors
For gameplay purposes, however, we recommend that you that people remember years or even decades later, and they
and your GM only use the favor economy for relatively are always going to feel comfortable cashing in on them, no
important favors. Too many favors become a pain to track matter how long it’s been. Protecting someone’s family, loan-
and are hard for your GM to work into the ongoing story. ing a hopper to someone who engages in a violent chase with
the police, or saving someone’s life are all examples of big
We suggest that each character should owe and be owed a favors. A character may or may not owe or be owed any big
total of no more than six favors at any one time. favors.
THE FAVOR ECONOMY The types of favors one character could trade with another are
nearly endless. So, instead of trying to list them all, we came
Faerûn’s economy works on the silver and gold standard.
up with a table of reasonable examples. Table 2–1: Example
Other metals, including copper and platinum, are used
Favors provides a general list of favors. Sometimes favors for
in specific nations and cities, but silver and gold coins are
a specific faction may clash with the examples found here.
accepted throughout most of the trading communities of the
For instance, killing someone usually falls into the category
Heartlands no matter which kingdom, city state, or elder race
of a big favor. But if you’re dealing with a street gang (and
stamped them. Paper currency is almost unknown, though
depending on who the target is), it may not consider killing
Cormyr, Sembia, and Archendale recognize IOU notes signed
someone to be such a big deal.
in the blood of the parties to the contract and affixed with the
seal of a royal agent appointed to watch over trade. Coins These examples can help you figure out whether any favor
come in a bewildering variety of shapes, sizes, and materials. you invent is a small favor, a favor, or a big favor.
A coin’s value is expressed firmly in terms of how it relates to
a gold piece - a “standard” gold coin, circular and unpierced, EXCHANGING FAVORS
about an eighth-inch thick and an inch and-a-quarter across. Exchanging a favor for a favor is simple, and it generally
The current standard is: 10 coppers = 1 silver; 10 silvers or doesn’t require a check. It’s simply a matter of saying “if you
100 coppers 1 gold; and 10 gold = 1 platinum. do this thing for me, I’ll do this equivalent thing for you.”
Once you get into the real world you quickly find that favors However, sometimes your character may want to exchange a
are every bit as valuable as a coinpurse. Surviving daily life in favor for a bigger favor or a smaller favor. In those cases, your
the city is as much about who you owe as who you know, and character is going to need to make a check.
who owes you in return. For many disenfrancistos, daily life
Let’s say your character is owed a big favor, and they want to ask Now let’s say your character is owed a favor, and they ask for a
someone for a smaller favor in return. Normally, that wouldn’t favor of greater value than the favor they are owed. This always
require a check, and the target would be more than happy to requires a check, since your character is trying to get someone to
exchange something of theirs of lesser value for something of give them something more valuable for something less valuable.
yours of greater value. However, your character may want to In this case, your character must make an opposed Charm versus
extract the smaller favor and then say, “but you still owe me!” In Cool check against the target. If they succeed, the target agrees to
that case, your character must make an opposed Coercion versus give them the “better” favor in exchange. If they fail, the target
Discipline check against the target. If your character succeeds, refuses, but still owes your character a favor of the original value.
the target continues owing your character the same original favor
after this smaller favor has been resolved. If you fail, the target FAILING WITH h OR d
considers the favor repaid once they perform the original smaller If your character attempts to make an unequal exchange of favors
favor. They perform the favor requested and no longer owe the and fails the check, your GM may spend hhh or d to have
character. your character also anger the target. Not only does your character
fail to achieve the unequal exchange, but the target also decides
that they no longer owe your character anything!
Favor Examples
Favor Size Examples
Small Watch someone’s pets or dependents for a day
Give someone an item worth 100 gold or less
Loan someone a vehicle for a couple of hours
Help someone clean up an apartment
Loan someone tools to do some work
Regular Watch someone’s pets or dependents for several days to a week
Give someone an item worth 1,000 gold or less
Loan someone a vehicle for a few days
Loan someone a legal weapon
Save someone from a bar fight
Big Watch someone’s dependents and agree to defend them against real danger
Give someone an item worth over 1,000 gold
Loan someone a vehicle while knowing it may never be returned or that it may be de-
Loan someone an illegal weapon
Save someone’s life
Kill a person for someone else.
human temples, governments, libraries, and codes of law
In the reckonings of most worlds, humans are the young- fix their traditions in the bedrock of history. Humans
est of the common races, late to arrive on the world scene dream of immortality, but (except for those few who seek
and short-lived in comparison to dwarves, elves, and undeath or divine ascension to escape death’s clutches)
dragons. Perhaps it is because of their shorter lives that they achieve it by ensuring that they will be remembered
they strive to achieve as much as they can in the years when they are gone.
they are given. Or maybe they feel they have something Although some humans can be xenophobic, in general
to prove to the elder races, and that’s why they build their their societies are inclusive. Human lands welcome large
mighty empires on the foundation of conquest and trade. numbers of nonhumans compared to the proportion of
Whatever drives them, humans are the innovators, the humans who live in nonhuman lands.
achievers, and the pioneers of the worlds.
Humans who seek adventure are the most daring and
With their penchant for migration and conquest, ambitious members of a daring and ambitious race.
humans are more physically diverse than other common They seek to earn glory in the eyes of their fellows by
races. There is no typical human. An individual can stand amassing power, wealth, and fame. More than other peo-
from 5 feet to a little over 6 feet tall and weigh from 125 ple, humans champion causes rather than territories or
to 250 pounds. Human skin shades range from nearly groups.
black to very pale, and hair colors from black to blond
(curly, kinky, or straight); males might sport facial hair HUMAN NAMES AND ETHNICITIES
that is sparse or thick. A lot of humans have a dash of
nonhuman blood, revealing hints of elf, orc, or other lin- Having so much more variety than other cultures,
eages. Humans reach adulthood in their late teens and humans as a whole have no typical names. Some human
rarely live even a single century. parents give their children names from other languages,
such as Dwarvish or Elvish (pronounced more or less
VARIETY IN ALL THINGS correctly), but most parents give names that are linked
to their region’s culture or to the naming traditions of
Humans are the most adaptable and ambitious people their ancestors.
among the common races. They have widely varying The material culture and physical characteristics of
tastes, morals, and customs in the many different lands humans can change wildly from region to region. In the
where they have settled. When they settle, though, they Forgotten Realms, for example, the clothing, architec-
stay: they build cities to last for the ages, and great king- ture, cuisine, music, and literature are different in the
dom s that can persist for long centuries. An individ- northwestern lands of the Silver Marches than in distant
ual human might have a relatively short life span, but a Turmish or Impiltur to the east — and even more dis-
human nation or culture preserves traditions with origins tinctive in far-off Kara-Tur. Human physical character-
far beyond the reach of any single human’s memory. They istics, though, vary according to the ancient migrations
live fully in the present—making them well suited to the of the earliest humans, so that the humans of the Silver
adventuring life—but also plan for the future, striving Marches have every possible variation of coloration and
to leave a lasting legacy. Individually and as a group, features.
humans are adaptable opportunists, and they stay alert to
changing political and social dynamics.
Where a single elf or dwarf might take on the respon-
sibility of guarding a special location or a powerful
secret, humans found sacred orders and institutions for
such purposes. While dwarf clans and halfling elders
pass on the ancient traditions to each new generation,
STANDARD • Natural Instincts: Once per session, your character may
spend a Story Point as an incidental after making a skill
2 2 2 2 2 2 check. If they do so, they may reroll any number of dice
BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE not showing a triumph or despair, up to a number of dice
equal to their Cunning score.
• Wound Threshold: 10+Brawn
• Strain Threshold: 10+Willpower INTELLECTUAL
• Starting Experience: 120 XP 2 1 3 2 2 2
• Starting Skills: An average human starts with one rank BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE
in each of two different non-career skills at character cre-
ation. They obtain this rank before spending experience • Starting Wound Threshold: 8 + Brawn
points, and these skills may not be increased higher than • Starting Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower
rank 2 during character creation.
• Starting Experience: 100 xp
• Ready for Anything: Once per session as an out-of-
• Starting Skills: An intellectual starts with one rank in
turn incidental, you may move one Story Point from the
any two Knowledge skills during character creation. They
Game Master’s pool to the players’ pool.
obtain these ranks before spending experience points,
and may not increase a Knowledge skill above rank 2
during character creation.
• Brilliant!: Once per session, your character may spend
2 3 2 1 2 2 a Story Point as an incidental. If they do so, during the
BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE next check they make during that turn, you count their
ranks in the skill being used as equal to their Intellect.
• Starting Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn
• Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower LABORER
• Starting Experience: 105 xp
3 2 2 2 1 2
• Starting Skills: An Acrobat character starts with one
rank in Coordination during character creation. They
obtain this rank before spending experience points, and
may not increase Coordination above rank 2 during • Starting Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn
character creation. • Starting Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower
• Deft Evasion: Once per encounter, your character may • Starting Experience: 115 xp
spend a Story Point as an out-of-turn incidental when
they are the target of a Combat check. If they do so, • Starting Skills: A laborer starts with one rank in Ath-
the difficulty of the combat check becomes an opposed letics during character creation. They obtain this rank
check against the Acrobat’s Coordination skill instead of before spending experience points, and may not increase
the normal difficulty. Other modifiers, such as cover and Athletics above rank 2 during character creation.
defense still apply. • Tough as Nails: Once per session, your character may
spend a Story Point as an out-of-turn incidental immedi-
SURVIVALIST ately after suffering a Critical Injury and determining the
2 2 2 3 2 1 result. If they do so, they count the result rolled as “01.”
1 2 2 2 2 3 Elves are a magical people of otherworldly grace, liv-
ing in the world but not entirely part of it. They live in
places of ethereal beauty, in the midst of ancient forests
• Starting Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
or in silvery spires glittering with faerie light, where soft
• Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower music drifts through the air and gentle fragrances waft on
• Starting Experience: 100 xp the breeze. Elves love nature and magic, art and artistry,
music and poetry, and the good things of the world.
• Starting Skills: An Aristocrat starts with one rank in
Cool during character creation. They obtain this rank SLENDER AND GRACEFUL
before spending experience points, and may not increase
Cool above rank 2 during character creation. With their unearthly grace and fine features, elves appear
• Forceful Personality: Once per session, your character hauntingly beautiful to humans and members of many
may spend a Story Point as an incidental. If they do so, other races. They are slightly shorter than humans on
during the next skill check they make during that turn, average, ranging from well under 5 feet tall to just over
your character doubles the strain they inflict or the strain 6 feet. They are more slender than humans, weighing
they heal (you choose before making the check). only 100 to 145 pounds. Males and females are about
the same height, and males are only marginally heavier
than females.
Elves’ coloration encompasses the normal human range
and also includes skin in shades of copper, bronze, and
almost bluish-white, hair of green or blue, and eyes like
pools of liquid gold or silver. Elves have no facial and
little body hair. They favor elegant clothing in bright col-
ors, and they enjoy simple yet lovely jewelry.
Elves can live well over 700 years, giving them a broad
perspective on events that might trouble the shorter-lived
races more deeply. They are more often amused than
excited, and more likely to be curious than greedy. They
tend to remain aloof and unfazed by petty happenstance.
When pursuing a goal, however, whether adventuring
on a mission or learning a new skill or art, elves can be
focused and relentless. They are slow to make friends and
enemies, and even slower to forget them. They reply to
petty insults with disdain and to serious insults with ven-
Like the branches of a young tree, elves are flexible in
the face of danger. They trust in diplomacy and com-
promise to resolve differences before they escalate to
violence. They have been known to retreat from intru-
sions into their woodland homes, confident that they can
simply wait the invaders out. But when the need arises,
elves reveal a stern martial side, demonstrating skill with
sword, bow, and strategy.
Most elves dwell in small forest villages hidden among 2 2 3 2 1 2
the trees. Elves hunt game, gather food, and grow veg- BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE
WOOD ELF remaining semiconscious, needing only need 4 hours to
heal all strain.
1 3 2 2 2 2 • Superior Darkvision: When making skill checks, Dark
Elves remove up to jjj imposed due to darkness.
Descended from an earlier subrace of darkskinned elves,
• Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
the drow were banished from the surface world for fol-
• Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower lowing the goddess Lolth down the path to evil and cor-
• Starting Experience: 105 XP ruption. Now they have built their own civiliza on in
the depths of the Underdark, patterned after the Way of
• Starting Skills: Wood Elves begin with one rank in
Stealth or Primal. They obtain this rank before spending
experience points, and may not increase the skill above Also called dark elves, the drow have black skin that
rank 2 during character creation. resembles polished obsidian and stark white or pale yel-
low hair. They commonly have very pale eyes (so pale as
• Fey Ancestry: Elves cannot be put to sleep by magical
to be mistaken for white) in shades of lilac, silver, pink,
means and add jj to checks to avoid being charmed.
red, and blue. They tend to be smaller and thinner than
Elves do not need sleep. Instead, they meditate deeply,
most elves.
remaining semiconscious, needing only need 4 hours to
heal all strain.
• Mask of the Wilds: Wood Elves gain a minimum bonus
of +2 from concealment.
• Darkvision: When making skill checks, Wood Elves
remove up to jj imposed due to darkness within
medium range.
As a wood elf, you have keen senses and intuition, and
your fleet feet carry you quickly and stealthily through
your native forests. In Faerûn, wood elves (also called
wild elves, green elves, or forest elves) are reclusive and
distrusting of non-elves.
Wood elves’ skin tends to be copperish in hue, some-
times with traces of green. Their hair tends toward
browns and blacks, but it is occasionally blond or cop-
per-colored. Their eyes are green, brown, or hazel.
2 2 2 1 3 2
Kingdoms rich in ancient grandeur, halls carved into the
roots of mountains, the echoing of picks and hammers Dwarven kingdoms stretch deep beneath the mountains
in deep mines and blazing forges, a commitment to clan where the dwarves mine gems and precious metals and
and tradition, and a burning hatred of goblins and orcs forge items of wonder. They love the beauty and artistry
— these common threads unite all dwarves. of precious metals and fine jewelry, and in some dwarves
this love festers into avarice. Whatever wealth they can’t
SHORT AND STOUT find in their mountains, they gain through trade. They
dislike boats, so enterprising humans and halflings fre-
Bold and hardy, dwarves are known as skilled warriors,
quently handle trade in dwarven goods along water
miners, and workers of stone and metal. Though they
routes. Trustworthy members of other races are welcome
stand well under 5 feet tall, dwarves are so broad and
in dwarf settlements, though some areas are off limits
compact that they can weigh as much as a human stand-
even to them.
ing nearly two feet taller. Their courage and endurance
are also easily a match for any of the larger folk. The chief unit of dwarven society is the clan, and dwarves
highly value social standing. Even dwarves who live far
Dwarven skin ranges from deep brown to a paler hue
from their own kingdoms cherish their clan identities
tinged with red, but the most common shades are light
and affiliations, recognize related dwarves, and invoke
brown or deep tan, like certain tones of earth. Their hair,
their ancestors’ names in oaths and curses. To be clanless
worn long but in simple styles, is usually black, gray, or
is the worst fate that can befall a dwarf.
brown, though paler dwarves often have red hair. Male
dwarves value their beards highly and groom them care- Dwarves in other lands are typically artisans, especially
fully. weaponsmiths, armorers, and jewelers. Some become
mercenaries or bodyguards, highly sought after for their
LONG MEMORY, LONG GRUDGES courage and loyalty.
Dwarves can live to be more than 400 years old, so the GODS, GOLD, AND CLAN
oldest living dwarves often remember a very different
world. For example, some of the oldest dwarves living in Dwarves who take up the adventuring life might be
Citadel Felbarr (in the world of the Forgotten Realms) motivated by a desire for treasure — for its own sake, for
can recall the day, more than three centuries ago, when a specific purpose, or even out of an altruistic desire to
orcs conquered the fortress and drove them into an exile help others. Other dwarves are driven by the command
that lasted over 250 years. This longevity grants them a or inspiration of a deity, a direct calling or simply a desire
perspective on the world that shorter-lived races such as to bring glory to one of the dwarf gods. Clan and ances-
humans and halflings lack. try are also important motivators. A dwarf might seek to
restore a clan’s lost honor, avenge an ancient wrong the
Dwarves are solid and enduring like the mountains
clan suffered, or earn a new place within the clan after
they love, weathering the passage of centuries with stoic
having been exiled. Or a dwarf might search for the axe
endurance and little change. They respect the traditions
wielded by a mighty ancestor, lost on the field of battle
of their clans, tracing their ancestry back to the found-
centuries ago.
ing of their most ancient strongholds in the youth of the
world, and don’t abandon those traditions lightly. Part of
those traditions is devotion to the gods of the dwarves,
who uphold the dwarven ideals of industrious labor, skill A dwarf ’s name is granted by a clan elder, in accordance
in battle, and devotion to the forge. with tradition. Every proper dwarven name has been
Individual dwarves are determined and loyal, true to used and reused down through the generations. A dwarf ’s
their word and decisive in action, sometimes to the point name belongs to the clan, not to the individual. A dwarf
of stubbornness. Many dwarves have a strong sense of who misuses or brings shame to a clan name is stripped
justice, and they are slow to forget wrongs they have suf- of the name and forbidden by law to use any dwarven
fered. A wrong done to one dwarf is a wrong done to the name in its place.
dwarf ’s entire clan, so what begins as one dwarf ’s hunt
for vengeance can become a full-blown clan feud.
2 1 2 2 3 2
BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE Born of dragons, as their name proclaims, the dragon-
born walk proudly through a world that greets them with
• Starting Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn fearful incomprehension. Shaped by draconic gods or the
• Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower dragons themselves, dragonborn originally hatched from
dragon eggs as a unique race, combining the best attri-
• Starting Experience: 100 xp butes of dragons and humanoids. Some dragonborn are
• Starting Skills: Dwarves begin with one rank in Resil- faithful servants to true dragons, others form the ranks
ience or Mechanics. They obtain this rank before spend- of soldiers in great wars, and still others find themselves
ing experience points, and may not increase the skill adrift, with no clear calling in life.
above rank 2 during character creation.
• Born Crafter: Dwarves gain Mechanics as a career skill
at character creation. Dragonborn look very much like dragons standing erect
• Dark Vision: When making skill checks, Dwarves in humanoid form, though they lack wings or a tail. The
remove up to jj imposed due to darkness within first dragonborn had scales of vibrant hues matching the
medium range. colors of their dragon kin, but generations of interbreed-
ing have created a more uniform appearance. Their small,
• Dwarven Resilience: Add sa to all checks to resist or fine scales are usually brass or bronze in color, sometimes
recover from poisons, venoms, or toxins. Also Dwarves ranging to scarlet, rust, gold, or copper-green. They are
reduce the damage suffered from sources of poison by 3 tall and strongly built, often standing close to 6½ feet tall
before soak, and suffer one less strain and wounds from and weighing 300 pounds or more. Their hands and feet
Resilience checks against poisons. are strong, talonlike claws with three fingers and a thumb
on each hand.
The blood of a particular type of dragon runs very strong
through some dragonborn clans. These dragonborn often
boast scales that more closely match those of their dragon
ancestor — bright red, green, blue, or white, lustrous
black, or gleaming metallic gold, silver, brass, copper, or
To any dragonborn, the clan is more important than
life itself. Dragonborn owe their devotion and respect to
their clan above all else, even the gods. Each dragonborn’s
conduct reflects on the honor of their or their clan, and
bringing dishonor to the clan can result in expulsion and
exile. Each dragonborn knows their or their station and
duties within the clan, and honor demands maintaining
the bounds of that position.
A continual drive for self-improvement reflects the
self-sufficiency of the race as a whole. Dragonborn value
skill and excellence in all endeavors. They hate to fail,
and they push themselves to extreme efforts before they
give up on something. A dragonborn holds mastery of a
particular skill as a lifetime goal. Members of other races
who share the same commitment find it easy to earn the
respect of a dragonborn.
Though all dragonborn strive to be self-sufficient, they TABLE: DRAGON ANCESTRY
recognize that help is sometimes needed in difficult situ-
ations. But the best source for such help is the clan, and ELEMENTAL
when a clan needs help, it turns to another dragonborn RESISTANCE
clan before seeking aid from other races — or even from Black Acid Elemental (Acid), Vicious 1
the gods. Blue Lightning Disorient 3, Elemental (Lightning)
Brass Fire Burn 1, Elemental (Fire)
DRAGONBORN NAMES Bronze Lightning Disorient 3, Elemental (Lightning)
Dragonborn have personal names given at birth, but they Copper Acid Elemental (Acid), Vicious 1
put their clan names first as a mark of honor. A childhood Gold Fire Burn 1, Elemental (Fire)
name or nickname is often used among clutchmates as Green Poison Elemental (Poison), Stun 3
a descriptive term or a term of endearment. The name Red Fire Burn 1, Elemental (Fire)
might recall an event or center on a habit.
Silver Cold Elemental (Cold), Ensnare 1
White Cold Elemental (Cold), Ensnare 1
3 2 2 1 2 2
As far as gnomes are concerned, being alive is a won- Gnomes love names, and most have half a dozen or so. A
derful thing, and they squeeze every ounce of enjoyment gnome’s mother, father, clan elder, aunts, and uncles each
out of their three to five centuries of life. Humans might give the gnome a name, and various nicknames from just
wonder about getting bored over the course of such a about everyone else might or might not stick over time.
long life, and elves take plenty of time to savor the beau- Gnome names are typically variants on the names of
ties of the world in their long years, but gnomes seem ancestors or distant relatives. When dealing with humans
to worry that even with all that time, they can’t get in and others who are “stuffy” about names, a gnome learns
enough of the things they want to do and see. to use no more than three names: a personal name, a
Gnomes speak as if they can’t get the thoughts out of clan name, and a nickname, choosing the one in each
their heads fast enough. Even as they offer ideas and category that’s the most fun to say.
opinions on a range of subjects, they still manage to listen
carefully to others, adding the appropriate exclamations
1 2 3 2 2 2
of surprise and appreciation along the way.
Though gnomes love jokes of all kinds, particularly puns
and pranks, they’re just as dedicated to the more seri- • Starting Wound Threshold: 8 + Brawn
ous tasks they undertake. Many gnomes are skilled engi- • Starting Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower
neers, alchemists, tinkers, and inventors. They’re willing
• Starting Experience: 90 xp
to make mistakes and laugh at themselves in the process
of perfecting what they do, taking bold (sometimes fool- • Starting Skills: A Gnome starts with one rank in either
hardy) risks and dreaming large. Mechanics or Alchemy and one rank in either Knowl-
edge (Lore) or Knowledge (Arcana) during character cre-
BRIGHT BURROWS ation. They obtain these ranks before spending experi-
ence points, and may not increase the skills above rank 2
Gnomes make their homes in hilly, wooded lands. They during character creation.
live underground but get more fresh air than dwarves do,
enjoying the natural, living world on the surface when- • Small: Gnomes have a Silhouette of 0.
ever they can. Their homes are well hidden by both clever • Magic Resistance: Whenever a Gnome is being targeted
construction and simple illusions. Welcome visitors are by a harmful magic effect, the caster adds j to the check.
quickly ushered into the bright, warm burrows. Those When a Gnome makes a check to resist a magical effect,
who are not welcome are unlikely to find the burrows in add j to the check.
the first place. • Gnomish Arcana: Gnomes gain Knowledge (Arcana) as
Gnomes who settle in human lands are commonly gem- a career skill at character creation.
cutters, engineers, sages, or tinkers. Some human fami-
lies retain gnome tutors, ensuring that their pupils enjoy
a mix of serious learning and delighted enjoyment. A
gnome might tutor several generations of a single human
family over the course of their or their long life.
The comforts of home are the goals of most halflings’ Halflings are adept at fitting into a community of
lives: a place to settle in peace and quiet, far from humans, dwarves, or elves, making themselves valuable
marauding monsters and clashing armies; a blazing fire and welcome. The combination of their inherent stealth
and a generous meal; fine drink and fine conversation. and their unassuming nature helps halflings to avoid
Though some halflings live out their days in remote agri- unwanted attention.
cultural communities, others form nomadic bands that Halflings work readily with others, and they are loyal to
travel constantly, lured by the open road and the wide their friends, whether halfling or otherwise. They can dis-
horizon to discover the wonders of new lands and peo- play remarkable ferocity when their friends, families, or
ples. But even these wanderers love peace, food, hearth, communities are threatened.
and home, though home might be a wagon jostling along
an dirt road or a raft floating downriver. PASTORAL PLEASANTRIES
Most halflings live in small, peaceful communities with
The diminutive halflings survive in a world full of larger
large farms and well-kept groves. They rarely build king-
creatures by avoiding notice or, barring that, avoiding
doms of their own or even hold much land beyond their
offense. Standing about 3 feet tall, they appear relatively
quiet shires. They typically don’t recognize any sort of
harmless and so have managed to survive for centuries
halfling nobility or royalty, instead looking to family
in the shadow of empires and on the edges of wars and
elders to guide them. Families preserve their traditional
political strife. They are inclined to be stout, weighing
ways despite the rise and fall of empires.
between 40 and 45 pounds.
Many halflings live among other races, where the hal-
Halflings’ skin ranges from tan to pale with a ruddy
flings’ hard work and loyal outlook offer them abundant
cast, and their hair is usually brown or sandy brown and
rewards and creature comforts. Some halfling commu-
wavy. They have brown or hazel eyes. Halfling men often
nities travel as a way of life, driving wagons or guiding
sport long sideburns, but beards are rare among them
boats from place to place and maintaining no permanent
and mustaches even more so. They like to wear simple,
comfortable, and practical clothes, favoring bright colors.
Halfling practicality extends beyond their clothing. EXPLORING OPPORTUNITIES
They’re concerned with basic needs and simple pleasures
and have little use for ostentation. Even the wealthiest of Halflings usually set out on the adventurer’s path to
halflings keep their treasures locked in a cellar rather than defend their communities, support their friends, or
on display for all to see. They have a knack for finding explore a wide and wonder-filled world. For them,
the most straightforward solution to a problem, and have adventuring is less a career than an opportunity or some-
little patience for dithering. times a necessity.
1 2 2 2 2 3 TIEFLING
BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE To be greeted with stares and whispers, to suffer violence
and insult on the street, to see mistrust and fear in every
• Starting Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn eye: this is the lot of the tiefling. And to twist the knife,
• Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower tieflings know that this is because a pact struck genera-
tions ago infused the essence of Asmodeus — overlord of
• Starting Experience: 105 xp the Nine Hells — into their bloodline. Their appearance
• Starting Skills: A Halfling starts with one rank in Dis- and their nature are not their fault but the result of an
cipline or Charm during character creation. They obtain ancient sin, for which they and their children and their
this rank before spending experience points, and may not children’s children will always be held accountable.
increase the skill above rank 2 during character creation.
• Small: Halflings have a Silhouette of 0.
• Lucky: Onnce per session, whenever a halfling rolls a d
on a check, they may reroll the die by spending a Story Tieflings are derived from human bloodlines, and in the
Point but must use the new result. broadest possible sense, they still look human. How-
• Halfing Bravery: Halflings add jj on checks to resist ever, their infernal heritage has left a clear imprint on
fear. their appearance. Tieflings have large horns that take
any of a variety of shapes: some have curling horns like
a ram, others have straight and tall horns like a gazelle’s,
and some spiral upward like an antelopes’ horns. They
have thick tails, four to five feet long, which lash or coil
around their legs when they get upset or nervous. Their
canine teeth are sharply pointed, and their eyes are solid
colors — black, red, white, silver, or gold — with no vis-
ible sclera or pupil. Their skin tones cover the full range
of human coloration, but also include various shades of
red. Their hair, cascading down from behind their horns,
is usually dark, from black or brown to dark red, blue,
or purple.
Tiefling names fall into three broad categories. Tieflings MUTUAL MISTRUST
born into another culture typically have names reflec-
tive of that culture. Some have names derived from the People tend to be suspicious of tieflings,
Infernal language, passed down through generations, assuming that their infernal heritage has left
that reflect their fiendish heritage. And some younger its mark on their personality and morality, not
tieflings, striving to find a place in the world, adopt a just their appearance. Shopkeepers keep a close
name that signifies a virtue or other concept and then try eye on their goods when tieflings enter their
to embody that concept. For some, the chosen name is a stores, the town watch might follow a tiefling
noble quest. For others, it’s a grim destiny. around for a while, and demagogues blame
2 2 2 1 3 2 tieflings for strange happenings.
The reality, though, is that a tiefling’s bloodline
doesn’t affect their or their personality to any
• Starting Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn great degree. Years of dealing with mistrust
• Starting Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower does leave its mark on most tieflings, and they
respond to it in different ways. Some choose to
• Starting Experience: 100 xp
live up to the wicked stereotype, but others are
• Starting Skills: A Tiefling starts with one rank in Coer- virtuous. Most are simply very aware of how
cion or Negotiation during character creation. They people respond to them. After dealing with
obtain this rank before spending experience points, and this mistrust throughout youth, a tiefling often
may not increase the skill above rank 2 during character develops the ability to overcome prejudice
creation. through charm or intimidation.
• Infernal Magic: Tieflings gain Sorcery as a career skill
and begin with one rank in Sorcery. You still cannot train
their Sorcery above rank 2 during character creation.
• Infernal Resistance: Tieflings reduce the damage suf-
fered from fire by 3 before soak.
• Dark Vision: When making skill checks, Tieflings
remove up to jj imposed due to darkness.
Aasimar bear within their souls the light of the heavens. Despite its celestial origin, an aasimar is mortal and
They are descended from humans with a touch of the possesses free will. Most aasimar follow their ordained
power of Mount Celestia, the divine realm of many law- path, but some grow to see their abilities as a curse.
ful good deities. Aasimar are born to serve as champions
of the gods, their births hailed as blessed events. They are These disaffected aasimar are typically content to turn
a people of otherworldly visages, with luminous features away frorri the world, but a few become agents of evil. In
that reveal their celestial heritage. their minds, their exposure to celestial powers amounted
to little more than brainwashing.
CELESTIAL CHAMPIONS Evil aasimar make deadly foes. The radiant power they
once commanded becomes corrupted into a horrid,
Aasimar are placed in the world to serve as guardians of
draining magic. And their angelic guides abandon them.
law and good. Their patrons expect them to strike at evil,
lead by example, and further the cause of justice. Even aasimar wholly dedicated to good sometimes feel
torn between two worlds. The angels that guide them see
From an early age, an aasimar receives visions and guid-
the world from a distant perch. An aasimar who wishes
ance from celestial entities via dreams. These dreams help
to stop and help a town recover from a drought might
shape an aasimar, granting a sense of destiny and a desire
be told by an angelic guide to push forward on a greater
for righteousness.
quest. To a distant angel, saving a few commoners might
Each aasimar can count a specific celestial agent of the pale in comparison to defeating a cult of Orcus. An aasi-
gods as a guide. This entity is typically a deva, an angel mar’s guide is wise but not infallible.
who acts as a messenger to the mortal world.
Most aasimar are born from human parents, and they
While aasimar are strident foes of evil, they typically use the same naming conventions as their native culture.
prefer to keep a low profile. An aasimar inevitably draws
the attention of evil cultists, fiends, and other enemies
of good, all of whom would be eager to strike down a 2 2 2 1 2 3
celestial champion if they had the chance. BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE
Orcs had poor temperaments and were given to anger Most orcs didn’t build cities of their own, instead relying
more easily than some races. Easily offended and impa- on those left behind by others and improving their
tient, orcs generally preferred violent solutions and rarely fortifications or operating out of small camps and dens,
considered multiple ways of approaching a problem. often in natural caves. Orcs managed ironwork on their
However, in spite of this many orcs were excellent at own, as well as stonework, though their tools were often
getting results, since they were creatures of action, not inferior to those of more disciplined races.
thought. Some exceptions to this profile did exist, how-
ever, such as the famed King Obould whose deeds were Most orcs were part of a confederation of tribes, loosely
accomplished through planning and insight. held together by a despotic chieftain. Bands within these
alliances might have wandered far from their homelands,
PHYSICAL PROWESS but continued to greet those orcs who belonging to the
same tribal network as kin. Orc bloodragers were cham-
Orcs bred fast and lived short lives compared with pions of their tribe, who used primal strength and feroc-
most other races. They were considered adults any- ity to overcome their enemies. Most were bodyguards or
where between 11 and 14 years of age, middle-aged lower-ranking chiefs within the tribal structure.
at 17, old at 23, and venerable at 35 years of age. The
average orc seldom lived longer than 40 years, even if it
managed to avoid violent death. It was unheard of for
an orc to live longer than 45 years without magical aid.
3 2 1 2 2 2
Adult male orcs generally stood between 59 and 71 inches BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE
tall, and adult females averaged two inches shorter. Males • Starting Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn
weighed in anywhere between 136 and 190 pounds,
• Starting Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower
while females weighed between 96 and 150 pounds
• Starting Experience: 110 xp
THE WARBAND • Starting Skills: An Orc starts with one rank in Melee
Traditional orcish culture was extremely warlike and (Heavy) or Athletics during character creation. They
when not at war the race was usually planning for it. obtain this rank before spending experience points, and
Most orcs approached life with the belief that to survive, may not increase the skill above rank 2 during character
one had to subjugate potential enemies and control as creation.
many resources as possible, which put them naturally at • Menacing: Orcs gain Coercion as a career skill at char-
odds with other races as well as each other. This belief acter creation.
was spurred in part by Gruumsh and their pantheon,
• Fearsome: This species is feared in societies other than
which taught that all races were inferior to the orcs. Eyes
its own. Its members add j to Charm, Deception, Lead-
of Gruumsh were orcs specially tied to the one-eyed god
ership, and Negotiation checks they make, but they add
and offered sacrifices, read omens and advised tribes
j to Coercion checks they make. This does not apply
through Gruumsh’s will.
when interacting with others of their own species.
Male orcs dominated most orcish societies. Male orcs
• Natural Warriors: When making a Brawl or Melee
prided themselves on their number of wives and sons,
check, Orcs add the Vicious 1 quality to their weapon. If
as well as their scars from battle and rituals. Some orcs
the weapon already has the Vicious quality, increase the
also prized the possession of slaves, though relatively few
listed value by 1.
owned them.
HALF ORC half-orcs are those with enough self-control to get by in
a civilized land.
Whether united under the leadership of a mighty war-
lock or having fought to a standstill after years of conflict, TRIBES AND SLUMS
orc and human tribes sometimes form alliances, joining
Half-orcs most often live among orcs. Of the other races,
forces into a larger horde to the terror of civilized lands
humans are most likely to accept half-orcs, and half-
nearby. When these alliances are sealed by marriages,
orcs almost always live in human lands when not living
half-orcs are born. Some half-orcs rise to become proud
among orc tribes. Whether proving themselves among
chiefs of orc tribes, their human blood giving them an
rough barbarian tribes or scrabbling to survive in the
edge over their full-blooded orc rivals. Some venture into
slums of larger cities, half-orcs get by on their physical
the world to prove their worth among humans and other
might, their endurance, and the sheer determination
more civilized races. Many of these become adventurers,
they inherit from their human ancestry.
achieving greatness for their mighty deeds and notoriety
for their barbaric customs and savage fury.
SCARRED AND STRONG Half-orcs usually have names appropriate to the culture
in which they were raised. A half-orc who wants to fit in
Half-orcs’ grayish pigmentation, sloping foreheads, jut-
among humans might trade an orc name for a human
ting jaws, prominent teeth, and towering builds make
name. Some half-orcs with human names decide to
their orcish heritage plain for all to see. Half-orcs stand
adopt a guttural orc name because they think it makes
between 5 and 7 feet tall and usually weigh between 180
them more intimidating.
and 250 pounds.
Orcs regard battle scars as tokens of pride and orna-
mental scars as things of beauty. Other scars, though,
mark an orc or half-orc as a former slave or a disgraced 3 2 2 2 2 1
exile. Any half-orc who has lived among or near orcs BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE
Wandering tabaxi are mercurial creatures, trading one
Hailing from a strange and distant land, wandering tab-
obsession or passion for the next as the whim strikes. A
axi are catlike humanoids driven by curiosity to collect
tabaxi’s desire burns bright, but once met it disappears
interesting artifacts, gather tales and stories, and lay eyes
to be replaced with a new obsession. Objects remain
on all the world’s wonders. Ultimate travelers, the inquis-
intriguing only as long as they still hold secrets.
itive tabaxi rarely stay in one place for long. Their innate
nature pushes them to leave no secrets uncovered, no A tabaxi rogue could happily spend months plotting
treasures or legends lost. to steal a strange gem from a noble, only to trade it for
passage on a ship or a week’s lodging after stealing it.
WANDERING OUTCASTS The tabaxi might take extensive notes or memorize every
facet of the gem before passing it on, but the gem holds
Most tabaxi remain in their distant homeland, content no more allure once its secrets and nature have been laid
to dwell in small, tight clans. These tabaxi hunt for food, bare.
craft goods, and largely keep to themselves.
However, not all tabaxi are satisfied with such a life. The TINKERS AND MINSTRELS
Cat Lord, the divine figure responsible for the creation of
Curiosity drives most of the tabaxi found outside their
the tabaxi, gifts each of their children with one specific
homeland, but not all of them become adventurers.
feline trait. Those tabaxi gifted with curiosity are com-
Tabaxi who seek a safer path to satisfy their obsessions
pelled to wander far and wide. They seek out stories, arti-
become wandering tinkers and minstrels.
facts, and lore. Those who survive this period of wander-
lust return home in their elder years to share news of the These tabaxi work in small troupes, usually consisting
outside world. In this manner, the tabaxi remain isolated of an elder, more experienced tabaxi who guides up to
but never ignorant of the world beyond their home. four young ones learning their way in the world. They
travel in small, colorful wagons, moving from settlement
BARTERERS OF LORE to settlement. When they arrive, they set up a small stage
in a public square where they sing, play instruments,
Tabaxi treasure knowledge rather than material things. A tell stories, and offer exotic goods in trade for items that
chest filled with gold coins might be useful to buy food spark their interest. Tabaxi reluctantly accept gold, but
or a coil of rope, but it’s not intrinsically interesting. they much prefer interesting objects or pieces of lore as
In the tabaxi’s eyes, gathering wealth is like packing payment.
rations for a long trip. It’s important to survive in the These wanderers keep to civilized realms, preferring to
world, but not worth fussing over. bargain instead of pursuing more dangerous methods of
Instead, tabaxi value knowledge and new experiences. sating their curiosity. However, they aren’t above a little
Their ears perk up in a busy tavern, and they tease out discreet theft to get their claws on a particularly interest-
stories with offers of food, drink, and coin. Tabaxi might ing item when an owner refuses to sell or trade it.
walk away with empty purses, but they mull over the
stories and rumors they collected like a miser counting TABAXI NAMES
Each tabaxi has a single name, determined by clan and
Although material wealth holds little attraction for the based on a complex formula that involves astrology,
tabaxi, they have an insatiable desire to find and inspect prophecy, clan history, and other esoteric factors. Tabaxi
ancient relics, magical items, and other rare objects. names can apply to both males and females, and most use
Aside from the power such items might confer, a tabaxi nicknames derived from or inspired by their full names.
takes great joy in unraveling the stories behind their cre- Clan names are usually based on a geographical feature
ation and the history of their use. located in or near the clan’s territory.
2 2 1 3 2 2 GOLIATHS
At the highest mountain peaks-far above the slopes where
trees grow and where the air is thin and the frigid winds
• Starting Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn howl-dwell the reclusive goliaths. Few folk can claim to
• Starting Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower have seen a goliath, and fewer still can claim friendship
with one. Goliaths wander a bleak realm of rock, wind,
• Starting Experience: 110 xp and cold. Their bodies look as if they are carved from
• Starting Skills: A Tabaxi starts with one rank in Coordi- mountain stone and give them great physical power.
nation, Stealth, or Perception during character creation. Their spirits take after the wandering wind, making them
They obtain this rank before spending experience points, nomads who wander from peak to peak. Their hearts are
and may not increase the skill above rank 2 during char- infused with the cold regard of their frigid realm, leaving
acter creation. each goliath with the responsibility to earn a place in the
tribe or die trying.
• Natural Weapons: Tabaxi possess claws and may choose
to attack with the following weapon profile: (Brawl;
Damage +1; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Vicious 1).
• Catlike Curiosity: Tabaxi gain Perception or Stealth as a Every day brings a new challenge to a goliath. Food,
career skill at character creation. water, and shelter are rare in the uppermost mountain
reaches. A single mistake can bring doom to an entire
• Fleet of Paw: Tabaxi can perform a second maneuver to tribe, while an individual’s heroic effort can ensure the
move without suffering strain. They still cannot exceed entire group’s survival.
the limitation of two maneuvers in a turn.
Goliaths thus place a premium on self-sufficiency and
individual skill. They have a compulsion to keep score,
counting their deeds and tallying their accomplishments
to compare to others. Goliaths love to win, but they see
defeat as a prod to improve their skills.
This dedication to competition has a dark side. Goli-
aths are ferocious competitors, but above all else they
are driven to outdo their past efforts. If a goliath slays a
dragon, they or they might seek out a larger, more pow-
erful wyrm to battle. Few goliath adventurers reach old
age, as most die attempting to surpass their past accom-
For goliaths, competition exists only when it is su ported
by a level playing field. Competition measures talent,
dedication, and effort. Those factors determine survival
in their home territory, not reliance on magic items,
money, or other elements that can tip the balance one
way or the other. Goliaths happily rely on such benefits,
but they are careful to remember that such an advan-
tage can always be lost. A goliath who relies too much
on them can grow complacent, a recipe for disaster in
the mountains.
This trait manifests most strongly when goliaths interact
with other folk. The relationship between peasants and
nobles puzzles goliaths. If a king lacks the intelligence or
leadership to lead, then clearly the most talented person 3 1 2 2 2 2
in the kingdom should take their place. Goliaths rarely BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE
Every goliath has three names: a birth name assigned by
the newborn’s mother and father, a nickname assigned by
the tribal chief, and a family or clan name. A birth name
is up to three syllables long. Clan names are five syllables
or more and end in a vowel.
Birth names are rarely linked to gender. Goliaths see
females and males as equal in all things, and they find
societies with roles divided by gender to be puzzling or
worthy of mockery. To a goliath, the person who is best
at a job should be the one tasked with doing it.
A goliath’s nickname is a description that can change
on the whim of a chieftain or tribal elder. It refers to a
notable deed, either a success or failure, committed by
the goliath. Goliaths assign and use nicknames with their
friends of other races, and change them to refer to an
individual’s notable deeds.
Goliaths present all three names when identifying them-
selves, in the order of birth name, nickname, and clan
name. In casual conversation, they use their nickname.
Only a fool looks at the lizardfolk and sees nothing more Most humanoids describe cold-blooded people as lacking
than scaly humanoids. Their physical shape notwith- in emotion and empathy. The same label serves as
standing, lizardfolk have more in common with igua- an apt depiction of lizardfolk.
nas or dragons than they do with humans, dwarves, or
Lacking any internal emotional reactions, lizardfolk
elves. Lizardfolk possess an alien and inscrutable mind-
behave in a distant manner. They don’t mourn fallen
set, their desires and thoughts driven by a different set of
comrades or rage against their enemies. They simply
basic principles than those of warm-blooded creatures.
observe and react as a situation warrants.
Their dismal swamp homes might lie hundreds of miles
from the nearest human settlement, but the gap between Lizardfolk lack meaningful emotional ties to the past.
their way of thinking and that of the smooth-skins is far They assess situations based on their current and future
greater. utility and importance. Nowhere does this come through
as strongly as when lizardfolk deal with the dead. To a liz-
Despite their alien outlook, some lizardfolk make an
ardfolk, a comrade who dies becomes a potential source
effort to understand and, in their own manner, befriend
of food. That companion might have once been a warrior
people of other races. Such lizardfolk make faithful and
or hunter, but now the body is just freshly killed meat.
skilled allies.
A lizard folk who lives among other humanoids can, over
ALIEN MINDS time, learn to respect other creatures’ emotions. The liz-
ardfolk doesn’t share those feelings, but instead assesses
The lizardfolk’s reptilian nature comes through not only them in the same clinical manner. Yes, the fallen dwarf
in their appearance, but also in how they think and act. might be most useful as a meal, but hacking the body
Lizardfolk experience a more limited emotional life into steaks provokes aggression in the other humanoids
than other humanoids. Like most reptiles, their feelings and makes them less helpful in battle.
largely revolve around fear, aggression, and pleasure. Liz-
ardfolk experience most feelings as detached descriptions UTILITY AND SURVIVAL
of creatures and situations. For example, humans con-
The lizardfolk mindset might seem unnecessarily cruel,
fronted by an angry troll experience fear on a basic level.
but it helps them survive in a hostile environment. The
Their limbs shake, their thinking becomes panicked and
swamps they inhabit are filled with a staggering variety
jumbled, and they react by instinct. The emotion of fear
of threats. Lizardfolk focus on survival above all, without
takes hold and controls their actions. In contrast, lizard-
folk see emotions as traits assigned to other creatures,
objects, and situations. A lizardfolk doesn’t think, “I’m Lizardfolk assess everyone and everything in terms of
scared.” Instead, aggressive, stronger creatures register to utility. Art and beauty have little meaning for them. A
the lizardfolk as fearsome beings to be avoided if possible. sharp sword serves a useful and good purpose, while a
If such creatures attack, lizardfolk flee, fighting only if dull sword is a dead weight without a whetstone.
cornered. Lizardfolk aren’t scared of a troll; instead, they Lizardfolk see little need to plan more than a season or so
understand that a troll is a fearsome, dangerous creature into the future. This approach allows them to maintain
and react accordingly. their current level of influence in the world, but it limits
Lizardfolk never become angry in the way others do, but their growth. Lizardfolk have no interest in developing
they act with aggression toward creatures that they could writing, making long-term plans, or cultivating other
defeat in a fight and that can’t be dealt with in some other methods to progress beyond their simpie existence as
manner. They are aggressive toward prey they want to eat, hunters and gatherers.
creatures that want to harm them, and so on.
Pleasurable people and things make life easier for liz-
ardfolk. Pleasurable things should be preserved and
protected, sometimes at the cost of the lizardfolk’s own
safety. The most pleasurable creatures and things are ones
that allow lizardfolk to assess more situations as benign
rather than fearsome.
At their core, lizardfolk view other humanoids with an Tritons guard the ocean depths, building small settle-
indifference verging on pity. Born into the world lacking ments beside deep trenches, portals to the elemental
stout scales and sharp teeth, it’s a wonder they have man- planes, and other dangerous spots far from the eyes of
aged to survive for so long. The typical human would land-bound folk. Long-established guardians of the deep
barely make it through a day in the swamps. ocean floor, in recent years the noble tritons have become
Still, if other creatures prove useful to lizardfolk, those increasingly active in the world above.
creatures can trigger a prote,ctive response made all the
stronger by their apparent weakness. The lizardfolk assess AQUATIC CRUSADERS
such beings as hatchlings, young ones incapable of pro-
Centuries ago, tritons entered the world in response
tecting themselves but who might prove useful in the
to the growing threat of evil elementals. Tritons waged
future if they receive care.
many wars against their enemies on the Plane of Water,
driving them into the Darkened Depths where they
LIZARDFOLK NAMES escaped into the crushing pressure and utter darkness. In
Lizardfolk take their names from the Draconic language. time, the tritons noticed that their ancient elemental foes
They use simple descriptives granted by the tribe based had grown quiet. Expeditions to the depths revealed that
on an individual’s notable deeds or actions. For exam- krakens, sahuagin, and far worse foes had fled the Plane
ple, Garurt translates as “axe,” a name given to a lizard- of Water for the Material Plane.
folk warrior who defeated an ore and claimed their foe’s The tritons, driven by a sense of duty and responsibility,
weapon. A lizardfolk who likes to hide in a stand of reeds would not allow their foes to escape so easily. A great
before ambushing an animal might be called Achuak, conclave of tritons chose volunteers skilled in weapons
which means “green” to describe how they blends into and magic as part of an expeditionary force to enter the
the foliage. Lizardfolk make no distinction between male Material Plane and seek out their enemies.
and female in their naming conventions.
Those tritons spread across the world’s oceans and estab-
2 2 2 3 2 1 lished protectorates to watch over deep sea trenches,
BRAWN AGILITY INTELLECT CUNNING WILLPOWER PRESENCE portals, undersea caves, and other locations where their
enemies might lurk. They defeated their foes when they
• Starting Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn
found them and drove the rest into hiding.
• Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
With their foes banished to the deepest reaches of the sea,
• Starting Experience: 95 xp tritons settled in to watch for any sign of their return.
• Starting Skills: A Lizardfolk starts with one rank in Over time, the tritons extended their stewardship over
Survival or Perception during character creation. They the sea floor from their initial settlements and built out-
obtain this rank before spending experience points, and posts to create trade with other races. Despite this expan-
may not increase the skill above rank 2 during character sion, few folk know of them. Their settlements are so
creation. remote even merfolk and sea elves rarely encounter them.
•Hold Breath: Lizardfolk can hold their breath for a HAUGHTY NOBLES
number of rounds equal to 10 times their Brawn rating
before they risk suffocating. As a result of their isolation and limited understanding
•Scaly Defense: Lizardfolk increase their soak value by 1. of the Material Plane, tritons can come across as haughty
and arrogant. They see themselves as caretakers of the sea,
•Natural Weapons: Lizardfolk possess a powerful maw and they expect other creatures to pay them deep respect,
and may choose to attack with the following unarmed if not complete deference.
weapon profile: (Brawl; Damage +1; Critical 3; Range
[Engaged];Pierce 1). This attitude might grate on others, but it arises from a
seed of truth. Few know of the tritons’ great victories over
dreadful undersea threats. The tritons make little allow-
ance for such ignorance and are delighted to expound
upon the great debt others owe them.
Tritons also have a tendency to emerge from their isola- At its worst, a triton’s arrogance compounds the ten-
tion under the assumption that other folk will welcome dency for the triton. not to understand the ways of
them as respected allies and mentors. Again, distance the surface world. It’s easy for a triton to blame baf-
drives much of this attitude. The tritons’ limited view of fling social practices on what the triton perceives as
the world leaves them ignorant of the kingdoms, wars, the barbarism, weakness, or cowardice of surface folk.
and other struggles of the surface world. Tritons readily
see such concerns as minor events, a sideshow to the tri-
2 2 2 2 2 2
tons’ role as the world’s true protectors.
GENASI Some genasi live as outcasts, driven into exile for their
unsettling appearance and strange magic, or assum-
Those who think of other planes at all consider them ing leadership of savage humanoids and weird cults in
remote, distant realms, but planar influence can be felt untamed lands. Others gain positions of great influ-
throughout the world. It sometimes manifests in beings ence, especially where elemental beings are revered. A
who, through an accident of birth, carry the power of the few genasi leave the Material Plane to find refuge in the
planes in their blood. The genasi are one such people, the households of their genie parents.
offspring of genies and mortals.
The Elemental Planes are often inhospitable to natives
of the Material Plane: crushing earth, searing flames, Genasi rarely lack confidence, seeing themselves as equal
boundless skies, and endless seas make visiting these to almost any challenge in their path. This certainty
places dangerous for even a short time. The powerful might manifest as graceful self-assurance in one genasi
genies, however, don’t face such troubles when ventur- and as arrogance in another. Such self- confidence can
ing into the mortal world. They adapt well to the min- sometimes blind genasi to risk, and their great plans
gled elements of the Material Plane, and they sometimes often get them and others into trouble.
visit—whether of their own volition or compelled by
Too much failure can chip away at even a genasi’s sense
magic. Some genies can adopt mortal guise and travel
of self, so they constantly push themselves to improve,
honing their talents and perfecting their craft.
During these visits, a mortal might catch a genie’s eye.
As rare beings, genasi might go their entire lives with-
Friendship forms, romance blooms, and sometimes chil-
out encountering another one of their kind. There are no
dren result. These children are genasi: individuals with
great genasi cities or empires. Genasi seldom have com-
ties to two worlds, yet belonging to neither. Some genasi
munities of their own and typically adopt the cultures
are born of mortal–genie unions, others have two genasi
and societies into which they are born. The more strange
as parents, and a rare few have a genie further up their
their appearance, the harder time they have. Many genasi
family tree, manifesting an elemental heritage that’s lain
lose themselves in teeming cities, where their distinctive-
dormant for generations.
ness hardly raises an eyebrow in places accustomed to a
Occasionally, genasi result from exposure to a surge of variety of different people.
elemental power, through phenomena such as an erup-
tion from the Inner Planes or a planar convergence.
Elemental energy saturates any creatures in the area and
might alter their nature enough that their offspring with Each genasi subrace has its own temperament.
other mortals are born as genasi. Air genasi are proud of their heritage, sometimes
to the point of haughtiness. They can be flamboyant, and
HEIRS TO ELEMENTAL POWER are keen to have an audience. They rarely stay in one place
Genasi inherit something from both sides of their dual for long, always looking for a new sky to see and breathe.
nature. They resemble humans but have unusual skin Air genasi who don’t live in cities favor open lands such as
color (red, green, blue, or gray), and there is something plains, deserts, and high mountains.
odd about them. The elemental blood flowing through Earth genasi are more withdrawn, and
their veins manifests differently in each genasi, often as their connection to the earth keeps them from being
magical power. comfortable in most cities. Their uncommon size and
strength makes them natural soldiers, though, and
Seen in silhouette, a genasi can usually pass for human. with their stoic demeanor, they can encourage others
Those of earth or water descent tend to be heavier, while and become great leaders. Many earth genasi live
those of air or fire tend to be lighter. A given genasi underground, where they can be in their favored element.
might have some features reminiscent of the mortal par- When they emerge from their caves, they might roam the
ent (pointed ears from an elf, a stockier frame and thick hills and mountains or lay claim to old ruins.
hair from a dwarf, small hands and feet from a halfling, Fire genasi often get themselves into difficulty
exceedingly large eyes from a gnome, and so on). with their fiery tempers. Like their air genasi cousins, they
Genasi almost never have contact with their elemental sometimes flaunt their perceived superiority over common
parents. Genies seldom have interest in their mortal off- folk. But they also want others to share their high opinion
spring, seeing them as accidents. Many feel nothing for of themselves, so they constantly seek to enhance their
their genasi children at all. reputations.
Water genasi almost all have some experience
aboard or around sea vessels. They make excellent
mariners and fishers. Like earth genasi, though, water
genasi prefer quiet and solitude; the wide shores are their
natural homes. They go where they want, do what they
want, and rarely feel bound to anything.
1 3 2 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 2 2
2 2 3 2 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 2
CHANGELING it as one characteristic to change among many.
A changeling might use a different name for each mask
and persona and adopt new names as easily as they
change faces. The true name of a changeling tends to
be simple and monosyllabic; however, there are often
accents to a changeling’s name that are expressed through
shapeshifting, something single-skins will likely miss. So,
two changelings might have the name Jin, but one is Jin-
with-vivid-blue-eyes and one is Jin-with-golden-nails.
Changelings have a fluid relationship with gender, seeing
The Warforged were built to to be servants. While the Warforged were built to serve. For most of their exis-
first Warforged were mindless automatons, the scholars tence, Warforged had a clearly defined function and were
of Lantan devoted vast resources to improving these steel encouraged to focus purely on that role.
soldiers. An unexpected breakthrough produced sapient The scholars of Lantan gave them freedom, but many still
soldiers, giving rise to what some have only grudgingly struggle both to find a place in the world and to relate to
accepted as a new species. Warforged are made from the creatures who created them.
wood and metal, but they can feel pain and emotion.
The typical Warforged shows little emotion. Many War-
Built a clean slate, they must now find a purpose. A War- forged embrace a concrete purpose-such as protecting
forged can be a steadfast ally, a cold-hearted killer, or a allies, completing a contract, or exploring a land-and
visionary in search of meaning. embrace this task as they once did.
However, there are Warforged who delight in exploring
LIVING STEEL AND STONE their feelings, their freedom, and their relationships with
Warforged are formed from a blend of organic and inor- others. Most Warforged have no interest in religion, but
ganic materials. Root-like cords infused with alchemical some embrace faith and mysticism, seeking higher pur-
fluids serve as their muscles, wrapped around a frame- pose and deeper meaning.
work of steel, darkwood, or stone. Armored plates form The typical Warforged has a sexless body shape. Some
a protective outer shell and reinforce joints. Warforged Warforged ignore the concept of gender entirely, while
share a common facial design, with a hinged jaw and others adopt a gender identity.
crystal eyes embedded beneath a reinforced brow ridge.
The more a Warforged develops its individuality, the
Throughout the Warforged body were vessels resem- more likely it is to modify its body, seeking out an artifi-
bling the circulatory system of organic creatures, com- cer to customize the look of its face, limbs, and plating.
plete with a blood-like fluid. The arms of a Warforged
ended in hands with two fingers and a thumb while the Warforged as a whole had a strong work ethic and shared
feet of the constructs were likewise two-toed. The most an aversion to failure. Warforged were capable of fear,
important marking for any Warforged was their ghulra, often of death or pain, as much as other race and they
the primordial word for “truth”, a rune distinctive to each could come to hate the sources of these fears just as easily.
Warforged which was placed upon their forehead. Warforged were also capable of loyalty and joy, particu-
larly in relations to friends and allies and could be driven
The Warforged’s artificial nature also gave the race a to anger when their loves or goals were threatened. How-
unique relationship to pain, which seemed limited to ever, Warforged as a whole exhibited a simple-minded
actual injury. This allowed Warforged to modify them- and reserved approach to life with straightforward goals
selves with some ease, giving them a varied appearance and reactionary passions.
in spite of their lack of inherent biological diversity. War-
forged’s artificial nature also meant they did not need to Since Warforged were created in a state of physical matu-
eat, drink, or breathe. Likewise, Warforged did not need rity, many exhibited a childlike perspective that was often
to sleep but did nonetheless require rest in a fully-aware mistaken as naïve or emotionally crippled; this was not
state for a period of at least four hours. necessarily true. Some Warforged, in fact, developed a
particularly sophisticated view of the world, ever curious
Beyond these common elements of Warforged design, about its mysteries in part due to the odd nature of their
the precise materials and build of a Warforged vary based creation. Many wondered where they might go in death
on the purpose for which it was designed. and if they even have souls. Some created deeply ordered
Although they were manufactured, Warforged are living philosophies to govern themselves or maintained a per-
humanoids. Resting, healing magic, and the Medicine petual list of tasks to occupy themselves with. Others fell
skill all provide the same benefits to Warforged that they in with the religions and mindsets of other races. Some
do to other humanoids. Warforged even lived long enough to develop a deep and
weathered personality as tempered by time as that of
other races.
Most Warforged were assigned numerical designations
for use in service. Many of them adopted nicknames,
often given to them by their comrades. As indepen-
dent individuals, some have chosen new names as a
way to express their path in life. A few take on human
names, often the name of a fallen friend or mentor.
1 1 1 1 1 1
A player who is creating a character for the Forgot-
ten Realms setting must select a career for that
character. The following careers take the place of those Every artificer is defined by a specific craft. Artificers
described in the Genesys Core Rulebook. In addition to see mastering the basic methods of a craft as the first
determining a character’s career skills and granting ranks step to true progress, the invention of new methods and
in four of those skills, each career includes a bonus to approaches. Some artificers are engineers, students of
either your characters wound and/or strain threshold, a invention and warfare who craft deadly firearms that they
small talent tree, list of starting gear, and specializations. can augment with magic. Other artificers are alchemists.
If the Game Master allows it, the player may take this Using their knowledge of magic and various exotic ingre-
starting gear for their character instead of following the dients, they create potions and draughts to aid them on
process for Starting Gear on page 51 of the Genesys Core their adventures. Alchemy and engineering are the two
Rulebook. Note that all items listed use steel craftsman- most common areas of study for artificers, but others do
ship or oak materials where applicable. exist.
Specialization trees linked to a career focus on specif- All artificers are united by their curiosity and inventive
ic aspects of that career. Each specialization reprsents a nature. To an artificer, magic is an evolving art with a
narrowing of focus for practitioners of that career by pro- leading edge of discovery and mastery that pushes further
viding four new career skills, that the character recieves ahead with each passing year. Artificers value novelty and
if they didn’t have them as career skills already, and a discovery. This penchant pushes them to seek a life of
predetermined selection of available talents to a player adventure. A hidden ruin might hold a forgotten magic
character. item or a beautifully crafted mirror perfect for magical
Each character starts with a single specialization within enhancement. Artificers win respect and renown among
their chosen career. However, characters may purchase their kind by uncovering new lore or inventing new
additional specializations, giving them access to a broad- methods of creation.
er range of skills and talents. There is no limit as to the Makers of magic-infused objects, artificers are defined
number of specializations a character possesses. by their inventive nature. Like wizards, they see magic as
Acquiring a specialization allows the character to spend a complex system waiting to be decoded and controlled
experience points in the new specialization’s talent tree, through a combination of thorough study and investiga-
in addition to any they already has access to. Also, most tion. Artificers, though, focus on creating marvelous new
specializations have one or more career skills. These skills magical objects. Spells are often too ephemeral and tem-
now count as career skills for the character. Characters porary for their tastes. Instead, they seek to craft durable,
can purchase specializations from any career. Purchasing useful items.
an additional specialization within a character’s career The Artificer counts the following skills as career skills:
costs 10 times the total number of specializations they Artifice, Alchemy, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge
would possess with this new specialization. Purchasing (Lore), Mechanics, Ranged, Skulduggery, and Vig-
non-career specializations costs 10 times the total num- ilance. Before spending experience points (XP) during
ber of specializations they would possess with this new character creation, an Artificer may choose four of their
specialization, plus an additional 10 experience. career skills and gain one rank in each of them.
Starting Gear: Players with an Artificer character may
choose to start with the following gear instead of spend-
ing currency during Step 7 of character creation.
• A crossbow or a Mace and Shield
• A set of Artificer Tools
• Traveling gear consisting of a backpack, a bedroll, a
rope, flint and steel, 3 torches, and a waterskin
• 1d100 gold coins
The specializations are covered in greater detail in the A Tinkerer adds Artifice, Brawl, Knowledge (Lore), and
following sections; this section mainly deals with how Mechanics to their Career skills. If this is the character’s
each specialization connects to the Artificer Career. starting Specialization, they may choose two of these
skills and gain one free rank in each, without spending
Alchemist starting experience.
An Alchemist adds Alchemy, Artifice, Medicine, and Pretty much anything to do with technology or creation
Ranged to their Career skills. If this is the character’s lies within the Tinkerer’s purview. He knows how to
starting Specialization, they may choose two of these operate, maintain, repair, and upgrade just about any-
skills and gain one free rank in each, without spending thing. Most Tinkerers would rather deal with machines
starting experience. and the craft than people; the latter are just too unpre-
An Alchemist is an expert at combining reagents to pro- dictable.
duce mystical effects. Alchemists use their creations to
give life and to leech it away. Alchemy is one of the oldest
of traditions, and its versatility has long been valued
during times of war and peace.
Battle Smith
A Battle Smith adds Artifice, Discipline, Mechanics, and
Melee (Light) to their Career skills. If this is the charac-
ter’s starting Specialization, they may choose two of these
skills and gain one free rank in each, without spending
starting experience.
Armies require protection, and someone has to put things
back together if defenses fail . A combination of protec-
tor and medic, a Battle Smith is an expert at defending
others and repairing both material and personnel. To aid
in their work, Battle Smiths are usually accompanied by
a steel defender, a protective companion of their own cre-
A Destructor adds Alchemy, Discipline, Mechanics, and
Ranged to their Career skills. If this is the character’s
starting Specialization, they may choose two of these
skills and gain one free rank in each, without spending
starting experience.
Destructors can excel at setting traps, from improvised
trip-wires tied to grenades to sophisticated proximity
and timed explosives. Whereas another might go after
an enemy in a straight-up fight, a Destructor may find
a more inventive route, such as rigging a black powder
bomb to explode when the target gets in his carriage.
Some Destructors enjoy the thrill of combat as much as
any other. The work of a Destructor is extremely danger-
ous, as a single misstep can spell doom for the character
(and anyone unfortunate enough to be in the general
vicinity). In order to succeed, a Destructor must be able
to keep a clear head and focus on his work.
talent active? talent active?
Knack for It Cantrip
When you first purchase this talent When you gain a rank in this
for your character, select one skill. Career Skills: Artifice, Alchemy, talent, choose one magic skill
Your character removes jj from any Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge
checks they make using this skill. Each and magic action available to
additional time you purchase this (Lore), Mechanics, Ranged, Skuldug- that skill. Whenever your char-
talent for your character, select two ad- gery, Vigilance acter uses that action and adds
ditional skills, which can include skills no additional effects to it, your
already chosen. Your character also character only suffers 1 strain
removes jj from any checks they Strain Threshold Bonus: +2
make using these skills. You cannot from the casting.
select combat or magic skills when
choosing skills for this talent.
Cost: 05 Cost: 10
Specialization Tree: Alchemist
ADDITIONAL CAREER SKILLS: Alchemy, Artifice, Medicine, Ranged
Augment Application
Savant Grit Resolve
As an incidental, when performing When you acquire a rank in Each rank of grit When a character invol-
the Augment Application action, this talent, choose a general
the character may increase the increases your charac- untarily suffers strain,
skill. When making a check
difficulty of the Medicine check they suffer 1 less strain
with that skill, reduce the time ter’s strain threshold
to Daunting (kkkk) as an inci-
required by 25%. This reduc- per rank of resolve to a
dental. If they does so, the target
tion may be applied multiple
by one. minimum of 1.
of the action suffers one strain
instead of four. times, to a limit of 50%
Each rank of grit Each rank of tough- Once per round on your char-
acter’s turn, they may use this
When your character suffers a hit
from a melee combat check, after
increases your charac- ened increases your talent to draw or holster an easily damage is calculated but before soak
accessible weapon or item as an in- is applied, your character may suffer
ter’s strain threshold character’s wound cidental. Quick draw also reduces 3 strain to use this talent to reduce
by one. threshold by two. a weapon’s prepare rating by one, the damage of the hit by two plus
their ranks in parry. This talent can
to a minimum of one.
only be used once per hit, and your
character needs to be wielding a
Cost: 5 Cost: 5 Cost: 5 Cost: 5
Tinkerer. Each item may character’s wound Story Point to use this talent to add
GM. See full talent text. damage equal to your character’s ranks
only be modified once. threshold by two. in that characteristic to one hit of the
combat check.
Armor Master
Back-to-Back Dedication Skilled Mastery
Once per encounter, when the While engaged with one or more Each rank of dedication When you purchase a rank of this talent
character suffers a Critical Injury, allies, your character and allies for your character, choose one skill. Once
increases one of your char- per round, your character may suffer
they may suffer 3 strain to take the they are engaged with add j to
Armor Master incidental. combat checks. If one or more
acter’s characteristics by one. 2 strain to use this talent to reduce the
difficulty of the next check they make
If they does. they reduces the Crit- allies engaged with your character This talent cannot increase a this round using that skill by two, to a
ical lnJury result that they suffers also have Back-to-Back, the effects characteristic above 5. minimum of Easy (k). Each time your
by 10 per point of their soak. to a are cumulative to a maximum of character uses this talent during an
encounter, the strain cost increases by 1.
minimum of l jj. See full talent text.
Cost: 25 Cost: 25 Cost: 25 Cost: 25
Specialization Tree: Destructor
ADDITIONAL CAREER SKILLS: Alchemy, Discipline, Mechanics, Ranged
Path of the Juggernaut
A Juggernaut adds Cool, Discipline, Resilience, and Sur-
vival to their Career skills. If this is the character’s start-
ing Specialization, they may choose two of these skills
and gain one free rank in each, without spending starting
Most barbarians pride themselves on their ability to over-
come pain. A Juggernaut, however, possesses a toughness
far beyond that. While many fighters wear their scars
with pride, an experienced Juggernaut ripples with scar
tissue, the evidence of wounds enough to kill a normal
combatant a dozen times over. Where other barbarians
might seek to end conflicts quickly and decisively, a Jug-
gernaut possesses the stamina, endurance, and strength
of will to fight through inconceivable pain and punish-
ment, outlasting the foe matter the odds.
talent active? talent active?
Knack for It Berserk
When you first purchase this talent Once per encounter, your character
for your character, select one skill. Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, may perform the Berserk maneuver.
Your character removes jj from any Until the end of the encounter or until
checks they make using this skill. Each Coercion, Melee (Heavy), Nature, they are incapacitated, add saa to
additional time you purchase this Resilience, Survival, Vigilance all combat checks they make. How-
talent for your character, select two ad- ever, opponents add s to all combat
ditional skills, which can include skills checks targeting your character. While
already chosen. Your character also berserk, you cannot cast spells or make
removes jj from any checks they Wound Threshold Bonus: +2 ranged attacks, except with throwing
make using these skills. You cannot weapons. At the end of the encounter
select combat or magic skills when (or when they are incapacitated), your
choosing skills for this talent. character suffers 6 strain.
Cost: 10 Cost: 10
Specialization Tree: Path of the Berserker
ADDITIONAL CAREER SKILLS: Athletics, Brawl, Melee (Heavy), Vigilance
Reduce any wielded Your character adds j for When making a melee or Before your character heals strain
brawl check, suffer a num- at the end of an encounter, if their
weapon’s cumbersome each rank of quick strike strain is more than half of their
quality and encumbrance to any combat checks they ber of strain to upgrade the strain threshold, they heal two
rating by a number equal make against any targets attack an equal number of additional strain.
that have not yet taken their times. The strain suffered
to ranks in Burly, to a
turn in the current encoun- may not exceed ranks in
minimum of 1.
ter. frenzied attack.
Cost: 5 Cost: 5 Cost: 5 Cost: 5
to add an equal number of s to a ened increases your increases your charac- incapacitated, your character adds saa
to all melee combat checks they make. How-
vigilance or cool check they make
to determine initiative order. The character’s wound ter’s strain threshold ever, opponents add s to all combat checks
targeting your character. While berserk,
number may not exceed your char- threshold by two. by one. your character cannot make ranged combat
checks or cast spells. At the end of the
acter’s ranks in rapid reaction. encounter (or when they are incapacitated),
your character suffers 6 strain.
Each rank of grit Once per round on your char- Once per round, your character may
use this talent to perform a ranged
When you first purchase this talent for your
character, select one skill. Your character re-
acter’s turn, they may use this
increases your charac- talent to draw or holster an easily combat check against one non-vehicle moves jj from any checks they make using
this skill. Each additional time you purchase
target within range of the weapon
accessible weapon or item as an in-
ter’s strain threshold cidental. Quick draw also reduces
used. If the check is successful, halve
this talent for your character, select two
additional skills, which can include skills
the damage inflicted by the attack
by one. a weapon’s prepare rating by one, (before reducing damage by the target’s
already chosen. Your character also removes
jj from any checks they make using these
to a minimum of one. soak). The target is immobilized until skills. You cannot select combat or magic
the end of its next turn. skills when choosing skills for this talent.
Each rank of tough- If a Critical Injury When staggered or disorient- Each rank of tough-
ed, perform the Hard Headed
ened increases your roll is 1 or reduced action; make a Daunting ened increases your
character’s wound to 1, do not receive (kkkk) Discipline check to character’s wound
remove status. Difficulty re-
threshold by two. the critical injury. duced by 1 per additional rank threshold by two.
of Hard Headed.
Each rank of tough- Immediately after being Once per encounter, your character may
use Hard Headed to recover from being
Once per session, the
hit by an attack but before character may heal a
ened increases your suffering damage, spend 1
incapacitated due to exceeding their wound
threshold. On their next turn after having
become incapacitated, they may as an action number of wounds equal
character’s wound Story Point to increase soak make a Formidable (kkkkk) Resilience
to their ranks in Tough-
check. If they succeed, decrease their wounds
threshold by two. by ranks in Resiliance. to one less that their wound threshold. The
difficulty of this check decreases by one
per additional rank of Hard Headed, to a
minimum of Easy (k).
Cost: 20 Cost: 20 Cost: 20 Cost: 20
College of Lore Jesters adventure to safeguard the common folk and to
undermine the plans of the rich, powerful, and arrogant.
A Lore Bard adds Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge
Their magic bolsters allies’ spirits while casting doubt
(Lore), Negotiation, and Verse to their Career skills. If
into foes’ minds. Among bards, jesters are unmatched
this is the character’s starting Specialization, they may
acrobats, and their ability to tumble, dodge, leap, and
choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each,
climb makes them slippery opponents in battle.
without spending starting experience.
Bards of the College of Lore know something about College of Swords
most things, collecting bits of knowledge from sources
as diverse as scholarly tomes and peasant tales. Whether A Swords Bard adds Leadership, Melee (Light), Negoti-
singing folk ballads in taverns or elaborate compositions ation, and Resilience to their Career skills. If this is the
in royal courts, these bards use their gifts to hold audi- character’s starting Specialization, they may choose two
ences spellbound. When the applause dies down, the of these skills and gain one free rank in each, without
audience members might find themselves questioning spending starting experience.
everything they held to be true, from their faith in the Bards of the College of Swords are called blades, and they
priesthood of the local temple to their loyalty to the king. entertain through daring feats of weapon prowess. Blades
The loyalty of these bards lies in the pursuit of beauty and perform stunts such as sword swallowing, knife throwing
truth, not in fealty to a monarch or following the tenets and juggling, and mock combats. Though they use their
of a deity. A noble who keeps such a bard as a herald or weapons to entertain, they are also highly trained and
advisor knows that the bard would rather be honest than skilled warriors in their own right.
politic. Blades are daring skalds whose tales keep alive the mem-
The college’s members gather in libraries and sometimes ory of the great heroes of the past, and thereby inspire
in actual colleges, complete with classrooms and dor- a new generation of heroes. These bards gather in mead
mitories, to share their lore with one another. They also halls or around great bonfires to sing the deeds of the
meet at festivals or affairs of state, where they can expose mighty, both past and present. They travel the land to
corruption, unravel lies, and poke fun at selfimportant witness great events firsthand and to ensure that the
figures of authority. memory of those events doesn’t pass from the world.
College of the Satire With their songs, they inspire others to reach the same
heights of accomplishment as the heroes of old.
A Satire Bard adds Deception, Knowledge (Lore), Skul-
druggery, and Streetwise to their Career skills. If this is
the character’s starting Specialization, they may choose
two of these skills and gain one free rank in each, without
spending starting experience.
Bards of the College of Satire are called jesters. They use
lowbrow stories, daring acrobatics, and cutting jokes
to entertain audiences, ranging from the crowds in a
rundown dockside pub to the nobles of a king’s royal
court. Where other bards seek forgotten lore or tales of
epic bravery, jesters ferret out embarrassing and hilari-
ous stories of all kinds. Whether telling the ribald tale of
a brawny stable hand’s affair with an aged duchess or a
mocking satire of a paladin of Helm’s cloying innocence,
a jester never lets taste, social decorum, or shame get in
the way of a good laugh.
While jesters are masters of puns, jokes, and verbal barbs,
they are much more than just comic relief. They are
expected to mock and provoke, taking advantage of how
even the most powerful folk are expected by tradition to
endure a jester’s barbs with good humor. This expecta-
tion allows a jester to serve as a critic or a voice of reason
when others are too intimidated to speak the truth.
talent active? talent active?
Knack for It Cantrip
When you first purchase this talent When you gain a rank in this
for your character, select one skill.
Career Skills: Any non-magic
talent, choose one magic skill
Your character removes jj from any skill, Charm, Cool, Deception, and magic action available to
checks they make using this skill. Each
additional time you purchase this Leadership, Lore, Negotiation, that skill. Whenever your char-
talent for your character, select two ad- Streetwise, Verse acter uses that action and adds
ditional skills, which can include skills no additional effects to it, your
already chosen. Your character also character only suffers 1 strain
removes jj from any checks they
from the casting.
make using these skills. You cannot
select combat or magic skills when
Strain Threshold Bonus: +2
choosing skills for this talent.
Cost: 05 Cost: 10
Specialization Tree: College of Glamour
ADDITIONAL CAREER SKILLS: Charm, Coercion, Knowledge (Forbidden), Verse
If your character has at least Each rank of grit When you first purchase this talent for your
character, select one skill. Your character re-
Your character may use this talent
one rank in a magic skill, to make an average (kk) coercion
increases your charac- moves jj from any checks they make using
this skill. Each additional time you purchase check. For each s the check gen-
once per encounter, they erates, one adversary within short
may use this talent to add ter’s strain threshold this talent for your character, select two
additional skills, which can include skills range suffers 1 strain. For each a,
a to the result of their next by one. already chosen. Your character also removes
jj from any checks they make using these one adversary affected by scathing
social skill check. skills. You cannot select combat or magic tirade suffers 1 additional strain.
skills when choosing skills for this talent.
Eleven. strain equal to the rating of the each a, one adversary affected by Disso- by one.
chosen characteristic. nance suffers 1 additional wound.
Make a distracting behavior ma- May upgrade difficulty When your character is targeted by Once per round during your
neuver and suffer strain no greater a combat check, they may suffer a
of incoming Charm, number of strain no greater than character’s turn, your char-
than ranks in cunning. Until the
beginning of next turn, an equal Coercion, or Deception their ranks in dodge to use this talent. acter may use this talent to
Then, upgrade the difficulty of the stand from a prone or seated
number of engaged npc’s suffer h checks once per rank of combat check targeting your character
on all checks. Range increases with position as an incidental.
additional ranks of distracting
Nobody’s Fool. a number of times equal to the strain
Make a distracting behavior ma- The distracting behavior Each rank of grit When your character acquires this
talent, choose one skill. When mak-
neuver and suffer strain no greater
than ranks in cunning. Until the
maneuver inflicts hh on increases your charac- ing checks with that skill, you may
beginning of next turn, an equal npc’s checks when npcs suffer 2 strain to perform the double
ter’s strain threshold or nothing incidental to increase and
number of engaged npc’s suffer h target your character’s
on all checks. Range increases with
allies. by one. upgrade the difficulty of the next
check by one. Then, after cancel-
additional ranks of distracting
ing opposing symbols, double the
amount of remaining a or h.
Cost: 20 Cost: 20 Cost: 20 Cost: 20
When your character suffers a hit from When your character suffers a hit from a me- Your character does not add Your character may use this talent to
a melee combat check, after damage is lee combat check and uses parry to reduce make an average (kk) leadership check.
the damage from that hit, after the attack j to magic skill checks for If successful, a number of allies equal to
calculated but before soak is applied.
Your character may suffer 3 strain to
is resolved, you may spend d or hhh wearing heavy armor (with 3 your character’s presence may imme-
from the attacker’s check to use this talent.
use this talent to reduce the damage of Then, your character automatically hits the
encumbrance or more), using diately suffer 1 strain to perform one
maneuver (out of turn). If there are any
the hit by two plus their ranks in parry. attacker once with a brawl or melee weapon a shield, or not having at least questions as to which allies take their
This talent can only be used once per your character is wielding. The hit deals the one hand free. maneuvers first, your character is the final
hit, and your character needs to be weapon’s base damage, plus any damage
from applicable talents or abilities. arbiter.
wielding a melee weapon.
CLERIC SPECIALIZATIONS in an organisation, or working together with their god to
grow the follower base.
The specializations are covered in greater detail in the
following sections; this section mainly deals with how Zealot
each specialization connects to the Cleric Career.
A Zealot adds Divine, Melee (Light), Melee (Heavy), and
Lorekeeper Knowledge (Religion) to their Career skills. If this is the
character’s starting Specialization, they may choose two
A Lorekeeper adds Divine, Knowledge (Lore), Knowl-
of these skills and gain one free rank in each, without
edge (Religion), and Knowledge (Forbidden) to their
spending starting experience.
Career skills. If this is the character’s starting Specializa-
tion, they may choose two of these skills and gain one Some deities inspire their followers to pitch themselves
free rank in each, without spending starting experience. into a ferocious battle fury. These barbarians are zealots
warriors who channel their rage into powerful displays of
The gods of knowledge – including Oghma, Boccob, divine power.
Gilean, Aureon, and Thoth – value learning and
A variety of gods across the world inspire their followers
understanding above all. Some teach that knowledge is
to embrace this path. In general, the gods who inspire
to be gathered and shared in libraries and universities, or
zealots are deities of combat, destruction, and violence.
promote the practical knowledge of craft and invention.
Not all are evil, but few are good.
Some deities hoard knowledge and keep its secrets to
themselves. And some promise their followers that they
will gain tremendous power if they unlock the secrets
of the multiverse. Followers of these gods study esoteric
lore, collect old tomes, delve into the secret places of the
earth, and learn all they can. Some gods of knowledge
promote the practical knowledge of craft and invention,
including smith deities like Gond, Reorx, Onatar,
Moradin, Hephaestus, and Goibhniu.
An Oracle adds Divine, Knowledge (Forbidden),
Knowledge (Lore), and Vigilance to their Career skills.
If this is the character’s starting Specialization, they may
choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each,
without spending starting experience.
Oracles have been around as long as anyone can
remember. Some are mad, some are charlatans, and still
others are simple devoted vessels used by other beings to
communicate to mortals.
A Priest adds Charm, Divine, Medicine, and Negotia-
tion to their Career skills. If this is the character’s starting
Specialization, they may choose two of these skills and
gain one free rank in each, without spending starting
Priests may not always come from cloistered temples
or hidden sects. Some may come to form a connection
with their god alone and in quiet moments of solitude.
These priests build trust with their god and may go on to
become religious figures within their respective domains.
In this sense, there is always a feeling of progression as a
priest. They are either climbing through ranks of clergy
talent active? talent active?
Knack for It Cantrip
When you first purchase this talent When you gain a rank in this
for your character, select one skill. Career Skills: Discipline, Di- talent, choose one magic skill
Your character removes jj from any
checks they make using this skill. Each vine, Forbidden, Lore, Med- and magic action available to
additional time you purchase this icine, Negotiation, Religion, that skill. Whenever your char-
talent for your character, select two ad- Vigilance acter uses that action and adds
ditional skills, which can include skills no additional effects to it, your
already chosen. Your character also character only suffers 1 strain
removes jj from any checks they Strain Threshold Bonus: +2 from the casting.
make using these skills. You cannot
select combat or magic skills when
choosing skills for this talent.
Cost: 10 Cost: 10
Specialization Tree: Lorekeeper
ADDITIONAL CAREER SKILLS: Divine, Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Religion), Perception
Cost: 25 Cost: 25 Cost: 25 Cost: 25
Specialization Tree: Oracle
ADDITIONAL CAREER SKILLS: Divine, Knowledge (Forbidden), Knowledge (Lore), Vigilance
Add j per rank of Uncanny Each rank of grit When your character generates When you first purchase this talent for your
character, select one skill. Your character re-
Senses to all Perception and t on a knowledge skill
increases your charac- check, roll jj and add the re-
moves jj from any checks they make using
this skill. Each additional time you purchase
Vigilance checks.
ter’s strain threshold sults to the check, in addition this talent for your character, select two
additional skills, which can include skills
to spending the t as usual.
by one. already chosen. Your character also removes
jj from any checks they make using these
skills. You cannot select combat or magic
skills when choosing skills for this talent.
cal item and add j to the ter’s strain threshold effects of Fear, any targets who fail the
check are forced to spend their next turn character’s wound
check. by one. moving outside the range of the Turn
threshold by two.
Undead. All maneuvers must be spent
on movement including downgrading
Actions if possible.
Cost: 5 Cost: 5 Cost: 5 Cost: 5
Each rank of grit After making a skill check to Once per encounter, your When you purchase this talent for your
character, choose two characteristics.
cast a heal spell, may choose character may spend a
increases your charac- You may spend a story point to use this
to change one s to a, or story point to perform a talent to have your character ignore the
ter’s strain threshold one a to s per rank of effects of all critical injuries on any skill
magic action as a maneu- checks using those two characteristics
by one. faith healing.
ver. until the end of the current encounter.
Each rank of tough- When healing strain after Before your character heals When your character suffers a hit from
a melee combat check, after damage is
an encounter, heal 1 ad- strain at the end of an
ened increases your encounter, if their strain
calculated but before soak is applied.
ditional strain per rank of Your character may suffer 3 strain to
character’s wound rapid recovery. is more than half of their use this talent to reduce the damage of
the hit by two plus their ranks in parry.
threshold by two. strain threshold, they heal This talent can only be used once per
two additional strain. hit, and your character needs to be
wielding a melee weapon.
DRUID SPECIALIZATIONS yet they focus on protecting animals and fey creatures
that have difficulty defending themselves. Shepherds, as
The specializations are covered in greater detail in the
they are known, see such creatures as their charges. They
following sections; this section mainly deals with how
ward off monsters that threaten them, rebuke hunters
each specialization connects to the Druid Career.
who kill more prey than necessary, and prevent civiliza-
Circle of Land tion from encroaching on rare animal habitats and on
sites sacred to the fey.
A Circle of Land Druid adds Knowledge (Nature and
Many of these druids are happiest far from cities and
Geography), Knowledge (Lore), Primal, and Survival to
towns, content to spend their days in the company of
their Career skills. If this is the character’s starting Spe-
animals and the fey creatures of the wilds. Members
cialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain
of this circle become adventurers to oppose forces that
one free rank in each, without spending starting experi-
threaten their charges or to seek knowledge and power
that will help them safeguard their charges better. Wher-
The Circle of the Land is made up of mystics and sages ever these druids go, the spirits of the wilderness are with
who safeguard ancient knowledge and rites through a vast them.
oral tradition. These druids meet within sacred circles
of trees or standing stones to whisper primal secrets in
Druidic. The circle’s wisest members preside as the chief
priests of communities that hold to the Old Faith and
serve as advisors to the rulers of those folk. As a member
of this circle, your magic is influenced by the land where
you were initiated into the circle’s mysterious rites.
Circle of Moon
A Circle of Moon adds Brawl, Primal, Resilience, Vigi-
lanceto their Career skills. If this is the character’s start-
ing Specialization, they may choose two of these skills
and gain one free rank in each, without spending starting
Druids of the Circle of the Moon are fierce guardians
of the wilds. Their order gathers under the full moon to
share news and trade warnings. They haunt the deepest
parts of the wilderness, where they might go for weeks on
end before crossing paths with another humanoid crea-
ture, let alone another druid.
Changeable as the moon, a druid of this circle might
prowl as a great cat one night, soar over the treetops as an
eagle the next day, and crash through the undergrowth in
bear form to drive off a trespassing monster. The wild is
in the druid’s blood.
Circle of Shepards
A Circle of Shepards Druid adds Leadership, Medicine,
Knowledge (Nature and Geography), and Primal to their
Career skills. If this is the character’s starting Specializa-
tion, they may choose two of these skills and gain one
free rank in each, without spending starting experience.
Druids of the Circle of the Shepherd commune with the
spirits of nature, especially the spirits of beasts and the
fey, and call to those spirits for aid. These druids recog-
nize that all living things play a role in the natural world,
talent active? talent active?
Knack for It Cantrip
When you first purchase this talent When you gain a rank in this
for your character, select one skill. Career Skills: Discipline, Med- talent, choose one magic skill
Your character removes jj from any
checks they make using this skill. Each icine, Melee (Light), Nature, and magic action available to
additional time you purchase this Perception, Primal, Survival, that skill. Whenever your char-
talent for your character, select two ad- Vigilance acter uses that action and adds
ditional skills, which can include skills no additional effects to it, your
already chosen. Your character also character only suffers 1 strain
removes jj from any checks they Strain Threshold Bonus: +2 from the casting.
make using these skills. You cannot
select combat or magic skills when
choosing skills for this talent.
Cost: 10 Cost: 10
Specialization Tree: Circle of the Land
ADDITIONAL CAREER SKILLS: Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Nature and Geography), Primal, Survival
Once per encounter, may Each rank of tough- Reduce the critical rating of Whenever you Wild Shape,
use Second Wind inci- unarmed attacks by 1 per rank you may spend a Story
ened increases your of Iron Body (to a minimum Point to use this talent to
dental to heal strain equal
to ranks in Second Wind. character’s wound of 1). heal wounds equal to your
threshold by two. ranks in Wild Shape.
Once per encounter, When making a melee or Each rank of en- Each rank of tough-
your character may brawl check, suffer a num-
ber of strain to upgrade the during increases ened increases your
spend a story point to character’s wound
make the concentration
attack an equal number of your character’s
times. The strain suffered threshold by two.
maneuver as an inci- may not exceed ranks in soak value by one.
dental. frenzied attack.
Cost: 15 Cost: 15 Cost: 15 Cost: 15
Each rank of grit After making a skill check to When you first purchase this talent for your
character, select one skill. Your character re-
When your character pur-
cast a heal spell, may choose to chases this talent, choose
increases your charac- change one s to a, or one a
moves jj from any checks they make using
this skill. Each additional time you purchase
a silhouette 0 creature
ter’s strain threshold to s per rank of faith healing, this talent for your character, select two
additional skills, which can include skills (approved by your GM).
though they must still have at
by one. least one s to succeed on the
already chosen. Your character also removes
jj from any checks they make using these This creature becomes your
skills. You cannot select combat or magic character’s familiar. See full
skills when choosing skills for this talent.
talent text.
Cost: 5 Cost: 5 Cost: 5 Cost: 5
Each rank of tough- When directing conju- Each rank of tough- As long as you have two
ened increases your rations, may grant them ened increases your ranks in a magic skill,
character’s wound j per rank of Conjura- character’s wound always count as having
tion Savant on checks. the right tools for the
threshold by two. threshold by two. job when performing
Medicine checks.
Cost: 10 Cost: 10 Cost: 10 Cost: 10
Once per encounter, After making a skill check to When casting the Conjure magic
action with the Primal Skill, the spell
When you purchase this talent for your
character, choose two characteristics.
cast a heal spell, may choose to
your character may change one s to a, or one a
gains the Summon Ally effect without You may spend a story point to use this
increasing the difficulty. To obtain this talent to have your character ignore the
spend a story point to to s per rank of faith healing, benefit, all creatures your character effects of all critical injuries on any skill
make the concentration though they must still have at summons must be creatures native to checks using those two characteristics
least one s to succeed on the the area. This talent cannot be used to until the end of the current encounter.
maneuver as an inci- summon Undead, Demonic, Aberra-
check. tion, or Construct creatures.
Cost: 15 Cost: 15 Cost: 15 Cost: 15
FIGHTER SPECIALIZATIONS A common element to those that walk the path of a
Warlord is a purpose. One which gives them a larger-
The specializations are covered in greater detail in the follow-
ing sections; this section mainly deals with how each specializa- than-life pres-ence and allows them to be a guiding hand
tion connects to the Fighter Career. to all those around them. Some Warlords may not seek
any particular cause, and merely seek victory - either as
Battle Master a tribute to a god they worship or simply to meet a per-
sonal achievement. More of-ten, though, a Warlord is
A Battle Master adds any one combat skill, Knowledge
driven by a higher purpose - a loyalty to their country
(Lore), Melee (Light), Perception to their Career skills.
or their men, a drive to protect the in-nocent or to crush
If this is the character’s starting Specialization, they may
the weak.
choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each,
without spending starting experience. It is an important consideration to a Warlord in under-
standing why they fight, as it will inform how they fight.
Those who emulate the archetypal Battle Master employ
Do they try to keep their companions and followers out
martial techniques passed down through generations. To
of danger? Or do they simply press for the strategy that is
a Battle Master, combat is an academic field, sometimes
most likely to win?
including subjects beyond battle such as weaponsmithing
and calligraphy. Not every fighter absorbs the lessons of Just as a dragon’s frightful presence may not be explicitly
history, theory, and artistry that are reflected in the Battle magic but instills a supernatural dread in mortal adven-
Master specialization, but those who do are well-rounded turers, a Warlord’s presence is more than just simple
fighters of great skill and knowledge. common sense and a head for strategy, it’s the power of
conviction, the perfection of tactics, or the will to win
Brute incarnated in Adventurer form.
A Brute adds Athletics, Brawl, Resilience, Streetwise to
their Career skills. If this is the character’s starting Spe-
cialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain
one free rank in each, without spending starting experi-
Brutes are simple warriors who rely on mighty attacks
and their own durability to overcome their enemies.
Some brutes combine this physical might with tactical
cunning. Others just hit things until those things stop
hitting back.
A Champion adds Athletics, Cool, Discipline, and any
one Combat skill to their Career skills. If this is the
character’s starting Specialization, they may choose two
of these skills and gain one free rank in each, without
spending starting experience.
The archetypal Champion focuses on the development
of raw physical power honed to deadly perfection. Those
who model themselves on this specialization combine
rigorous train-ing with physical excellence to deal dev-
astating blows.
A Warlord adds Discipline, Knowledge (Lore), Lead-
ership, Perception to their Career skills. If this is the
character’s starting Specialization, they may choose two
of these skills and gain one free rank in each, without
spending starting experience.
talent active?
talent active?
Knack for It Heroic Recovery
When you first purchase this talent
for your character, select one skill. Career Skills: Athletics, All Combat When your character ac-
Your character removes jj from any quires this talent, choose one
checks they make using this skill. Each Skills, Perception, Resilience, Survival,
additional time you purchase this Vigilance characteristic. Once per en-
talent for your character, select two ad- counter, you may spend one
ditional skills, which can include skills Story Point to use this talent
already chosen. Your character also
removes jj from any checks they Wound Threshold Bonus: +2 to have your character heal
make using these skills. You cannot strain equal to the rating of
select combat or magic skills when the chosen characteristic.
choosing skills for this talent.
Cost: 10 Cost: 05
Specialization Tree: Battle Master
ADDITIONAL CAREER SKILLS: Any Combat Skill, Knowledge (Lore), Melee (Light), Perception
Your character adds a Each rank of tough- Your character may use this talent to
spend t from a check they make to
When your character suffers a hit from
a melee combat check, after damage is
to Brawl checks and ened increases your determine Initiative to make a Brawl
combat check against a valid target be-
calculated but before soak is applied.
Your character may suffer 3 strain to
combat checks using character’s wound fore the first round of combat begins. use this talent to reduce the damage of
the hit by two plus their ranks in parry.
improvised weapons. threshold by two.
If this combat check is successful, your
This talent can only be used once per
character may activate the Disorient
item quality without spending a. hit, and your character needs to be
wielding a melee weapon.
After your character inflicts a When your character acquires this Your character may use this talent to
make an opposed Brawl vs. Resilience
May reduce any Crit-
critical injury on an adversary, talent, choose one characteristic.
you may use this talent to Once per encounter, you may
check targeting one engaged opponent.
If the check succeeds, the target is
ical Injury suffered by
spend one Story Point to use this
increase the difficulty of that
talent to have your character heal
knocked prone and immobilized until the
end of your character’s next turn. If the
10 per rank of Dura-
adversary’s next check.
strain equal to the rating of the target is a minion or rival, your character ble to a minimum of
chosen characteristic. may spend t to incapacitate (but not
kill) the target instead. 1.
Cost: 10 Cost: 10 Cost: 10 Cost: 10
When your character purchases this When making a melee or When your character makes a May parry while unarmed. When
talent, choose one characteristic. After melee attack after engaging unarmed, this character can add
your character makes a successful brawl check, suffer a num-
a target, your weapon gains the +1 strain to the cost of the Parry
combat check, you may spend one ber of strain to upgrade the Knockdown item quality. If the talent to use it against an incom-
Story Point to use this talent to add attack an equal number of
damage equal to your character’s ranks
weapon already has Knockdown, ing melee weapon attack.
in that characteristic to one hit of the times. The strain suffered you may activate the quality with-
combat check. may not exceed ranks in out spending a.
frenzied attack.
Cost: 15 Cost: 15 Cost: 15 Cost: 15
Each rank of grit Each rank of tough- Your character may suffer a
number of strain to use this talent
Once per round on your char-
acter’s turn, they may use this
increases your charac- ened increases your to add an equal number of s to a talent to draw or holster an easily
vigilance or cool check they make accessible weapon or item as an in-
ter’s strain threshold character’s wound to determine initiative order. The cidental. Quick draw also reduces
by one. threshold by two. number may not exceed your char- a weapon’s prepare rating by one,
acter’s ranks in rapid reaction. to a minimum of one.
Add +10 per rank of After your character inflicts a Your character adds j for Once per encounter, may
critical injury on an adversary, each rank of quick strike use Second Wind inci-
lethal blows to any you may use this talent to
to any combat checks they dental to heal strain equal
critical injury results increase the difficulty of that
make against any targets to ranks in Second Wind.
adversary’s next check.
inflicted on oppo- that have not yet taken their
turn in the current encoun-
nents. ter.
Cost: 10 Cost: 10 Cost: 10 Cost: 10
Each rank of Endur- Add +10 per rank of Decrease the critical Your character may suffer a
number of strain to use this talent
ing increases your lethal blows to any rating of a weapon by to add an equal number of s to a
character’s soak by critical injury results 1 (to a minimum of vigilance or cool check they make
to determine initiative order. The
one. 1) against targets that
inflicted on oppo- have not yet acted this
number may not exceed your char-
acter’s ranks in rapid reaction.
nents. encounter.
Cost: 20 Cost: 20 Cost: 20 Cost: 20
Each rank of grit As an action, make a hard (kkk) Each rank of tough- Your character may use this talent to
make an average (kk) leadership check.
leadership check. Choose one
increases your charac- ally per s, who increases their ened increases your If successful, a number of allies equal to
your character’s presence may imme-
ter’s strain threshold wound threshold by the charac-
character’s wound diately suffer 1 strain to perform one
ters presence until the end of the maneuver (out of turn). If there are any
by one. encounter. threshold by two. questions as to which allies take their
maneuvers first, your character is the final
MONK SPECIALIZATIONS without spending starting experience.
The specializations are covered in greater detail in the Monks of the Way of the Open Hand are the ultimate
following sections; this section mainly deals with how masters of Martial Arts Combat, whether armed or
each specialization connects to the Monk Career. unarmed. They learn Techniques to push and trip their
opponents, manipulate ki to heal damage to their bodies,
Way of the Drunken Fist and practice advanced meditation that can protect them
from harm.
A Way of the Drunken Fist Monk adds Athletics, Brawl,
Coordination, and Resilience to their Career skills. If this Way of Mercy
is the character’s starting Specialization, they may choose
two of these skills and gain one free rank in each, without A Way of Mercy Monk adds Alchemy, Brawl, Medi-
spending starting experience. cine, and Negotiation to their Career skills. If this is the
character’s starting Specialization, they may choose two
The Way of the Drunken Master teaches its students
of these skills and gain one free rank in each, without
to move with the jerky, unpredictable movements of a
spending starting experience.
drunkard. A drunken master sways, tottering on uns
teady feet, to present what seems like an incompe- Monks of the Way of Mercy learn to manipulate the life
tent combatant who proves frustrating to engage. The force of others to bring aid to those in need. They are
drunken master’s erratic s tumbles conceal a carefully wandering physicians to the poor and hurt. However, to
executed dance of blocks, parries, advances, attacks, and those beyond their help, they bring a swift end as an act
retreats. And their martial arts technique mixes combat of mercy.
training with the precision of a dancer and the antics of Those who follow the Way of Mercy might be members
a jester. of a religious order, administering to the needy and mak-
A drunken master often enjoys playing the fool to bring ing grim choices rooted in reality rather than idealism.
gladness to the despondent or to demonstrate humility Some might be gentle-voiced healers, beloved by their
to the arrogant, but when battle is joined, the drunken communities, while others might be masked bringers of
master can be a maddening, masterful foe. macabre mercies.
The walkers of this way usually don robes with deep
Way of the Elements cowls, and they often conceal their faces with masks,
A Way of the Elements Monk adds Brawl, Discipline, presenting themselves as the faceless bringers of life and
Knowledge (Nature & Geography), and Resilience to death.
their Career skills. If this is the character’s starting Spe-
cialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain Way of the Shadow
one free rank in each, without spending starting experi- A Way of the Shadow Monk adds Brawl, Coordination,
ence. Stealth, Vigilance to their Career skills. If this is the
You follow a monastic tradition that teaches you tohar- character’s starting Specialization, they may choose two
ness the elements. When you focus your ki, you can align of these skills and gain one free rank in each, without
yourself with the forces of creation and bend the four spending starting experience.
elements to your will, using them as an extension of your Monks of the Way of Shadow follow a tradition that
body. Some members of this tradition dedicate them- values stealth and subterfuge. These monks might be
selves to a single element, but others weave the elements called ninjas or shadowdancers, and they serve as spies
together. and assassins. Sometimes the members of a ninja mon-
astery are family members, forming a clan sworn to
Many monks of this tradition tattoo their bodies with
secrecy about their arts and missions. Other monaster-
representations of their ki powers, commonly imagined
ies are more like thieves’ guilds, hir-ing out their services
as coiling dragons, but also as phoenixes, fish, plants,
to nobles, rich merchants, or anyone else who can pay
mountains, and cresting waves.
their fees. Regardless of their methods, the heads of these
monasteries expect the unquestioning obedience of their
Way of the Open Hand students.
A Way of the Open Hand Monk adds Athletics, Brawl,
Coordination, Discipline, and Ki to their Career skills.
If this is the character’s starting Specialization, they may
choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each,
talent active?
talent active?
Knack for It Unarmored Defense
When you first purchase this talent
for your character, select one skill. Your character increases their
Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl,
Your character removes jj from any soak by their Agility (in addi-
checks they make using this skill. Each Coordination, Discipline, Ki, tion to their Brawn). None of
additional time you purchase this Melee (Light), Resilience, Sur- the preceding effects of this rule
talent for your character, select two ad- vival, Vigilance
ditional skills, which can include skills apply while your character is
already chosen. Your character also wearing armor.
removes jj from any checks they Strain Threshold Bonus: +1
make using these skills. You cannot Wound Threshold Bonus: +1
select combat or magic skills when
choosing skills for this talent.
Cost: 10 Cost: 10
Specialization Tree: Way of the Drunken Fist
ADDITIONAL CAREER SKILLS: Athletics, Brawl, Coordination, Resilience
Disciple of the
Innate Focus Grit Signature Spell
Gain Ki (Will) as a career While not using a magic implement, your
character increases the base damage of all
Each rank of grit When your character gains a rank in
this talent, decide on a signature spell
skill. Each time you take Attack spells they cast by two. In addi- increases your charac- for them, consisting of a particular
a rank in this talent, gain tion, when casting a spell while not using magic action and a specific set of one
either Attack, Augment, or
a magic implement, your character may
use this talent to decrease the difficulty
ter’s strain threshold or more effects. When your character
casts that signature spell (consisting of
Barrier as a magic action of the check by one. If they do so, they by one. the exact combination of action and
increase the strain suffered for casting the
available to the Ki (Will) spell by one.
effects previously chosen), reduce the
difficulty of the check by one.
Cost: 15 Cost: 15 Cost: 15 Cost: 15
to s per rank of faith healing, always count as having they suffer 1 less strain magic action and a specific set of one
or more effects. When your character
though they must still have at the right tools for the per rank of resolve to a casts that signature spell (consisting of
least one s to succeed on the job when performing minimum of 1. the exact combination of action and
effects previously chosen), reduce the
check. difficulty of the check by one.
Medicine checks.
Cost: 15 Cost: 15 Cost: 15 Cost: 15
Dedication Skilled Mastery Douse the Flames of War It’s Not That Bad
Each rank of dedication When you purchase a rank of this talent Once per session, when a combat Once per session when an ally
for your character, choose one skill. Once encounter against one or more sentient
increases one of your char- per round, your character may suffer beings is about to begin, the character would suffer a Critical Injury,
acter’s characteristics by one. 2 strain to use this talent to reduce the make a daunting (kkkk) Negotia- may take an It’s Not That Bad
tion check. If successful, the combat
This talent cannot increase a
difficulty of the next check they make
encounter instead becomes a social action; make a Hard (kkk)
this round using that skill by two, to a encounter, With the PCs attempting Medicine check to stop the ally
characteristic above 5. minimum of Easy (k). Each time your to convince their opposition to back
character uses this talent during an down, come around to their viewpoint, from gaining the Critical Injury.
encounter, the strain cost increases by 1. or accept a compromise. See full talent
See full talent text. text.
Cost: 25 Cost: 25 Cost: 25 Cost: 25
Specialization Tree: Way of the Open Hand
ADDITIONAL CAREER SKILLS: Athletics, Brawl, Coordination, Discipline, Ki
Each rank of grit Each rank of Defensive Once per session, take Now You Gain Ki (Will) as a career
See Me action. Make a Daunting skill. Each time you take
increases your charac- increases your character’s (kkkk) Ki check to make a num-
melee defense and ranged ber of NPC’s equal to Willpower
a rank in this talent, gain
ter’s strain threshold either Illusion or Teleport as
defense by one. within medium range forget about
by one. character. Your GM has final say a magic action available to
if an NPC can be affected by this the Ki (Will) skill.
PALADIN SPECIALIZATIONS two of these skills and gain one free rank in each, without
spending starting experience.
The specializations are covered in greater detail in the
following sections; this section mainly deals with how Paladins are often driven by their compassion for the
each specialization connects to the Paladin Career. plights of those who cannot protect themselves. Saviors
ensure these innocents never come to harm. Few are
Oath of the Inquisitor tougher than a Savior, and even fewer can get through
An Oath of the Inquisitor Paladin adds Coercion, Disci- their guard to attack those they defends. Even if their
pline, Knowledge (Religion), and any one Combat skill charges do suffer harm, the Savior possesses basic medical
to their Career skills. If this is the character’s starting Spe- knowledge to heal their wounds.
cialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain Saviors could be considered bodyguards, but their efforts
one free rank in each, without spending starting experi- are seldom limited to protecting a single individual.
ence. Instead, Saviors are more likely to defend the needy on a
Across the world, there are always tyrants, and those larger scale. Often, they function as rescue workers, using
unlucky enough to suffer under their rule. Some Pala- their medical knowledge to stabilize injuries in the field
dins see wars ravaging regions and harming the weak and and then providing additional protection. In other cases,
defenseless and they step in to defend those innocents. Saviors may shelter refugees or other victims fleeing ter-
Other Paladins take direct action through military force rible situations. holding the line until the innocents can
to attempt to overthrow such despots. These Paladins are escape to safety.
often known as Inquistors.
Characters who pursue the Inquisitor’s path seldom limit
their activities to a single region. Often once one region
has been pacified or a tyrant overthrown, a Inquisitor
usually sets their sights on the next challenge and leads
their friends and fellow freedom fighters to overcome
it. Under the shadow of the Evil, Inquisitors are always
talent active? talent active?
Knack for It Templar
When you first purchase this talent Divine is now a career skill
for your character, select one skill. Career Skills: Athletics, Coercion,
Your character removes jj from any for your character. They can
checks they make using this skill. Each Cool, Discipline, Melee (Light), only cast one spell using this
additional time you purchase this Negotiation, Religion, Riding skill per encounter. When
talent for your character, select two ad-
ditional skills, which can include skills making a Divine check, your
already chosen. Your character also character may use Presence
removes jj from any checks they Wound Threshold Bonus: +2 instead of Willpower.
make using these skills. You cannot
select combat or magic skills when
choosing skills for this talent.
Cost: 10 Cost: 10
Specialization Tree: Oath of the Inquisitor
ADDITIONAL CAREER SKILLS: Any Combat Skill, Coercion, Discipline, Knowledge (Religion)
Add j per rank of Com- Divine is now a career skill for Once per round, perform the Body
Guard maneuver to guard an engaged
Each rank of tough-
mand when making Leader- your character. They can only
cast one spell using this skill
character. Suffer a number of strain ened increases your
ship checks. Affected targets no greater than ranks of Body Guard,
add j to Discipline checks
per encounter. When making then until the beginning of the next character’s wound
a Divine check, your character turn upgrade the difficulty of combat
for next 24 hours. may use Presence instead of checks targeting the character by that threshold by two.
When wearing armor, While wielding a shield, When you purchase this talent, Your character may use this talent to
make an average (kk) leadership check.
your character may use choose 2 skills. Once per session,
Increase total soak value you may reroll either of these
If successful, a number of allies equal to
by 1. the parry talent to reduce skills. See full talent text.
your character’s presence may imme-
diately suffer 1 strain to perform one
damage from ranged attacks maneuver (out of turn). If there are any
as well as melee attacks questions as to which allies take their
maneuvers first, your character is the final
targeting your character. arbiter.
starting experience.
Deep Stalker
A Deep Stalker adds Any one combat skill, Knowledge
(Nature & Geography), Survival, and Vigilance to their
Career skills. If this is the character’s starting Specializa-
tion, they may choose two of these skills and gain one
free rank in each, without spending starting experience.
A Scout adds Coordination, Perception, Survival, and
Vigilance to their Career skills. If this is the character’s
starting Specialization, they may choose two of these
skills and gain one free rank in each, without spending
starting experience.
You are skilled in stealth and surviving far from the
streets of a city, allowing you to scout ahead of your com-
panions during expeditions. Rangers who embrace this
specialization are at home in the wilderness and among
barbarians and rangers, and many Scouts serve as the eyes
and ears of war bands. Ambusher, spy, bounty hunter –
these are just a few of the roles that Scouts assume as they
range the world.
A Slayer adds Melee (Light), Ranged, Resilience, and
Vigilance to their Career skills. If this is the character’s
starting Specialization, they may choose two of these
skills and gain one free rank in each, without spending
talent active?
talent active?
Knack for It One with Nature
When you first purchase this talent
for your character, select one skill. Career Skills: Athletics, Melee (Light), When in the wilderness,
Your character removes jj from any your character may make a
checks they make using this skill. Each Nature, Ranged, Perception, Stealth,
additional time you purchase this Survival, Vigilance simple (-) survival check, in-
talent for your character, select two ad- stead of discipline or cool, to
ditional skills, which can include skills recover strain at the end of
already chosen. Your character also
removes jj from any checks they Strain Threshold Bonus: +1 an encounter. Also, you have
make using these skills. You cannot Wound Threshold Bonus: +1 an innate ability to commu-
select combat or magic skills when nicate with animals.
choosing skills for this talent.
Cost: 10 Cost: 05
Specialization Tree: Beast Master
ADDITIONAL CAREER SKILLS: Knowledge (Nature & Geography), Leadership, Riding, Survival
Add j per rank of Hunter to all Whenever the character’s Once per encounter, your charac-
ter may take a soothing tone ac-
Each rank of tough-
checks when interacting with beast animal companion makes
or animals (including combat a successful combat check tion. They make an average (kk) ened increases your
checks). Add +10 to Critical Inju- survival check to allow a beast to
ry results against beasts or animals
against a target, it may forgo
recover strain equal to s. character’s wound
inflicting damage to upgrade
per rank of Hunter.
the difficulty of the target’s threshold by two.
next check once instead.
May always use vigilance When you purchase this talent, Each rank of grit Primalist no longer limits
choose 2 skills. Once per session,
when making checks to you may reroll either of these increases your charac- use of the Primal skill to
determine initiative. skills. See full talent text. once per encounter.
ter’s strain threshold
by one.
May always use vigilance Add j per rank of Uncanny When making a skill check When another character makes a
check to folow your character’s trail
when making checks to Senses to all Perception and to navigate, the character (whether physical tracks or a trail of
determine initiative. Vigilance checks. may spend one Story Point information), your character may use
to remove d, or to remove this talent to add f no greater than
their ranks in Streetwise or Survival, as
h equal to their ranks in appropriate to the environment, to the
Perception. check results.
Cost: 25 Cost: 25 Cost: 25 Cost: 25
Specialization Tree: Slayer
ADDITIONAL CAREER SKILLS: Melee (Light), Ranged, Resilience,Vigilance
Each rank of grit Your character adds j for Each rank of tough- Once per round on your char-
acter’s turn, they may use this
increases your charac- each rank of quick strike ened increases your talent to draw or holster an easily
to any combat checks they accessible weapon or item as an in-
ter’s strain threshold make against any targets character’s wound cidental. Quick draw also reduces
by one. that have not yet taken their threshold by two. a weapon’s prepare rating by one,
to a minimum of one.
turn in the current encoun-
Cost: 5 Cost: 5 Cost: 5 Cost: 5
The specializations are covered in greater detail in the You hone your skills in the larcenous arts. Burglars, ban-
following sections; this section mainly deals with how dits, cutpurses, and other criminals typically follow this
each specialization connects to the Rogue Career. specialization, but so do rogues who prefer to think of
themselves as professional treasure seekers, explorers,
Assassin delvers, and investigators.
An Assassin adds Alchemy, Deception, Melee (Light),
and Ranged to their Career skills. If this is the charac-
ter’s starting Specialization, they may choose two of these
skills and gain one free rank in each, without spending
starting experience.
You focus your training on the grim art of death. Those
who adhere to this specialization are diverse: hired killers,
spies, bounty hunters, and even specially anointed priests
trained to exterminate the enemies of their deity. Stealth,
poison, and disguise help you eliminate your foes with
deadly efficiency.
A Mastermind adds Coercion, Deception, Negotiation,
and Vigilance to their Career skills. If this is the charac-
ter’s starting Specialization, they may choose two of these
skills and gain one free rank in each, without spending
starting experience.
Your focus is on people and on the influence and secrets
they have. Many spies, courtiers, and schemers follow
this specialization, leading lives of intrigue. Words are
your weapons as often as knives or poison, and secrets
and favors are some of your favorite treasures.
A Swashbuckler adds Charm, Cool, Melee Light, and
Skulduggery to their Career skills. If this is the charac-
ter’s starting Specialization, they may choose two of these
skills and gain one free rank in each, without spending
starting experience.
You focus your training on the art of the blade, relying on
speed, elegance, and charm in equal parts. While some
warriors are brutes clad in heavy armor, your method of
fighting looks almost like a performance. Duelists and
pirates typically belong to this specialization.
A Swashbuckler excels in single combat, and can fight
with two weapons while safely darting away from an
A Thief adds Athletics, Coordination, Skulduggery, and
Stealth to their Career skills. If this is the character’s start-
ing Specialization, they may choose two of these skills
and gain one free rank in each, without spending starting
talent active? talent active?
Knack for It Savant
When you first purchase this talent Career skills: Coordination, De- When you acquire a rank in
for your character, select one skill.
Your character removes jj from any ception, Melee (Light), Ranged, this talent, choose a general
checks they make using this skill. Each Skullduggery, Stealth, Streetwise, skill. When making a check
additional time you purchase this with that skill, reduce the
talent for your character, select two ad-
ditional skills, which can include skills time required by 25%. This
already chosen. Your character also
Strain Threshold Bonus: +1 reduction may be applied
removes jj from any checks they multiple times, to a limit of
make using these skills. You cannot Wound Threshold Bonus: +1 50%
select combat or magic skills when
choosing skills for this talent.
Cost: 05 Cost: 10
Specialization Tree: Assassin
ADDITIONAL CAREER SKILLS: Melee (Light), Skulduggery, Stealth, Vigilance
Your character may suffer a num- Once per round during your Your character adds j for Once per round on your char-
ber of strain to use this talent character’s turn, your char- acter’s turn, they may use this
to add an equal number of s to a
each rank of quick strike talent to draw or holster an easily
Vigilance or Cool check
acter may use this talent to to any combat checks they accessible weapon or item as an in-
they make to determine Initiative stand from a prone or seated make against any targets cidental. Quick draw also reduces
order. The number may position as an incidental. that have not yet taken their a weapon’s prepare rating by one,
not exceed your character’s ranks to a minimum of one.
turn in the current encoun-
in Rapid Reaction.
Cost: 10 Cost: 10 Cost: 10 Cost: 10
While making Melee Decrease the Critical Rating Add +10 per rank of Your character may use this talent to at-
tack an unaware adversary using a Melee
checks, may inflict dam- of a weapon by 1 (to a min-
imum of 1) against targets
lethal blows to any (Light) weapon. A Backstab is a melee
attack, and follows the normal rules for
age as strain instead of
wounds. This does not that have not yet acted this critical injury results performing a combat check (see page 101
of the Genesys Core Rulebook), using
encounter. inflicted on oppo- the character’s Skulduggery skill instead
ignore soak. of Brawl or Melee. If the check succeeds,
nents. each uncanceled s adds +2 damage
(instead of the normal +1).
Cost: 15 Cost: 15 Cost: 15 Cost: 15
Add +10 per rank of When you purchase a rank of this talent
for your character, choose one skill. Once
Each rank of dedication When making a Melee (Light)
combat check using a poisoned
increases one of your char-
lethal blows to any per round, your character may suffer
2 strain to use this talent to reduce the acter’s characteristics by one.
weapon, your character treats it as
possessing the Burn 2 item
critical injury results difficulty of the next check they make
this round using that skill by two, to a This talent cannot increase a quality.
inflicted on oppo- minimum of Easy (k). Each time your characteristic above 5.
character uses this talent during an
nents. encounter, the strain cost increases by 1.
See full talent text.
102 Cost: 25 Cost: 25 Cost: 25 Cost: 25
Specialization Tree: Mastermind
ADDITIONAL CAREER SKILLS: Coercion, Deception, Negotiation, Vigilance
Once per session, per- Each rank of grit Once per encounter, after another
character makes a social skill check, your
Once per session, take
fectly recall an important a Thorough Assessment
increases your charac- character may use this talent to make an
fact previously learned as Hard (kkk) Vigilance check. If success- action: make a Hard (kkk)
ter’s strain threshold ful, you may add or subtract a number
Knowledge check to gain j
if a Story Point had been of s or a (your choice) equal to your
spent. by one. character’s ranks in Charm or Negoti- equal to s that can be dis-
ation to the other character’s check. If tributed during the encoun-
your character fails, your character suffers
3 strain. ter. See full talent text.
Cost: 20 Cost: 20 Cost: 20 Cost: 20
May upgrade difficulty Each rank of tough- When you first purchase this talent for your
character, select one skill. Your character re- Your character adds j for
of incoming Charm, ened increases your moves jj from any checks they make using each rank of quick strike
this skill. Each additional time you purchase
Coercion, or Deception this talent for your character, select two to any combat checks they
checks once per rank of character’s wound additional skills, which can include skills make against any targets
already chosen. Your character also removes
Nobody’s Fool. threshold by two. jj from any checks they make using these
skills. You cannot select combat or magic
that have not yet taken their
skills when choosing skills for this talent.
turn in the current encoun-
Cost: 10 Cost: 10 Cost: 10 Cost: 10
SORCERER SPECIALIZATIONS planes, or find the power of the djinn in their blood.
Whatever the case, the magic of the chaos permeates your
The specializations are covered in greater detail in the
following sections; this section mainly deals with how
each specialization connects to the Sorcerer Career. Monstrous Heritage
Blood Mage A Monstrous Heritage Sorcerer adds Brawl, Coercion,
Resilience, and Sorcery to their Career skills. If this is the
A Blood Mage Sorcerer adds Coercion, Discipline, character’s starting Specialization, they may choose two
Knowledge (Forbidden), and Resilience to their Career of these skills and gain one free rank in each, without
skills. If this is the character’s starting Specialization, they spending starting experience.
may choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in
each, without spending starting experience. Your innate magic comes from magic that was mingled
with your blood or that of your ancestors. Most often,
Your magic is the magic within all living blood - and sorcerers with this Origin trace their descent back to a
you use none more often than your own. It comes mighty Sorcerer of ancient times who made a bargain
naturally to you, and you find that your blood is strong, with a magical creature or who might even have claimed
and getting stronger the more you draw on its magical a creature parent. Some of these bloodlines are well estab-
power. Most who have their blood continually tapped lished in the world, but most are obscure. Any given Sor-
for magic begin to suffer illness and frailty, but your cerer could be the first of a new bloodline, as a result of a
blood is different in some way. Perhaps your blood is pact or some other exceptional circumstance.
growing stronger the way warriors train their muscles,
or perhaps your blood carries a gift made for blood
magic itself. Whatever it is, you feel your heartbeat
grow stronger and louder with every growth in sanguine
An Elementalist Sorcerer adds Knowledge (Nature &
Geography), Discipline, Resilience, and Sorcery to their
Career skills. If this is the character’s starting Specializa-
tion, they may choose two of these skills and gain one
free rank in each, without spending starting experience.
Your innate magic comes from the power of the ele-
mental chaos. Many with these powers can trace their
magic back to an ancestor with dealings in the elemental
talent active? talent active?
Knack for It Cantrip
When you purchase this talent for When you gain a rank in this
your character, select one skill. Your Career Skills: Coercion, Deception, talent, choose one magic skill
character removes j from any checks
they make using this skill. Each addi- Discipline, Knowledge (Arcana), and magic action available to
tional time you purchase this talent for Knowledge (Lore), Negotiation, that skill. Whenever your char-
your character, select two additional Sorcery, Vigilance acter uses that action and adds
skills, which can include skills already no additional effects to it, your
chosen. Your character also removes character only suffers 1 strain
j from any checks they make using Strain Threshold Bonus: +2 from the casting.
these skills. You cannot select combat
or magic skills when choosing skills
for this talent.
Cost: 10 Cost: 10
Specialization Tree: Blood Mage
ADDITIONAL CAREER SKILLS: Coercion, Discipline, Knowledge (Forbidden), Resilience
When hit by a spell Each rank of grit Each rank of tough- When casting a spell, your character
may select a number of additional effect
attack, suffer 3 strain to increases your charac- ened increases your in (k) up to their ranks in overchannel.
The effect must be limited to single (k)
reduce damage by 2 plus
ter’s strain threshold character’s wound effects. Your character gains hh per (k)
ranks in Deflect Spell. added in this way to the roll, rather than
by one. threshold by two. increasing the difficulty of the check.
hh may be spent to have your character
roll on the Wild Magic table.
Maximize Spell to a check or more effects. When your character ter’s strain threshold a magic implement, your character may
use this talent to decrease the difficulty
casts that signature spell (consisting of
to cast a spell. the exact combination of action and by one. of the check by one. If they do so, they
increase the strain suffered for casting the
effects previously chosen), reduce the
spell by one.
difficulty of the check by one.
WARLOCK SPECIALIZATIONS immense and ancient that even the greatest libraries pale
in comparison to the vast secrets it holds. The Great Old
The specializations are covered in greater detail in the
One might be unaware of your existence or entirely indif-
following sections; this section mainly deals with how
ferent to you, but the secrets you have learned allow you
each specialization connects to the Warlock Career.
to draw your magic from it.
Pact of the Archfey Pact of the Undying Light
A Pact of the Archfey Warlock adds Charm, Coercion,
A Pact of the Undying Light Warlock adds Knowledge
Knowledge (Forbidden), and Pact Magic to their Career
(Forbidden), Medicine, Negotiation, and Pact Magic to
skills. If this is the character’s starting Specialization, they
their Career skills. If this is the character’s starting Spe-
may choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in
cialization, they may choose two of these skills and gain
each, without spending starting experience.
one free rank in each, without spending starting experi-
Your patron is a lord or lady of the fey, a creature of ence.
legend who holds secrets that were forgotten before the
Your patron is a powerful being of the Upper Planes.
mortal races were born. This being’s motivations are
You have bound yourself to an ancient empyrean, solar,
often inscrutable, and sometimes whimsical, and might
ki-rin, unicorn, or other entity that resides in the planes
involve a striving for greater magical power or the set-
of everlasting bliss. Your pact with that being allows you
tling of age-old grudges. Beings of this sort include the
to experience the barest touch of the holy light that illu-
Prince of Frost; the Queen of Air and Darkness, ruler of
minates the multiverse.
the Gloaming Court; Titania of the Summer Court; their
consort Oberon, the Green Lord; Hyrsam, the Prince of Being connected to such power can cause changes in
Fools; and ancient hags. your behavior and beliefs. You might find yourself driven
to annihilate the undead, to defeat fiends, and to protect
Pact of the Fiend the innocent. At times, your heart might a lso be filled
with a longing for the celes tial realm of your patron, and
A Pact of the Fiend Warlock adds Coercion, Melee
a desire to wander that paradise for the rest of your days.
(Light), Pact Magic, and Resilience to their Career skills.
But you know that your mission is among mortals for
If this is the character’s starting Specialization, they may
now, and that your pact binds you to bring light to the
choose two of these skills and gain one free rank in each,
dark places of the world.
without spending starting experience.
You have made a pact with a fiend from the lower planes
of existence, a being whose aims are evil, even if you
strive against those aims. Such beings desire the cor-
ruption or destruction of all things, ultimately includ-
ing you. Fiends powerful enough to forge a pact include
demon lords such as Demogorgon, Orcus, Fraz’Urb-Iuu,
and Baphomet; archdevils such as Asmodeus, Dispater,
Mephistopheles, and Belial; pit fiends and balors that are
especially mighty; and ultroloths and other lords of the
talent active?
talent active?
Knack for It Cantrip
When you first purchase this talent
for your character, select one skill. When you gain a rank in this
Career Skills: Cool, Coercion,
Your character removes jj from any talent, choose one magic skill
checks they make using this skill. Each Deception, Discipline, Knowledge and magic action available to
additional time you purchase this (Arcana), Knowledge (Forbidden), that skill. Whenever your char-
talent for your character, select two ad- Melee (Light), Pact Magic
ditional skills, which can include skills acter uses that action and adds
already chosen. Your character also no additional effects to it, your
removes jj from any checks they character only suffers 1 strain
make using these skills. You cannot from the casting.
select combat or magic skills when
choosing skills for this talent. Strain Threshold Bonus: +2
Cost: 10 Cost: 10
Specialization Tree: Pact of the Archfey
ADDITIONAL CAREER SKILLS: Charm, Coercion, Knowledge (Forbidden), Pact Magic
When a character invol- When you purchase this talent, When your character gains a rank in Your character must have purchased the ensor-
celled talent to benefit from this talent. If your
choose 2 skills. Once per session, this talent, decide on a signature spell
untarily suffers strain, you may reroll either of these for them, consisting of a particular charatcer has three ranks in a magic skill,
once per session, they may use this talent to
they suffer 1 less strain skills. See full talent text. magic action and a specific set of one
force all enemies within medium range to
or more effects. When your character make a Hard (kkk) Discipline check as an
per rank of resolve to a casts that signature spell (consisting of out-of-turn incidental. If they fail, they must
minimum of 1. the exact combination of action and spend all available maneuvers moving away
effects previously chosen), reduce the from your character, and they suffer 5 strain,
difficulty of the check by one. plus one additional strain per h
May spend aa from a Coer- When your character gains a rank in When you first purchase this talent for your Your character may use this talent
this talent, decide on a signature spell character, select one skill. Your character re-
cion (fear)check or hh from to make an average (kk) coercion
for them, consisting of a particular moves jj from any checks they make using
this skill. Each additional time you purchase check. For each s the check gen-
a foe’s Discipline (fear) check; magic action and a specific set of one
this talent for your character, select two erates, one adversary within short
that target cannot perform a or more effects. When your character additional skills, which can include skills range suffers 1 strain. For each a,
free maneuver during their casts that signature spell (consisting of already chosen. Your character also removes
the exact combination of action and jj from any checks they make using these one adversary affected by scathing
next turn. effects previously chosen), reduce the skills. You cannot select combat or magic tirade suffers 1 additional strain.
difficulty of the check by one. skills when choosing skills for this talent.
Add j to all Charm, When you purchase this talent, When your character pur- When targeted by a Deception
choose 2 skills. Once per session, chases this talent, choose checks, your character auto-
Coercion, and De- you may reroll either of these matically adds f to the check.
skills. See full talent text.
a silhouette 0 creature
ception checks unless (approved by your GM). Your character may instead
the target is undead or suffer 2 strain to add f equal
This creature becomes your
to their ranks in Vigilance to
construct. character’s familiar. See full the check.
talent text.
Cost: 15 Cost: 15 Cost: 15 Cost: 15
Each rank of grit When you first purchase this talent for your
character, select one skill. Your character re-
If your character has at least Gain access to the Heal
one rank in a magic skill, magic action with the
increases your charac- moves jj from any checks they make using
this skill. Each additional time you purchase
once per encounter, they
ter’s strain threshold this talent for your character, select two Pact Magic skill.
additional skills, which can include skills may use this talent to add
by one. already chosen. Your character also removes
jj from any checks they make using these a to the result of their next
skills. You cannot select combat or magic social skill check.
skills when choosing skills for this talent.
Once per session, Each rank of grit When your character casts Your character must have purchased
the ensorcelled talent to benefit from
a spell, you may spend one
add jj to any 1 increases your charac- this talent. If your character has
story point to use this talent at least two ranks in a magic skill,
check. ter’s strain threshold to add a equal to your when using the ensorcelled talent,
by one. characters ranks in appro- they may add s & a to their
priate spell modifier skill to next social skill check instead of
the results.
Cost: 15 Cost: 15 Cost: 15 Cost: 15
The specializations are covered in greater detail in the An Enchanter Wizard adds Arcane, Charm, Cool, and
following sections; this section mainly deals with how Negotiation to their Career skills. If this is the charac-
each specialization connects to the Wizard Career. ter’s starting Specialization, they may choose two of these
skills and gain one free rank in each, without spending
Abjurer starting experience.
An Abjurer Wizard adds Arcane, Discipline, Knowl- As a member of the School of Enchantment, you have
edge (Arcana), and Resilience to their Career skills. If this honed your ability to magically entrance and beguile oth-
is the character’s starting Specialization, they may choose er people and monsters. Some enchanters are peacemak-
two of these skills and gain one free rank in each, without ers who bewitch the violent to lay down their arms and
spending starting experience. charm the cruel into showing mercy. Others are tyrants
who magically bind the unwilling into their service. Most
The School of Abjuration emphasizes magic that enchanters fall somewhere in between.
blocks, banishes, or protects. Detractors of this school
say that its tradition is about denial, negation rather than Evoker
positive assertion. You understand, however, that ending
harmful effects, protecting the weak, and banishing evil An Evoker adds Arcane, Knowledge (Arcana), Resil-
influences is anything but a philosophical void. It is a ience, and Vigilance to their Career skills. If this is the
proud and respected vocation. character’s starting Specialization, they may choose two
of these skills and gain one free rank in each, without
Called abjurers, members of this school are sought spending starting experience.
when baleful spirits require exorcism, when important You focus your study on magic that creates powerful
locations must be guarded against magical spying, elemental effects such as bitter cold, searing flame, roll-
and when portals to other planes of existence must be ing thunder, crackling lightning, and burning acid. Some
closed. evokers find employment in military forces, serving as
artillery to blast adversary armies from afar. Others use
Conjurer their spectacular power to protect the weak, while some
A Conjurer Wizard adds Arcane, Discipline, Leader- seek their own gain as bandits, adventurers, or aspiring
ship, and Perception to their Career skills. If this is the tyrants.
character’s starting Specialization, they may choose two Spellblade
of these skills and gain one free rank in each, without
spending starting experience. A Spellblade Wizard adds Arcane, Athletics, Melee
(Light), and Resilience to their Career skills. If this is the
As a conjurer, you favor spells that produce objects and character’s starting Specialization, they may choose two
creatures out of thin air. You can conjure billowing of these skills and gain one free rank in each, without
clouds of killing fog or summon creatures from spending starting experience.
elsewhere to fight on your behalf. As your mastery
grows, you learn spells of transportation and can A variety of arcane colleges specialize in training wiz-
teleport yourself across vast distances, even to other ards for war. The tradition of War Magic blends princi-
planes of existence, in an instant. ples of evocation and abjuration, rather than specializ-
ing in either of those schools. It teaches techniques that
Diviner empower a caster’s spells, while also providing methods
for wizards to bolster their own defenses.
A Diviner Wizard adds Arcane, Knowledge (Lore),
Followers of this tradition are known as Spellblades.
Perception, and Vigilance to their Career skills. If this is
They see their magic as both a weapon and armor, a
the character’s starting Specialization, they may choose
resource superior to any piece of steel. Spellblades act fast
two of these skills and gain one free rank in each, without
in battle, using their spells to seize tactical control of a
spending starting experience.
situation. Their spells strike hard, while their defensive
The counsel of a diviner is sought by royalty and com- skills foil their opponents’ attempts to counterattack.
moners alike, for all seek a clearer understanding of the
past, present, and future. As a diviner, you strive to part
the veils of space, time, and consciousness so that you
can see clearly. You work to master spells of discernment,
remote viewing, supernatural knowledge, and foresight.
talent active? talent active?
Knack for It Cantrip
When you first purchase this talent When you gain a rank in this
for your character, select one skill.
Your character removes jj from any
Career Skills: Arcane, Cool, talent, choose one magic skill
checks they make using this skill. Each Discipline, Knowledge and magic action available to
additional time you purchase this (Arcana), Knowledge (For- that skill. Whenever your char-
talent for your character, select two ad- bidden), Knowledge (Lore), acter uses that action and adds
ditional skills, which can include skills no additional effects to it, your
already chosen. Your character also Medicine, Perception
character only suffers 1 strain
removes jj from any checks they
make using these skills. You cannot from the casting.
select combat or magic skills when
choosing skills for this talent. Strain Threshold Bonus: +2
Cost: 05 Cost: 05
Signature Spell
Maximize Spell Signature Spell Masterful Casting (Improved)
Your character must have 3 When your character gains a Your character must have 4 ranks
rank in this talent, decide on a
When you acquire a rank
ranks in a magic skill to bene- signature spell for them, consisting
in a magic skill to benefit from this in this talent, choose one of
fit from this talent. Once per talent. When your character cast
of a particular magic action and a
a spell, they may use this talent
your signature spells. When
encounter, your character specific set of one or more effects. your character casts their
When your character casts their to spend t to trigger up to three
may use this talent to add j different qualities or spell effects signature spell, reduce the
signature spell (consisting of the
equal to ranks in Maximize exact combination of action and instead of one. These qualities difficulty of the check by
Spell to a check to cast a effects previously chosen), reduce or spell effects must be ones that two instead of one.
spell. the difficulty of the check by one. can be triggered by spending a
or t.
Specialization Tree: Abjurer
ADDITIONAL CAREER SKILLS: Arcane, Discipline, Knowledge (Arcana), Resilience
When hit by a spell Each rank of grit May reduce any Crit- Each rank of tough-
attack, suffer 3 strain to increases your charac- ical Injury suffered by ened increases your
reduce damage by 2 plus
ter’s strain threshold 10 per rank of Dura- character’s wound
ranks in Deflect Spell.
by one. ble to a minimum of threshold by two.
Cost: 5 Cost: 5 Cost: 5 Cost: 5
Each rank of grit Each rank of tough- Add j per rank of Uncanny When you first purchase this talent for your
character, select one skill. Your character re-
increases your charac- ened increases your Senses to all Perception and moves jj from any checks they make using
this skill. Each additional time you purchase
Vigilance checks.
ter’s strain threshold character’s wound
this talent for your character, select two
additional skills, which can include skills
by one. threshold by two.
already chosen. Your character also removes
jj from any checks they make using these
skills. You cannot select combat or magic
skills when choosing skills for this talent.
Touch of Fate Naturally Gifted Contingency Plan Fortune Favors The Bold
Each rank of grit When casting a spell with When hit by a spell When your character gains a rank in
this talent, decide on a signature spell
the blast quality spend a to attack, suffer 3 strain to
increases your charac- exclude 1 target that would be
for them, consisting of a particular
reduce damage by 2 plus magic action and a specific set of one
ter’s strain threshold affected by the explosion, up to or more effects. When your character
ranks in shape spell. ranks in Deflect Spell. casts that signature spell (consisting of
by one. the exact combination of action and
effects previously chosen), reduce the
difficulty of the check by one.
When a character invol- Add +10 per rank of Your character may perform When you purchase this talent for your
character, choose two characteristics. You
untarily suffers strain, an intense focus maneuver;
lethal blows to any they suffer 1 strain and
may spend a story point to use this talent
to have your character ignore the effects
they suffer 1 less strain
per rank of resolve to a critical injury results upgrade the ability of their
of all critical injuries on any skill checks
using those two characteristics until
inflicted on oppo- next skill check by one. the end of the current encounter. (your
minimum of 1. character still suffers the critical injuries;
nents. they just ignore the effects)
Once per encounter, may When hit by a spell Once per round on your char-
acter’s turn, they may use this
Each rank of tough-
use Second Wind inci- attack, suffer 3 strain to talent to draw or holster an easily ened increases your
dental to heal strain equal reduce damage by 2 plus accessible weapon or item as an in-
to ranks in Second Wind. ranks in Deflect Spell. cidental. Quick draw also reduces character’s wound
a weapon’s prepare rating by one,
to a minimum of one.
threshold by two.
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Avatar talent and have 4 Your character must have purchased the Animal Companion tal-
ranks in Ki to benefit from this talent to benefit from this talent. When ent to benefit from this talent. Your character may have two animal
your character purchases this talent, they gain one of the following companions with a combined silhouette no greater than your char-
abilities based on the element they selected when they purchased acter’s ranks in Animal Companion.
Avatar: they cannot be knocked prone or staggered (earth), they Your character spends on maneuver to allow both to perform an
cannot be immobilized and can breathe underwater (water), they action and a maneuver and resolves each companion’s turn individ-
cannot be disoriented and can hover using the hovering guidelines ually, choosing the order in which they activate.
in the Flying sidebar on page 100 of the Genesys Core Rulebook,
also gain acces to the Fly Utility spell with Ki (air), or they are One or both of your character’s animal companions can instead
immune to fire—including ignoring damage from attacks with the be a minion group of animals with a combined silhouette no great-
Elemental (Fire) quality and from other fire-based attacks (fire). er than your character’s ranks in Animal Companion. For this pur-
pose, treat every two silhouette 0 animals as silhouette 1.
Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: Yes
Ranked: No
While engaged with one or more allies, your character and allies
they are engaged with add j to combat checks. If one or more Take the Blather action, making a daunting (kkkk) charm
allies engaged with your character also have Back-to-Back, the or deception check. If successful, one adversary per s is disorient-
effects are cumulative to a maximum of jj. ed for rounds equal to the characters presence. The character may
BACKSTAB spend t from the check to stagger one affected target.
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Dark Insight talent to benefit Your character must have 3 ranks in Pact Magic to benefit from this tal-
from this talent. When casting a spell with the skill chosen when your ent. Choose one magical implement, item, or weapon your character
character acquired Dark Insight, your character may upgrade the diffi- owns when taking this talent. Your character becomes bonded to this
culty of the check once to suffer two wounds instead of two strain after item. Your character may summon it with maneuver. If your chosen item
the spell is resolved. is ever permanently lost or destroyed, you may select a new one.
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character must have at least 3 ranks in rank in a Magic skill to benefit Your character must have purchased the Combat Shape talent and have 4
from this talent. When you cast an attack spell with the Blast additional ranks in Primal to benefit from this talent. Whenever your character uses
effect, you may spend a to exclude one target that would normally be Combat Shaper, you may suffer 2 strain per difficulty dice of one critical
affected by the blast, up to a number of targets equal to your character’s injury your character is suffering to use this talent to heal that critical.
ranks in the appropriate skill. You may also spend t to exclude multiple
targets, so long as the total amount remains no greater than your charac-
ter’s ranks in the appropriate skill. Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Add j per rank of Command when making Leadership checks. Affect-
ed targets add j to Discipline checks for next 24 hours.
Ranked: Yes
Your character must have 2 ranks in a magic skill to benefit from this
talent. Take the Center of Being maneuver. Until the beginning of next Activation: Active (Action)
turn, attacks against the character increase their critical rating by 1 per
rank of Center of Being. Ranked: No
Once per session, the character can take the Commanding Presence
CENTER OF BEING (IMPROVED) action to choose a target minion, minion group, or rival and make a Cool
Activation: Active (Incidental) check opposed by the target’s Discipline. If the check is successful, the tar-
get adversary or group removes itself from the encounter for the duration
Ranked: No of the encounter. The target will not attack or otherwise engage the PCs,
nor perform any hostile or overt action. However, it will defend itself if
Your character must have purchased the Center of Being talent and have 4
attacked. Attacking the target ends the effect.
ranks in a magic skill to benefit from this talent. Your character may spend
a Story Point to have Center of Being affect all allies within short range The Commanding Presence action can be used in narrative encoun-
ters. The specific details of its effect are at the GM’s discretion, but could
of your character.
include commanding a guard to let the PCs pass or causing political
CHALLENGE! opponents to remove themselves from a debate.
Activation: Active (Incidental) Your character must have purchased Comrade-In-Arms to benefit from this
talent. Spend aaa or t when performing comrade in arms to also
Ranked: No gain +1 soak or give one affected ally +1 soak.
Your character must have purchased the Wild Shape talent and have 3
ranks in Primal to benefit from this talent. Whenever you use the Wild
Shape talent, you may spend a Story Point to use this talent to heal
wounds up to your ranks in Wild Shape.
used as if they had generated aa on a combat check using that weapon.
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character must have 4 ranks in a magic skill to benefit from this talent. Your character must have 3 ranks in a magic skill to benefit from this tal-
Once per encounter, your character may spend a Story Point to perform ent. Once per encounter, your character may add the Deadly effect to an
a magic action as a maneuver. attack spell without increasing the difficulty.
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
May decrease difficulty of Discipline checks to avoid fear by 1 per rank Your character must have 3 ranks in Divine to benefit from this talent.
of Confidence. Your character counts all weapons as having the Bane (Fiend) and Bane
(Undead) with a rating equal to your character’s ranks in Knowledge
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
Activation: Active (Incidental)
May suffer a number of strain to downgrade difficulty of Charm or
Negotiation checks or upgrade difficulty when target by Charm or Nego- Ranked: No
tiation checks, by an equal number Strain suffered this way cannot exceed When your character takes this talent choose a magic skill they have as
ranks in Congenial. a career skill. When you cast a spell with that skill that adds a quality to
your character’s spell with a rating determined by your character’s ranks
in the appropriate skill, your character may use their ranks in Knowledge
Activation: Active (Incidental) (Forbidden) instead.
Your character must have 3 ranks in a magic skill that can use Conjure to Activation: Passive
benefit from this talent. Your character may use this talent to cast the
Conjure spell with no additional effects and not suffer strain. This talent Ranked: No
cannot be used to summon a minion. Your character adds +2 damage to melee attacks for each Critical Inju-
ry they are currently suffering. (Your GM may also impose additional
CONJURATION SAVANT penalties on social skill checks your character makes if they are suffering
Activation: Passive Critical Injuries due to their frenzied behavior.)
Ranked: No If used outside of combat, at the GM’s discretion the NPC can choose
to perform a non-lethal attack if the situation warrants it. If the encounter
Once per encounter, your character may suffer 3 strain as an out-of- takes place at a party, for example, the NPC may choose to punch the
turn incidental when they are the target of a combat check. If they do character rather than using a knife or spell.
so, the difficulty of the combat check becomes an opposed check against
your ranks in the Coordination skill instead of the normal difficulty. Oth- DEFENSIVE TRAINING
er modifiers, such as cover and defense still apply. Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive When wielding a Melee or Brawl weapon, the weapon gains the Defen-
Ranked: No sive quality with a rating equal to ranks in Defensive Training.
Your character must have purchased the Parry (Improved) talent to benefit
from this talent. When your character uses the Parry (Improved) talent to
hit an attacker, they may also activate an item quality of the weapon they
DEFLECT SPELL Activation: Active (Action)
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Ranked: Yes
Ranked: Yes Your character can make a disarming smile action to make an
opposed charm check against one target within short range. If they
Your character must have 2 ranks in a magic skill to benefit from this succeed, decrease the target’s defense (melee and ranged) by a number
talent. When your character suffers a hit from a magic combat check, equal to your character’s ranks in disarming smile (to a minimum of
after damage is calculated but before soak is applied (so immediately
after Step 3 of Perform a Combat check, page 102), your character zero) until the end of the encounter.
may suffer 3 strain to use this talent to reduce the damage of the hit DISCIPLE OF THE ELEMENTS
by two plus their ranks in Deflect Spell. This talent can only be used
once per hit. Activation: Passive
Ranked: Yes
Gain Ki (Will) as a career skill. Each time you take a rank in this tal-
Activation: Passive ent, gain either Attack, Augment, or Barrier as a magic action available
Ranked: No to the Ki (Will) skill.
Your character must have 2 ranks in Pact Magic to benefit from this DISSONANCE
talent. Ignore all j induced by darkness, magical or otherwise, within
medium range. Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
While wielding a musical instrument, your character may use this
Activation: Passive talent to make an Average (kk) Charm or Verse check. For each s
Ranked: No the check generates, one adversary of the player’s choosing within short
range suffers 1 wound. For each a, one adversary affected by Disso-
Your character must have purchased the Animal Companion talent to nance suffers 1 additional wound.
benefit from this talent. If your character has at least two ranks in the
Primal skill, the animal companion they have bonded with through DISTANT SPELL
the Animal Companion talent increases its Brawn by one, to a Activation: Active (Incidental)
maximum of 5, and its wound threshold by four. If it is a nemesis,
it increases its strain threshold by four. If it is a minion or rival, it Ranked: No
becomes a nemesis and gains a strain threshold of 6. Your character Your character must have 2 ranks in a magic skill to benefit from this tal-
also chooses to increase either its Agility or its Willpower by one, to a ent. Once per encounter, when casting a spell the first range enhance-
maximum of 5, and its Brawl, Discipline, Perception, or Survival by ment does not increase the difficulty of the spell.
one, to a maximum of 5.
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
Ranked: No
The character may make a Distracting Behavior maneuver and suffer
After your character inflicts a critical injury on an adversary, you may a number of strain no greater than their ranks in Cunning. If they does
use this talent to increase the difficulty of that adversary’s next check so, an equal number of adversaries or NPCs they is engaged with suffer
by one. h on checks they make until the beginning of the character’s next
turn. The range of this maneuver increases by one band per rank of
Distracting Behavior.
Activation: Active (Incidental) The character selects who is affected by Distracting Behavior and
Ranked: No can choose to have this talent not affect NPC allies. It may be that they
explains their tactics to the NPCs beforehand, or that they know him
Your character must have purchased the Dirty Tricks talent to benefit
from this talent. After your character inflicts a critical injury on an well enough to be used to their antics.
adversary, you may use this talent to upgrade the difficulty of that DISTRACTING BEHAVIOR (IMPROVED)
adversary’s next check by one.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Action) The Distracting Behavior maneuver inflicts hh on adversaries
Ranked: Yes checks instead of h.
May spend t or aa with a successful Melee or Brawl check to
disarm opponent.
DIVINE INTERVENTION Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Activation: Active (Action) Ranked: No
Ranked: No Once per game session, when a combat encounter against one or
more sentient beings is about to begin, the character make a daunting
Your character must have 4 ranks in Divine to benefit from this talent. (kkkk) Negotiation check. If successful, the combat encounter instead
Once per session, your character may use this talent to use the Divine becomes a social encounter, With the PCs attempting to convince
Intervention action. Make a Formidable (kkkkk) Divine check (the their opposition to back down, come around to their viewpoint, or
difficulty of this check cannot be decreased below Formidable). If suc- accept a compromise. The gm is the final arbiter of how the situation
cesful, introduce into the narrative a “fact” in the form of aid from your resolves without violence (or how the combat encounter continues if the
God, with GM approval.
character’s check is unsuccessful).
Activation: Active (Action)
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
Your character must have 2 ranks in Divine to benefit from this talent.
May suffer one strain to perform the Divine Sense action. Make an Easy When resolving a combined check to attack with two weapons in a
(k) Discipline check. Success grants you knowledge of otherworldly melee combat, your character may suffer 2 strain to use this talent to hit
beings (Celestial, Fey, Fiend, or Undead) within medium range. May with the secondary weapon (instead of spending aa).
spend aa to learn exact locations. DUMB LUCK
DODGE (IMPROVED) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Passive Ranked: No
Ranked: No Once per session, you may spend a Story Point to use this talent after
your character suffers a Critical Injury but before the result is rolled. Their
After using dodge, may spend a Story Point to make a move maneuver
opponent must roll two results, and you select which applies to your char-
as an out-of- turn incidental.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
When your character acquires this talent, choose one skill. When
When your character purchases this talent, choose one of the following
making checks with that skill, you may suffer 2 strain to perform the
elements: Acid (Lasting), Air (Manipulative), Earth (Impact), Electricity
double or nothing incidental to increase the difficulty of the next check
(Stunning), Fire (Lasting), Ice (Hindering), or Poison (Lasting).
by one. Then, After canceling opposing symbols, double the amount of
Whenever your character casts an Attack spell, they always add the
remaining a or h.
Elemental effect to the spell and that element associated with the quality
DOUBLE OR NOTHING (IMPROVED) without increasing the difficulty. However, they may never add any of
the other elements to a spell they cast. In addition, they also may add
Activation: Passive the assoiciated spell effect without increasing the difficulty.
Ranked: Yes
When performing the Double or Nothing incidental, suffer one addio-
nal strain and after canceling opposing symbols, also double the amount Activation: Passive
of remaining s or f. Ranked: No
DOUBLE OR NOTHING (SUPREME) When your character purchases this talent, they gain one of the
following abilities based on the element they selected when they
Activation: Passive purchased Elementalist: they are immune to acid, including ignoring
Ranked: Yes damage from acid, and cannot be affected by the Burn quality (Acid),
they cannot be immobilized (Air), they cannot be knocked prone or
When performing the Double or Nothing incidental, upgrade the diffi- staggered (Earth), they are immune to cold, including damage from cold
culty of the check once and after canceling opposing symbols, also double and ignoring weather conditions, and can breathe underwater (Ice), they
the amount of remaining t and d. are immune to electricity—including ignoring damage from electricity-
DOUBLE TAP based attacks, and cannot be disoriented (Electricity), they are immune
to fire, including ignoring damage from fire, and cannot be affected
Activation: Active (Incidental) by the Burn quality (Fire), or they are immune to poisons and toxins
Ranked: No (Poison).
After your character succeeds at an attack, but before they spend advan-
tage, they can suffer 3 strain to allow them to score two separate Critical
Injuries. These require the normal methods of generating a Critical Inju-
ry, and they occur simultaneously to each other.
ELEMENTALIST (SUPREME) their next social skill check instead of a.
Activation: Active (Incidental) After purchasing this talent, your character’s appearance is now
Ranked: No noticeably changed by their magic. what form this enhancement
takes is up to you, with your GM’s approval, but it should be
When your character casts an Alter, Augment, or Barrier spell, they based on the magic skill your character possesses as well as the
may use this talent to choose to have the targets of the spell gain enchantment they already possessed.
the ability your character gained when they purchased Elementalist
(Improved) for the spell’s duration. If your character has four ranks ENSORCELLED (SUPREME)
in a magic skill, they also may add the other element effects to
Attack spells in addition to their element. They also may choose Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
not to add the Elemental quality. Ranked: No
ELEMENTARY Your character must have 3 ranks in a magic skill to benefit from this
talent. once per session, they may use this talent to force all enemies
Activation: Active (Action)
within medium range to make a Hard (kkk) Discipline check
Ranked: No as an out-of-turn incidental. If they fail, they must spend all avail-
Your character must have 3 ranks in Arcane to benefit from this talent. able maneuvers moving away from your character, and they suffer 5
Once per session, your character may use this talent to make a Hard strain, plus one additional strain per threat.
(kkk) Arcane check while present at a scene. If they succeed, they EUREKA!
see a vision of the past 48 hours at that scene and gain one specific,
important detail regarding the scenes past. May spend s multiple Activation: Passive
times to pick out a number of specific details from their vision. This Ranked: No
may include all the physical characteristics of one Character (height,
weight, body type, clothing, and species). The GM is the final arbi- When your character makes an Alchemy or Mechanics check that
ter of what constitutes a scene. generates t, roll an additional l and add it to the results of the
check in addition to spending the t normally. When your charac-
EMPOWERED BY NATURE ter makes an Alchemy or Mechanics check that generates d, roll an
Activation: Passive additional l and add it to the results of the check in addition to
spending the d normally. (Both of these effects may occur multiple
Ranked: No times during a check.)
Whenever your character casts a Conjure spell using Primal to EXPLOSIVE CASTER
summon a beast or plant, may spend aa to add the Empowered
effect alongside spending t. Activation: Passive
FAMILIAR this talent. During the next ranged combat check they make this
turn, throwing weapons thrown by your character gain the Auto-
Activation: Passive Fire quality. You do not increase the difficulty of this combat
Ranked: Yes check; instead, your character must have (and use) one throwing
weapon per hit triggered.
Your character must have 2 ranks in a magic skill to benefit from
this talent. When your character purchases this talent, choose a sil- FLURRY OF STEEL (IMPROVED)
houette 0 creature (approved by your GM). This creature becomes
your character’s familiar. Your character is bonded to this familiar Activation: Passive
as long as you choose, though the GM may decide to remove it Ranked: No
due to mistreatment or other conditions. You instruct the familiar
When triggering additional hits from Flurry of Steel Auto-Fire,
how to act telepathically. However, the only action a familiar may
take is Exchange an Action for a Maneuver. It cannot fight except extra hits require a instead of the normal aa.
in self-defense, under the GM’s direction. Once per round, your FORBIDDEN KNOWLEDGE
character may use a maneuver to direct the familiar to take specif-
ic maneuvers during your character’s turn. As long as the familiar Activation: Active (Maneuver)
is in short range, it may use the Assist maneuver to give j to all Ranked: No
magic checks. This range increases with ranks in Familiar.
Once per session, suffer strain no greater than twice you char-
FAMILIAR (IMPROVED) acter’s ranks in Knowledge (Forbidden) to increase your ranks in
the appropriate skill for every two strain suffered this way for the
Activation: Active (Action)
purpose of determining the strength of additional effects for the
Ranked: No next spell cast during that round. In this case, your temporary
Your character must have purchased the Familiar talent to benefit ranks in the appropriate spell may exceed the usual limit of 5.
from this talent. Your character may suffer 2 strain and make an
Easy (k) Magic Skill check; if successful, see and hear using your
familiar’s senses for one round, and you may suffer 1 strain per Activation: Active (Incidental)
round to extend the duration. In addition, when the Familiar uses Ranked: No
the Assist maneuver with the Character’s magic check, the Assist
maneuver provides jj. The familiar must be within the range Your character must have 3 ranks in a magic skill that can use
granted by ranks in the Familiar talent for your character to use Predict to benefit from this talent. Once per session, whenever your
the Familiar (Improved) talent. character rolls for intitiative, you may spend t to have all allies
within medium range increase their defense by your character’s
FEARSOME ranks in Vigilance for the first round of combat.
Ranked: Yes Activation: Active (Incidental)
When an adversary becomes engaged with the character, the Ranked: No
character may force the adversary to make a fear check, with the
difficulty equal to the character’s ranks in Fearsome. Once per session as an incidental, suffer 2 strain to flip one GM
Story Point to a Player Story Point.
Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
Ranked: Yes
Your character may spend t or aaa generated by a missed
melee attack to upgrade the difficulty of their opponent’s next When making a Melee or Brawl check, suffer a number of
attack targeting your character a number of times equal to their strain to upgrade the attack an equal number of times. The strain
ranks in Feint. suffered may not exceed ranks in Frenzied Attack.
Your character may use this talent to perform the Flurry of Your character increases the range of their musical talents by
Blows maneuver to suffer a number of strain no greater than ranks one range band per rank of Goes to Eleven. A musical talent is any
of up to your ranks in Coordination to gain the Linked quality talent that requires your character to “use a musical instrument”
with a rating equal to the amount of strains suffered on your next to activate it. Narratively, you should explain how your character
Melee or Brawl combat check this turn. augmented or amplified their instrument.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
Once per encounter, your character may suffer 2 strain to use
HARASS Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: No
Ranked: No When making a skill check to navigate, the character may spend one
Story Point to remove d, or to remove h equal to their ranks in Per-
Whenever the character’s animal companion makes a successful com-
bat check against a target, it may forgo inflicting damage to upgrade the ception.
difficulty of the target’s next check once instead. HUNTER
HARD-BOILED Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: Yes
Ranked: No Add j per rank of Hunter to all checks when interacting with beast
When your character makes a check to recover strain at the end of or animals (including combat checks). Add +10 to Critical Injury
an encounter (as describe on page 117 of the Genesys Core Rulebook), results against beasts or animals per rank of Hunter.
your character may make a Simple (-) Resilience check instead of Dis- HUNTER’S QUARRY
cipline or Cool. If your character does so, they heal 1 strain per s and
1 wound per a. Activation: Active (Action)
IMBUE WEAPON Weapons count as having the monk quality for your character.
Activation: Active (Incidental) IMPROVISED WEAPON MASTER (IMPROVED)
Ranked: Yes Activation: Passive
Your character must have 4 ranks in Artfice to benefit from this tal- Ranked: No
ent. Once per round, when you make a melee combat check you
may spend a story point to add modifiers from the Attack spell, When wielding an improvised weapon, no longer suffer auto-
and increase the difficulty of the check by the listed amounts. These matic h during attacks, and reduces their Crit Rating by 1 more.
modifiers replace any existing qualities on weapons and are not Further, improvised weapons gain the Defensive 1 and Disorient 1
additive. This combat check counts as both a melee combat check weapon qualities.
and a magic combat check, and can use the h and d results for
either normal skill checks or magical skill checks. You cannot choose INNATE FOCUS
to add the Empowered or Range modifier to the check. Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Active (Incidental) Your character must have 3 ranks in a magic skill to benefit from this
talent. While not using a magic implement, your character increases
Ranked: No the base damage of all attack spells they cast by two. In addition,
When your character inflicts a critical injury with a melee weap- when casting a spell while not using a magic implement, your char-
on, they may use this talent to immobilize the target until the end of acter may use this talent to decrease the difficulty of the check by
the target’s next turn (in addition to the other effects of the critical one. If they do so, they increase the strain suffered for casting the
injury). spell by 1.
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Once per session, the character may make a Daunting (lkkk) Once per encounter, your character may use this talent to allow
Mechanics check to perform the Improvised Detonation action and allies within medium range to reroll any number of j when they
build an explosive device out of available materials. The device can make a check until the end of the following round.
be detonated via any logical means (timed delay, pressure- activat-
ed, or even a fuse) and when it explodes deals damage equal to the INTENSE FOCUS
character’s ranks in Intellect plus ranks in Mechanics plus s on the Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
initial check, and possesses the Blast quality at an equal value. The
character can spend t to increase the damage by an additional 2. Ranked: Yes
A d causes the device to detonate immediately in the owner’s face. Before making a skill check, the character may perform the
If the check would have been otherwise successful, the premature Intense Focus maneuver. The character suffers one strain to upgrade
detonation does damage based on the successful check (and has an the ability of the skill check once.
equivalent Blast quality). If the check would have failed, the prema-
ture detonation only does damage equal to ranks in Mechanics plus INTIMIDATING
ranks in Intellect. Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive May suffer a number of strain to add j to a check made to resist
fear caused by your character. Strain suffered this way cannot
Ranked: No
exceed ranks in Intimidating.
Reduce the difficulty of Improvised Detonation’s check to Hard
(lkkk) and increase the damage dealt by the explosive to ranks in INVOCATION
Intellect plus twice the character’s ranks in Mechanics plus & s
Activation: Passive
on the initial check (this includes the damage dealt on a premature
detonation triggered by d). Ranked: No
IMPROVISED WEAPON MASTER Your character must have 2 ranks in Pact Magic to benefit from this
talent. When you purchase this Talent, choose one magic action
Activation: Passive your character can not normally cast with Pact Magic. Once per
encounter, you may cast this spell using Pact Magic.
Ranked: No
This character adds automatic s to all combat checks when using
an improvised weapon, and reduces its Crit Rating by 1. Improvised
IRON BODY Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental) Once per encounter, your character may spend a story point to
make the concentration maneuver as an incidental.
Ranked: No
Remove j per rank of Iron Body from Coordination and Resil-
ience checks. Reduce the critical rating of unarmed attacks by 1 per Activation: Passive
rank of Iron Body (to a minimum of 1). Ranked: Yes
IT’S NOT THAT BAD Whenever you are being targeted by an adversary’s spell, the cast-
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) er adds j to the check per rank of Magic Resistance. When your
character makes a check to resist a negative magic effect, may add j
Ranked: No
to the check per rank of Magic Resistance.
Once per game session, when an ally is about to suffer a critical
injury, the character can take an It’s Not That Bad incidental to MAGICAL SECRETS
make a Hard (kkk) Medicine check. If successful, the ally does Activation: Passive
not gain the Critical Injury and does not suffer any of its normal
Ranked: Yes
effects (although the attack that caused the Critical Injury still deals
its damage as normal). Your character must have 4 ranks in Verse to benefit from this talent.
Each time you gain a rank in this talent, pick one magic action not
JURY RIGGED available to Verse and one additional effect on a magic action you
Activation: Passive have access to. That action is now available for you to cast, and that
Ranked: Yes effect is now usable on Verse spells cast by your character.
Your character may choose one personal weapon or piece of MARTIAL ARTS MASTERY
armor per rank of jury rigged. They may increase the damage of Activation: Passive
the weapon by one; decrease the a cost on its critical, or any sin-
gle other effect by one to a minimum of one (except auto-fire); or Ranked: Yes
increase armor’s ranged or melee defense by one. Alternatively, they You may use Agility instead of Brawn for determining base dam-
can decrease the encumbrance of the item by two to a minimum of age and skill checks for Brawl attacks and Melee (light) attacks with
one. The bonus only applies so long as your character is using the Weapons with the Monk quality.
item. If the item is ever lost or destroyed, your character may apply
Weapons with the Monk quality and unarmed Brawl attacks do
jury rigged to a new personal weapon or piece or armor.
at least +X damage, X being your ranks in Martial Arts Mastery.
KEEPING IT COOL When you have taken three ranks of Martial Arts Mastery, your
Activation: Passive Brawl attacks gain the Superior quality, if they do not already have
Ranked: No
May always use Cool when making checks to determine initiative. MASTER CASTER
KNOW THY ADVERSARY Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive Ranked: No
Ranked: No Your character must have 4 ranks in a magic skill to benefit from
this talent. When your character fails a spell casting skill check that
May use an appropriate Knowledge skill when making checks to
targets another character or npc, may spend t or aaa to imme-
determine initiative. The GM is the final arbiter of what Knowledge
diately reroll the attempted spell with a new target.
skill is appropriate.
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
Your character must have 3 ranks in a magic skill to benefit from this
After succeeding on a leadership check or other check to inspire,
talent. Once per encounter, when an adversary you can see within
lead, or rally an audience, the character may spend one story point
medium range of your character attempts to cast a spell, you may
to upgrade the ability of the next skill check made by all allies within
spend a Story Point to use this talent and use a Counterspell man-
short range.
uever as an Incidental.
Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
The first time your character draws a Melee (Light) or Melee
Your character must have 4 ranks in a magic skill to benefit from this
(Heavy) weapon during each encounter increase the base damage of
talent. Once per round on your character’s turn, you may spend a
the weapon by 2 until the end of their current turn.
Story Point to use this talent and make a Counterspell manuver as
LINGERING SPELL an out of turn Incidental.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Once per round, on the character’s turn, the animal companion may
spend a maneuver to have enemies within short range of the charac-
When resolving an attack from a personal scale explosive or ordi- ter’s animal companion add j to next combat check made against the
nance weapon, your character may spend aaa or t to have the character. Adversary characters who are immune to the effects of fear
weapon’s Blast quality affect all characters within short range (rath- are also immune to this ability. The gm has final say if a creature can
er than engaged). If the weapon normally affects all characters within threaten an adversary.
short range, then the range of the effect is increased to medium range
MASTERFUL CASTING Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Your character must have 2 ranks in Artifice to benefit from this talent.
Always count as having the right tools for the job when performing
Your character must have 4 ranks in a magic skill to benefit from this Mechanics checks.
talent. When your character cast a spell, they may use this talent to
spend t to trigger up to three different qualities or spell effects instead MONSTROUS HERITAGE
of one. These qualities or spell effects must be ones that can be triggered
by spending a or t. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Gain the access to Primal only effects of magic actions when using
Activation: Active (Incidental) Sorcery.
Ranked: No
Your character must have 4 ranks in a magic skill to benefit from this tal-
ent. After your character makes a successful Conjuration spell to create Activation: Passive
a conjuration, you may spend a Story Point to have your character use Ranked: Yes
this talent to make the conjuration last until the end of the encounter,
If the character has already acted this round, increase ranged defense
without performing concentrate maneuvers, and not need to remain
by 1 per rank of moving target.
within the spells range after being cast. You may spend two story points
two make the conjuration last until the end of the session instead. NATURAL COMMUNION
Ranked: No When casting the Conjure magic action with the Primal Skill, you
character may add the Summon Ally effect without increasing the diffi-
Your character must have 4 ranks in a magic skill to benefit from this culty. To obtain this benefit, all creatures your character summons must
talent. After your character makes a successful Illusion spell to create an be naturally occurring creatures native to the area. This cannot be used
illusion, you may spend a Story Point to have your character use this to summon Undead, Fiend, Aberration, or Construct creatures.
talent to make the illusion last until the end of the encounter, without
performing concentrate maneuvers, and not need to remain within the NATURALLY GIFTED
spells range after being cast. You may spend two story points two make
Activation: Incidental
the illusion last until the end of the session instead.
Ranked: Yes
MAXIMIZE SPELL When you purchase this talent, choose 2 skills. Once per session, you
Activation: Active (Incidental) may reroll either of these skills. For each additional rank of Naturally
Gifted, select 1 additional skill with which to use this talent. You may
Ranked: No still only make a single reroll per session.
Your character must have 3 ranks in a magic skill to benefit from this
You may not use both Naturally Gifted and Skilled Mastery at once
talent. Once per encounter, your character may use this talent to add
on the same skill check.
j equal to ranks in Maximize Spell to a check to cast a spell.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Your character must have 2 ranks in a magic skill to benefit from this
talent. Always count as having the right tools for the job when
performing Medicine checks.
NECROMANCY to Willpower within medium range forget about your character.
Your GM has final say if an NPC can be affected by this talent.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Activation: Passive
Your character must have 3 ranks in Arcane to benefit from this
talent. Once per round, you can use the conjure spell on a location Ranked: No
with a mostly complete corpse (in any state of decay) to reanimate When in the wilderness, the character may make a Simple (-)
the dead, reducing the difficulty of the skill check by k. When Survival check instead of Discipline or Cool to recover starin at
used to animate the dead, your conjure spell has the follwing spe- the end of an encounter. Also, you have an innate ability to com-
cial conditions:
municate with animals.
You may not conjure something greater than the deceased crea-
tures silhouette. You may not conjure more creatures than the OVERCHANNEL
present corpses, but if there are multiple corpses within range you Activation: Passive
may animate multiple dead using the additional summons effect.
You must apply the Summon Ally additional effect if you wish Ranked: Yes
to control your creatures, as normal. Animated dead that are not Your character must have 3 ranks in a magic skill to benefit from
allied with you will usually attack indiscriminately. Your conjured this talent. When casting a spell, your character may select a num-
creatures do not retain the mind or memories of whatever creature ber of additional effect in (k) up to their ranks in overchannel.
they were before death. The effect must be limited to single (k) effects. Your character
gains hh per (k) added in this way to the roll, rather than
increasing the difficulty of the check. hh may be spent to have
Activation: Passive your character roll on the Wild Magic table.
When you use the Necromancy talent to animate the dead, you
Activation: Passive
may choose to increase the difficulty by kk to force the animated
dead to reatain its mind and memeroies when raised. This other- Ranked: No
wise functions exactly as the Necromancy talent. Note that, unless Your character must have purchased the Overchannel talent to
you apply the Summon Ally additional effect, the conjured crea- benefit from this talent. In addition to the effects of Overchannel,
ture is still not under your control, though depending on who it you may also add (kk) effects. The character gains d including
was in life, it may be friendly to you regardless. the associated failure per (kk) effect added in this way rather
NECROMANCY (SUPREME) than increase the difficultly of the check. This is in addition to
any d rolled.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
When your character uses the Necromancy talent to animate Activation: Active (Maneuver)
the dead, you may spend a Story Point to have them use this talent Ranked: No
to make the effects of the spell permananent until the undead is
Once per round, your character may suffer 1 strain to use this
destroyed. talent and move to any location within Short range.
NO ESCAPE This includes locations that are vertically distant or have no easy
access route, but there must be an object to move across or path
Activation: Passive to move along. Your GM may rule some locations cannot be
Ranked: No reached (such as ones behind locked doors or walls).
When making a Coercion check. the character may spend aa PARKOUR! (IMPROVED)
to cause one adversary within short range to lose their free maneu-
ver during their next turn. When an adversary within short range Activation: Active (Incidental)
makes a Fear check. the character may spend hh from that check Ranked: No
to cause that adversary to lose their free maneuver during their
next turn. Once per round, when using the Parkour! talent, your character
may suffer 3 strain instead of 1 strain to move to any location
NOBODY’S FOOL within medium range instead of short range. All other restrictions
Activation: Passive of Parkour! apply to this movement.
May upgrade difficulty of incoming Charm, Coercion, or Activation: Active (Incidental)
Deception checks once per rank of Nobody’s Fool.
Ranked: No
When your character makes a combat check, you may volun-
Activation: Passive tarily increase the difficulty by one to use this talent. If the target
Ranked: No suffers one or more wounds from the combat check, the target
suffers 2 strain each time they perform a maneuver until the end
Your character must have 3 ranks in Ki to benefit from this
of the encounter.
talent. Once per session, take Now You See Me action. Make a
Daunting (kkk) Ki check to make a number of NPC’s equal
PHYSICAL TRAINING d from the character’s Ranged checks cannot cause attacks to hit
allies engaged with the target.
Activation: Passive
Add j per rank of physical training to Athletics and Resilience Activation: Passive
checks. Ranked: No
PHYSICIAN After your character inflicts a Critical Injury with a ranged weapon
and rolls the result, your character may suffer 2 strain to use this talent.
Activation: Passive Then, you may select any Critical Injury of the same severity to apply
Ranked: Yes to the target instead.
When making a Medicine check to help a character heal wounds, the PREPARED SPELL
target heals 1 additional strain per rank of Physician.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
PORTENT Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental) Once per encounter, your character may make a skill check to cast a
Ranked: No spell without suffering strain.
Your character must have 3 ranks in a magic skill that can use Predict to PRESSURE POINT
benefit from this talent. Once per encounter, your character may suffer 3
Activation: Active (Incidental)
strain to use this talent to gain a glimpse of the future. When they do,
add one temporary player Story Point to the player pool. A temporary Ranked: No
Story Point works just like a normal Story Point but is removed from When your character makes an unarmed Brawl check targeting a liv-
the pool when it is used, rather than being moved to the GM pool. ing opponent, they may use this talent to deal strain damage instead
POWER OF DARKNESS of wound damage, and inflict additional strain damage equal to their
ranks in Medicine. Your GM may not allow you to use this talent on
Activation: Active (Maneuver) certain adversaries.
Once per session, may perform the Power of Light maneuver. Activation: Passive
Increase wound and strain threshold by 1 per GM story point currently
in the Story pool until the end of the encounter. Ranked: No
Primal is now a career skill for your character. They can only cast one
spell using this skill per encounter.
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No
Once per session, may perform the Power of Light maneuver. Activation: Passive
Increase wound and strain threshold by 1 per PC story point currently Ranked: No
in the Story pool until the end of the encounter.
Primalist no longer limits use of the Primal skill to once per encoun-
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: Yes
Gain access to the Heal magic action with the Pact Magic skill. When a character involuntarily suffers strain, they suffers 1 less
strain per rank of resolve to a minimum of 1.
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: No
While your character is armed with a bow (or similar weapon, at
your GM’s discretion) they may suffer a number of strain no greater Once per round when an adversary attacks an ally within medium
than ranks of up to your ranks in Ranged to gain the Linked quality range, your character may spend one Story Point to use this talent to
with a rating equal to the amount of strain suffered to the next combat automatically hit that adversary once with a weapon your character is
check made with that weapon this turn. wielding, if the adversary is within the weapon’s range. The hit deals
the weapon’s base damage, plus any damage from applicable talents
RAPID RECOVERY or abilities.
Activation: Passive SAVANT
Ranked: Yes Activation: Passive
When healing strain after an encounter, heal 1 additional strain per Ranked: Yes
rank of Rapid Recovery.
When you acquire a rank in this talent, choose a general skill. When
REDUNDANT SYSTEMS making a check with that skill, reduce the time required by 25%. This
Activation: Active (Action) reduction may be applied multiple times, to a limit of 50%
Ranked: No SAVVY
Once per session, may take a Redundant Systems action; make an Activation: Passive
Easy (k) Mechanics check to harvest components from a functioning Ranked: Yes
device to repair a broken one without breaking the first device.
The character add j to Charm and Negotiation checks per rank
SELECTIVE DETONATION signature spells. When your casts that signature spell, reduce the diffi-
culty of the check by two instead of one.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
Activation: Active (Incidental)
When using a weapon with the Blast quality, may spend a
to exclude 1 target that would be affected by the explosion, up Ranked: Yes
to ranks in Selective Detonation. When you purchase this talent for your character, select 1 skill.
Once per round, your character may suffer 2 strain to decrease the
SENSE DANGER difficulty of his next check using that skill by 1 to a minimum of Easy
Activation: Active (Incidental) (k). Each time your character uses this talent during an encounter, the
strain cost increases by 1.
Ranked: No
For each additional rank of Skilled Mastery, select 1 additional skill
Once per session, remove jj from any 1 check. with which to use this talent. Only one of the skills you select for
SENSE EMOTIONS Skilled Mastery (initally or for later ranked purchases) may be a com-
bat skill. Likewise, only one of the skills you select for Skilled Mastery
Activation: Passive may be a magic skill.
Ranked: No You may not use both Skilled Mastery and Naturally Gifted at once
Your character must have 3 ranks in a magic skill that can use Enchant on the same skill check.
to benefit from this talent. Add j to all Charm, Coercion, and Decep-
tion checks unless the target is an undead or construct.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
Activation: Passive
Before making a Athletics or Coordination check to determine fall
Ranked: No damage, your character may spend a story point to use this talent to
Gain Ki (Will) as a career skill. Each time you take a rank in the reduce the range band of a fall by ranks in Slow Fall.
talent, gain Illusion or Teleport as a magic action available to the Ki SMITE
(Will) skill.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Once per round, your character may suffer 3 strain to use this
Ranked: Yes talent to add damage equal to their ranks in Divine to one hit of a
successful brawl or melee attack.
When casting a spell with the blast quality spend a to exclude 1
target that would be affected by the explosion, up to ranks in shape SNEAK ATTACK
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Once per round when performing the Aim maneuver, you
Ranked: No may suffer 1 Strain to also add Pierce 2 to the attack, or increase
Your character must have purchased the Animal Companion talent to the Pierce of your weapon by 1, for the next combat check you
benefit from this talent. May perform the Share Pain incidental when make this round.
bonded animal suffers wounds. Reduce wounds suffered to half, then
character suffers wounds equal to number reduced. SNEAK ATTACK (IMPROVED)
SNIPER SHOT While making Melee checks, may inflict damage as strain instead of
wounds. This does not ignore soak.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Before making a ranged attack, may perform a Sniper Shot maneuver Activation: Passive
to increase the weapon’s range by 1 range band per rank in Sniper Ranked: No
Shot. Upgrade the difficulty of the attack by 1 per range band increase.
When dealing strain damage with Melee or Brawl checks, may spend
SOOTHING TONE t to stagger target for 1 round per t.
Activation: Passive SURGE OF ACTION
Ranked: Yes Activation: Active (Incidental)
Once per encounter, take a Soothing Tone action; make an Average Ranked: No
(kk) Survival check to allow a beast to recover strain equal to s.
Once per session, you may activate this talent as an incidental by
SORRY ABOUT THE MESS spending a story point to take one additional free maneuver on your
turn, up to a maximum of 3 manuevers.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Decrease the Critical Rating of a weapon by 1 (to a minimum of 1) Activation: Active (Incidental)
against targets that have not yet acted this encounter. Ranked: No
STALKER Increase difficulty of a Brawl or Melee combat check by 1 to perform
Sweep Attack action. Must target the adversary who is hardest to hit
Activation: Passive (as determined by the GM). May spend aa to hit additional engaged
Ranked: Yes targets.
Add j per rank of Stalker to all Stealth and Coordination checks. TAKEDOWN
STAND FIRM Activation: Active (Action)
Activation: Active (Action) Ranked: No
Ranked: No Your character may use this talent to make an opposed Brawl vs.
Resilience check targeting one engaged opponent. If the check
As an action, make a hard (kkk) leadership check. Choose one ally
succeeds, the target is knocked prone and immobilized until the end
per s, who increases their wound threshold by the characters presence
of your character’s next turn. If the target is a minion or rival, your
until the end of the encounter.
character may spend t to incapacitate (but not kill) the target instead.
Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
Stand firm also increases affected allies strain threshold by an equal
amount equal to the character’s presence. Your character can telepathically communicate messages to creatures
within short range. The complexity and length of a message may be
STRENGTH OF FAITH limited by your GM during structured gameplay, as it is with spoken
communication, or based on the current situation of environmental
Activation: Active (Maneuver) conditions.
Ranked: No
Your character must have 4 ranks in Divine to benefit from this talent.
Once per session, your character may use this talent to add s equal to Activation: Passive
their ranks in Willpower and a equal to their ranks in Willpower to the Ranked: No
results of the next Divine skill check they make during this turn.
Divine is now a career skill for your character. They can only cast one
STRONG ARM spell using this skill per encounter. When making a Divine check, your
character may use Presence instead of Willpower.
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Treat thrown weapons as if they had 1 greater range. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Templar no longer limits use of the Divine skill to once per encoun-
Activation: Passive ter.
Ranked: No
THOROUGH ASSESSMENT Melee (Light) weapons as possessing with an Inaccurate rating equal
to the weapon’s encumbrance rating. This lasts for the duration of the
Activation: Active (Action)
combat check.
Ranked: No
Once per session, the character may make a Hard (kkk) Knowledge
check (the GM and player should determine which Knowledge skill Activation: Active (Incidental)
is most applicable in the given situation) to perform the Thorough Ranked: No
Assessment action. If they succeeds, the character may add j to one
check that another character who could reasonably benefit from this Once per session, add jj to any 1 check.
information makes before the end of the encounter. For every s
beyond the first, they may add j to one additional check this way.
He cannot allocate more than j to any single check this way. At the Activation: Active (Incidental)
end of the encounter, any unused j are lost.
Ranked: No
THREATEN Once per session, the character may heal a number of wounds equal
to their ranks in Toughened.
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: Yes TRUE AIM
After an adversary within short range of your character resolves a Activation: Active (Maneuver)
combat check that deals damage to one of your character’s allies, your Ranked: Yes
character may suffer 3 strain to use this talent to inflict a number of
strain on the adversary equal to your character’s ranks in coercion. The Once per round, may suffer strain up to ranks of True Aim, to per-
range of this talent increases by one band per rank of threaten beyond form a True Aim maneuver to gain benefits of aiming and upgrade
the first. combat check once per strain suffered.
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
The character may spend one Story Point to perform a Move maneu- Once per round on your character’s turn, they may suffer 2 strain to
ver as an incidental. This maneuver may only be used to move into cov- disengage from all engaged adversaries.
er or out of the blast radius of an explosion. This may be performed out
of turn. This incidental occurs after the character determines he would TURN UNDEAD
be hit by the blast, but before damage is applied. (The GM may allow Activation: Active (Action)
the character to use this talent in other situations to get out of harm’s
way, but only at his discretion.) Ranked: Yes
As an Action, force all undead creatures within short to make a fear
TIME TO GO (IMPROVED) check with a Difficulty equal to your Discipline. In addition to the
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) normal effects of Fear, any targets who fail the check are forced to
Ranked: No spend their next turn moving outside the range of the Turn Undead
Talent. All maneuvers must be spent on movement including
When activating Time to Go, the character may allow one ally he downgrading Actions if possible.
is engaged with to perform an out of turn Move maneuver as an inci-
dental. This maneuver may only be used to move into cover or out of TURN UNDEAD (IMPROVED)
the blast radius of an explosion. This incidental occurs after the ally
Activation: Active (Incidental)
determines he would be hit by the blast, but before damage is applied.
(The GM may allow the character to use this talent in other situations Ranked: No
to get out of harm’s way, but only at his discretion.) When using the Turn Undead talent, your character may flip a story
TINKERER point to have all adversaries affected suffer 2 strain per rank of Turn
Undead to any creatures that failed their fear check. In addition, you
Activation: Passive may perform a Concentration maneuver to maintain the effects in sub-
Ranked: No sequent rounds.
May add 1 additional hard point to a number of items equal to ranks TWISTED WORDS
in Tinkerer. Each item may only be modified once.
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
TITAN GRIP Ranked: Yes
Activation: Active (Incidental) When an incoming social check generates hh or d, may suffer 1
Ranked: No strain as an incidental to inflict strain equal to ranks in Coercion on
Once per encounter before making a ranged combat check, this tal-
ent to treat Melee (Light) weapons as Ranged weapons possessing a
range of Short, but only if thrown. While thrown using this talent, treat
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
May parry while unarmed. When unarmed, this character can suffer Once per round after resolving a successful Brawl or Melee combat
one additional strain when using the Parry talent to use it against an check, your character may suffer 4 strain to use this talent to make
incoming melee weapon attack. an additional melee attack as an incidental against the same target.
Increase the difficulty of the combat check by one if this attack uses
UNARMED PARRY (IMPROVED) a second weapon, or by two if the attack uses the same weapon.
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Unarmed Parry no longer requires you to suffer one additional strain. Ranked: No
When unarmed, this character can add +1 strain to the cost of the Parry
When targeted by a Deception check, the character automatically
talent to use it against an incoming ranged weapon attack.
adds f to the check equal to ranks in Vigilance.
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Parry talent to benefit from this
If a Critical Injury roll is 1 or reduced to 1, do not receive the critical
talent. When using the Unarmed Parry (improved) talent on a hit that
generated d or hhh may hit one target in medium range with the
same damage as the initial hit, after original attack resolves. VALUABLE FACTS
UNARMORED DEFENSE Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No Once per encounter, perform the Valuable Facts action: make an
Average (kk) Knowledge (Lore) check. If successful, add t to one
Your character increases their soak by their Agility (in addition to ally’s skill check during the enounter.
their Brawn). None of the preceding effects of this rule apply while
your character is wearing armor. VENOM SOAKED BLADE
Activation: Passive Ranked: No
Ranked: No When making a melee combat check using a poisoned weapon, your
character treats it as possessing the burn 2 item quality.
Your character increases their soak by their Willpower (in addition
to their Brawn). None of the preceding effects of this rule apply while VISIONS OF THE FUTURE
your character is wearing armor. Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Passive Once per session, after successfully casting a spell, you may spend
aaa or t to add one additional effect to the cast spell, which
Ranked: No
would normally have increased the difficulty by 1.
Your character can move across vertical surfaces as easily as horizontal
surfaces.. None of the preceding effects of this rule apply while your char- WELL READ
acter is wearing armor. Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive May use Wild Shape as a Manuever instead of an action by suffering
1 extra strain than required.
Ranked: Yes
Your character may suffer 4 strain to use this talent to make a brawl
or melee attack against the engaged adversary who is hardest to hit (as Activation: Passive
determined by the GM), increasing the difficulty by one. If the combat
Ranked: No
check succeeds, each adversary engaged with the character suffers one
hit from the attack. The attack deals base damage plus damage equal to May suffer 4 strain instead of 2 strain to transform into an elemental.
the total s scored on the check. Also all weapons in your wild shapes have the Superior quality.
Your character must have at least 3 ranks in a Magic skill to benefit from Each time your game master spends a story point, your character
this talent. Your character can now tap directly into the raw Chaos of heals 2 strain.
the Weave. When casting a spell they may upgrade the difficulty of the
check once to choose any additional effect for that spell and reduce
the difficulty modification of that upgrade by k. If they do so, they
must also roll a d100 and apply the results of the Wild Magic table.
The results of the table occur if spell succeeds or not. Additionally,
if your character chose not to reduce the difficulty of their spell and
failed the skill check they may spend two story points and change the
dice results to only s. If they do so, they must also roll a d100 and
apply the results of the Wild Magic table.
All effects on the table are permanent unless specified in the
description. An effect can be removed with a success Dispel spell at
Daunting (kkkk) difficulty.
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: Yes
Yout character may not benefit from more ranks in Wild Shape than
your characters ranks in Primal. Once per encounter as an action, your
character may suffer 2 strain to transform into a silhouette 0 animal.
The animal must be a natural creature, and is subject to GM approval.
While transformed, the character adopts the physical appearance of the
animal and gains the animal’s characteristics, soak, wound threshold,
and defense. However, when transformed, the character retains their
own Cunning, Intellect, and Willpower, rather than the Cunning,
Intellect, and Willpower of the creature they transform into.
The character also gains any of the animal’s abilities, skills, and
equipment (including weapons). The character retains their own skills
(if higher than the animals), talents, and strain threshold. When the
character is transformed, their worn gear and wielded items change into
natural markings on the animal’s skin, fur, or scales (but confer no ben-
efit to the character). When the character reverts back to normal, they
are wearing and carrying their gear and items.
If the character chooses to as an action, or is incapacitated while
transformed, they revert back to their normal form. When a character
reverts back to their normal form, they heal all wounds suffered while
transformed but do not heal any strain or Critical Injuries they suffered
while transformed. If they were incapacitated due to exceeding their
wound threshold, they are no longer incapacitated.
Every rank of Wild Shape increases the silhouette limit of the trans-
Activation: Passive
This section introduces new skills specific to the For- YOUR CHARACTER SHOULD NOT USE THIS
gotten Realms setting. SKILL IF...
• Your character attempts to cast a spell using energy
KNOWLEDGE SKILLS drawn from nature. That would use Primal.
• Your character researches the magic practiced by the
The new skills in this section take the place of the sin-
wizards at Greyhaven University. Magic of this sort is
gle Knowledge skill presented in the Genesys Core Rule-
covered by Knowledge (Arcana or Lore).
• Your character attempts to identify a ruin from the
ARCANA ( INTELLECT ) days of old. That would use Knowledge (Lore).
Knowledge (Arcana) measures your ability to recall
lore about spells, magic items, eldritch symbols, magical
traditions, the planes of existence, and the inhabitants of ( INTELLECT )
those planes. Geography entails understanding of terrain, plants and
YOUR CHARACTER SHOULD USE THIS SKILL animals, the weather, and natural cycles. Geography is a
IF... character’s understanding of the lay of the land and its
different cultures, including those cultures’ customs and
• Your character tries to decipher a magical puzzle or laws. Geography includes the comprehension of maps
cipher. and cartography, regional variations in etiquette, and
• Your character attempts to find the knowledge of the matters of navigation. A character with ranks in Knowl-
other planes. edge (Nature & Geography) can chart a course over land
or sea, describe the locations of major cities and land-
• Your character attempts to decipher the arcane glyphs
marks from memory, identify animals and plants, avoid
adorning a Reanimate’s ancient blade.
unknowingly violating local laws, and warn their allies of
YOUR CHARACTER SHOULD NOT USE THIS the sensitive conversation topics to avoid in a particular
SKILL IF... town.
• Your character wants to determine the age of a strange YOUR CHARACTER SHOULD USE THIS SKILL
amulet found in the depths of a ruin. That would use IF...
Knowledge (Lore).
• Your character wants to chart a course through dan-
• Your character tries to use their reflexes and dexterity gerous wilderness to a nearby village.
to avoid falling into a pit trap. Coordination is the appro-
• Your character wants to indicate the approximate
priate skill for this situation (although Vigilance might
location of a landmark or settlement from memory.
help them avoid stepping on the trap in the first place).
• Your character needs to select appropriate garb so as
• Your character is relying on their alertness to avoid
not to stand out among the locals.
dangers underground, which would use Vigilance.
• Your character wants to recall information about the
FORBIDDEN ( INTELLECT ) wilderness and its flora and fauna.
Knowledge (Forbidden) concerns matters of dark mag- YOUR CHARACTER SHOULD NOT USE THIS
ic, necromancy, demons, devils, and other proscribed SKILL IF...
affairs. This skill covers any knowledge of subjects out-
• Your character wants to recall information about the
lawed by the ruling classes and spiritual authorities,
Plane of Elysium. This would require the Knowledge
including particular historical incidents, purged lineages,
(Arcana) skill.
and unspeakable monsters. A character with the Knowl-
edge (Forbidden) skill may specialize in a particular cat- • Your character needs to set a camp or deal with the
egory or dabble in all these and more, but they must be other practical matters of traversing the wilderness. That
careful about revealing their knowledge to others. would use Survival.
YOUR CHARACTER SHOULD USE THIS SKILL • Your character tries to recall the history of a ruin.
IF... They would use Knowledge (Lore) for that.
• Your character tries to uncover the ritual by which to
contact a demon.
• Your character wants to identify the magic employed
by a Devil.
Lore represents a character’s knowledge of legends and
similar matters. It includes both folktales and recent his- Characters may use the new magic skills in this section
tory, as well as matters so obscure that only sages could in addition to the magic skills described on page 70 of
know. Adventurers tend to run toward the sorts of danger the Genesys Core Rulebook.
from which common folk flee. Experienced adventurers
see a side of the world that most people never do, and ARTIFICE (INTELLECT)
they learn a great deal during their journeys and quests. In the same way that magic itself is an extraordinary
YOUR CHARACTER SHOULD USE THIS SKILL material, those who learn how to use it may gain extraor-
IF... dinary abilities and powers. The material allows so much
more for those who are able to properly focus their emo-
• Your character tries to identify the origins of an tions and discipline their mental energies to harmonize
ancient sword recovered from a ruin. with the substance. This skill represents those who have
• Your character tries to identify a strange, slimy mass gained that focus and use it to fuel their craft.
hanging from a dungeon ceiling. YOUR CHARACTER SHOULD USE THIS SKILL
• Your character attempts to recall a terrible legend of IF...
the Sundering. • Your character wants to conjure an arsenal of animat-
SKILL IF... • Your character wants to protect their allies with a
• Your character tries to cast a spell. This would require magically crafted barrier.
the use of a magic skill. • Your character wants to cure the wounds of the sick
• Your character attempts to read a map. That would with their newest magical concoction.
use Knowledge (Nature & Geography). YOUR CHARACTER SHOULD NOT USE THIS
• Your character wants to chart a safe course through SKILL IF...
ancient ruins. That would use Survival. • Your character wants to sing an ordinary song. That
would use Charm.
• Your character attempts to translate the glyphs in an
Religion measures your ability to recall lore about dei-
ancient Dwarven ruin. That would use the Knowledge
ties, rites and prayers, religious hierarchies, holy symbols,
(Lore) skill.
and the practices of secret cults.
Religion encompasses specialized, scholarly, and eso- KI ( WILLPOWER )
teric knowledge of the type that most common folk These skills represents a character’s tapping into the
would consider impractical. A character with ranks in power of their Ki, or Spiritual Energy. This power is
Knowledge (Religion) can recall relevant details from drawn upon exclusively by monks after much time ded-
ancient religious texts and recognize rare religious icons. icated to the arts.
IF... IF...
• Your character tries to identify a holy symbol • Your character wants to use rain down a flaming fist
• Your character wants to determine the source of a barrage.
cleric’s magic after witnessing it in action. • Your character wants to strengthen the resolve of
• Your character attempts to recall lore of Lathander, their comrades through willpower.
the Morninglord. • Your character wants to cure the wounds of the sick
YOUR CHARACTER SHOULD NOT USE THIS by projecting their spirit.
• Your character tries to cast a spell. This would require SKILL IF...
the use of a magic skill. • Your character wants to recall knowledge of infernal
• Your character attempts to read a map. That would creaures. That would use the Knowledge (Forbidden)
use Knowledge (Geography). skill.
• Your character wants to chart a safe course through • Your character attempts to translate the glyphs in an
ancient ruins. That would use Survival. ancient Dwarven ruin. That would use the Knowledge
(Lore) skill.
PACT MAGIC ( INTELLECT OR would be Knowledge (Arcana).
The Pact Magic skill represents a character’s tapping
The Verse skill is a character’s ability to achieve mag-
into the power of their patron and control the magic
ical effects through poetry, song, or performance. Most
bestowed by their pact. Users of Pact Magic draw upon
users of this skill learn their repertoire and techniques
their pact in different ways. Whenever your character
by rote and improvise by instinct. Unlike other magic
first gains access to Pact Magic as a skill, your character
skills, Verse is defined by its signature methods and prac-
chooses either Intellect or Presence as the characteristic to
tices. It may even draw from the same sources of power
tie skill checks to and it cannot be changed.
as Arcana, Divine, or Primal magic, depending on the
YOUR CHARACTER SHOULD USE THIS SKILL storytelling and performing tradition of the character. A
IF... character with ranks in Verse can achieve supernatural
• Your character wants to use to immolate an adversary effects through the seemingly mundane acts of singing,
in the flames of the Nine Hells. playing music, or other type of performing.
• Your character wants to curse someone with a hex. YOUR CHARACTER SHOULD USE THIS SKILL
SKILL IF... • Your character wants to fortify their allies in battle
with an inspiring song.
• Your character wants to recall knowledge of infernal
creaures. That would use the Knowledge (Forbidden) • Your character wants to demoralize their foe with a
skill. scathing limerick, to the point that it physically hampers
their abilities.
• Your character attempts to translate the glyphs in an
ancient Dwarven ruin. That would use the Knowledge • Your character wants to counteract the baleful spells
(Lore) skill. of a necromancer with a rousing speech.
Contrarily to other forms of magic, Sorcery doesn’t • Your character wants to sing an ordinary song. That
require dedication, training or even will to learn. In most would use Charm.
families, a magic is passed down through the lineage.
This normally doesn’t come from the immediate parents • Your character wants to throw a fireball or otherwise
but from farther ancestry. At some point, a dragon, fey, physically damage the foe. That would usually require a
outsider or even elemental may have influenced a lineage, different magic skill, such as Arcane.
either by using their own magic or by interbreeding.
Anyhow, their magic runs into the family and may man-
ifest once in a while in a child. Sorcerers have potential
to utilize almost anything that magic has to offer, albeit
• Your character wants to throw a fireball at a group
of enemies.
• Your character tries to shapeshift into a Giant Ape
• Your character attempts to erect a magical barrier to
block a passage.
• Your character wishes to curse a foe and bring misfor-
tune on their actions.
• Your character wants to Heal someone. That would
be a different magic skill, such as Verse.
• Your character wants to identify a magical item. That
Name Skill Dam Crit Range Encum HP Price Rarity Special
Axe Melee (Light) +2 4 Engaged 2 1 25 2 Monk
Battleaxe Melee (Light) +3 3 Engaged 2 1 100 3 Vicious 1
Brass Knuckles / Cestus Brawl +1 4 Engaged 1 0 25 1 Disorient 3, Monk
Chakram Melee (Light) +1 3 Medium 2 1 450 6 Monk, Special, Unwieldy 3, Vicious 1
Club Melee (Light) +1 5 Engaged 1 0 10 1 Monk
Dagger Melee (Light) +1 3 Engaged 1 1 15 1 Finesse, Monk
Flail Melee (Light) +2 4 Engaged 4 2 150 4 Linked 1
Greataxe Melee (Heavy) +4 3 Engaged 4 2 300 5 Cumbersome 3, Vicious 2
Greathammer Melee (Heavy) +5 4 Engaged 5 3 750 6 Cumbersome 4, Disorient 2, Stun 1, Sunder
Greatsword Melee (Heavy) +4 2 Engaged 3 2 500 4 Defensive 1, Pierce 1, Unwieldy 3
Halberd Melee (Heavy) +3 3 Short 5 3 300 5 Pierce 1, Vicious 1
Javelin Melee (Light) +1 4 Engaged 1 0 80 2 Monk, Pierce 1
Katar Brawl +1 2 Engaged 1 0 100 4 Pierce 1
Knuckle Dusters Brawl +2 3 Engaged 1 1 700 8 Pierce 2, Vicious 1
Lance Melee (Heavy) +4 2 Short 4 2 200 6 Cumbersome 3 (unmounted), Pierce 3, Special
Disorient 2, Elemental (Lightning), Slow-Firing 1,
Lightning Greaves Brawl +2 4 Engaged 2 1 550 6
Stun 3
Mace Melee (Light) +2 4 Engaged 2 1 75 2 Disorient 1, Pierce 1
Pike Melee (Heavy) +3 4 Short 4 2 100 4 Cumbersome 4, Pierce 2
Rapier Melee (Light) +1 2 Engaged 1 2 300 6 Accurate 1, Defensive 1, Finesse, Pierce 2
exhausting rating.
U nless otherwise stated in its rules, a brawl, melee, or thrown weap-
on’s base damage is equal to the user’s Brawn plus the listed dam-
age modifier. Additionally, the weapons in this book use the guidance
New Quality: Finesse (Passive) - When making a Melee check with
this weapon, your character may use Agility instead of Brawn for the
from the Tracking Ammo sidebar on page 89 of the Genesys Core skill of the weapon.
New Quality: Monk (Passive) - When making a combat check with
NEW AND UPDATED ITEM QUALITIES this weapon, your character may use Agility instead of Brawn for the
skill and damage of the weapon if they have the Martial Arts Mastery
New Quality: Bane (Passive) - Weapons with bane quality have been
enchanted or represent something that is anathema to a certain type
of creature. When a creature of the type is hit by a weapon with bane New Quality: Poison (Active) - This attack inflicts the target with
quality, reduce the crit rating of the weapon by 1 and the creature a poison or venom. When triggered, the target must make a Hard
suffers a number of wounds equal to the rating of Bane in addition to (kkk) Resilience check or suffer wounds equal to the Poison rating.
the damage of the attack. hh or d can be spent to have the target suffer the effect again on
the start of their next turn causing them to make the Resilience check
New Quality: Elemental (Passive) - Items with elemental quality
again with the opportunity to spend hh or d. This can continue
have been enchanted or represent something that inherently has a
until hh or d are not spent.
natural element ties to its source of damage, potentially boosting or
hindering the effectiveness of the damage. The possible elements are Updated Quality: Auto-Fire (Active) - If the attack hits, the attack-
Acid, Air, Earth, Electricity, Fire, Force, Ice, Necrotic, Poison, Psychic, er can trigger Auto-fire by spending aa. Auto-fire can be triggered
and Radiant. multiple times. Each time the attacker triggers Auto-fire, they must
spend one extra a than the previous it deals an additional hit to the
New Quality: Exhausting (Passive) - Some weapons require a great
deal of energy to deploy. Examples include controlling large machine
guns in auto-fire mode, using particularly heavy melee weapons, and Updated Quality: Disorient (Active) - A disoriented target adds jj
certain unarmed attacks. Whenever an attack is made with an exhaust- to all skill checks they perform.
ing weapon, that character suffers a number of strain equal to the
Name Skill Dam Crit Range Encum HP Price Rarity Special
Blowgun Ranged 5 6 Medium 0 0 20 3 -
Bow, Short Ranged 7 3 Medium 2 1 275 4 Unwieldy 3
Bow, Long Ranged 9 3 Long 3 2 450 6 Cumbersome 3
Crossbow Ranged 7 2 Medium 4 1 500 4 Pierce 1, Prepare 1
Crossbow, Hand Ranged 5 3 Short 2 0 700 5 Pierce 1, Accurate 1
Crossbow, Heavy Ranged 8 2 Long 5 3 1,000 7 Cumbersome 3, Pierce 2, Prepare 2, Unwieldy 3
Musket Ranged 8 3 Medium 4 2 1,500 9 Inaccurate 1, Pierce 1, Prepare 2, Unwieldy 3
Pistol Ranged 6 3 Short 2 1 1,000 9 Inaccurate 1, Prepare 1, Unwieldy 3
Sling Ranged 4 4 Medium 1 0 50 1 Disorient 2, Prepare 1
Wand of Magic Missiles Ranged 5 5 Medium 1 0 1,500 9 Linked 2
Remember that brawl weapons enhancee your character's normal attacks against targets at short range (the difficulty remains Average
unarmed attack, so you can choose to do wound or stun damage kk), but it cannot be used to attack engaged targets.
with any Brawl weapons, and they have the Knockdown quality.
CHAKRAM Knuckle Dusters are brass knuckies wIth wicked curved blades
A simple-looking metal ring with a wickedly sharp outer blade and extending from either side as if the wearer were hoidlng a knife in a
smooth interior, chakrams are favored by assassins. The technique standard and backhand grip. Often used in pairs, Knuckle Dusters
of twirling a chakram on one’s fingers before releasing makes them lend themselves to dizzying twists and spins in close-quarters combat.
difficult to use. A pair of Knuckle Dusters counts as a melee weapon for the purposes
of the Parry taient. When used as a pair, Knuckle dusters gain the
After throwing a chakram, the weilder may spend aa to have the Sunder and Defensive 1 item qualities. (This applies even if they are
weapon return to their hand, regardless of success of failure. not used with two weapon combat rules to gain an additional hit.).
Knuckle Dusters cannot deal damage to a target’s strain threshold.
Holy water acts much like acid against undead creatures and fiends. Basically a leather cup attached to two lengths of cord, a sling is
Holy water only work when used against undead and fiends. dirt cheap and its ammunition (any roughly spherical rock) even
more so. A sling is more likely to be carried by shepherds and
LANCE street urchins than by seasoned warriors, but a few adventurers
Longer than pike, but balanced less towards melee combat, lance keep one tucked away in a pouch as a weapon of desperation.
are mostly used by cavaliers and mounted riders. While mounted, h or d cannot be spent to cause a sling to run out of ammo.
a characeter may use a lance one handed, using Melee (light) as the
skill for the combat check. Also, a lance can be used to make melee
Cheap to buy (or make from fallen branches), staves can Resembling a large, heavy sledge hammer (striking sur-
be found across Faerun, where they often serve as walk- faces on either side of the head), the warhammer was
ing sticks or prods to move herds along.ose expert in originally adapted from the tools of laborers and crafts-
their use, though, can use them to defend against many men but is no longer suitable for anything but combat.
of the fell creatures that lurk across wilderness areas. You may wield a warhammer with two hands with the fol-
You may wield a staff with two hands with the fol- lowing profile: (Melee (Heavy); Damage +4; Critical 3; Range
lowing profile: (Melee (Heavy); Damage +3; Critical [Engaged]; Accurate 1, Cumbersome 3, Pierce 1, Sunder).
4; Range [Engaged]; Defensive 1, Disorient 2).
SWORD Whips cannot be used in conjunction with the Parry
A longsword, also called a hand-and-a-half sword, is talent. Whips can be used to disarm a target at range. As
a compromise between the smaller sword and the larg- an action may roll a Ranged check opposed by Athlet-
er greatsword. While not as deadly as its larger breth- ics or Vigilance. Success indicates the target is disarmed
ren, it is better balanced than either other swords. and the whip wielder may spend aa to bring the item into
You may wield a sword with two hands with the hand. To use this action, the wielder must first use the
following profile: (Melee (Heavy); Damage +3; Aim maneuver to target the item, as a called shot. GM
Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Accurate 1). has final say as to whether an item may be disarmed.
Name Ranged Defense Melee Defense Soak Encumbrance* HP Price Rarity
Chainmail 1 1 +2 6 2 600 5
Half-Plate 1 1 +2 4 3 1,500 6
Heavy Clothing 0 1 +0 1 0 500 1
Leather 0 1 +1 1 1 75 2
Platemail 1 1 +3 7 3 2,250 8
Reinforced Leather 1 1 +1 2 2 300 5
Ring Mail 0 1 +2 6 1 350 3
Scale 1 1 +1 5 2 600 4
*Reminder: Armor actively worn by a character counts as having 3 less Encumbrance when worn
As heavy as it is reliable, chainmail offers protection matched Few things on the battlefield are more impressive and awe-inspir-
with flexibility. Thousands of small linked rings make up a suit ing than a full suit of plate armor, and few items are a sterner test
of chainmail, providing a reliable defense against slashing and of the smith’s craft. Forging even a light breastplate takes time
piercing weapons. Some adventurers wear suits of chainmail and care, and constructing an entire suit of interlocking armor
passed down from their ancestors; others still use the set they plates can take months of painstaking work. Unsurprisingly,
looted from the first tomb they explored. The only drawback is only the finest knights or richer adventurers wear plate armor,
the time it takes to forge and link the numerous rings together although occasionally a wandering adventurer may discover a set
adds significantly to the cost. of plate buried in some long-forgotten crypt or dungeon and
Chainmail is restrictive and noisy, so your character adds j to claim it for their own.
Stealth checks they make while wearing it. Plate armor is heavy and very noisy. It counts as having Cumber-
some 3 and your character adds jj to Stealth checks they make
RINGMAIL while wearing it.
This armor is Leather Armor with heavy rings sewn into it. The
rings help reinforce the armor against blows from Swords and SCALE
axes. Ring mail is inferior to Chain Mail, and it’s usually worn Something of a compromise between leather and chainmail
only by those who can’t afford better armor. armor, scale armor consists of hundreds of tiny metal scales
Due to its bulk and poor construction, It counts as having Cum- attached to a leather jerkin. It is easier to forge than chainmail,
bersome 3 and your character adds jj to Stealth checks they but the scales and the leather combined make the armor heavy
and unwieldy.
make while wearing it.
The rattling of hundreds of scales is fairly noisy, so your character
adds j to Stealth checks they make while wearing it.
The quality of materials that go into an item and the skill of ELVEN
the crafter contribute greatly to its effectiveness and dura-
Elven craft weaves ironbark with iridescent moonstone
bility. Most weapons and suits of armor aren’t particularly
and inlays of gleaming silver. The resulting items are as
remarkable; the standard item profiles presented in this
beautiful as they are light and durable, and blades crafted
book represent items crafted by a competent creator using
from moonstone are said to be as sharp as starlight on the
the standard material in Faerun—namely steel. This section
coldest winter nights.
includes rules for representing items of truly exceptional
craftsmanship, constructed with rare and potent materials. Armor: Reduce the armor’s encumbrance value by 2, to a
minimum of 0. In addition, your character removes j from
An item can only have one type of craftsmanship, which
Stealth checks they make.
your GM determines when the item is bought or obtained.
The type of craftsmanship can never change after the item is Weapon: Reduce the weapon’s encumbrance and damage
created or obtained. by 1, to a minimum of 1. The weapon gains the Accurate 1
quality, or increases an existing Accurate quality by 1.
Price: Cost x 1½
Draconic armor is made from the scales of dragons. Scales
Rarity: +2.
from dragons can be molded into many types of armor.
Draconic armor is fearsome to behold and impervious to EVERDARK
element respective to the dragon it is made from. Draconic
weapons can be made from tooth, horns, or bones of drag- Deep in the Underdark the darkness is sometimes so thick
ons. As light as they are fast, these weapons retain sharpness that it can hardly be traversed. Its essence fuses with the
as if the deceased dragon thirsts for blood beyond the grave. surrounding rock and metals. Shards of these metals are rare
on the surface since exposure to sunlight corrodes the metal.
Armor: Increase the armor’s soak and defense by 1.The
wearer of the armor removes 3 points of damage from any The effects of the Everdark only work in darkness or at
source of the elemental effect associated with the breath of night time. Daylight renders the item completely useless
the dragon used to craft the armor. Reduce the armor’s hard and will take one damage per round of exposure to direct
points by 1 (to a minimum of 0). sunlight.
Weapon: Reduce the weapons Critical rating by 1.The Armor: Reduce the armor’s Encumbrance by 3, to a min-
weapon gains the Pierce 1 quality, or increases an existing imum of 1. Increase the armor’s defense by 1. In addition
Pierce quality by 1. Reduce the weapon’s hard points by 1 the Armor grants j on any stealth check. The wearer of the
(to a minimum of 0). armor can remove and don the armor as a maneuver. When
not worn the armor retains its encumbrance but can be car-
Price: Cost x 8 (Armor x 16) ried in a small prepared case usually worn around the belt
Rarity: 10. Reduce the armors hard points by 1 (to a minumum of 1).
Weapon: Reduce the weapon’s Encumbrance by 1, to a
minimum of 1. Increase the weapon’s damage by 1. The
Dwarven smiths are masters of metallurgy. The alloys weapon gains the Disorient 2 and Accurate 1 quality, or
they concoct and from which they forge armor and weapons increases an existing Disorient or Accurate quality by 1.
are superior to those made from simple steel. Reduce the weapon’s hard points by 1 (to a minimum of 0).
Armor: Increase the armor’s encumbrance value by 1 and Price: Cost x 3 (x6 for Armor)
add 1 hard point. If the armor’s encumbrance value wpuld
Rarity: 10.
become 4 or greater, the atmot is considered to have Cum-
bersome 3, or increases it’s Cumbersome rating by 1.
Weapon: Increase the weapon’s damage by 1 and encum-
brance value by 1.
Price: Cost x 2.
Rarity: +2.
GNOMISH Price: Cost x ½.
Gnomes are the masters of mechanics and tinkering. All Rarity: –1.
Gnomish creations have some kind of mechanical innerwork-
ings, and are often fueled by magical power. IRONWOOD
Weapon: All weapons gain 1 hard point and Ranged weap- Ironwood comes from several species of knotted,
ons add the Prepare 1, or increase an existing Prepare quality thicktrunked trees that grow high up in the northern moun-
by 1. tains. Living ironwood is no more resilient than fir or cedar,
but hardens after the tree is cut down, and hardens even more
Tools: Any tools crafted with Gnomish crafting add a j to after an artisan carves it and cures it in alchemical reagents.
checks when they are used.
Skilfully carved and treated ironwood makes for light and
Price: Cost x 2 (x1 ½ for tools). flexible armor, but poor weapons — no matter how hard one
Rarity: +1. may try, it is near-impossible to hone a wooden blade to the
same edge as steel or devilbone, and ironwood maces and cud-
INFERNAL gels are too light to be as effective as their metal or ceramic
Infernal weapons and armor take many forms and some- counterparts. Ironwood is also one of the least magically con-
times their vile origin can easily be seen in the design of the ductive materials, warding the wearer from hostile and friend-
weapon; however, sometimes the weapon may appear mun- ly spells alike.
dane revealing its sinister nature later. Armor: Reduce the armor’s Encumbrance value by 2, to a
Armor: Increase soak and defense by 1. Add j to Coer- minimum of 1. Upgrade all magic checks targeting the char-
cion checks they make while wearing this armor. Whenever acter once. Increase the armor’s soak by 1. This armor counts
your character recovers strain while wearing this armor, they as metal.
decrease the strain recovered by 1, to a minimum of 1. Reduce Weapon: Reduce the weapon’s Encumbrance by 1, to a
the hard points of the armor by 1 (to a minimum of 0) minimum of 1. Increase the weapons critical rating by 2. The
Weapon: Reduce the weapons Critical rating by 1, to a weapon gains the Reinforced quality.
minimum of 1. The weapon gains the Vicious 1 quality, or Price: Cost x2 (x6 for Armor).
increases the Vicious of the weapon by 1. Also, whenever your
character suffers strain while wielding or wearing this weapon, Rarity: +2
they increase the strain suffered by 1.
Price: Cost x 7
Masterworked weapons and armor are finely crafted ver-
Rarity: 10. sions of normal items. Masterworked items are remarkably
tough, resistant to corrosion, and able to hold a sharp edge
despite heavy use. All magic items are considered master-
Iron is not as strong or workable as steel, but the smelting worked items unless specified.
of that alloy is beyond many smiths. Further, when both iron
Armor: Reduce the armor’s encumbrance value by 1.
and steel items are available, steel fetches a higher price. Many
Increase the armor’s soak and defense by 1. The armor gains
adventurers, militia members, and soldiers in the service of
the Reinforced item quality.
lesser nobles must make do with iron weapons and armor.
Weapon: Increase the weapon’s damage by 1 and reduce
Armor: Increase the armor’s encumbrance value by 2. In
its Critical rating by 1. The weapon gains the Reinforced and
addition, your character adds j to Athletics, Coordination,
Superior item qualities.
Riding, and Stealth checks they make while wearing this
armor. Price: Cost x 10 (Armor x 15)
Weapon: Increase the weapon’s Critical rating by 1. Rarity: 10.
A character with a magic skill can use an implement to When a character makes or obtains the Artificer Tools, you,
enhance magic skill checks, as described in Part III, Chapter 2 the GM, determine one effect that the Tools let users add to
of the Genesys Core Rulebook. any appropriate Artifice spell without increasing the spell’s
difficulty. The effect chosen must be one that, without the
ARTIFICER TOOLS tools, only increases difficulty by one.
Artificers have studied the workings of magic, how to channel These tools count as a set of Artisan Tool’s determined by the
it through objects, and how to awaken it within them. GM at creation.
Bracers of boiled leather inscribed with protective sigils Holy icons are items that represent your character’s faith
are a popular choice among defensively-minded magi- and help them focus that faith to cast spells. These are
cians. generally religious symbols of some sort, perhaps neck-
laces, rings, emblems, or medallions. But they just as
When your character casts a Barrier spell, they may add easily can simply represent your character’s beliefs. Holy
the Empowered effect without increasing the difficulty. icons enable divine spellcasters to perform unique mir-
CENSERS acles.
Deep in the underground of the Underdark, Dark Elf When they are casting a spell, adding any Divine Only
sorcerers perform strange rituals and magic drawing effects increase the spell’s difficulty one less than they
upon the very essence of darkness.This power has dev- would normally. In addition, the number of wounds
astating effects to mortals spreading disease and drain- healed by heal spells cast by the user increases by two.
ing both body and soul. To harness and carry with them MAGIC GAUNTLET
this power of the Underdark, Drow sorcerers have con-
structed magical Censers that can burn and release this Favored by a certain kind of muscle-bound war wizard, a
putrid essence with magic attacks. Censers are usually magic gauntlet bears a superficial resemblance to a gaunt-
carried or hung from long staffs consisting of bowl or let from a suit of plate armor, save for the lacework of
disc in which burns a magical fire slowly releasing the silver inlay arrays that channel magical energies. Most
essence of the Everdark. But they can also be carried by magic gauntlets are bulky, ornate and ostenttious, imme-
hand on a chain. diately identifying the wearer as a mage and making it
difficult to perform tasks that require a great degree of
When your Character casts the Attack spell, they may manual dexterity — which is why war-mages only wear
add the Poisonous effect without increasing the difficulty. one at a time, rather than two.
Attack spells cast by your character increase their base
damage by two. Attack spells cast by your character while using a gauntlet
increase their base damage by 4; in addition, adding the
CONJURER'S CIRCLET Close Combat and Impact effects does not increase the
Conjurer circlets could be simple bands of entwined difficulty of the magic check, this due to the fact that
metal, elaborate headdresses, or even crowns. They help mages’ gauntlets are made for both spellwork and fisti-
those using summons to extend their use. cuffs.
When a character makes or obtains the circlet, you, the The Magic Gauntlet can be wielded as a Brawl weapon
GM, determine one summon template. When the user with the following profile: (Range: Engaged, Damage:
casts the Conjure spell to summon that template, adding +2, Crit: 4, Special: Disorient 2).
the Summon Ally effect does not increase its difficulty. In MAGIC ORBS
addition, the creature remains summoned until the end
of the encounter without your character having to use These can be orbs of glass, gems, or other semitranspar-
the concentrate maneuver. ent minerals, and are generally small enough to be car-
ried. Magic orbs help augment the user’s ability to affect
ENCHANTER'S MEDALLION more targets with their spells.
The back-and-forth sway of a non-magical medallion on When the user casts a spell, adding the Additional Target
a chain can, under the right circumstances, put a person and Additional Summon effects do not increase its diffi-
into a trance state. A silver-inlaid medallion in the hands culty. In addition, attack spells cast by the user increase
of a skilled mage is vastly more dangerous, dazzling and their base damage by three.
putting all but the strongest of will under their spell.
When a character wielding a enchanter’s medallion casts Magic rods are shorter than wands and are a uniform
the Enchant spell, the spell lasts for the full duration thickness throughout. They are covered in runes and sig-
without having to use the Concentrate maneuver. In ils that amplify the energy of a spell.
addition, adding the Gentle effect to a Enchantment
spell does not increase the spell’s difficulty. Any spell cast with a magic rod may add the empowered
effect with no increase in difficulty.
Magic rings are items of great power and danger. When a charac- Most magic tomes are found in the depths of the tombs of
ter obtains a magic ring, the GM chooses one type of magic skill, long-forgotten spellcasters. A tome is not simply an instruction
then select three effects that can be added to spells cast by that manual on how to cast a spell. The very act of writing spells upon
skill. Two of the effects can normally only increase the difficulty the page can leave some small resonance with the world’s energies,
of the spell by one; the third can normally only increase the diffi- and if the reader can read and follow the instructions exactly, they
culty of the spell by two. When the user casts a spell, adding these can call upon that resonance to boost their own spells.
effects do not increase the spell’s difficulty. When your character makes or obtains a tome, your GM deter-
However, when using a magic ring, you must always upgrade the mines up to two effects that the tome lets your character add to
difficulty of any spells you cast once, and dd cannot be spent to any appropriate spell without increasing the spell’s difficulty. The
destroy the ring. In addition, attack spells cast by the user increase effects your GM chooses should normally (without the tome)
their base damage by two. only increase the difficulty of a spell by a total of three.
An example of this might be a Ring of Divine Protection, which MAGIC WANDS
allows your character to add the Range, Additional Target, and
Sanctuary effects to a Barrier spell without increasing the diffi- Magical wands are as much a tradition of magic as staffs. Usually
culty. small sticks about the size and shape of a conductor’s baton, they
can be constructed from just about anything and worked with
MAGIC SCEPTER any number of designs. Magic wands help augment the user’s
A magic scepter superficially resembles a mace, though many are ability to cast spells in a very specific way.
wrought from the finest materials or are intricately decorated with When a character makes or obtains the wand, you, the GM,
words of power. Silverymoon scholars claim that the resemblance determine one effect that the wand lets users add to any appropri-
to a weapon helps the scepter boost and channel magical energies ate spell without increasing the spell’s difficulty. The effect chosen
in battle. must be one that, without a wand, only increases difficulty by
When your character casts an Attack spell while using a magic one. In addition, attack spells cast by the user increase their base
scepter, add j to the check and adding the Close Combat effect damage by three.
does not increase the difficulty. In addition, Attack spells cast by For example, your character could have a wand of fire, which lets
your character increase their base damage by two. them add the Fire effect to any magic attack actions they perform.
The Magic Scepter can be wielded as a Melee Light weapon with They could also have a wand of enervation, which lets them add
the following profile: (Range: Engaged, Damage: +2, Crit: 3, Spe- the Enervate effect to any curse actions they perform. However,
cial: None) they cannot have a wand of empowered, because the Empowered
effect increases the difficulty of the spell by two, not one.
Magical staffs have long been a staple of magic in a variety of set-
tings. Used by wizards, druids, and shamans, these can look like Name Damage Encum Price Rarity
ornate, rune-encrusted rods of brass and obsidian, simple wooden Artificer Tools +0 3 800 6
staffs, or pretty much anything else.
Bracers +1 1 900 8
Magical staffs almost universally augment the user’s ability to cast
spells at range. When they are casting a spell, adding the first Censer +3 2 700 6
Range effect added to the spell does not increase the spell’s diffi- Conjurer’s Circlet +0 0 1500 5
culty. In addition, attack spells cast by the user increase their base
damage by four. Enchanter’s Medallion +0 0 2000 9 (R)
Holy Icon +0 0 250 5
MAGIC TATTOO Magic Gauntlet +4 1 1,200 6
Gnomish artificers and Silverymoon scholars have come together Magic Orb +3 1 1,000 8
to create a masterpiece, ink infused with the essence of magic. Magic Ring +2 0 - 10
When a character obtains a magic tattoo, the character chooses Magic Rod +0 1 800 8
one magic skill and one magic action available to cast. Then the Magic Scepter +2 2 400 5
character determines one effect that the tattoo lets users add to Magic Staff +4 2 400 6
any appropriate spell without increasing the spell’s difficulty. The Magic Tattoo +0 0 600 8
effect chosen must be one that, without a tattoo, only increases Magic Tome +0 1 1000 8
difficulty by one. A magic tattoo reduces your characters strain
Magic Wand +3 1 800 7
threshold by 1.
Musical instrument +0 1 750 5
Oracle’s Bones +0 0 500 8
Pouch of Druidic Herbs +0 1 600 6
Totem +0 1 750 4
MUSICAL INSTRUMENT add to any appropriate spell without increasing the spell’s dif-
ficulty. The effect chosen must be one that, without a totem,
While the scholars of Silverymoon University continuously
only increases difficulty by one. In addition, whenever the
and vigorously disagree as to whether bards are actual users
user casts an augment or alter spell with the chosen effect, the
of magic or are a bunch of charlatans, the truth is that most
spell lasts until the end of the encounter without your charac-
bards are probably a mixture of both. Their use of magic—
ter having to use the concentrate maneuver.
such as it is—is likely entirely instinctive and affected greatly
by the bard’s charisma. What this means is that bards do not
craft magical implements as other spellcasters do, but over IMPLEMENT MATERIALS
time, they tend to infuse the instruments they play with
some small measure of power. Some instruments have even Like the metal in arms and armor, and perhaps even more
been passed from bard to bard and, over generations, have so, the material used in crafting magic implements such as
become magical relics in their own right. Of course, a great staffs and wands is an important choice that greatly affects
many more instruments get passed off as magical relics when the performance of the resulting object. Many types of wood
their owners need to make up the money lost in an ill-advised and other substances have inherent mystical properties that
night of carousing. are only unlocked when fashioned into a magic implement.
When your character casts a spell using the Verse skill while A magic implement can only have one implement material,
using a musical instrument, adding the Additional Target which your GM determines when the item is bought or
effect does not increase its difficulty. obtained. This can never change after the implement is
created or obtained.
Two carved, flat bones on a chain or leather cord, usually
worn about the neck. Ancient oracles would inscribe animal Implements carved of animal bone have long been used by
or human scapulars with invocations and questions before spiritspeakers, witches, and the warlocks. Implements crafted
heating the bones over a gate to the spirit realm and divin- from the bones of Humans and their kind are associated with
ing the spirits’ answers from the pattern of cracks that would necromancy and other dark magics. When properly prepared,
spread across the bone. If the events foretold did not come the bones of an ordinary mortal creature can produce fright-
to pass, the bones would be discarded, but those that proved ening effects.
accurate would be kept and passed down to the diviner’s chil- When your character successfully casts an Attack or Curse
dren and their descendants. Pairs of oracle bones — one with spell, they heal 1 wound. If your character successfully casts a
an ill omen, one with a good one — are a potent magical Predict spell, they may add aa to the results
instrument, bringing luck to the caster and misfortune to Price: Cost x 1½.
their enemies.
Rarity: +2.
When your character casts a Predict spell while using a set of
oracle bones, they add j to the check. In addition, adding CORAL
the Commune effect to a Predict spell does not increase the
Underneath the surface of the sea, life flourishes as much as
spell’s difficulty.
on land, and nowhere is it more diverse than the coral reefs.
POUCH OF DRUIDIC HERBS The reefs themselves are formed from colonies of small crea-
tures that are held together with “coral skeleton”, which is
This tiny pouch is made of raw silk, filled with whole magi- usually just called coral. Corals can have different colors: red,
cal herbs, and tied close with silk ribbon. Though easily con- pink, white, blue, and even black -- and are often valued as
structed, no common druid can just slap some sage in a bag much as precious gems. Being the basis of such thriving eco-
and achieve the same effect. systems corals amplify healing and protection magic.
When casting the Heal spell, users may add Restoration effect When your character casts a Barrier, Dispel, or Heal spell
without increasing the difficulty. Additionally, the amount of using a coral implement, you may add s to the results.
strain healed increases by two.
Price: Cost x 2.
TOTEM Rarity: +2.
Totems are used to channel more primal energies and are used
almost exclusively by druids and clerics of nature deities.
A totem is a small carving of an animal that embodies qual-
ities that are sought after. Totems are small enough to fit in
the palm of one’s hand and are usually worn on necklaces,
bracelets and the like.
When a character makes or obtains the totem, the GM deter-
mines one augment or alter effect that the totem lets users
DRACONIC implements.
Implements crafted from bone, blood, or tooth from a Price: Cost x 6.
Dragon carry ancient power which enhances spell cast- Rarity: +7.
When your character successfully casts an Attack spell IRONWOOD
they may add the elemental effect associated with the Ironwood implements amplify protective magic but are
breath of the dragon used to craft it without increasing harder to use due to magical resistance.
the difficulty. Any implement increases their base dam- Upgrade the difficulty of all magic checks casted with this
age by +1. implement by two. When your character generates t
When rolling a d while casting a spell with an imple- while casting a Barrier or Conjure spell with this imple-
ment made with Draconic material, the caster is always ment, you may spend the t to add the Reinforced effect
hit by their own spell, in addition to spending the d to the spell, even if your character does not normally have
normal. access to Reinforced. dd cannot be spent to destroy
Price: Cost x 4. Ironwood implements.
Hazel is associated with inspiration, prophecy, and wis- Relatively uncommon in Faerun, willow trees are asso-
dom. Some magic practitioners prefer it for their imple- ciated with the potential for great purification and heal-
ments, attributing their greatest successes to moments of ing as well as great despair and death. Willow wands and
inexplicable inspiration. books bound in willow bark are highly prized among
When your character generates t while casting a spell sorcerers.
with this implement, you may roll j and add it to the When your character successfully casts a spell using a wil-
results, in addition to spending the t normally. When low implement, you may add a to the results.
your character casts a Predict spell using a Hazel imple- Price: Cost x 2.
ment, you may add s to the results.
Rarity: +2.
Price: Cost x 2.
Rarity: +1. YEW
Students of shamans and old magical traditions associate
INFERNAL the yew with the natural cycle of renewal and rebirth.
Implements crafted from Infernal material comes with The Elves who guard the forests prize it for this natu-
high risk and great rewards. The demons ever eager to to ral resonance, and sometimes even bind tomes between
corrupt the soul of mortal casters. thinly laminated sheets of yew.
When your character generates d while casting a spell When your character successfully casts an Augment,
with this implement, add d to the results of the check Heal, or Predict spell using this implement, they heal 1
without the normal failure associated with d. When strain.
casting with this implement, you can add one additional Price: Cost x 1½.
effect with no higher cost then kk, in addition to any
other effect the implement has. When the spell’s effects Rarity: +1.
are resolved, the spellcaster suffers 2 wounds in addition
to the strain cost. Upgrade the difficulty of all magic
checks twice. dd cannot be spent to destroy Infernal
This section presents items that characters in Faerun ALCHEMIST'S KIT
might find useful in the course of their travels.
Alchemists work with an impressive array of specialized
Though adventurers vary wildly in both their origins and tools to craft their potions and elixirs. Those who travel
motivations, most rely on a similar stable of gear items to tend to rely on a portable kit of the devices most essential
get safely from one underground ruin to the next. to their trade, such as a simple mortar and pestle along
with a number of flasks, tin measuring cups, and pouches
in which to store various alchemical ingredients. Those
with access to fully stocked labs, though, can use also use
TABLE:GEAR alembics, crucibles, glassware, and more to create even
Name Encum Price Rarity more wondrous concoctions.
Few things are more essential to the traveler and adven- Like alchemists, apothecaries (more often called healers)
turer than the humble backpack. Without its copious often travel with specialized kits. These kits commonly
storage space, one could not carry the supplies needed for contain bandages, salves, poultices, and other items nec-
a lengthy journey or escape from a spider-infested tomb essary to heal the injured and sick.
with a haul of loot. While wearing a backpack, your char- A Healer’s kit allows your character to perform Medi-
acter increases their encumbrance threshold by four. cine checks to heal wounds and Critical Injuries without
BEDROLL penalty.
RIDING SADDLE actions; Some belts also have weapon holsters or clips.
Allows you to ride without animals penalty. Utility belts increase the character’s encumbrance thresh-
old by two.
No self-respecting soldier, sailor, miner, merchant, or
traveler would ever be caught without a length of sturdy Alchemists and adventurers make great use of elixirs and
rope close at hand, and that goes doubly for an adven- potions.
turer. The vial belt is pice of leather added to an existing belt.
The richest adventurers sometimes carry rope woven Some people prefer to have vial belt slung rather than
from silk, but hempen ropes work just as well. A length around the waist.
of rope stretches out to roughly medium range, but other A vial belt can hold up to four potions and elixirs. These
lengths can be purchased at your GM’s discretion. potions won’t add their encumbrance to the character’s
encumbrance value.
A character can wear up to two such belt.
May be used to view at extreme range with crystal clear
quality. WAGON
THIEVES' TOOLS Wagons can be expensive enough that several farmers
may share one. A farmer’s wagon is usually constructed
Thieves’ tools allow those without keys to attempt to from heavy, rough-hewn timbers—a marked contrast to
open any mechanical locks or latches, even complicated the varnished wood of a merchant’s wagon or the brightly
ones. painted covered wagon of a wandering Gnome.
When making a Skulduggery check to open a lock or A wagon can hold characters and gear totaling up to 50
latch, your character adds a to the results. encumbrance. A wagon features two or more wheels and
TORCHES ( 3 ) can move at moderate speed if a beast of burden pulls it.
Wrap the end of a length of wood in cloth, dip it in pitch WATERSKIN
or tar, and light it. The resulting torch should burn for an
Generally made from the bladders of sheep or cows,
hour or so, and is a simple way to light up the darkness.
waterskins provide a simple and effective way to trans-
A lit torch provides light and removes j added to checks
port liquids from well water to traveling wines. Some
due to darkness. (If it becomes important to determine
Gnomes have experimented with making them from
how far the light reaches, a torch can provide light out to
canvas treated with alchemical resins, but most people
short range.)
complain about the bitter taste and insist that these will
TRAIL RATIONS never replace the natural version.
Most races craft daily trail rations to be compact as pos- A waterskin can carry enough liquid to quench the
sible and last as long as possible without molding or thirst of two people per day. When full, its encumbrance
rotting. Any edibility is incidental. Trail rations gener- increases to 2.
ally include smoked jerky with the consistency of shoe
leather, biscuits that can double as sling bullets, and
bricks of fat mixed with berries and ground dried meat. Made of thick wool and furs, winter clothing keeps the
wearer warm in the coldest environments.
Elves, of course, forgo such foodstuffs and subsist off
a mix of delectable dried fruits, cunningly preserved When wearing winter clothing, your character removes
cheeses, and thin-baked bread that lasts for months with- jj from any Survival or Resilience checks they make
out losing its light and fluffy texture. Without exception, due to cold weather. When worn, winter clothing’s
travelers from other races resent them mightily for this. encumbrance is 1.
A utility belt is a common item for those on active adven-
tures where quick access to tools and gear is a necessity.
Their contents will vary with their user and their planned
Antitoxin is concocted to act as antidotes to a wide vari-
Name Price Rarity
ety of common poisons and diseases. Once a person has
Acid Flask 200 6 imbibed antitoxin, they will not as easily succumb to the
Antitoxin 100 4 disease or poison it is designed to counteract for a short
Invisibility Potion 1,000 9 period of time thereafter.
Keoghtom’s Ointment 200 4 Using antitoxin immediately nullifies any mundane poi-
Potion of Healing 25 3 sons or toxins currently afflicting your character (some
Potion of Power 350 7 magical or otherwise extraordinary poisons might not be
Potion of Resistance 200 6
affected, at the GM’s discretion). In addition, for the rest
of the encounter or scene, your character upgrades Resil-
Potion of Speed 400 7
ience checks made to resist poisons and toxins twice.
Rejuvenation Potion 100 5
Stamina Elixir 50 3
When your character imbibes an invisibility potion
they become invisible for 3 rounds. During this time,
your character cannot be seen and casts no reflection or
Unless stated otherwise, consuming a potion or elixir (or shadow. They produce noise, smells, and so on as usual,
administering one to an engaged character) is a maneuver and they have a physical presence. An invisible character
and consumes the item in the process. The effects of mul- may also be detected through magical means.
tiple doses of the same potion do not stack. Some alche-
An invisible character benefits from concealment worth
mists and herbalists produce highly specialized potions
+4 dice (see Concealment on page 110 of the Genesys
for sale, and such items vary greatly in quality, potency,
Core Rulebook).
and safety. Some potions are simply too rare to be pur-
chased like ordinary goods. KEOGHTOM'S OINTMENT
All potions and poisons have an encumbrance of 1, Keoghtom’s Ointment helps heal injuries. It takes the
unless stored away. If stored away, every 5 potions or poi- form of a poultice to be applied to the wounded area.
sons counts as 1 encumbrance The ointment causes torn flesh to knit back together and
broken bones to fuse. Even internal wounds can be cured
POTIONS by Keoghtom’s Ointment.
When your character uses Keoghtom’s Ointment, they
ACID FLASK make a Simple (–) Resilience check, healing 1 wound for
each s and 1 strain for each a. You may spend t to
Alchemists often use acids to etch metals or break down
repeat the check at the start of your character’s next turn,
components into their constituent parts. These acids are
as the ointment continues to accelerate their healing.
usually strong enough to also serve as dangerous—albeit
dangerously indiscriminate—weapons. POTION OF HEALING
As an action, your character can throw an acid flask at Upon drinking a potion of healing, some of a creature’s
a point within short range, where it releases a cloud of wounds heal within seconds. There are several different
acidic mist large enough to encompass a single character types of potions of healing, which vary mostly by the
and other characters engaged with the target. The cloud is intensity of their curative power.
a corrosive atmosphere with a rating of 4 (see Fire, Acid,
and Corrosive Atmospheres on page 111 of the Genesys A potion of healing is a painkiller, as described on page
Core Rulebook). The cloud remains for the duration of 116 of the Genesys Core Rulebook.
the encounter, unless the GM determines that circum-
stances (such as an outdoor location or a strong draft)
cause it to dissipate faster.
POTION OF POWER As a maneuver, a character can throw a smokebomb vial
at a point within short range. Upon impact, the vial shat-
Power potions are similar to potions of speed, save that
ters to create a thick smoke screen large enough to con-
they increase upper body and core strength in particu-
ceal a single character and other characters engaged with
lar. Those who imbibe power potions are better able to
the target. The smoke screen provides concealment worth
strike and block blows. Feats of strength, such as hefting
+2 dice (see the Concealment section on page 110 of the
weights and shifting objects, are also facilitated through
Genesys Core Rulebook).
the use of a power potion.
When your character uses a power potion they increase STAMINA ELIXIR
their Brawn by 1. This effect lasts until the end of the Stamina elixirs can be taken to provide the patient with
encounter or scene. If your character’s Brawn is already a feeling of improved vitality. When a stamina elixir is
5, they instead add jj to all checks using Brawn. When drunk, the imbiber benefits from increased reserves of
the potion wears off, your character suffers 5 strain. energy over a lengthy period. It ought to be mentioned
that hangovers from stamina elixirs can be particularly
Potions of Resistance imbue the drinker with reserves
When your character uses a stamina elixir they imme-
of physical and psychological resilience. They do this
diately heal 5 strain. Each subsequent elixir used in the
through mildly soporific effects that deaden pain and
same day heals 1 less strain, so that the sixth elixir (and
increase feelings of well-being. They also have an effect
further) has no effect. After one day, the lingering effects
on the body, shrinking the capillaries near the skin’s sur-
of the stamina elixir wear off, and your character may
face to reduce bruising and bleeding, and speeding the
again use a stamina elixir to full effect.
clotting process.
When your character imbibes a Potions of Resistance
they gain +1 soak for your character’s next three turns. POISON
POTION OF SPEED Every culture in Faerun has its own poisons, ranging
from abundant botanical extracts to refined alchemical
Potions of Speed affect the muscles of the drinker, espe- potions. Most are easy to use, if not easy to obtain. Your
cially those used for running and other forms of move- character can apply poison to a target’s food or drink, in
ment. Once a Potion of Speed is taken, the imbiber is which case the target suffers the effects when they ingest
better able to sprint for a short period. Potions of Speed it.
allow for short and immediate bursts of top performance.
Some people have been known to combine stamina elix- Poison can also be applied to smokebombs or other items
irs and Potions of Speed for longer periods of high per- at your GM’s discretion. As a maneuver, it can also be
formance. The morning after can only be described as applied to a weapon with a sharp point or edge, such as
truly nightmarish. a dagger or arrow, that can induce the poison into the
target’s bloodstream.
When your character imbibes a Potion of Speed they gain
one additional maneuver during their turn. While under If applied to a weapon, the first successful hit that deals at
the effects of a Potions of Speed, your character can per- least one wound causes the target to suffer the effects of
form a maximum of three maneuvers in a turn, rather the poison. Once the poison has affected one target, it is
than two. A Potion of Speed lasts for your character’s next depleted and another dose must be applied.
three turns, after which your character suffers 6 strain.
These potions help heal injuries and get people back on
their feet quicker. Before your character makes a skill TABLE: POISON
check to recover strain after an encounter, they may
Name Price Rarity
drink this potion. If they do so, they not only heal 1
strain per s but also 1 wound per a. Essence of Ether 500 7 (R)
STANDARD POISON violent muscle spasms. The GM may spend d on the
Characters affected by poison or within a poison cloud initial Resilience check to make the target make another
must make a Hard (kkk) Resilience check as an out- check against the poison at the end of their third turn
ofturn incidental or suffer 4 wounds (not reduced by or suffer an additional 5 strain (this ignores soak) as the
soak) plus 1 strain per h. You or your GM can spend poison torments him.
d on the check to inflict a Critical Injury or to force the MALICE
target to repeat the check at the beginning of their next
turn, as the poison continues to wrack their body. Malice is a complex distillation of black lotus and deadly
nightshade berries that has been boiled down into a
PURPLE WORM POISON syrupy oil At any dose size, this poison has a Daunting
This must be harvested from the body of a purple worm. (kkkk) difficulty Resilience check. If the target fails, the
A reddish-brown sticky paste, this poison has seen a fair poison causes an immediate Critical Injury, but instead
amount of use. Once injured, the poison begins ignit- of rolling on the Critical Injury Result table, the char-
ing the blood, causing a creature to quickly burn from acter automatically suffers the following special Critical
within. Often the toxin burns through the victim so Injury:
quickly and intensely that the remains are little more Wracking Venom (Hard kkk): Whenever this character
than charred bones would otherwise suffer 1 or more wounds or 1 or more
Characters affected by poison must immediately make a strain, this character suffers that number of wounds or
Formidable (kkkkk) Resilience check as an out-of-turn strain plus 2 instead.
incidental or suffer 8 wounds (this ignores soak). You can SLEEP POWDER
spend hhhh or d on the target’s check to force the
target to repeat the check at the beginning of their next This poison may be introduced into a target’s body via
turn, as the poison continues to work itself through their aerosol deployment, food ingestion, or injection (via an
blood. applicator or dart). A single dose has an Average (kk)
Resilience check, while two or more doses combined into
ESSENCE OF ETHER a single application have a Hard (kkk) difficulty. The
A single dose of Essence of Ether has a Hard (kkk) dif- poison inflicts 5 strain if the target fails the check. If the
ficulty, while two or more doses combined have a Daunt- check generates hh, the target must also give up their
ing (kkkk) difficulty. The poison inflicts 5 wounds free maneuver during their next turn (they may still take
if the target fails a check at the relevant difficulty (this two maneuvers, however); if it generates hhh, they’s
ignores soak). In addition, each h generated inflicts 2 staggered during their next turn. Finally, the GM can
strain on the target (this ignores soak), who becomes spend d to make the target test against the poison again
overwhelmed by the nausea and muscle spasms caused during the next round, as the poison remains in their
by the choking gas. The gas lingers in the air for up to 3 system.
rounds unless dissipated by high winds.
PALE TINCTURE Extracted from the glandular toxin sacs of Wyverns,
Pale tincture is an exceedingly lethal toxin favored by wvyern venom is a powerful paralytic enzyme inhibi-
assassins who prefer their victims to suffer. Once exposed tor. Significantly harder to shake off than most poisons,
to the poison, the victim begins to suffer fatigue and dull wyvern venom is harvested by beastmasters and com-
pain, which gradually increases until they is paralyzed mands a high price on the black market among bounty
and in agony. hunters.
Any sized dose has a Daunting (kkkk) difficulty Resil- Any sized dose incurs a Daunting (kkkk) Resilience
ience check. If the target fails the check, the poison check. The poison Staggers the target for 2 rounds if
inflicts 1 strain at the end of their next turn, 3 strain at the target fails the check. In addition, each h generated
the end of their subsequent turn, and 5 strain at the end inflicts 2 strain on the target (this ignores soak), and the
of the turn after that one (this ignores soak). In addition, GM may spend d to immobilize the target for 2 rounds.
the target suffers j to any check they attempts while
under the effects of the poison, and each h they gen-
erates on those checks inflicts 1 additional strain (this
ignores soak) as the target is wracked with pain and
Just as the mounts of Faerun come in a variety of forms,
RELATED GEAR so do the saddlebags. Saddlebags allow creatures to carry
For most adventurers, riding mounts are the preferred more gear and traveling supplies then usual, and thus
method for traveling over long distances. provide their riders a wider range of operation.
Saddlebags increase a mount’s encumbrance threshold by
Barding is metal armor or similar protection for a horse
or other mount. The destriers ridden by the knights of the WAR MOUNT ( RIVAL )
baronies tend to sport steel plates reinforced with patches War mounts are those bred and trained for war. Just like
of chain, while the fierce Leonx of the Latari wear the their riders, such mounts do not shy away when facing
same leathers as their riders. Generally, only war mounts combat and can use their stomping feet, grasping talons,
can tolerate the weight and discomfort of barding. or other natural weapons to aid in battle.
Barding counts as armor for a mount and provides
defense 1 and soak 2. 4 3 1 2 3 1
4 3 1 1 1 1
4 5 0 0
Skills (group only): Athletics, Resilience.
Talents: None.
Abilities: Encumbrance Capacity 12, Silhouette 2.
Equipment: Riding tack.
Item attachments follow the rules on page 206 of the ENGRAVINGS
Genesys Core Rulebook.
This attachment serves no tactical purpose, some war-
riors adorn their weapons with intricate patterns of art
WEAPON engraved into their weapons to impress, fascinate, or
intimidate onlookers.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any weapon
BALANCED HILT that could conceivably be engraved.
This attachment represents modifying a melee weapon’s Modifiers: When the attached weapon is prominently
balance (particularly around the hilt or haft) to make it displayed, the characters Charm, Coercion, and Dece-
easier to control. tion checks are upgraded once.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any weap- Hard Points Required: 1.
ons that use the Melee (Light) skill.
Modifiers: The weapon gains the Accurate 1 quality,
This attachment extends the barrel (or makes similar
or increases any existing Accurate quality by 1. (If the
modifications) to make the weapon fire farther.
weapon has the Inaccurate quality, it reduces that quali-
ty’s rating by 1 to a minimum of 0, instead.) Use With: This attachment can be applied to any
Ranged weapon (excluding weapons such as bombs, or
Hard Points Required: 1.
thrown weapons).
CUSTOM GRIP Modifiers: The weapon’s range increases by one range
A skilled tinkerer can tailor a weapon to perfectly fit band, to a maximum of extreme range. The weapon
its wielder’s hand. A custom grip is crafted to uniquely gains the Cumbersome 2 quality, or increases its exist-
match its owner, allowing the weapon to act as an exten- ing Cumbersome quality by 1.
sion of the wielder’s body. While the weapon fits perfectly Hard Points Required: 1.
in the hands of its owner. others who try to use it find the
grip uncomfortable or the weapon offbalance. PAIRED SET
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any weapon This attachment represents a special modification to
with a handle. two weapons, allowing them to be used together more
Modifiers: Remove j from all combat checks the weap-
on’s owner makes using this weapon. Anyone other than Use With: This attachment can be applied to any two
the owner instead adds jj to all combat checks made one-handed weapons that can be wielded simultane-
using it. Also, the weapon gains the Accurate 1 quality, ously by the character.
or increases any existing Accurate quality by 1. (If the Modifiers: When making a two-weapon combat check
weapon has the Inaccurate quality, it reduces that quali- with the paired weapons, the cost to activate the second
ty’s rating by 1 to a minimum of 0, instead.) weapon’s attack is reduced from aa to a.
Hard Points Required: 1 Hard Points Required: 1 for each paired weapon.
This attachment represents modifying the cross guard of This attachment represents sharpening a blade to a razor
a sword to better catch and lock the blade of an oppo- edge, then reinforcing or treating that edge so that it can
nent. withstand repeated blows.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any sword, Use With: This attachment can be applied to any close
whether one-handed or two-handed. combat weapon that has a blade.
Modifiers: When an opponent resolves a melee combat Modifiers: The weapon gains the Pierce 2 quality, or
check against the wielder, if the check generated at least increases any existing Pierce quality by 1.
one uncanceled h, the wielder may suffer 1 strain as an
out-of-turn incidental to add hh to the results. Hard Points Required: 1.
RECURVE LIMBS Hard Points Required: 1.
Making the limbs of a bow or crossbow curve away from the
wielder increases the penetrating power of the bow’s shots, ARMOR ATTACHMENTS
even if it also makes the bow larger and more difficult to
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any bow or Faerun can be a world of placid summers and brutal win-
crossbow. ters. Those who live in the frontier are often in need of
Modifiers: The weapon gains the Pierce 1 quality, or heavier clothing to survive the long desolate cold of winter,
increases any existing Pierce quality by 1. The weapon and have developed ingenious ways of adding to their cloth-
also gains the Unwieldy 3 quality, or increases any existing ing to adapt.
Unwieldy quality by 1. Use with: Any armor
Hard Points Required: 1. Modifiers: +1 encumbrance and adds the cumbersome 2
quality (or increases Cumbersome by 1 if the armor already
SERRATED EDGE has Cumbersome). The wearer is not required to make resil-
Adding jagged sawteeth to a bladed weapon means the ience checks to endure light and moderate cold, and the dif-
wounds it makes are particularly brutal and damaging. ficulty of Resilience checks to resist extreme cold is reduced
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any close com- by 1. If a character wears this armor in an arid or hot area
bat weapon that has a blade. they are disoriented as long as the armor is worn.
Modifiers: The weapon gains the Vicious 1 quality, or Hard Points Required: 0 for encumbrance 0-2 armor, 1 for
increases any existing Vicious quality by 1. encumbrance 3+ armor.
Though it serves no practical purpose, many nobles like Warriors sometimes add sharp spikes or barbs to their armor
to adorn their armor with gold leaf. It certainly makes the In the press of a melee, they can use a shoulder check or a
wearer seem impressive, but acts as a lure for every bandit wild swing to slash or even impale an opponent.
within eyesight. Use With: This attachment can be applied to any armor.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any armor. Modifiers: If your character is targeted by a melee com bat
Modifiers: While wearing this armor, your character adds j check, you may spend hhh or d to cause the attacker to
to Charm, Negotiation, and Leadership checks. suffer 3 wounds.
Hard Points Required: 0. Hard Points Required: 1.
By mounting their sheathes and such into the framework of TABLE: ATTACHMENTS
their armor. a combatant can ensure no one catches them
Name HP Price Rarity
unarmed. Not only does the wearer have easy access to their
weapons at all times, but powerful magnets and magic can Balanced Hilt 1 850 6
be set up to assist the wearer in drawing or stowing their Custom Grip 1 700 5
weapons more rapidly. A character with a set of integrated Duelist Cross Guard 1 800 5
sheathing has access to a hidden arsenal that can overwhelm Extened Barrel 1 750 4
most foes.
Paried Set 1/per 400/pair 5
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any armor. Razor Edge 1 450 4
Modifiers: Increases encumbrance threshold by 4. The char- Recurve Limbs 1 400 4
acter may holster up to two weapons of encumbrance 3 or Serrated Edge 1 125 2
lower in the armor. While holstered. these weapons do not Teleoptic Sight 1 350 4
count toward the character’s encumbrance value. Add j to Weapon Sling 1 100 2
other characters Perception checks to find weapons stored
Weighted Head 1 250 2
in the armor. Once per round on your character’s turn, they
Arctic Modification 0 or 1 250 2
may draw or holster an easily accessible weapon or item as
an incidental. Battle Gauntlets 1 300 3
Custom Fit 1 400 4
Hard Points Required: 2
Deflective Plating 1 750 4
Gilded 0 1,250 5
Warriors from many cultures paint their armor or add
imposing face masks to intimidate opponents. Integrated Sheating 2 1,000 7
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any armor.
Intimidating Visage 0 200 3
Modifiers: When wearing this armor, the user adds s to
Coercion checks they make, and hh to Charm, Decep- Reinforced Plating 2 6,000 9
tion, and Negotiation checks they make.
Spikes 2 600 4
Hard Points Required: 0.
This attachment represents adding extra layers of armor or
using stronger materials to reinforce the armor.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any armor that
uses hardened plates for protection.
Modifiers: The armor gains the Reinforced quality. The
armor also increases its encumbrance by 1 and gains Cum-
bersome 3 (or increase its Cumbersome by 1).
Hard Points Required: 2.
Step 1 : Select Template takes as much or as little time as the
CRAFTING character spends planning before launching into hands-on
Characters may craft almost anything, from swords and work. After selecting a template, a character moves on to
crossbows to ships and clockwork devices, given sufficient Step 2: Acquire Materials .
time, resources, and skill. Although fletching, blacksmith- STEP 2: ACQUIRE MATERIALS
ing, and tannery are very different trades, for simplicity,
most crafting uses the Mechanics skill. The use of Alchemy To attempt to build an item based on the chosen template,
to create potions is a kind of crafting, but is distinct enough the PC must acquire appropriate materials for that template.
for its own skill and so it has additional rules. Regardless These are listed under “Material Price/Rarity” on the rele-
of the skill used, we also call a skill check to craft an item a vant table. For all mechanical purposes, materials count as a
crafting check. single item with the listed cost and rarity. As always, at the
GM’s discretion, certain supplies might not always be avail-
All crafting follows the same basic guidelines, although the able for the listed price at any given market. Because Mate-
process your character undertakes within the narrative of the rial Price/Rarity for a template is defined only in terms of
game may vary greatly. Of course, your GM might modify cost in credits and abstracted rarity, the particular nature of
these rules based on the situation and the specific item, and the materials that a character uses can vary wildly, as can the
might impose additional requirements. prices. Depending on the specifics of the item the character
THE CRAFTING PROCESS is crafting, at the GM’s discretion, PCs can acquire some or
all of the materials for a template via means other than pay-
To craft an item, your character must have appropriate tools ing for them (such as salvaging them. stealing them, or being
and components. For instance, to craft a sword, your char- gifted with them).
acter must have access to a forge, smiths’ tools, and a supply
of iron or steel. Typically, the cost of raw materials to craft Step 2: Acquire Materials requires as much time as it takes
an item is equal to half of the cost of the item. These materi- for the PC to physically obtain the materials. This could be
als are consumed in the process, whether the crafting check as short as a trip to a scrapyard or market. or as long as an
succeeds or fails. Tools can generally be used multiple times epic quest to find a rare ore or crystal. depending on the
before wearing out, but are often quite expensive. The rules situation. After successfully acquiring materials, a character
in this section provide GMs and players with options for moves on to Step 3: Construction.
crafting their own weapons, armor, and more. STEP 3: CONSTRUCTION
Crafting follows three steps: Step 1 : Select Template, in After acquiring the materials to make the item. rhe character
which the PC chooses what kind of item to make; Step 2: must make the associated check, listed under “Check” on
Acquire Materials. in which the PC acquires the supplies to the relevant table, to actually construct the item. The diffi-
build it; and Step 3: Construction. in which the PC actually culty of this check may be modified, at your GM’s discre-
assembles the item. tion. If the character succeeds. the item is fully functional
STEP 1: SELECT TEMPLATE and has the profile listed in its template If the character fails
on the check, the product that comes out of the attempt is
When a craftsperson sets about creating an item, the player unusable. and the materials are lost. Construction checks are
first chooses a template from one of the tables in this section. special. Only s and f on these checks cancel each other.
The template dictates the materials required (Material Price/ All a and h rolled on the check is spent by the PC and
Rarity). the challenge of building it (Check), an estimate of GM respectively. This is to promote uniqueness among all
how long construction takes (Time), and the results should creations.
the character succeed on the check (the item that shares a
name with the template). The Crafting results tables include suggestions on how to
integrate other results into construction. First. crafters can
Each template can encompass an incredibly vast number use a and t results to make improvements to the item.
of specific types of item. Two crafters might approach the Then. the GM can spend h and d to add flaws. Unless a
problem in completely different ways and come up with limit is specified. an option from these tables may be selected
completely different solutions. A template describes what a any number of times, and its effects stack.
crafted item does. but not necessarily how it accomplishes
it or what embellishments it might possess: those are the The amount of time Step 3: Construction takes is deter-
mark of the crafter. Thus. players and GMs should feel free mined by the estimate of working hours listed in the tem-
to be creative in coming up with their own unique types of plate under Time. Every s the character scores on the check
item that a given template can represent. Inspired GMs are beyond the first reduces this time by 2 hours (to a minimum
encouraged to create their own unique templates-all a tem- of 1 hour). Other factors can also affect the time required, at
plate needs is a Name, Material Price/Rarity, Check. Time. the GM’s discretion.
and profile for the result, which GMs can provide to their
players as they see fit.
Name Skill Dam Crit range Encum HP Special
Fist Weapon Brawl +1 4 Engaged 1 0 Disorient 3 One
Disorient 2 / Cumbersome 4,
Blunt Weapon Melee (Light) / Melee (Heavy) +2 / +3 5/4 Engaged 3 /5 1/3 One / Two
Disorient 2
Bladed Weapon Melee (Light) / Melee (Heavy) +2 / +3 3/3 Engaged 2/4 1/2 None/ Cumbersome 3 One / Two
Piercing Pierce 1 / Pierce 1, Vicious 1,
Melee (Light) / Melee (Heavy) +1 / +2 3/3 Engaged 1/3 1/2 One / Two
Weapon Cumbersome 3
Firearm Ranged 5 3 Short 2 1 Pierce 1, Prepare 1, Unwieldy 3 One
Bow Ranged 6 3 Medium 2 1 Pierce 1 Two
Crossbow Ranged 5 3 Short 2 2 Pierce 2, Prepare 1 One
Roughing It
Your Game Master may allow characters to use the
Survival skill to craft certain simple items, such as
crude spears and traps. This follows the normal
rules for crafting, but such items are not made to
last, and generally wear out quickly. The GM may
spend d on any check involving an item crafted
using Survival to cause the item to break and
become unusable.
Table: Spending a, h, t, and d on Weapon Crafting Checks.
Symbols Effect
Practice Makes Perfect: The character learns something valuable, and gains j on the next crafting check they makes with the same skill
before the end of the session.
Two-Handed: Increase the weapon’s damage by 2 and encumbrance by 2, it gains the Prepare 1 quality (or increases its Prepare quality
a or t by 1), it becomes a weapon that requires two hands to wield (this can only be selected once and is only applicable to Crossbows and
Lightweight: Reduce the weapon’s encumbrance by 1 (to a minimum of 1 ).
Knockdown Quality: The weapon gains the Knockdown quality (this can only be selected once)
Defensive or Deflection Quality: The weapon gains the Defensive or Deflection 1 quality (or increases its Defensive or Deflection quality
by 1, to a maximum of 2/ only applicable to brawl and melee weapons).
Disorient Quality: The weapon gains the Disorient quality (or increase its Disorient quality by 1)
Increased Range: Increase the weapon’s range by 1 range band, to a maximum of extreme (only for Ranged weapons).
aa or t Lessons Learned: Reduce the difficulty of the character’s next crafting check by 1.
Monk Quality: The weapon gains the Monk quality (this can only be selected once / only applicable to brawl and melee (Light) weapons).
Pierce Quality: The weapon gains the Pierce 1 quality (or increase its Pierce quality by 1, to a maximum of 5).
Stun Quality: This weapon gains the Stun 1 quality (or increase the value of its Stun quality by 1.
Vicious Quality: The weapon gains the Vicious 1 quality (or increase its Vicious quality by 1, to a maximum of 5).
Customizable: Increase the weapon’s hard points by 1.
Destructive: Increase the weapon’s damage by 1 [this can only be selected once).
Efficient Construction: A sizeable portion of the material is unused or can be reclaimed from the process; the character retains supplies
aaa or worth 50% of the Material Price needed to craft the item (this can only be selected once).
Ensnare Quality: The weapon gains the Ensnare 1 quality (or increase its Ensnare quality by 1J.
Finesse Quality: The weapon gains the Finesse quality (this can only be selected once / only applicable to brawl and melee (Light)
Accurate Quality: The weapon gains the Accurate 1 quality (or increase its Accurate quality by 1. to a maximum of 3).
Lethal: Reduce the weapon’s critical rating by 1, to a minimum of 1 (this can only be selected once).
or t Sunder Quality: The weapon gains the Sunder quality (this can only be selected once).
Schematic: Create a schematic that permanently reduces the difficulty of creating similar weapons of this template/profile by 1 (to a
minimum of Easy (k), this can only be selected once).
t Superior Quality: The weapon gains the Superior quality (this can only be selected once).
Concussive Quality: The weapon gains the Concussive 1 quality (this can only be selected once).
Duplicate: create one additional, identical weapon (with all the qualities, improvements, and flaws that the first possesses) at no extra cost.
Integral Attachment: Add +1 hard point to the weapon, then install one applicable weapon attachment that requires 1 hard point. No
check is required to obtain this attachment, and it costs 0 gold.
Exhausting Effort: Upon completing Step 3: Construction, the character suffers 3 strain.
h or d
Heavy: Increase the weapon’s encumbrance by 1.
Cumbersome Quality: The weapon gains the Cumbersome 3 quality (or increases its Cumbersome quality by 1).
Unwieldy Quality: The weapon gains the Unwieldy 3 quality (or increases its Unwieldy quality by 1).
hh or d Difficult to Customize: Increase the difficulty of checks to modify the weapon by 1.
Prepare Quality: The weapon gains the Prepare 1 quality (or increase its Prepare quality by 1 / only applicable to Ranged weapons and a
maximum of 1 time to bows).
Inaccurate Quality: The weapon gains the Inaccurate 1 quality (or increase its Inaccurate quality by 1).
hhh or Expensive: the weapon takes more raw material to produce correctly than planned; the cost to produce increases by 50%.
d Wear and Tear: The tools the character was using to craft the weapon are worn down or destroyed, and are damaged one step (minor
damage if undamaged. from minor to moderate, or moderate to major).
Brittle: On a result of d from a combat check using the weapon, it becomes damaged one level (this is in addition to the normal
hhhh spending of d / see page 89 of the Genesys Core Rulebook).
or d Slow-Firing Quality: The weapon gains the Slow-Firing 1 quality [or increase its Slow-Firing quality by 1 / only applicable to Ranged
Hidden Flaw: At some point in the future, the GM may flip a Destiny Point to have the weapon fracture or break. When the GM does
dd so, the weapon counts as suffering major damage and thus becomes unusable (see page 89 of the Genesys Core Rulebook }. Once the
weapon has been repaired, this flaw is removed and cannot be exploited again.
Table: Spending a, h, t, and d on Armor Crafting Checks.
Symbols Effect
Practice Makes Perfect: The character learns something valuable. and gains j on the next check
a or t they make the same skill before the end of the session.
Lightweight: Reduce the armor’s encumbrance by 1 (to a minimum of 1 ).
Lessons Learned: Reduce the difficulty ot the character’s next crafting check by 1.
Extra Melee Defense: Add + 1 melee defense to the armor (this can only be selected once).
aa or t Special Embellishment: The wearer of this armor adds automatic a) to checks for one ot the
following skills: Charm, Coercion, Negotiation, Leadership. Resilience, or Stealth (this can only
be selected once).
Efficient Construction: A sizeable portion of the material is unused or can be reclaimed from the
process: the character retains supplies worth 50% of the Material Pnce needed to craft the item
(this can only be selected once]
aaa or t
Extra Ranged Defense: Add + 1 ranged defense to the armor (this can only be selected once).
Extra Hard Point: Add I hard point to the armor (to a maximum of 2 additional hard points).
Extra Soak: Add + I soak to the armor (this can only be selected once).
aaaa or t Schematic: Create a schematic that permanently reduces the difficulty of creating similar armors
of this template by 1 (to a minimum of Easy (k), this can only be selected once).
Duplicate: Create one additional. identical set of armor (with all of the qualities, improvements,
and flaws that the first possesses) at no extra cost.
tt Integral Attachment: Add +1 hard point to the armor, then install one applicable armor
attachment that requires 1 hard point. No check is required to obtain this attachment, and it
costs 0 gold.
Poor Fit: Donning and removing this armor requires I additional action (this can only be selected
h or d Exhausting Effort: Upon completing Step 3: Construction, the character suffers 3 strain.
Heavy: Increase the armor’s encumbrance by 1.
Complex: The armor is difficult to maintain. Increase the difficully of checks to repair this item
by 1
hh or d Difficult to Customize: Increase the difficulty of checks to add attachments on this armor by 1.
Restrictive: Ttle wearer of this armor adds automatic h to checks for one of the following skills:
Athletics, Coordination, Perception. Skulduggery. or Vigilance (this can only be selected once).
Wear and Tear: The tools the character was using to craft the armor are worn down or destroyed,
and are damaged one step.
hhh or d Fraglle: The armor has a substantial vulnerabillty that can be exploited, whenever the armor
becomes damaged, the damage always counts as moderate damage unless it would be worse (This
can only be selected once).
Expensive: The armor has intncare mechanisms that can only be replaced at substantial cost.
Whenever it becomes damaged, the cost to repair the armor is doubled (this can only be selected
hhhh or d
Supply Shortage: The character runs out of equipment midway through constructmg the armor
The crafter cannot finish it until they has a chance to acqire more supplies and spends credits
equal to 25% of the Material Price on these additional supplies (this can only be selected once).
Hidden Flaw: At some point in the future, the GM may flip a Destiny Point to have the armor
fracture or break. When the GM does so, the armor counts as suffering major damage and thus
dd becomes unusable (see page 89 of the Genesys Core Rulebook }. Once the weapon has been
repaired, this flaw is removed and cannot be exploited again.
Acquiring Templates
Characters can use the Alchemy skill to prepare elixirs,
poisons, salves, unguents, and other concoctions. For From a narrative standpoint. there are countless
simplicity, these various concoctions are referred to as ways that a character might come to know how
potions and poisons. Preparing a potion or poison fol- to create a particular item. For many simple items.
lows the normal rules for crafting, with the exceptions the knowledge needed to build them might be
noted in this section. available in a manual or shop.
The process of brewing takes one hour, plus a number of Many artisans have simply memorized such infor-
hours equal to the rarity of the brew. If the check is suc- mation. thanks to years of practice. or can at least
cessful, the character creates enough of the brew for a sin- improvise if push comes to shove.
gle dose or application. The player and GM may spend For other items. especially more complicated ones.
dice symbols for additional effects, as per the examples in common knowledge and common sense might
Table: Spending a, h, t, and d on Alchemy Checks. not be enough. A character might need to seek out
Normally, an alchemist’s lab or kit is required in order an experienced mentor. do long hours of research.
to prepare a brew. In some cases, your GM might allow or find ancient repositories of knowledge to design
a character to make a check at an increased difficulty to an advanced model or droid or craft a device to
prepare certain concoctions without access to the proper perform an unprecedented task.
tools. Likewise, your character needs access to suitable It is always up to the GM whether a given tem-
ingredients. plate is available to a PC. As a general rule of
Some concoctions might even require your character to thumb. most templates should be available to
have ranks in a magic skill to properly work with the the PCs a majority of the time -the difficulty of
material and brew it. turning abstract knowledge into a practical device
is reflected by the difficulty of checks to acquire
ALCHEMY INGREDIENTS materials and construct the device.
Before your character can brew a potion or prepare However. if it makes for a more interesting story,
another alchemical concoction, they must, of course, the GM (or the player) can require the character
have suitable ingredients. For most potions, your charac- to spend time on research or even go on a short
ter can either simply purchase the ingredients, or gather adventure to complete Step 1: Select Template for
them personally. a particularly special item. Alternatively. a char-
As a guideline, the ingredients for a potion cost half the acter’s past successes (or failures) might open the
price of the final product, with a rarity half that of the door to crafting a brand-new item.
desired potion or elixir (rounded up). Of course, things
aren’t always so simple, and your GM may determine Survival check to obtain. The acquisition of such compo-
that certain key ingredients are not available for pur- nents could become the basis of an encounter or even an
chase, and require your character to track them down by entire adventure.
other means. This is particularly appropriate for rare and
fantastical potions, such as invisibility potions.
Most ingredients, whether available for purchase or not,
can be gathered in the wilderness. To gather the necessary
ingredients for a potion, your character (or perhaps an
ally) must travel to an appropriate location and spend
some time—probably at least the better part of a day—
finding and obtaining the ingredients. The character
makes a Survival check, with a difficulty equal to half the
rarity of the potion, rounded up. If the check is success-
ful, the character gathers enough ingredients to prepare
one batch of the potion.
Rare or singular ingredients, or those that by necessity
are dangerous to acquire, may require more than a single
Table: Spending a, h, t, and d on Potion/Poison Crafting Checks.
Symbols Effect
Practice Makes Perfect: The character learns something valuable. and gains j on the next check they
make the same skill before the end of the session.
a or t Fortifying: A character who uses the potion heals 1 strain or 1 wound (as determined by your character)
in addition to its normal effects.
Draining: If a poison, the target suffers two strain when consuming it.
Careful Measuring: By carefu lly measuring ingredients. some are saved for later The character retains
aa or t supplies worth 50% of the material price needed to craft the potion (this can only be selected once).
Quick Brew: Reduce the time to prepare the potion by half. (This can only be selected once)
Large Batch: Brew up an extra large batch of the concoction. creating two doses of the potion in stead
of one. (This can only be selected once)
aaa or t Extra Potency: If the potion is harmful. increase the difficulty to resist it by 1 (to a maximum of
Formidable [kkkkk]
Long-lasting: Increase the duration of the potion’s effects by one round (if applicable).
Virulent: If the potion is harmful. upgrade the difficulty of any checks to resist it once.
aaaa or t Recipe: Create a recipe that permanently reduces the difficulty of creating this potion by 1 (to a
minimum of Easy (k), this can only be selected once).
Potent Reactions: Upgrade the difficulty of checks to resist the poison’s effects once.
t Empowered: The potion is more effective than normal, as determined by your GM, when a character
uses the potion.
Overpowering Sensation: If the potion is beneficial. it remains in the user’s system. and has the same
tt effect the following round.
Foul Taste: If the potion is beneficial, a character suffers 2 strain after using the potion and benefiting
from its effects.
h or d
Vile Smell: The potion (or poison) has a strong smell that adds j to all checks made to detect its
presence, including in food or drink.
Delayed Start: When used, the potion doesn’t take effect for one minute, or one round in structured
Vile Reaction: If the potion is beneficial, a character suffers 1 wound after using the potion and
hh or d benefiting from its effects.
Sloppy Brewing: Your character must purchase additional ingredients worth half of the original
component cost.
Diluted Strength: Reduce the difficulty to resist the poison by 1 (to a minimum of Simple [-]).
hhh or d Brief Effect: Reduce the duration of the potion’s effects by one round, to a minimum of one round (if
applicable). If the effects would last until the end of the encounter, they last for two rounds instead.
Alchemical Mishap: A character who uses the potion is disoriented for two rounds.
d Rejection: A character who uses the potion must succeed on an Average (kk) Resilience check; if they
fail, their body rejects the potion and it doesn’t take effect.
Unexpected Side Effects: After the potion is consumed and its effects applied. the GM selects the effects
dd of a different alchemical potion and applies those to the target as well. These effects should be beneficial
to the target if the potion was created to be harmful, and vise versa
Table: Spending h and d on Magic Checks.
Symbols Effect
The magic energies exhaust the character, and they suffer 2 strain or 1 wound.
h or d
This character and all allied Spellcasters in the encounter add j to any attempts to cast spells until the end of the controlling player’s next turn.
The magic effect doesn’t take effect until the start of the next round, or after a minute in narrative gameplay. If the character is using a magic item, it
hh or d becomes damaged one step (see Table I.5–4: Repairing Gear, on page 89).
Until the end of the encounter, enemy Spellcasters add j when casing spells that targets this character.
The magic effect is slightly more powerful than expected. One character of the GM’s choice is targeted or otherwise affected by the magic as well.
hhh or d All other Spellcasters and creatures attuned to magic energies within a day’s travel become aware of the character (and depending on their disposition,
may be very interested in finding them and doing them harm).
The character overexerts themself or loses their magic connection and is unable to cast spells for the rest of the encounter or scene.
The GM picks the target of the character’s magic. If the spellcaster is an NPC, the controlling player picks the target of the magic effect instead.
The character completely lose control of their magic energies or draws the ire of their deity, suffering one Critical Injury (at the GM’s discretion, this
may instead take the form of some of terrible or hilarious misfortune, such as temporarily being turned into a small woodland creature, being struck by
dd lightning on a clear day, swapping bodies with someone else in the encounter for the remainder of the day, or summoning an avatar of divine or infernal
If the character is using a magic item, it is completely destroyed.
When your character casts a spell that requires a skill check (whether or not the check succeeds), they suffer 2 strain after resolving
the check.
Before making a magic action, the character may choose a number of additional effects to add to that action (these effects are
listed on an associated table). However, each effect has a difficulty increase associated with it. You add each difficulty increase to
the overall difficulty of the check. You may not add an effect if it would increase the difficulty beyond Formidable (kkkkk) (after
any reductions, such as from magic implements, talents, or abilities, are applied unless specifically stated). Each effect can be added
once, unless the effect specifies otherwise.
STARTING SPELLS related to the magic skill with a difficulty equal to the
base difficulty of the magic action, increased a number
When a character is starting their career, they know all
of times equal to that specific additional effect based of
the magic actions allowed by their magic skill. How-
that spell’s Additional Effects table (this may go beyond
ever, they may only chose a single additional effect per
kkkkk). If the check succeeds, the character has
spell they know.
learned the new spell effect. Spellcasters tend to hold
these tomes and not sell them. Depending on the set-
LEARNING ADDITIONAL ting, maybe they can be bought or borrowed at magical
colleges. They also make great rewards for quests, as
EFFECTS well as a nice addition to a treasure the party is looting.
Unlocking additional effects should feel rewarding, and
the GM should not penalize players who want to make
use of this alternate rule. New effects can be discovered Magical writing is a famous thing in many fantasy sto-
by the character by spending time casting spells and ries and your game can use them too! If a magic user
experimenting with gestures, formulae, and magical can find magical writings describing a new additional
reagents. effect they don’t have, the writing is considered the
right tool for the job and adds a boost to their check to
MENTORSHIP learn the effect in question. Of course, there are some
A character can learn new additional effects with the magical writings that are one-use only. If your player
help of someone who already knows that effect for that spends a Story Point to upgrade the ability of their
same magic skill. Teaching requires time from both magic skill check, they may consume the scroll or tome
parties, which can take between a few hours to a few and upgrade the ability twice (instead of the normal
days, as per the GM’s discretion. Once per session, after boost). Regardless of the outcome of the skill check, the
completing the lesson, the character makes a Knowl- tome or scroll is consumed and gone.
edge check, using the Knowledge skill linked to the
magic skill, with a difficulty equal to the base difficulty
of the magic action, increased a number of times equal
to that specific additional effect, based on that spell’s
Additional Effects tabl (this may go beyond kkkkk)
e. If the check succeeds, the character has learned that
new magical effect. Note that characters rarely offer
such lessons for free. While some might sell their
services, others like to exchange knowledge amongst
themselves, teaching each other magical effects.
New effects can be discovered by the character them-
self by spending time casting spells and experimenting
with gestures, formulae, and magical reagents. Once
per session, a character can spend a story point to
attempt a Magic skill check, with a difficulty equal to
the spell’s base difficulty, increased by Difficulty modi-
fier of the spell effect (taken from the spell’s Additional
Effects table) the character is trying to learn (this may
go beyond kkkkk). If the check is successful, the
additional effect is learned. In order to attempt such a
discovery, the character has to dedicate a few hours of
uninterrupted practice.
Some spellcasters keep journals and research tomes
containing information a character can use to master
a specific magic effect. Studying such tomes can be
attempted once per session, after which the charac-
ter makes a Knowledge check using a knowledge skill
Magic Skill Arcana ArTIFICE Divine Ki Pact Magic Primal Sorcery Verse
Alter X X X X
Attack X X X X X
Augment X X X X X X
Barrier X X X X X
Conjure X X X X X
Curse X X X X X
Dispel X X X X X X X
Enchantment X X X X
Heal X X X X
Illusion X X X X
Move X X X
Predict X X X
Teleport X X X
Utility X X X X X X X X
These maneuvers are specific to characters who use magic Given sufficient time and materials to prepare, mages
skills. Like most maneuvers, these don’t actually require may perform rituals, working their magic slowly and
checks, but affect the character’s skill checks. Of course, carefully as to not incur a physical cost. To perform a
you and your players might also describe common ritual, a mage must build a ritual altar and speak an
maneuvers in terms of magic when it seems appropriate. extended invocation, usually accompanied by some
For instance, a player might describe guarded stance kind of sacrifice. Some rituals are reasonably short but
(page 99) as their character focusing their attention on others are day- or night-long ordeals, reserved for the
erecting a minor magical barrier, or they might narrate most powerful and grievous magics.
assist (page 98) as a subtle push of magical energy to Spells performed as rituals can be maintained in narra-
guide an ally’s sword strike. tive encounters.
Warlocks are seekers of the knowledge that lies hidden
ARCANE in the fabric of the multiverse. Through pacts made with
mysterious beings of supernatural power, warlocks unlock
Arcane magic is the magic from your typical wizard. It is magical effects both subtle and spectacular. Drawing
learned through study of old tome, experiments and con- on the ancient knowledge of beings such as fey nobles,
stant study. The Arcane magic has a great array of spells to demons, devils, hags, celestials, and alien entities of the
learn, from magical attacks to barriers, defensive spell as Far Realm, warlocks piece together arcane secrets to bol-
well as battlefield control and a great deal of utility spells. ster their own power.
Arcane is one of the magic skills limited in their free choice When a spell refers to ranks in an appropriate skill, your
of spells. Arcane learns Utility, Attack, and then chooses a character uses the Knowledge (Forbidden) skill.
number of actions equal to 1 plus their Intellect.
When a spell refers to ranks in an appropriate skill, your PRIMAL
character uses the Knowledge (Arcane) skill. Primal magic is used by druids and rangers. Drawing
power directly from the nature around, druids are capable
ARTIFICE casting spells that replicate nature’s forces. Their spells use
Artificers are a rare kind of arcane spellcaster who treat weather, plants, and animals.
magic in the same manner as a mason might see a chisel, When a spell refers to ranks in an appropriate skill, your
as a tool for the creation of marvels. An artificer learns
character uses the Knowledge (Nature & Geography) skill.
to wield their magic through the mastering of sigils and
diagrams that they etch into that which they enchant, as SORCERY
well as magical ingredients. Artificers infuse objects of the
world, be they inanimate or alive, with the power of the Contrarily to other forms of magic, Sorcery doesn’t require
arcane, making them both powerful crafters and healers. dedication, training or even will to learn. In most families,
a magic is passed down through the lineage. This normally
Artifice has access to all Arcane only Utility spells. doesn’t come from the immediate parents but from farther
When a spell refers to ranks in an appropriate skill, your ancestry. At some point, a dragon, fey, outsider or even
character uses the Knowledge (Arcane) skill. elemental may have influenced a lineage, either by using
their own magic or by interbreeding. Anyhow, their magic
DIVINE runs into the family and may manifest once in a while in
Gods bestow spells to their followers. While everyone can a child. Sorcerers have potential to utilize almost anything
worship a deity, only a handful is actually capable of chan- that magic has to offer, albeit limited.
neling their divine energy. These divine casters are usually Sorcery is one of the magic skills limited in their free choice
referred to as Clerics or Paladins. The Divine magic has of spells. Sorcery learns Utility, Dispel, and then chooses a
spells mostly centered on increasing the efficiency of the number of actions equal to 1 plus their Willpower.
group, as well has removing wounds and harmful con-
When a spell refers to ranks in an appropriate skill, your
ditions. Divine magic also have offensives spells that are
character uses the Discipline skill.
pretty lethal for undead, demons and other outsiders.
When a spell refers to ranks in an appropriate skill, your VERSE
character uses the Knowledge (Divine) skill. Verse is a magic used by Bards. These elusive musicians
have developed an intrigued way of storing and casting
spells, which is in their own voice and music. From their
Ki is an internal energy of one's body, described as either travels and own experimentations, they were able to chan-
spiritual energy or the energy of life. It is a subtle energy, nel spells from different forms of magic through their art.
but it can be used to perform incredible feats by pushing Thus, Verse magic is the more diverse as it includes spells
the body to and beyond its physical limits. Of the magic from Arcane, Sorcery, Divine and Primal magic.
that suffused the multiverse, ki is the element that flows
When a spell refers to ranks in an appropriate skill, your
through living bodies. Mastery of ki gives power over one's
character uses the Knowledge (Lore) skill.
own body and over the bodies of others.
Ki is one of the magic skills limited in their free choice
of spells. Ki users learn Utility and other magic actions
through talents and training only.
When a spell refers to ranks in an appropriate skill, your
character uses the Discipline skill.
Concentration: Yes
This action represents the use of magic to change the physical form or appearance of an inanimate object within short range (for example,
changing a sword into a stick). The default difficulty for the check is Easy (k), and affects silhouette 0 objects.
While transformed, the target adopts the physical appearance of the chosen form and gains its characteristics, soak, wound and strain thresh-
old, and defense. Their worn gear and wielded items meld into their new form. The character does not retains their own skills or talents,
If the character is incapacitated while transformed, they revert back to their normal form. When a character reverts back to their normal form,
they heal all wounds and strain suffered while transformed but do not heal any Critical Injuries they suffered while transformed. If they were
incapacitated due to exceeding their wound or strain threshold, they are no longer incapacitated.
If the check is successful, the change will continue until the end of the character’s next turn. A character or object may not be affected by more
than one Alter spell at the same time (so no stacking effects).
Before making the check, choose any number of additional effects listed on the table below. These effects are added to the check.
Polymorph: The spell will affect a willing living creature, and will allow the target to be changed into a creature of the same Silhouette (for example, a dog may be changed
into a dragon, but the dragon will be the same size as the dog). The target will not gain any of its new form’s special abilities. +k
Range: Increase the range of the spell by one range band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the range by one range band each time. +k
Additional Target: The spell will affect one additional target within range of the spell. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend aa to affect one additional target
within range of the spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending aa each time.
Baleful Polymorph: The spell will affect an unwilling living creature, and will allow the target to be changed into a creature of the same Silhouette. The target will not gain
any of its new form’s special abilities. The check is upgraded for every rank the target has in Resilience (or an appropriate amount if the target doesn’t have any skills such as +kk
an object (GM determines)). Cannot be combined with Additional Target.
Major Physical Change (Primal): Instead of changing your entire physical form, the target gains the physical movement abilities of an animal (climb, flight, swim, etc., but
no other abilities). +kk
Transmute: The spell will change a creature into an inanimate object, or vice versa. Cannot be combined with Additional Target. +kk
Grand Polymorph: This effect allow the target creature to gain the special abilities (for example, dragon’s breath, magic, regeneration, etc) of the new form it is changed into. +kkk
Concentration: No
Magic attacks are combat checks, and they follow the normal rules for performing a combat check, on page 101, using the character’s magic
skill instead of a combat skill. There are some exceptions, however, which we detail here.
When casting an attack spell, the character must select one target at short range (but not engaged). The default difficulty of the check is Easy
(k). The attack deals damage equal to the characteristic linked to the skill used to make the attack (so if the character uses Arcane, they would
deal damage equal to their Intellect), plus 1 damage per uncanceled s. The attack has no set Critical rating, so you may only inflict a Critical
Injury with a t.
Before making a magic attack check, choose any number of additional effects listed on Table: Attack Additional Effects. These effects are added
to the attack.
Deadly: The attack gains a Critical rating of 2. The attack also gains the Vicious quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in the appropriate skill. +k
Elemental: The attack gains the Elemental quality. Acid, Air, Earth, Fire, Ice, Lightning, or Poison are your choices of Elements. This may be added multiple times, adding
multiple Elemental qualities to the attack. +k
Holy/Unholy (Divine): The attack gains the Elemental (Radiant) or Elemental (Necrotic) quality. You may add an additional k to have this effect also have the following
effect: when dealing damage to a target that the GM determines is the antithesis of the character’s faith or deity (such as a priest of a god of life attacking an undead +k
zombie), each s deals +2 damage, instead of +1.
Hindering: The attack gains the Ensnare quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in the appropriate skill. +k
Impact: The attack gains the Knockdown quality. The attack also gains the Disorient quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in the appropriate skill. +k
Lasting: The attack gains the Burn quality with a rating equal to your character’s ranks in the appropriate skill. +k
Manipulative: If the attack hits, you may spend aa to move the target up to one range band in any direction. Increase a necessary by 1 for each silhouette above 1. +k
Non-Lethal (Arcane/Verse): The attack gains the Stun Damage quality. The attack also gains the Elemental (Psychic) quality. +k
Range: Increase the range of the spell by one range band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the range by one range band each time. +k
Stunning: The attack gains the Stun quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in the appropriate skill. +k
Bombard: The attack gains the Auto-fire quality (the increase of difficulty to use the Auto-fire quality as normal is already applied). The attack gains the Exhausting 1
quality. +kk
Destructive: The attack gains the Sunder quality. The attack also gains the Pierce quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in the appropriate skill. +kk
Empowered: The attack deals damage equal to twice the characteristic linked to the skill (instead of dealing damage equal to the characteristic). If the attack has the Blast
quality, it affects all characters within short range, instead of engaged. The attack also gains the Exhausting 1 quality. +kk
Leech (Arcane/Pact): The attack gains the Elemental (Necrotic) quality. Instead of damage, the attack has the Stun (Active) Quality. In addition, the caster recovers 1 strain,
and 1 additional strain for each uncancelled ss spent (leeching the energy from the target). If combined with Empowered, every uncanceled s instead of ss. +kk
Sapping: If the attack deals damage, the target must immediately make a Hard (kkk) Resilience check or suffer wounds and strain equal to the character’s ranks in the
appropriate skill.
Concentration: Yes
This is casting spells to enhance people. A character selects one target they are engaged with (which can be themself ), then makes a Magic
check. The default difficulty of the check is Average (kk). If the check is successful, until the end of your character’s next turn, the target
increases the ability of any skill checks they make by one (in effect, this means they add k to their checks).
A character may not be affected by more than one Augment spell at the same time (so no stacking effects).
Before making an Augment check, choose any number of additional effects listed on Table: Augment Additional Effects. These effects are
added to the check.
Enhance: Instead of adding k to target’s skill checks, a Characteristic chosen by the caster is temporarily increased by 1, to a maximum of 5, for the duration of the spell.
You may add an additional kk to have this effect also add k target’s skill checks,. Cannot be combined with Additional Target.
Growth: Instead of adding k to target’s skill checks, adds +1 to Silhouette for each added increase in difficulty. Each increase adds +1 to Soak as well. This may be added up
to 3 times.
Primal Fury (Primal): The target adds damage equal to the character’s ranks in the appropriate skill to unarmed combat checks, and their Critical rating for unarmed
combat checks becomes 3. +k
Range: Increase the range of the spell by one range band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the range by one range band each time. +k
Swift: Targets affected by the spell ignore the effects of difficult terrain and cannot be immobilized. +k
Additional Target: The spell affects one additional target within range of the spell. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend aa to affect one additional target
within range of the spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending aa each time).
Haste (Arcane/Artifice/Sorcery): Targets affected by the spell can always perform a second maneuver during their turn without spending strain (they may still only perform
two maneuvers a turn). +kk
Concentration: Yes
Some spellcasters have the power to create barriers of energy to protect themselves and their allies. The character selects one target they are
engaged with (which can be themself ), then makes a magic skill check. The default difficulty of the check is Easy (k). If the check is success-
ful, until the end of the character’s next turn, reduce the damage of all hits the target suffers by one, and further reduce it by one for every
uncanceled ss beyond the first.
A character may not be affected by more than one Barrier spell at the same time (so no stacking effects).
Before making a Barrier check, choose any number of additional effects listed on Table: Barrier Additional Effects. These effects are added to
the check.
Additional Target: The spell affects one additional target within range of the spell. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend aa to affect one additional target
within range of the spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending aa each time).
Add Defense: Each affected target gains ranged and melee defense equal to your ranks in the appropriate skill. +kk
Empowered: The barrier reduces damage equal to the number of uncanceled s instead of the normal effect. +kk
Sanctuary (Divine): Opponents the GM determines are the antithesis of the character’s faith or deity automatically disengage from affected targets, and may not engage
them for the duration of the spell. +kk
Reflection (Arcane/Sorcery): If an opponent makes a ranged attack (including Attack spells) against an affected target and generates hhh or d on the check, after the
check is resolved, they suffer a hit dealing damage equal to the total damage of the attack. Cannot be combined with Additional Target.
Reinforced (Arcane): The barrier makes the target’s soak immune to the Pierce and Breach qualities. +kkk
Specified Protection: Instead of reducing damage suffered, the spell protects against a specific type of adversary or enviromental effect (GCRB page 110) specified when
casting the spell. +kkk
Concentration: Yes
This action represents the ability of a spellcaster to animate objects or create items (or even allies) out of thin air and the aether. The
character makes a magic skill check. The default difficulty for the check is Easy (k). If the check is successful, the character summons
a simple tool with no moving parts (such as a shovel or pickax), a one-handed melee weapon with no moving parts (such as a sword
or knife), or a minion no bigger than silhouette 1 (such as an animal, magical creature, elemental spirit, or even undead monstrosity).
These appear engaged with the character. The summoned minion or item remains present until the end of the character’s next turn.
If the character summons a creature, the creature behaves in the best approximation of its natural instincts (as determined by the
GM). It is not controlled by the character, and may even be hostile to them. In a structured encounter, it takes its turn immediately
after the character.
Before making a Conjure check, choose any number of additional effects listed on Table: Conjure Additional Effects. These effects
are added to the check.
Medium Summon: The character may summon a more complicated tool with moving parts, a rival no larger than silhouette 1, or a two-handed melee weapon. +k
Range: Increase the range of the spell (the distance from the character that the summoned item or creature may appear) by one range band. This may be added multiple
times, increasing the range by one range band each time. +k
Greater Summon: The character may summon a rival of up to Silhouette 2 or animate an object of up to Silhouette 2 in size. May not be combined with Additional
Summon. +kk
Reinforced (Artifice): Conjured items have the Reinforced item quality (soak is immune to Pierce and Breach qualities and immune to the Sunder quality) +kk
Summon Ally: The creature the character summons is friendly to them and obeys their commands. The character may spend a maneuver to direct the creature, allowing
them to determine its action and maneuver. (If the character summons multiple creatures, the character may spend one maneuver on their turn to direct the turns of all +kk
summoned creatures.)
Grand Summon (Arcane/Pact /Sorcery): The character may summon a rival of up to Silhouette 3 or animate an object of up to Silhouette 3 in size. May not be
combined with Additional Summon. +kkk
3 3 2 2 3 2
MINION 5 17 1 1
3 2 1 2 2 1 Skills: Brawl 3, Perception 2, Ranged 3, Resilience 2, Vigilance 3.
Attack: Brawl; Damage 7; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]
3 4 0 0 Abilities: Silhouette 2
Summons do not have access to their Empowered feature Special: Immune to poison, disease, fear, and charm
unless the player unlocks that ability by spending aaa or Empowered: Pierce 2, Sunder
t on the Conjure check. t may also be used to add ranks of Constructs usually appear as inanimate objects, such as weap-
the Adversary talent to your summons ons, larger creations such as golems, or anything in between.
Attack Type: Brawl
Effect: Pierce 1
Modifiers: +2 soak
Concentration: Yes
This action represents the use of curses and debilitating magics. Your character selects one target within short range, then makes a magic skill
check. The default difficulty of the check is Average (kk). If it is successful, until the end of the character’s next turn, the target decreases the
ability of any skill checks they make by one (in effect, this means they remove one k to their checks).
A character may not be affected by more than one Curse spell at the same time (so no stacking effects).
Before making an augment check, choose any number of additional effects listed on the table below. These effects are added to the check.
Misfortune: After the target makes a check, you may change one j to a face displaying a f. +k
Range: Increase the range of the spell by one range band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the range by one range band each time. +k
Slow: The target must spend an extra maneuver to advance a range band. +k
Additional Target: The spell affects one additional target within range of the spell. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend aa to affect one additional target
within range of the spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending aa each time).
Despair (Divine): The target’s strain and wound thresholds are reduced by an amount equal to the character’s ranks in the appropriate skill. This effect may not be
combined with the additional target effect. +kk
Doom (Arcana/Pact): After a target makes a check, you may change any one die in the pool not displaying a t or d to a different face. +kk
Alternate Penalty: Target suffers some other setback instead of the usual spell effect. +kk
Shrink (Arcane/Sorcery): Target is reduced one category in Silhouette (can reduce further at the cost of +k per Silhouette reduced after the first reduction) +kk
Rooted: The target is immobilized for the duration of the spell. This effect may not be combined with the Additional Target or Paralyzed effect. +kkk
Paralyzed: The target is staggered for the duration of the spell. This effect may not be combined with the Additional Target or Rooted effect. +kkk
Concentration: No
The ability to nullify magic is a strange and wondrous art. The character selects one target within short range that is under the effects of a
spell, then makes a magic skill check. The default difficulty for the check is Hard (kkk). If the check is successful, the effects the target is under
immediately end (if the spell affected multiple targets, the other targets remain affected).
Before making a dispel check, choose any number of additional effects listed on the table below. These effects are added to the check. These
effects are added to the check.
Additional Target: The spell affects one additional target within range of the spell. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend a to affect one additional
target within range of the spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending a each time).
Nullify (Arcana/Sorcery): The character can select a single magical item within visual range instead of another character, if successful, the item loses all of its
enhanced properties for a number of rounds equal to the character’s ranks in the appropriate skill. +kk
Concentration: Yes
Enchantment spells are magic that tampers with another character’s thoughts, either reading or manipulating. Select a target that is engaged
with your character and make a Hard (kkk) magic check. If successful, your character learns the simple surface thoughts of the target. The
GM will determine what those thoughts are. The information learned may not be words that are easy to decipher, but could instead be feel-
ings or flashes of imagery. At the end of the spell’s duration the target becomes aware that they were under the effect of a spell, though not
necessarily who cast it. The target is aware that someone is doing something to their mind. How much they fully understand about what is
happening depends on the setting and the target character.
Before making a Enchantment check, choose any number of additional from the Enchantment Additional Effects table. These effects are
added to the check. A character may not be affected by more than one Enchantment spell at the same time (so no stacking effects).
A character may only concentrate on an Enchantment spell for a number of rounds equal to their ranks of the appropriate skill.
Before making an enchantment check, choose any of the additional effects listed on the table below. These effects are added to the check.
Learn Motivation: Learn one motivation (Fear, Flaw, Strength, or Desire) of the target, GM choice. +k
Range: Increase the range of the spell by one range band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the range by one range band each time. +k
Compulsion (Verse): The character can select one non-nemesis target that, if successful, will believe any untruths that the character tells them while under the effects of the
spell. In addition, they will also aid the character in anyway possible as long as it does not bring direct harm to it or it’s allies. The target is aware of its actions, and once the +kk
spell has expired, the target will immediately know that they were magically influenced, and all future social checks with the character will be upgraded in difficulty twice.
Enduring Feelings : The target will continue to suffer the effects of the spell for 1 hour per rank of the appropriate skill that the character possesses . +kk
Modify Memory (Arcane/Verse): The target forgets a time period of up to one hour per uncancelled s. t can be used to implant a different memory in its place. Cannot
be combined with Additional Target or Enduring Feelings.
Concentration: No
Priests and other practitioners of divine magic are often known for their healing abilities. Often, those in touch with nature also possess the
capacity to heal wounds and illness. The character can use a magic skill in place of a Medicine check in order to remove damage or heal Critical
Injuries. When making the check, the character selects one target they are engaged with who is not incapacitated. The default difficulty of the
check is Easy (k). Upon success, the target character consumes a healing potion (see page 116 of the GCRB) and heals 1 strain per a. Every
uncanceled ss beyond the first, the target heals an additional wound.
Before making a heal check, choose any number of additional effects listed on the table below. These effects are added to the check.
Range: Increase the range of the spell by one range band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the range by one range band
each time. +k
Heal Critical: Select one Critical Injury the target is suffering. If the spell is successful, the Critical Injury is also healed. +k equal to the severity of the
Empowered: The Heal spell heals 1 wound per additional s instead of every uncanceled ss. +kk
Healing Rain (Ki/Primal): A downpour of magical rain comes down in a radius of Short range around the caster, healing all within
range with the spell. +kk
Reciprocal Heal (Verse): When healing another, the caster regains 1 wound and 1 strain per target healed. +kk
Restoration: Select one ongoing status effect (Disorient, Stagger, Immobilize, Poison) the target is suffering. This status effect
immediately ends. +kk
Revive Incapacitated: The character may select targets who are incapacitated. +kk
Transferrence: On a successful cast, the caster can suffer strain equal to their ranks in the appropriate skill to add one wound to the
amount healed for each strain suffered. +kk
Regenerate (Primal): Instead of the normal effects of the Heal spell, if the spell is successful the target regrows a lost or permanently
damaged body-part, then suffers 10 strain at the end of your turn. If the damaged or lost body part was the result of a Critical Injury,
then that Critical Injury is also healed. Every uncanceled s beyond the first & every aa the spell generated reduces the target’s +kkkk
suffered strain by 1. If the check fails, no characters may attempt to regenerate the limb again.
Reincarnation (Primal): The character may select a target who has died during this encounter or is no longer able to be targeted by
the standard Resurrection effect. The character can be reincarnated into a different species. +kkkk
Resurrection (Divine): The character may select a target who has died during this encounter. If the check is successful, the target is
restored to life, suffering wounds equal to their wound threshold. If the check fails, no characters may attempt to resurrect the target +kkkkk
Concentration: Yes
This ability represents the characters ability to use magic to create an illusion, or to disguise a character’s appearance. The default difficulty of
the check is Average (kk). If the check is successful, the creature creates an illusion of a creature or object that is silhouette one or smaller.
The illusion appears within a short range of the character. Alternatively, the illusion changes the appearance of the caster or one silhouette
one or smaller target they are engaged with. The illusion cannot obscure the basic size and shape of the target. Lastly, the caster may instead
choose one target within range. If the check is successful, the targets either sees a single static image up to a size of silhouette 2, or hears a
sound ranging from a whisper to a scream emanating from close range. Likewise, the spell can cause the target to be unable to see a small,
static object with silhouette 1 such as a chest, weapon, door, or shelf. Illusions can be animated and can move, as long as they remain within
the range of the spell The default difficulty for a keen observer to see through an illusion cast is an Average (kk) Vigilance check (or Average
(kk) Perception if they believe they’re senses are being fooled).
A character may not be affected by more than one Illusion spell at the same time (so no stacking effects).
Before making the skill check, choose any of the additional effects listed on the table below. These effects are added to the check.
Additional Target:The spell affects one additional target within range of the spell. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend aa to affect one
additional target within range of the spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending aa each time).
Disguise: The spell alters the target’s entire appearance, either physically or by adding/subtracting clothing, gear, personal effects, or other. You may spend
aa to alter how the target sounds or smells. Nothing this spell creates has a physical component, so objects pass through it as normal, and any creature +kk
that touches it will feel nothing.
Quasi-real: The illusion is quasi-real and can be felt to the touch, but it can cause no physical harm or obstruct travel or objects if pressed. +kk
Terror: The illusion terrifies those who behold it. When any character who does not know the illusion is fake spots it, they must make a Hard (kkk)
Discipline (Fear) check. they suffer 2 strain per h and, if they fail, they are unable to approach the illusion.
Incorporeal (Arcane/Sorcery): When making a Brawn or Agility-based check, increase the difficulty by two, when a corporeal foe makes a Brawn or
Agility-based check targeting the spell recipient, increase the difficulty by two. The target increases their soak by their Willpower (as well as Brawn), and +kkk
can move through most types of difficult and impassable terrain without penalty (but cannot stop inside solid surfaces)
Invisibility: If the spell targets a character, it renders them invisible to sight instead of changing their appearance. +kkk
Concentration: Yes
Move spells are used to displace an object or character from one place to another. This can take the form of wind, mental force, ghostly hands,
or whatever fits your setting. Do note that the Move spell cannot be used to cause damage. The Attack spell is for that purpose. Select a target
of silhouette 0 or 1 up to Short range (may target self ). The default difficulty is Average (kk). If successful you may move the target in one
direction toward or away from your character up to one range band per uncancelled ss.
Before making a Move check, choose any number of additional from the Move Additional Effects table. These effects are added to the check.
Range: Increase the range in which your character can select targets of the spell by one range band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the range by one range
band each time. +k
Size: Increase the silhouette your character may target. This may be added multiple times, increasing the silhouette by one each time. +k
Levitate: While your character maintains concentration on this spell the target hovers up to one foot (~30cm) off the ground. This counts as hover, as per the Flying sidebar
on page 100 of the Genesys Core Rulebook. +k
Manipulate: The character can interact with and finely manipulate an object affected by their spell as if they were holding it in their hand and using their fingers. +k
Adversary (Arcane/Sorcery): May select an unwilling or secured target. The check is upgraded for every rank the target has in Athletics (or an appropriate amount if the
target doesn’t have any skills such as an object (GM determines)). +kk
Concentration: No
This is using magic to attempt to predict the future. The character makes and skill check, then ask one question about events that will unfold
within the next 24 hours. The default difficulty of the check is Average (kk). if the check is successful, your GM must provide the character
with a truthful answer, but that answer could be one that can be interpreted multiple ways or is somewhat enigmatic. whether the check suc-
ceeds or fails the character may not make another prediction check to ask about the same events for the remainder of the session.
Before making a Predict check, choose any number of additional effects listed on the table below. These effects are added to the check.
Clairvoyance: The target gains j that can be used on any single skill check they make until the end of the session. In addition, you may spend aa to add
jj to one additional skill check the target makes until the end of the session.
Commune (Divine/Primal Only): The spell contacts a specific Deity or Spirit of the characters choice (with GM approval). This being will answer any three
questions the character asks to the best of their ability. Character may spend aa to learn the truthfulness of the answers given. +k
Empowered (Divine Only): The character may ask a question about events that will unfold within the next seven days. +kk
Flash of Precognition: In addition to asking a question, once before the end of the current encounter, the character may add s to the results of one of
their checks. In addition, once before the end of the current encounter, the character may add f to the results of a check targeting them. In addition, after
the character cast a spell, you may spend aaa to add ss to the results of one of their checks, and add ff to the results of a check targeting them
instead of this effects normal benefits.
Cheat Death (Divine Only): In addition to asking a question, the character foresees a possible Doom for themselves in the next 24 hours. Once before the
end of the current session, when the character would otherwise be incapacitated or killed, you may spend a story point to have them suffered wounds and
strain until they reach but do not exceed their wound and strain thresholds instead. Their survival should be described narratively, taking into account that +kkk
they “saw” their potential death coming
Concentration: No
Teleportation spells allow characters to move instantly across space. Perhaps a character opens a portal through another dimension or warps
space to take a single step across a vast distance. Or they may simply move faster than the eye can see from one location to another. Powerful
users can cross vast distances, though it is dangerous; gone wrong, teleportation can rip a body apart or trap a person’s legs inside the floor.
Of course, a skilled user knows these dangers can be turned against an opponent as well.
Your character (or another they are engaged with) moves instantly from one space to another within short range. The default difficulty of the
check is an Average (kk) check. Against an unwilling target, the default difficulty of the check is set by the target’s Discipline or Resilience
(whichever the target chooses). If the target falls after this spell, use the rules for Falling Damage on page 112.
Before making a teleport check, choose any of the additional effects listed on the table below. These effects are added to the check.
Range: Increase the range of the spell by one range band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the range by one range band each time (to a maximum of Long
range). +k
Additional Target (Arcane/Sorcery): The spell affects one additional target within range of the spell. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend aa to affect one
additional target within range of the spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending aa each time).
Regional: Range increased to the present, defined region (nation) +kkkk
Planetary: Range increased to anywhere on the planet. +kKkkkk
Concentration: Yes
Utility spells are used when a caster wishes to do all the minor things one expects to do with magic. In essence, these are cool abilities with
a minor benefit; tricks versus dangerous magic. This action is suited for many non-structured actions in the game. The default difficulty of
the check will likely be Easy (k) or Average (kk). While this is true for most of Utility’s effects, replicating a skill that is not associated with
another spell should use the difficulty of the task at hand as a base. A character trying to unlock a chest with an average lock using magic will
do so by casting a Utility spell.
Listed below the table are many baseline Utility spells, but not an exhaustive list. If a spell has Minor Magic listed in the additional effects it
must be added with no increase in difficulty. Before making a Utility check, choose any number of additional effects listed on the table below
that are available to the Utility spell. These effects are added to the check. effects are added to the check.
Utility spells introduce a new mechanic: Spell Levels. The idea is simple, a spellcaster can cast a spell where the spell level is equal to the ranks
the caster has in the magic skill used to cast it, at the difficulty listed. For spells lower in level than the caster’s current rank in the skill, the
difficulty is one step easier, to a minimum of Simple (-) and cost one less strain (to a minimum of zero) to cast; for spells higher in level than
the caster’s current rank, the difficulty is one step more difficult and cost one more strain to cast.
Example: A caster with 3 ranks in the Verse skill can cast a level 3 spell at the spell’s given difficulty. Likewise, they can cast level 1 and level 2
spells as if one step easier in difficulty. Likewise, if the same caster wanted to cast a level 4 or 5 spell, it would be one step more difficult. The
caster could still add additional effects as normal, and with the additional increases in difficulty, and use talents and implements to affect the
difficulty as normal. Level 1 and level 2 spells would cost only 1 strain, but level 4 and level 5 spells would cost 3 strain.
Additional Target: The spell affects one additional target within range of the spell. In addition, after casting the spell, you may spend a to affect one additional
target within range of the spell (and may trigger this multiple times, spending a each time).
Range: Increase the range of the spell by one range band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the range by one range band each time. +k
ANTIMAGIC FIELD (MAJOR) skill of the caster.
Difficulty: kkkkkkk (Special) Level: 2
Skills: Arcane, Divine, Verse Difficulty: kk
Additional Effects: Range Skills: Arcane, Sorcery, Primal
Description: More of a preventative spell, this spell creates Additional Effects: Range
an invisible globe (radiating out to Short range) from the
caster. No other magic functions within this area (not even Description: This spell creates a small raincloud that takes
the caster’s), other than maintaining this spell. This lasts up of Medium range from the target. It is normal rain, but
until the end of the caster’s next turn unless using Concen- good for dousing fires and is drinkable. This lasts until the
tration to maintain. end of the caster’s next turn unless using Concentration to
Level: 4
Level: 1
Difficulty: kkkkkk (Special)
Difficulty: k
Skills: Arcane, Verse
Skills: Arcane, Pact Magic, Sorcery, Verse
Additional Effects: None
Additional Effects: Minor Magic
Description: Similar to above, except the spell only affects
the caster or target. This can be cast on an unwilling target Description: This spell allows a minor change to a small
(as can the major version), but the check is upgraded for object (Silhouette 0). Change could be color, texture, even
every rank the target has in a magic skill. This lasts until the mineral to animal, etc. (until the end of the caster’s next
end of the caster’s next turn unless using Concentration to turn unless using Concentration to maintain.)
maintain. CHILL
ALARM Level: 1
Level: 2 Difficulty: k
Difficulty: kk Skills: Arcane, Pact Magic, Sorcery, Verse
Skills: Arcane Additional Effects: Minor Magic
Additional Effects: Range Description: This spell allows the caster to chill a target item
Description: This spell defines an area from Medium range or substance. It cannot get cold enough to cause damage.
from the target. For 2 hours per rank of the appropriate skill The effect lasts for 5 minutes per rank of the appropriate
of the caster, if any being but those designated as allies at skill.
the time of casting, enter this area, a loud alarm will sound CLEAN
to awaken those sleeping.
Level: 1
Level: 4 Skills: All
Difficulty: kkkk Additional Effects: Minor Magic
Skills: Arcane, Sorcery Description: This spell basically cleans and dusts an area
Additional Effects: Additional Target within Short range of the caster.
Description: For 5 minutes per rank of the appropriate skill COMPREHEND LANGUAGE
of the caster, the target can breathe normally even without
air. Level: 2
Difficulty: kk
Skills: Arcane, Divine, Pact Magic, Sorcery, Verse
Level: 3
Additional Effects: Additional Targets
Difficulty: kkk
Description: This spell allows the caster to understand (not
Skills: Arcane, Sorcery, Primal speak) any one language as if they or they were fluent. This
Additional Effects: None lasts until the end of the caster’s next turn unless using Con-
Description: This spell allows the target to breathe under- centration to maintain.
water as if it had gills, for 1 hour per rank of the appropriate
Level: 4 Level: 3
Difficulty: kkk Difficulty: Varies, typically kkk
Skills: Arcane, Divine, Primal, Sorcery Skills: Arcane, Pact Magic, Verse
Additional Effects: Range Additional Effects: None
Description: This spell allows the caster to move or Description: The caster can sense the history of an item
displace an amount of water equal to Silhouette 2 in size. and start to understand more about it. If the check is
This lasts until the end of the caster’s next turn unless successful, the character has gained some sense of direc-
using Concentration to maintain. tion, and allows the character to see one vague sense of
information about the target, and an additional detail
CREATE / DESTROY WATER (MAJOR) per additional ss. These hints may be blurry visual
Level: 3 images, brief samples of sound, or simple emotion.
Difficulty: kkk Note: The GM should determine just how much infor-
mation is revealed from such a spell, the difficulty for
Skills: Divine, Primal items, etc.
Additional Effects: None
Description: This spell can create or destroy all water
within Medium range (that is part of one body or con- Level: 3
tainer of nonmagical liquid). Of course, any additional Difficulty: kk
water will rush in to fill the void when the spell expires. Skills: Arcane, Pact Magic, Sorcery, Verse
This lasts until the end of the caster’s next turn unless
using Concentration to maintain, for a maximum of 5 Additional Effects: None
minutes. Description: The caster can sense magical properties
within an object within Short range, and gains knowl-
CREATE / DESTROY WATER (MINOR) edge and insight as to what the Item is able to do.
Level: 1
Difficulty: k
Level: 2
Skills: Divine, Primal
Difficulty: k
Additional Effects: None
Skills: All
Description: As above, but within Short range.
Additional Effects: None
CUT Description: The caster can sense magic within Short
Level: 1 range, seeing a slight gold aura around objects, people,
Difficulty: k etc. that are magical in nature. This lasts until the end
of the caster’s next turn unless using Concentration to
Skills: All maintain.
Additional Effects: Minor Magic
Description: The caster can cut anything within Short
range as if they or they were using scissors to do so. This Level: 1
lasts until the end of the caster’s next turn unless using Difficulty: k
Concentration to maintain. Skills: All
DETECT LIFE Additional Effects: None
Level: 1 Description: The caster can sense poison within Short
Difficulty: kk range, seeing a slight red aura around objects, creatures,
etc. that contain poison. This lasts until the end of the
Skills: All caster’s next turn unless using Concentration to main-
Additional Effects: None tain.
Description: The caster can sense living things within
Short range, seeing a slight blue aura around each (even
insects, etc.) This lasts until the end of the caster’s next
turn unless using Concentration to maintain.
DRY Additional Effects: Additional Target, Range
Level: 1 Description: This spell allows the target to fly in the air
(see the Flying sidebar on page 100 of the Genesys Core
Difficulty: k
Rulebook) except they do not need to use a maneuver to
Skills: Arcane, Pact Magic, Sorcery, Verse stay aloft. This spell lasts until the end of the caster’s next
Additional Effects: Minor Magic turn unless using Concentration to maintain.
Description: This spell allows the caster to dry off an area FORCE UNLOCK
equal to Silhouette 1.
Level: 3
ENLARGE OBJECT Difficulty: Varies
Level: 2 Skills: Arcane, Sorcery, Verse
Difficulty: kk Additional Effects: None
Skills: Arcane, Sorcery Description: This spell can unlock a door or lock. The
Additional Effects: Range difficulty of the spell is at least Hard or equal to the diffi-
culty of the lock +1, whichever is harder.
Description: This spell allows the caster to increase the
size of an object (not a creature) by one Silhouette in size. GLOW
This lasts until the end of the caster’s next turn unless
Level: 1
using Concentration to maintain.
Difficulty: k
Skills: All
Level: 1
Additional Effects: Minor Magic
Difficulty: k
Description: This spell causes the target object to glow
Skills: Arcane, Pact Magic, Primal, Sorcery, Verse softly, about equal to a decent-sized candle.
Additional Effects: Minor Magic
Description: This spell works like a lighter as fire comes
Level: 1
from the caster’s fingertip. It can be used to light things
just as fire would. Difficulty: k
Skills: Arcane, Pact Magic, Sorcery, Verse
Additional Effects: Minor Magic
Level: 1
Description: This spell allows the caster to heat a target
Difficulty: kk
item or substance. It cannot get hot enough to cause
Skills: All damage. The effect lasts for 5 minutes per rank of the
Additional Effects: Range appropriate skill.
Description: This spell works just as an alchemical flare HIDE OBJECT
would, and is used for the same reason, signaling others.
Level: 1
FLAVOR Difficulty: kk
Level: 1 Skills: Arcane, Pact Magic, Sorcery, Verse
Difficulty: k Additional Effects: None
Skills: Arcane, Pact Magic, Sorcery, Verse Description: This spell allows the caster to hide a small
Additional Effects: Minor Magic object on their or their person where it is not easily
detectable (anyone searching the caster suffers jj to
Description: This spell allows the caster to season food such checks). This spell lasts until the end of the caster’s
and drink as desired with any variety of common kitchen next turn unless using Concentration to maintain.
spices and flavors.
Level: 3
Difficulty: kkk
Skills: Arcane, Pact Magic, Sorcery
IRONWOOD type of objects.
Difficulty: kk Level: 1
Skills: Primal Difficulty: kk
Additional Effects: None Skills: Arcane, Divine, Pact Magic, Sorcery
Description: This spell imbues a wooden object with the Additional Effects: None
Reinforced quality. This spell lasts for 1 round plus one
additional round per rank of the appropriate skill of the Description: This spell mends small, broken (non-magi-
caster. cal) objects as if glued back together, but with no sign of
ever being broken. This is not a replacement to Mechan-
JUMP ics fixing steps of damage on items.
Difficulty: kk Level: 1
Skills: Arcane, Ki, Primal, Sorcery Difficulty: kk
Additional Effects: Additional Targets Skills: Arcane
Description: This spell allows the target as a maneuver to Additional Effects: None
leap Medium range, either horizontally or vertically. This
spell lasts until the end of the caster’s next turn unless Description: This spell imbues an item with a magical
using Concentration to maintain. aura, visible to those who can detect magic. This spell
lasts until the end of the caster’s next turn unless using
KNOW LANGUAGE Concentration to maintain.
Level: 3 MAGIC EYE
Difficulty: kkk Level: 2
Skills: Arcane, Divine, Pact Magic, Sorcery, Verse Difficulty: kkk
Additional Effects: Additional Targets Skills: Arcane, Sorcery
Description: Identical to Comprehend Language except Additional Effects: Range
this spell also allows the target to speak said language as
well. Description: This spell creates an invisible, floating eye
that can be used to scout ahead (up to Long range away),
LOCATE CREATURE and the caster can see through it as if with their own
eyes. This spell lasts until the end of the caster’s next turn
Level: 3
unless using Concentration to maintain.
Difficulty: kkkk
Skills: Arcane, Divine, Primal, Verse
Level: 3
Additional Effects: Range
Difficulty: kkk
Description: This spell creates a mental noise the target
can hear when facing the correct way towards the desired Skills: Arcane, Pact Magic, Sorcery
creature to be located (so they know which tunnel may Additional Effects: Range
lead there, etc.). This can be a specific creature or char-
acter, or a specific type of creature as desired. This spell Description: This spell creates an area of magical darkness
lasts until the end of the caster’s next turn unless using extending out to Medium range from the target. This
Concentration to maintain. spell lasts until the end of the caster’s next turn unless
using Concentration to maintain. Can be cancelled by
LOCATE OBJECT casting Major Light at a higher difficulty than Major
Darkness was originally cast.
Level: 2
Difficulty: kk
Skills: Arcane, Divine, Primal, Verse
Additional Effects: Range
Description: As above, but limited to a specific object or
MAJOR LIGHT Description: This spell removes any disease, poison, or
other pollutants from food and drink. Enough for one
Level: 3
person per rank in the appropriate skill.
Difficulty: kkk
Skills: Divine, Primal, Sorcery
Level: 5
Additional Effects: Range
Difficulty: kkkkk
Description: This spell lights up an area as bright as if it
were day extending out to Medium range from the tar- Skills: Arcane, Primal, Sorcery
get. This spell lasts until the end of the caster’s next turn Additional Effects: Range
unless using Concentration to maintain. Can be can-
celled by casting Major Darkness at a higher difficulty Description: This curse affects a point and radiates out
than Major Light was originally cast. within Short range. Any in the area are affected as if in a
zero-gravity area and will float up to a ceiling of around
MINOR LIGHT Medium range if not tethered or holding on to some-
thing in the ground, for the duration of the spell.
Level: 1
Difficulty: k SANCTUARY
Skills: All Level: 2
Additional Effects: Minor Magic Difficulty: kk
Description: This spell lights up an area as bright as if Skills: Divine
it were day extending out to Short range from the tar- Additional Effects: None
get. This spell lasts until the end of the caster’s next turn
unless using Concentration to maintain. Is cancelled by Description: Similar to the Sanctuary effect of Barrier,
Major Darkness. but more universal. The spell makes any attackers at
Engaged range disengage and ignore the target, but the
PALM target cannot engage them or any other foes without
breaking the spell. Attackers may try to ignore Sanctu-
Level: 1
ary with a Discipline check with difficulty equal to your
Difficulty: kk ranks in the appropriate skill. This lasts until the end
Skills: Arcane, Pact Magic, Sorcery of the caster’s next turn unless using Concentration to
Additional Effects: Minor Magic
Description: This spell allows the caster to easily move a SCRYING (MAJOR)
small object (that can fit in one hand) to anywhere else Level: 4
on their or their person magically, including closed con-
Difficulty: (varies)
tainers, secret pockets, etc. It likewise allows the reverse
action of this (bringing such an item right into hand). Skills: Arcane, Pact Magic
Additional Effects: None
Description: You can see and hear a creature, which can
Level: 2
be anywhere. The difficulty is the target’s Willpower rat-
Difficulty: kk ing. Duration is one minute per rank in the appropriate
Skills: Primal skill.
Additional Effects: Additional Targets SCRYING (MINOR)
Description: This spell obscures the target’s trail. Any- Level: 2
one tracking the target suffers jjj to any related skill
Difficulty: (varies)
Skills: Arcane, Pact Magic
Additional Effects: None
Level: 1
Description: You can see and hear a creature, which must
Difficulty: kk be within Long range. The difficulty is the target’s Will-
Skills: Divine, Primal power rating. Duration is one minute per rank in the
appropriate skill.
Additional Effects: None
Level: 2 Level: 1
Difficulty: k Difficulty: kk
Skills: Verse Skills: Arcane, Sorcery, Verse
Additional Effects: None Additional Effects: Minor Magic
Description: This spell causes one instrument to play by Description: Similar to Clean, but this is specifically for
itself, at an average skill level. This spell lasts for 10 min- clearing floors. This spell lasts for 10 minutes per rank of
utes per rank of the appropriate skill of the caster. the appropriate skill of the caster.
Level: 1 Level: 1
Difficulty: k Difficulty: k
Skills: Arcane, Divine, Pact Magic, Sorcery, Verse Skills: Arcane, Pact Magic, Sorcery, Verse
Additional Effects: Minor Magic Additional Effects: Minor Magic
Description: This spell basically buffs and polishes the Description: Cooking Minor Magic that helps in the
given target within Short range. kitchen. Though called Stir, it can do any repetitive cook-
ing task in the kitchen. This spell lasts for 10 minutes per
SILENCE rank of the appropriate skill of the caster.
Level: 2
Difficulty: kk
Level: 1
Skills: Divine, Verse
Difficulty: k
Additional Effects: Range
Skills: Arcane, Pact Magic, Sorcery, Verse
Description: Sound does not exist within Short range of
the target while this spell is in effect. May use Range as Additional Effects: Minor Magic
normal, or to increase range of spell radius to Medium. Description: This spell simply ties or unties knots in
This spell lasts until the end of the caster’s next turn materials that can be tied or untied.
unless using Concentration to maintain.
Level: 3
Level: 2
Difficulty: kkk
Difficulty: kkk
Skills: Divine, Verse
Skills: Arcane, Pact Magic, Sorcery, Verse
Additional Effects: None
Additional Effects: Minor Magic
Description: Creatures that come within Short range of
Description: This spell allows a caster to transport an the target must make a Hard Discipline check. If they
object to him or their that is otherwise packed away fail, they can’t speak any deliberate and intentional lies.
nearby within Short range This spell lasts until the end of the caster’s next turn
unless using Concentration to maintain.
Level: 3
Difficulty: kkk
Skills: Divine
Additional Effects: None
Description: Like Minor Light, this spell lights up an
area as bright as if it were day extending out to Short
range from the target. The difference is that this light has
the properties of actual sunlight for those creatures vul-
nerable to it. This spell lasts until the end of the caster’s
next turn unless using Concentration to maintain.
Level: 2
Difficulty: kkk
Skills: All
Additional Effects: Range
Description: This spell is meant to be cast while in a
dwelling of some sort. When cast, any windows and
doors in the caster’s room (or home they own) are arcane
locked at Hard (lkk) difficulty, and they are treated as
if with the Alarm spell. Spell lasts two hours per rank in
the appropriate skill.
Level: 3
Difficulty: kk
Skills: Divine, Ki, Primal, Sorcery
Additional Effects: Additional Targets
Description: This spell allows the target to treat the
surface of liquid as normal terrain they can traverse at
no penalty. Rough conditions may require Athletics or
Coordination checks to traverse.
Level: 1
Difficulty: k
Skills: All
Additional Effects: Minor Magic
Description: This spell instantly kills any creature that
only has a wound threshold of one. Usually used to kill
insects and vermin.