Chendu College of Engineering & Technology
Chendu College of Engineering & Technology
Chendu College of Engineering & Technology
1. Define Algorithm
2. Write about Notion of Algorithm.
3. Write a short note on Algorithm Design and Analysis of Process.
4. What are the 2 kinds of Algorithm Efficiency
5. How can you specify Algorithms?
6. What is Pseudo Code?
7. What are the Important Problem Types?
8. How can you Classify Algorithms
9. Write the Euclid Algorithm
10. What is Sorting Problem?
11. What is Searching Problem?
12. What is Graph Problem?
13. What is Combinatorial Problem.
14. Differentiate Time Efficiency and Space Efficiency?
15. What are the features of efficient algorithm?
16. Define Order of Algorithm
17. Define Big Omega Notation.
18. What is Big ‘Oh’ Notation.
19. What are the different types of time complexity?
20. How the algorithm’s time efficiency is measured.
1. Explain an Algorithm?
2. What are the Fundamentals of Algorithmic Problem Solving?
3. What are the Important Problem Types?
4. How Fundamentals of the Analysis of Algorithm Efficiency?
5. What is the Analysis Framework?
6. What are the Asymptotic Notations and its properties?
7. What is all Mathematical analysis for Recursive algorithms?
8. What a Binomial Coefficient is all Mathematical analysis for Non recursive algorithms?
9. Describe about Time complexity of an algorithm.
10. Illustrate about Space complexity with an algorithm.
11. What are the types of notation and compare the types of notation?
12. Write the fast exponentiaion routine without recursion.
13. Implement the binary search so that only one two way comparison is performed in each
14. What are the feautures of efficient slgorithm? Explain with an example.
15. What is space complexity? Illustrate with an example for fixed and variable part in space
1. Define mode?
2. Define rotation?
3. What are the different types of rotations?
4. What are the drawbacks of AVL Tree?
5. What is 2-3 tree?
6. Define Heap.
7. What is a priority queue?
8. Define warshall’s algorithm?
9. Define Floyd’s algorithm?
10. Define prim’s algorithm.
11. How efficient is prim’s algorithm?
12. Define Kruskal’s algorithm?
13. What is path compression?
14. Define Dijkstra’s Algorithm?
15. Define Huffman trees?
16. What do you mean by Huffman code?
17. What is meant by compression ratio?
18. List the advantage of Huffman’s encoding?
19. What is dynamic Huffman encoding?
20. What do you mean by optimal solution?
1. Define backtracking?
2. What is Hamiltonian cycle in an undirected graph?
3. What is Feasible solution?
4. What is optimal solution?
5. List the application of backtracking technique?
6. Given an application for knapsack problem?
7. Define subset sum problem?
8. What is heuristic?
9. State the concept of branch and bound method?
10. Give the upper bound and lower bound of matrix multiplication algorithm?
11. What is state space tree?
12. What is promising and non promising node?
13. What are the additional items are required for branch and bound compare To
backtracking technique?
14. Differentiate backtracking and branch bound techniques.
15. What is called all pair shortest path problem?
16. When do you say a tree as minimum spanning tree?
17. How will you construct an optimal binary search tree?
18. What is the runtime of shortest path algorithm?
19. What is mathematical modeling?
20. What is pre structure?
21. Define Heap sort?