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Converteam Brochure Corporate 2010 P 7e20

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The Worldwide Specialist

in Power Conversion
Your Partner for Power
Conversion Solutions

With over a century of recognized experience, Converteam is a worldwide specialist in power conversion,
providing engineered solutions and systems to convert power from mechanical to electrical or reversely,
and from electrical to electrical.

These solutions are not only mission-critical to the

customer’s process; their value is far greater than
their share in the customer’s overall investment.
Converteam’s unique approach is based on an
in-depth understanding of both processes and client
needs, enabling us to offer the most optimized
solutions while lowering environmental impact.
Converteam solutions are built around three core
components that are either manufactured or assem-
bled in-house:
• electrical machines (motors and generators),
• power electronics equipment (variable speed
drives and DC & AC conversion),
• process automation and controls.

A worldwide coverage
As customers’ projects are increasingly complex
and global, Converteam has made geographical
coverage a cornerstone of its strategy. It combines an
industrial approach based on a global footprint for
electrical machines, power electronics equipment,
automation and controls on each continent where
we are operating and a local presence in sales and
service to better serve customers’ needs. Converteam
pays special attention to developing the best com-
ponents at competitive cost, giving customers the
benefit of its solid global presence. The company
can thus call on skills or resources from any other
Converteam entity as needed in order to implement
an original engineering approach worldwide.

Converteam has facilities in more than 17 countries

and confirms a worldwide position, with sales
in more than 75 countries around the globe. The
Converteam—the world leader in electrical solutions Group’s main facilities and manufacturing units are
located in Europe (France, Germany and the UK), in
Converteam is an engineering company providing customized solutions and systems converting electrical
the Americas (USA, Canada and Brazil) and in Asia
energy into productive performance and reversely. Our offering ranges from design only to turnkey systems,
(China and India). In addition, the Group has offices
installation and commissioning, and is backed by a wide choice of services.
in Korea, Singapore, the Middle East, Russia, North
Serving specialized segments as well as our core markets in marine, oil & gas and offshore, power
Africa and in the Nordic countries.
generation, renewable energy and industry, our 5,000 experts and skilled workforce provide effective
responses to customers around the globe.

A Worldwide Organization ...All our Customers
Servicing... around the Globe

In order to provide lifetime value to its customers, Converteam’s solutions are backed by a full range of
services, from initial design studies to production, installation and follow-up ensured by service teams.
NORTHERN EUROPE Available 24/7 at both local and global levels, our support service meets a broad range of customers’
• Main office in Rugby (UK) requests for technical assistance, maintenance, spare parts and other support. Converteam’s 42 Regional
• Drives, switchboards and Business Centers, which all have in-depth technical knowledge of new and existing equipment—including
PCB factories in Kidsgrove
and Glasgow (UK)
superseded technologies—are available for maintenance, technical support or training.
• Rotating Machines
factory in Rugby
• Regional Business
(USA & CANADA) Rugby (UK) / Kidsgrove (UK)
Glasgow (UK) / Gillingham (UK)
• Main office Middlesbrough (UK)
in Pittsburgh, PA Sheffield (UK) / Swansea (UK) CENTRAL, EASTERN EUROPE
• Drives factory & RUSSIA
in Pittsburgh, PA (Nordic offices): • Main office
• Rotating Machines factory Oslo (Norway) / Kolding (Denmark) in Berlin (Germany)
in Minneapolis, MN • Drives factory
• Regional Business Centers: in Berlin (Germany) CHINA
Pittsburgh, PA / Minneapolis, MN • Regional Business • Main office
Houma, LA / Miami, FL / Mobile, AL Centers: in Shanghai
San Diego, CA / Seattle, WA Berlin (Germany)
Burlington, ON (Canada) • Drives factory
Essen (Germany) in Shanghai
Vancouver, BC (Canada) Frankfurt (Germany)
• OTHER LOCATIONS: Hamburg (Germany) • Rotating Machines
Philadelphia, PA / Washington, DC Stuttgart (Germany) factory in Yantai
Dallas, TX / Charlotte, NC / Phoenix, AZ SOUTHERN EUROPE, Vienna (Austria) • Regional Business
Edmonton, AB (Canada) MIDDLE EAST & AFRICA Centers:
• Main office in Massy (France) Moscow (Russia) Shanghai / Yantai
• Drives and PCB factories St Petersburg (Russia) • OTHER LOCATIONS:
in Palaiseau, Belfort Beijing / Wuhan
and Ludres (France)
• Rotating Machines KOREA
factory in Nancy (France) • Main office in Busan
• Regional Business Centers: • Regional Business Centers:
Massy (France) / Belfort (France) Busan / Geoje
Nancy (France) / Istres (France)
Lille (France) / Ludres (France) SINGAPORE
St Julien les Metz (France)
Abu Dhabi (UAE) • Regional Business Center in Singapore

Lyon (France) / Milan (Italy)
Alexandria (Egypt)

BRAZIL • Main office in Delhi

• Main office in Belo Horizonte, MG • Engineering Development

Center in Chennai
• Drives factory in Betim, MG
• Regional Business Centers:
• Regional Business Centers: Chennai / Kolkata / Mumbai
Belo Horizonte, MG / Macaé, RJ
Parauapebas, PA / Vitória, ES
• OTHER LOCATIONS: 5,000 experts and
Rio de Janeiro, RJ
skilled workforce
at your service worldwide

4 5
Curbing CO 2 Emissions A Full Range of Solutions for
for a Better World Conventional Power Generation

The accumulation of greenhouse gases is a major danger for the environment. Converteam’s Safe energy supply and improved productivity in conjunction with ever-increasing availability are
contribution to finding answers is twofold: we actively partner with our customers to propose solutions requirements that modern power stations must meet.
for clean energy production as a major industrial player and we commit to improving the energy
efficiency of industrial installations while reducing CO2 emissions.
Power Generation
A variety of directions can be taken to decarbonize Conventional power generation is at the beginning
the electricity sector, including the development of of the power conversion chain converting nature-
renewable sources of energy such as wind, solar stored energy into electrical power. Converteam’s
and wet renewables where Converteam has a lasting contribution to the power industry market covers a
commitment to becoming a partner of choice. large range of start-up frequency converters and sta-
tic excitation systems that are used for turbine-driven
In addition, by using electrical motors, which are generators and large synchronous machines as well
less polluting than conventional engines (no gas as generators for gas, steam and hydro power plants.
Reducing energy emission), the Group supplies power solutions with
consumption and Our variable speed systems were, for example,
pollution through high efficiency and low environmental impact, thus implemented on the 1GW pumped-storage power
a more efficient actively contributing to the green energy challenge. plant in Goldisthal, Germany, one of the most
motor and drive
s y s t e m offers major advanced hydroelectric power plants in the world,
opportunities. Converteam products and solutions advance the and on the Linthal and the Nant de Drance hydro-
efficient use of energy at each stage of power gene- electric plants in Switzerland (total 1,600MW).
ration and energy consumption, reducing costs and A powerful range of low and medium voltage
Nuclear Energy
lowering environmental impact. Converteam also variable speed drives is available for variable
works towards sustainable solutions by actively Pushed by the need to fight greenhouse effects
speed pumped-storage plants, boiler feed pumps,
encouraging the shift from gas turbine drivers to and depletion of fossil fuels, the nuclear industry
circulation pumps, cooling water pumps, condensate
electric drivers, at the same time increasing the is experiencing strong momentum. Converteam
pumps, exhaust and draught fans, conveyors, and
overall energy efficiency of the whole system. has supported the nuclear sector for decades with
other auxiliary drives.
generators, motors and power electronics. The
Depending on the application, the variable speed
Group equipped several nuclear plants, among
drive solution can save up to 50% of energy
them China’s first EPR in Taishan.
consumption compared to fixed-speed solutions.
Every day, thousands of Converteam installations in
As a supplier to the nuclear industry, Converteam
power plants are in operation worldwide.
also addresses the safe disposal of the radioactive
waste produced and its storage in deep geological

6 7
A Leading Position in the ...Systems for Wind and Other
Renewables Market Offering... Alternative Energy Applications

The growing need for finding sustainable alternatives to carbon-based fuels has led to a boom in the The photovoltaic market’s shift to bigger farms places Converteam in a strong position to propose power
renewables market and power generation systems—a core field for Converteam’s products and systems conversion solutions developed in Multi-MW applications. We are also involved in power generation
engineering for decades. from the sea (waves and tidal currents).

Wind Power Wet Renewables

Converteam is a system supplier to the wind For this type of renewable energy, which is still at
industry to which we provide a complete electrical a relatively early development stage, Converteam
range of low and medium voltage converters either is working in close cooperation with famous
for doubly-fed or fully-fed generators; “standard” universities to speed up the development of
speed Permanent Magnet Generators (PMG), low innovative solutions. Converteam is involved in
speed direct-drive generators or medium speed providing the complete power conversion solution,
ones. Power quality, grid connection solutions and including the generator, the converter and the
control systems complement the offer. connection to the grid.

The trend towards more powerful wind turbines As an example, Converteam secured a contract with
with maximum energy yield calls for variable speed EDF for the new tidal farm off the coast at Paimpol
generator systems that meet the highest demands in Brittany, France. The project will feature several
in terms of availability, efficiency and grid stability. electrical generators installed 40 meters below sea
Converteam has a clear edge in this domain, with level. Generator turbines will enable water energy
the first 5MW Hybrid Permanent Magnet to be converted into mechanical energy, which will
Generator installed for Multibrid be transformed into electrical power. This CO2-free
and the first 3.6MW Direct- generated power will then be carried through a
Drive Permanent Magnet Generator commissioned 15-km long link to an onshore station to be fed to
for Siemens Wind Power in 2008. the existing power grid in 2012.

Our successful implementation of the High Tem-

perature Superconducting (HTS) generator offers
promise for significant increases in power density
and efficiency making it particularly suitable for the
long term objectives of both offshore and onshore
Converteam is the
wind farms.
global market leader
for low and medium
voltage wind convert-
ers* with a unique
Solar Energy
track record of more
than 20GW of low In the coming years, solar technology will represent
and medium voltage a growing share of the power supply market.
converters delivered.
Converteam technology is perfectly suited for
medium to large grid-connected photovoltaic
plants. The high-end system solution covers central
inverters, ready-to-connect medium voltage power
stations or the complete electrical turnkey services.
The inverters convert the direct current generated
by the solar modules into alternating current for
feeding the energy into the grid and are also actively
involved in the grid safety management. Converteam
Converter dedicated to wind applications solutions based on state-of-the-art power electronics
meet the highest requirements in terms of availability, Pelamis Wave Power system to generate renewable
*“Global Outlook for Electric Drives in the Wind Power Industry”, Frost and Sullivan, November 2009 economic efficiency and grid stability. energy from ocean waves (Portugal)

8 9
Complete Electrical Solutions Proven Expertise in Naval and
for the Oil & Gas Market Merchant Shipping Applications

Converteam is present throughout the value chain from upstream to downstream, from production Converteam offers electric propulsion and automation systems that harness the latest technology
and extraction (including onshore facilities, offshore fixed platforms, floating production, storage for merchant shipping (cruise liners—including Queen Mary  2 and several MSC world-class cruise
and offloading vessels, and subsea systems) to transport and storage (pipelines, LNG liquefaction and ships—, LNG tankers, etc.). Converteam’s solutions cover two types of propulsion, either inboard (motor
reliquefaction). Converteam also provides fully customized electrical system solutions for refining and inside the ship) or outboard (podded solutions).
petrochemical applications (crude refining, gas to liquids, ethylene and propylene).
Converteam is the only supplier to satisfy every
Converteam solutions are based on Variable Converteam occupies a unique position in the aspect of inboard electrical requirements such
Speed Drive Systems (VSDS), a complete system provision of products and integrated systems for as electric distribution, control and monitoring
from network to shaft end including transformer, highly specialized offshore vessels such as drilling systems, automation and dynamic position systems.
frequency converter, electric motor and auxiliaries. vessels, diving vessels, support vessels, and for The objective is to enable customers both to opti-
Our scope of supply also includes Power Management other vessel types such as cable and pipelayers and mize their costs and benefit from best performances
Systems (PMS), induction and synchronous FPSOs. Our broad expertise encompasses skills in and higher equipment reliability.
motors as well as generators for gas and steam the design, manufacturing, commissioning and
turbines and diesel and gas engines. lifetime support of integrated electric propulsion, For naval ships (aircraft carriers, submarines, frigates
Vessel Control Systems (VCS) and Dynamic Position and destroyers, etc.), Converteam’s solutions are
mainly based on the same systems developed for
A pioneer in high-speed solutions (DP) control system solutions.
commercial applications but are often augmented
to meet the special requirements for military
Converteam has in particular developed a range of conditions such as increased shock resistance and
motors to meet the most demanding speed and electroacoustic tolerance.
power requirements in compressor systems. US Navy’s USS Makin Island (LHD 8)
Converteam is a major supplier of the propulsion
and power systems to the Royal Navy of the UK, and A new propulsion solution designed for both merchant
has also been chosen to supply electrical systems to and naval sectors is based on induction motors
the French Navy’s BPC ships and to the US Navy’s combined with PWM press-pack IGBT converters.
destroyer program, DDG1000. Recently, the Korean It increases availability and efficiency, reduces
and Dutch navies have also selected Converteam as operating and maintenance costs, resulting in size
their electrical propulsion provider. and weight savings and lower noise and vibration

Converteam is the
electrical supplier of
the deep water The high-speed drive solution allows direct connec- This unrivalled capability enables us to add value
compression station tion of the motor and the compressor, eliminating to projects by ensuring that the complex interfaces
for the Norwegian gas the need for a gearbox and therefore improving the between such systems are identified, coordinated
field known as Ormen
Lange situated 120km overall drive system efficiency. With the capability and managed at a single point from the outset.
off shore and some to operate at very high speed, up to 20,000rpm, Converteam engineering and project management
1000m under sea level. the weight and footprint of the full compression skills represent a major advantage to monitor costs
train are significantly reduced. In addition, magnetic and delays.
bearings eliminate the need for oil lubrication
systems, therefore lowering maintenance costs. Constantly striving for improvements, Converteam
is at the cutting-edge of research and development
Converteam has been a pioneer in extending its initiatives, as typified by our highly fuel efficient
solutions into new challenges such as subsea dual active front end configurations for variable
processing for gas compression and oil pumping speed drive propulsion solutions and by our class
systems dedicated to production in deep water. leading fuel saving facilities embedded within our
DP control systems.

10 11
An Extensive Track Record Setting Innovation Trends to Meet
in Industrial Processes Demanding Requirements

Leveraging its acknowledged experience in project management and system integration, Converteam Because innovation is key to making our customers more competitive in the future, we always put
provides the power and control for industrial processes worldwide, applying advanced technologies in it at the heart of our strategic positioning. At Converteam, the extension of the solutions offering is
high power motors and generators, drives and automation systems. Our know-how and large installed stimulated by the product development process resulting from “market pull” (identification of market
base enable us to offer innovative solutions in all parts of the world. needs) and “technology push” (technology trends and innovation).

Production and processing of aerospace industry and wind tunnels, Converteam High Temperature Superconducting its smaller mass and footprint, this generator will
supplies innovative solutions for the booming wind deliver 30% additional output power compared
steel, aluminum and other metals market. More specifically, Converteam is a world (HTS) generators to existing operating units. This project is a perfect
leader in providing wind turbine OEMs with test illustration of Converteam technology strategy and
Converteam’s offering covers every stage in metals bench equipment for their gearbox, generators, The advent of High Temperature Superconductivity ability to provide robust HTS solutions to industrial
production from smelting to finishing. Capabilities converters and full nacelle. Tests in this area include has created the opportunity for significantly plants.
range from facility modernizations to greenfield vibration testing as well as simulation of fluctuating improving the efficiency and capacity of industrial
installations and from specific engineering services wind exposure. electrical machines. The HTS technology is a key
to turnkey responsibility. With solutions based on asset for use in pumps, compressors, blowers and
belt drives requiring continuous operation under
high-performance power electronics, automation Mining various mechanical and environmental constraints.
and advanced software tools for production and
supply chain management, Converteam provides HTS further expands the attractiveness of electric
Converteam has more than 100 years’ pedigree and propulsion systems in transportation applications
innovative solutions to improve throughput, product hundreds  of references in this industry. We deliver
Converteam is also
quality, plant availability and process efficiency for too, in particular for electric naval ships, cruise and Since the late 1990’s
present in a num- solutions for winders, crushers and grinding mills, merchant vessels where efficiency, footprint and Converteam has been
ber of other market its clients. mine ventilation systems, and conveyor systems. investing R&D resour-
segments: water (in- weight savings contribute to increasing ship design ces in HTS technology
cluding desalination), Converteam’s offer starts from product solutions flexibility and overall energy efficiency, and reducing
pulp & paper, fibers Material handling based on our range of motors and drives, through greenhouse gas emissions.
& plastics and cement fully integrated turnkey projects utilizing our
Converteam provides complete electrical solutions experience in automation, Supervisory Control Copper coils in HTS machines are replaced by a
for all kinds of cranes from container handling to and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Human Machine superconducting wire at a temperature ranging
bulk operations, from heavy-lifts to the handling Interface (HMI), control PLCs, electronic speed from –196°C to –243°C using cryogenic equipment
of general cargo. Typical applications are drives distance monitoring and supervisory systems, brake designed as part of the customized HTS solution in
for cranes at ports, shipyards, power stations and controllers, safety cubicles and communications. order to provide the highest level of integration,
steelworks where expertise in automation gives reliability and cost efficiency. The benefits of the
us a clear edge. Experience, proven reliability and HTS technology applied to a motor or a generator
constant innovation are good reasons for choosing are as follows: size and weight savings, improved
our comprehensive solutions. Optimized energy performance with almost zero losses, dramatically HTS generator of Hydrogenie project
consumption, reduced heat emission, low space increased power density, significantly reduced noise
requirement, high flexibility and maintenance- and vibration levels, reduced maintenance.
friendliness are features of the new drive technology, Full range of Permanent Magnet
as developed for the new offshore crane market
and for mobile cranes at ports.
Converteam is currently working on a three-year Generators for wind energy
project funded by the UK Department of Trade
and Industry to turn Converteam superconducting The Direct-Drive Permanent Magnet Generator for
Test benches direct-drive generator concept into an operational wind energy allows direct connection of the turbine
8MW wind turbine generator for offshore wind to the generator without any intermediate gearbox,
Constant innovation and exchange of experience farms. Renewables and marine applications will be thus deriving subsequent increase in reliability,
with Converteam’s customers form the basis of among the first to benefit from the advantages of especially appropriate for offshore installations
the company’s success. Test benches are used to this technology. where access to the wind turbine is limited by
test equipment under extreme speed, torque and weather and sea conditions. A first prototype was
dynamic response conditions in order to ensure that As part of the Hydrogenie program, Converteam delivered and tested as early as 2008, and several
it withstands its normal lifetime without failure. In delivered a 1.7MW 214rpm HTS generator in 2010 other generators have been ordered to Converteam
addition to testing platforms for automotive and for a hydro power plant located in Germany. With ever since.
Wire rod mill

12 13
Highly Efficient and Cost …Offering Solutions at the
Effective Range of Products… Cutting Edge of Technology

Similarly to the Active Stator, the Pole Shoe Stator is Posei2don project: towards a Taking this consideration into account and based
a new patented Converteam topology, which offers on the array of innovative and renewable sources
higher power density while increasing overall totally “green” ship of energy, Converteam has developed advanced
reliability and facilitating the maintenance of power management concepts aiming at proposing
electrical machines. This unique design with no In 2008, Converteam was awarded a major research a breakthrough energy management system for
winding end and removable concentric windings is and development project from the European Union ships, FPSOs, and refineries. The proposed archi-
particularly suitable for solutions operating in harsh to enable “clean” full-electric propulsion systems to tecture gathers data in real-time and will be able
environments, subsea or offshore operations. It is become more viable across a much greater range to anticipate and optimize energy needs for each
particularly well-suited for offshore wind turbines. of vessels. operational configuration considering risk levels
The Posei2don (“Power Optimized Ship for while systematically favoring less polluting and cost-
Environment with Electric Innovative Designs ON
High-speed motor applications board“) project aims to combine the benefits of
effective sources of energy.

Converteam’s new generation of superconducting

High-speed motors for oil & gas compression but motors and generators with new advanced DC Remote Monitoring
also for water pumps and air-or CO 2 - related architecture which achieve substantial reductions in
processes are providing customers with high equipment size and weight and open up full-electric Remote Monitoring enables availability to be
efficient, low footprint solutions together with low propulsion to much smaller vessels than is possible increased and overall performance of the system
maintenance costs thanks to the gearless coupling. today. A land-based demonstrator of the system will to be improved while significantly reducing
Converteam is working on an enlarged range of be built and demonstrated within the course of the maintenance costs.
solutions to cope with higher power, up to 35MW, project. Converteam complete Remote Monitoring package
7,500rpm, and also low power solutions below The anticipated exceptional high levels of efficiency is available on Converteam’s drive technologies, for
5MW and up to 19,000rpm. and flexibility of operation will reduce fuel consump- example on the MV7000 drive. It provides access to
tion as well as the levels of greenhouse gases pro- a broad range of data including electric and thermal
In 2010, Converteam launched the MV3 permanent duced by shipping. values, speed and torque of electrical machines, grid
magnet technology for high-speed motors. This status as well as many other configurable parameters
Direct-Drive Permanent Magnet Generator
technology offers an overall better efficiency upon needs. A secure DMZ architecture coupled to
(98.5%), the possibility to reduce motor footprint, Power Management System specific user’s rights makes it possible to control and
An alternative solution of Permanent Magnet the opportunity to reach higher speed (lower size of change real-time parameters from remote locations
Generator (PMG) for one-stage gearbox wind rotating parts) and increase the resistance to The global optimization of energy systems is crucial in order to optimize process performances.
turbine has also been designed, manufactured and corrosive gases in case of integrated motor- to reducing greenhouse gas emission in a substantial
fully tested by a customer. The output power of 5MW compressors or pumps. and cost-effective way. It is also of major economic
makes this product well-adapted to address the interest in the merchant marine sector, for example.
latest generation of wind turbines. Converteam has
also designed and built a standard speed PMG for
the wind market. With these designs, Converteam
offers the wind business highly efficient and cost-
effective generators that can be associated with our
low and medium voltage drives.

Active Stator and Pole Shoe Stator

Active Stator technology is a patented concept
allowing the harmonious fusion of electrical machine
technology with power electronics. It takes the best
from DC machine concepts and AC machine relia-
bility, allowing significant torque increase in similar
mass and footprint.
A first prototype of electrical machine using Active
Stator technology was manufactured and tested
in 2009, showing exceptional performance and
paving the way for larger machines which are already
under design. High-speed motor

14 15
Copyrights/photo credits: Pascal Ribes, Siemens Windpower, Swire Pacific, Carnival, Cern Genova, Northrip Grumman, Pelamis Wave Power,
Headquarters: Norway
Drives & Controls Services Ltd.

© Converteam – 2010 – Converteam, the Converteam logo and any alternative version thereof are trademarks
Scandinavian Branch

and service marks of Converteam. The other names mentioned, registered or not, are the property of their respective companies.
Converteam Group SAS
30, avenue Carnot Lysaker Torg 45
91345 Massy Cedex, France 1326 Lysaker
Tel: +33 (0)1 64 53 83 00 Tel: +47 67 83 82 50

Converteam GmbH
Main Offices: Dubininskaya street, 53,
bld. 5, office 212.
Brazil 115054 Moscow, Russia
Converteam Brasil Ltda Tel.: +7(499) 270 27 11
Av. Álvares Cabral, 1345
Lourdes CEP 30170-001 Singapore
Belo Horizonte - Minas Gerais Drives & Controls Services Ltd.
Tel: +55 31 3330-5800 Singapore Branch
331 North Bridge Road #07-05
Canada Odeon Towers
Converteam Canada Inc. Singapore, 188720
845 Harrington Court Tel: +65 6332 0940
Burlington, ON L7N 3P3
Tel: 1 (905) 333-3667 South Korea
Drives & Controls Services Ltd.
China Korean Branch
Converteam Power Conversion 3F. Dong Ju Bldg.
(Shanghai) Co., Ltd. 1200-12, Cho Ryang-Dong, Dong-ku
29F, Building A, Lane 58 Busan, 601-838
East Xinjian Road Tel: +82 51 465 9050~1
Minhang District
201100 Shanghai United Arab Emirates

Phoenix Solar, Dag Myrestrand/StatoilHydro, Ugitec

Tel: +86 21 64146080 Converteam SAS
Khalidiya Road,
Pearl Plaza Building,
France P.O. Box: 42536 Abu Dhabi,
Converteam SAS Tel : +971 2 639 0846
1, square John Patterson
91345 Massy Cedex UK
Tel: +33 (0)1 77 31 20 00 Converteam UK Ltd.
Boughton Road
Germany Rugby
Converteam GmbH Warwickshire CV21 1BU
Culemeyerstraße 1 Tel: +44 (0) 1788 563 563
12277 Berlin
Tel: +49 30 7622-0 USA
Converteam Inc.
India 610 Epsilon Drive
Converteam India Private Ltd. Pittsburgh, PA 15238
Unit 1003, Tower “B” Tel: 1 (412) 967-0765
Millennium Plaza
Sector 27, Gurgaon
122002 Haryana
Tel:  +91 124 4220 300

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