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Food School and You-6

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On-Campus Resources For a friend...

Student Health Center: (206) 296-6300

Wellness and Health Promotion: (206)
If you feel that someone you know is
struggling with an eating disorder
Counseling and Psychological Serices:
(206) 296-6090
and/or its related issues, there are
people waiting to help. Disordered
eating can be a damaging, life-
School, and
Disability Services: (206) 296-5740
Campus ministry: (206) 296-6075 threatning condition, and should be
addressed as soon as possible.
Off-Campus Resources Making the first phone call or visit can
Momentum Nutrition & Fitness: (206) 696- be extremeley difficult, but one that
4386 could change that person’s life,
Emily Program: (206) 283-2220
forever. Be an ally, offer to eat with
Evidence Base Treatment Centers of
Seattle: (206) 374-0109 your loved one, be a trustworthy
Opal: Food + Body Wisdom: (206) 926- source of comfort for them, and know
9087 that their struggles are not your fault.
Center for Discovery, Residential
Treatment for Eating Disorders: (425) 954-

For you...
Readings for People Struggling with
If you feel as though you are struggling with
Eating Disorders an eating disorder and/or its related issues,
"Surviving an Eating Disorder, know that recovery is possible. Disordered
Strategies for Friends and Family" by eating can be a damaging, life-threatning
Michele Siegel, Judith Brisman, and condition, and should be addressed as soon
Margot Weinshel as possible. Making the first phone call or
"Life Without ED", by Jennifer Schaefer visit to a clinic can be extremeley difficult, but
"Intuitive Eating" by Evelyn Tribole are decisions that could change your life
and Elyse Resch forever. Know that normal eating is flexible,
and can vary dependening upon your hunger
levels, schedule, your proximity to food, and
Online Resources your emotional well-being. Identifying your A COLLECTION OF triggers can be beneficial in becoming more aware of them. Take comfort in knowing that RESOURCES AND
you can get help anonymously if that is INFORMATION FOR
something you are most comfortable with.
Find one person to be your buddy, your
If you feel like you or someone you know is
struggling with mental health issues, please confidant that you are comfortable talking to WITH EATING DISORDERS
visit this website to take a brief screening:
about your struggles.You are strong,
resilient, and recovery is possible. Keep on
keeping on. ISSUES
What are eating disorders? Eating on a Budget
The transition that occurs when a person
According to the National Eating moves away from home, or from their
Disorders Association, eating disorders previous environment, to attend a
are complex college or university comes with its many
conditions that arise from a combination adjustments, one of which being
of long–standing behavioral, biological, providing food for one's self. Here are
emotional, psychological, interpersonal, some tips and tricks from
and social factors. While eating disorders for how to provide
typically begin with preoccupations with food for yourself, while staying within
food and weight, they are often about your budget:
much more than food. create a grocery game plan: planning
In some instances, dieting, bingeing, and weekly meals and preparing a grocery Problems with "The Freshman 15"
purging may begin as a way to cope with list before heading to the store can Many of us have heard of “the freshman
one’s emotions in order to feel in control help you get organized, save money, 15”, which suggests that it’s typical for a
of one’s life. Ultimately, these behaviors and choose healthy options. college student to gain about 15 pounds
will damage a person’s physical and save more at the store: eat before you during their first year of college. This
emotional health, self–esteem, and sense shop! Shopping while hungry phrase alone sets a problematic standard
of competence and control. Foruntaely, encourages spending. that is engrained in many students'
with appropriate treatment, people do grab from the back: grocery stores brains. Language like this suggests that
recover from eating disorders and go on typically stock shelves from back to there's a way that the majority of people
to live healthy, fulfilling lives. front, meaning that the items in the experience something, meaning that if
back will expire later, and haven’t you are experiencing it differently,
been handled as much by other you're the odd one out. Don't let such
customers. Use this method especially problematic standards like this get to
when purchasing meats, produce, and you... be aware of the influences around
What are eating disorders? dairy. you and how they can turn into potential
shop smart to fill your cart: make sure triggers!
While eating disorders present
you understand the price tag by doing
themselves in many different ways, here
a simple online search so you have all
are a few common occurances that you
the facts about the products you are
may notice in yourself or a friend
struggling with disordered eating: Allergies? Dietary Restrictions?
dramatic weight loss While SU offers an impressive variety of
preoccupied with food, weight, food options for the school community,
calories some students may struggle with
has strong need for control allergies or other dietary restrictions on
makes frequent comments about top of trying to have a healthy
“feeling” or “looking" fat relationship with food. If this is the case
denies feeling hungry for you, call or visit Disabilities Services
withdrawls from usual friend, and to get on-campus support in your daily
activities, and becomes more isolated student life. Their office can be of
maintains an excessive exercise assistance in adjusting your meal plan
regimine, regardless of weather, accordingly, and offering further
fatigue, illness, or injury resources for your dietary needs.

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