Polym Lignin Blends
Polym Lignin Blends
Polym Lignin Blends
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Laboratory of Plastics and Rubber Technology, Department of Physical Chemistry and
Materials Science, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, H-1521
Budapest, P.O. Box 91, Hungary
Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Research Centre for Natural
Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, H-1519 Budapest, P.O. Box 286, Hungary
This document is the Accepted Manuscript version of a Published Work that appeared in final form in
European Polymer Journal, copyright © Elsevier after peer review and technical editing by the publisher.
lignin, extraction technology, blend, miscibility, structure, modification, application
1. Introduction
drawbacks and exploit its advantages. In this feature article, we attempt to summarize
recent trends and achievements in the use of lignin in plastics, with a particular focus on
polymer/lignin blends. Because of their importance, we discuss other topics as well, like
the effect of extraction technology on the structure of lignin, its chemical modification,
and the use of lignin as a reactive component in plastics. Several review papers were
published on lignin blends in the last three decades [3-9] listing numerous combinations of
lignin with polymers. As a consequence, we do not follow this approach, but pay more
attention to interactions because of their importance in the determination of the structure
and properties of such blends. According to our knowledge, such an approach has not been
followed yet. The possible applications of lignin blends are also discussed briefly at the
end of the paper.
Fig. 1. Annual number of publications on () PLA, () lignin, () starch and ()
2. Extraction and characterization of lignin
not only in softwood, but also in hardwood lignin representing approximately 50 % and 60
% of the bonds, respectively [18].
Fig. 2. The model structures of spruce lignin based on [13,15]. a) Type 1 lignin, b) Type 2
2.2. Extraction
At the industrial level lignin must be extracted to obtain the cellulose needed for
paper or bioethanol production. In the paper industry this step is called pulping, which
may include physical and chemical methods. Today mostly chemical processes are
applied, thus in most cases chemicals are used to degrade the cross-linked or highly
branched structure of lignin, while cellulose remains intact. As a result, lignin usually
becomes soluble in the reaction medium, from which cellulose fibers can be easily
separated by filtration. Accordingly, the extraction of lignin from plants is impossible
without the modification of its chemical structure. In the following sections we present the
most important procedures used for the extraction of lignin from lignocellulosic materials.
acetone, dimethylformamide, and 2-methoxyethanol. The structural model of softwood
Kraft lignin is presented in Fig. 3. Most Kraft lignin is burnt during cellulose production
and is not available on the market. The amount of the commercially available Kraft lignin
was 100 thousand tons in 2014 [2].
Fig. 3. The model structure of softwood Kraft lignin based on the structural model of
Adler [13] and the reactions taking place during pulping [22].
average molecular weight of softwood (two species of spruce) and hardwood (two species
of eucalyptus) lignins are 36000-61000 g/mol and 5700-12000 g/mol, respectively [24].
Lignosulfonates are soluble in water, ethylene glycol and dimethyl sulfoxide. The
structural model of softwood lignosulfonate is presented in Fig. 4.
Fig. 4. The model structure of softwood lignosulfonate based on the structural model of
Adler [13] and the reactions taking place during pulping [22].
2.2.5. Steam explosion
Steam explosion was first proposed by Mason [29] for the disintegration of wood
to produce Masonite board stock. After some modification the technology became a
widespread pretreatment method for the production of bioethanol. In such a typical steam
explosion procedure biomass is treated with hot steam followed by an explosive
decompression step (conditions in Table 1) [30]. The sudden pressure release defibrillates
the cellulose bundles resulting in cellulose chains easily accessible for cellulase, the
enzyme applied to convert cellulose to glucose in aqueous medium. During the enzymatic
treatment lignin remains insoluble thus it can be filtrated out from the solution containing
the sugar. The weight average molecular weight of softwood (white birch and larch) steam
explosion lignin is 1100-2300 g/mol [31].
Table 1
Active agents and conditions of lignin extraction technologies.
Technology Pressure Reference
agents pH Temp. (°C) Time (h)
a) vapor pressure
b) then explosive decompression
2.3. Characterization
The chemical structure of lignin, including the number and type of functional
groups, determines its reactivity and also its compatibility with polymers. Accordingly, the
quantitative determination of functional groups is essential to find possibilities for the
modification and utilization of lignin. Numerous analytical methods have been applied
successfully for the characterization of lignin and for the quantitative determination of its
functional groups. Some of these methods are listed in Table 2 together with the relevant
functional groups and related references. Most of the techniques listed are relatively
simple, easily available and routinely used including sample preparation, measurement,
and evaluation of the results. However, because of the complex structure of lignin and its
dependence on the source as well as on the extraction technology, these methods alone are
usually not sufficient for the complete characterization of the chemical structure of lignin.
Accordingly, further analytical methods must be also applied, when the goal is the
generation of model structures.
Table 2
Methods for the quantitative determination of the functional groups of lignin.
El Mansouri and Salvadó [75,76], for example, determined the chemical structure
and composition of five different technical lignin samples. They carried out elemental
analysis first to define the molar ratio of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur.
They created the basic C9 formula for the softwood Kraft lignin and lignosulfonate
samples studied, which could be further extended by the quantitative determination of
methoxyl [62], phenolic hydroxyl [52], total hydroxyl [38,43,44], carbonyl [72], carboxyl
[33] and sulfonate groups [33]. Although the authors [76] claim that the expanded
formulae contain all the necessary information about the structure of their technical
lignins, these do not give the molecular weight of the samples, or the ratio of the different
repeat units (H/G/S).
Molecular weight distribution can be determined by gel permeation
chromatography (GPC) [75,77-79]. One of the key issues of the technique is reliable
calibration. Since monodisperse lignin standards are not available, Glasser et al. [21] used
commercially available monodisperse polystyrene (PS) standards for calibration. The
approach is justified by the fact that the stiffness of PS chains is similar to that of lignin.
El Mansouri and Salvadó [75] determined the molecular weight of their softwood Kraft
lignin sample using the method proposed by Glasser et al. [21]. The number average
molecular weight was found to be 545.2 g/mol thus an average molecule of this lignin
contains 3.093 repeat units.
The relative amount of the H/G/S units can be obtained by the cleavage of the
lignin backbone and the analysis of the fragments obtained. Faix et al. [80,81], for
example, used pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (Py-GC-MS) to
determine the repeat units of lignin. They pyrolyzed several types of lignin, separated the
degraded products by GC and detected the fragments by MS. However, degradative
methods coupled with chromatography supply mostly qualitative information, since the
degradation of lignin is very complex and a number of side reactions occur. Non-
degradative techniques like two-dimensional (2D) NMR are more accurate and Sette et al.
[82] could determine quantitatively the number of β-O-4’, β-5’, β-1’, β-β’, 5-5’-0-4’
linkages both in native and technical lignins by C, 1H-correlated NMR. However, the
determination of certain linkages requires high resolution and thus can be tedious, time-
consuming and expensive; 2D NMR should be combined with the degradative methods
mentioned above to obtain a comprehensive picture of covalent linkages in lignin. Only
the thorough characterization of the actual lignin sample and the creation of a model
structure can lead to the successful modification and application of lignin as an additive or
a constituent of polymer blends.
3. Thermoplastic/lignin blends
Lignin is added to a number of polymers, but even the definition of the resulting
material is unclear; some term it as blend, some others as composite, thus we first have to
clarify definitions and then discuss the various classes of materials prepared. Interactions
play a crucial role in the determination of blend properties, thus they will be discussed in
detail in this section, while methods used for their modification will be presented
the components [86]. Accordingly the term "filler" should not be used for blends, while
the term "miscibility" is not relevant in the case of composites.
Although the definitions presented above seem to be straightforward, it is still quite
difficult to decide if lignin acts as a filler or forms a blend. Lignin is originally a cross-
linked or highly branched polymer with high molecular weight, thus the extraction of
lignin is usually impossible without the cleavage of bonds. Most commercially available
lignins are produced by vigorous pulping and their molecular weight is relatively small as
a consequence. These lignins mainly consist of branched chains and most of them are
soluble in some solvent. Moreover, the Tg of lignin is usually lower than the usual
processing temperatures of thermoplastics as demonstrated by the data listed in Table 3.
Accordingly, the homogenization of lignin with thermoplastics results in a blend. This
statement is further supported by the scanning electron micrographs (SEM) recorded on
polymer/lignosulfonate blends (Fig. 5). Lignosulfonate was dispersed in low density
polyethylene (LDPE) and poly(ethylene-co-vinyl alcohol) (EVOH), respectively, and then
the lignosulfonate was dissolved with water from the cut surfaces of the blends. The
average particle size of the lignosulfonate particles is much larger in LDPE (Fig. 5a) than
in EVOH (Fig. 5b) indicating the strong effect of interactions. Accordingly these
combination of materials can be clearly considered as blends indeed. The statement is
further corroborated by the fact that the original particle size of lignin was around 80 m
which broke up to smaller particles of around 30 m in LDPE and 1 m in EVOH during
Table 3
Glass transition temperatures of different lignins determined by differential scanning
162 87
153 89
a) b)
Fig. 5. Heterogeneous structure of polymer/lignosulfonate blends. Lignosulfonate content:
30 vol%. a) LDPE; b) EVOH, vinyl alcohol content: 68 mol%.
3.2. Blends
Lignin has been added to a wide variety of polymers from natural to synthetic
materials. Several review papers [3-9] give account of these blends listing the polymer or
group of polymers according to their chemical structure and describe the most important
findings of the selected papers. In their excellent paper Doherty et al. [7], for example,
present a long list of polymers including proteins, starch and other biopolymers,
polyolefins, vinyl polymers, polyesters, etc. Since these reports are available for the
reader, we refrain from giving a similar account of the published papers, but discuss
matrix polymers mainly according to their polarity and the interactions that they can
develop with lignin instead. The self-interactions among lignin molecules are very strong
because of the large number of polar functional groups in the molecule, thus interactions
play a decisive role in the determination of the structure and properties of polymer/lignin
blends. Moreover, much contradiction surrounds the issue of interaction, compatibility and
miscibility in the literature, which definitely needs clarification.
3.2.1. Poliolefins
Polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP) and their copolymers are usually quite
apolar. They can enter only into weak dispersion interactions with other polymers due to
the lack of any functional groups in the molecules. Considering the strong polarity and
functionality of lignin, one would expect complete immiscibility with polyolefins, but
some literature references claim otherwise. Since the phenolic OH groups of lignin are
able to scavenge free radicals, considerable number of attempts are made to use it as a
stabilizer and protect the matrix polymer against oxidation. Most of these attempts were
successful and proved the antioxidant effect of lignin. Pucciariello et al. [93] showed that
steam-explosion lignin protects LDPE, HDPE and linear low density polyethylene against
UV radiation, while Levon et al. [94] found that the thermal oxidative stability of PE
improves considerably when it is blended with lignosulfonate. Most other studies [95-100]
indicated almost invariably that lignin stabilizes polyolefins, unfortunately less attention
was paid to the effect of lignin type on stabilization efficiency and to the comparison to
existing stabilizer systems. Although phenolic hydroxyl groups scavenge radicals and
improve stability indeed, because of their relatively small molar number, less efficiency is
expected from them than from traditional, small molecular weight stabilizers.
Another important issue in stabilization is the homogeneity of polymer/lignin
blends. When lignin is added in small amounts for stabilization, the quality of dispersion is
not always easy to determine. Good dispersion and compatibility was claimed in several
cases [97,101], which is difficult to understand in view of the considerable differences in
the chemical structure of the two types of polymers. Homogenization and compatibility
are even more important when a larger amount of lignin is added to the polymer to modify
mechanical properties. A wide variety of effects were observed on different properties as a
result of blending with lignin. Modulus usually increases, because of the stiffness of lignin
molecules [101-106], but strength and deformability often decreases [101-107]. The
conclusions drawn from these results about compatibility are also quite diverse. As
mentioned above, Kosikova et al. [97] found good compatibility between organosolv and
prehydrolysis lignin and PP, while Jeong et al. [101] claimed outright complete miscibility
with several polymers including LDPE and PP. Unfortunately these claims are rarely
supported by real experimental evidence and reflect mainly the hopes and belief of the
authors. In spite of such claims we expect only weak interactions and immiscibility of
lignin with polyolefins, which was proved also by the numerous attempts to modify lignin
chemically or by adding a coupling agent.
with the polyaromatic lignin, but the components cannot form other interactions except
weak dispersion forces. One would expect limited compatibility and relatively poor
interactions as a result, and Barzegari et al. [108] found indeed that all mechanical
properties including modulus, strength and elongation deteriorated upon the addition of
lignin. The authors explained the poor properties and rough fracture surface of the blends
by poor wetting and interaction between the lignin particles and PS. The properties of
PS/lignin blends prepared by Pucciariello et al. [93] were also quite poor, which was
explained by the authors with the poor compatibility of the components. On the other
hand, based on changes in the Tg of PS, Lispergauer et al. [109] assumed some degree of
miscibility between lignin and PS, although they modified lignin with maleic anhydride,
which might have improved interactions. Pouteau et al. [110] added Kraft lignin to a
number of polymers including PS and found that the compatibility of this latter is much
better than that of the rest of the polymers and they explained the difference with the
partial solubility of the components and chemical reaction. The exceptional behavior and
especially the reaction are difficult to understand and accept without further proof.
A wide variety of other polymers containing aromatic rings were blended with
lignin and the conclusions drawn from the results ranged widely also for them. Canetti et
al. [111], for example, observed the good dispersion of lignin in poly(ethylene
terephthalate) (PET), while Kadla and Kubo [90] found the two components immiscible
and explained immiscibility with the lack of hydrogen bonding compared to poly(ethylene
oxide) (PEO). Jeong et al. [101], on the other hand, found PET and lignin completely
miscible. Their results were based on the evaluation of mechanical properties including
tensile strength shown in Fig. 6. However, some doubts might arise about their
conclusion, since they found all four polymers studied miscible with their Kraft lignin
including LDPE, PP and PS. Miscibility was claimed also for a number of other polymers
containing aromatic rings, like poly(4-vinyl pyridine) [112,113] and polyaniline [114], but
most of the polymers including PET form not only electron interactions, but also H-
bonds with lignin.
Fig. 6. Composition dependence of the tensile strength of polymer/softwood Kraft lignin
blends. Symbols: () LDPE, () PS, () PP, () PET. Data were taken from the work
of Jeong et al. [101].
was found to be miscible with lignin is poly(ethylene oxide). Kadla and Kubo [90,116-
119] carried out extensive experiments on such blends and explained miscibility with the
formation of H-bonds. They drew this conclusion from FTIR spectra and the composition
dependence of the Tg of the blends which possessed a single Tg.
Miscibility was claimed for other polymers as well. Liu et al. [120,121] found that
poly(4-vinylpyridine) is miscible with lignin and a similar conclusion was drawn about
poly(vinylpyrrolidone)/lignin blends by Silva et al. [122], as well as about
polypolyanlinine/lignin blends by Rodrigues et al. [114]. This latter group studied its
blends with FTIR spectroscopy and cyclic voltammetry and drew this conclusion from the
results. Unfortunately, SEM micrographs recorded on their samples indicated the presence
of lignin particles (Fig. 7). Although these latter are rather small proving that interactions
are quite strong due to the formation of hydrogen bonds, the heterogeneity of the structure
is clear.
which disappeared after annealing at higher temperature [123]. Although the authors
mention the likelihood of homogeneous PVC/lignin blends, they do not claim miscibility
firmly in this and in their subsequent papers even when they used plasticized PVC for
better dispersion and to improve impact resistance. In spite of the detailed studies and
conclusions of Feldman et al. [123-127], El-Raghi et al. [128] came to the conclusion that
PVC and lignin are miscible due to interactions between the hydrogen of PVC and the
hydroxyl groups of lignin. The conclusion is based on the fact that they see only one
transition on the DSC trace of the blend.
The contradiction related to the role of hydrogen bonds in the interaction of lignin
with polymers is demonstrated quite well by poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVOH)/lignin blends.
Quite a few studies have been carried out on this combination of materials and most of the
authors concluded that they form heterogeneous blends [129-132], which is rather
surprising, since the number of active OH groups is considerable in PVOH. Only further
studies may resolve the contradiction, which shows that only the combination of several
measurements and quantitative analysis can offer sufficient proof about the interaction,
compatibility and miscibility of lignin blends. Even microscopy cannot supply
unassailable proof because of possible artifacts and sometimes insufficient magnification.
The development of hydrogen bridges was observed also in biopolymer/lignin blends with
the same result. PLA seems to be immiscible with lignin [133,134], but based on SEM
micrographs, Ouyang et al. [135] claimed the formation of a homogeneous, single-phase
structure in their blends. The compatibility of poly(butylene adipate-co-terephthalate) with
lignin seems to be much better because the two polymers can form also electron
interactions. Polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) was claimed to form miscible blend up to 40
wt% lignin content, but phase separation occurred at large concentrations [136,137]. The
conclusion was drawn again from DSC traces and SEM micrographs. Considering the less
polar structure of PHB compared to PLA, the result is quite surprising.
contradictory statements were made about the compatibility or miscibility of lignin with
different polymers. Practically no polymer/lignin blend exists which was not rated
miscible and immiscible at the same time by one group or another. Miscibility is usually
determined by microscopy, DSC measurements or FTIR spectroscopy. All three
approaches have advantages and drawbacks and the results obtained by them must be
always treated with care. Microscopy seems to be straightforward, but dispersed particles
can be very small, thus resolution is important, and of course sample preparation and
possible artifacts also might complicate evaluation.
During the evaluation of DSC traces, a frequent mistake is caused by following the
general rule that complete miscibility results in a single Tg, while partial miscibility in two
Tg values [138]. According to this approach a polymer/lignin blend must be homogeneous
at the segmental level when only one Tg is determined in the blend. However, most
technical lignins consist of short and stiff molecules thus the determination of their Tg,
particularly when they are blended and diluted with other polymers, is usually very
difficult or even impossible. The main reason is that the flexibility of these molecules
changes only in a small extent as they go through glass transition, the related increase in
specific heat is small and appear only as a slight change on the DSC trace. As a
consequence, immiscible polymer/lignin blends often exhibit only one Tg which belongs
to the thermoplastic forming the matrix [115].
An apparent shift in a characteristic band of the FTIR spectrum can also be
interpreted falsely. First of all such a shift indicates only the existence of interactions and
definitely does not prove miscibility. Nevertheless, several papers on polymer/lignin
blends treats the shift of the absorbance peak of a functional group, like hydroxyl or
carbonyl, as an evidence for the formation of strong component interactions [114,116-119]
or even a homogeneous system [101,90,139]. Unfortunately, these claims are mostly not
verified by the proper analysis of the infrared spectra, e.g. by the deconvolution of the
absorbance peaks. False conclusions drawn in the absence of adequate investigation are
demonstrated well by the following example. EVOH/lignosulfonate blends were prepared
in a wide composition range, and then infrared spectra were recorded on them. Since
EVOH may form hydrogen bridges with a lignosulfonate sample, it is obvious to follow
changes in the absorbance peak of the hydroxyl groups between 3600 and 3300 cm–1 (Fig.
8). This absorbance peak shifts significantly with the increasing amount of lignosulfonate
in the blend, the shift might be regarded as a proof for the presence of hydrogen bonds
between the components or even for the formation of a miscible blend. However, the
deconvolution of the corresponding peak and mathematical analysis revealed that the
infrared spectrum of the blends is the superposition of the spectra of the two components.
Both components contain hydroxyl groups, but in different environments, thus the
corresponding absorption bands appear at different wavelengths leading to the shift
observed in Fig. 8. Immiscibility and heterogeneous structure was confirmed by SEM
micrographs (Fig. 5). Nevertheless, the result presented above does not necessarily mean
that hydrogen bridges do not form between the components. Since the components interact
at the interphase, their concentration in the blend is relatively small and difficult to detect
by FTIR spectroscopy.
Fig. 8. The absorption band of hydroxyl groups in the infrared spectra of a series of
EVOH/lignosulfonate blends. Vinyl alcohol content of EVOH: 68 mol%. Lignosulfonate
content increases in 10 vol% steps from bottom to top.
In spite of the contradictory conclusions drawn by various authors, it is clear that
the main factor determining miscibility, structure and properties is the interaction of the
components. Although interactions are crucial, very few papers discuss the correlations
among miscibility, structure and properties and even less estimate them quantitatively.
Simple approaches may offer valuable information about these relationships and help
create guidelines for further development.
A rare exception is the work of Pouteau et al. [110] who added Kraft lignin to a
number of polymers and studied the relationship between the miscibility of the
components and the structure of the blends. The authors recorded micrographs on their
blends and then determined the surface area of the dispersed lignin particles in each photo.
Plotting the measured areas against the Hildebrand solubility parameter (δ) of the studied
polymers results in a correlation with a minimum as shown in Fig. 9. The minimum is
located very close to the solubility parameter of Kraft lignin. To support the assumption
presented above the Hildebrand solubility parameters of several lignin samples are listed
in Table 4. The values were taken from a number of papers using lignins from different
sources and applying dissimilar approaches for the determination of the solubility
parameter. The δ value of Kraft lignin derived from the results of Pouteau et al. [110] is
somewhat smaller than the value estimated by Thielemans and Wool [139], but it is in the
same range.
The analysis of the results published by Kadla and Kubo [116] offers another good
example, which proves the benefits of the quantitative estimation of interactions and
structure-property correlations. The authors [116] blended the same Kraft lignin as
Pouteau et al. [110] with PEO in the whole composition range (from 0 to 100 % lignin
content) and determined the properties of the blends. The addition of lignin enhanced both
the stiffness and the strength of the blends. Only one Tg was observed for each blend and a
significant shift was observed in the position of the absorption of hydroxyl groups in the
infrared spectra of the blends compared to pure lignin. Based on these results they
claimed that the two components are miscible in the entire composition range because of
the formation of strong hydrogen bonds between them. However, the statement needs
further corroboration because of the inherent uncertainty of the methods used by the
Fig. 9. Estimation of the Hildebrand solubility parameter of organosolv lignin from the
area of dispersed particles in polymer/lignin blends. Data were taken from the work of
Pouteau et al. [110].
Table 4
Estimation of the Hildebrand solubility parameters of several lignin samples.
The conclusion of the authors [116] can be analyzed with models which relate
interfacial interactions, structure and the mechanical properties of blends and thus connect
miscibility and strength directly [141-144]. The composition dependence of tensile
strength can be expressed in the following form [143]
1 2.5 1
Tred T Tm exp B (1)
1 n
where Tred is the reduced tensile strength of the blend, T and Tm are the true tensile
strength (T = and = L/L0, where L is the ultimate and L0 the initial gauge length of
the specimen) of the blend and the matrix, respectively, n is a parameter taking into
account strain hardening, is the volume fraction of the dispersed component and B is
related to its relative load-bearing capacity, which, among other factors, depends also on
interfacial adhesion. However, in blends the load bearing capacity of the dispersed phase,
i.e. parameter B is not affected only by component interactions but also by the inherent
properties of the components [144]
C Td
B ln (2)
where σTd and σTm are the true tensile strength of the dispersed particles and the matrix,
respectively, and parameter C is related to the stress carried by the dispersed component.
This latter was found to be inversely proportional to the Flory-Huggins interaction
parameter (χ) [144]
C (3)
where k is a constant. There are several experimental methods to determine the χ value of
two polymers, e.g. from the composition dependence of the Tg [145,146] or the melting
temperature [147,148], from solvent uptake measurements [149,150], or from Hildebrand
solubility parameters
Vr (1 2 ) 2
where Vr is a reference volume with the value of 100 cm3/mol [151], δ1 and δ2 the
solubility parameters of the components, R the universal gas constant, and T the absolute
temperature. The δ values of the polymers can be estimated using group contributions
according to the approach of Small [152], Hoy [153], van Krevelen [154] or others
Fig. 10. Correlation of miscibility and mechanical property in polymer blends; relationship
between parameter C derived from tensile strength and the Flory-Huggins parameter
expressing polymer-polymer interaction. Symbols: () reference blends [158-160], ()
PEO/lignin blend [116].
For the PEO/lignin blends discussed above [116] the χ value was estimated from
the composition dependence of Tg, while parameter C was calculated from the strength
data of Kadla and Kubo [116]. The correlation predicted by Eq. 3 is presented in Fig. 10
for a number of polymers with a wide range of miscibility from the completely immiscible
PVC/PS blend to the completely miscible PS/polypropylene oxide (PPO) pair. The data
for most polymers were taken from our previous research and publications [158-160]. In
spite of the simplifications used and some neglected factors, the correlation between the
two quantities (C and ) is surprisingly good. In Fig. 10 the miscible blend of PS and PPO
can be seen at the left end of the correlation, while the immiscible blend of PVC and PS at
its right end. As it was mentioned earlier, Kadla and Kubo [116] had found PEO/lignin
blends to be miscible. The point for the pair is located somewhere in the middle of the
correlation, closer to the PS/PPO blend. As a consequence, we may not confirm the
conclusion of Kadla and Kubo [116] about the miscibility of their blend, but we may
expect strong interaction and some mutual solubility of the components at least.
Obviously, the quantitative estimation of interactions as well as the analysis of
experimental results offer valuable information about miscibility-structure-property
correlations and help the utilization of lignin in polymers.
The previous sections confirm without any doubt that component interactions
determine the structure and properties of polymer/lignin blends. As a consequence, the
way to prepare materials with a well-defined structure and acceptable properties is to
control lignin-lignin, as well as lignin-polymer interactions that can be achieved by
modification. Several approaches can be used for the modification of interactions
including plasticization, the chemical modification of lignin and the use of coupling
3.4.1. Plasticization
Plasticization is an easy and economical way to decrease the strong interactions
acting among lignin molecules which prevent their mixing with other polymers. As a
result of plasticization the processability and dispersion of lignin in thermoplastic
polymers may improve considerably together with the toughness and deformability of the
resulting blends. Plasticizers are small molecular weight substances that replace polymer-
polymer interactions with those between the polymer and the plasticizer. This process
increases the mobility of polymer chains resulting in a decrease of both the glass transition
and the processing temperature of the blend.
Various compounds can be used for plasticization, but their efficiency depends
very much on the structure of the lignin used, i.e. on the extraction technology. Bouajila et
al. [161] compared a series of plasticizers in Kraft lignin in order to check their efficiency.
The plasticizing effect was estimated by the decrease of Tg as a function of plasticizer
content. The Tg of plasticized lignin is plotted against plasticizer concentration in Fig. 11.
Water proved to be the best plasticizer in this study, while the plasticizing efficiency of
ethylene glycol was surprisingly small in Kraft lignin. The results clearly prove that
plasticizers can decrease the Tg of lignin, and probably improve properties as well.
Fig. 11. Glass transition temperature of Kraft lignin as a function of plasticizer content.
Plasticizers: () water, () ethylene carbonate, () ethylene glycol. Data were taken
from the work of Bouajila et al. [161].
plasticizer content. The mechanical properties of neat PVOH were improved significantly
through the addition of soda lignin, glutaraldehyde and glycerol. PEO is an efficient
plasticizer improving properties in the combination of PLA and lignin [163]. Rahman et
al. [163] improved the compatibility between PLA and PEO by a transesterification
catalyst under reactive mixing conditions. The deformability of the PLA/PEO binary blend
increased and its strength decreased with increasing PEO content. When the catalyst was
applied, the formation of PLA-PEO block copolymers increased deformability further.
PLA/lignin binary blends had larger stiffness and strength compared to the PLA/PEO
binary blends, however, their deformability was significantly smaller. A good balance of
stiffness and strength was achieved in PLA/PEO/lignin ternary blends in which lignin
particles provided strength, while PEO increased deformability.
Feldman et al. [126] investigated the plasticizing efficiency of different substances
in the blends of lignin and poly(vinyl chloride-co-vinyl acetate). The mechanical
properties of the blends were influenced strongly by the particle size distribution of lignin;
finer dispersion resulted in larger strength and deformability. The results also revealed a
close correlation between the homogeneity of the blend and the Hildebrand solubility
parameter (δ) of the plasticizer. This correlation is demonstrated by Fig. 12, in which the
particle size distribution of lignin plasticized by diethylene glycol dibenzoate (δ = 20.7
MPa1/2) and dioctyl phthalate (δ = 16.8 MPa1/2) is presented. The δ value of diethylene
glycol dibenzoate is closer to that of the applied lignin (δ = 28.0 MPa1/2 [28]) than that of
dioctyl phthalate, thus the size of dispersed lignin particles is smaller and their distribution
is narrower in the presence of diethylene glycol dibenzoate than with the other plasticizer.
Fig. 12. Effect of plasticization on the particle size distribution of lignin in poly(vinyl
chloride-co-vinyl acetate). Plasticizer: () diethylene glycol dibenzoate, () dioctyl
phthalate. Plasticizer content is 35 phr in the vinyl chloride-vinyl acetate copolymer. The
plasticized polymer contains 23 wt% lignin. Data were taken from the work of Feldman et
al. [126].
propylene oxide [103,129,171,172], as well as grafted with ethylene monomers [173].
Nevertheless, it is often difficult or even impossible to ascertain the positive effect of these
chemical modifications as the authors often do not present the results of the blends
containing unmodified lignin as reference [103,129,167-172].
A good example is supplied for this approach by Maldhure et al. [168,169] who
modified lignin in several ways to enhance its compatibility with PP. Lignin was esterified
with maleic anhydride [168], alkylated with dichloroethane [168], dichloromethane [169]
and arylated with chlorobenzene [169], respectively. Subsequently they prepared
PP/modified lignin blends up to 25 wt% lignin content. Unfortunately, the properties of
the blends containing unmodified lignin were not presented in these papers [168,169],
therefore, we can only guess the real effect of the various modifications.
Chen et al. [170] alkylated lignin with bromododecane and then prepared PP/lignin
blends. Long aliphatic chains are attached to lignin as a result of the reaction, thus they
expected a positive effect on the compatibility of PP and lignin. Unfortunately, we cannot
be certain about the outcome in this case either, since the authors did not present
mechanical properties and morphology for the blends containing the unmodified lignin.
Nevertheless, Chen et al. [170] claimed improvement in compatibility.
Sailaja and Deepthi [167] esterified lignin with phthalic anhydride and then
blended the product with LDPE in the presence of a maleic anhydride grafted LDPE
(MALDPE) compatibilizer. The changes in mechanical properties indicated that the
addition of MALDPE improved interfacial adhesion between the components, which was
corroborated also by SEM micrographs recorded on the fracture surfaces of the blends.
However, deformability decreased monotonously with increasing lignin content, which
might hinder the application of these blends.
Contrary to many of the works published, Gordobil et al. [165] added both
acetylated and unmodified soda lignin to PLA at different compositions. The acetylation
reaction is presented in Fig. 13. According to microscopic images recorded on the blends,
the particle size of the dispersed acetylated lignin was much smaller than that of the
unmodified lignin. Based on the results, stronger interfacial interactions were claimed for
the PLA/acetylated lignin blends, but taking into account that very polar hydroxyl groups
were replaced by less polar ester groups, better dispersion must have resulted from weaker
interactions among lignin molecules and not from stronger matrix/lignin interactions.
Fig. 14. Tensile strength of PLA/lignin blends plotted as a function of lignin content; ()
unmodified lignin, () acetylated lignin.
Wei et al. [171] propoxylated lignin based on the method of Glasser et al.
[174,175]. The as prepared hydroxypropyl lignin was blended with soy protein to develop
a potential biodegradable plastic with better mechanical performance than the pure soy
protein applied. The addition of just 2 wt% hydroxypropyl lignin resulted in tensile
strength of 16.8 MPa, 2.3 times that of pure soy protein, with no accompanying decrease
in elongation at break as a result of strong interaction between the components. Compared
with other soy protein/lignin blends, the propoxylation of lignin plays a key role in the
improvement of mechanical properties since this modification increases the steric
availability of the hydroxyl groups of lignin, thus hydrogen bonding may develop more
easily between the polymer matrix and lignin.
3.4.3. Compatibilization
Lignin, including commercially available lignin samples, is a polar substance
which is immiscible and often even incompatible with most polymers, but especially with
apolar ones like PE, PP or PS. Plasticization and chemical modification change the
properties of the lignin phase, but blend properties may be improved also by
compatibilization that modifies mainly interfacial adhesion [108,167,176-183].
Ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVAc) random copolymers were successfully applied as
compatibilizers in LDPE/lignin blends by Alexy et al. [176]. The addition of 10 wt %
EVAc increased the tensile strength by about 200 % and the elongation-at-break
approximately by 1300 % compared to corresponding properties of the non-modified
PS/lignin blends were studied over a wide range of lignin content (0–80 wt%) in
the work of Barzegari et al. [108]. Blends were compounded with and without the addition
of a linear styrene-hydrogenated butylene-styrene block copolymer and all properties
deteriorated with increasing lignin content in both of them. At 60 wt% lignin content the
compatilizer improved the dispersion of lignin and enhanced interfacial adhesion leading
to the increase of strength and deformability compared to the blend not containing the
compatibilizer, but all mechanical properties including stiffness, strength and
deformability were inferior to the corresponding properties of neat PS.
An effective approach was presented by Oliveira and Glasser [177] for the
compatibilization of PS and lignin. Star-like lignin-PS copolymers were synthesized by
grafting isocyanate-capped PS segments onto hydroxypropyl lignin in their work, and then
these copolymers were added to PS/hydroxypropyl lignin blends. The compatibilizing
effect of the copolymers was corroborated by the analysis of the fracture surfaces of the
blends. The results revealed that the applied copolymers reduced the particle size of
dispersed lignin significantly, which might be an important evidence for improved
interfacial adhesion [177].
Lignin contains a number of reactive functional groups, which offer the possibility
for reactive compatibilization as well. In this case, the copolymers acting as
compatibilizers form in situ during blending. Polymers with reactive groups [167,178,179,
183] or small molecular weight chemicals [180-182] can be reacted with lignin to form the
compatibilizer. Methylene diphenyl diisocyanate [180] and polymeric methylene diphenyl
diisocyanate [181,182] proved to be efficient coupling agents in polybutylene
succinate/lignin blends.
Polyethylene and lignin were compatibilized by maleic anhydride grafted
polyethylene in other works [167,178]. A similar approach was used to improve interfacial
adhesion in polypropylene/lignosulfonate blends through the addition of maleic anhydride
grafted polypropylene (MAPP) to the PP/lignin blend [179]. Two series of polypropylene
blends were prepared with sodium-lignosulfonate in a wide composition range: one with
and another without the compatibilizer. Strength decreases monotonous with increasing
lignin content in the absence of MAPP, while it increases in the presence of the coupling
agent (Fig. 15). Obviously the compatibilizer increased interfacial adhesion and the load
bearing capacity of the dispersed lignin particles considerably. The improvement, i.e. the
extent of compatibilization can be expressed quantitatively with the help of the simple
model presented earlier (see Eq. 1). If the natural logarithm of reduced tensile strength is
plotted against the volume fraction of the dispersed phase, a straight line should be
obtained, the slope of which is equal to parameter B. The tensile strength of the two blend
series of Fig. 15 was plotted in this way in Fig. 16. Both correlations are linear indeed,
furthermore, the slope, i.e., parameter B of the compatibilized blends is much larger than
that of the blends which do not contain the compatibilizer. This result confirms
unambiguously the beneficial effect of the compatibilizer and the fact that the MAPP
coupling agent improves interfacial adhesion significantly in PP/lignosulfonate blends.
Nevertheless, we must call the attention here to the fact that although the strength of the
blends increased, their deformability decreased at the same time in an extent which would
considerably hinder their practical application. This calls the attention to the importance of
property optimization and also to the proper selection of the approach used for the
modification of lignin and its blends.
Fig. 15. Tensile strength of PP/lignosulfonate blends plotted against their lignin content;
() no compatibilizer, () MAPP [179].
Fig. 16. Reduced tensile strength of PP/lignosulfonate blends plotted against lignin
content in the linear form of Eq. 1. Effect of MAPP on interfacial interactions. () no
compatibilizer, () MAPP [179].
4. Lignin as a reactive component
Because of its large number of functional groups, lignin is often used as reactive
component for the preparation of cross-linked resins and other polymeric materials.
Although this is an important approach and possibility for the utilization of lignin, the
issue is out of the scope of our paper, since we focus mostly on blends here. Nevertheless,
we summarize the main aspects of the reactive use of lignin in polymers, point out major
factors and list a few examples. The preparation of lignin-based polymers follows two
general approaches. In the first lignin is modified chemically by phenolation,
oxypropylation, esterification, etc. in order to enhance the reactivity of lignin.
Modification increases cost and environmental impact and thus reduces the competitive
edge of lignin over conventional systems prepared on traditional petroleum basis. In the
second approach, the traditional components of a resin system are substituted partially by
unmodified lignin. Both approaches are only partial solutions as they do not eliminate
completely the use of substances based on crude oil. Polymers in which lignin is used as a
reactive component are presented very briefly in subsequent paragraphs.
4.2. Epoxy resins
Lignin can be applied both as the epoxy component and as the curing agent
(hardener) in epoxy resins. In the first case, lignin must be modified to create epoxide
groups on the molecule first, which is mostly done by reacting the hydroxyl groups of
lignin with epichlorohydrin, and by epoxide (oxirane) ring formation in alkaline medium
subsequently. Steam exploded bamboo lignin was functionalized in this way [189]; the
thermal stability of the resin prepared with lignin was worse than that of the petroleum-
derived epoxy, but passed the dip-solder resistance test (250–280 °C) [189,190]. The
flexural strength of lignin-based epoxy resins was also smaller than that of the petroleum-
derived epoxy. Epoxy resins can be cross-linked with curing agents containing reactive
hydrogen atoms in the form of amine, anhydride, carboxyl or hydroxyl groups.
Unmodified lignin contains both carboxyl and hydroxyl groups so it may be an adequate
curing agent without any chemical modification. Lignin modified with anhydride groups
was used as curing agent for epoxy and it increased both the stiffness and the fracture
resistance of the resin [191].
4.3. Polyurethanes
4.4. Graft copolymers
5. Application
Fig. 17. Mechanical properties of polyurethane plotted against the lignin OH/total OH
ratio. Effect of cross-link density. Symbols: () tensile strength, () elongation-at-break
Bioethanol production yields mostly steam explosion lignin, thus more and more
attention is paid to the utilization of other industrial lignins as well. A German
compounding company, TECNARO has already utilized lignin in thermoplastics that can
be processed with extrusion, injection molding, thermoforming etc. Their trade mark,
ARBOFORM® includes grades in which lignin is combined with natural fibers, natural
resins and waxes. ARBOFORM® is also referred to as 'Liquid Wood' due to its properties
similar to those of wood and the fact that it can be melted. These grades have been applied
in the construction industry, electronics, jewelry, furniture, musical instruments etc. Fig.
18. shows a pair of commercially available headphones with earcups made of 'Liquid
Fig. 18. AudioQuest® NightHawk headphones with earcups made of ARBOFORM®
Cicala et al. [208] found that the component which makes ARBOFORM® a
thermoplastic is PLA. This result is strongly corroborated by the DSC thermograms of
‘Liquid Wood’ [183,208,209] showing the glass transition and the cold crystallization of
PLA. Therefore, we can conclude that ARBOFORM® is actually a PLA/lignin blend
reinforced with hemp, flax or other natural fibers.
The potential use of lignin as a stabilizer has already been discussed in section
3.2.1. Due to the presence of phenolic hydroxyl groups in its polyphenol structure, lignin
has a radical scavenging and stabilizing effect in polymers. The crucial role of the
phenolic hydroxyl groups in the stabilization was proved by Sadeghifar and Argyropoulos
[210] who showed that selective methylation of the phenolic hydroxyls decreases
antioxidant activity. The antioxidant and stabilizing characteristics of lignin have been
studied in several polymers mainly in PE [93,94,981,210], PP [93,95-100] and PLA
[165,166]. Most experiments indicated that lignin is usually inferior to commercial
additive packages, and it also discolors the polymer, thus further work must be done
before its industrial application.
The polyaromatic structure of lignin makes it a promising precursor for
carbonization. Carbonized lignin can be applied in catalysis, energy storage and fibers. Li
et al. [211] fabricated a lignin-derived catalyst for biodiesel production, which had large
catalytic activity with excellent cycle performance.
The carbonization of lignin leads to products for electrical applications. Wang et al.
[212] produced fibrous carbon mats from Alcell® lignin/PEO blends by electrospinning,
carbonization and thermal annealing in the presence of urea. The mats were found to be
efficient anodes in lithium ion batteries. Hu et al. [213] prepared high energy density
supercapacitors from activated submicron carbon fibers derived from lignin. The excellent
performance of the material demonstrates the potential of lignin-based carbons for
electrical energy storage.
Kadla et al. [214] fabricated carbon fibers from the blends of lignin and PEO
through thermal spinning followed by carbonization. The tensile strength of the fibers was
300–450 MPa and their modulus 30–60 GPa corresponding to general performance
grades. Schreiber et al. [215] produced carbon fibers from blends of hardwood organosolv
lignin and cellulose acetate by electrospinning. The fibers were treated with iodine to
facilitate carbonization and to help retain fiber morphology. Compared to carbon fibers
produced from neat polyacrylonitrile (PAN), the fibers derived from biopolymers had a
smaller degree of overall graphitization, but formed larger in-plane graphitic crystals. Liu
et al. [216] prepared composite fibers containing lignin, PAN and carbon nanotubes
(CNT) by gel-spinning and then carbonization at the temperatures of 1000 and 1100 °C,
respectively. The fibers made from PAN/lignin blends had a strength of 1720 MPa and
modulus 230 GPa, properties very similar to those of neat PAN fibers (strength 1600 MPa,
modulus 223 GPa). The addition of CNT resulted in a slight deterioration of properties
(strength 1400 MPa, modulus 200 GPa).
Responsive materials change their properties significantly upon an external
stimulus which can be a change in temperature, pH, light, magnetic or electric field, etc.,
and the property responding can be color, transparency, volume, shape, etc. The response
usually must be fast for practical, mainly medical applications like controlled drug release
[217-221]. Kim and Kadla [222] grafted N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAM) onto modified
hardwood Kraft lignin, which was used as a macroiniciator for atom transfer radical
polymerization. Depending on the degree of substitution of the macroinitiator, the grafted
copolymers were either fully or partially soluble in water. Both the soluble and the
suspended copolymers precipitated from aqueous solutions at 32 °C and above. Feng et al.
[223] prepared hydrogels by the graft polymerization of organosolv lignin and NIPAM in
the presence of N,N’-methylenebisacrylamide as the cross-linker and hydrogen peroxide
as the initiator to produce temperature-sensitive hydrogels. Gao et al. [224] used softwood
Kraft lignin for the preparation of pH-responsive hydrogels. Relatively strong hydrogels
formed under neutral conditions, which collapsed or reformed on the increase or decrease
of pH. Duval et al. [225] synthesized a pH- and light-responsive polymer from softwood
Kraft lignin in a two-step procedure by the incorporation of diazobenzene groups onto
lignin. The Kraft lignin derivatives containing diazobenzene changed their color as a
function of pH in solution and responded to light by the cis-trans photoisomerization of
the diazobenzene groups.
6. Conclusions
The chemical structure of lignin is complex and depends very much on the
extraction technology used for its production. Because of the complicated structure, the
proper characterization of lignin is difficult and requires the use of a number of methods.
Besides the number of functional groups, the ratio of monomers and molecular weight
must be also determined for the complete characterization of lignin. The combination of
lignin with thermoplastics should be treated as blend and not composite. Because of their
large number of polar functional groups, lignin molecules interact strongly with each
other. As a consequence, competitive interactions determine the structure and properties of
the blends, and most polymers are immiscible with lignin, because of weaker interactions
forming between lignin and the matrix polymer than among lignin molecules. Apparently
none of the interactions developing in the blends, including hydrogen bridges, is sufficient
to result in complete miscibility. Nevertheless, strong interactions, like the combination of
aromatic -electron interaction and hydrogen bonds, lead to very small dispersed particles
and relatively good properties. However, the deformability of the blends is usually poor
which might be compensated by the chemical modification of lignin, plasticization, or the
use of coupling agents. Lignin can act also as a reactive component in the preparation of
various resins and polymers.
The authors acknowledge the financial support of the National Scientific Research
Fund of Hungary (OTKA Grant No. K 120039) for this project on the structure-property
correlations of polymeric materials.
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