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Qku 3093 - Pemakanan Sukan Kumpulan Kuliah: F: Tugasan 2 (Individu)

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NO.MATRIK D20171081148


BMI: 20.9 (NORMAL)
TARIKH DIAMBIL: 2 hari, 1 hari bekerja dan 1 hari hujung minggu

ARAHAN: Rekod kesemua makanan dan minuman yang diambil di dalam diari mengikut saiz porsi yang sesuai.

 Nasi/mee/Spageti/Pasta dan lain-lain bijirin: suku hidangan, separuh hidangan, hidangan penuh.
 Roti slice/roti canai/murtabak/tosai/capati dll: keping
 Bun/croissant: biji
 Buah-buahan:
1) buah sebiji saiz kecil contoh pisang, epal, oren, limau mandarin dll: biji
2) buah yang perlu dipotong contoh tembikai, nenas dll: keeping/potong
3) buah segugus saiz sangat kecil contoh anggur, blueberry, strawberry, mata kucing dll: suku cawan, setengah cawan, satu cawan
 Kuih muih: 1 ketul
 Kek/waffle/lempeng: 1 potong
 Lauk pauk bermasak:
1) Ikan/ayam/ketam: ketul (goreng, rebus, bakar dll)
2) Daging: Ketul (goreng, rebus, bakar dll)
3) Sayur/ salad/ kerang/ lala/ kepah/ : suku cawan, setengah cawan, satu cawan dan nyatakan cara masakan (goreng, rebus,bakar
4) Telur: biji (goreng, rebus dll) telur mata, telur dadar, omelette dll
 Mentega/marjerin: sudu the, sudu makan atau satu tub kecil (mentega)
 Makanan segera(McDonald, KFC, Subway, Burger King dll): mengikut saiz hidangan yang dipesan.
 Minuman: gelas ( masukkan samada dengan gula, krimmer atau kosong sahaja). Sekiranya minuman 3 in 1, nyatakan nama jenama.
Minuman ‘ready made’perlu nyatakan nama, jenama dan sukatan sebenar ie. 1 tin 250 ml, 1 botol 500 ml, 1.5 liter etc.
How is Your Nutrition?


Do I eat breakfast every Breakfast sparks the metabolism, helps control appetite later
day within 1 hour of in the day, helps manage a healthy weight, and improves
waking? memory and concentration.
Do I eat at least 3 meals Eating at least 3 meals per day keeps your energy strong and
per day helps you to manage a healthy weight.
Do I avoid going longer Waiting longer than 3-5 hours without eating will negatively
than 3-5 hours without effect your energy, and may create a rebound hunger and
eating? cause you to overeat in the later part of the day
Are my breakfast, lunch These are the components of a balanced meal that will allow
and supper meals you to be sustained with energy, keep full, maintain good long
balanced? (Do they term health, and manage a healthy weight.
contain 3 things: a
vegetable/fruit, and a
source of protein)?
Do I plan my meals “If you fail to plan, you plan to fail.” Plan a grocery shopping
ahead to avoid quick day, plan your meals for the week, and plan to take a few
fixes? minutes each day to prepare healthy food.
Do I avoid eating when I Before eating something it is useful to ask yourself “What is
am not really hungry? Eating Me?” Emotions can be triggers to eat even when you
(stressed, sad, bored, are not really hungry which over time can hinder you reaching
habit, sight, smell etc.) a healthy weight
Do I limit saturated fats Saturated fat found in butter, margarine, the skin on chicken,
and trans fats the fat around meat, cheese, cream, cookies etc. raise your bad
(hydrogenated fats)? cholesterol in your blood. Trans or hydrogenated fat found in
many packaged foods such as chips, fries, cookies, cake,
crackers, chocolate bars etc. are even worse for you than
saturated fat because they can raise your bad cholesterol and
lower your good cholesterol in your blood
Am I including some fat You need fat for vitamin A, D, E, K absorption, for cell
in my diet and not trying membranes, and healthy skin and hair. If you avoid to much
to be too fat phobic? fat in your diet you will frequently be hungry because fat
contributes to fullness.
Am I avoiding diet plans If you skimp on carbohydrates which are found primarily in
that limit most sources of grains, fruits, and vegetables you will be consuming a diet low
carbohydrates? in fibre, certain vitamins and minerals, and phytochemicals.
You will also likely be eating a diet high in saturated fat. This
combination will likely lead to negative effects on your long
term health. If you are an athlete you will find your muscular
strength, endurance, and recovery will also be poor on a low
carbohydrate diet.
Do I incorporate sources Omega 3 fatty acids found in fish, ground flax seed, walnuts,
of omega-3 fatty acids and canola oil are beneficial in protecting heart health, and
and monounsaturated fat decreasing inflammation. Monounsaturated fat found in liquid
in my diet? oils, nuts/seeds, peanut butter, and avocado lower cholesterol
levels. Do you know how much you should be eating?
Do I limit high-sugar Sugar contains “empty” calories with limited nutritional value.
foods? Eating lots of sugar can also contribute to an excess of calories
taken in through the day and not enough of other nutrient
dense foods.
Do I drink at least 6-8 Water makes up 70% of your muscle and 50-60% of your
cups of fluid per day? body weight! Fluid is important for digestion, absorption, and
transport of nutrients; elimination of waste products; coolant
for maintaining body temperature; and lubricating joints, eyes,
and air passages.
Do I drink ½-1 Litre of A loss of only 2% or more of your body weight as sweat can
water per hour of high contribute to negative effects on your performance.
intensity sport/exercise? Dehydration increases heart rate, increases body temperature,
decreases muscular strength, slows reaction times, increases
perceived exertion, and contributes to dizziness, headache,
cramps, fatigue, sleepiness, and shortness of breath.
Do I eat well during the Although it is what you eat most of the time that is important
week and avoid bingeing rather than once in a while, it is still important to establish
on the weekend? consistent meal patterns and food choices.
Do I keep portion sizes You can eat healthy foods but if you don’t pay attention to
under control? portion sizes you may be eating more/less than you think of
particular foods. Over time this can contribute to poor energy
and stamina, lowered long term health, and an unhealthy
weight. Do you know what portion sizes would be appropriate
for you?
Am I eating at least 3 Vegetables and fruit are low in calories, high in carbohydrates,
servings of veggies & 2 and rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals (healthy
servings fruit per day? compounds that protect your long term health).
Am I eating more meals Eating out is a challenge because the meals tend to be high in
at home and/or eating calories, high in fat, and often missing higher fiber foods and
healthier when I eat out? vegetables and fruit. There are good choices at every
restaurant, do you know which ones would be good choices
for you?
Do I rely on food much Although bars, protein powder and pills supply you with
more than supplements nutrition, they will likely not be as complete as eating food.
(bars, powders, pills)? For example protein bars and protein powder may provide you
with protein but you will be missing out on the trace minerals
such as iron, zinc and vitamin B12 found naturally in protein
rich food. A vitamin supplement may provide you with
vitamins but eating real fruit and veggies will also supply you
with phytochemicals to guard your long term health
Have I planned You need to “budget” in treats and foods that you really enjoy
indulgences so I don’t to keep you on your healthy eating plan. If you avoid these
feel too restricted? you may find your healthy diet hard to follow or you may
overdo it because you felt too restricted.
Do I know what is Your recovery meal when you are finished training is the most
important to consume in important meal of the day! What you do today will impact
a recovery meal after how hard and long you train or compete the next day. Eat on
playing a sport or doing time for the best recovery! It is best to eat a source of carbs
an exercise? within 15-20 minutes post training/competing. There are 5 R’s
for Recovery: Rest, Replace (carbs), Replenish (fluids), Repair
(protein), Rejuvenate (antioxidants). Did you know there are
specific goals for carbohydrates and protein based on your
weight and the type of sport/activity you do?
Sarapan pagi Makan tengahhari Makan malam

1. Air kosong – 2 gelas 1. Nasi kukus ayam berempah – 1 1. Nasi putih – 2 senduk
2. Keropok maruku – 2 pek kecil bungkus 2. Naget ayam – 3 ketul
2. Air kosong – 1 gelas 3. Sosej ayam – 2 ketul
4. Telur dadar – ½ biji
5. Air kosong – 1 gelas

Makanan/minuma Kuantiti Kalori Berat CHO (g) Berat PRO (g) Berat Lemak
n X 4 kcal X 4 kcal (g)
X 9 kcal
Air kosong 2 gelas 0 0 0 0
Keropok maruku 2 pek kecil 417 52 g = 208 kcal 33 g = 132 kcal 9 g = 81 kcal
Nasi kukus ayam 1 bungkus 514 75 g = 300 kcal 40g = 160 kcal 6g = 54 kcal

Air kosong 1 gelas 0 0 0 0

Nasi putih 2 senduk (150g) 167 39 g = 156 kcal 3 g = 12 kcal 0g=0

Naget ayam 3 ketul 91 15 g = 60 kcal 1 g = 4 kcal 3 g = 27 kcal

Sosej ayam 2 ketul 169 14 g = 56 kcal 8g = 32 kcal 9 g = 81 kcal
Telur dadar ½ biji 73 1g = 4 kcal 6 g = 24 kcal 5g = 45 kcal
Air kosong 1 gelas 0 0 0 0
Jumlah kalori 1431 kcal 196 g = 784 91 g = 364 32 g = 288
kcal kcal kcal
Peratus makronutrien [784/1431] x [364/1431] x [288/1431] x
100 100 100
= 54.43% = 25.44% = 20.13%


LEMAK; 20.13%; 20%

PROTEIN; 25.44%; 25%

Hari bekerja pada hari isnin saya mendapati bahawa pengambilan jumlah kalori sebanyak 1431 kcal, bersamaan dengan peratusan
makronutrien Karbohidrat sebanyak 784kcal (54.43%) , Protein sebanyak 364kcal (25.44%), dan bagi kadar pengambilan lemak pula ialah
288kcal (20.13%). Saya telah berjaya membuat keseimbangan pada ketiga makronutrien karbohidrat, protein dan lemak mengikut panduan
DMG. Ini kerana saya telah membuat pengambilan kadar karbohidrat yang mencukupi dan beberapa produk protein yang seimbang seperti
sosej dan naget ayam yang mengandungi protein yang tinggi. Saya juga telah menambah air kosong pada sarapan pagi saya dan makanan
tambahan iaitu keropok jajan iaitu maruku yang mengandungi kandungan protein yang tinggi. Oleh hal demikian, saya akan menambah baik
rekod diet saya dari semasa ke semasa.
Breakfast Lunch Dinner

1 . Milo Ais- 1 gelas 1. Nasi putih- 2 senduk 1) Nasi putih – 2 senduk

2. Biskut Coklat – 2 pek kecil 2. Ayam goreng – 2 ketul 2) Sambal ikan bilis – 2 sudu kecil
3. Telur dadas -1/2 biji 3) Telur dadar – ½ biji
4. Sambal ikan bilis – 2 sudu kecil 4) Air kosong 1 gelas
5. Air kosong – 1 gelas

Makanan/minuma Kuantiti Kalori Berat CHO (g) Berat PRO (g) Berat Lemak (g)
n X 4 kcal X 4 kcal X 9 kcal
Milo ais 1 gelas 87 11g = 44 kcal 4g = 16 kcal 3g = 27 kcal
Biskut coklat 2 pek kecil 162 29g = 116 kcal 7 g = 28 kcal 2 g = 18 kcal
Nasi putih 2 senduk (150g) 167 39 g = 156 kcal 3 g = 12 kcal 0g=0

Ayam goreng 2 ketul 410 2g = 8kcal 42 g = 168 kcal 26 g = 234 kcal

Telur dadar ½ biji 73 1g = 4 kcal 6 g = 24 kcal 5g =45 kcal
Sambal ikan bilis 2 sudu kecil 65 4g = 16 lcal 1g = 4 kcal 5g = 45 kcal
Air kosong 1 gelas 0 0 0 0
Nasi putih 2 senduk (150g) 167 39 g = 156 kcal 3 g = 12 kcal 0 g = 0 kcal
Sambal ikan bilis 2 sudu kecil 65 4 g = 16 kcal 1 g = 4 kcal 5 g = 45 kcal
Telur dadar ½ biji 65 1g = 4 kcal 6 g = 24 kcal 5g = 45 kcal
Jumlah kalori 1261 130 g = 520 73 g = 292 51 g = 459 kcal
kcal kcal
Peratus makronutrien [520/1261] x [292/1261] x [459/1261] x
100 100 100
= 41.23% = 23.17% =35.60%





Pada hujung minggu, rekod diet saya mendapati bahawa pengambilan jumlah kalori sebanyak 1261 kcal, bersamaan dengan peratusan
makronutrien Karbohidrat sebanyak 520kcal (41.23%) , Protein sebanyak 292kcal (23.17%), dan bagi kadar pengambilan lemak pula ialah
459kcal (35.60%). Secara keseluruhannya, kadar pengambilan kalori mengikut garis panduan diet Malaysia (2010) adalah kurang seimbang
kerana peratusan pengambilan lemak adalah lebih tinggi berbanbing pengambilan protein. Pada fakta yang saya jumpa di garis panduan diet
Malaysia (2010), saya perlu menambah bilangan peratusan pengambilan protein untuk menjaga pemakanan agar dapat menjana pemakanan
seimbang. Hal ini kerana, saya kurang mengambil sayuran dan hanya mengambil ikan bilis dan telur sebagai sumber protein . Selain itu, saya
juga perlu mengamalkan lebih banyak pengambilan air kosong untuk menyeimbangkan pemakanan saya.


Saya akan menambahbaik jadual pemakanan saya yang saya tandakan kadang-kadang di ‘How your nutrition?’ kepada selalu
yang mendatangkan kebaikan dalam jadual pemakanan saya. Antara contohnya adalah adakah saya merancang untuk pemakanan lebih
awal supaya saya dapat mengelakkan daripada badan sy susut. Seharusnya sy perlu merancang dengan lebih teliti dan juga mementikan
masa pemakanan saya supaya jadual pemakanan saya tidak terganggu. Selain itu, saya juga akan mengambil pemakanan yang seharusnya
perlu untuk diri saya. Antara contohnya, badan sy memerlukan sebanyak 2298 kalori untuk mengekalkan berat badan saya. Hal ini kerana
saya melakukan senaman sederhana iaitu empat hingga lima hari seminggu Saya juga akan meneliti kandungan kalori pada setiap
pemakanan yang diambil untuk mencukupi jumlah yang diperlukan pada diri saya. Saya juga kurang mengamalkan pemakanan seimbang
kerana jumlah produk sayuran. Hal ini kerana saya tidak menyukai sayur sayuran di dalam makanan saya. Oleh itu, saya perlu
mengamalkan makanan yang mempunyai sayur-sayuran supaya pemakanan saya akan seimbang


Penelitian pada kandungan kalori sangat penting apabila pengambilan pemakanan yang di beli di luar rumah dan juga makan di rumah
berbeza, seharusnya saya perlu meneliti nilai kandungan yang diambil semasa saya makan di luar dan juga makan di rumah. Hal ini
kerana saya kurang peduli tentang jumlah pengambilan kalori dalam pemakanan saya semasa diluar dan juga dirumah. Antara contoh,
kebiasaan pada waktu petang saya akan mengambil nasi putih cap jasmine satu senduk yang mengandungi 365 kalori untuk satu
hidangan manakala apabila makan di luar, pengambilan nasi putih adalah secara rawak kerana hidangan yang saya pesan di luar rumah
disediakan oleh kedai makan. Seharusnya saya perlu memberi penerangan tentang pemakanan saya secara mendalam supaya jumlah yang
saya ambil diluar sama banyak pada pemakanan yang saya sediakan di rumah. Cara ini akan meningkatkan motivasi saya dalam
mencapai objektif dalam mengekalkan keseimbangan dalam pemakanan saya.

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