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Vampire The Requiem - Genesys Conversion 1.999999

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This document provides rules for converting the Vampire: The Requiem tabletop roleplaying game to the Genesys system. It introduces new rules for playing vampires in Genesys as well as character creation options, disciplines, abilities, and more.

Some of the new rules introduced include hunger, blood potency, bestial nature, embracing, banes, blood bonds, torpor, and diablerie which are all important aspects of playing a vampire in this system.

Some new character creation options discussed include character templates for different vampire clans like Gangrel, Mekhet, Nosferatu, and Ventrue as well as rules for vampire ghouls and bloodlines.

Vampire the Requiem

A Genesys Rules Conversion

c c d d b b
Introduction 1
Part One - New Rules for Genesys 2
Vampires 2
Hunger 2
Blood Potency 2
Hunger Sources 2
Bestial Nature 3
Embracing 4
Banes 4
Blood Bond 5
Torpor 5
Diablerie 6
Blush of Life 6
Blood Sympathy 6
Part Two - Character Creation 7
Gangrel 8
Mekhet 8
Nosferatu 9
Ventrue 9
Ghouls 10
Bloodlines 11
Favours 14
Part Three - Careers 17
Part Four - Skills and Talents 18
Talents 19
Part Five - Disciplines 25
Discipline Casting 25
Clash of Wills 25
Physical Disciplines 25
Animalism 26
Auspex 28
Celerity 30
Dominate 32
Majesty 34
Nightmare 36
Obfuscate 38
Protean 40
Stalwart 41
Vigor 41
Part Six - Blood Sorceries 42
Crúac Rites 44
Theban Sorcery 46
Mysteries of the Dragon 48
Part Seven - Equipment 52
Part Eight - Bestiary 54

This book provides all the rules needed to run games of
Vampire the Requiem in the Genesys Roleplaying system
produced by Fantasy Flight Games. This book isn’t a
standalone product and makes frequent referrals to the
Genesys core rulebook, without that you will find very
little within the following pages makes sense.

I don’t own Vampire the Requiem, Vampire the

Masquerade or Genesys, each is owned by their respective
companies, this is purely a fans work.

What is Vampire?
You are likely familiar in some form or another with the
concept of a Vampire. The Immortal fiends of the night
that need to feed on Blood to survive. You’ve likely slain
them with a band of adventurers in a castle while the
Kingdom was imperilled. These rules take those Vampires
and moves them to the modern day. Vampires are just as
real, but now they live in cities like London, Los Angeles
or Rome. For these Vampires, or Kindred as they refer to
themselves, Undeath and Immortality come at a price.
Rarely will you find a Kindred enjoying their awesome
powers, for their Immortal Soul is now forfeit and an
overwhelming need to hunt and kill haunt their every

Vampire is focused on the smaller-scale of modern-day

vampirism. Modern society has different sensibilities to
those of old, yet the needs of a Vampire are unchanged.
They must feed on mortals to survive, their existance
harming others nearby. They must also maintain secrecy,
while a Vampire may well be stronger than a mortal,
they are not unkillable. It benefits no Vampire to have
viral videos of them outrunning trains and turning into
bats be uploaded to the Internet. They must dwell in the
shadows of a world more alert and nocturnal than it has
ever been before. It’s all edgy by intent, and so I apologise
now, all edge hereon in is an attempt to be thematically

This game is a personal project to blend my favourite

aspects of Vampire the Masquerade and Vampire the
Requiem. What you find therein may not paint your
favourite clan in the best light, and they may not be as all-
powerful as you desire.

Part One - New Rules for Genesys As a Kindred's Hunger increases, their Beast claws its
Requiem and Genesys are very different games, both in way ever closer to the surface. At 2 Hunger and above,
design philosophy and how they play. Bringing this game the sight or smell of fresh blood incurs a Cool/Discipline
to Genesys has not been a One for One conversion. check, with a difficulty equal to the characters current
Hunger. Failure increases the Kindred's Hunger by 1
or compels the Kindred to feed as soon as is practical.
Vampires hhh or d can also trigger a Frenzy, in which case
As a Vampire, Kindred do not need to breathe, eat or feeding will likely ensue.
drink, sleep and cannot be poisoned. Kindred are not
rendered useless or knocked unconcious when meeting At 5 Hunger, Kindred add b to any Athletics, Brawn,
their Strain threshold, instead they must make a Frenzy Coordination or Melee checks. Should a Kindred's
check. Hunger ever exceed 5, they fall into Torpor at the next
sunrise unless their Hunger has been reduced by then.
Within all Kindred lurks a Beast, a feral predator that Kindred may attack with their fangs in combat.
craves blood, violence, sensuality and domination. This Fangs (Brawl; Damage +1, Critical 3, Range [Engaged],
Beast is the antithesis of the man you once were. It's a part Ensnare 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 2)
of you now, and much of the drama of this game comes
from tempering your beastly inhibitions. When attacking with Fangs in combat, aa or t may
be spent to reduce Hunger by 1. Should another Kindred
All Kindred have a Hunger rating, with a minimum rank attack you and reduce their Hunger, increase yours
of 1 and a top rank of 5. A Kindred's Hunger naturally proportionally as they steal your Vitae. When feeding
increases over time, and taking certain actions can outside of a combat encounter, a Kindred may feed as
also increase it. Scenarios and events may also deepen much as they desire, however they cannot reduce Hunger
a Kindred's Hunger. It can only be reduced by feeding to 0 without running the risk of killing their target.
on Blood. While there is no direct correlation between
a point of Hunger and an amount of Blood, refer to
the table below for feeding details. Typically a point of
Blood Healing
All Kindred have access to the powers of the Blood, or
Hunger can be reduced with one turn of Feeding, though Vitae as they call it. The most evident and direct display
tracking down multiple small animals and feeding on of this power is their ability to reknit broken flesh and
them could take longer. bone to heal wounds. As an action, all Kindred can make
a Blood Potency check, healing 1 Wounds per s and
In order to use many of the fantastical abilities available recovering 1 Strain per a. Healing injuries inflicted
to Kindred, they must tap into the Beast within and rouse by Banes adds dd to all Blood Healing rolls until all
its eternal hunger. hh or d generated on any Blood- Wounds are recovered and the next sunset. Critical
using check (such as Disciplines, Blood Sorceries or Blood Injuries add b equal to the severity of the Critical
Potency checks) should be spent first and foremost to Injury. These Critical Injuries are then healed during the
increase a Kindred's Hunger by 1. Alternatively, assume Vampires next sleep.
that one full night of untroubled existence increases
Hunger by 1.
Blood Potency
Blood Potency is a measure of a Kindred's mastery of
their own Vitae. It is tracked much like Hunger, a 1-5
Hunger Sources ranking with no associated characteristic. A Kindred
Source Hunger reduced gains 1 rank of Blood Potency every 50 years of continued
Silhouette Zero animals or 1
assorted vermin/birds
As an Action, Kindred may a Blood Potency check,
Sip from a Human 1 rolling d equal to their Blood Potency. These can be
Large animal 2 called for when taking a Blood Healing action, embracing
a childe, resisting the Vinculum or identifying fellow
Harmful drink that risks 1-5 (depends on time Kindred.
Death spent feeding)

Blood Potency can be manually increased also. Blood to assert his dominance over the combatants with utmost
Potency is equal to the highest equal rank in a matching savagery. But when confronted with Fire or Sunlight, the
amount of Disciplines, Blood Sorceries or Coils of the Beast may seek to flee. You will take any possible action to
Dragon. For example, 1 rank in a Discipline is equal to complete this goal. While Frenzied, increase a Kindred's
Blood Potency 1. 2 ranks in 2 different Disciplines, Blood Brawn and Agility twice to a maximum of 6, and reduce
Sorceries or Coils of the Dragon is equal to Blood Potency your Intellect and Willpower by 1, to a minimum of 1.
2, and so on. At Blood Potency 3, a Kindred is able to Unarmed attacks deal +2 damage and have a Crit Rating
reduce their Hunger to 0 by fully exsanguinating a mortal. of 2. Add bb to any attempt to influence your decision
Upon reaching Blood Potency 5, a Kindred is considered making from a hostile party, be they from Disciplines or
an Elder and removed from play. Their prowess is beyond Social Checks.
anything present in the campaign.
You leave your Frenzied state when your initial objective
is completed (you escape peril, destroy your attackers etc).
All Kindred hold within them a ferocious Beast. An
echo of primal rage, of what it is to be the Hunter, the Bestial Nature
apex predator. This savage nature boils in every Kindred, Though many Kindred do not begin unlife as monsters,
and a moment of weakness, or supreme recklessness can many will find themselves plumbing new depths of evil
bring it to the surface. When this happens, a Kindred is in nights to come. Upon being born anew, all Kindred
said to enter a Frenzy. An animalistic state, finding little realise that a dark beast lurks within them. One that
difference between friend and foe and with no regard drives them to hunt, revel in every vice and glory in their
for love or law. Frenzied Kindred are uncontrollable, and most depraved desires. Many see this as a separate entity
extremely dangerous for being so. from the Kindred, the Beast. While others argue that it is
simply the benefit of a Kindred no longer being burdened
A Frenzy check is a Cool or Discipline check, much as by the weight of a soul.
a Fear check is also a Discipline check. The difficulty of
a Frenzy check is equal to a Kindred's current Hunger Regardless of its origins, these base desires exist within
rating. For example, 3 Hunger means the test to resist all Kindred. To rend flesh, draw blood and revel in fear. It
Frenzy is ddd. A Vampire can attempt to deliberately is the price of mastering your own destiny, to master the
Frenzy at any time by rolling a d Frenzy check. Success darkness within.
triggers the Frenzy in this case, instead of Failures. aa
on a Frenzy check may be spent to have your character With eternity before them, the matter then falls to
begin to flee the scene, hopefully minimising any damage. Kindred to decide what they should do with it. Many will
indulge their desires and explore new depravities with
Certain situations and occurences are more likely to each sunset and be content to slumber on dreams of blood
trigger a Frenzy response in Kindred than others. All and excess. Such a Kindred is in touch with their Beast,
Kindred have a healthy fear of fire and sunlight. While a and they view nights to come through a dull, sensory lens
cigarette lighter or struck match can provoke a Kindred of stimulation and sensation.
to Frenzy, they do not modify the difficulty of the check.
A raging bonfire, being trapped in a burning building
or being set alight however will upgrade the difficulty of
Frenzy check. Much the same as the onset of sunrise, or
feeling the sting of its warming rays, the amount of die
upgraded can vary from 1 to 3.
A Frenzy check can be called for under many
circumstances. Examples include;
An attack takes you below half of your Wound Threshold
You are on fire
You are in close proximity of fire
You are exposed to sunlight
You are humiliated or shamed by another

A Kindred enters a Frenzy when they fail a Frenzy check

or succeed in Frenzying deliberately. While Frenzied,
you decide what the Beast wants. Does it seek to fight, or
to flee? Being injured, or simply being in a fight can be
enough to bring forth the Beast, who will surely attempt

This is better left to roleplay to demonstrate, however A Touchstone is not entirely necessary for a Kindred
it can lead to impulsive and rash action. At the GMs to function. Few Kindred are so pathetic as to need
discretion, b may be added to certain dice rolls, to spend their every night dogging their Touchstones
escpecially social actions. Likewise, in moments where steps for validation. In wider Kindred society, the value
action is needed, a more bestial Kindred can reap the of a Touchstone is recognised. Though not all Kindred
benefits, at the GMs discretion, b may be added to have a Touchstone, all recognise on a personal level, the
certain dice rolls, for example a coercion check. significance of one.

On the other end of the spectrum, many Kindred see When acting in accordance with their Touchstones
their unlife as simply more time. Time to plot, scheme beliefs, a Kindred may add b to a Discipline check to
and realise their ambitions perhaps. Regardless, it is their resist Frenzy or Domination.
time and no others. They will not feed on a mortal if their
bestial nature calls for it, abstaining on principle alone. A Kindred who loses their Touchstone, either by death,
Others may selectively feed, dictating to the Beast when it an ending of a relationship or other means is highly
may speak and when it may not. Each Kindred is different unstable. The only constant in their life other than their
in how they manage their bestial nature. Though the existance has been removed, and their nights are in flux
means vary, there are always rules. By adhering to these until they stabilise again. Such a process has no set limit,
rules, a Kindred can master themselves and their inner some Kindred have adapted to the loss of a Touchstone
demons. Whispers amongst Kindred tell of a monastic remarkably quickly, while others slump into an endless
order that transcended the need to feed on blood entirely, ennui culminating in their self destruction. Such actions
and that the sun and silver held no fear to them. are best left to roleplay rather than dice rolls, however
in certain cases it can be notably harder for a Kindred
to maintain composure or resist Frenzy, and this should
Embracing be noted mechanically by upgrading difficulty dice as
The act of turning a mortal into a Vampire. A rather necessary.
time consuming process. The target must be drained
of all blood, then fed a dose of Vitae, requiring a Blood When a Kindred is instrumental in the destruction of
Potency check and 1 Story Point. The Vampire must their Touchstone, either by endangering them, getting
then will the target to become a Vampire. This can be them killed, killing them, or forcing them to change in
done on a recently deceased body, with no ill-effects, some way that compromises their convictions, they suffer
though many Kindred see this as grave-robbing. When a Bane. This Bane should be related to the Touchstone in
feeding, hhhh or d will cause an exsanguinated body some way.
will awaken of its own accord and become a Revenant.
Revenants cannot lower their Hunger below 3 by any
means. However, they can be uplifted by feeding them Banes
Vitae as you would create a new Vampire. Vampires have many crippling weaknesses. From the
Sun, to Fire to Silver to more nuanced things like religious
iconography or the sound of bells. These are collectively
Touchstones referred to as ‘Banes’. This is a Supernatural Weakness that
Kindred are masters of their own destiny. They hold presents a severe obstacle when encountered. These can
themselves above mortal morality, not concerning include: weakness to ringing bells, being unable to cross
themselves with guilt or worry for the well-being of a threshold uninvited, spider webs, having to count beads
others. Kindred seldom do anything by halves, both for or coins and being unable to cross a river. The nature of
better and worse. And so to love and cherish a mortal is each flaw has roots in folk tales and superstition, and
surely a genuine display and not a grandstanding notion. should not always simply inflict damage.
The source of these positive and sincere emotions, be
they a paramour, close friend or child, are known as All Vampires fear the Sun, though it burns elder vampires
Touchstones. far more than others. Kindred in contact with Sunlight
suffer 6 wounds per turn of exposure. At Blood Potency
A Touchstone is someone a Kindred cherishes deeply for 3, a Kindred also suffers Burn 1. At Blood Potency 5
any reason, not because of their spiritual purity. A partner and above, this is upgraded to Burn 2. Silver Weapons
in crime is just as valid a Touchstone as a Kindreds always have a Critical rating of 3 against Vampires unless
firstborn mortal child. It may be a Spouse, family member, it would otherwise be lower. All Bane damage, including
child or peer. Fire, is not reduced by Soak.

A called shot Brawn + Melee-Light ddbb attack is

required to drive a Stake into the Kindred’s heart.

Upon a successful attack with a Stake, a Kindred is A Kindred will awaken from Torpor with 5 Hunger. This
immobilised and staggered until the Stake is removed. can provoke a lethal Frenzy that is almost impossible to
They cannot make actions, manoeuvres or incidentals. resist.
They appear to be a corpse until the Stake is removed.
A Stake overrules any immunity to being staggered or Due to their incapacitation, the world about the Kindred
immobilised. can have changed a great deal. This can be particularly
distressing in some cases, and is best relayed to the
Kindred are repelled by daylight. Though nothing Vampire from as far away as possible.
prevents a Vampire from spending its days hidden away
from the sunlight, they are lethargic and find their minds A Vampire can enter Torpor one of two ways. The first
and bodies numbed while the Sun shines. All Kindred add is to choose to do so. The Kindred determines how long
bbb to any rolls made during Daytime. they will sleep, and they do so. They cannot be awoken
early without damage being inflicted upon the body.
Not all Banes inflict damage upon Kindred. Requiring an While in Torpor, a Vampires Blood naturally thins. This
invitation to cross the threshold, or being unable to cross means their Blood Potency reduces. For every 25 years a
natural running water is just that, an obstacle. A Kindred Vampire sleeps, their Blood Potency is reduced by 1 rank.
cannot attempt any course of action that would require
violating the terms of their Bane. They can however, A Vampire can be forced into Torpor also, referred to
work around it. The sound of bells can be muffled with as an Involuntary Torpor. A Critical Hit suffered after
noise-cancelling headphones, invitations can be obtained a Kindred has reached their Wound Threshold forces a
by force or with Dominate and so on. A roll cannot be ddd Resilience Check. Failure forces the Kindred to
attempted to force past a Bane, no amount of successes on enter Torpor immediately. Success means the Kindred
a Discipline check can force a Kindred over a threshold does not enter Torpor this turn. Note the result of the
uninvited. critical hit, and use the 10’s digit (7 of 74 for example).
Multiply this by a d10 for the number of months the
Kindred will be in Torpor for.
Blood Bond
Vampiric Vitae is addictive. Mortals who sup on a
Kindred experience a high unlike any other, and there
is little they won’t do for another taste. Unfortunately,
Kindred are not immune to the allure of their own blood.
Feeding on another Vampire carries the risk of addiction.
In a perversely erotic display of symbiosis, Kindred can
feed on oneanothers blood and become wholly devoted to
their ‘partner’. This is represented with an Opposed Blood
Potency check. This is known as the Vinculum. Tasting
Vampiric Vitae can addle ones mind, you crave another
taste. During the next week or so, you might add b to
dice pools at critical moments, or when acting against the
one who feeds you. After 3 doses of blood within a short
span of time, the target becomes utterly devoted to you
and your blood. They will do almost anything you desire,
and risk anything to gain your irritation and anger if the
alternative is your neglect. This condition lasts for a full
year and is incredibly hard to break. Be very careful about
allowing a Blood Bond to escalate to this state.

Torpor is the sleep of the dead. A Kindred can sleep for
days, weeks or years on end and be none the wiser for
what transpires around them. A Vampire in Torpor has
no awareness of what occurs about them, and cannot use
Disciplines or interact with the world. Kindred cannot
be awoken from Torpor by conventional means, though
inflicting damage upon the body will awaken one. This is
rarely a good idea.
Diablerie Blush of Life
Diableria is the utter destruction of another Kindred are not alive, and their bodies reflect this.
Kindreds very soul. Feeding upon another Kindred Though they do not change, they do not look any more
is a risky enough activity for some, but the shadow of alive for their efforts. Their flesh is cold and hard and their
Diablerie hangs heavy over such an act. It is the act of skin is the complexion of chalk. They cannot eat or drink
exsanguinating a fellow Vampire, draining their Vitae as mortals do, as their digestive systems are atrophied
and consuming what remains of their Soul in the process. and they do not breathe. A Kindred may make a Blood
Such an act stains ones own Soul in the process, and Potency check to gain the Blush of Life for the rest of the
the evidence is all-but impossible to conceal. The list of scene. They effectively gain the cosmetic appearance of
culprits for the exsanguination of a Kindred typically being mortal, they can temporarily eat and drink, and
begins and ends with Diablerists, and the presence of such their cheeks will flush on command, their lungs expand
a criminal can whip any Kindred society into a Witch- and contract as though breathing and their flesh is warm
Hunting frenzy as everyone acts to preserve their own to the touch. They are still undead and do not function as
well-being. A Diablerist is painfully obvious to anyone mortals do in any way, they are still not breathing, they
with any level of Auspex, it clings to their essence for a just appear to be doing so.
century before it can be washed away.

Diablerie occurs when a Vampire feeds from another Blood Sympathy

Vampire. A Kindred must be fully drained to begin, Blood calls to blood. Though many do not understand it,
reducing the Diablerists Hunger to 0. A Story Point a Kindred is always able to sense another Kindred in close
is then spent and the Victim is killed, the Diablerist proximity. Though their clan is not always immediately
absorbing their essence entirely. obvious, their nature is. This connection is even more
evident between sire and childe. In moments of extreme
Upon diablerising another Kindred, the Diablerist gains 1 emotion, a Kindred with a familial bond may experience
rank in a Discipline they currently possess, or 1 rank of a echoes of their childer or sires outburst. These often
Discipline that the victim possessed. This can increase the occur during a frenzy, torpor or final death and do not
Diablerists Blood Potency. require any check to identify or transmit. A d Cool +
Presence check can allow a Kindred to gain a vague sense
of location and feeling for any Kindred 'family' they may
have within their local area. This can extend as far as
a City, Province or State. It will not guide you to their
precise location, but on a t may allow you to locate
which neighbourhood they're in. Success on an Opposed
Blood Sympathy check when encountering a new Kindred
will reveal their Vampiric nature (should they be using
the Blush of Life) or Clan, though not necessarily if they
belong to a certain Bloodline.

Part Two - Character Creation
Vampire has many different types of Vampire, all of All Kindred gain 1 free rank in 1 of their Clan Disciplines.
which can be connected to popular pop-culture aspects Clan Disciplines are counted as Career Skills.
of Vampires over the years. These are referred to as clans,
and form a loose collective familial group for many
Kindred, though fraternity need not be friendly. Each clan Daeva
is represented by an Archetype, playing upon each clans The Artisans of the Night. The Daeva are passionate in
archetypal strengths and weaknesses. Below you will find all things, driven by their Blood they relish the power
a fast and loose guide on what Archetype best represents they now hold over others. They exploit others and take
the Vampire you want to play. what they want. It may not hold the same allure to them
tomorrow and they will discard it and move on. There’s
Seductive and sensual Vampires are best represented always another person to break, and something to take.
by the Daeva. They live for the moment, and now they      
have an eternity to experience the world. So what if a few
hearts and minds are broken along the way?      
Primal, Savage and Animalistic. The Gangrel are the clan • Starting Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn
most in-touch with their Beasts. Rumored to be the oldest • Starting Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
Vampire clan in existence, its members are hardened • Starting Experience: 100
survivors and toe the line between civilized and feral a • Starting Skills: A Daeva starts with one rank in Charm
little too closely for the liking of some. during Character Creation. They obtain this before XP
is spent and may not increase Charm above 2 during
Unseen Scholars of the Supernatural, the Mekhet Clan Character Creation.
are the shadowed backdrop of the mysteries of the world. • Effortless Seduction: Once per Session, your character
They are driven to discover and uncover, to plumb the may spend a Story Point before rolling a skill check. The
depths of the enigma of the Blood and other curses. number of Strain-per-success of the next skill check the
Daeva rolls is doubled against an opposed NPC.
Hideous to behold and in every crevice. The Nosferatu • Clan Disciplines: Celerity, Majesty, Vigor
are repugnant, the Vampire Kiss has twisted their bodies • Clan Bane– Addictive
in horrific ways. The horrors they inflict upon others have Daeva lead flighty lives, seldom remaining in one place
no equal. for long or letting one thing hold their focus, and for good
reason. All Daeva enter into a full Vinculum after 2 feeds,
Someone has to run the Aristocracy of the Night. The and increase the difficulty of any Vinculum related checks
Ventrue know this to be their burden. Emboldened with by 1. Continuously feeding from this person increases the
authority, purpose and an attitude befitting, a Ventrue severity of this condition, until it is almost impossible to
is a natural leader. But do they act on behalf of the escape your crippling addiction.
communities they represent, or is such power abused for
their own ends?

From these outlines, hopefully you can find something

that appeals to you. Archetypes are of course, just that.
Not all Daeva are seductive and not all Ventrue wear a
suit, for example.

All clans suffer a unique Bane, an additional curse of the

Blood individual to each clan.

Gangrel Mekhet
The Beast that talks. The Gangrel are lean survivalists. The Shadows that see all. The Mekhet are silent observers,
When Man fought to survive, the rule was kill or be killed. seeing more than anyone could ever know. Secrets and
When Man reared Cattle to the Slaughter, the rule was knowledge are what drives these specters through the
that Man was at the top of the food chain. The Gangrel long nights. Some may be content simply to know, and
keep these rules practiced. It’s a tough world out there, consider learning their end goal. Mekhet will apply their
and the Gangrel will be the kings of its ashes. knowledge, and what they know can ruin your life. Their
curiosity brings them many places and across many paths.
      But you’ve nothing to fear, unless you have something
      they want.

• Starting Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn      

• Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
• Starting Experience: 90      
• Born Survivor: A Gangrel starts with one rank in • Starting Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
either Athletics, Streetwise or Survival during Character • Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Creation. They obtain this before XP is spent and may not • Starting Experience: 60
increase any skill above 2 during Character Creation. • Shadowed Inclination: A Mekhet starts with one rank
• Close to the Surface: Gangrel may delay the negative in Stealth during Character Creation. They obtain this
effects of Frenzy upon entering a Frenzy. They upgrade all before XP is spent and may not increase Stealth above 2
Brawn and Agility rolls twice instead of increasing them, during Character Creation.
in addition to increasing unarmed damage dealt by 2. • Supernatural Shade: Once per session, your character
They do not lose control, suffer Intellect or Willpower loss may spend a Story Point as an out-of-turn Incidental to
for a number of turns equal to their Willpower. perform a Maneuver.
• Clan Disciplines: Animalism, Protean, Resilience • Clan Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Obfuscate
• Clan Bane– Feral • Clan Bane- Tenebrous
You and your beast are thick as thieves. When it whispers All Mekhet suffer Undeath in quiet, isolated solitude.
to you, it roars. You upgrade the difficulty of any Frenzy Their minds wander the darkest parts of the world, and
check once, or remove 1 difficulty die when triggering they are closer to all that is wrong with it as a result. All
your own Frenzy. Mekhet start play with an additional Bane.

Nosferatu Ventrue
Your nightmare, walking and talking. The Nosferatu are Lords of the Night. The Ventrue have proven over
hideous to behold, warped flesh and twisted skeletons, the centuries that they alone are capable of leading
perhaps it reflects their ugly souls? They lurk in every Kindred through the nights. With iron conviction
shadow, terrifying in their strength and unrelenting as the and absolute authority, the Ventrue steer their people
horror follows you home, skulking and festering in your to safety and prosperity. And all they ask in return is
mind. You’ll never sleep soundly again, and three weeks your unquestioning loyalty and obedience. It’s not an
later they’ll watch as you’re carted away to an Asylum. unreasonable deal, or so they claim.

• Starting Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn • Starting Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn
• Starting Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower • Starting Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower
• Starting Experience: 100 • Starting Experience: 90
• Threatening: A Nosferatu starts with one rank in • Natural Leader: A Ventrue starts with one rank in
Coercion during Character Creation. They obtain this Deception or Leadership during Character Creation. They
before XP is spent and may not increase Coercion above 2 obtain this before XP is spent and may not increase either
during Character Creation. skill above 2 during Character Creation.
• Loathsome: Nosferatu add b to all Coercion checks, • Lordly: Ventrue inflict one additional Strain on
and to any Social Check with other Nosferatu. They add opponents in Social checks after the roll is resolved.
b to any Charm, Deception, Leadership or Negotiation • Clan Disciplines: Animalism, Dominate, Resilience
Roll made against any non-Nosferatu. • Clan Bane– Self-assured
• Clan Disciplines: Nightmare, Obfuscate, Vigor Ventrue are born to rule. They act in their own best
• Clan Bane– Repulsive interests and no-one can convince them to act otherwise.
The Nosferatu are doomed to an eternity of rejection The Ventrue do not take any Boost Die from acting in
and fear. Upgrade the difficulty of every positive Social accordance with their Touchstones beliefs.
Interaction with any Mortal once.

Ghouls to harm their master or their kin, they desperately
need their hit of Vitae to stay off their accelerated aging
A Ghoul is a Mortal imbued with Vampiric Vitae. As
vitae empowers kindred, so to does enhance mortals. Any and impotent physicality. This dark path can end with
mortal is eligible to be turned into a Ghoul, though such Vampire Hunters being informed of your location, in
a process is not permenant and must be renewed a month exchange for a promised dose of your Vitae, or your
after the mortal is made into a Ghoul. A Ghoul is still fully Ghoul may even go public in search of a new Master.
mortal, they retain all of their faculties but suffer from a Again, treat your Ghoul with care.
Blood Bond with their master. Vitae is addictive, and the
power it offers a mortal is arguably moreso. Be wary of These rules ought to allow a player to play as Ghoul
your Ghouls, treat them with care and they will serve you if they so desire, but their presence may upset the
faithfully for years to come. Spurn their needs, and they game dynamic as by their nature, Ghouls are less than
may turn to another master to satiate their addiction. Nocturnal beings. Their benefits are being able to enact
their masters will in daylight hours, and a majority
The act of turning a mortal into a Ghoul is relatively Vampire table may not be thrilled at the prospect of a
simple. A mortal must be fed a portion of a vampires sessions-worth of daylight escapades while they slumber
own vitae, and the decision conciously made to turn this until the next night. Ghouls are typically best treated at
human into a ghoul. A Story Point must be spent at this NPCs. Ghouls cannot be Touchstones.
point. Almost immediately, the Ghoul will feel the benefits
of the Vitae, they will feel empowered and revitalised.

A Ghoul gains access to the Fledgeling rank of Blood

Potency and is able to make Blood Potency checks
whenever a Kindred would, Ghouls do not have a Hunger
ranking. All Blood Potency checks a Ghoul makes are
d or increase the difficulty by 1. hh or d on a Blood
Potency check causes the Ghoul to lose further access
to their Vitae until they are next fed. A Ghoul does not
suffer most mortal illnesses or diseases, nor do they age
while energised by Vitae. Should the Vitae fade from their
system and not be renewed, their body and mind will
swiftly accelerate to match their current age, as will any
notably aggressive diseases (a common cold or ache will
not swell after being kept at bay for 6 years for example,
but cancers or skeletal deformations will quickly make
up for lost time). A Ghoul doesn’t gain any benefit from
being fed multiple times per month, beyond enhancing
the effects of their Blood Bond with you.

A Ghoul is Blood Bonded with their Master as a part of

the process of becoming a Ghoul. They feel a supernatural
compassion for their master, a sense of completeness
when at their side, and their own concerns or desires
seem petty when compared to their Masters own. This
perverse submissiveness will continue as long as a Ghoul
is constantly fed Vitae, and will intensify if fed too
frequently until they begin to smother their master with
their need and desire, unable to understand why their
feelings aren’t being reciprocated.

A slighted Ghoul, one denied their fix of Vitae is a

dangerous prospect. They know about Vampires, they’ve
likely attended Elysium at some point or another, and
they where you sleep at night, or perhaps where other
Kindred do. An unfed Ghoul is dangerous for all Kindred,
as anyone might be awakened to find their wrists being
slit and its contents syringed into a desperate, addiction-
wracked Ghoul. While a Ghoul’s first intention is seldom
Bloodlines Anvari
All Kindread share a familial bond, languishing in Your character must be a Daeva to be a member of this
Undeath, some long-lost connection to the first Vampire bloodline.
or whomever cursed their ancestors. Though Clans and Tier: 1
politics divide them, Kindred are one large family, within Activation: Passive
which many more exist. Over the years, Kindreds Blood Ranked: No
can change and alter. Attracting supernatural miasma and Daeva are often profiled as hedonistic figures, indulging
spreading its curse to fresh childé. These are some of the in excess and strange new sensations. The Anvari
ways that Bloodlines are formed. A Bloodline is an off- bloodline take this to a new level. Anvari cannot draw
shoot of the Kindred curse, sometimes inextricably bound sustenance from Vitae unless it is laced with opiates or
to a specific clan, manifesting unique attributes within its opoids. They recover no Strain when feeding unless
members. the target is intoxicated by an opium derivative or
synthetic substitute. This of course means that an Anvari
A Bloodline is a tier 1 Talent that cannot be bought with experiences the effects of the drugs after feeding, which
XP, and requires the GMs permission to use. A Kindred can leave them extremely vulnerable. Anvari may add
may only be a member of one Bloodline at a time, and dd to a Majesty check to conjure an opiate drug within
a Vampire seldom leaves their existing Bloodline, and the targets bloodstream, allowing them to feed.
in many cases it is impossible to do so for a number of
reasons (loyalty, a binding curse, incurable symptoms Xiao
and the threat of assassination being a few). Being a Your character must be a Daeva to be a member of this
member of a Bloodline can grant certain advantages and bloodline.
disadvantages unique to that Bloodline, a player shouldn’t Tier: 1
feel pressured to join a Bloodline, but joining one can Activation: Passive
change how their character develops. Certain Bloodlines Ranked: No
might even grant a skill rank, or access to unique Talents All Kindred are parasites. They need to feed on another
and Discipline interactions. being to survive. The Xiao bloodline take this further than
most however. When they feed, they drain memories and
emotions as well as blood. They have no control over what
emotions or memories they consume, and they cannot
access or benefit from stealing memories or emotions.
They cannot, for example, steal the memory of a targets
PIN number. Use a, h, t, d to dictate the severity
and relevance of the consumed emotions and memories.

Malkavian Dead Wolf
Your character can be a member of any clan and join this Your character must be a Gangrel to be a member of this
bloodline. bloodline.
Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Malkavians are a unique Bloodline. Their sense of family Though no historical account exists to validate the story,
is a curse unlike any other, as it manifests uniquely in word of mouth and day-dreams state that the progenitor
each of its members. Each Malkavian is afflicted with an of this Bloodline was born a Werewolf and then
insurmountable insanity that fractures their outlook for embraced. The spirit of the Wolf within was consumed by
every night thereafter. Many consider them dangerous for the Beast to keep the progenitor alive. Some Werewolves
this, while few believe there is value in their whimsical take this parable to heed, believing that peace can exist
ramblings. There is no limit on the insanity that can between Lupines and Kindred. Dead Wolves gain Auspex
plague a Malkavian, it can be a clinical form of insanity, as a Clan Discipline. Dead Wolves are especially affected
or the hyperacuity of senses that many aren’t even aware by the phases of the moon, upgrading the difficulty to
they possess. They may have a fear of the open sky or resist Frenzy once during a Full Moon.
believe in some impeding disaster that only they are
aware of and can impede, or they may believe themselves
to be an avatar for some concept that only they are
Your character must be a Gangrel to be a member of this
aware of. All Malkavians are afflicted with a disease,
passed from sire to childé, and through the use of their
Tier: 1
Dementation devotion. Malkavians are afflicted with a
Activation: Passive
spiritual malaise, known as Malkavia. This is the cause of
Ranked: No
each Malkavian’s sudden insanity, and its mere mention
All Gangrel run with the Beast. Some channel it and use
can send a court into an overwhelming panic of self-
it to their own ends. These are the Brujah. Bombastic,
preservation. Malkavians share a fraternal bond that no
self-driven and filled with fervour. Brujah replace Protean
other Clan or Bloodline can truly appreciate or replicate.
with Vigor as a Clan-Discipline.
Each Malkavian is entirely sympathetic of one-anothers
condition, meaning that many Malkavians will stick
together in familial units to support one-another. Alucinor
Your character must be a Mekhet to be a member of this
Occassionally, their insanities will find a common bloodline.
cause and the family will act upon it with a logic and Tier: 1
method terrifying to others. Malkavians do not see their Activation: Passive
condition as a curse, believing that they are instead upon Ranked: No
the path to transcending the human condition in some A peculiar occurence, recently catalogued as a bloodline
way or another. Some may believe that each Malkavian rather than happenstance and coincidence. Alucinor are
is some facet of this perfect being, and seek to unify the able to perceive the dreams of kindred and kine. Through
Bloodline. Malkavian’s have been known to have moments talents, Alucinor are able to interact with these dreams.
of utter clarity granted by their condition, seeing and
experiencing things unknown to others, be they visions Khaibit
of the future or knowledge they couldn’t possibly have Your character must be a Mekhet to be a member of this
obtained by themselves. Scholars of the Malkavian bloodline.
condition hypothesise that some sympathetic link exists Tier: 1
between Malkavians, akin to some imprecise form of Activation: Passive
telepathy, through which Malkavians unknowingly project Ranked: No
their thoughts and insanities, unknowing of who may be Mekhet are creatures of shadow and twilight. Often
listening. avoiding the absolutes of pure dark and light, they lurk in
the middle of a broad spectrum. The Khaibit are creatures
Many Malkavians seek to educate their Kindred of darkness, originating from ancient Egypt. They have an
peers, broadening their horizons in ways that only the innate understanding of darkness, and through talents,
Malkavian can truly appreciate. The given consensus is are able to create and alter shadows and travel through
that these ‘pranks’ are performed on persons whose minds them as a shadow themselves.
are too ‘closed’ by a Malkavians standards. All Malkavian’s
have immediate access to the ‘Total Insanity’ Talent, and
suffer no setbacks or upgrades in difficulty for casting its
Burakumin Gargoyle
Your character must be a Nosferatu to be a member of this Your character can be a member of any clan and join this
bloodline. bloodline. This option may only be selected during character
Tier: 1 creation.
Activation: Passive Tier: 1
Ranked: No Activation: Passive
Hailing from Japan, the Burakumin are seen as unclean Ranked: No
and tainted by the tenents of Shinto and Buddhism. They An automaton made of stone, metal, wood or other
prepare and tend to the needs of the deceased, and their material and imbued with life and sentience by arcane
bodies reflect their ghastly profession. Burakumin replace blood sorcery and vitae. Gargoyles are created typically
Vigor with Auspex as a Clan Discipline. to serve, though some have been known to rebel and
make their own fortunes. Gargoyles are a tabula rasa,
not having any previous life to remember. Gargoyles are
Galloi clearly inhuman, and their very appearance violates the
Your character must be a Nosferatu to be a member of this Masquerade. All Gargoyles have wings and are able to fly,
bloodline. as well as increasing their Soak by 2. Gargoyles are able to
Tier: 1 render themselves inert in the day, turning into a statue
Activation: Passive that can bear the sun's rays.
Ranked: No
Possessing a gift most fledgeling Nosferatu would kill
for, the Galloi possess the ability to temporarily undo De Lucca
the horrible curse that afflicts them. After submerging Your character must be a Mekhet or Ventrue to be a
themselves entirely in Vitae for a full hour, a Galloi member of this bloodline.
emerges eerily beautiful. This persists for a week, and Tier: 1
renders the Vitae used sterile and impotent. If a Galloi Activation: Passive
does not resubmerge themselves in Vitae in this time, Ranked: No
their flesh moults and rots, leaving them skeletal and Ill-trusted for good reason. The de Lucca bloodline is a
utterly hideous to behold. While beautiful, the Nosferatu family above all else. Its Kindred are sired from within
loses its Clan Bane. However, if they do not undergo this an incestuous family of the same name, and their inner
rite once a week, they suffer a more severe version of workings are shrouded in secrecy. In truth, centuries
their clan bane, adding bb to all social rolls that aren't prior, the de Lucca stole their Vampirism. Whispers tell
coercion checks. conflicting stories, a deal with a demon, diablerie and
arcane sorceries are the most popular. de Lucca Kindred
count Animalism, Dominate and Majesty as Clan
Neglatu Disciplines, overriding their original clan options. de
Your character can be a member of any clan and join this
Lucca are bound by ancient rites that grant them Kindred
abilities, and such powers have downsides. de Lucca may
Tier: 1
only feed from family members of the de Lucca bloodline,
Activation: Passive
be they mortal or kindred. Blood from other sources
Ranked: No
provides no nourishment, and does not recover any
The Neglatu claim they uplifted themselves from
revenants to true vampires. Neglatu carry a significantly
higher chance to create a revenant when feeding,
generating hh on any feed or embrace check by
default. This should be used to encourage the creation of
revenants and not to punish Neglatu with events beyond
their control. Neglatu can uplift Revenants, immediately
siring the revenant into the sire's clan, and making them
Neglatu too.

Favours Invictus
Vampire utilises the Favour rules from Shadow of the Speaking for all Kindred, or claiming to, isn’t easy.
Beanstalk. In the long nights, services are worth far more Appearances must be maintained and everyone must be
than the money you could spend to purchase them. The held accountable to inscrutible standards that change
Gangrel pack that runs wild in the city park are worth nightly.
being on good terms with, as are the Nosferatu that lurk
beneath the city streets. But it’s even better if they owe you The Invictus are a conspiracy of silence, a spiders web
a favour. that touches upon every mortal institution in service of
those at the centre of the web. The Masquerade is upheld
Favours can be owed to individual persons, as well as both as an ideal and a necessity. The Kine cannot be
larger organisations. Favours owed to a person are far trusted to know who shepherds them, or who hides in the
more varied than those operated to an institution, and shadows.
will depend on that persons morals and ethics. One
Kindred may not consider breaking someone’s legs as big Meritocratic in organisation, the Invictus embraces
a deal as another. For that reason, it’s best for the GM to those that serve it well. Normally overseen by a prince
determine what constitutes a small, regular and big favour and consulted by a council of the cities most respected
on a person-by-person basis. kindred, such a government is theoretically capable of
dealing with many threats and managing its appointed
For organisations however, favours are rather easier to city. However, the Invictus throughout history have
quantify. The GM isn’t obligated to include any or all thrived as monarchies, organised crime, dictatorships and
factions if they desire, and the factions needn’t play by the corporations. All are equally valid means of maintaining
rules suggested here. Players can begin play owing favours order, heirarchy and tradition.
to factions or individuals as determined by the GM and
the player, for the respective benefits listed in Shadow of However, this is not always the case. Many Princes
the Beanstalk. rule for themselves, or are puppets of a distant master.
Likewise, the meritocratic nature of promotion and
endorsement encourages a cut-throat enterprising nature
that can elevate kindred to power entirely unsuited to
them. While some are blind to this, many are not and seek
to exploit the system for their own gain.

The cut-throat nature of the First Estate can mean that a

favour is either politically motivated or completely under-
the-table. Owing a favour and being owed can both be
desirable and undesirable, be considerate of the strings
that come attached with a favour to anyone in the Estate.

Favour Examples
Small Locate a Kindred or Mortal
Get the latest information about faction
Provide a gig with a mortal faction
Medium Cover up crooked dealings
Provide residence for the forseeable future
Big Cover up unplanned murders/illicit dealings
Risk discovery for profit

Carthian Movement The Circle of the Crone
Government works until those in power serve
themselves. Firebrands see more evidence of this with Widely condemned by other Covenants, the Circle stands
each passing night, and form movements that oppose as a banner under which disparate groups and beliefs
the status quo. With each passing night, Mortal political rally under. All see their new life as a blessing, and would
ideals seem to suggest and embody answers that would drag their foes screaming into hell with them should final
upend the Danse Macabre. Shake that dead tree and see death take them.
what falls loose.
Spread through the blood, a gift from their dark
While disparaged by the government as radical rabble- Patron - the Crone-, the Acolytes of the Circle enjoy an
rousers, Carthians believe in their cause whole-heartedly. innate understanding of the blood sorcery Crúac. An
Whether a full plan has been drawn to dismantle the equillibrium with the Beast, Crúac has pulled the Circle
Estates corruption, or the plan begins and ends with the from the brink of destruction time and time again.
Princes head on a spike, their passion and enthusiasm
is unquestionable. No Carthian is in the movement for Whether appearing as a radical new-age cult that runs
themselves, but rather because they see themselves as naked in the night, leading wild-hunts on human prey
agents of necessary, righteous change. in parks or drenched in blood from human sacrifice,
no congregation of Acolytes is the same. Lacking the
Any Kindred can be a Carthian. Whether a fledgling ideological restraints of the Carthains and the means of
seeking to fight the establishment, or an Elder grown the Invictus, the Circle of the Crone is unorthodox and
sick of the state of affairs. The Movement welcomes motivated by a hunger for continued survival, however
all, provided they can prove their commitment. Their much blood they need to shed for it.
means of protest and influence are many, from protests
at government-meetings to white-collar crime that Favour Examples
destabilises the many industries the Invictus involves itself Type
in. Many Firebrands are willing to lay down their lives for
Small Provide accomodation for the forseeable
their beliefs.
Provide moderate support for a venture
Favour Examples Medium Kill/Harm someone
Type Patronage in Crúac
Small Locate a Kindred or Mortal Big Overwhelming support in a venture
Get the latest rumors about faction goings-
Cover up crooked dealings
Obtain transportation or short-term
Medium Arrange a gig with a Kindred
Provide illegal weapons, equipment or
Big Collaborate with the Invictus
Provide armed assistance for a short time

Lancea Sanctum Ordo Dracul
This existence is a curse. Condemned by God and denied This Vampiric condition is but a taster. You have the
both heaven and hell, we are chosen to do his work. In strength of ten men and can break the olympic hundred
the book of Job, Satan is God's agent of torment against metre sprint without thought. But the Sun burns you,
the innocent, tempting him to blasphemy. We are alike, Fire strips your flesh like acid and other curses aside. Like
tormenting and tempting the innocent and rooting out the Lancea Sanctum, the Ordo Dracul believe that God
those whose faith is weak. Never will they know the love ordained them to be Kindred. However, this is no test of
of God, but instead they send the faithful to the right faith or piety. For what he has done, God is the enemy. He
hand of his son. They are the true betrayers, too pious to is mad, and must be dethroned. To dangle immortality
be allowed the consolation of goodness. infront of a Kindred and counterweigh it with curses is an
insult. The Ordo Dracul seek to spit in the eye of God and
Maintaining churches that serve both Kindred and Kine, live forever on their own terms.
the Sanctified maintain large herds on which they prey
and tempt. None are above such trials, and those found Seeking esoteric and arcane lore and artifacts, the Order
wanting often find themselves born anew as Kindred, will stop at nothing to break the shackles of the curse of
rising from the grave to atone for their sins and the sins of Vampirism. Always acting to improve themselves, by any
others. means necessary, the Ordo Dracul maintains a tight-knit
following and jealously protects all that it knows. They
The Sanctified are the record-keepers of Kindred society. will be the first to master the night and beast within,
Maintaining records of their version of history up to the and only then will they open their ranks and share their
life and death of Jesus Christ. While their version may not knowledge.
be entirely accurate, only the foggy memories of those
alive at the time can offer an alternative version of events, What this means is that the Ordo Dracul do not 'owe'
and typically not for very long. favours. They may return a favour, but they will not be
argued or bartered into being 'owed' some uncertain
While the Sanctified are just as politically motivated as favour in the future. When dealing with the Ordo Dracul,
the Invictus, they constantly seek to test their own ilk. Be you always deal with an individual, rather than the
wary of the implications of a favour to the Sanctified, as faction.
you may find yourself counted as one of their flock.

Favour Examples
Small -
Medium Provide moderate support for a venture
Provide lodgings and accomodation
Investigate another Kindred
Big Patronage in Theban Sorcery
Ommission from investigation yourself

Part Three - Careers
Vampire uses a looser Career system than conventional
Whatever the religion, undeath likely offers an alternative
Genesys. Rather than each career having 8 set career
perspective to its traditional teachings. In these uncertain
skills, each Career instead has 6 set skills and allows
times, who knows what eternity holds for a kindred?
Players to select another 2. This allows multiple Kindred
Many vampires flock to religions to find purpose and
to select the same Career, but still have variety in the final
reason in their new life. Clergymen count the following
result. An Academic can pick two applications of the
skills as career skills: Cool, Deception, Discipline,
Knowledge skill if they desire, or substitute with another
Knowledge, Leadership and Perception.
Intelligence-based skill. While it is highly unlikely that a
Kindreds career would allow them to select a Discipline
or Ritual skill as a career skill, the Spiritualist may make a Investigator
case that such abilities are well suited. Whether a private investigator, a police detective or
a professional spy, your best work was done in the
dark anyway. What’s changed? Investigators count the
Academic following skills as career skills: Brawl, Charm, Cool,
Vampires can theoretically live forever, and there’s
Perception, Skulduggery and Vigilance.
enough knowledge in the world that they could spend
several lifetimes consuming it all. An Academic counts
the following skills as career skills: Cool, Discipline, Law Enforcement
Computers, Knowledge (pick two) and Perception. A beat cop, desk jockey or armed response. Your living
was made on the pulse of the criminal underworld.
Now, you’re living on another kind of pulse entirely.
Blue Collar Law Enforcement characters count the following skills
Day to day living was the only way to make it, but
as career skills: Athletics, Brawl, Melee, Ranged (light),
now you’re in charge. No labouring or petty crime to
Streetwise and Vigilance.
make ends meet, it’s time you took control. Blue Collar
characters count the following skills as career skills:
Athletics, Brawl, Cool, Mechanics, Resilience and White Collar Worker
Streetwise. Offices and administration are what society runs on,
without it, the whole system would collapse. So you
should ask yourself, do you abuse your inside knowledge?
Driver White Collar characters count the following kills as
Whether behind the wheel of a family car or gripping
career skills: Cool, Computers, Deception, Knowledge,
the bars of a Motorbike, a Driver is in their element.
Negotiation and Perception.
Couriers, getaway drivers and chauffers are all respectable
professions in these modern nights. A Driver counts
the following skills as career skills: Cool, Discipline,
Coordination, Driving, Mechanics and Vigilance.

Be they stage actors, singers or socialites, these Kindred
use their innate charismatic and artistic skills to influence
and dazzle others. Etertainers count the following
skills as career skills: Charm, Coordination, Deception,
Leadership, Skulduggery and Streetwise.

Part Four - Skills and Talents
Many of the new skills added to Vampire are magic skills. By default, a Campaign of Vampire the Requiem would be
However certain specifications of the Knowledge skill expected to use the following skills.
may prove applicable on a case by case basis. A Campaign
featuring tomb-raiding Kindred plundering ancient Skills Used
Vampire coffins might benefit from Knowledge (History),
Animalism (Discipline)
while a more political game may make distinctions
between Political allegiances and require Knowledge Athletics
(Politics). Auspex (Discipline)
New skills are outlined below. Vampire Disciplines Charm
(distinct from the Discipline skill) are also included, and Celerity (Discipline)
detailed further in Part Five. Crúac and Theban Sorcery
are subject to Hunger rules.
Crúac Crúac
Presence + Cruac Deception
Crúac is a perverse art older than recorded History. It Discipline
is an ancient practise of Blood Sorcery, granted to the Driving
children of a Crone in a time lost to time, or so legends Dominate (Discipline)
say. Crúac speaks to the Beast directly through the
medium it understands clearest, Blood. A Rite invoking
such power is crude, carnal, pagan and wild. Knowledge
You should use this skill if: Majesty (Discipline)
• Your character seeks to induce Frenzy in a target Mechanics
• Your character wants to augment their senses Medicine
Occult Negotiation
Nightmare (Discipline)
Willpower + Occult
Obfuscate (Discipline)
For all magic outside of Vitae-based sorcery. Occult is
a dark, insidious magic based on pacts, bartering and Occult
entreatment of otherworldy entitites. Occult may use the Protean (Discipline)
Attack, Augment, Barrier, Conjure and Curse additional Ranged (Heavy)
effects from the Genesys corebook. Ranged (Light)
Theban Sorcery Stalwart (Discipline)
Willpower + Theban
The Ritual Discipline of a religious coven of Kindred,
legends say an Angel named ‘Amoniel’ led the cult into Streetwise
a cavern deep beneath Thebes in Egypt. There, they Theban
discovered the means to deliver their vengeance and Vigilance
judgement upon their foes. A Theban Rite is ritualistic, Vigor (Discipline)
disciplined and demands physical sacrifice.

You should use this skill if:

• Your character seeks to deprive a target of their senses
• Your character seeks to inflict stigmata on a target
• Your character seeks to bless an item

Talents Duelist
Tier: 1
Tier 1 Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Bought Info Your character adds b to their Brawl and Melee combat
Tier: 1 checks while engaged with a single opponent. Your
Activation: Active (Action) character adds b to their Brawl and Melee combat checks
Ranked: No while engaged with three or more opponents.
When making any knowledge skill check, your character
can instead use this talent to spend an amount of Durable
currency equal to fifty times the difficulty of the check Tier: 1
and automatically succeed on the knowledge check with Activation: Passive
one uncanceled s (instead of rolling). At your GM’s Ranked: Yes
discretion, your character may not be able to use Bought Your character reduces any Critical Injury result they
Info if the information is particularly sensitive or difficult suffer by 10 per rank of Durable, to a minimum of 01.
to find, or buying it doesn’t make narrative sense.
Brawler Tier: 1
Tier: 1 Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Passive Ranked: No
Ranked: No When making a Brawl or Melee check, your character
Your character adds a to Brawl checks and combat may use Agility instead of Brawn.
checks using improvised weapons.
Tier: 1
Bullrush Activation: Passive
Tier: 1
Ranked: Yes
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Each rank of Grit increases your character’s strain
Ranked: No
threshold by one.
When your character makes a Brawl or Melee combat
check after using a maneuver to engage a target, you may
spend aaa or t to use this talent to knock the target
Hamstring Shot
Tier: 1
prone and move them up to one range band away from
Activation: Active (Action)
your character.
Ranked: No
Once per round, your character may use this talent to
City Contacts perform a ranged combat check against one non-vehicle
Tier: 1
target within range of the weapon used. If the check
Activation: Active (Incidental)
is successful, halve the damage inflicted by the attack
Ranked: No
(before reducing damage by the target’s soak). The target
Once per session, you may spend one Story Point to use
is immobilized until the end of its next turn.
this talent to let your character learn if a character of your
choice is in the city, and if so, in what district.
Jump Up
Tier: 1
Clever Retort Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 1 Ranked: No
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Once per round during your character’s turn, your
Ranked: No character may use this talent to stand from a prone
Once per encounter, your character may use this talent or seated position as an incidental.
to add automatic hh to another character’s social skill

Knack For It Quick Draw
Tier: 1 Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
When you purchase this talent for your character, Once per round on your character’s turn, they may use
select one skill. Your character removes bb from any this talent to draw or holster an easily accessible weapon
checks they make using this skill. Each additional time or item as an incidental. Quick Draw also reduces a
you purchase this talent for your character, select two weapon’s Prepare rating by one, to a minimum of one.
additional skills. Your character also removes bb from
any checks they make using these skills. You cannot select Quick strike
combat or magic skills when choosing skills for this talent. Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Knockout Punch Ranked: Yes
Tier: 1 Your character adds b for each rank of Quick Strike to
Activation: Passive any combat checks they make against any targets that
Ranked: No have not yet taken their turn in the current encounter.
Your character adds the Stun quality to their Bralw
combat checks, with a rating equal to two plus your Rapid Reaction
character's ranks in Coordination (this does not stack Tier: 1
with other instances of the Stun quality). Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Ranked: Yes
Know Somebody Your character may suffer a number of strain to use this
Tier: 1 talent to add an equal number of s to a Vigilance or
Activation: Active (Incidental) Cool check they make to determine Initiative order.
Ranked: Yes The number may not exceed your character’s ranks in
Once per session, when attempting to purchase a legally Rapid Reaction.
available item, your character may use this talent to
reduce its rarity by one per rank of Know Somebody. Street Fighter
Tier: 1
Night Sight Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 1 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive When your character disorients or knocks their target
Ranked: No prone while making a Brawl combat check, they may use
Remove bb imposed by Darkness. this talent to cause the target to suffer wounds equal to
your character's ranks in Skulduggery.
Painful Blow Swift
Tier: 1
Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
When your character makes a combat check, you may
Your character does not suffer the penalties for moving
voluntarily increase the difficulty by one to use this talent.
through difficult terrain (they move through
If the target suffers one or more wounds from the combat
difficult terrain at normal speed without spending
check, the target suffers 2 strain each time they perform a
additional maneuvers)
maneuver until the end of the encounter.

Proper Upbringing Toughened

Tier: 1
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
Ranked: Yes
Each rank of Toughened increases your character’s
When your character makes a social skill check in
wound threshold by two.
polite company (as determined by your GM), they may
suffer a number of strain to use this talent to add an
equal number of a to the check. The number may not
exceed your character’s ranks in Proper Upbringing.

Unremarkable Feeding Agression
Tier: 1 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Other characters add f to any checks made to find or Difficulty: -
identify your character in a crowd. When feeding in a combat situation, remove one b from
any roll made to feed on an individual.
Tier: 1 Grapple
Activation: Active (Out-of-turn Incidental) Tier: 2
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Incidental)
Upon being successfuly immobilised and staggered by a Ranked: No
Stake, you may make a ddddd Resilience check to Your character may suffer 2 strain to use this talent. Until
delay the effects until the end of your next turn. the start of your character's next turn, enemies must
spend two maneuvers to disengage from your character.
Tier 2
Haughty Demeanor
Blood Healer Tier: 2
Tier: 2 Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive Ranked: No
Ranked: Yes Other characters add h to social checks targeting your
Add sa to the results of any Blood Healing check. character.

Daywalker Impaling Strike

Tier: 2 Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes Ranked: No
Difficulty: - When your character inflicts a Critical Injury with a
Though the Sun holds much fear from you, Daylight does melee weapon, until the end of the target's next turn they
not. Your mind is as sharp as can be, a rival or Hunter may use this talent to immobilize the target (in addition
hoping to catch you weakened in the day will be sorely to the other effects of the Critical Injury).
surprised. Remove one b from any roll made due to
being active in daylight hours. Kindred Duelling
Tier: 2
Dominator Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 2 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Difficulty: -
Ranked: No Once per round, after making a successful Melee attack
Difficulty: - against a Vampire opponent, you can choose to embed
Your character is able to utilise Dominate through your weapon in your Opponent. You lose the Weapon
webcams, video-recordings or by casting their spell upon until you retrieve it, but while impaled, the Vampire
a lifelike painting of their visage. cannot spend Vitae to use the Blood Healing incidental.
Removing the weapon requires a Manoeuvre for the
attacker, or a full action for the impaled Kindred.
Dream Master
Your Character must be an Alucinor to possess this Talent.
Tier: 2
Lucky Strike
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Action)
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
Difficulty: Opposed Discipline Cunning + Auspex
When your character purchases this talent, choose
When in short range of a sleeping mortal or kindred, you
one characteristic. After your character makes a successful
may use this talent to invade their dreams. While in their
combat check, you may spend one Story Point to use this
dream, you are as obvious or subtle as you decide to be
talent to add damage equal to your character’s ranks in
and have control over the targets dreams. You may inflict
that characteristic to one hit of the combat check.
Strain damage to the target while they sleep.

Parkour Shadow Puppeteer
Tier: 2 Your Character must be a Khaibit to possess this Talent.
Activation: Active (Manoeuvre) Tier: 2
Ranked: No Activation: Active (Incidental)
Once per round, your character may suffer 1 strain to use Ranked: No
this talent and move to any location within short range. Difficulty: Cunning + Obfuscate dd
This includes locations vertically distant or that have no You may conjure shadows and guide their movement
easy access route, but there must be an object to move and growth. These shadows must have a source in some
across or a path to move along. existing darkness. These shadows can grant b to Stealth
or Coercion checks.
Tier: 2 Spiritualist
Activation: Passive Your Character must be a Dead Wolf to possess this Talent.
Ranked: Yes Tier: 2
Difficulty: - Activation: Passive
Downgrade 1 difficulty die in any Ritual dice roll. Ranked: No
Difficulty: -
Reckless Charge Lower the difficulty of any Auspex roll made using the
Tier: 2 'See Beyond' effect once.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No
After using a maneuver to move engage an adversary, Tier 3
your character may suffer 2 strain to use this talent. They
then add sshhto the results of the next Brawl or Animal Companion
Melee combat check they make this turn. Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Scathing Tirade Ranked: Yes
Tier: 2 Your character creates a bond with a single animal
Activation: Active (Action) approved by your GM. This animal must be silhouette
Ranked: No 0 (no larger than a mid-sized dog). The bond persists as
Your character may use this talent to make an Average long as your character chooses, although at your GM’s
(dd) Coercion check. For each s the check generates, discretion, the bond may also be broken due to abusive
one enemy within short range suffers 1 strain. For treatment or other extenuating circumstances.
each a, one enemy affected by Scathing Tirade suffers As long as the bond persists, the animal follows your
1 additional strain character, and you dictate the animal’s overall behavior
(although, since the animal is only bonded with the
character, not dominated, it may still perform
Signature Spell inconvenient actions such as scratching furniture or
Tier: 2 marking territory). Once per round in structured
Activation: Passive encounters, your character may spend one manoeuvre
Ranked: Yes to direct their animal in performing one action and one
When your character gains this talent, decide o na manoeuvre during your character’s turn. The animal
signature spell for them, consisting of a particular magic must be within hearing and visual range of your character
action and a specific set of one or more effects. When (generally medium range) to do this. Otherwise, the
your character casts their signature spell (consisting of animal does not contribute to the encounter. The specifics
the exacty combination of action and effects previously of its behavior are up to you and your GM.
chosen), reduce the difficulty of the check by one. For every additional rank of Animal Companion your
character has, increase the allowed silhouette of the
companion by one (this may mean your character gets
a new companion, or their companion grows in size).

Backstab Scathing Tirade (Improved)
Tier: 3 Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Passive
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Your character may use this talent to attack an unaware Your character must have purchased the Scathing Tirade
adversary using a Brawl attack or Melee weapon. A talent to benefit from this talent.
Backstab is a melee attack, and follows the normal Enemies affected by
rules for performing a combat check (see page 101 your character’s Scathing Tirade add b to all skill
of the Genesys Core Rulebook), using the character’s checks they make for a number of rounds equal to your
Skulduggery skill instead of Melee. If the check succeeds, character’s ranks in Coercion.
each uncanceled s adds +2 damage (instead of the
normal +1).
Shadow Master
Your Character must be a Khaibit to possess this Talent.
Dodge You must possess Shadow Puppeteer to use this Talent.
Tier: 3
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: Yes
Ranked: No
When your character is targeted by a combat check
Difficulty: Cunning + Obfuscate dd
(ranged or melee), they may suffer a number of strain
You may move through shadows, teleporting within
no greater than their ranks in Dodge to use this talent.
the darkness. Suffer 2 Strain to immediately move to
Then, upgrade the difficulty of the combat check
any point within a shadow of your creation, or point of
targeting your character a number of times equal to the
absolute darkness.
strain suffered

Easy Prey Takedown

Tier: 3
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action)
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Ranked: No
Ranked: No
Your character may use this talent to make an opposed
Your character may suffer 3 strain to use this talent. Until
Brawl vs Resilience check targetting one engaged
the start of your character’s next turn, your character
opponent. If the check succeeds, the target is knocked
and allies within short range add bb to combat checks
prone and is immobilised until the end of your character's
against immobilized targets.
next turn. If the target is a minion or rival, your character
can spend t to incapacitate (but not kill) the target
Juggernaut instead.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action)
Ranked: No
When making a Blood Healing action to remove a Critical
Injury, upon success the Critical Injury is healed in
spectacular fashion, by your character's next turn. Your
characters critical injury is fully healed and functionality

Total Insanity
Your Character must be a Malkavian to possess this Talent Scathing Tirade (Supreme)
Tier: 3 Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Ranked: No Ranked: No
Difficulty: Opposed Discipline Willpower + Coercion Your character must have purchased the Scathing Tirade
Everyone is a little crazy, and you know how to coax it talent to benefit from this talent.
from anybody. Afer holding a targets undivided attention Your character may choose to suffer 1 strain to use the
for one full round, you allow this madness to fully Scathing Tirade talent as a manoeuvre, instead of as an
consume the target. The GM chooses the manner of action.
derangements the target suffers, with a dictating
the severity or duration of the effects. The effects can Tier 5
vary from a week to a year, as can the severity of these
insanities. tt can be spent to permenantly infect the Blood God
targets mind with Malkavia if the target is kindred, or Tier: 5
permenant insanity if mortal. Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Natural You may make Blood Healing checks as an Incidental.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Dedication
Ranked: No Tier: 5
When your character purchases this talent, choose two Activation: Passive
skills. Once per session, your character may use this talent Ranked: Yes
to reroll one skill check that uses one of those two skills. Each rank of Dedication increases one of your character’s
characteristics by one. This talent cannot increase
Tier 4 a characteristic above 5. You cannot increase the same
characteristic with Dedication twice.
Tier: 4 Master
Activation: Passive Tier: 5
Ranked: Yes Activation: Active (Incidental)
Each rank of Enduring increases your character’s soak Ranked: No
value by one. When you purchase this talent for your character,
choose one skill. Once per round, your character may
Parkour (Improved) suffer 2 strain to use this talent to reduce the difficulty
Tier: 4 of the next check they make using that skill by two, to a
Activation: Active (Incidental) minimum of Easy (d).
Ranked: No
Your character must have purchased the Parkour talent to Dominant
benefit from this talent. Tier: 5
Once per round, when using the Parkour talent, your Activation: Active (Action)
character may suffer 4 strain instead of 1 to move to any Ranked: No
location within medium range instead of short range. All Once per encounter, your character may use this talent
other restrictions of Parkour apply to this movement. to make an opposed Charm or Coercion versus Discipline
check targeting one character within medium
Quick Witted range (or within earshot). If successful, the target suffers
Tier: 4 strain equal to twice your character’s Presence,
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn) plus one additional strain per s. Your character heals
Ranked: No strain equal to the strain inflicted.
Once per encounter, after another character makes a
social skill check, your character may use this talent to
make an Average (dd) Vigilance check. If successful,
you may add a number of s or a (your choice) equal to
your character's ranks in Charm to the other character's
check. If your character fails, your character suuffers 3
Part Five - Disciplines
All Vampires are gifted with an inherent ability, they Clash of Wills
are able to use the power of their blood to bolster their There can come a time when Disciplines clash. When
bodies and warp the minds of others. Each clan has access an Obfuscated Nosferatu is being hunted a Mekhet with
to unique Disciplines, schools of blood-magic that are Auspex, when a beguiled groupie is commanded by a
fostered and developed by respective clans. Majesty for Ventrue. When these situations arrive, a Clash of Wills
example, is the domain of the Daeva, who utilize it in is entered as the two Kindred's mastery is ascertained. A
their ongoing quest for new sensations and experiences. Clash of Wills is rolled into the casting of an opposing
That isn’t to say that a Vampire cannot learn an out-of- Discipline. Success on this Discipline does not negate the
clan Discipline, but it must be taught by someone who original Discipline cast, it simply allows you to overrule
already knows it. A Kindred can freely develop their clan it. A Dominated Victum is still bound to their original
disciplines without need of a teacher. master and a hideout warded with Obfuscate remains
hidden, only you are also able to access it. t may be spent
Disciplines are cast by using the relevant skill, Animalism, on any Discipline cast to render it immune to any future
Auspex, Celerity, Dominate, Majesty, Nightmare, Clash of Wills, an opposing cast will immediately fail
Obfustcate, Protean, Stalwart or Vigor. Each of these after the dice results are resolved. aaa may be spent to
checks utilise the Hunger rules, unless specifically noted increase the difficulty of a future opposing cast once.
otherwise. hh or d generated on any Discipline roll
should typically first be spent to increase a Kindred's Physical Disciplines
Hunger rating. Celerity, Stalwart and Vigor are Physical Disciplines.
Their function is not to impede, disrupt or overrule a
Unless specified elsewhere, or modified by die results, targets mental or sensory faculties, but rather to enhance
a Discipline effect will last until the end of the scene. the casting Kindred's physical prowess to heights
The knock-on effects of a Discipline can last far longer impossible for any human to attain. Physical Disciplines
however. The sudden attraction a married family-man felt are cast like a regular Discipline, using the pertinent skill.
for that woman at the bus-stop, and what he did to her, However, they do not increase difficulty by choosing
can have far reaching repurcussions beyond the Vampires additional effects. Rather, additional effects have a Strain
immediate control. cost. These costs are additive and may be chosen multiple
times unless specified otherwise. A Physical Discipline
Discipline Casting that would cause a Kindred to exceed their Strain
Threshold may still be cast, however the Caster will likely
Each Discipline is a distinct skill, separate from the
Genesys skill 'Discipline'. The purpose of Disciplines is Frenzy with the power maintained.
to enable Kindred to better hunt Kine, they are typically
its intended target. In a vacuum, Disciplines trump all.
The most independant person is putty to a Daeva with
Majesty, the toughest Bouncer cannot fight the Nosferatu
with Vigor.

All Disciplines are cast as an Action, unless specifically

noted otherwise.

Against Kine, only the Adversary ability or Story

Point expenditure can ever upgrade d to c. Certain
additional effects of abilities like Dominate or Majesty
may call for an opposed check. If the target is Kine, they
do not upgrade the difficulty of any of these checks unless
a Story Point is spent. The powers of the Blood are simply
stronger than most peoples sense of self-control. Against
Kindred, upgrade opposed checks as you normally would.

The default difficulty of all Disciplines, unless specified

otherwise is Simple (-).

Presence + Animalism
Concentration: Yes Animalism may be used on Animals in place of Charm,
Coercion or Leadership rolls you might be called upon to
The Beast feels a certain kinship with Animals. This make.
Discipline exploits that, asserting you as the Apex
Predator. Animalism spells are cast by vocalising as an An unmodified Animalism cast is a Passive ability that
animal, be it barking, howling or chirping, or though may be activated as an Incidental at no cost. With it, you
simple commands in the Kindred's native tongue. The may converse with Animals in your immediate vicinity.
Target or Targets of any unaugmented Animalism check Attempts to influence the animals behaviour may require
must be within hearing range of the caster. skill checks using Social skills or Animalism.
Additional Effects Difficulty
Additional Target: The power affects 2 additional targets within range. In addition, after
manifesting the power you may spend a to affect one additional target within range. You +d
may trigger this multiple times. When used on insects and other small animals, increase
the amount of affected targets by a reasonable factor.
Inspire emotion: The target is filled with an overwhelming amount of a specific emotion
of the casters choice, such as anger, calm, hunger or fear. You may spend a to increase the + d
severity of the emotion, you may trigger this multiple times. If the target is in a Frenzy and
you attempt to calm them, increase the difficulty two more times; if successful, the Frenzy
ends, and the target can recover 1 Strain per a and 1 Strain per rank of Animalism.
Range: Increase the range band of this power once, this may be added multiple times,
increasing the range band each time. This increases the volume of your power substantially, + d
as it can be heard at the range band chosen.
Empower: Transferring a portion of your blood into the target, you empower it as a Ghoul.
Increase the targets Brawn or Agility once. The target is utterly loyal as all Ghouls are, but + dd
will only remain so (and retain its increased characteristic) as long as you continue to feed
it your blood.
Frenzy: The target is driven into a ravenous frenzy. If they are Mortal, upgrade Brawn rolls
once and reduce the critical rating of any attack made by one. Unless you concentrate to Opposed Discipline
sustain the Frenzy, the target will revert to normal after 1 turn.
Possess: You possess the body of any predatory animal. Alter your Brawn and Agility to
match the host animal. Your body is helpless while this spell is being cast. You may still cast + dd
Disciplines in this state, the effect lasts until the end of the night or until cancelled.
Mark Territory: You mark territory with your blood. Once a territory is defined, you
become aware of any intruders within it (attempts to hide with Obfuscate are resolved by a + dd
Clash of Wills). Everyone within your territory knows that it belongs to you.

Reanimate: You can reanimate a deceased target animal within short range to serve you.
The animal is empowered as per Empower. The target will continue to exist as long as it is + ddd
fed upon Vitae once per night.

Spending a and t on Animalism Rolls
Cost Result Options
a or t Increase the duration of any effects on yourself or a single target by 1 hour.
aa or t Increase the duration of any effects on a multitude of targets to last until the next sunset.
Casting Animalism has no audio-cues, though Animals will still respond.
aaa or An equillibrium with your Beast is reached. Reduce or Increase (as you deem appropriate) your next
t roll in the scene to initiate or resist Frenzy.
t A pack of animals carry out your command, following your targets lead.
Your Empower effect lasts 1 week.
tt Establish a permanent bond with the target. You may cast any Animalism effects apart from Empower
and Mark Territory from Extreme Range with no penalty.

Spending h and d on Animalism Rolls

Cost Result Options
h or d Suffer 1 Strain.
hh or d The Target flees after resolving its successful task, and cannot be contacted again that night.
hhh or A comically inappropriate type of animal responds to your call, and they carry out your task to the best
d of their ability.
Until sunrise you are unable to communicate with other humans, and bark, howl and screech instead.
d The Target carries out its task, but misunderstands your intent and phrasing.
You immediately must make a Frenzy check.
dd You suffer the effects of your Discipline also, running wild with the pack.

When interacting with Animals under the effects of Bird - Minion

Animalism, you may wish to use any of the following A determined flock of Pigeons or a lone predatory bird.
profiles as appropriate.
Predator - Minion
A Dog, Wolf or other pack-hunting animal. 
Skills:Coodrination ddd, Perception ddd, Brawl d

   Talents: -
   Abilities: Dive Attack - While flying, this creature's
   attacks gain Disorient 1 and add b.
Skills:Athletics dd, Perception dd, Brawldd
Flier (can fly; see page 100 of the Core Rulebook),
Talents: -
Silhouette 0
Abilities: Pack Hunter - Add bb when using the assist
Weapons: Talons - Brawl d, DMG 4, Crit 3, Range:
Engaged, Vicious 1
Weapons: Bite/Claw - Brawl dd, DMG 5, Crit 3, Range:
Engaged, Vicious 1
Vermin - Minion
A handful of insects or an armful of vermin.

Skills:Brawl d
Talents: -
Abilities: Swarming - Immune to critical hits
Drown in vermintide - For each 5 minions in the group,
increase the damage of bites by 1.
Weapons: Bite - Brawl d, DMG 3, Crit 3, Range: Engaged

These take the form of detatched impressions that are,
Cunning + Auspex without context, meaningless. a and t may be spent to
Concentration: Yes provide additional information to contextualise previous
hints. For example, a Kindred may detect the taste of
The Beast is an unknowable predator, catching the scent smoke and the ping of bullet-casings hitting the ground
of weakness and prey wherever they are. Auspex works when beholding a crowd. Violence and gunfire could be
on either a single target in short range, or a crowd of inferred from this, but who is the target and who is the
assembled people. Auspex is cast at Short Range in all perpetrator? a could be spent to trace bullet-holes and
cases and provides nothing more than vague impressions a trail of ephemeral blood to the victim, or gun-smoke
when cast beyond this. may coil about a single person in the crowd. As a GM,
you should provide important clues to the character
An unmodified Auspex casts looses the Beast to sense using Auspex, but you shouldn't spell out the entire
danger and weakness. Unmodified, Auspex may be mystery immediately. Clues that don't exist yet can be
activated as an Incidental Passive ability. With it, the used by an intelligent Kindred to cross-reference with
Kindred can read emotive states and worries, no matter known information to quickly identify the source of their
how well the target seeks to hide them. prophetic visions.
Additional Effects Difficulty
Hasten: You increase the speed of your information gathering, halving the time (roughly) +d
required to ingest information.
Dowsing: You can sense the indeterminate past around a person or object. Though you
likely will not receive objective truths, you can recall and sense transpired events as the +d
target recalls them. a and t can be spent to enhance the clarity of these recollections.
Reveal: You shatter any attempts at concealment within medium distance of yourself, + dd
revealing anyone who seeks to hide from you. This may be cast as an Incidental.
Projection: You may project your Astral form. No Physical Barrier impedes you, but your
body must be kept within a number of kilometres equal to your Willpower. While in this
state, you may cast other Disciplines from your spirits location, but you cannot physically +ddd
interact with the world about you. You must return to your body to reinhabit it. Your body
is helpless while this spell is being cast and in effect.
Shared Sight: You are able to cast your Auspex powers through a target. The Target is aware + dd
of your involvement. If the target is a willing accomplice, add b.
Additional Target: This power affects 1 addditional target within range. In adition, after
manifesting the power you may spend a to affect one additional target within range. You +d
may trigger this multiple times.
Sympathetic: As a manoeuvre, you are able to project a portion of yourself into a targets
mind. For the rest of the scene, you may read the targets mind as an out-of-turn incidental, Opposed Cool
recalling memories they may have forgotten. You can also telepathically speak to the target
in this manner, or insert memories of your own into the targets mind.
See beyond: As an Incidental, broaden your perception and reveal Spirits within short
range. Spirits are animistic essences that act according to their nature. +d

Spending a and t on Auspex Rolls
Cost Result Options
a or t Increase the duration of any effects on yourself or a single target by 1 hour.
aa or t Increase the specifity of obtained answers and impressions.
aaa or Gain b when acting upon information gained from your premonitions.
t Make the cast of Auspex an Incidental, your body is still helpless if Projecting.
Gain b equal to your ranks in Auspex, you may add these to your rolls until the end of the encounter
or scene.
tt While projecting, return to your body immediately if you desire.
Create a permanent sympathetic bond with the target, in the future you may suffer 2 Strain to cast a
successful sympathetic Auspex on the target, up to extreme range.

Spending h and d on Auspex Rolls

Cost Result Options
h or d Suffer 1 Strain
hh or d
hhh or Unable to cast Auspex on the target for the rest of the scene.
d A Spirit or Ghost within the Astral Realm takes offence to your transgression.
d Recieve false information that you believe to be true.
dd You are unable to break the sympathetic bond with your target, for the rest of the scene they are able to
use the benefits of the effect against you.
Your Astral Form is thrown far away from your body.

Agility + Celerity
Concentration: Yes Celerity may be used in Narrative time, using slightly
different rules as those in the tables below. Celerity is
By empowering their own body with Vitae, a Vampire can an obscene burst of speed that is, by its very nature,
move faster than the eye can see. Celerity may only be unsustainable. In a combat situation, its distance covered
cast upon the Caster. The Default difficulty of a Celerity is reduced to comply with range bands, and to represent
check is -. An unmodified Celerity roll has no effect. the Vampires focus on the combat situation at hand. It is
Before making a Celerity check, choose any number of also encouraged that you utilise the ‘Deus ex Machina’
additional effects from the table below. Celerity is always function of Story Point expenditure, and spend a Story
cast as an out-of-turn Incidental. Passively, Celerity adds Point to simply appear somewhere when dramatically
s per rank of Celerirty to any Initiative check made by appropriate.
the caster.

Additional Effects Strain Cost

Swift: You may ignore the penalties of any difficult terrain and cannot be immobilised. This 1 Strain
lasts until the end of your next turn.
Hasten: You may make an additional manoeuvre ontop of any existing ones. You may take 3 Strain
this effect multiple times.
Bullet Time: Gain 1 Ranged Defence until the beginning of your next turn. You may take 2 Strain
this effect multiple times.
Quickening: Take an out-of-turn Manoeuvre. You may take this effect multiple times. This 4 Strain
action may be cast as an out-of-turn Incidental.
True Celerity: Take an out-of-turn Action. You may take this effect multiple times. This 5 Strain
action may be cast as an out-of-turn Incidental.
Boundless: This effect may only be used in Narrative time. You may move a hundred
metres every second, and take this effect multiple times. 3 Strain

Dominate may be used on a target in place of Charm,
Willpower + Dominate Coercion or Leadership rolls you might be called upon
Concentration: Yes to make. Dominate may be used in Combat scenarios
assuming that eye-contact may be made and words
The Strong are meant to rule, by any means necessary. exchanged (loud gunfire or speeding cars may make such
Dominate must be used on a Human target in short range exchanges much harder).
of the Caster, longer range checks are possible but suffer
b for each Range Band beyond Short. Visual Contact is a An unmodified Dominate cast is an Action that incurs no
basic requirement, though this can be circumvented with cost. With a piercing glare, a Kindred passively begins to
Talents. strip away their targets mental defences, adding bb to
their next roll made against the Target.
Additional Effects Difficulty
Additional Target: The power affects 2 additional targets within range. In addition, after
manifesting the power you may spend a to affect one additional target within range. You +d
may trigger this multiple times.
Inspire emotion: The target is filled with an overwhelming amount of a specific emotion
of the casters choice, such as anger, calm, hunger or fear. You may spend a to increase the +d
severity of the emotion, you may trigger this multiple times.
Range: Increase the range band of this power once,this may be added multiple times, + dd
increasing the range band each time.
Mesmerise: You may issue simple commands to your target, no longer than a few words in +d
Selfless: You can force your target to act without regard for their own safety. They will Upgrade twice
endanger themselves if you ask it, or should it arise as a result of your command.
Command: You may issue in-depth commands to your target. These commands will linger
subconciously in their mind for a number of nights equal to your rank in Dominate as + dd
minimum, though this can be improved with a or t.
Selective Memory: You may alter, remove, read and create new memories in your targets
mind. This alteration will remain permenant, until irrefutible evidence is presented to the + dd
target that runs contrary to their new memories.
Possession: You utterly possess the Victims mind and body. Your body is helpless while
possessing another. Your new body changes its Brawn and Agility stats to match the host,
all other stats are unchanged. Tough the host body shows no signs of possession, people
may notice your different mannerisms. You can travel in the day while possessing a body. Opposed Discipline
You may possess a body once per week, for a number of nights equal to s. You may
cast Disciplines normally while possessing a body, but once you leave it will suffer the
consequences of any superhuman feats such as lifing a car or suffering grievous damage.
Liuetenant: Your target becomes able to cast a singular, specific use of Dominate upon
another target for a number of nights equal to your rank in Dominate as minimum, though + ddd
this can be improved with a or t. You must specify this singular use of Dominate, and
upgrade a number of die equal to the additional difficulty the roll would normally require.

Spending a and t on Dominate Rolls
Cost Result Options
a or t Increase the duration of any effects on a single target by 1 hour
aa or t Your target will use their better judgement when carrying out a task, adapting and serving the spirit of
your command.
aaa or Your target can convince themselves and others that they've not been dominated.
t Extend your domination of a target to last a full week, including possession.
tt Create a permanent bond with the target, in the future you may suffer 2 Strain to cast a successful
Mesmerise effect on the target, up to extreme range.

Spending h and d on Dominate Rolls

Cost Result Options
h or d Suffer 1 Strain
hh or d Your target misinterprets your command, or obeys the letter rather than the spirit of your order.
Your dominated target is incredibly obvious in their actions, drawing the concern and attention of
friends and family.
hhh or After carrying out your command, your target flees your company and cannot be located for a week.
d Your target remembers meeting you, and what you told them to do.
d Your next spoken word is also included in your casting of Dominate, potentially dominating allies.
dd Your Dominate effects everyone in short range, including yourself.

An unmodified Animalism cast is a Passive ability
Presence + Majesty that may be activated as an Incidental at no cost. With
Concentration: Yes it activated, a spotlight shines upon you. The most
important, the coolest person in the room. This can grant
With the power you wield, and the promises you bb to any Social roll made to a target affected by the
make, who wouldn’t worship the ground you walk ability.
on? Unfettered attraction oozes from every pore of a
Kindred's flesh. Their jokes are funnier, their gait catches Majesty must be used on a Human target within Medium
the eye and their dance moves are show-stealers. Each Range, or clearline of sight and hearing range. Longer
Kindred manifests this attraction differently, but they have range checks are possible but suffer b for each Range
a starpower no model or hollywood star can match. Band beyond Medium. The default difficulty of a Majesty
check is -.
Additional Effects Difficulty
Additional Target: The power affects up to 5 additional targets within range. In addition,
after manifesting the power you may spend a to affect one additional target within range. +d
You may trigger and select this effect multiple times.
Inspire emotion: The target is filled with an overwhelming amount of a specific emotion
of the casters choice, such as calm, lust, adoration or fear. You may spend a to increase the +d
severity of the emotion, you may trigger this multiple times.
Range: Increase the range band of this power once,this may be added multiple times,
increasing the range band each time. +d
Loyalty: You inspire a loyalty in your target, your honeyed words and allure grant b to
any check they make as a result of your request. +d
Selfless: You can force your target to act without regard for their own safety. They will Upgrade twice
endanger themselves if you ask it, or should it arise as a result of your command.
Siren Song: You may issue a command to your target that will linger in their mind. The
target will endeavour to complete your command as soon as possible, and is distressed and + dd
befuddled until it is done. They will remain this way for a number of nights equal to your
rank in Majesty as minimum, though this can be improved with a or t.
Trust: The Target trusts you implicitly, you’d never harm them. For a number of nights
equal to your Majesty (this can be improved with a or t) downgrade the difficulty of all + dd
rolls made against the target twice.
Misdirect: You may direct your Targets affection upon another person, place or object. This +d
new target must be visible to your current target.

Spending a and t on Majesty Rolls
Cost Result Options
a or t Increase the duration of any effects on a single target by 1 hour
aa or t Your target will use their better judgement when carrying out a task, adapting and serving the spirit of
your command.
Your target can convince themselves and others that they've not been affected by your Majesty.
aaa or Your target can convince an ally to help them out with a task you've set them.
t Extend your prseence over a target to last a full week.
t Suffer 2 Strain to call your target to your location for the rest of the week.
tt Create a permanent bond with the target, in the future you may suffer 2 Strain to cast a successful
Loyalty effect on the target, up to extreme range.

Spending h and d on Majesty Rolls

Cost Result Options
h or d Your awed target is incredibly obvious in their actions, drawing the concern and attention of friends
and family.
hh or d Your target misinterprets your command, or obeys the letter rather than the spirit of your order.
Your target remembers meeting you, and what you told them to do.
hhh or After carrying out your command, your target avoids your company and cannot be located for a week.
d Your next spoken word is also included in your casting of Majesty, potentially alluring allies.
dd Your Majesty effects everyone in short range, including yourself.

An unmodified Nightmare cast is a Passive ability that
Willpower + Nightmare may be activated as an Incidental with no cost. You
Concentration: Yes become deeply unsettling, exacerbating any existing
wrongness in yourself and your surrounding area.
The Beast thrives on the hunt, and a terrified victim tastes Victims subconciously realise that you are the root of all
all the sweeter. Nightmare can be used on any human or this wrongness and treat you accordingly, shunning or
animal target within Medium Range, however the caster avoiding you. An unmodified Nightmare check can grant
adds b if they are engaged with the target. The default b to your next roll against the target.
difficulty of a Nightmare check is -. Before making a
Nightmare check, choose any number of additional effects
listed on the table below.

Additional Effects Difficulty

Additional Target: The power affects 2 additional targets within range. In addition, after
manifesting the power you may spend a to affect one additional target within range. You +d
may trigger this multiple times.
Inspire fear: The target is filled with an overwhelming amount of fear. The target must
make a fear check as detailed on pg 243 of the Genesys Corebook. You may spend a to +d
upgrade the difficulty of the fear check. These results can generate Trauma.
Alter Perceptions: You can alter a targets perception of reality, but not in any controllable
manner. This effect lasts a number of nights equal to your Nightmare rank though this can + dd
be improved with a or t.
Creeping Nightmare: You conjure phantoms that lurk in your targets vicinity. You do not
control these phantoms, and they are not visible to anyone but the target. The target adds +d
b to all rolls made while the Phantoms haunt them.
Living Nightmare: You conjure a phantom under your direct control. You can direct the + ddd
Phantom as an Incidental, and it is visible to everyone in the vicinity. The target adds b to
all rolls made while the Phantom haunts them.
Mortal Terror: Dying from fright isn’t a fairytale. For every uncancelled s you generate on
this roll, the target suffers 1 wound. Soak and Defence are not applied. In certain cases, this + ddd
can be used to inflict a heart-attack style effect.
Deprivation: You deprive the target of something they hold with certainty. The respect of
their peers, love of a family member, use of a limb or skill, or even one of their senses. Until + ddd
the end of their next turn, or 5 minutes have passed, the Target is deprived of whatever you
choose to take from them. It still exists, the target simply cannot access it.

Spending a and t on Nightmare Rolls
Cost Result Options
a or t Increase the duration of any effects until the next sunset.
aa or t Learn the targets true fear.
aaa or Add b to your next roll against the target.
t Gain bb on your next roll.
Disable any lighting in short range.
tt The target attempts to flee, placing them in great peril from environmental hazards.

Spending h and d on Nightmare Rolls

Cost Result Options
h or d Suffer 1 Strain
hh or d The target gains b to resist any further Nightmare rolls for the next week.
hhh or Target adds b to rolls made against you.
d Expose your fear to the target.
dd Lose control of the Nightmare. Everyone involved in the Scene is affected, including yourself.

An unmodified casting of Obfuscate is a Passive ability
Cunning + Obfuscate that may be activated as an Incidental at no cost. With it,
Concentration: Yes you become a face in the crowd. Mundane and not worthy
of comment or memory, your presence is registered but
You are a wolf in sheep’s clothing, they will not know you become a part of the scenery rather than a person.
you are there until it is too late. Obfuscate can be used on Unless you act extremely out-of-the-ordinary, say by
any target (including the Caster) with whom the Caster firing a gun or attacking a person, others will struggle to
is currently Engaged with. The default difficulty for an recall any specific details about the Target.
Obfuscate check is -. Before making an Obfuscate check,
choose any number of additional effects from the table

Additional Effects Difficulty

Additional Target: The power affects one additional target. In addition, after casting the
spell you may spend aa to affect another target. You may trigger this effect multiple +d
Range: Increase the range band of this power once, this may be added multiple times, + dd
increasing the range band each time.
Invisibility: The Target becomes truly invisible. They cannot be seen by the naked eye,
nor will security systems be able to visually detect them. Incidental signs of passage such + dd
as noise and smell still exist. Upgrade the difficulty of any attempt to find you that is
predominantly based on vision. This lasts until the end of the scene or encounter.
Oubliette: You mark territory with your blood. Once a territory is defined, intruders may
freely enter but must pass a ddd Perception check to progress further, or escape as you
warp their perceptions and they become utterly lost in the simplest of spaces. Attempts + ddd
to hide with Obfuscate are resolved by a Clash of Wills. The Master of an Oubliette adds
saa to any Obfuscate checks.
Clayface: You warp others perceptions of the target, exercising complete control over what
others see the target as. You can use this to disguise yourself as a close friend, a bear as a + dd
desk or a gun as a violin for example.

Spending a and t on Obfuscate Rolls
Cost Result Options
a or t -
aa or t Increase the difficulty of checks to see through your Obfuscation.
aaa or Make a free manoeuvre. This cannot exceed the two manoeuvre-per-turn limit.
t The target is distracted and moves away from a critical area.
t Gain bb on your next roll.
Until the end of the encounter, add ff to any Perception or Vigilance checks to locate anything
you've hidden.
A scape-goat presents themselves.
tt -

Spending h and d on Obfuscate Rolls

Cost Result Options
h or d -
hh or d Add b to your next roll.
hhh or A nearby NPC is also affected by your Obfuscate, though he is no more able to see you, for it.
d Draw attention to an area near you.
dd You are unable to cancel the effect of your Obfuscate, and it persists until sunrise.

Brawn + Protean
Concentration: Yes

An Apex Predator uses every tool in its arsenal to hunt.

Protean may only be used to Augment the Caster. An
unmodified Protean roll has no effect. Before making a
Protean check, choose any number of additional effects
from the table below.

Additional Effects Strain Cost

Unmarked Grave: You may freely merge with a body of natural soil. You may sleep here
during the day and suffer no consequences, though disturbing the soil will reveal your -
body. This effect causes the check to cost 0 Strain.
Predatory Aspects: You manifest a single bestial trait. The options here are practically
limitless, but examples might include fins to swim faster, abnormal senses such as tremor-
sense or echolocation, gliding-wings, a prehensile tail, the ability to crawl on walls or 1 Strain
upgrade your combat potency. These effects are best dealt with on a case-by-case basis, and
shouldn’t add more than bb to any rolls you make. You may choose this effect multiple
Shapeshift: You may alter your form to become an animal, identical to one which you have
entirely consumed. You may retain as many Animal forms as you have ranks in Protean.
Alter your Brawn and Agility to match the host animal. You may still cast Disciplines in 2 Strain
this state. You can pass for an animalof the species you have shapeshifted into, but other
Animals can sense your true nature.
Unnatural Aspect: You may alter your form in unnatural ways, manifesting traits and
properties that have more business in a Horror Film than the Animal Kingdon. The
options here are practically limitless, but examples might include enhancing combat 2 Strain
potency by giving you Pierce 2 or Vicious 1, functional additional limbs, flight-capable
wings or warped flesh allowing you to squeeze through the tightest of cracks. You may
choose this effect multiple times.
Primeval Miasma: You disolve into a cloud of smoke. A rumbling growl emanates from
within and a flash of yellow, Beastly eyes can be seen. While in this form you cannot be
harmed by any physical means, though Sunlight, Fire and other Banes deal damage and 4 Strain
impede you as normal. You may pass through any surface that is not fully airtight, and
attacks made against targets within your smokey body gain Pierce 3. You may persist in this
form for as long as you desire.

Brawn + Stalwart
Concentration: Yes

Vampires don’t die easily. Stalwart may only be used to

Augment the Caster. A Stalwart check is always cast as
an Incidental. An unmodified Stalwart check reduces
damage taken until the end of your next turn by 1 per a
and has no cost. Before making a Stalwart check, choose
any number of additional effects from the table below.

Additional Effects Strain Cost

Resistant: Add b to any Resilience check made for the rest of the encounter. You may 1 Strain
choose this effect multiple times.
Implacable: Gain 1 Soak per a. Soak granted by Implacable counts against Banes. You 2 Strain
may choose this effect multiple times, Soak gained is multiplicative. This action may be cast
as an out-of-turn Incidental.
Juggernaut: You are immune to harm as long as this effect persists. At the beginning of
each turn, you suffer 2 Strain while maintaining the spell and increase your Hunger by 1. 6 Strain
Until you cancel this ability, or cannot afford to maintain it, you are utterly immune to all
damage including Banes. This ability persists when a Kindred Frenzies.

Brawn + Vigor
Concentration: Yes

Kindred are inhuman, and inhumanly strong to boot.

Vigor may only be used to Augment the Caster. A Vigor
check is always cast as an Incidental. An unmodified
Vigor check adds d to your next Brawn check and has no
cost. Before making a Vigor check, choose any number of
additional effects from the table below.

Additional Effects Strain Cost

Enhanced: Upgrade your Brawl and Athletics checks once. 2 Strain

Hulking: You may lift and throw objects with a Silhouette equal to half your ranks in Vigor, 3 Strain
rounded up.
Destroyer: Add a per times you choose this effect, to the result of any Brawl or Athletics
checks. The amount of Advantages required to activate effects such as Knockdown, 3 Strain
Disorient, Stun or Sunder is reduced from 2 to 1.

Part Six - Blood Sorceries
Kindred across the world use their Disciplines. They Casting a Ritual is a process that follows a number of
are intuitive, simple abilities whose power lies in their steps, these are the same for each school of Blood Sorcery,
utilisation rather than immediate effect. A Kindred who with variants therein.
has mastered their Disciplines is a worthy opponent for
anyone. But above them are Sorcerors of Blood. Ritualists By default a Ritual has a difficulty of d. Preparations for
and occultists who call upon the power behind the Blood, a Ritual can grant either b or, in certain circumstances,
the Beast itself, or higher powers yet. downgrade or reduce the difficulty of the Ritual. A Ritual
by default has no set effect, it must be modified with
Blood Sorcery comes in different schools, and are additional effects.
employed by using the various Blood Magic skills. Crúac,
Theban Sorcery and the Mysteries of the Dragon . Each Rituals are cast much like Disciplines. First you must
school of Blood Magic has its own respective benefits decide what effects you wish to trigger on your rituals
and drawbacks, as per the Genesys Corebook Magic lists, completion. Assemble any number of effects from the
but very few of them can be utilised to directly attack a table appropriate to your Blood Sorcery. Each additional
target in a combat encounter. Blood Sorcery is a far more effect increases or upgrades the difficulty of your roll. The
ritualistic affair, demanding preparation, sacrifice and manner in which you may spend a, t, h and d vary
time to successfully utilise. with each Blood Sorcery. Rituals have no Hunger cost by
Crúac is the power of the Beast. With it, a Vampire can
influence the Beast in other Kindred as well as their own.
Interacting with the Beast directly carries additional risks,
and many Crúac rites carry the risk of losing control.
Some additional effects of Crúac ritues carry the cost of
an increase in Hunger.

Theban Miracles are the result of piety and faith. Its

origins lost in time, it has become revered to the Lancea
Sanctum. While Crúac demands a certain flexibility
in order to satiate the Beast, Theban rituals thrive on
dogmatic adherence. Theban Miracles also require a
physical sacrament, a symbolic item that crumbles to dust
upon the rituals completion.

Mysteries of the Dragon are highly coveted secrets,

discovered and utilised by the Ordo Dracul. Through
occult science and sorcery, these Mysteries allow Dragons
to overcome the limitations of the Kindred condition.
The Order will only accept progress in its great work
if breakthroughs can be repeated and quantified. A
wonderous breakthrough is worth nothing if it doesn't
meet these criteria.

Casting a Ritual
Casting a Ritual is not something undertaken lightly.
Kindred dabble in powers beyond their own, and hope
that nothing goes wrong. Rituals typically have a number
of Kindred and Acolytes involved in the casting. These
additional ritualists are there to lend their power to the
Ritual Lead, who is fully engaged in the casting of the
Ritual. If sacrifices need to be made and chants echoed,
these additional ritualists must be ready, lest the Ritual fail
and a worse fate befall all than any captive present.

Crúac Rites
Crúac is the purest means of communicating with the
Beast. You will make your offering and hope it is enough,
then the Beast will wreak its havoc as it is desires. Such
rituals have simple effects, but all the more devastating
for their lack of grace. Crúac influences blood, any other
effects it has are secondary. You can expect to accomplish
results thematically similar to those in the table overelaf,
with matching difficulties.

The range of these Rituals is set at a geographical mile

from the Ritual to the Target. This is an unavoidable limit
of Crúac, the target must be near enough for their blood
and vitae to be manipulated to achieve the desired results.
A target of a Ritual is aware upon the Rituals initiation
that they are being targetted by a malefic force, though
they may not know its precise nature, location or who is
targetting them. The target of the ritual can be the Caster.
A Crúac rite typically takes half an hour to perform.

Preparations for a Crúac ritual are as base as the Ritual

itself. The Beast must be coaxed forth with displays of
violence, sex and fear. Offerings of blood are always
appreciated, as are wanton displays of lust. But these are
easily obtained and the Beast knows this. Displays such as
these involving fewer than four people might add b to a
roll. Widespread displays of these, with multiple partners
copulating, scarring and bleeding oneanother may
serve to downgrade or reduce the difficulty of the roll.
Daubing Blood in archaic and perverse symbols about the
Ritual Site can also add b. Human Sacrifice also works
wonders, by itself, decreasing the difficulty twice. The
Beast is also sympathetic to Rituals conducted in areas
with a bloody history, these can add b, or downgrade
the difficulty varying on the infamy of the site itself. Each
level of Hunger above 2 that the caster is at when casting
the ritual adds b. For example, a Kindred with Hunger 4
would add bb to their Crúac check.

Certain additional effects carry an associated Hunger

increase. This increase in Hunger is immediately applied
upon rolling to cast the ritual, and may call for a Cool or
Discipline check to resist Frenzy after the Crúac roll is
resolved. This check may suffer b if there is bloodshed,
sacrifice or other enticements present. Should the Caster
succumb to Frenzy, the ritual continues as per the results
of the skill check, although the caster is now Frenzying.

Cruac effects
Additional Effects Difficulty
Additional Target: The Ritual affects 1 additional target within range. This can be selected +d
multiple times.
Shared Sight: See through the eyes of your target for the rest of the night. You may see and
hear everything that the target does until the sun rises, no matter the distance. This can be +d
selected multiple times.
Ward: Protect the target from being staked, upgrading the difficulty of any attempt to do so + dd
twice. This effect lasts until the next sun-set.
Enhance: Grant the Target either Pierce 2, Knockdown or Vicious 1 to their unarmed
attacks until the next sun-rise. This can be selected multiple times. These effects last until +d
the next subsequent encounter.
Bloodbound: You may enhance or negate the effects of the Targets blood-bonding. Upgrade once
Siphon: Until the next sun-set, your target cannot lower their Hunger by feeding. Any + dd
Hunger they would reduce is instead transferred to the Caster.
Poison: You poison the targets blood, anyone who feeds from you suffers 1 wound and +d
does not recover Strain. You are not affected negatively by poisoning your blood.
Blight: You destroy the targets blood, ripping it from their body. Each success deals 2 + dd, +2 Hunger
damage, ignoring Soak.
Goad: You coax the Beast from its slumber. Each success inflicts 3 Strain on the target. +2 Hunger

Spending Advantage and Triumph on Crúac Rites

Spending a and t on Crúac rites
Cost Result Options
a or t Increase the duration of any self-augments until the next sunrise.
aa or t Convert aa into s
aaa or Increase the duration of any negative effects on the target to last until next sun-rise.
t Reduce the time taken for your current roll by half an hour.
Inflict a critical hit on the target at the end of the Ritual
tt For a number of weeks equal to your blood potency, the target suffers an additional Strain each time
they would suffer Strain.
Effects last weeks intead of nights

Spending Disadvantage and Despair on Crúac Rites

Spending h and d on Crúac rites
Cost Result Options
h or d Suffer 1 Strain
hh or d Double the time taken for the Ritual.
hhh or An assistant in the Ritual Frenzies.
d The arrogance of the Beast makes your location known to your Target.
d The Beast roars in displeasure, all participants in the Ritual suffer 2 Strain.
dd The Beast lashes out at you, causing 1 Critical Injury

Theban Sorcery
Theban Sorcery is a jealously guarded secret by those
who know it. These enlightened few adherents of the
Lancea Sanctum. The weak must be tested and culled as
appropriate, and all are held accountable before the Lord
almighty. Their rituals are biblically themed, centered on
notions of temptation, guilt and punishment.

Theban Sorcery refers to its rituals as ‘Miracles’, the

embodiment of their Faith. Their Miracles do not have
a specified range, but are instead bolstered by their
own convictions and presence. A Theban Miracle may
be channelled through other churches to strike targets
impossibly far away, if their faith and conviction are
strong enough. All Miracles affect a single person or
location, though they know not where the Miracle is
being cast. There is no mistaking the hands of a Theban
Acolyte behind such a Miracle though, for few others
could inspire such holy dread in a Vampire.

Theban Miracles may be maintained, entrusting another

to continue to cast the Miracle to sustain its effect. This
may only be done once the Ritual has successfuly been
completed. Skill checks are still made, but successes are
not counted, Strain is inflicted for each roll as usual.
Any roll without a success, or any roll with a Despair
immediately causes the Miracle to end.

The more intensive Miracles are able to inflict testing

wounds upon a target, causing damage and strain as
appropriate. Successes translate 1 for 1 into Wounds or
Strain suffered that cannot be healed or recovered while
the Miracle endures. These Miracles are used to test the
conviction and faith of Kindred, rather than kill. Those
found wanting will surely be culled later however.

Theban Sorcery may not be used to kill. God will aid his
acolytes in finding the weak, but they must prove their
devotion in drawing blood. Using Theban Sorcery to kill
immediately cancels the Ritual and forces the Caster to
suffer an appropriate judgement such as Stigmata until
they have redeemed themselves. The Caster loses access
to either 4 Strain, 4 wounds or two of either. You may
regain these lost Wounds or Strain only by atonement,
determined by your GM.

Preparations for Theban Mircales are suitably religious in

nature. Congregations may be assembled, hymn or prayer
sang and due reverence displayed, adding b to your roll.
Conducting your Miracle in a sacred place will surely aid
your cause as well.

Theban effects
Additional Effects Difficulty
Armament: Conjure a melee (light) weapon with Burn 1 that lasts until the next sunrise. +d
Sanctify item: Sanctify an item. If a weapon or piece of armour is Sanctified, it gains
Burn 1 or increases its existing burn rating by 1, if armour is santified it gains Defensive 1. + dd
Sanctified items hurt Kindred not of the Theban faith, inflicting them with a DMG 4, Burn
1 attack.
Repository: Suffer 3 Strain to store vitae equivelant to 1 Hunger in an immobile object, this
can be retrieved within a month by any Kindred or Ghoul. This can be selected multiple +d
times. This Vitae can reduce a Hunger to 0.
Condemn: Condemn the target, upgrading all attack checks once, made by anyone against + dd
them until the next sunrise.
Wanting: Curse the target, removing one of their faculties until the next sunrise. They can Upgrade once
lose the ability to feel, see, touch, speak, lie or write as examples.
Temptation: Curse a specific action of the targets. Next time they engage in this action, + dd
upgrade its difficulty twice.
Stigmata: Afflict the target with the wounds of Christ. Until the next sunrise they lower
their Strain Threshold by 3 and upgrade the difficulty of Cool or Discipline checks to resist Upgrade once
Frenzy once.
Sanctify: Santify an area. Kindred and mortals not of the Lancea Sanctum must pass a dd Upgrade once
Discipline check to enter. This effect lasts until the next sun-rise.
Transmutate: The target must be present for this ritual. Transmutate one item or animal
into another. This does not damage the caster and does not create intelligence. The Upgrade twice
transmutation is undone at the next sunrise.
Biblical deed: You enable a biblical deed of such scope that it constantly hampers its target + ddd,
and others in proximity for days on end. Upgrade twice

Spending Advantage and Triumph on Theban Miracles

Spending a and t on Theban Miracles
Cost Result Options
a or t Increase the duration of any of your self-augments or blessed items by an hour per a
aa or t Convert aa into s
Any Blessed Item you create cannot be knocked from your hands or person
aaa or Your conviction emboldens you, you add b to your next roll.
t The Miracle will extend for a night after it finishes casting.
tt Inflict a Mental Trauma on the target of Severity 2
Effects last weeks instead of nights

Spending Disadvantage and Despair on Theban Miracles

Spending h and d on Theban Miracles
Cost Result Options
h or d Add b to your next roll.
hh or d Suffer 2 Wounds
hhh or Double the time taken for the ritual.
d Summoned or blessed items gain the innacurate 1 quality.
d You are unable to cast another Theban Miracle for one week.
dd Tempting Gods wrath, you instead suffer the Ritual Effect.

Mysteries of the Dragon The scope of the Scale is based upon the limitations you
seek to overcome. Thematically, you will never be able to
The Ordo Dracul is a formalised collection of
philosophers, occultists, scientists and theologists who entirely remove a weakness, only mitigate and lessen its
stand in the shadow of Dracula. The Vampire who walked effect upon you. However, your character doesn't know
in the sun, was free of the Beast and drank blood only this. High concept difficulties will require far more intense
when it suited him. The Order have been conducting research and experimentation, potentially a Kindred's
scientific and occult experiments for five centuries, life-time of work. When experimenting, utilise a, h, t
seeking to transcend the Vampiric condition as their and d to represent breakthroughs and shortcomings in
forefather did. research. Again, by design and thematics, no discovery of
the Ordo Dracul is entirely ethical and morally clean. Let
These experiments have bore much fruit, known this guide your idea of a breakthrough, rather than the
collectively as the Mysteries of the Dragon. Through the lifeblood of a human, you only need a foetus or placenta!
Mysteries, Dragons can bear the suns rays for a time,
heal wounds caused by fire and silver and muzzle the As the GM, be aware of the difficulty of the task, not
Beast within and the need for Blood and its addictive the difficulty of the dice pool. Attempting to locate the
properties. Each of these facets are known as 'Coils'. A 'Beast' within the brain of a Kindred is far harder than
Coil functions as a Ranked Talent, with set effects. The maintaining the Blush of Life for 2 days instead of 1.
true potency of the Mysteries of the Dragon lies in its Rather than just increasing and upgrading the difficulty
Scales however. These take the baseline truths of each of any rolls made to continue the research, consider
Coil and stretch them to the breaking point. Experimental suggesting the acquisition of certain items or mystical
and risky, a Scale can accomplish wonderous things for artifacts instead. Embrace the inherent lack of ethics
Kindred. within the Ordo Dracul. The open-brain surgery may
not be working so far, perhaps if it was conducted in the
presence of something that elicited a strong emotional
Scales of the Dragon reaction from the subject? What if their family were
First and foremost, the rules for discovering a new Scale present? What if the subject was fully concious? These can
are not found in this book. Covering a dizzying array of allow for interesting developments and stepping-stones
science, pseudoscience and other quantifiable means are in the story of a new Scales development, rather than "the
not in the purview of this book. Instead, keep true to the difficulty is cccdd".
concept of a Scale and what it entails. Scales take time and
effort to uncover. No Scale has been discovered without a When a PC can replicate the effects of their Scale
dozen failed experiments buried behind behind it. These consistently, they can declare the Scale completed. If they
experiments should be done in-character, even if the odds can demonstrate it before Elder Dragons, they will swiftly
are stacked against them. Nothing worth accomplishing rise up the ranks of the Order.
was ever easy, and God himself is against you in this.
A handful of example Scales are listed below;
A Scale utilises a certain Coil as its point of origin, and
works with an element within that coil. For example,
a Scale based on 'Peace with the Flame' is based on a
Day-wake Conditioning
Your Character must possess 'Surmounting the Daysleep' to
Kindreds interaction with the burning power of fire.
use this Scale.
Were they to create a Scale based upon a fear of fire, they
Activation: Passive
would use 'Conquer the Red Fear' instead. Note again,
Procedure: Resist sleeping during the day, and slumber
that the connection is thematic over mechanical. A scale
during dusk whilst in a brightly lit chamber that replicates
is typically more powerful than the Coil it is based on,
and is typically a temporary, transient power that must be
Outcome: The subjects sleep cycle is reversed - They wake
reapplied upon expiration.
at dawn as though it were dusk, and slumber at night as
though it were day. This condition persists indefinitely, so
long as the subject adheres to the procedure. Failure to do
so for more than two consecutive days undoes the Scales

Fealty's Reward Coil of the Ascendant
Your Character must possess 'Into the Fold' to use this Scale. Subscribers to the Coil of the Ascendant believe that by
Activation: Passive overcoming the banes of fire and sunlight, a Dragon can
Procedure: This Scale may only be performed on a mortal defeat any enemy. This isn't about regaining mortality and
subject who is in a stage-three blood bond with the walking as a human does, but transcending Vampirism
Dragon. The Dragon feeds upon the subject to the point and mortality entirely.
of death, then slits their own wrists and spills their gains
into a basin. The subject must then drink that Vitae and Scales of the Ascendant manipulate the boundary
be allowed to rest for 48 hours. between life and death. Direct exposure to sunlight and
Outcome: The Subject awakens as a Ghoul. This state fire, sleep deprivation and medically induced death (in
persists for a full year instead of a Month, and is renewed subjects) are common practises. The aim is to cure a
by feeding once during this time. Should this time-span vampire of his vulnerability to sunlight and flame, and
ever expire, the Ghoul immediately dies and rises as a allow the Dragon to walk in the day, lucid and uninjured.
Revenant at the next full moon.
Surmounting the Daysleep
Sanguinary Invocation Tier: 2
Your Character must possess 'Voivode Undisputed' to use Activation: Passive.
this Scale. Ranked: No
Activation: Passive Difficulty: -
Procedure: Extract the Dragons vitae using a large The Blush of Life lasts 24 hours for a Kindred. So long as
syringe and mix it with a combination of arcane the Blush of Life is active, the Kindred does not add bb
ingredients. Within 10 minutes of preparation, inject this from remaining active in the day.
mixture into a living subject.
Outcome: The subject suffers no Blood Bond, and the
Dragon is able to feed upon the Subject as though their
Conquer the Red Fear
Your Character must possess 'Surmounting the Daysleep' to
Blood Potency were that of an Ancillae, allowing an Elder
use this Talent.
to feed upon animals.
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Difficulty: -
The Dragon no longer fears the sun, nor fire. Though
it burns them, they do not need to test for Frenzy when
confronted with either while the Blush of Life is active.

Peace with the Flame

Your Character must possess 'Conquer the Red Fear' to use
this Talent.
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Difficulty: -
Whilst the Blush of Life is active, the Dragon reduces the
effect of all Burn qualities by 1, removing the quality if it
would go to 0.

Sun's Forgotten Kiss

Your Character must possess 'Peace with the Flame' to use
this Talent.
Tier: 5
Activation: Passive
Ranked: No
Difficulty: -
Whilst the Blush of Life is active, the Dragon counts their
Blood Potency as one lower, to a minimum of Fledgeling,
for the purposes of Sunlight and Fire damage.
Coil of the Wyrm Coil of the Voivode
Likely to see the Vampiric condition as a blessing, Vampires are natural leaders, their potency and blood
adheremts of the Coil of the Wyrm seek to temper and inspires loyalty and adoration from any mortal. The
shackle the Beast within and allow a Vampire to use it as endless politicking of the Danse Macabre will be
a catalyst and means of power, rather than be controlled overcome, and the Kindreds natural supremacy will be
by it. realised.

Scales of the Wyrm are savage affairs, stretching the term Scales of the Voivode focus on blood and servitude.
'controlled experiment'. Subjects are driven to frenzy Its experiments involve psychological torture, inflicted
and dissected while alive. The purpose of experiments it Viniculum and their manipulation.
to utilise the powers granted by the Beast, and resist its
Bloody Potential
Tier: 2
Ride the Wave Activation: Passive.
Tier: 3 Ranked: No
Activation: Passive. Difficulty: -
Ranked: No Suffer 1 Strain to add bb to their next Blood Potency
Difficulty: - check.
When rolling to Frenzy, you may elect to bypass the roll
and automatically Frenzy. While in this state, you have a
semblance of self control and gain b that may be spent
Taste of Fealty
Your Character must possess 'Taste of Fealty' to use this
on any roll you make while Frenzying. Once the Boost
Die are used, you lose control entirely until your Frenzy
Tier: 3
ends. If the Frenzy would end before you reach this stage,
Activation: Active (Incidental).
continue as normal.
Ranked: No
Difficulty: -
Unchecked Frenzy A Kindred counts a portion of their blood as doubly
Your Character must possess 'Ride the Wave' to use this addictive, inflicting double the levels of Viniculum per
Talent. dose.
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive.
Ranked: No
Voivode Undisputed
Your Character must possess 'Into the Fold' to use this
Difficulty: -
When Frenzying, you cannot be knocked into Torpor by
Tier: 4
any means whatsoever.
Activation: Passive.
Ranked: No
Leash the Beast Difficulty: -
Your Character must possess 'Unchecked Frenzy' to use this Anyone sharing a Blood Bond with you upgrades the
Talent. difficulty of any check made against you once. You may
Tier: 5 upgrade a die once when checking to resist a Blood Bond.
Activation: Passive.
Ranked: No
Difficulty: -
The Vast Dynasty
Your Character must possess 'Voivode Undisputed' to use
Once per session, spend a Story Point to enter a Frenzy
this Talent.
that lasts the remainder of the scene. While in this Frenzy,
Tier: 5
you gain all of the benefits of Frenzying and none of the
Activation: Passive.
drawbacks, and maintain absolute self-control.
Ranked: No
Difficulty: -
Embracing no longer costs a Story Point.

Part Seven - Equipment
The world of Vampire is almost identical to our own. When it comes to weapons, modern Kindred are more
It is a Heightened Reality, one where Vampires court than willing to use Firearms. They are somewhat less
oneanother in restaurants after hours, and Spirits and effective against other Kindred than they are against
Ghosts linger out of sight. There is as much variety in Mortals however. Vampires cannot bleed out like a Mortal
tools and equipment as we have in the real world, with a can, so any damage taken from a Gun is seldom a long-
great majority of items readily available to order via the lasting concern.
Whilst this armoury is by no means exhaustive, it should
Players however, tend to focus on weapons when they provide enough variety for street-level weaponry available
think of tools and equipment. The majority of Equipment in the modern nights. For simplicities sake, weapons
that exists will use ‘The right tool for the job’. That is to aren’t presented with Hard Points and attachments .The
say, the tool makes the task possible. Communicating focus of the game isn’t on tricking out a pistol to be able
with allies miles away on a mobile phone wouldn’t be to shoot through bulletproof limosuines. If the players
possible without said phone, a building could not be gain the attention of a Vampire Hunter, then his weapons
scaled without climbing gear and a car allows you to travel should appropriately be modified. Ammo for all ranged
further than you would be able to on foot. Many of these weapons can be purchased at 25 £/$/? per clip/mag.
obstacles can be overcome with clever use of Vampiric
Disciplines and Devotions however. For any skill test
made possible by the use of an item, you do not upgrade Armour
your dice pool in any way, since the tools purpose is to Name Def. Soak Enc. Price Rarity
make such a test possible. Padded - +1 1 250 2
Other items might improve your die pool however. Using Kevlar Vest - +2 2 500 5
a map when navigating is a good example. You can still Flak Jacket 1 +1 3 750 7
navigate without the map, but the map might grant b to a
Riot Armour 2 +1 5 1000 7
navigation roll while using said map.
Ranged Weapons
Name Skill Dmg Crit Range Enc. Price Rarity Special
Semi-Auto Pistol R: Light 5 4 Medium 1 150 4
Machine Pistol R: Light 4 4 Short 1 250 5 Auto-Fire,
Innacurate 1
Heavy Pistol R: Light 5 3 Medium 1 300 5
Submachine gun R: Light 5 3 Medium 2 400 6 Auto-Fire
Assault Rifle R: Heavy 8 3 Long 4 1000 7 Auto-Fire
Marksman Rifle R: Heavy 8 3 Long 4 1000 7 Accurate 1
Shotgun R: Heavy 8 3 Short 3 500 6 Blast 4, Knockdown,
Vicious 2

Melee Weapons
Name Skill Dmg Crit Range Enc. Price Rarity Special
Knife Melee +1 3 Engaged 1 50 2
Brass Knuckles Melee +1 4 Engaged 1 75 1 Disorient 3
Baton Melee +2 3 Engaged 1 100 2
Stun Gun Melee 5 6 Engaged 1 100 2 Stun 3, Stun Damage
Chain Melee +2 5 Engaged 1 50 1 Disorient 2, Ensnare 1
Bat Melee +3 4 Engaged 2 100 2 Disorient 4
Stake Melee +1 2 Engaged 1 150 4 Unwieldy 3, Special
Sword Melee +3 3 Engaged 2 400 6 Defensive 1,
Accurate 1

Assault Rifle Marksman Rifle
Designed for military use, this rifle has somehow ended Whether for hunting or sport, this rifle is meant to put
up on the streets and likely in the wrong hands. Whether down a target in as few shots as possible. The damage
a ubiquitious AR/AK rifle or or an M4, this weapon is may be adjusted by 1 in either direction with the GMs
lethal and surely illegal without permits. Many Assault permission to represent a smaller varmint rifle or a big-
Rifles can be modified in the factory to function as game weapon such as an elephant gun.
a Carbine, reducing their range to medium but also
reducing encumbrance by 1. Riot Armour
A full-face visor and head-to-toe protection from fists,
Ammo knives and small-arms fire. Let people know you’re ready.
Exactly what it sounds like, an extra clip or magazine of
ammo for a ranged weapon. Semi-auto/Heavy Pistol
Ranging from a 9mm or .38 calibre pistol to a bulky
revolver blowing a basketball sized hole in a fleeing perp,
Bat Pistols are a common weapon to find in all the wrong
Whatever the sport, these Bats are built to take a beating.
sorts of company. The damage or crit rating may be
They can also deliver a hell of a beating in return,
adjusted by 1 in either direction with the GMs permission
someones skull will break before these do.
to represent .22 weapons or hollow-point rounds for
example. You may only make one adjustment.
Typically used by law enforcement, this Baton has a
weighted tip that can easily break bones if swung hard Stake
enough. The signature weapon of a Vampire Hunter. A stake and
mallet are all-but guaranteed to incapacitate a vampire.
Rather than be used conventionally, a Called Melee Light
Brass Knuckles check must be made. If this check succeeds, the target is
A simple brass ring designed to fit about knuckles, they
immediately immobilised and staggered (in addition to
add extra impact to a punch.
any damage suffered).

A length of chain, used to lash and bludgeon an enemy. Stun Gun
Crude but effective. This can also represent a whip or A handheld taser, normally used for self-defence. This
similar weapon. weapon does not add the users Brawn to its damage, since
only the lightest touch is necessary to activate the weapon.
Kevlar/Flak Vest
Similar in purpose, Kevlar vests are a cheaper and more Submachine Gun
concealable means of protection. For those who serve Utilised by armed respondants for close quarter
in the military or expect danger, a Flak Jacket is a better situations, submachine guns provide a high rate of fire in
alternative. a small, easy to use package. This SMG typically will fire
9mm bullets with little room for alteration.
The quickest way to escalate any fist fight. Capable of Shotgun
deceptively fatal wounds, a knife brought to a fist fight is A pump-action murder machine, Shotguns blast victims
no joke. off their feet (and probably out of 7th storey windows)
with a terrific boom. To represent a break-action or
Padded Clothes double barreled shotgun, add the Limited Ammo 1 or
Two or three layers of thick clothing can help absorb a 2 quality. Sawed-off Shotguns have their encumbrance
punch to the gut. It may not be much, but it works. reduced by 2 and gain Innacurate 1.

Machine Pistol Sword

Popularised in media by gangland drive-by shootings, Out of date? Perhaps, but certainly stylish and effective.
Machine Pistols offer rapid fire in a handhold. The Requiring training to be fully effective, a Sword is one of
damage or crit rating may be adjusted by 1 in either the surer ways to incapicate a Kindred.
direction with the GMs permission to represent minor
alterations in the weapon. You may only make one
Part Eight - Bestiary
Vampires are not the only creatures that haunt the Night. Werewolf (Nemesis)
If blood-sucking fiends exist, then surely they cannot be As much Monsters as the Kindred, Werewolves roam
alone after all. And lo and behold, they are not. Not every the untamed wilds beyond urban cities. While Vampires
Vampire game needs to include Werewolves, the Strix or conceal themselves as a Wolf in Sheeps clothing, the
Vampire Hunters but they’re iconic enough that their Werewolf knows his place and has no need for disguise or
inclusion below is a necessary inclusion to this subtlety. All Werewolves are mortal humans, infected by
conversion. Vampire isn’t intended to be a combat-centric some spiritual malaise. Perhaps their ancestors pledged
game, so the majority of the profiles in the following loyalty to some Totemic God centuries prior, or the Full
chapter will be for Nemesis and Rival tier enemies with Moon calls to them in the strangest manner. Or it’s just
attatched personalities, and focus less on faceless Minions bad luck. A Werewolf has bitten them, and now they run
to rip and tear through. with the Pack when the mood takes them, or the Moon
beckons. Werewolves are inhumanly strong and ferocious,
moreso than any Kindred, even one in the depths of the
Beasts embrace. A Werewolf is the physical incarnation of
a Vampires worst nightmares. A mountain of fangs, claws
and muscle, unrelenting in its fury and singular in its
hatred of Vampire-kind. You’d best hope the pack aren't
on the hunt also.
The Werewolf is a combat threat above all else. They
jealously guard areas they perceive as their own, and
respond with overwhelming

Skills: Athletics cccdd, Cool cc,
Coordination cdd, Discipline ccd,
Perception cccc, Resilience cccdd,
Stealth ccd, Survival cccd,
Vigilance ccc, Brawl ccccd
Talents: Adversary 2, Coordinated Assault 2
Abilities: Werewolf Bite - A Werewolf bite is infectious in
the extreme. A Werewolf may spend t on its attack rolls
to attempt to turn a Mortal into a Werewolf. Vampires
are immune to this bite. A dddd Resilience check
is required to resist contracting Lycanthropy. If a Mortal
contracts Lycanthropy, at the next full-moon they turn
into a Werewolf and use this profile.
Transform - Werewolves are Mortals. As Mortals, they
have a different set of characteristics of your choosing,
though they will share the same skills. The Mortal will
transform whether they choose to or not every full moon,
but they can trigger the Transformation themselves with a
dd Discipline check and suffering 2 Strain.
Vulnerable - Against Werewolves, Silver weapons
(including bullets and arrows) have a Critical Rating of 2.
Equipment - Fangs and Claws (Brawl, Damage 6,
Crit 3, Range (Engaged), Pierce 3 Vicious 2, Knockdown)

Strix (Nemesis) Vampire Hunter (Nemesis)
The Strix are the black mirrors of Kindred. Black shadows For as long as Kindred have existed, they have hunted
and distant relatives of Kindred from millennia past, the mortals and fed upon them. But now and then, mankind
Strix are shadows that were never Human. In their natural fights back, producing someone of iron convicition,
state, a Strix is an owl-like mass of smoke and shadow. discipline and skill. Though still mortal, they are as
Capable of draining life itself without a need for Blood, cunning and devious as any Vampire, and utterly
the Strix see Kindred as pretenders shackled to Humanity dedicated to their destruction. Primarily a combat threat,
and hate them for it. They hate them for their weakness, though a Hunter is also excellent for heightening paranoia
for their need of Blood, and for having a life the Strix amongst Kindred.
never knew.


Skills: Charm cc, Coerction ccc,
Skills: Cool ccd, Discipline cccd, Cool cc, Deception ccd,
Perception cccd, Resilience cdd, Skullduggery cccd, Stealth ccc,
Stealth cddd, Vigilance cccd, Brawl cd Streetwise ccd, Ranged (Light) cdd,
Talents: Adversary 2, Swift, Scathing Tirade Ranged (Heavy) ccd, Melee (Light) cccd
Abilities: Shadow - A Strix has no solid body. Mundane Talents - Adversary 2, Hamstring Shot, Kintdred Duelling
attacks cannot harm it. Strix are impeded by Banes. Strix Equipment - Flamethrower (Ranged (Heavy) Damage 7,
can pass through most solid surfaces as long as there they Crit 3 Range (Medium), Burn 4, Blast 5, Vicious 2)
are not environmentally sealed, tough the time taken can Shotgun (Ranged (Heavy), Damage 8, Crit 3, Ranged
vary between surfaces. (Short), Blast 4, Knockdown, Vicious 2)
Possession - The Strix may possess bodies, including Silenced Pistol (Ranged (Light), Damage 5, Crit 4, Range
Kindred and corpses. This requires an Opposed Discipline (Short))
check as an Action. The Strix absolutely possesses the Stake (Melee; Damage 5; Crit 2; Range (Engaged);
body and their host has no memory of what transpires Unweildy 3; Ensnare and Concussive on Called Shot)
during their possession. This possession is effective until Axe (Melee (Light), Damage +3, Crit 3, Range (Engaged),
the next Sunset. While in a body, Strix use the Hosts Vicious 1)
Brawn and Agility stats instead of their own. They may Various cantrips, vials of holy water, Garlic, Religious
use any Disciplines known to the Kindred they possess. Iconography, Beads, burner mobile phones.
The Strix may leave its host body at any time. Should the
host body be killed or knocked unconscious, the Strix
is unaffected and returns to its regular stat-profile with Monster (Nemesis)
wounds and strain intact. All manner of Monsters exist in the world. Possessed
Solid Shadow - Spend a story point, until the end of Kine, results of mad experiments, Cruac rite gone right
the encounter, the Strix can make Brawl attacks with and creatures not of this world. Such Monsters may have
its shadow claws. (Melee, Damage 5, Critical 3, Range a diminished sense of self-preservation and little regard
(Engaged), Pierce 4) for collateral damage or the necessity of the Masquerade.
Shadow Sorceror - Strix may use 75XP’s worth of Monsters are primarily a combat and Masquerade threat.
Vampiric Disciplines.      
Life Thief - Strix do not need Blood to sustain themselves,
instead draining the essence of life directly from their      
victims. Strix can drain life from an engaged target with a    

Willpower + Discipline roll opposed by Resilience. Each      
s restores 1 wound to the Strix and inflicts 1 wound on Skills: Brawl cccd, Coordination cc,
the target. Occult cdd, Resilience ccdd
Talents: Adversary 2
Abilities: Terrifying - At the start of the encounter, all
opponents must make a ddd Fear check.
Equipment - Vicious Claws (Brawl; Damage 6; Crit 2;
Range (Engaged); Vicious 2)
Tentacles or Thundering Hooves (Brawl, Damage 6, Crit
4; Range (Engaged); Concussive 1, Knockdown)

Kindred NPCs Prince (Nemesis)
Kindred NPCs do not follow many rules for Clans, The ruler of a terrotiry. One does not become Prince
Hunger or Blood Potency. They are streamlined and by accident, and does not remain Prince without the
presented as options or abilities for simplicities sake. If might to hold onto their throne. A Prince is an excellent
you desire to attribute a Clan to a Kindred NPC, give the antagonist for a campaign of politics, as the danger
NPC 2 ranks in an appropriate Clan Discipline. Kindred they pose is not simply physical. Their allegiances and
NPCs may Frenzy when provoked by Animalism or subjects are more than enough to hamper any thoughts of
appropriate environmental factors such as fire or sunlight. revolution or assassination.
Slumbering Demigod (Nemesis)
Feared by all but the most foolish, a Kindred whose blood      
is so potent that the slumber of torpor did naught to thin    

it. Such a Vampire is over 1000 years old and nothing Skills: Coercion cccd, Charm cccdd,
human remains within their body. Their mind is alien and Cool ccccd, Deception cccd,
warped by hunger and torpor. The world about them is Discipline cccc, Leadership cccdd,
strange and frightening, fortunately they have the power Majesty ccddd, Negotiation cccdd,
to destroy it all. A Slumbering Demigod is an excellent Perception ccd, Streetwise cdd,
antagonist for a campaign of apocalyptic proportions, Vigilance ccdd
with desperate allegiances, ancient sorcery, mystery and Talents: Adversary 2, Ruinous Repartee
bloody danger. Abilities: One Step Ahead - Once per round, after an
      opponent performs an action or manoeuvre, you may
spend a Story Point to perform an action or manoeuvre as
      an out-of-turn incidental.
Let's make a deal - If the Prince knows an opponent's

    Desire or Flaw motivation, when this character inflicts

strain on the opponent, inflict 4 additional strain.
Skills: Animalism cccd Brawl ccc,
Dominate ccccd,Cool ccc,
Discipline ccccc, Perception ccdd, Protean The Enforcer (Nemesis)
ccc, Resilience ccc, Stalwart cccd, The mailed fist of the Prince. The Enforcer is entrusted
Vigor ccc to deliver the Princes judgement, and capture or execute
Talents: Adversary 3, Coordinated Assault 4 those who break the Princes law. Few count the Enforcer
Abilities: Beastly - The Demigod may suffer 2 Strain as a friend, and fewer still are happy to see them. This
activate combat-elements of Protean as an Incidental that profile may also represent an Invictus Knight. The Sheriff
lasts until the end of the encounter. is an excellent pairing with the Prince, representing a
Master of the Blood - May suffer 2 Strain roll physical and magical threat to complement the Princes
ddddd as an Incidental to heal 2 wounds per s. social and intellectual prowess.
Terrifying - At the start of the encounter, all opponents
must make a ddd Fear check.
Equipment: Protean claws (Brawl; Damage 6; Crit 2;
Range (Engaged); Accurate 1, Pierce 2, Vicious 1)

Skills: Coercion ccc, Cool cdd,
Coordination ccd, Discipline ccc,
Melee cccc, Ranged (Light) ccd, Stealth
cdd, Vigilance ccc, Vigor cccd
Talents: Adversary 2, Kindred Duellist, Parry 3, Sidestep
Abilities: -
Equipment: Silver Throwing Knives (Ranged (Light);
Damage 3; Crit 3; Range (Short); Limited Ammo 6;
Linked 3; Pierce 3)
Stake (Melee; Damage 5; Crit 2; Range (Engaged);
Unweildy 3; Ensnare and Concussive on Called Shot)
Sawn-off Shotgun (Ranged (Light); Crit 3; Range (Short);
Burn 1; Blast 4; Innacurate 1; Knockdown; Vicious 1)

Elder (Nemesis) Coordinator (Rival)
With at least three centuries of unlife under their belt, Kindred are social creatures, though they operate as lone
this Kindred has experience, power and connections. wolves. A Coordinator is someone who leads a small
They're in the upper echelons of any Covenant they group of Kindred, known as a Coiterie.
have joined, are adept politickers and masters of their
Skills: Cool ccc, Discipline cdd,
Skills: Charm ccd, Coercion ccc, Leadership ccd, Negotiation cc,
Cool ccd, Discipline ccd, Perception cdd, Vigilance ccd
Negotiate ccc, Vigilance ccc Talents: Adversary 1, Clever Retort
Talents: Adversary 1, Scathing Tirade (Improved) Abilities: Shrewd - If the Coordinator knows their
Abilities: opponent's Strength, inflict an additional 3 Strain on
Upstarts - An Elder may suffer 2 Strain to gain 2 ranks an opponent when Strain would be inflicted in a Social
in either Animalism, Dominate, Majesty, Nightmare of Encounter.
Obfuscate. This ability may be used multiple times to gain
different Disciplines. This may not improve an existing
Discipline rank above 5. Blood Sorceror (Rival)
Equipment: A rightful sense of superiority There's a world of untapped power just beyond what we
can sense. Whether it's a higher power, or something far
more sinister, this one lets it suffuse their very being. This
Wassail (Nemesis) profile can represent a middling member of the Lancea
A Kindred given over to the Beast. Existing in perpetual Sanctum, the Ordo Dracul or the Circle of the Crone.
Frenzy, a Wassail is a threat both physically as well as to Primarily used as a social opponent.
the Masquerade.


      Skills: Cool cc, Charm cc, Discipline cc,
Skills: Brawl cccd, Coordination ccc, Negotiation ccd, Occult ccd, Vigilance cd
Perception ccdd, Protean ccc, Talents: Adversary 1
Stealth ccc, Vigilance ccd, Vigor ccc Abilities: Scholar - When the character is created, choose
Talents: Adversary 1, Berserk, Quick Draw 2 either 2 ranks in Crúac, Theban Sorcery or 2 Coils of the
Abilities: Pounce - Once per turn, while at short range, Dragon for this character.
the Wassail may perform the move manoeuvre to engage
a target as an Incidental.
Perpetual Frenzy - The Wassail is permanently Frenzied. Lone Wolf (Rival)
Any attempts to calm it down with Social Checks or Knowing just enough to get by alone is the safest way.
Disciplines automatically fail. At least, that's what this one tells themselves. Useful for a
Equipment - Feral Claws (Brawl; Damage 7; Crit 2; Range minor Kindred NPC who doesn't quite have what it takes
(Engaged); Pierce 2, Knockdown to get their own profile.
Fangs (Brawl; Damage 5; Crit 2; Range (Engaged),      
Ensnare 1, Concussive 1, Knockdown)

Skills: Cool cc, Deception cdd, Discipline cd,
Skulduggery ccd, Streetwise cdd,
Vigilance cd
Talents: Master
Abilities: Flexible - Once per session, spend a story point
to grant a Lone Wolf one rank in any skill.

Muscle (Rival) Shovelhead (Minion)
The Danse Macabre is a game of politics. Veiled threats, Their skin is still warm, their brain doesn't realise they're
allusions and implications. This one deals with these dead. A Shovelhead is a quick and dirty embrace, whether
head-on. Most Coiteries will have some Muscle they can undead cannon fodder or an unintended Revenant, this
call upon. one doesn't know what to do with the raging Beast within.
      Primarily used for combat scenarios.

Skills: Brawl ccc, Cool cd, Coercion cd,   
Melee ccd, Vigilance cd Skills: Brawl dd, Vigilance d
Talents: Adversary 1 Talents: Berserk
Abilities: - Abilities: Frenzy - Shovelheads are goaded into a
Equipment: Chain (Melee; Damage 5; Crit 5; Range sadistic Frenzy upon embrace and seldom know undeath
(Engaged); Disorient 2; Ensnare 1) without it. Shovelheads are Frenzied when attacking, but
Equipment: Claws (Brawl; Damage 4; Crit 3; Range
Everyman (Minion) (Engaged); Pierce 2; Knockdown)
No aspirations or delusions of grandeur here. Just
surviving the nights as peacefully as they can. Most
Kindred in the city fall into this category. Primarily used Paranormal Hunter (Rival)
for large crowds at Elysium in Social Encounters. This Vampires aren't the only creatures that go bump in the
profile may also represent Kine. night. Whether being terrorised by a spirit, a ghost or
      some strange facsimile of life, sometimes the Kine are
motivated to act. These Hunters may not know what

  they're fighting, or what works against it. Often, they
turn to a more experienced teacher, such as a Vampire
   Hunter. Paranormal Hunters tend to restrict themselves
Skills: Cool cc to a geographic area, such as a city block or street. Do not
Talents: - mistake their lack of knowledge for a lack of enthusiasm.
Abilities: - Paranormal Hunters work as accomplises to a Vampire
Equipment: - Hunter, providing a combat and social threat.
Ghoul (Minion)
Trapped in the Danse Macabre by their Master, a Ghouls     
existence is one of astronomical highs and crippling   

lows. Often used as tools, sometimes valued as friends or Skills: Cool cd, Coercion cddd, Melee cd,
potential childer, Ghouls exist in the twilight of Vampire Perception ccdd, Ranged (Light) cd, Ranged
society. This profile represents a run of the mill Ghoul (Heavy) cd, Skulduggery ccdd, Vigilance cc
you may encounter on the street who do not warrant their Talents: Lucky Strike
own profile. Abilities: -
      Equipment: Silenced Pistol (Ranged (Light); Damage 5;
Crit 4; Range (Short))

  Stake (Melee; Damage 5; Crit 2; Range (Engaged);
   Unweildy 3; Ensnare and Concussive on Called Shot)
Axe (Melee (Light), Damage +3, Crit 3, Range (Engaged),
Skills: Cool dd, Deception dd, Skulduggery dd, Vicious 1)
Streetwise dd
Talents: -
Abilities: Spend a Story Point to gain 1 rank in a
Discipline their master possesses.
Equipment: -

Government Officer - Rival
The Aristocracy of the Night is all too entwined with
mortal beuraucracy. Whether Police Officers are on a
first-name basis with Kindred, or the Distric Attorney
recieves a payment each month to not process certain
reports, the Kindreds machinations are as deeply
entwined in Mortal affairs as can be. If using this profile
for corrupt Police Officers, consider adding a level or two
in Ranged (Light) and Melee or Brawl.



Skills: Charm cd, Cool cd, Deception ccd,

Knowledge cdd, Negotiation cc
Talents: -
Abilities: Red Tape - When operating in an appropriate
circumstance (as a police officer in their area of influence
for example) upgrade the difficulty of any opposed check
made against the target in an appropriate context.
Equipment - Various incriminating documents, multiple
mobile phones.

Bodyguard - Rival
Security is the name of the game these days. Money and
paper trails can be bought, windows can be reinforced
and krav maga classes can be attended every Saturday
evening. But there’s no substitute for a big, tough bloke
following you about closer than your own shadow. They’re
hard to buy, and after that harder to be bought. Whether
they’re ex-military or the produce of some strange esoteric
lifestyle in the Tibetan mountains, it’s in everyone’s best
interests to not cross the Bodyguard.



Skills: Athletics cddd, Coercion cdd,

Perception ccd, Vigilance ccc,
Brawl cddd, Melee ccdd,
Ranged (Light) cc
Talents: -
Bodyguard - Suffer 2 Strain to make an out-of-turn
incidental move to intercept an attack aimed at an ally.
Equipment - Silenced Pistol (Ranged (Light), Damage 5,
Crit 4, Range (Short))
Brass Knuckles (Brawl, Damage +1, Crit 4, Range
(Engaged), Disorient 3)

A huge thank you to everyone who helped me out.
This Project was borne of passion, but largely directionless. I want to thank /gengen/ in particular for putting up with
questions, and then letting me steal the provided solutions.
Special thanks to: Geza, Connor and the many others who’ve helped me over the months whose names I’ve
unfortunately forgotten.


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