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1st MBBS Physiology

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The aim of physiology curriculum is to produce,

1) Competent
2) Confident
3) Compassionate
4) Concerned humane who can deliver ethical medical care.

The broad goal of the teaching of Undergraduate students in physiology aims at providing the student
comprehensive knowledge of the normal functions of the organ systems of the body to facilitate an
understanding of the physiological basis of health and diseases.


Competency to create first line physician.



At the end of the course , the student will be able to :

1.describe the normal functions of all the organ systems, their regulatory mechanisms and
interactions of the various systems for well coordinated total body function.
2.Understand the relative contribution of each organ system in the maintenance of the milieu
interior (homeostasis).
3.Explain the physiological aspects of normal growth and development.
4.Analyse the physiological responses and adaptation to environmental stresses.
5.Comprehend the physiological principles underlying pathogenesis and treatment of disease.
6.Correlate knowledge of physiology of human reproductive system in relation to National Family
welfare program.

At the end of the course the student shall be able to :

1. Conduct experiments designed for study of physiological phenomena.
2. Interpret experimental / investigative data.
3. Distinguish between normal & abnormal data derived as a result of clinical examinations &
tests,which he / she has performed and observed in the taboratory.
4. Recognize and get familiar with newer computerzed and advanced instruments like medspiror,
semen quality analyzer, EMG and TMT.

At the end of the integrated teaching the student shall acquire an integrated knowledge of organ
structure and function and its regulatory mechanisms.

List of topics


Must know:
Introduction to Physiology
Functional organization of Human Body
Homeostasis , Biofeedback mechanisms
Body Fluid compartments : role of water in body & its
distribution,different body fluid compartments and composition of their
Cell physiology :
Transport across cell membrane

Must know:

Composition of blood and Functions of blood

Plasma proteins: Types, concentration, functions.
Erythrocytes: Morphology, functions, normal count physiological variations in normal count & anaemia, polycythemia.
Haemopoesis : general concepts
Erythropoiesis: stages, Sites, regulation, factors affecting erythropoiesis, reticulocyte & its
clinical significance. .
Haemoglobin: Functions, normal values, physiological variations, abnormal haemoglobins. Fate of erythrocytes: life
span, Catabolism of Hb, bilirubin metabolism, jaundice. Physiological basis of anaemia: Classification (etiological
and morphological) Polycythemia: Primary & secondary.
Leukocytes : differences between R.B.C. & W.B.C., types of W.B.C.s normal count & differential W. B.C. count,
physiological variations, properties, functions of W. B.C.s"
Granulopoiesis stages, regulation,
Pathological variations in total & differential W.B.C. count.
Immunity: definition, concept of antigen & antibody, types of immunity-Innate & Acquired, & their mechanism, cell
mediated & humeral immunity, B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes & their types.
Primary & secondary response, basis of vaccination.
Monocyte: macrophage system: Classification, functions, functions of spleen. Blood groups:
ABO System type A & B antigen, ABO system, Landsteiner's law, & inheritance, relation to transfusion, cross matching
major & minor.
Rh System inheritance, Rh incompatibility & blood transfusion, Erythroblastosis foetalis. Blood transfusion : indications,
storage of blood & changes. during storage, transfusion reactions ..
Hemostasis: definition, basic mechanisms of Hemostasis, Platelets: structure, normal count & variations, functions, role in
platelet plug formation, Hemostasis & clot retraction.
Blood coagulation: Coagulation factors in plasma, basic mechanism of blood clotting, intrinsic
& extrinsic pathways & difference between two pathways, role of calcium in coagulation, role
of vitamin K, fate of clot.
Anticoagulants - commonly used & their mechanism of actions, blood coagulation tests bleeding time, clotting
Blood volume: normal value, physiological & pathological variations, blood volume regulation in detail (To be
taken at end of lectures on C. V.S, kidney and endocrines)
Physical properties of blood.
Plasma proteins: Plasmapheresis, role of liver in plasma protein synthesis, relationship of diet & plasma
protein synthesis.
R.B.C.: advantages of biconcave shape.
Bone marrow structure and cellular elements.
Common Haemoglobinopathies (Hbs, Hbc, Thalassaemia) Method
of determination of life span of R.B.Cs.
Types of jaundice.
Polycythemia effects on haemodynamics,.
Immunity: Antibody structure & types, antigen antibody reactions. Blood
group: M. N. system, other blood groups.
Thrombocytosis, thrombocytopenia purpura.
Anticoagulants: used in vitro & in vivo.
Other blood coagulation tests.
Classification of haemorrhagic diseases, D .1. C.
Measurement of: total body water, blood volume, plasma volume, I. C. F. volume. Blood
component therapy.
Effects of splenectomy.

Must know:

Distinctive histological features relevant to functions of nerve fibers.

R.M. P. definition, production & maintenance, method of measurement, significance.
Action potential : definition, Phases -depolarization, repolarisation, ionic basis of
depolarization & repolarisation.
Production & propagation of A. P.,
Properties of A.P., significance.
Compound action potential and Classification of nerve fibers: based on structure, diameter, functions and only
for sensory nerves.
Properties of nerve fibers.
Strength duration curve: chronaxie and factors affecting it. Factors
affecting conduction in a nerve.
Experimental techniques to study the mechanism of production of R.M. P. & A. P.: patch clamp, voltage
Methods of recording of A. P.
Wallerian degeneration and regeneration of nerve fibre

MUSCLE (6 hours)
Must know:

Classification of muscles
Structure of skeletal muscle:
Electronomicroscopic structure, muscle proteins contractile, regulatory, structural &
Sarcoplasmic tubular system: concept of sarcoplasmic triads & their functions.
Neuromuscular transmission : Physiologic anatomy, events, N-M blocking & its clinical significance,
applied aspect myasthenia gravis.
Excitation contraction coupling.
Molecular basis of skeletal muscle contraction: sliding filament theory, power stroke corss bridge cycle,
role of calcium.
Energetics: fuel used by skeletal, muscle at rest & in exercise, metabolic pathways involved to yield A.
T. P.,
Oxygen debt : definition, types (lactic, alactic), incurring of debt, repaying the debt, significance.
Properties of skeletal muscle: excitability, refractory period (absolute, relative), conductivity,
contractility types (isometric, isotonic), effects of summations (multiple motor unit summation,
frequency summation & tetanizibility), all or none law, extensibility & elasticity, fatiguability.
Factors affecting development of tension in the muscle:
a) number of motor units contracting- type of muscle, number of muscle fibers in each unit
activated, supraspinal influences.
c) length tension relationship
d) frequency of stimuli, duration of stimulation
e) load
f) type of contraction
g)chemical composition of muscle fibers and ions.
E.M.G. (in brief)
Skeletal muscle circulation.
Smooth muscle : structure, distribution, types molecular mechanism of contraction, properties,
regulation, and disorders.
Heat liberated during various phases of contraction, Fenn's effect.
Recording of muscle activity.


Must know:
Physiologic anatomy
Functions of respiratory system, non respiratory functions of lung
Mechanics of respiration:
Inspiratory & expiratory muscles, intraplural pressure, lung & thoracic compliance, factors affecting
compliance, work of breathing, surface tension forces & role of surfactant, airway resistance, elastic
Lung volumes and capacities: Measurement, physiological & significance (tidal volume, vital capacity,
forced vital capacity details)
Pulmonary ventilation, alveolar ventilation, alveolar dead space, - applied aspect, Maximum
breathing capacity & breathing reserve.
Diffusion of Gases:
Structure of alveolo-capillary membrane, Exchange of respiratory gases at alveolar capillary
membrane, factors affecting diffusion.
Gas Transport:
Transport of oxygen, role of Haemoglobin, oxygen dissociation curve & factors affecting it.
Transport of carbon dioxide
Bohr's and Haldane's effect Chloride shift.
Control of Breathing:
Neural control higher centers, reflexes.
Chemical control central & peripheral chemoreceptors role of C02> 02> W
Pulmonary Circulation:
Ventilation perfusion ratio
Respiratory adjustment in exercise.
Hypoxia: types &: high altitude hypoxia.
Artificial respiration:
Pulmonary function tests: principles
Method of determination of dead space, residual volume, functional residual capacity.
Oxygen therapy: indications, hazards of hyperbaric oxygen & use.
Acclimatization at high altitudes.


Must know:

Introduction, functions & importance of the system.

General organization.
Structure of heart, pericardium, myocardium, endocardium, nerve supply, Histology, details of
cell junctions, syncytium, contractile & conducting fibers.
Properties of cardiac muscle: excitability, conductivity, contractility, autorhythmicity, all or
none law, long refractory period.
Junctional tissues of heart, pacemaker potential, action potential of cardiac muscle.
Generation &: conduction of cardiac impulse.
ECG: lead arrangement, normal waves & their significance with reference to lead II
Cardiac cycle: pressure volume changes, heart sounds & their clinical significance, correlation
of pressure, volume, ECG, heart sounds in cardiac cycle.
Heart rate & its regulation.
Haemodynamics - def., blood flow, resistance
Cardiac output: normal values, physiological variations, factors affecting cardiac output
details, regulation, measurement principles.
Blood pressure:
Normal levels, measurement, determinants, short term & long term regulation - details.
Capillary circulation, tissue fluid formation.
Lymphatic system: Anatomy ft structure, formation of lymph, composition of lymph, functions
of lymphatic system, lymphflow ft factors affecting it.
Regional circulation: Physiologic anatomy, factors affecting, special features: coronary,
cerebral, skin, portal
Adaptation of cardiopulmonary system to various grades of exercise.
Hemorrhagic shock stages ft compensatory mechanisms, effects on body, physiological basis of
treatment in brief.
Cardio-puImonary resuscitation
Ion channel ft receptors (physiological, pharmacological ft clinical significance)
E.c.G. electrical axis of heart, heart blocks, arrhythmias, ischaemia, infarctions.
Heart sounds: murmurs ft their clinical significance.
Patho physiology of oedema


Must know:
General introduction, structure ft functions of kidney.
Intra Renal circulation: special features from functional point of view.
Concept of clearance: to study renal physiology, for:
a) GFR (Glomerular Filtration Rate) Inulin, Creatinine, basic principle of radioisotope method.
b. renal blood flow PAH
c. concentration ft dilution of urine free water.
Formation of urine:
1. Glomerular stage GFR (definition, dynamics, factors affecting ft measurement))
2. Tubular stage Reabsorption ft secretion.
a. Sodium, potassium, glucose: details
b. Handling of water concentration ft dilution of urine.
c. Secretion of W
3.Role of kidney in acid base balance.
Physiology of micturition: basic reflex ft control, cystometrogram.
Artificial kidney: basic principles of dialysis.
Experimental studies for renal functions.
Disorders of micturition.


Must know :
Homeothermia Balance between heat gain and heat loss.
Regulation of body

· Hyperthermia, Hypothermia.
Alimentary System – ( 12 hours)
Must know:

. General introduction & organizational plan, innervations and blood supply.

Salivary secretion:
General principles & basic mechanisms of secretion composition ,and functions of saliva,
mechanism & regulation of salivary secretion.
Mastication and deglutition:
Three phases of deglutition- physiologic anatomy, mechanism & control
Gastric secretion:
Functional anatomy, histology, functions of stomach, composition of gastric juice, cellular
mechanism of gastric secretion of acid, pepsin, intrinsic factor, other enzymes, phases of gastric
secretion, regulation of gastric secretion.
Gastric Motility:
Electrical activity of stomach, pylorus, emptying of the stomach-pyloric pump, regulation &
factors promoting & inhibiting emptying.
Pancreatic secretion:
Structure, composition & mechanism of secretion of electrolytes & enzymes, regulation of
Liver & gall bladder:
Microscopic structure, functions of liver, composition of bile, cellular mechanism of bile
formation, enterohepatic circulation of bile salts, control of secretion, concentration & storage
of bile in gall bladder. filling & evacuation of gall bladder functions of gall bladder
Intestinal secretion:
Structure, innervations.
Composition & mechanism of secretion of small intestinal juice, regulation of secretion.
Secretion of large intestine: mucous, water, electrolyte.
Motility of small intestine:
Structure & innervation electrical activity of smooth muscle, resting membrane potential, slow
waves, spike potentials, rhythmic segmenting contractions, peristalsis, control neural &
hormonal, functions of ileocecal valve.
Motility of large intestine:
Structure & innervation,'mixing & mass movements, defecation reflex' and its control
G.I. hormones: in brief.
Digestion & absorption:
Digestion & absorption of - carbohydrate,
- Proteins
- Fats
absorption of water, electrolytes and vitamins.
Gastric mucosal barrier, experiments to study regulation of gastric juice secretion, disorders of
secretion, peptic ulcer., inhibitors of gastric secretion
Effects of vagotomy, abnormal gastric motility vomiting.
Barium meal studies, endoscopy, biopsy.
Pathophysiology of small intestinal motility, paralytic ileus, diarrhea, obstruction.
Pathophysiology of colonic motility, irritable bowel syndrome, drugs, constipation.
Pancreatic function tests.
Gall stone, effects of removal of gall bladder
disturbances of esophageal motility, spasm, achalasia, hiatus hernia.
Methods for study of intestinalabsorption.
Effects of hepatectomy.

J) NUTRITION: (2 hours)
Must know:

concept of balanced diet

factors affecting caloric requirements
requirements of various nutrients, sources, daily needs.
nutrition under special conditions pregnancy, lactation, growing child.
Must know:

Endocrine function of hypothalamus releasing hormones, Mechanism of hormone action
Anterior pituitary hormones: functions, regulation, disorders, Posterior pituitary hormones.
ADH, Oxytocin functions, regulation, disorders
Thyroid hormone: synthesis, fate, functions, regulation, disorders.
Parathyroid hormone : synthesis, fate, functions, regulation, disorders, tetany
Adrenal cortex and medulla hormone: secretion, functions, regulation, disorders
Pancreatic hormone: secretion, functions, regulation, disorders
Radioimmuno assays
Experimental studies.


Must know :
Sex chromosomes, sex determination, sexdifferentiation
Functional anatomy of reproductive system.
Puberty: changes in males & females and its control.
Spermatogenesis: stages & regulation
Semen analysis.
Testosterone: actions & regulation.
Male sexual act.
Menstrual cycle & ovarian cycle:
Phases & hormonal regulation
Ovulation: Indicators & importance
Fertilization, implantation of ovum.
Functions of placenta
Physiology of pregnancy;
Maternal changes during pregnancy
Parturition: in brief stages and mechanism.
Lactation: initiation & maintenance and control. Advantage
of breast-feeding
Family Planning and Welfare : Physiological basis of
contraception in males and females, principles of use of oral
contraceptives, safe period, rhythm and other methods of

Sex chromosomes: Barr bodies.
Development of genitals & gonads
Precocious & delayed puberty.

SPECIAL SENSES – ( 10 hours)

Must know:
Functional anatomy of eye, optics, microscopic structure of retina with retinal circuits, image formation,
Photochemistry of vision (photopic & scotopic vision, dark & light adaptation),
Pupillary reflexes, Accommodation reaction, Errors of refraction and their correction, Colour vision
physiological & neural basis, accepted theory of colour vision, classifications, basis of colour blindness and tests
of colour blindness, significance.
Visual pathway processing of information at different levels in visual pathway, organisation of visual cortex.
Effects of lesion at different levels in visual pathway,
Movements of eyeballs: functions & control.
Physics of sound, decibel system,
Functional anatomy of middle ear, functions of middle ear in detail, assessment of functions of middle ear,
Functional anatomy of cochlea, functions of inner ear, place principle, theories of hearing. Audiometry,
Auditory pathway & important features, auditory cortex (role in hearing & speech development)
Functional anatomy of taste buds, different taste modalities, pathway, factors affecting taste sensation,
Smell :
Functional anatomy of receptors, primary olfactory sensations, pathway, factors affecting smell sensation,
Resolution of images,
- Electrophysiology of internal ear: cochlear micro phonics.
Electrophysiology of retina.
Theories of hearing.

Must know:
-Outline of nervous system.
1. General nervous system:
Synapse : definition, physiological anatomy, sequence of events of synaptic transmiss'ion, propert.ies,
(state the property & its significance), significance of synaptic transmission, applied aspect.
Neurotransmitters in brief.
Receptors: definition, classification (basis of each classification with example), properties (state each
property with underlying mechanism & significance), significance (homeostasis, conscious awareness of
environment, tone posture, protection).
Sensations: different modalities, classification with examples and significance
sensation of touch, pain proprioception: details of each Reflexes: definition, classification (basis of
classification with example), reflex arc & its components, properties (state each property with basis &
importance) Stretch reflex definition, muscle spindle (details with innervation, role of gamma motor
neurons) role of supra spinal control in brief, functions of stretch reflex ( regulation of muscle tone)
inverse stretch reflex.
Polysynaptic reflexes: withdrawal reflex.
4) Tracts:
Ascending & descending tracts: details of each tracts (situation & extent in spinal cord, origin, course &
termination, collaterals, somatotopic arrangement, functions, applied aspect, tests)
Ascending tracts: Basic plan of somato sensory pathway for conscious Sensation, pathway from head,
face region.
Descending tracts: pyramidal tracts details., extra pyramidal tracts, Differences between UMN & LMN
Sections at various levels in CNS :
a) Spinal transection spinal animal.
Complete 3 stages spinal shock, stage of recovery, stage of reflex failure details of each stage.
Incomplete. Transection
3) Tone, Posture & Equilibrium.
a) Low midbrain section decerebrate animal: Decerebrate rigidity. (Classical & ischaemic
mechanisms, characteristics features & physiological significance)
b) High midbrain section High decerebrate animal.
c) Thalamic or Decorticate animal.
Definition, classification of postural reflexes.
(Details of each reflex and its function.)
regulation of posture (integrating centers at various levels of CNS)
d) Vestibular apparatus: Physiologic anatomy, mode of function of utricle & saccule and
semicircular canals, vestibulo occular & vestibulo spinal reflexes.
4) Thalamus:
Functional classification of Thalamic nuclei, with connections of different nuclear groups, functions of
thalamus, thalamic syndrome.
5) Hypothalamus:
Functional classification of different hypothalamic nuclei, connections in brief, functions in details.
6) Limbic system:
Parts of limbic system, connections in brief, functions.
7) Reticular formation:
Introduction, anatomy in brief, functional divisions.
A) Ascending reticular activating system details with connections & role in sleep wakeful cycle, applied
B) Descending reticular system role in regulation of muscle tone by pontine & medullary regions.
c) Visceral centres.
8) E. E. G.:
Definition; different waves, characteristics & functional significance of each wave, physiological
variation, clinical application in brief.
9) Sleep & Wakefulness:
Concept of alertness & wakefulness with their physiological basis, Definition of sleep, stages of sleep
correlated with EEG, sleep cycle types of sleep, salient features of NREM & REM sleep, physiological
effects of sleep on different systems of the body, Neurophysiological mechanisms of sleep, functions of
1 O)Cerebellum :
Introduction, functional classification, intracortical circuit, deep cerebellar nuclei, connections of different
lobes, functions of cerebellum, cerebellar function tests, effects of lesion in brief.
11)BasaIGanglia :
Introduction, classification of nuclei, connections, intracortical circuits, functions, lesions
12) Cerebral Cortex:
Gross anatomy & divisions, concept of Broadmann's mapping with diagram, Parietal lobe anatomical &
functional divisions, details of each functional part as regards connections, topographic organisation,
Frontal lobe excitomoter Cortex anatomical & functional parts, details of each part as regards connections,
topographic organisation, functions.
Prefrontal Cortex different areas, connections in brief, functions, effects of lobectomy.
Afferent and efferent mechanisms and role of cortical centers in speech, concept of cerebral dominance,
development of speech, vocalization.
Definition, stages, types, physiological basis, factors affecting, applied amnesias in brief.
15) Learning:
Definition, types with examples, stages, factors influencing, role of motivation (positive & negative
reinforcement, reward & punishment), physiological basis role of different parts of CNS, structural,
biochemical changes.
16) Conditioned reflexes:
Definition, difference between unconditioned & conditioned reflexes, development of conditioned
reflexes, properties, significance.
17) Autonomic nervous system:
Organization and functions of Parasympathetic & Sympathetic and their control.
Introduction, composition, normal CSF pressure, formation & circulation, functions, applied aspect brief,
blood brain barrier, blood CSF barrier.
Neurotransmitters details, susceptibility of synapse to hypoxia drugs etc., Mechanisms of referred pain,
differences between superficial & deep pain, central analgesia system, supraspinal control of stretch
reflex details.
Thalamus - applied aspects effects of lesions.
Hypothalamus - applied aspects effects of lesions
Reticular formation effects of lesion
EEG Method of recording, abnormal patterns.
Basal Ganglia lesions, involuntary movements.
Cerebellum Embryology, evolution, effects of stimulation & ablation. Cerebral
cortex effects of stimulation & ablation in different regions. Speech aphasias.
Experimental studies effects of stimulation & ablation. Sleep, wakefulness
effects of sleep deprivation, disorders.

Practicals :
A) Haematology 1) Textbooks of Physiology:
Hb% R. B. C. W. B. C. Differential, B.T.C.T. Blood group, ABO
Guyton - Textbook of Physiology
system Rh typing, Blood Indices
Ganong - Review of Medical
B) Clinical examination and Human experiments
Stethography, Spirometry, Ergography, Perimetry, Tests for Physiology
physical fitness, Clinical examination of all systems. S. Wright - Applied Physiology
C) OSPE - AKJain - Text Book of Physiology
D)Interpretation of charts, problems and case histories RL Bijlani - Understanding medical
E) Demonstrations Physiology
Reticulocyte count. Platelet count, P. C. V., E. S. R, fragility,
peripheral blood smear, bone marrow slides,
Sperm count and sperm motility
E.M.G. S.D. curve, conduction velocity of nerve (Human), E.C G.,
E.E.G., Audiometry, H.R.T. (Human reaction time)
2) Reference Books:
Visit to blood bank, wards to show common disorders or video
tapes and X-rays Best and Taylor - Physiological basis of medical practice

Animal experiments on frogs, Berne & levy. - Principles of Physiology

a) Skeletal muscle:
effect of graded stimuli,
1) Laboratory Manual by
simple muscle twitch
- AK Jain
genesis of tetanus,
effect of load on skeletal muscle - VG Ranade

fatigue. - GK Pal
b) Cardiac muscle.
Normal cardiogram, effect of temperature,
Properties of cardiac muscle,
Effect of vagal stimulation and phenomenon of vagal escape.
effect of drugs (Acetyl choline, Adrenaline, Nicotine) on frog's
heart.Perfusion of isolated frogs heart with effects of Na' , K'
and Ca •. , and demonstration of effect of stannius ligature on
frog’s heart, effect of extrasystole & compensatory pause
Starling's law.

Teaching strategy

Lectures 160 hours

Demonstrations 40 hours

Tutorials 100 hours

Student Seminars 20 hours

Practical 160 hours

Total Teaching hours 480 hours

Combined Teaching Strategy

General Anatomy Physiology Biochemistry Community


General General Physiology Importance of Evolution of

First Embryology Cell Physiology Biochemistry in cell Community Medicine
Term General Histology Muscle Nerve Carbohydrates Medical ethics and
General Anatomy Hematology Amino acid: Doctor patient
Superior Extremity Cardiovascular Peptides 8: proteins relationship Health
Genetics System Lipids Definition, spectrum
Part of Thorax Respiratory Hemoglobin 8: of health and factors
System Enzymes affecting and
GIT v Biological oxidation Measurement of
Nutrition Winter Vacation health.
Sociology and Social
factors affecting
Social Physiology
Hospital Functioning
Teaching Strategy.

Winter Vacation
Remaining Thorax Renal Nucleotides& Nucleic Health problem Health
Inferior Extremity Physiology Acids Care Delivery system
Head Neck and Skin and Integration of in
Face Temperature Metabolism, India Health
Abdomen Regulation Starvation Metabolism Educations and
Surface Anatomy Endocrines Vitamins, Nutrition Communication
Second Radiological Reproductive Mechanism of Economics and Health
Term Anatomy Physiology Hormone Demography, Fertility
Central Nerves Central Nerves Action, Nutrition and Health
System, Autonomic System, Autonomic Water 8: Electrolyte Communication" Skills
Nerves System Nerves System Balance, Acid-Base Orientation to research
Special Senses Special Senses balance, Community Survey
Detoxification Methods
Mechanism, Environment hygiene /
Biochemistry of sanitation
Cancer Molecular
concept of defense,
Organ function test
Recombinant DNA,
Technology, apoptosis
And environmental

First M.B.B.S. Examination

Scheme of Examination

Internal Assessment:
I Weightage for Internal Assessment shall be 20% of the total marks in each
II Subject must secure at least 35% marks of the total marks fixed for internal
assessment in a particular subject in order to be eligible to appear in final examination of that
Scheme of Internal Assessment.
There will be two sessional and one preliminary examination (in all three internal
assessment examinations in the subjects of Anatomy, Physiology and
First sessional Before winter
i ti
Second sessional Last tiweek of
i i
Preliminary JSecond week of April

Anatomy,Physiology& Biochemistry

Examination Theory Oral Total (Theory &Oral) Practical -'

1st Sessional 100 20 120 40
2nd Sessional 100 20 120 .. 40
Preliminary 200 40 240 80 ..,
Total 400 80 480 (divided by 160 (divided by 8)
Reduced to 20 20

Pattern of Theory Paper of Internal Assessment

A) Sessional Examinations
Duration Total: 3Hours (Sec,A:30 min Section Band C; 2.30hrs) There shall be
one paper of 100 marks consisting of :
Section A M.C.Q All compulsory 30x1 30Marks
Section B B.A.Q Any ten out of 10x2 20Marks
S.A.Q. El
Any six out of Seven 6x5 30Marks
Section C L.A.Q Any two out of three 2x10 20Marks

At least 10% of total questions shall be on applied aspects

Syllabus for Final University Examination including theory and practicals

Physiology – paper I

1. Cardiovascular system,
2. Respiratory system,
3. Gastrointestinal sy.stem
4. Endocrinology
5. Reproduction,
/ 6. Acclimatization to hypoxia,

Physiology - Paper II

1. General physiology
2. Nerve and muscle physiology,
3. Blood,
4. Excretory system and Temperature regulation
5. Central Nervous system
6. Special Senses.
1. Each sessional
subject examination shall have theory, oral and Practical examination in each
as under:


Practical Total 80 marks

Exercise 1- Haematology experiments 20 marks

Exercise 2- Clinical 1 (OSPE) 16 marks

Cardiovascular system 8 marks

Respiratory system 8 marks

Exercise 3- Clinical II- 14 marks

CNS & Special Senses 10 marks

Abdomen 4 marks

Exercise 4- Human Physiology 10 marks

Exercise 5- Table viva Experimental physiology 10 marks

Graph reading & Problem Solving

Journak / Practical book 10marks

Viva /Oral Viva –Voce 40 marks

Each sessional examination

unAnatomy,Physiology& Biochemi
shall have theory, oral and Practical examination in each subject as

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