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G For The Material Is 82 GN/m2. If The I-Section Is Replaced by A T-Section Made of The

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Chapter 4

1. A 40 mm x 20 mm rectangular steel shaft is subjected to a torque of 1 KNm. What will be

the approximate position and magnitude of the maximum shear stress set up in the shaft?
Determine also the corresponding angle of twist per meter length of the shaft. For the bar
material G = 80 GN/m
2. Compare the torsional rigidities of the following sections:
a) a hollow tube 30 mm outside diameter and 1.5 mm thick
b) the same tube split along its length with a 1 mm gap
c) an equal leg angle section having the same perimeter and thickness as (b)
d) a square box section with side length 30 mm and I .5 mm wall thickness
e) a rectangular solid bar, side ratio 2.5 to I. having the same metal cross-sectional area
as the hollow tube. Compare also the maximum stresses arising in each case.
3. a long tube is subjected to a torque of 200 Nm. The tube has the double-cell, thin-walled,
effective cross-section illustrated in figure below. Assuming that no buckling occurs and
that the twist per unit length of the tube is constant, determine the maximum shear
stresses in each wall of the tube.

4. An I-section has the dimensions shown in Figure (a), and is subjected to an axial torque.
Find the maximum value of the torque if the shear stress in the material is limited to 56
MN/m2 and the twist per meter length is limited to 2 m. Assume the modulus of rigidity
G for the material is 82 GN/m2. If the I-section is replaced by a T-section made of the
same material and transmits the same torque, what will be the limb length, D, of the T-
section and the angle of twist per meter length? Assume the T-section is subjected to the
same limiting conditioning as the I-section and that it has the dimensions shown in Figure
(b). For narrow rectangular sections assume k values off in the formulae for torque and
angle of twist.

5. The two sections shown in Figure below are under consideration for an engineering
application which includes both bending and applied torque. Make a critical comparison
of the strengths of the two sections under the two modes of loading and make a
recommendation as to the section which should be adopted. The material to be used is to
be the same for both sections. The rectangular section torsion constants kl and k2 may be
found in terms of the section d / b ratio from Table 3.1. [Tubular]

Question 2, 4 and 5
Chapter 5
1. Determine the shape factors for the beam cross-sections shown in Figure (a), (b), and (c),
in the case of section (c) treating the section both with and without the dotted area

2. A 300 mm x 125 mm I-beam has flanges 13 mm thick and web 8.5 mm thick. Calculate the
shape factor and the moment of resistance in the fully plastic state. Take бy = 250 MN/m2
and Ixx = 85 x 10 m4.

3. Find the shape factor for a 150 mm x 75 mm channel in pure bending with the plane of
perpendicular to the web of the channel. The dimensions are shown in Figure below and
Z = 21 x 10-6 m3.

4. A cantilever is to be constructed from a 40 mm x 60 mm T-section beam with a uniform

thickness of 5 mm. The cantilever is to carry a u.d.1. over its complete length of 1m.
Determine the maximum u.d.1. that the cantilever can carry if yielding is permitted over
the lower part of the web to a depth of 10 mm. бy = 225 MN/m2.
5. A 305 mm x 127 mm symmetrical I-section has flanges 13 mm thick and a web 5.4 mm
thick. Treating the web and flanges as rectangles. calculate the bending moment of
resistance of the cross-section (a) at initial yield, (b) for full plasticity of the flanges only,
and (c) for full plasticity of the complete cross-section. Yield stress in simple tension and
compression = 310 MN/m2. What is the shape factor of the cross-section?
6. A horizontal steel cantilever beam, 2.8 m long and of uniform I-section throughout. has
the following cross-sectional dimensions: flanges 150 mm x 25 mm, web 13 mm thick,
overall depth 305 mm. It is fixed at one end and free at the other.
(a) Determine the intensity of the u.d.1. which the beam has to carry across its entire
length in order to produce fully developed plasticity of the cross-section.
(b) What is the value of the shape factor of the cross-section?
(c) Determine the length of the beam along the top and bottom faces, measured from the
fixed end, over which yielding will occur due to the load found in (a). Yield stress of
steel = 330 MN/m2.
7. The T-section beam shown in below figure is subjected to increased load so that yielding
spreads to within 50 mm of the lower edge of the flange. Determine the bending moment
required to produce this condition. Yielding stress is 240 MN/m2.

Question 2,3,4 and 7
Chapter 6
1. Determine from first principles the hoop stress at the inside and outside radius of a thin
steel disc of 300 mm diameter having a central hole of 100 mm diameter, if the disc is
made to rotate at 5000 rev/min. What will be the position and magnitude of the maximum
radial stress’?
2. A steel rotor disc of uniform thickness 50 mm has an outer rim of diameter 800 mm and a
central hole of diameter 150 mm. There are 200 blades each of weight 2 N at an effective
radius of 420 mm pitched evenly around the periphery. Determine the rotational speed at
which yielding first occurs according to the maximum shear stress criterion. Yield stress
in simple tension is equal to 750 MN/m2.
3. A steel turbine rotor of 800 mm outside diameter and 200 mm inside diameter is 50 mm
thick. The rotor carries 100 blades each 200 mm long and of mass 0.5 kg. The rotor runs at
3000 rev/min. Assuming the shaft to be rigid, calculate the expansion of the inner bore of
the disc due to rotation and hence the initial shrinkage allowance necessary.
4. A cylinder which can be considered as a thin-walled shell, is made of steel plate 16 mm
thick and is 2.14 m internal diameter. The cylinder is subjected to an internal fluid
pressure of 0.55 MN/m2 gauge and, at the same time rotated about its longitudinal axis at
3000 rev/min. Determine:
(a) the hoop stress induced in the wall of the cylinder due to rotation:
(b) the hoop stress induced in the wall of the cylinder due to the internal pressure:
(c) the factor of safety based on an ultimate stress of the material in simple tension of 456
MN/m2. Steel has a density of 7.8 Mg/m3.
5. Prove that the differential equation for radial equilibrium in cylindrical coordinates of an
element in a uniform thin disc rotating at ω rad/s and subjected to principal direct stresses
σr and σɵ is given by the following expression.

6. A thin solid circular disc of uniform thickness has an outside diameter of 300 mm. Using
the maximum shear strain energy per unit volume theory of elastic failure. calculate the
rotational speed of the disc to just cause initiation of plastic yielding if the yield stress of
the material of the disc is 300 MN/m2. the density of the material is 7800 Kg/m3 and
Poisson’s ratio for the material is 0.3.
7. Determine the hoop stresses at the inside and outside surfaces of a long thick cylinder
which is rotated at 4000 rev/min. The cylinder has an internal radius of 80 mm and an
external radius of 250 mm and is constructed from steel, the relevant properties of which
are given above. How would these values be modified if under service conditions, the
temperatures of the inside and outside surfaces reached maximum levels of 40°C and
90°C respectively? A linear thermal gradient may be assumed. For steel a = 11 x 10-6 per
Assignment Question 2,4, 5 and 7
Chapter 7
1. A thick cylinder of 100 mm internal radius and 150 mm external radius is
subjected to an internal pressure of 60 MN/m 2 and an external pressure of 30
MN/m2. Determine the hoop and radial stresses at the inside and outside of the
cylinder together with the longitudinal stress if the cylinder is assumed to have
closed ends.
2. An external pressure of 10 MN/m 2 is applied to a thick cylinder of internal
diameter 160 mm and external diameter 320 mm. If the maximum hoop stress
permitted on the inside wall of the cylinder is limited to 30 MN/m 2, what maximum
internal pressure can be applied assuming the cylinder has closed ends? What
will be the change in outside diameter when this pressure is applied? E = 207
GN/m2, ν = 0.29.
3. (a) In an experiment on a thick cylinder of 100 mm external diameter and 50 mm
internal diameter the hoop and longitudinal strains as measured by strain gauges
applied to the outer surface of the cylinder were 240 x l0 -6 and 60 x 10-6,
respectively, for an internal pressure of 90 MN/m 2, the external pressure being
zero. Determine the actual hoop and longitudinal stresses present in the cylinder
if E = 208 GN/m2 and ν = 0.29. Compare the hoop stress value so obtained
with the theoretical value given by the Lame equations.
(b) Assuming that the above strain readings were obtained for a thick cylinder of
100 mm external diameter but unknown internal diameter calculate this internal
4. A compound cylinder is formed by shrinking a tube of 250 mm internal diameter
and 25 mm wall thickness onto another tube of 250 mm external diameter and 25
mm wall thickness, both tubes being made of the same material. The stress set
up at the junction owing to shrinkage is 10 MN/m 2. The compound tube is then
subjected to an internal pressure of 80 MN/m 2. Compare the hoop stress
distribution now obtained with that of a single cylinder of 300 mm external
diameter and 50 mm thickness subjected to the same internal pressure.

Question 3 and 4

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