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Co vs. Bernardino

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SOCORRO T. CO, complainant, vs. ATTY. GODOFREDO N.


This is an administrative complaint for disbarment filed by complainant Socorro T.
Co, a businesswoman, against Atty. Godofredo N. Bernardino charging him with
unprofessional and unethical conduct indicating moral deficiency and unfitness to
stay in the profession of law.

Socorro T. Co alleged that in as she was following up the documents for her
shipment at the Bureau of Customs, she was approached by respondent, Atty.
Godofredo N. Bernardino, introducing himself as someone holding various
positions in the Bureau of Customs. Respondent offered to help complainant and
promised to give her some business at the Bureau. In no time, they became friends
and a month after, respondent succeeded in borrowing from complainant P120,
000.00 with the promise to pay the amount in full the following month, broadly
hinting that he could use his influence at the Bureau of Customs to assist her. To
ensure payment, respondent issued to complainant several postdated checks.
However, the checks covering were dishonored for insufficiency of funds and
closure of account. Respondent told complainant that he would be able to pay her
if she would lend him an additional amount of P75,000.00 to be paid a month after
to be secured by a chattel mortgage on his Datsun car.

As complainant agreed respondent handed her three (3) copies of a deed of chattel
mortgage and six (6) copies of the deed of sale of his car with the assurance that he
would turn over its registration certificate and official receipt. The agreement was
not consummated as respondent later sold the same car to another. Despite several
chances given to him to settle his obligation respondent chose to evade
complainant so that she was constrained to write him a final demand letter
preceding the filing of several criminal complaints against him for violation of BP
Blg. 22. Complainant also filed a letter-complaint with the Office of the
By way of defense, respondent averred that he gave the checks to complainant Co
by way of rediscounting and that these were fully paid when he delivered five
cellular phones to her.

Can a lawyer separate his private life from his professional life as a defense of his

No. Rule 1.01, Chapter 1, entitled The Lawyer and Society of the Code of
Professional Responsibility which requires that "a lawyer shall not engage in
unlawful, dishonest, immoral or deceitful conduct." "Conduct," as used in this
Rule, is not limited to conduct exhibited in connection with the performance of
professional duties.

An attorney may be removed not only for malpractice and dishonesty in his
profession, but also for gross misconduct not related to his professional duties
which show him to be an unfit and unworthy lawyer. "The courts are not curators
of the morals of the bar. At the same time the profession is not compelled to harbor
all persons whatever their character, who are fortunate enough to keep out of
prison. As good character is an essential qualification for admission of an attorney
to practice, when the attorney's character is bad in such respects as to show that he
is unsafe and unfit to be entrusted with the powers of an attorney, the courts retain
the power to discipline him x x x x Of all classes and professions, the lawyer is
most sacredly bound to uphold the law x x x and to that doctrine we give our
unqualified support."


from the practice of law with warning that repetition of the same or similar acts
will merit a more severe penalty.

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