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Solving Differential Riccati Equations A Nonlinear

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Abstract. Differential algebraic Riccati equations are at the heart of many applications in
control theory. They are time-depent, matrix-valued, and in particular nonlinear equations that
require special methods for their solution. Low-rank methods have been used heavily computing
a low-rank solution at every step of a time-discretization. We propose the use of an all-at-once
arXiv:1912.06944v1 [math.NA] 14 Dec 2019

space-time solution leading to a large nonlinear space-time problem for which we propose the use
of a Newton–Kleinman iteration. Approximating the space-time problem in low-rank form requires
fewer applicatons of the discretized differential operator and gives a low-rank approximation to the
overall solution.

Key words. Optimal Control, Low-rank methods, Riccati equations, Non-linear problems

AMS subject classifications. 65F15, 65T50, 68T05, 62H30

1. Motivation and main challenge. Linear and nonlinear matrix equations

play an important role in control theory, see, e.g., [1]. Well-known examples are
the Lyapunov and the Sylvester equation which are intimately related to stability,
controllability, and observability concepts for linear dynamical control systems of the
ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t), x(0) = x0 ,
y(t) = Cx(t),

where A ∈ Rn×n , B ∈ Rn×m and C ∈ Rp×n . In the context of finite-horizon optimal

feedback control of (1.1), one has to solve differential Riccati equations (DRE)

(1.2) Ṗ + AT P + P A − P BB T P + C T C = 0, P (tf ) = M,

where M ∈ Rn×n is associated with a terminal penalty term at the final time horizon
tf , see the details below. From a computational point of view, equation (1.2) poses
many numerical challenges. Indeed, in this case we have to solve for the unknown
P (·) : [0, tf ] → Rn×n , i.e., a time-varying matrix with n2 entries in each step. If the
system (1.1) results from a spatial semi-discretization of a partial differential equation
(PDE), a computationally efficient method is crucial. A key ingredient in this context
is that of a low numerical rank. For the algebraic counterpart of (1.2), it is known,
see, e.g., [9, 30, 32, 40] that P ≈ LLT can be well approximated by low-rank factors
L ∈ Rn×k with k  n if at least the control or the observation matrices B and C
correspond to finite-dimensional operators. In particular, this holds true for many
relevant PDEs of parabolic type (cf. [32]) and practically realisable controllers.
In the time-varying case, only a few theoretical results have been obtained. For
a recent discussion on low-rank solutions of differential Riccati equations, we refer to
[41]. Nevertheless, many numerical approaches exist and most of them rely on a time

† Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing, University of Graz, 8010 Graz, Austria

( )
‡ University of Bath, Department of Mathematical Sciences, BA2 7AY Bath, United Kingdom

§ Technische Universität Chemnitz, Department of Mathematics, Scientific Computing Group,

09107 Chemnitz, Germany, (


discretization of (1.2) for an abstract nonlinear matrix-valued ordinary differential

equation (ODE) of the form

Ṗ (t) = f (t, P (t)), P (0) = P0 .

Here, we consider (1.2) as running forward in time. In order to avoid unnecessarily

small step sizes due to stiff problems, many authors have proposed to use implicit
schemes such as, e.g., Peer methods [29, 28], Rosenbrock methods [7] or BDF methods
[6]. A common idea for all these methods now is that on a given time grid 0 =
t0 , t1 , . . . , tnt = tf a discrete approximation Pb of P is obtained by solving nonlinear
equations of the form

(1.3) Pi+1 = G(Pi+1−s , . . . , Pi ) + H(ti+1 , Pi+1 )

where the operators G and H depend on the chosen time stepping scheme with s
stages. In the particular case of the DRE, an implicit Euler scheme for example
results in a series of algebraic Riccati equations
1 1
τA − I Pi + Pi τ A − I − τ Pi BB > Pi + τ C > C + Pi+1 = 0,
2 2

with τ denoting the time step size. Note that this equation runs backward in time with
Pi+1 already known at step i. For such equations, efficient numerical methods that
are based on a low-rank Newton-Kleinman iteration (more details are given below)
[31, 16] are known to perform well.
A slightly different approach is given by splitting methods [21] that divide (1.2)
into two parts

Ṗ (t) = F (P (t)) + G(P (t)), P (0) = P0

F (P (t)) = AT P (t) + P (t)A + C T C,
G(P (t)) = −P (t)BB T P (t),

and, instead of (1.2), rather consider the two individual problems

Ṗ (t) = F (P (t)), P (0) = P0 ,

Ṗ (t) = G(P (t)), P (0) = P0 .

The benefit of this decomposition is that the first equation is affine and the second
equation can be solved exactly, see [21, Lemma 3.2]. One can thus apply splitting
schemes such as, e.g., Lie splitting or Strang splitting. As for the time stepping
schemes, the key idea is to approximate the unknown P (·) for each time step ti via
low-rank factors.
Let us emphasize that the previous methods all rely on storing the information
for each time step separately. Hence, if each matrix P (ti ) ≈ Li LTi , with Li ∈ Rn×ki
one still has to store n · i=1 k entries. While this is reasonable for problems with
few time steps, it might cause difficulties if long time horizons tf or fine time grids
have to be considered. The strategy we pursue in this manuscript is different in the
sense that we proceed by discretizing the DRE in space and time simultaneously.
Of course, we then have a nonlinear problem of vast dimensionality defined on the
space-time cylinder. We here propose the use of multivariate tensor decompositions

that allow us to easily approximate the solution of a linear problem defined over a
high-dimensional space. This means that we propose the use of an outer nonlinear
solver of Newton-type that at its core needs to solve a linearized problem. For this
we propose low-rank tensor methods that depend on the rank r of the solution over
the whole time-interval and assumes this rank to be (approximately) constant. As
our numerical examples confirm, this seems to be a reasonable assumption and could
lead to a significant reduction in assembly time and storage requirements.

Structure of the paper. In the next section we introduce the main idea of
low-rank methods for all-at-once approaches. These methods tackle the solution of
the matrix equation in a holistic way, where both space and time are discretized
simultaneously and then solved in a coupled fashion. We also motivate that the rank
of a space-time-solution is often found to be small so that our approach seems a feasible
alternative. The heart of this paper is given in Section 3, where we introduce the low-
rank method for solving the differential Riccati equation. The method of choice relies
on the tensor train format, which we introduce in Section 4. In the last section we
present results for various setups and illustrate that our suggested all-at-once scheme
provides a viable alternative to other methods.
Notation. We start by recalling several common notation from numerical-
(multi)linear algebra. Given two matrices V ∈ Rp×q and W ∈ Rn×m , the Kronecker
product is defined by
 
w11 V . . . w1m V
W ⊗ V :=  .. .. ..
. . . .
 

wn1 V ... wnm V

We further introduce the vectorization operator
 
vec : Rn×m → Rnm , vec(W ) = vec([w1 , . . . , wm ]) :=  ...  ,
 

and remind the reader of the following relation between these two operators

W T ⊗ V vec(Y ) = vec(V Y W ).

2. Low-rank methods for all-at-once problems: motivation via open–

loop control. The curse of dimensionality [4] is encountered by researchers from
many different communities such as large-scale PDE-constrained optimization [42],
uncertainty quantification [39, 46], chemical engineering [17], statistics [15] and others.
Facing the optimal control problem given above, we rely on a technique introduced by
the authors in [42]. Their main idea is to discretize the optimization problem in space
and time in an all-at-once fashion. This of course leads to a very large-dimensional
system. In [42], the focus was on computing an optimal open-loop control for a linear
system via solving the associated optimality system. In that case, one is faced with
a large linear system of equations which, due to the highly structured system matrix,
can be efficiently handled by iterative low-rank solvers. For several PDEs, this allows
to reduce the necessary storage requirements to a fraction of the original problem
dimension. Such ideas have recently been introduced for several applications and are
in part due to the introduction of highly sophisticated compressed tensor formats
[19, 34] and correspondingly elegant solvers [11, 13, 19, 24].

Since our approach for (1.2) crucially depends on the above ideas, we provide a
more detailed introduction into the topic on the example of open-loop control. For
this purpose, let us consider a control system of the form
E ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t), x(0) = x0 ,
y(t) = Cx(t),
where E, A ∈ Rn×n , B ∈ Rn×m denotes a control operator and C ∈ Rp×n is an
observation operator. Given a desired trajectory xd : [0, tf ] → Rn , we want to solve
the optimal control problem
Ztf Ztf
1 2 β 1
min n J(x, u) : = ky(t) − Cxd (t)k dt + ku(t)k2 dt + ky(tf ) − Cxd (tf )k2
x∈L (0,tf ;R ) 2 2 2
u∈L2 (0,tf ;Rm ) 0 0

s.t. E ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t), x(0) = x0 .

Well-known results from optimal control theory, see, e.g., [44] now imply that the
optimal solution (x̄, ū) is determined by an optimality system of the form
E x̄(t) = Ax̄(t) + B ū(t), x̄(0) = x0 ,
(2.2) −E ṗ(t) = A p(t) + C C(x̄(t) − xd (t)), p(tf ) = C T C(x̄(tf ) − xd (tf )),
0 = β ū(t) + B T p(t),
where p denotes the adjoint state. The approach proposed in [42] now considers the
(time) discrete version of the previous optimality system. For this purpose, assume
that the discretized state, adjoint, and control are described by the vectors
     
x1 u1 p1
 ..  n×nt  ..  m×nt  .. 
x= . ∈R , u= . ∈R , p =  .  ∈ Rn×nt .
xnt unt pnt
Using the rectangle rule for the cost functional J and the implicit Euler scheme for
the control system, we obtain the following discrete analogue of (2.2)
Int ⊗ τ C T C − Int ⊗ LT + GT ⊗ E T
   
0 x
 0 Int ⊗ βτ Im Int ⊗ τ B T   u  = f,
− (Int ⊗ L + G ⊗ E) I nt ⊗ τ B 0 p
| {z }

where L = E − τ A and G, due to the implicit Euler scheme, is of the form

 
−1 0 
G= .. ..  ∈ Rnt ×nt
 
 . . 
−1 0
and the right hand side f is determined by x0 and xd , respectively.
With the intention of reducing the storage needed for the vectors x, u, and p, let
us rather consider matrix representations of the form
X = [x1 , . . . , xnt ] ∈ Rn×nt , U = [u1 , . . . , unt ] ∈ Rm×nt , P = [p1 , . . . , pnt ] ∈ Rn×nt ,

which we approximate by low-rank representations

X ≈ WX VXT with WX ∈ Rn×k1 , VX ∈ Rnt ×k1

(2.4) U ≈ WU VUT with WU ∈ Rm×k2 , VU ∈ Rnt ×k2
P ≈ WP VPT with WP ∈ Rn×k3 , VP ∈ Rnt ×k3

with k1,2,3 being small in comparison to nt . One can then implement the iterative
solver to maintain the low-rank style of the solution in combination with an additional
truncation scheme based on a truncated SVD or a QR reduction [42, 27, 8].
Example 2.1. Let us consider the one-dimensional heat equation
∂ ∂2
x(ξ, t) = 2 x(ξ, t) + χω u(ξ, t) in (0, 1) × (0, 2),
∂t ∂ξ
∂ ∂
x(0, t) = 0 = x(1, t) in (0, 2),
∂ξ ∂ξ
(ξ − 0.25)2
x(ξ, 0) = √ exp − in (0, 1),
0.05π 0.05
with control domain ω = (0.1, 0.4)∪(0.6, 0.9) and desired trajectory (see Fig. 1, middle)

(ξ − 0.75)2
xd (ξ, t) = (t − 2)x(ξ, 0) + t √ exp − .
0.02π 0.02
In Figure 1 (left), we show the actual state trajectory obtained by solving the discrete
optimality system (2.3) corresponding to a spatio-temporal discretization with n =
1000 and nt = 2000 grid points. Figure 1 (right) shows a rapid (exponential) decay

Singular values
X̄ = [x̄1 , . . . , x̄nt ]
P̄ = [p̄1 , . . . , p̄nt ]


0 20 40
Fig. 1: 1D heat equation with n = 1000 and nt = 2000. Left. Controlled and desired
states. Right. Singular values of solutions.

of the singular values of the state and adjoint matrices, indicating that a low-rank
approximation of the form (2.4) can be computed for any desired accuracy.
We now may utilize the approximations (2.4) within our favourite and most suit-
able Krylov-subspace solver. In the case of linear PDE-constraints this method per-
forms very well. As the Riccati equation is nonlinear one needs to investigate how the

procedure changes for nonlinear equations. Our approach here is motivated by recent
work in [14], where one performs a nonlinear iteration as an outer solver, e.g., a New-
ton or Picard iteration, and then solves a linearized space-time discretized equation in
low-rank form. Of course the structure of the linearized systems is more complicated
than the one given above. Typically, the nonlinearity adds more terms to the sum
of the discretized matrices. The number of terms is depending on the rank of the
solution from the previous step of the nonlinear iteration. We derive the structure
of the linearized equations for our problem in Section 3.2. The goal of our solver
is to decouple the spatial and temporal degrees of freedom since every increase in n
and nt will result in a dramatic increase of the computational cost. To break the
curse-of-dimensionality we will use an outer non-linear solver and a space-time inner
solver that is based on the tensor train format introduced in Section 4.
3. A low-rank all-at-once method for the differential Riccati equation.
In this section, we extend the discussion from Section 2 on open-loop control to the
case of the closed-loop variant of problem (2.1). While the open-loop control problem
requires the solution of a linear system in saddle point form we here face the more
challenging differential Riccati equations. We begin with a summary of the theoretical
foundation of optimal closed-loop control via differential Riccati equations. For a
numerical example from PDE boundary control, we visualize the approximability of
the time-varying solution P (·) of (1.2) in terms of the singular values of corresponding
matrix unfoldings. Based on this observation, we derive a novel tensor-based Newton-
Kleinman method.
3.1. Optimal feedback control: low-rank or not low-rank. Let us again
consider an optimal control problem of the form
Ztf Ztf
1 2 β 1
min n J(x, u) : = ky(t) − Cxd (t)k dt + ku(t)k2 dt + ky(tf ) − Cxd (tf )k2
x∈L (0,tf ;R ) 2 2 2
u∈L2 (0,tf ;Rm ) 0 0

s.t. E ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t), x(0) = x0 .

With the intention of computing controls that are robust (e.g., with respect to per-
turbations of the initial state), we are interested in a feedback control solving (3.1).
It is well-known, see, e.g., [23, Chapter 5] that the optimal control uopt in fact can be
expressed as
uopt (t) = −B T P E(x(t) − xd (t)) − B T r,
where P and r satisfy
E T Ṗ E + AT P E + E T P A − E T P BB T P E + C T C = 0, E T P (tf )E = C T C,
E T ṙ + (A − BB T P E)T r + E T P (Axd − E ẋd ) = 0, r(tf ) = 0.
Note that both of the previous equations are initialized at time tf and run backwards
in time. Since the computation of the unknown r : [0, tf ] → Rn can be realized
by the low-rank technique from [42], our primary focus is on the differential Riccati
equation. For an efficient tensor based approach, the problem of interest has to exhibit
a certain low-rank property. With that in mind, below we present a prototypical PDE-
constrained optimal control problem and investigate the ranks of its low-rank tensor
decomposition based in the tensor train format introduced later.

Example 3.1. Consider the two-dimensional heat equation subject to a Neumann

boundary control of the form

x(ξ, t) = ∆ξ x(ξ, t) in Ω × (0, tf ),
∂ X
x(ξ, t) = 0 = αi (ξ)u(t) on Γ × (0, tf ),
∂ν i=1
x(ξ, 0) = x0 (ξ) in Ω,

where Ω = (0, 1)2 , Γ = ∂Ω and the control patches αi , i = 1, . . . , 12 are piecewise

constants that are located on Γ, see Figure 2. We further define a cost functional of
the form

Ztf Ztf
1 β
min 12 J(x, u) : = ky(t) − ek2R9 dt + ku(t)k2R12 dt.
u∈L (0,tf ;R ) 2 2
0 0

with e = (1, . . . , 1)T and yi (t) = |ω1i | ωi x(·, t) dt, i = 1, . . . , 9. We have implemented

a spatial discretization of the problem with n = 1089 piecewise linear finite elements
and a temporal implicit Euler scheme with nt = 1000 points. In Figure 2, we show
the singular values of the matrix unfoldings
 
P (t1 )
P1 = [vec(P (t1 )), . . . , vec(P (tnt ))] ∈ Rn ×nt , P2 =  ...  ∈ Rn·nt ×n .
2  

P (tnt )

In both cases, the numerical ranks r(P1 ) = 252 and r(P2 ) = 54 (for machine preci-
sion) are significantly smaller than the maximum rank of r = 1000, allowing us to
approximate the tensor P ∈ Rn×n×nt by a low-rank representation P̃ . Some results
for such an approximation are given in Figure 3 where a full representation of the
solution P is compared to a tensor train approximation P̃ (cf. Section 4).

σi (P (·))
Γ4 Γ5 Γ6 σ1 (P (·)) P1 ∈ Rn ×nt

Γ3 Γ7 P2 ∈ Rn·nt ×n


Γ2 Γ8 10−8
ω7 ω8 ω9
ω4 ω5 ω6
ω1 ω2 ω3
Γ1 Γ9
Γ12 Γ11 Γ10 10−14
50 100 150 200 250

Fig. 2: Left. Control and observation domains. Right. Singular values of matrix

kP −P̃ k #kB(P )
kP k r(P1 ) r(P2 ) #kB(P̃ ) #kB(P̃ )
ε 252 54 1.21 · 105 78
10 −14
250 52 1.16 · 105 82
10−12 216 37 7.18 · 104 132
10−10 176 29 4.62 · 104 205
10−8 133 22 2.70 · 104 354
10−6 85 15 1.20 · 104 793
10−4 45 8 3.59 · 103 2642
10−2 19 3 6.87 · 102 13810

Fig. 3: Storage reduction by tensor truncation from P (·) to P̃ (·)

3.2. A space-time Newton-Kleinman formulation. Based on the well-

known idea of a Newton-Kleinman approach, in the following we derive a nonlinear
iteration for the fully discrete version of the differential Riccati equation. At the ith
Newton-Kleinman iteration (i = 0, 1, . . . ), we need to solve

E T Ṗi+1 E + A(Pi )T Pi+1 E + E T Pi+1 A(Pi ) + C T C + E T Pi BB T Pi E = 0,

E T Pi+1 (tf )E = C T C,

for Pi+1 , where A(Pi ) = A−BB T Pi E denotes the closed-loop system operator associ-
ated with the current iteration. Note that each step still requires solving a differential
matrix equation for the time-varying unknown Pi+1 : [0, t] → Rn×n . However, in con-
trast to (DRE) the resulting differential Lyapunov equation is linear. Applying the
vectorization operator to both sides of the above equation, we obtain the equivalent

E Ṗi+1 + (L + M(Pi ))Pi+1 + C + G(Pi ) = 0, EPi+1 (tf ) = C

on Pi+1 = vec(Pi+1 ), where

E = ET ⊗ ET , L = E T ⊗ AT + AT ⊗ E T ,
M(Pi ) = E T ⊗ E T Pi BB T + E T Pi BB T ⊗ E T
C = vec(C T C), G(Pi ) = (E T Pi ⊗ E T Pi )B, B = vec(BB T ).

With the intention of an all-at-once approach, we continue with a time stepping

scheme for the interval [0, tf ] with nt + 1 grid points and equidistant grid size τ = nft .
Let us exemplarily consider an implicit Euler scheme leading to an inner iteration of
the form
1 j+1 j
E(Pi+1 − Pi+1 ) + (L + M(Pij ))Pi+1
+ C + G(Pij ) = 0, j = 1, . . . , nt ,
nt +1
EPi+1 = C.

Let us emphasize that the subscript i indicates the iteration of the outer non-linear
solver and the superscript j enumerates the time-step of the current vector. Note that
the above scheme indeed is implicit since the equation is running backwards in time.

Similar as before, we represent all time steps in a single vector that we denote by
 1
 ..  2
pi :=  .  ∈ Rn nt .

As a consequence, we can express the inner iteration as a tensorized linear system

(L + D + M(pi ))pi+1 = c + g(pi ),


L = Int ⊗ L, D = D ⊗ E, M(pi ) = blkdiag(M(Pi1 ), . . . , M(Pint ))

G(Pi1 )
     
−1 1 C
.. .. ..  .. 
1 . .  . 
   
D=  , c = −  , g(pi ) = − 
 . .
   
τ −1 1   C   .. 
−1 C + τ1 C G(Pint )

For the main idea, we may think of pi as being a tensor which we approximate. For
this we realize that we can write

Pij = eTj ⊗ In ⊗ In pi .

Let us first assume that

pi ≈ u ⊗ v ⊗ w,
where u ∈ Rnt and v, w ∈ Rn are column vectors. We then get

Pij ≈ eTj ⊗ In ⊗ In (u ⊗ v ⊗ w) = uj (v ⊗ w) .

For obtaining a matrix valued expression, let us interpret Pij = vec(Pij ) as the vec-
torization of a matrix. It then follows that

vec(Pij ) ≈ uj (v ⊗ w)vec(1) ⇔ Pij ≈ uj wv T .

We use the latter expression for a derivation of the term M(Pij ) which is of the form

M(Pij ) = E T ⊗ E T Pij BB T + E T Pij BB T ⊗ E T

≈ E T ⊗ E T uj wv T BB T + E T uj wv T BB T ⊗ E T

≈ uj E T ⊗ E T wv T BB T + E T wv T BB T ⊗ E T .

With this in mind, let us now move beyond the case of a simple rank-one approxima-
tion and utilize the tensor train format illustrated in Section 4. This format allows
the approximation of the state tensor via
1 ,r2

pi = u(1) (2) (3)

s1 ⊗ us1 ,s2 ⊗ us2
s1 ,s2 =1

with r1 and r2 the ranks of the tensor train approximation. As a result, we can
approximate the operator M via
1 ,r2  T  T
(1) T (1)
M(pi ) ≈ blkdiag (E T ⊗ E T us1 ,k u(3)
s2 u(2)
s1 ,s2 BB T
+ E u u(3)
s1 ,k s2 u(2)
s1 ,s2 BB T ⊗ E T )
s1 ,s2 =1 k=1,...,nt
rX1 ,r2  T  T
= diag(u(1)
s1 ) ⊗(E
⊗ E T u(3)
s2 u(2)
s1 ,s2 BB T + E T u(3)
s2 u(2)
s1 ,s2 BB T ⊗ E T )
s1 ,s2 =1
| {z }

Similarly, using the Hadamard product of two vectors, we obtain

  nt
r1  T Xr1  T
(1) (3) (2) (1) (3) (2)
g(pi ) ≈ −  E T uj,k u1:r2 uj,1:r2 ⊗ E T ul,k u1:r2 ul,1:r2  B 
j=1 `=1
  nt
r1 T
 T (3) T (3)
 X (1) (1)

(2) (2) 
= −
 E u1:r 2
⊗ E u1:r 2
vec 
 (uj,k ◦ u`,k ) uj,1:r 2
BB T u`,1:r2 
j,`=1 | {z }
=:(uj◦` )k
r1    T 
(3) (3) (2) (2)
=− uj◦` ⊗ E T u1:r2 ⊗ E T u1:r2 vec uj,1:r2 BB T u`,1:r2 .

Note that we have included only one sum in the derivation of g(pi ) and have collected
(3) (2)
the sum over s2 into the matrix products with u1:r2 uj,1:r2 , where 1 : r2 indicates
r2 vectors collected into a n × r2 matrix, which is standard Matlab notation. Alto-
gether, we obtain a linear system of tensor product structure of the form Api+1 = f ,
(3.2) A = Int ⊗ E T ⊗ AT + Int ⊗ AT ⊗ E T + D ⊗ E T ⊗ E T + M(pi ),

(3.3) f =− eτ ⊗ cTk ⊗ cTk + g(pi )

where eτ = [1, . . . , 1, 1 + τ1 ]T ∈ Rnt . The resulting system is now solved with the
Alternating Minimal Energy (AMEn) solver, presented next. Note that the number of
terms in M(pi ) depends on the previous solution and we will illustrate in the numerical
experiments how this behaves with respect to changes in the system parameters and
system size. We will use a tolerance εnewton to assess the convergence of the Newton
iterates via kpkp
i+1 −pi k
i+1 k
< εnewton .
3.3. Nested approach. As the nonlinear iteration can become quite expensive
with a possibly high rank of the state variables we aim to drastically reduce this cost
by using a nested approach [22, 37]. There the authors solve a nonlinear problem
on a coarse mesh and then transfer the solution to the next finer mesh as the initial
guess for the nonlinear iteration. This process is continued until the final mesh-size
is solved. Typically, this reduces the number of nonlinear iterations drastically. Our
aim is to apply this approach here as well. We will solve the low-rank DRE on a
coarse mesh to obtain a solution that we then transfer to the next finer mesh as the
intial guess for the Newton–Kleinman iteration.

The crucial ingredient in such a multilevel strategy is the prolongation or interpo-

lation of the coarse solution onto the finer grid. In [18, 45] the authors discuss such a
multilevel strategy for large scale matrix equations. For the combination of multigrid
with tensor methods we refer to [25].
We assume that the univariate prolongation is performed via the multiplication
with a matrix Πh ∈ Rnh ,n2h , where nh , n2h are the dimensions of the fine and coarse
mesh, respectively. Then the prolongation that is required in the matrix equation
setup is defined via
Π = Int ⊗ Πh ⊗ Πh
and if we have computed a solution on grid level 2h as
1 ,r2

(3.4) p2h = p(1) (2) (3)

s1 ⊗ ps1 ,s2 ⊗ ps2
s1 ,s2 =1

we then obtain
1 ,r2

(3.5) ph = Πp2h = p(1) (2) (3)

s1 ⊗ Πh ps1 ,s2 ⊗ Πh ps2 .
s1 ,s2 =1

This will now be a low-rank solution on the fine grid and it will be the starting guess
for the Newton–Kleinman iteration on the finer mesh. It is obvious that this process
can be continued further.
4. The tensor train decomposition and algorithms. The efficient solution
of tensor-valued equations has recently seen much progress [43, 3, 33, 19, 26, 20].
While there is a variety of available tensor formats we decide to use the so-called tensor
train (TT) representation [34, 33, 36]. As our problem essentially consists of tensors
of order three, the Tucker format [19, 26] would also be appropriate. The availability
of tailored solvers along with the possibility of designing and using preconditioners
makes the TT-format and its toolbox1 [35] an ideal candidate for our purposes.
In the following we will briefly introduce the TT format, while we point to the
literature for details. To this end, suppose p ∈ Rn nt is the approximate solution
vector of a space-time matrix equation as discussed in Section 3. However, its ele-
ments can be also naturally enumerated by three indices i1 , i2 , i3 , corresponding to
the discretization in time and the two spatial dimensions, respectively. Introducing a
i1 i2 i3 = (i1 − 1)n2 + (i2 − 1)n + i3 ,
nt ,n,n
we can denote p = p(i1 i2 i3 ) i1 ,i2 ,i3 =1 , and consider p as a three-dimensional tensor

with elements p(i1 , i2 , i3 ). The TT decomposition aims to represent p as follows

1 ,r2 rX
1 ,r2

(4.1) p(i1 , i2 , i3 ) = u(1) (2) (3)

s1 (i1 )us1 ,s2 (i2 )us2 (i3 ) ⇔ p = u(1) (2) (3)
s1 ⊗us1 ,s2 ⊗us2 .
s1 ,s2 =1 s1 ,s2 =1

The ranges r1 , r2 are called TT ranks and the u(m) , m = 1, 2, 3 are the so-called
TT blocks, with u(1) ∈ Rnt ×r1 , u(2) ∈ Rr1 ×n×r2 and u(3) ∈ Rr2 ×n . When fixing
the indices we get for u(2) (i2 ) ∈ Rr1 ×r2 a matrix slice, for us1 ,s2 ∈ Rn a vector,
and for us1 ,s2 (i2 ) a scalar. The values of r1 , r2 depend on the accuracy enforced in

equation (4.1). Given a full tensor or a TT decomposition with excessively large

ranks, the quasi-optimal TT approximation can be computed using d − 1 Singular
Value Decompositions (SVD), truncated up to the desired accuracy threshold [34]. For
example, we can reduce r1 by computing SVD u(1) = U ΣV T , and select only the first
r10 < r1 singular vectors, approximating ũ(1) = U1:r10 and ũ(2) (i2 ) = Σ1:r10 V1:r
(i2 ).
We introduce a truncation tolerance εtrunc > 0 and select r10 such that kΣ1:r10 − ΣkF ≤
εtrunc kΣkF . The other TT ranks can be truncated similarly.
The same technique can be used to represent a linear operator A in TT format,
1 ,R2
(1) (2) (3)
(4.2) A≈ A`1 ⊗ A`1 ,`2 ⊗ A`2 .
`1 ,`2 =1

Note that the Kronecker product matrix assembly (3.2) is a particular case of (4.2).
For the numerical solution of Ap = f we use the Alternating Minimal Energy
(AMEn) algorithm [13], which is an enhanced version of the Alternating Linear
Scheme (ALS) [24]. The initial idea is to rewrite the TT decomposition (4.1) as
a linear map from the elements of a single TT block, and consider Ap = f as an
overdetermined system on these elements. Specifically for the three-dimensional TT
format, we introduce frame matrices
r2  T
X (2) 2
nt ×nt r1
(4.3) U6=1 = Int ⊗ u1:r1 ,s2 ⊗ u(3)
s2 ∈ Rn ,
s2 =1
 T 2
nt ×r1 nr2
(4.4) U6=2 = u(1) ⊗ In ⊗ u(3) ∈ Rn ,
X (2) 2
nt ×r2 n
(4.5) U6=3 = u(1)
s1 ⊗ us1 ,1:r2 ⊗ In ∈ Rn ,
s1 =1

as well as the vectorisations of the trailing TT blocks vecT (u(1) ) := vec((u(1) )T ),

vecT (u(3) ) := vec((u(3) )T ) with vec(·) defined in Sec. 1, and of the middle TT block,
 (2)
(u (1))T

vecT (u(2) ) := vec  .. r nr

.  ∈ R 1 2.
 

(u(2) (n))T

One can notice that, given (4.1), the identity p = U6=k vecT (u(k) ) holds for any k =
1, 2, 3. Now we can plug this reduced basis ansatz into the original system Ap = f ,
and resolve it by projecting onto the same frame matrix,

(4.6) T
(U6= k AU6=k )vecT (u
(k) T
) = U6= kf .

Now, the ALS algorithm iterates over k = 1, 2, 3, solving (4.6) in each step, and
updating the TT block u(k) . This simple algorithm requires an initial guess in the
TT format (4.1) with fixed TT ranks, which might be difficult to guess a priori. To
circumvent this issue, AMEn algorithm computes additionally a TT approximation
of the current residual f − Ap in a form similar to (4.1) with (smallish) TT ranks
ρ1 , ρ2 , and expands the TT blocks of the solution with the TT blocks of this residual
approximation [13]. This allows us to increase the TT ranks of the solution from
r1 , r2 to r1 + ρ1 , r2 + ρ2 in each iteration and improve convergence. The iteration
continues until the accuracy and the TT ranks of the solution reach their desired

values. At the same time, we can descrease the ranks using SVD if they become too
large. Specifically, let u(1) , u(2) , u(3) be the TT blocks at the given AMEn iteration,
and let û(1) , û(2) , û(3) be the TT blocks after one full sweep over k = 1, 2, 3. We
choose a stopping tolerance εamen > 0 and stop the algorithm when

ku(1) − û(1) kF ku(2) − û(2) kF ku(3) − û(3) kF

max , , ≤ εamen .
kû(1) kF kû(2) kF kû(3) kF

The same threshold εamen is used for SVD within the AMEn iteration when the TT
ranks need to be reduced.
For the practical efficiency we can notice that the reduced matrix Bk = U6=
k AU6=k
in (4.6) can be written in a Kronecker product form that inherits the original matrix
TT decomposition (4.2). In particular, we can write

1 ,R2
(1) (2) (3)
Bk = B`1 ⊗ B`1 ,`2 ⊗ B`2 ,
`1 ,`2 =1

where B (k) = A(k) (that corresponds to the identity factor in the frame matrix U6=k ),
and hence is large but sparse, while the other matrices are dense but small, of sizes
r1 × r1 , r2 × r2 or even 1 × 1 if k = 1 or k = 3 is considered. This allows us to design
an efficient block Jacobi preconditioner for a GMRES solver of (4.6). Without loss
of generality, we can assume that k = 2, in which case B`1 ,`2 ∈ Rn×n is sparse, and
(1) (3)
B`1 ∈ Rr1 ×r1 and B`2 ∈ Rr2 ×r2 are dense. Then we construct the block diagonal
preconditioner as follows,

1 ,R2
(1) (2) (3)
(4.7) P2 = diag(B`1 ) ⊗ B`1 ,`2 ⊗ diag(B`2 ).
`1 ,`2 =1

For k = 1 or k = 3 the procedure is similar.

5. Numerical experiments. In this section, we apply the above method to

two control problems for the linear heat equation. The spatially discrete systems
are obtained from a finite element discretization with piecewise linear elements and
n = 289, 1089, 4225, 16641 degrees of freedom. The fully discrete system is obtained
by an implicit Euler scheme with nt = 1000 equidistant time steps on the interval
[0, tf ], with tf = 10. All simulations are generated on an AMD Ryzen 7 1800X @
3.68 GHz x 16, 64 GB RAM with matlab Version (R2017a). Our
implementation is based on the tensor-train toolbox2 and in particular we rely on
the amen_block_solve function [5], which allows the use of sparse matrices and the
incorporation of the proposed preconditioner (4.7). We set the truncation tolerance
to εtrunc = 10−12 , and the stopping tolerance for AMEn to εamen = 10−9 . The outer
nonlinear Newton method is then solved up to a tolerance of εnewton = 10−5 .


5.1. Incomplete distributed control. We consider the optimal control of the

heat equation equipped with homogeneous Neumann boundary condition as given in
∂ X
x(ξ, t) = ∆ξ x(ξ, t) + χωi (ξ)ui (t) in Ω × (0, tf ),
∂t i=1

x(ξ, t) = 0 on Γ × (0, tf ),
x(ξ, 0) = x0 (ξ) in Ω.
The spatial domain is given by Ω = (0, 1) and we denote the boundary by Γ = ∂Ω.

As illustrated in Figure 4 the control consists of five spatially constant control patches
ω1 , . . . , ω5 , given by
ω1 = {ξ ∈ Ω | kξ − ξM1 k2 ≤ 0.01},
ωi = {ξ ∈ Ω | kξ − ξMi k2 ≤ 0.0025}, i = 2, 3, 4, 5,
with centres defined
! as  
2 0.1 0.78 0.2 0.9
ξM1 = 1 , ξM2 = , ξM3 = , ξM4 = , ξM5 = .
0.2 0.23 0.7 0.87

ω̃3 ω̃6 ω̃9


ω1 ω̃2 ω̃5 ω̃8

ω̃1 ω̃4 ω̃7

Fig. 4: Left. Control domains. Right. Observation domains.

The cost functional of interest is then given by

Ztf Ztf
1 β
min 5 J(x, u) : = ky(t) − Cxd k2R9 dt + ku(t)k2R5 dt,
u∈L (0,tf ;R ) 2 2
0 0

where tf = 10, β = 10 . We depict the desired state xd in Figure 6, which we assume


to be constant in time. For our problem the output y(·) is defined as

yi (t) = ei = {ξ ∈ Ω | kξ − ξMi k2 ≤ 0.01}
x(ξ, t) dξ, where ω
ωi | ωei
with the observational patches given via its centres
! 3
! 5
! 1
! 3
6 6 6 6 6
ξM1 = 1
, ξM2 = 1
, ξM3 = 1
, ξM4 = 3
, ξM5 = 3
6 6 6 6 6
! 1
! 3
! 5
6 6 6 6
ξM6 = 3
, ξM7 = 5
, ξM8 = 5
, ξM9 = 5
6 6 6 6

These are illustrated in Figure 4.

In Figure 5 we show results for the all-at-once computation of the solution p ∈
Rn×n×1000 with varying grid sizes n = 289, 1089, 4225, 16641. For the coarsest dis-
cretization, the Newton-Kleinman iteration is initialized with the zero solution, i.e.,
p0 = 0.
As can be seen from Figure 5 the quadratic convergence of the Newton iterates is
obtained. For finer discretization levels, the Newton-Kleinman iteration is combined
with the nested approach discussed in the previous section. In contrast to the coarsest
mesh case n = 289, the number of outer Newton steps required to obtain the desired
stopping criterion of εnewton = 10−5 is significantly reduced. Additionally, we also
show the individual TT-ranks of the iterates throughout the iteration. Let us empha-
size that the largest numerical rank r = 80 is drastically smaller than the maximal
possible ranks r = 1000 and r = 16641, respectively. In fact, storing the full solution
tensor would require more than 2TB of data while the low-rank approximation only
requires ≈230MB. In Figure 6, we also show the results for the approximation of the
final state associated with the solution of the optimal control problem.

r1 (pi ), r2 (pi )

n = 289
kpi+1 −pi k

60 n = 1089
kpi+1 k

n = 289 n = 4225
10 n = 1089 n = 16641
n = 4225 40
n = 16441

2 4 6 8 10 5 10
Iteration number i Iteration number i

Fig. 5: Left. Change in Newton iterates. Right. TT ranks of pi during Newton

iteration, r1 (solid lines) and r2 (dashed lines).

Fig. 6: Left. Desired state xd (ξ1 , ξ2 ). Right. Controlled state x(ξ1 , ξ2 , tf ).


5.2. Boundary control. In addition to the previous problem we also want to

provide computational results for a heat equation equipped with a Neumann boundary
control. In more detail, the PDE-constraint is given via

x(ξ, t) = ∆ξ x(ξ, t) in Ω × (0, tf ),

x(ξ, t) = u1 (t) on {0} × (0, 1) × (0, tf ),

x(ξ, t) = u2 (t) on {1} × (0, 1) × (0, tf ),

x(ξ, t) = u3 (t) on (0, 1) × {0} × (0, tf ),

x(ξ, t) = u4 (t) on (0, 1) × {1} × (0, tf ),
x(ξ, 0) = x0 (ξ) in Ω,
with domain Ω = (0, 1) and boundary Γ = ∂Ω. The observation y(·) is taken as

in the previous case. However, the penalization parameter of the optimal control
problem is set to β = 1. As for the case of an interior control, we consider tracking
of a temporally constant state xd that is visualized in Figure 8. The results shown in
Figure 7 indicate a similar behaviour to the the previously computed case. Namely,
that eventually the quadratic convergence of the Newton method kicks in and that
again relying on the nester approach saves many nonlinear iterations and thus more
solves of the linearized space-time problem. Moreover, we do not observe an increase
of the TT-ranks during the Newton-Kleinman iteration.

r1 (pi ), r2 (pi )

n = 289
kpi+1 −pi k

60 n = 1089
kpi+1 k

n = 4225

10−4 n = 289 n = 16641

n = 1089 40
n = 4225
n = 16441

2 4 6 8 10 2 4 6 8 10
Iteration number i Iteration number i

Fig. 7: Left. Change in Newton iterates. Right. TT ranks of pi during Newton

iteration, r1 (solid lines) and r2 (dashed lines).

5.3. Convection diffusion equation. While the previous partial differential

equation constraints are already quite challenging, we want to illustrate that our
techniques are not limited to the case of the heat equation but that this approach is
quite general. For this we here consider the convection diffusion equation given as
∂ X
x(ξ, t) = ∆ξ x(ξ, t) + 20xξ1 (ξ, t) − 10xξ2 (ξ, t) + 200x(ξ, t) + χωi (ξ)ui (t)
∂t i=1

defined on Ω × (0, tf ) and equipped with boundary condition x(ξ, t) = 0 on Γ × (0, tf )

and initial condition x(ξ, 0) = x0 (ξ) in Ω. We here provide a proof-of-concept imple-
mentation and use a simple finite difference scheme without additional upwinding.

Fig. 8: Left. Desired state xd (ξ1 , ξ2 ). Right. Controlled state x(ξ1 , ξ2 , tf ).

Note that in future research it is desirable to include a streamline upwind Petrov–

Galerkin (SUPG) [10] or local projection stabilization [2] scheme. We consider tf = 1
and β = 10−4 . Both control and observation domains are set in the case of the
distributed heat equation.
We show detailed results in Figure 9 where again we employ a nested approach
transferring the solution of the previous mesh level to the finer level as an initial guess.
We then observe robust convergence but also note that the precision of 10−6 is not
reached when the mesh contained 16641 degrees of freedom. Additionally, we see that
the ranks of the solution are similar to the ones needed for the heat equation control.
In Figure 10 we see that the controlled state resembles the desired state rather well.
In order to compare qualitatively, we compared our solver to the MMESS3 [38] library.
As our approach is based on approximating the solution to the Riccati equation over
the whole space-time domain we compared the storage for this tensor to the storage
requirements within MMESS when the solution to all time-steps is stored in low-rank
form. In this comparison we needed 230 MB of storage while the MMESS solutions
required 21GB for a solution of average rank 157 in each time-step.

10−1 n = 289
r1 (pi ), r2 (pi )

n = 1089
n = 289
kpi+1 −pi k

n = 4225
60 n = 1089
kpi+1 k

n = 16441
n = 4225

10−4 n = 16641

2 4 6 8 2 4 6 8
Iteration number i Iteration number i

Fig. 9: Left. Change in Newton iterates. Right. TT ranks of pi during Newton



1.2 1.2

1 1

1 1
0.8 0.8

0.5 0.6 0.5 0.6

0.4 0.4
0 0
1 1
0.2 0.2
1 1
0.5 0.5
0.5 0.5
0 0
0 0 0 0

Fig. 10: Left. Desired state xd (ξ1 , ξ2 ). Right. Controlled state x(ξ1 , ξ2 , tf ).

6. Conclusion and outlook. We here have provided a novel framework that

has not been explored before, where we use an all-at-once linear low-rank solver for
the differential Riccati equation. Namely, we posed the differential Riccati equation as
a space-time problem with an outer Newton-Kleinman method handling the difficult
nonlinearity. The inner linearized space-time problem is then highly structured and
we designed a tailored low-rank tensor scheme that allows for the efficient solution to
this problem.
In the future we envisage to derive more tailored preconditioners for the sub-
problems within the AMEn method. This is especially crucial when more challenging
PDEs are considered. Specifically for three-dimensional problem of this kind, it might
be beneficial to use Tucker or Extended TT [12] tensor formats. This would require
a technical but straightforward algorithmic modification in the future.


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