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Liquid-liquid equilibria of propionic acid - Water - Solvent (n-Hexane,

cyclohexane, cyclohexanol and cyclohexyl acetate) ternaries at 298.15 K

Article  in  Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering · October 2004

DOI: 10.1590/S0104-66322004000400014 · Source: DOAJ


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3 authors, including:

Dilek Özmen Burak Tatli

İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa Istanbul University


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Brazilian Journal
of Chemical ISSN 0104-6632
Printed in Brazil

Vol. 21, No. 04, pp. 647 - 657, October - December 2004


D. Özmen, U. Dramur and B. Tatli
Department of Chemical Engineering, Istanbul University,
34850, Avcilar - Istanbul, Turkey

(Received: May 21, 2003 ; Accepted: May 28, 2004)

Abstract - The experimental liquid-liquid equilibrium data on propionic acid-water-solvent ternary mixtures
at a temperature of 298.15 K are presented. The solvents are n-hexane, cyclohexane, cyclohexanol and
cyclohexyl acetate. The distribution coefficients and separation factors are reported. The tie line data are
correlated using the methods of Othmer-Tobias and Hand. The experimental results are compared with the
values predicted by the UNIFAC group-contribution method.
Keywords: liquid-liquid equilibria, propionic acid, UNIFAC.

INTRODUCTION correlated by the methods of Othmer-Tobias and

Hand on a mass-fraction basis. The experimental
Liquid-liquid equilibria are of interest in results are compared with values predicted by the
extraction operations and are useful for developing a UNIFAC group-contribution method, using a
thermodynamic predictive and correlative method. calculating program in MATLAB.
Liquid extraction of propionic acid from aqueous
solutions with various solvents has been reviewed
by several researchers (Badakhshan et al., 1985; EXPERIMENTAL
Arce et al., 1993, 1995; Yoshizawa et al., 1994;
Sólimo et al., 1997; Radwan et al., 1997; Zurita et Materials
al., 1998; Cehreli et al., 1999). To be able to choose
the most suitable agent for extraction of propionic Propionic acid was furnished by Fluka. Other
acid from aqueous solutions, experimental liquid- chemicals were used as received from Merck. The
liquid equilibrium data were determined for purity of the chemicals was checked on the basis of
propionic acid - water - solvent ternary mixtures at a their refractive indexes at 293.15 ± 0.20 K.
temperature of 298.15 K. Refractive indexes were measured with an Abbé-
The solvents used are n-hexane, cyclohexane, Hilger refractometer with a stated accuracy of
cyclohexanol and cyclohexyl acetate. The ±0.0001 nD. The measured physical properties are
distribution coefficients and separation factors were listed in Table 1 along with values from the
obtained from experimental results and are also literature (Weast, 1990). Deionized water was
reported. The tie lines were determined and were further distilled before use.
648 D. Özmen, U. Dramur and B. Tatli

Table 1: Physical Properties of the Chemicals.

Refractive Index (20 oC)

Chemical M [g/g-mol]* d [kg/l]* b.p. [ C]*
Lit.* Exp.

Propionic acid 74.08 0.9930 141.00 1.3809 1.3863

n-Hexane 86.18 0.6603 69.00 1.3751 1.3753

Cyclohexane 84.16 0.7785 80.70 1.4266 1.4275

Cyclohexanol 100.16 0.9624 161.10 1.4641 1.4657

Cyclohexyl Acetate 142.20 0.9698 173.62 1.4401 1.4406

* Weast. R.C., Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida (1989-1990).

Procedure permanent heterogeneity had been observed. An

ultra-accurate titrator with an accuracy of ±0.001
Data for the solubility curve of the ternary cm3 was used.
systems were determined by the cloud point method The tie line data determinations were obtained
(Alders, 1959; Cehreli, 2002). Solubility curve data using the equilibrium apparatus described above. A
determinations were made in an equilibrium cell variety of mixtures within the heterogeneous gap
equipped with a magnetic stirrer and an isothermal were prepared for the four systems studied. The cell
fluid jacket. The temperature of the mixture was was filled with each of these mixtures and
controlled by a bath within an accuracy of ±0.2 K. vigorously stirred for 1 h under isothermal
The inner temperature of the cell was measured conditions. After the stirrer was turned off, the
within an accuracy of ±0.1 K by a certified Fischer contents were immediately introduced into the
thermometer. vertical settler, also equipped with an isothermal
The cell, designed to contain a solution of 50- jacket. After complete separation of the phases, a
200 cm3, was filled with homogeneous water- suitable amount of each layer was removed for
propionic acid mixtures prepared by weighing. An analysis. The acid contents of the samples were
electronic Sauter balance with an accuracy of ±0.1 determined by volumetric titration with 0.1 N NaOH
mg was used. The solvent was added by means of solution by using ethanolic phenolphthalein.
an automatic microburet with an accuracy of ±0.005 Several check determinations on known samples
cm3. The end point was determined by observing showed the accuracy of the method was within
the transition from a homogeneous to a ±0.001 of the mass fraction.
heterogeneous mixture. This pattern was convenient
for providing the water-rich side of the curves. On
the other hand, data for the solvent-rich side of the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
curves were it became obtained by titrating
homogeneous propionic acid-solvent with water The measured values for solubility curves and
until a turbid. Composition determinations were experimental mutual solubilities for the propionic
accurate to ±0.0005 mass fraction. acid - water - n-hexane, propionic acid - water -
The solubilities of water and solvent were cyclohexane, propionic acid - water - cyclohexanol
determined by applying a synthetic method. A and propionic acid - water - cyclohexyl acetate systems
weighed amount of the first substance was are reported in Tables 2-5. The tie line compositions
introduced into the cell; the second was added until for the these systems are given in Table 6.

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Liquid-Liquid Equilibria of Propionic Acid - Water - Solvent 649

Table 2:The Solubility Curve Data for the Propionic Acid

(1)-Water (2)-n-Hexane (3) System at 298.15 K.

Exp. No. W1 W2 W3
1 0.00 1.38 98.62
2 9.96 1.38 88.66
3 20.57 1.29 78.14
4 31.07 1.15 67.78
5 39.74 1.85 58.41
6 57.85 3.60 38.55
7 58.47 3.59 37.94
8 66.42 5.18 28.40
9 73.57 7.89 18.54
10 71.95 9.92 18.13
11 76.20 15.37 8.43
12 68.24 30.40 1.36
13 68.37 30.45 1.18
14 59.13 40.46 0.41
15 49.75 50.08 0.17
16 39.87 59.94 0.19
17 29.97 69.84 0.19
18 20.26 79.47 0.27
19 10.25 89.46 0.29
20 0.00 99.05 0.95

Table 3: The Solubility Curve Data for the Propionic Acid (1)-Water
(2)-Cyclohexane (3) System at 298.15 K.

Exp. No. W1 W2 W3
1 0.00 99.90 0.10
2 10.66 89.08 0.26
3 20.11 79.70 0.19
4 29.26 70.57 0.17
5 44.17 55.39 0.44
6 58.65 40.52 0.83
7 70.60 13.07 16.33
8 71.17 26.88 1.95
9 64.61 8.48 26.91
10 60.49 6.05 33.46
11 59.99 4.33 37.68
12 44.42 1.46 54.12
13 32.69 0.31 67.00
14 15.49 0.25 84.26
15 0.00 0.42 99.58

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 21, No. 04, pp. 647 - 657, October - December 2004
650 D. Özmen, U. Dramur and B. Tatli

Table 4: The Solubility Curve Data for the Propionic Acid

(1)-Water (2)-Cyclohexanol (3) System at 298.15 K.

Exp. No. W1 W2 W3

1 0.00 97.84 2.16

2 17.09 78.39 4.52

3 18.90 75.84 5.26

4 21.00 71.07 7.93

5 26.59 58.71 14.70

6 29.75 49.16 21.09

7 32.83 40.11 27.06

8 32.38 34.23 33.39

9 32.54 26.95 40.51

10 29.00 21.80 49.20

11 21.65 15.78 62.57

12 12.85 8.91 78.24

13 0.00 8.00 92.00

Table 5: The Solubility Curve Data for the Propionic Acid

(1)-Water (2)-Cyclohexyl Acetate (3) System at 298.15 K.

Exp. No. W1 W2 W3

1 0.00 0.56 99.44

2 10.14 0.52 89.34

3 19.77 2.60 77.63

4 28.56 5.34 66.10

5 35.79 8.99 55.22

6 42.77 13.53 43.70

7 46.34 20.44 33.22

8 46.00 34.00 20.00

9 43.50 44.84 11.66

10 37.45 55.87 6.68

11 30.02 69.47 0.51

12 24.80 74.52 0.68

13 19.52 79.98 0.50

14 15.55 84.41 0.04

15 10.32 89.60 0.08

16 0.00 99.95 0.05

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Liquid-Liquid Equilibria of Propionic Acid - Water - Solvent 651

Table 6: The Tie Line Compositions for the Propionic

Acid-Water-Solvent System at 298.15 K.

Exp. Overall Water-rich phase Solvent-rich phase

No. W1 W2 W3 W12 W22 W32 W13 W23 W33
Propionic Acid (1)-Water (2)-n-Hexane (3) System
1 4.97 55.09 39.94 6.74 92.95 0.31 1.32 1.41 97.27
2 10.33 50.41 39.26 13.78 86.08 0.14 4.17 1.38 94.45
3 15.20 45.07 39.73 19.58 80.19 0.23 8.12 1.32 90.56
4 20.15 40.21 39.64 26.32 73.33 0.35 12.55 1.25 86.20
5 25.35 35.00 39.65 34.04 65.62 0.34 16.42 1.22 82.36
6 30.05 30.38 39.57 39.01 60.73 0.26 21.35 1.22 77.43
7 39.81 30.43 29.76 49.22 50.71 0.07 22.56 1.08 76.36
8 49.42 26.52 24.06 57.86 41.98 0.16 27.77 1.32 70.91
9 59.87 20.27 19.86 66.80 32.14 1.06 38.16 1.71 60.13
10 69.67 15.12 15.21 73.83 22.37 3.80 51.35 2.66 45.99
Propionic Acid (1)-Water (2)-Cyclohexane (3) System
1 10.11 45.35 44.54 15.64 84.16 0.20 3.66 0.52 95.82
2 19.98 40.09 39.93 28.87 70.80 0.33 10.13 0.41 89.46
3 30.09 34.96 34.95 42.00 57.74 0.26 16.36 0.22 83.42
4 36.36 36.14 27.50 46.90 52.78 0.32 17.96 0.18 81.86
5 49.81 25.15 25.04 64.60 32.62 2.78 27.51 0.12 72.37
6 59.88 19.92 20.20 70.17 22.63 7.20 36.92 0.57 62.51
Propionic Acid (1)-Water (2)-Cyclohexanol (3) System
1 5.25 57.66 37.09 2.83 95.09 2.08 8.76 9.14 82.10
2 10.35 52.25 37.40 5.85 91.90 2.25 15.39 11.03 73.58
3 16.10 47.96 35.94 9.01 88.35 2.64 22.34 14.35 63.31
4 20.77 41.90 37.33 11.13 85.84 3.03 26.44 17.68 55.88
5 25.98 35.93 38.09 13.66 82.65 3.69 30.24 23.36 46.40
Propionic Acid (1)-Water (2)-Cyclohexyl Acetate (3) System
1 5.11 54.72 40.17 4.55 95.29 0.16 6.69 0.25 93.06
2 10.19 49.99 39.82 7.75 92.13 0.12 11.71 0.67 87.62
3 14.94 45.83 39.23 11.35 88.59 0.06 18.24 2.11 79.65
4 19.88 41.05 39.07 14.55 85.41 0.04 24.73 4.20 71.07
5 24.92 36.00 39.08 17.42 82.51 0.07 30.76 6.45 62.79
6 29.82 31.03 39.15 20.84 78.95 0.21 35.10 8.36 56.54
7 35.00 25.38 39.62 24.10 75.42 0.48 39.40 10.82 49.78
8 40.01 20.31 39.68 27.56 71.44 1.00 43.79 14.87 41.34
9 38.43 46.66 14.91 34.68 61.98 3.34 46.92 23.84 29.24

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 21, No. 04, pp. 647 - 657, October - December 2004
652 D. Özmen, U. Dramur and B. Tatli

Distribution Coefficients and Separation Factors Di = Wi3 Wi2 (1)

Distribution coefficients, Di, for propionic acid S = D1 D 2 (2)

(i = 1) and water (i = 2) and separation factors,
S, were determined (where 3 = solvent) as
Results are listed in Table 7.

Table 7: Experimental Distribution Coefficients (Di) of the Propionic

Acid and Water and Separation Factors (S) at 298.15 K.

a) Propionic Acid (1)-Water (2)-n-Hexane c) Propionic Acid (1)-Water (2)-Cyclohexyl

(3) System Acetate (3) System

Exp. D1 D2 S D1 D2 S
Exp. No.
No. W13/W12 W23/W22 D1/D2 W13/W12 W23/W22 D1/D2
1 0.20 0.02 12.87 1 1.47 0.00 558.21
2 0.30 0.02 18.89 2 1.51 0.01 208.52
3 0.41 0.02 25.26 3 1.61 0.02 67.41
4 0.48 0.02 27.91 4 1.70 0.05 34.56
5 0.48 0.02 25.94 5 1.77 0.08 22.58
6 0.55 0.02 27.17 6 1.68 0.11 15.90
7 0.46 0.02 21.51 7 1.63 0.14 11.39
8 0.48 0.03 15.27 8 1.59 0.21 7.63
9 0.57 0.05 10.74 9 1.35 0.38 3.52
10 0.70 0.12 5.85 - - - -

b) Propionic Acid (1)-Water (2)- d) Propionic Acid (1)-Water (2)-

Cyclohexanol (3) System Cyclohexane (3) System

D1 D2 S D1 D2 S
Exp. No. Exp. No.
W13/W12 W23/W22 D1/D2 W13/W12 W23/W22 D1/D2
1 3.10 0.10 32.20 1 0.23 0.00 98.52
2 2.63 0.12 21.92 2 0.35 0.00 75.17
3 2.48 0.16 15.27 3 0.39 0.00 87.52
4 2.38 0.21 11.53 4 0.38 0.01 64.13
5 2.21 0.28 7.83 5 0.43 0.09 5.00
- - - - 6 0.53 0.32 1.65

ln ( W13 W33 ) = a 2 + b2 ln ( W12 W22 ) (4)
The reliability of experimentally measured tie
line data is ascertained by applying the Othmer- The correlations are shown in Figures 1 and 2.
Tobias (Eq. 3) and Hand (Eq. 4) equations (Othmer The correlation coefficients and correlation factor
and Tobias, 1942; Brandani and Ross, 1985). (r2) values were determined by the least-squares
method and are given in Table 8.
(1 − W33 )  (1 − W22 ) 
ln  = a1 + b1 ln 
The liquid-liquid equilibria of the ternary
W33 W22 mixtures were also predicted using the UNIFAC

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Liquid-Liquid Equilibria of Propionic Acid - Water - Solvent 653

method (Fredenslund et al., 1975). For this purpose, difference between the experimental data and the
the MATLAB program is used. The group- predictions of each system according to the
interaction parameters used for estimating the following formula:
activity coefficients in the liquid phases were those
obtained from experimental equilibrium results. 

   Wi,exp − 
2 
The predicted liquid-liquid equilibria data are     
plotted in Figures 3-6 along with the experimental RMSD = 

∑∑∑  

 
 − Wi,calc   / 6n 
 
values. k  j

i   
  
Group volumes (Rk) and surface areas (Qk)
needed by UNIFAC are shown in Table 9. where Wi, exp is the experimental mass fraction of the
UNIFAC liquid-liquid equilibrium parameters (amn) tie lines; Wi, calc is the calculated mass fraction of
representing interactions between 7 groups are the tie lines; k = 1, 2, 3,...,n (tie lines); j is the water-
shown in Table 10 (Reid, 1987). rich or solvent-rich phase and i is the number of
The deviations shown in the figures are components (Fandary et al., 1999).
presented numerically by applying the root mean The root mean square deviation values for the
square (RMSD). RMSDs are calculated from the systems studied are presented in Table 11.


1 1

0 0
In((1-W33)/ W33)

-1 -1

-2 -2

-3 -3

-4 -4

-5 -5
-5 -3 -1 1 3 -5 -3 -1 1 3
ln((1-W22)/W22) ln(W12/W22)
Propionic acid-water-n-hexane system
Propionic acid-water-n-hexane system
Propionic acid-water-cyclohexane system
Propionic acid-water-cyclohexanol system

Propionic acid-water-cyclohexanol system Propionic acid-water-cyclohexyl acetate system

Propionic acid-water-cyclohexyl acetate system Propionic acid-water-cyclohexane system

Figure 1: Othmer-Tobias Plot for the PropionicAcid Figure 2: Hand Plot for the Propionic Acid (1)-
(1)-Water (2)-Solvent (3) System at 298.15 K Water (2)-Solvent (3) System at 298.15 K

Table 8: The Correlation Coefficients and Correlation Factors

for the Othmer-Tobias and Hand Correlations.

Othmer-Tobias coefficients Hand coefficients

Systems a1 b1 r a2 b2 r2
Propionic Acid-Water-n-Hexane -1.0336 0.9364 0.9865 -1.0935 1.0785 0.9704
Propionic Acid-Water-Cyclohexane -1.4974 0.8632 0.9770 -1.4951 0.9261 0.9746
Propionic Acid-Water-Cyclohexanol 1.8999 1.1764 0.9888 1.3953 1.0486 0.9932
Propionic Acid-Water-Cyclohexyl
1.6079 1.4186 0.9978 1.2472 1.2946 0.9981

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 21, No. 04, pp. 647 - 657, October - December 2004
654 D. Özmen, U. Dramur and B. Tatli

Propionic Acid (1)

0 100

10 90

20 80

30 70

40 60

%W2 50 50 %W1

60 40

70 30

80 20

90 10

100 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Water (2) %W3 n-Hexane (3)

Solubility Curve Data Tie Line Data UNIFAC

Figure 3: Experimental and Predicted Ternary Diagram for the Propionic Acid
(1)-Water (2) - n-Hexane (3) System at 298.15 K

Propionic Acid (1)

0 100

10 90

20 80

30 70

40 60
%W2 %W1
50 50

60 40

70 30

80 20

90 10

100 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
W ater (2) %W3 Cyclohexane (3)

Solubility Curve Data Tie Line Data UNIFAC

Figure 4: Experimental and Predicted Ternary Diagram for the Propionic Acid
(1)-Water (2) - Cyclohexane (3) System at 298.15 K

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Liquid-Liquid Equilibria of Propionic Acid - Water - Solvent 655

Propionic Acid (1)

0 100

10 90

20 80

30 70

40 60
%W2 %W1
50 50

60 40

70 30

80 20

90 10

100 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
W ater (2) %W3 Cyclohexanol (3)

Solubility Curve Data Tie Line Data UNIFAC

Figure 5: Experimental and Predicted Ternary Diagram for the Propionic Acid
(1)-Water (2) - Cyclohexanol (3) System at 298.15 K

Propionic Acid (1)

0 100

10 90

20 80

30 70

40 60
%W2 %W1
50 50

60 40

70 30

80 20

90 10

100 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Water (2) %W3 Cyclohexyl Acetate (3)

Solubility Curve Data Tie Line Data UNIFAC

Figure 6: Experimental and Predicted Ternary Diagram for the Propionic Acid
(1)-Water (2) - Cyclohexyl Acetate (3) System at 298.15 K

Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 21, No. 04, pp. 647 - 657, October - December 2004
656 D. Özmen, U. Dramur and B. Tatli

Table 9: Group-Volume (Rk) and Surface-Area (Qk) Parameters*.

0, or Rk Qk
1 1 CH3 0.9011 0.848
1 2 CH2 0.6744 0.540
1 3 CH 0.4469 0.228
5 15 OH 1.0000 1.200
7 17 H2O 0.9200 1.400
11 22 1.9031 1.728
20 43 COOH 1.3013 1.224
* Reid, R.C., Prausnitz, J.M., Poling, B.E., The Properties of Gases and Liquids, Fourth
ed., McGraw-Hill Inc., ISBN 0-07-051799-1, Mexico, (1987).

Table 10: UNIFAC Group Interaction Parameters amn, in Kelvins *.

Group 1 5 7 11 20
1 0 986.5 1318 232.1 663.5
5 156.4 0 353.5 101.1 199
7 300 -229.1 0 72.87 -14.09
11 114.8 245.4 200.8 0 660.2
20 315.3 -151 -66.17 -256.3 0
* Reid, R.C., Prausnitz, J.M., Poling, B.E., The Properties of Gases and Liquids, Fourth ed., McGraw-Hill
Inc., ISBN 0-07-051799-1, Mexico, (1987).

Table 11: The Root Mean Square Deviation Values for the
UNIFAC-Predicted and Experimental Data.

System RMSD
1 Propionic Acid-Water-Cyclohexanol 2.65
2 Propionic Acid-Water-Cyclohexyl Acetate 5.02
3 Propionic Acid-Water-Cyclohexane 8.83
4 Propionic Acid-Water-n-Hexane 11.32

CONCLUSIONS The slopes of experimental and UNIFAC-

predicted data are similar for propionic acid-water-
Considering the two-phase region, it can be said cyclohexanol and propionic acid-water-cyclohexyl
that n-hexane and cyclohexane are suitable acetate systems but different for propionic acid-
extraction agent for aqueous propionic acid mixture, water-n-hexane and propionic acid-water-
on the other hand distribution coefficient values cyclohexane systems. RMSD values show that
show that cyclohexanol and cyclohexyl acetate are UNIFAC gives the best fit for propionic acid-water-
more suitable. When the all properties are taken cyclohexanol system.
into consideration it can be concluded that Both the Othmer-Tobias and the Hand equations
cyclohexyl acetate is the most suitable extractant show a good correlation and straight lines for each
studied in this research. ternary.

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Liquid-Liquid Equilibria of Propionic Acid - Water - Solvent 657

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Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol. 21, No. 04, pp. 647 - 657, October - December 2004

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