Adl 14 Am2
Adl 14 Am2
Adl 14 Am2
Assignment - A
Question 1a) Define production operatio ns management. What are its objectives and
Question 3a) What is capacity planning? Explain the various methods of altering
b)What are the factors affecting facility location? What are the techniques for facility
lo cation?
c) What are the various facility layo uts? Enumerate the advantages and
Question 4b) Explain the activities involved in production planning and control.
Question 4c) Discuss MRP. What ar e the inputs and outputs of an MRP system?
Question 4c) What do you understand by maintenance policy? Explain various categories
of spares.
Assignment - B
Question 1a) What is economic order quantity? What are the assumptions of EOQ?
Question 1b) If the annual demand for a product is 3,50,000 units. The annual carrying
cost rate is 25 percent of the cost of the unit the product costs Rs 14.75 per unit to
purchase, and each time the product is ordered the related ordering cost is Rs 53.00.
i) What is EOQ?
ii) What is total cost at EOQ?
iii) How much would be the total cost if the order quantity is 2500 units due to
standard packing?
Question 2a. Operations scheduling is one of the most important function of production
planning and control. Discuss.
Question 2b) Seven jo bs are to be carried out on three machines M1, M2, M3 in the
order of M1, M2, M3. The processing time in hours of various jobs are tabulated below.
Job M1 M2 M3
A 1 7 8
B 3 3 1
C 7 8 8
D 9 2 11
E 4 8 9
F 5 6 14
G 2 1 12
Question i) What are the conditions for using Johnson's rule to sequence jobs on three
Question 3a) A company that produces mixer gr inder has the follo wing orders over the
next six months.
Period 1 2 3 4 5 6
Demand 2000 5000 8000 4500 2000 8000
Monthly production capacities are 5000 units on regular time, 1000 units on over time,
and 2000 units can be sub contracted each month. Production costs are Rs20/- per unit on
regular time, Rs 25/- per unit on over time, and Rs 28/- for sub contracted quantities.
Inventory holding costs are charged @ Re 1/- per u nit per month. Use transportation
mode! to develop a production plan for next six months.
Question 3 b) Five jobs are to be assigned to five mac hinists. The following matrix
shows the time taken by each of the machinist for reach of the jobs.
o o o
Machinist Jobs o
b b b
s s s
1 2 3 4 5
A 10 5 3 2 8
B 9 7 8 2 7
C 7 5 6 2 4
D 3 5 8 2 4
E 9 10 9 6 10
Using Hungarian method find out the optimum assignment and processing time.
Case Study
a) An electro nic goods company pro duces radio s and calcu lators. The radios generates
a profit of Rs10/- per unit while calculators generates a profit of Rs 15/- per unit. Each
radio requires four dio des and four resistors, while each calculator requires ten diodes
and two resistors. The radio takes 12 minutes and calculators take 9,6 minutes on the
testing machine. The production manager estimates that 160 hours of testing time are
available. The firm has 8000 diodes and 3000 resistors in stock. Formulate the linear pro
gramming pro blem and so lve it graphically.
b) Systems Software (P) Ltd. is planning to develop new software. It has identified the
activities in the in the table below fo r this software development project and has
calculated three time estimates in days for each of the activity.
Optimistic Pessimistic
Activity Description Predecessors likely
time time
A Create objectives - 1 2 3
Choose Operating
B A 3 5 7
C Generate algorithm A 6 10 14
Choose a suitable
D A 4 6 8
Question i) Draw the network diagram; find out the critical path and the expected
duration of the project.
Assignment - C
1. Organizations that produce something other than physical products are called
(a) Transformation org anizations
(b) Data transfer groups
(c) Service organizations
(d) Cultural organizatio ns
3. Decisions that tend to focus on the entire organization, cutting across departmental
lines, and have long consequences are called
(a) Departmental
(b) Tactical
(c) Strategic
(d) Routine
4. Competing on differentiation is
(a) Concerned with uniqueness
(b) Based on cost leader ship
(c) Based on flexibility
(d) Reliability of scheduling
6. Which of the following conditions are NOT generally associated with a jo b process?
(a) Work force with highly specialized skills
(b) Low product volume
(c) Relat ively high customizat ion
(d) High resource flexibility
9. The planning and scheduling of production only against specific production order is
(a) Make-to-Stock
(b) Make-to-Order
(c) Assemble-to-Order
(d) Mass Customization
10. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic during the introductory phase of the
product life cycle?
(a) Research
(b) Process modification
(c) Supplier develo pment
(d) Capacity utilization
12. Benefits of design for manufactur ability and value engineering include all of the
following except
(a) Reduced complexity of the product
(b) Additio nal standardization of the components
(c) Improved job design and safety
(d) Compromise qualit y
17. Which of the following is NOT a method for evaluating location alternatives,
(a) The transportation model
(b) Factor rating
(c) Center of gravity method
(d) Waiting line analysis
18. Which of the following is NOT a mathematical technique used for finding the best
location for a single distribution point that services several stores or areas
(a) Factor rating.
(b) Center of gravity
(c) Transportation model
(d) Hungarian met hod
20.In a product layout the process of deciding how to assign tasks to work stations is
referred to as:
(a) Process balancing
(b) Task a llocat ion
(c) Line balancing
(d) Factor rating
21. The advantages NOT associated with a U shaped assembly line over a straight one are
(a) Fewer workers are needed
(b) Workers can reach more of the work area
(c) Work area can be efficiently balanced
(d) Automated material handling
22. All of the following statements about using the transportation model to develop an
acceptable aggregate plan are true EXCEPT
(a) The least expensive alternatives often are those in which the output is produced and
sold in the same period
(b) It is possible to disallow backorders by making the back-order cost an impossibly
high number
(c) The transport at ion model is less useful fo r chase strat egies
(d) A period's overtime capacity is generally a percentage of its regular time capacity
23. Which of the following statements about a linear programming model is NOT true
(a) An optima l product ion plan is desired
(b) The values of decision variables are fractional
(c) A set of linear co nstraints might be defined
(d) Cross-product relationships exist between two or more decision variables
24. The limit at io ns that re strict the permissibl e choice s for decision variables are c
(a) Parameters
(b) Objective function
(c) Decision variables
(d) Constraints
25. The total cost for a co ntinuo us review system with uncertain demand excludes
consideration of
(a) Cycle inventory holding cost
(b) Product cost
(c) Order ing cost
(d) Safety sto ck ho lding cost
26. Select the characterist ic that is not indicative of a job shop environment
(a) Low to medium volume production
(b) Job or batch pro cesses
(c) Consistent, sequential process flow
(d) Continual introduction of new jobs to be processed
27. The priority -sequencing rule for job shop scheduling that relies ieast on time based
data is
(a) Critical ratio
(b) Earliest duedate
(c) First come, first served
(d) Shortest processing time
28. Which statement about capacity requirements planning (CRP) is not true
(a) CRP systems adjust the order release time to prevent a workstation fro exceeding its
(b) CRP systems access inventory records to determine when planned orders or
scheduled receipts will reacr a workstatio n
(c) CRP systems enable the identification of critical workstations
(d) The purpose if CRP is to match the material requirements plan with the plant's
production capacity
30. The work measurement method that is not usually used for setting standar ds for
repetitive, well defined jobs is
(a) The elemental standard data approach
(b) The work sampling method
(c) The time study method
(d) The pr edetermined data appr oach
35. A customer service hotline has received an average of 7 complaints a day for the last
25 days. What type of control
chart should be used to monit or this hotline
(a) C-chart
(b) P-chart
(c) X-bar chart
(d) np-chart
40. The process that is intended to find potential failure and make change or repair is
known as
(a) break do wn maintenance
(b) failure maintenance
(c) preventive maintenance
(d) reactive maintenance