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The Pandemic Effect A Social Isolation Report AARP Foundation

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The Pandemic Effect:

A Social Isolation Report

OCTOBER 6, 2020
Table of Contents

Summary – page 4
Methodology – page 5
All Adults – page 6
By Age – page 18
50+ By Gender – page 32
50+ By Income – page 46

The COVID-19 pandemic has spurred a rise in social isolation and loneliness*, reaching epidemic proportions. Two-thirds of U.S.
adults report experiencing social isolation and more than half (66%) agree that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused their anxiety
level to increase, yet many are not turning to anyone for help.

Defined as having few social relationships or infrequent social contact with others – social isolation is a public health crisis.
Studies have found that social isolation can be worse for one's health than obesity, and the health risks of prolonged isolation are
equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. For adults who have experienced social isolation during the current pandemic, half
(50%) report this social isolation has caused them to lack motivation, slightly more than four in 10 (41%) say it has made them feel
more anxious than usual and slightly more than a third (37%) report it has made them feel depressed. Yet, only 11% of adults
turned to a medical professional when feeling down or sad, and almost a third of adults 50+ reported that they did not look to
anyone for support during the pandemic.

Among the 50+, almost a third of women (29%) report going as long as one to three months not interacting with others outside
their home or workplace during the pandemic and are more likely to experience negative emotions than their male counterparts.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, women 50+ are more than twice as likely to report feeling overwhelmed (32% vs. 15% of men
50+), and more women than men 50+ report feeling anxious (46% vs. 36% of men 50+) and stressed (50% vs. 40% of men 50+).

Along with women 50+, the impact to low-income older adults (defined as those who have a household income less than $40K and
are 50+) has also been greater compared to older adults with high incomes (defined as those who have a household income $75K+
and are 50+) Four in ten low-income adults 50+ report facing challenges accessing various resources during COVID-19, including
a fifth who had challenges accessing food and a similar number who had challenges accessing healthcare services.

Key signs to identify if someone is at risk for social isolation are access to food, healthcare, transportation and other vital
resources. But furthermore, it’s connections, companionship, and a sense of belonging that we need as humans.​

In a united efforted, AARP Foundation and United Health Foundation offer a Risk Assessment platform at to
transform lives by helping individuals and their loved ones Connect2 support services in their area. They want everyone to start
by answering, “how connected am I?" at 4
*Sources: SocialPro; Source: U.S. Census Bureau

AARP Foundation and United Health Foundation, conducted an online survey among 2,010 U.S.
adults ages 18-plus. It was fielded from August 21-25, 2020 by Ipsos and used quota targets for
age, gender, region etc. to be nationally representative. The credibility interval associated with a
95% confidence interval is +/-2.5 percentage points for the total sample.

The study was designed to explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on adults of all ages, to
understand levels of social isolation during the pandemic, and to assess knowledge of how
social isolation can impact a person's health.

Since the pandemic began, adults have mostly experienced
negative emotions
Frustrated 57%
Stressed 52%
Anxious 47%
Isolated 41%
Tired 37%
Sad 37%
Overwhelmed 33%
Exhausted 30%
Lonely 28%
Hopeful 27%
Calm 19%
Happy 16%
Excited 7%
Rejuvenated 5%
Other 5%

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, which of the following emotions have you felt? Please select all that apply. (N=2,010) 7
And since the pandemic, almost half of adults have had
challenges in accessing certain resources/services


25% 24%

12% 11%

Food Healthcare Transportation Internet Prescription Childcare Other None of the above
services medication

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, have you had challenges when trying to access any of the following? Please select all that apply. (N=2,010) 8

More than seven in 10 16%

adults agree that the

pandemic has made it
more difficult for them to
connect with friends

Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree

Thinking about your experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following 9
statement: The pandemic has made it more difficult for me to connect with friends. (N=2,010)
Almost a third of adults report that the longest they’ve gone
without interacting with other people outside their home or
workplace during the pandemic was between 1 to 3 months


13% 14% 13%

8% 8%

A few days A week Two weeks Three weeks A month Two to three months I have not interacted
with people outside
since the pandemic

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, what is the longest time you have gone without interacting with other people outside 10
of your household and your workplace? (N=2,010)
Since the COVID-19 pandemic, two thirds of adults report having
experienced social isolation, and around the same amount also
reports that a loved one has experienced social isolation as well

A loved one 26% 41% 21% 12%

Myself 24% 42% 21% 12%

Strongly experienced Somewhat experienced Haven't experienced much Haven't experienced at all

Thinking about the definition of social isolation that you just read, to what extent have you or a loved one experienced social isolation 11
since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic? (N=2,010)
A majority of those experiencing, or those describing a loved one
experiencing, social isolation also report other negative feelings

Myself A loved one


37% 36%
32% 31% 30% 31%
29% 28% 29% 27%
22% 21% 23% 22% 22%
18% 18%16%
11%10% 13%


Lack of Feeling Feeling Feeling Increased Withdrawal Feeling A decline in An Becoming A decline in Other None of the
motivation more depressed more sad anger or from others less hope increase in more my appetite above
anxious frustration healthy my appetite forgetful
than usual

Because of social isolation, what kind of changes have you seen in yourself? Please select all that apply (N=1,310) 12
Because of social isolation, what kind of changes have you seen in your loved one? Please select all that apply. (N=1,325)
Adults are aware that increased social isolation can have an
impact on someone’s mental and physical health, and two
thirds agree that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused their
stress/anxiety levels to increase
Increased social isolation can have a significant impact on someone’s mental health 44% 45% 8% 3%

Increased social isolation can have a significant impact on someone’s physical health 39% 47% 11% 3%

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused my stress/anxiety levels to increase 23% 43% 19% 15%

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown me whom I can actually count on 22% 48% 23% 8%

It takes a lot of energy to try to connect with friends during the COVID-19 pandemic 16% 42% 29% 13%
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, I put more effort into trying to keep in touch with people
compared to now 15% 36% 35% 14%

I have lost touch with many people since the COVID-19 pandemic 14% 34% 32% 19%

I find it difficult to talk to others about how disconnected I have been feeling 13% 27% 35% 25%

I considered reaching out for professional help during the pandemic, but did not know where to start 8% 13% 31% 48%

Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree

To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (N=2,010) 13
And almost two thirds are
aware that social isolation
can increase the risk for
certain health conditions
such as heart disease, 64%
high blood pressure, or
sleep disorders

Yes No I'm not sure

Do you think that social isolation can increase your risk for health conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure or sleep 14
disorders? (N=2,010)
But social isolation isn’t one of the topics that pops up during recent
visits to health care professionals since the start of the pandemic



13% 12%


General health COVID-19 Prescription Anxiety/Stress Pre-existing Social isolation Nutrition Other I have not
symptoms medications conditions visited/seen a
since the
pandemic began

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, has a healthcare professional asked you about any of the following during an in-person or virtual 15
visit? Please select all that apply. (N=2,010)
Family members 53%

Friends 47%

Spiritual leaders 14%

When it comes to Neighbors 12%

people they turn to Medical professionals 11%

during the pandemic, Public health officials 7%

adults tend to look to Celebrities 5%

their family members Local politicians (i.e. Mayor) 4%

and friends when they State politicians (i.e. Governor or state


feel down or sad Media anchors 4%

Federal politicians (i.e. Senator or


Other 3%

None of the above 27%

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, some people may have experienced times when they felt down or sad. At times when you 16
might have felt down or sad, what type of people have you looked to for hope? Please select all that apply. (N=2,010)
More than half of adults
report that if we continue
to have social-distancing
guidelines during the
winter holidays it will have 36%
a negative impact on their
mental well-being

Very positive Somewhat positive No impact Somewhat negative Very negative

Thinking about the future, if we continue to have social-distancing guidelines during the winter holidays (i.e. Thanksgiving), what 17
impact do you foresee it having on your mental well-being? (N=2,010)
Frustrated 57%
Stressed 45% 56%
Anxious 41% 49% 54%

Isolated 34% 40%

Tired 34%37%
Younger generations are more Sad 32% 41%
likely to report feeling stressed Overwhelmed 24% 36% 45%
and isolated since the COVID- Exhausted 21% 34% 42%
35 to 49
19 pandemic began Lonely 22% 27%
39% 18 to 34
Hopeful 26%27%
Calm 15% 19%
Happy 11% 18% 22%

Excited 3% 10%
Rejuvenated 2% 5%
Other 7%
None of the 7%

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, which of the following emotions have you felt? Please select all that apply. 19
(N=985 age 50+, N=528 age 35-49, N=497 age 18-34).
And since the pandemic, more than six in 10 adults aged 18 to
34 report facing challenges in accessing some
18 to 34 35 to 49 50+ 64%



19% 20% 20% 19%

13% 13% 12%
9% 10%
6% 7%
5% 4% 5% 4%
1% 2%

Food Healthcare Transportation Internet Prescription Childcare Other None of the above
services medication

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, have you had challenges when trying to access any of the following? Please select all that apply. 20
(N=985 age 50+, N=528 age 35-49, N=497 age 18-34).
50+ 30% 43% 17% 10%

No matter their age,

most adults agree that
the pandemic has made 35 to 49 33% 39% 19% 9%

it more difficult for them

to connect with friends

18 to 34 39% 40% 12% 9%

Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree

Thinking about your experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The 21
pandemic has made it more difficult for me to connect with friends. (N=985 age 50+, N=528 age 35-49, N=497 age 18-34).
Adults 50+ are more likely to report that the longest they’ve
gone without interacting with other people since the start of
the pandemic was just a few days

18 to 34 35 to 49 50+



19% 18% 19%

16% 16%16%
14%14% 13%
9% 10% 10% 9% 10%
8% 7%

A few days A week Two weeks Three weeks A month Two to three months I have not interacted
with people outside
since the pandemic

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, what is the longest time you have gone without interacting with other people outside 22
of your household and your workplace? (N=985 age 50+, N=528 age 35-49, N=497 age 18-34).
More than six in 10 adults 50+ report experiencing social
isolation since the pandemic began; however, those 18 to 34
are more likely to report experiencing this

50+ 17% 44% 25% 15%

35 to 49 27% 40% 22% 11%

18 to 34 34% 41% 15% 9%

Strongly experienced Somewhat experienced Haven't experienced much Haven't experienced at all

Thinking about the definition of social isolation that you just read, to what extent have you or a loved one experienced social isolation 23
since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic? (N=985 age 50+, N=528 age 35-49, N=497 age 18-34).
More than six in 10 adults, at varying levels by age, have
noticed their loved ones experiencing social isolation since
the beginning of the pandemic

50+ 20% 42% 23% 15%

35 to 49 30% 40% 21% 9%

18 to 34 31% 41% 18% 10%

Strongly experienced Somewhat experienced Haven't experienced much Haven't experienced at all

Thinking about the definition of social isolation that you just read, to what extent have you or a loved one experienced social isolation 24
since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic? (N=985 age 50+, N=528 age 35-49, N=497 age 18-34).
Lack of motivation is the most common change across
generations among those who have experienced social
isolation during the pandemic

18 to 34 35 to 49 50+

53% 49%
47% 48%
41% 41% 42%
36% 35% 38% 37%
33% 35% 35%
28% 25% 29%
24% 24% 26% 25%
21% 22% 22%
17% 16% 15% 17%
13% 10% 12%
8% 8%

Lack of Feeling Feeling Feeling Increased Withdrawal Feeling A decline in An Becoming A decline in Other None of the
motivation more depressed more sad anger or from others less hope increase in more my appetite above
anxious frustration healthy my appetite forgetful
than usual

Because of social isolation, what kind of changes have you seen in yourself? Please select all that apply. (N=582 age 50+, N=357 age 25
35-49, N=371 age 18-34).
Older adults are more likely than younger adults to say their
loved ones who are experiencing social isolation during the
pandemic are not experiencing any of the changes listed

18 to 34 35 to 49 50+

33% 35% 33%

33% 32% 31% 32% 32% 29%
29% 29% 29%
27% 27% 27% 26%
22% 22% 21% 21%
18% 17% 18%
16% 16% 14% 16% 15% 15%
14% 15%
1% 1%

Feeling Lack of Feeling Feeling Increased Feeling Withdrawal A decline in Becoming An A decline in Other None of the
more sad motivation more depressed anger or less from others hope more increase in my appetite above
anxious frustration healthy forgetful my appetite
than usual

Because of social isolation, what kind of changes have you seen in your loved one? Please select all that apply. (N=595 age 50+, N=365 26
age 35-49, N=365 age 18-34).
Increased social isolation can have a 91%
significant impact on someone’s 91%
mental health 84%
While most adults under 50 Increased social isolation can have a 88%
significant impact on someone’s 89%
are aware of the significant physical health 82%

impact social isolation can The COVID-19 pandemic has shown 69%
have on someone’s mental
me whom I can actually count on 68%

and physical health, they are The COVID-19 pandemic has caused
my stress/anxiety levels to increase
more likely than those 50+ to It takes a lot of energy to try to connect 50+
have difficulty talking with with friends during the COVID-19
34 to 49
18 to 34
others about feeling At the beginning of the COVID-19 46%
pandemic, I put more effort into trying 54%
disconnected or to not know to keep in touch with people… 58%

where to start when I have lost touch with many people 41%
since the COVID-19 pandemic 57%
considering reaching out for
professional help I find it difficult to talk to others about
how disconnected I have been feeling

I considered reaching out for 8%

professional help during the pandemic, 29%
but did not know where to start 38%
Note: Data in chart reflects respondents who strongly
agree or somewhat agree with each statement.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (N=985 age 50+, N=528 27
age 35-49, N=497 age 18-34).
50+ 65% 13% 22%

Regardless of age, more

than half of adults are
aware that social isolation
35 to 49 68% 15% 17%
can increase the risk for
certain health conditions
such as heart disease,
high blood pressure, or 18 to 34 58% 20% 22%
sleep disorders

Yes No I'm not sure

Do you think that social isolation can increase your risk for health conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure or sleep 28
disorders? (N=985 age 50+, N=528 age 35-49, N=497 age 18-34).
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, social isolation is rarely
asked about during doctor visits, regardless of one's age

18 to 34 35 to 49 50+

30% 33%
30% 30% 24%32%
24% 24%
18% 20% 20% 21% 17% 18%
14% 16%
13%11% 12%10%

1% 2%

General health COVID-19 Prescription Anxiety/Stress Pre-existing Social isolation Nutrition Other I have not
symptoms medications conditions visited/seen a
since the
pandemic began

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, has a healthcare professional asked you about any of the following during an in-person or virtual 29
visit? Please select all that apply. (N=985 age 50+, N=528 age 35-49, N=497 age 18-34).
Family members 54%
Friends 49%
Spiritual leaders 10%
Neighbors 13%
Regardless of age, over Medical professionals 13%
the course of the Public health officials 10%
pandemic, adults look to Celebrities 7%
35 to 49
18 to 34
family members and Local politicians (i.e. Mayor)

friends when they’ve felt State politicians (i.e. Governor

or state representative)

down or sad Media anchors

Federal politicians (i.e. Senator 1%
or Congressman/woman) 4%
Other 3%
None of the above 25%

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, some people may have experienced times when they felt down or sad. At times when you might have felt down or sad, 30
what type of people have you looked to for hope? Please select all that apply. (N=985 age 50+, N=528 age 35-49, N=497 age 18-34).

50+ 5% 41% 41% 10%

If social distancing
guidelines continue during
the winter holidays, about
half of adults think it will 35 to 49 10% 5% 33% 35% 16%

have a negative impact on

their mental well-being,
regardless of age
18 to 34 10% 10% 31% 33% 16%

Very positive Somewhat positive No impact Somewhat negative Very negative

Thinking about the future, if we continue to have social-distancing guidelines during the winter holidays (i.e. Thanksgiving), what 31
impact do you foresee it having on your mental well-being? (N=985 age 50+, N=528 age 35-49, N=497 age 18-34).
Frustrated 57%
Stressed 40%
Anxious 36%
Isolated 36%
Among adults 50+, women Sad 39%
are more likely than men to Tired 37%
Overwhelmed 15%
report having felt most of 32%
Hopeful 26%
the negative emotions listed 26% Men 50+
Lonely 18% Women 50+
since the COVID-19 25%
Exhausted 19%
pandemic began 23%
Calm 22%
Happy 10%
Excited 3%
Rejuvenated 1%
None of the 7%
above 7%
Other 7%

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, which of the following emotions have you felt? Please select all that apply. (N=469 Men 50+, N=516 Women 50+). 33
And since the pandemic, almost a quarter of women 50+
report having challenges with accessing healthcare services
Women 50+ Men 50+


17% 18%

6% 5% 5%
3% 4% 4% 3%
1% 1%

Food Healthcare Transportation Internet Prescription Childcare Other None of the above
services medication

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, have you had challenges when trying to access any of the following? Please select all that apply. 34
(N=469 Men 50+, N=516 Women 50+).
Men 50+ 25% 47% 18% 10%
No matter their gender,
women and men 50+ have
had difficulty staying
connected with their friends
during the pandemic

Women 50+ 34% 39% 17% 10%

Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree

Thinking about your experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following 35
statement: The pandemic has made it more difficult for me to connect with friends. (N=469 Men 50+, N=516 Women 50+).
Almost three in 10 women 50+ report their longest time not
interacting with others since the start of the pandemic is one
to three months

Women 50+ Men 50+


18% 18%
13% 13%
11% 11% 11% 10%
5% 6% 6%

A few days A week Two weeks Three weeks A month Two to three months I have not interacted
with people outside
since the pandemic

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, what is the longest time you have gone without interacting with other people outside 36
of your household and your workplace? (N=469 Men 50+, N=516 Women 50+).
Regardless of gender, over half of adults 50+ report
experiencing social isolation during the pandemic

Men 50+ 15% 42% 27% 16%

Women 50+ 19% 45% 22% 14%

Strongly experienced Somewhat experienced Haven't experienced much Haven't experienced at all

Thinking about the definition of social isolation that you just read, to what extent have you or a loved one experienced social isolation 37
since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic? (N=469 Men 50+, N=516 Women 50+).
And again regardless of gender, more than half of adults 50+
report that a loved one has experienced social isolation

Men 50+ 17% 41% 25% 17%

Women 50+ 23% 42% 21% 14%

Strongly experienced Somewhat experienced Haven't experienced much Haven't experienced at all

Thinking about the definition of social isolation that you just read, to what extent have you or a loved one experienced social isolation 38
since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic? (N=469 Men 50+, N=516 Women 50+).
Among the 50+ who are experiencing social isolation, women
are more likely than men to say the pandemic has caused
them to feel a lack of motivation, more anxious than usual,
and more sad
Women 50+ Men 50+


39% 38%
28%27% 28%
26% 24% 24%
22% 20% 23% 23%
19% 19%
15% 15% 16%
12% 11% 9% 7%

Feeling Becoming Lack of Feeling Feeling A decline in Feeling A decline in An Withdrawal Increased Other None of the
less more motivation more depressed hope more sad my appetite increase in from others anger or above
healthy forgetful anxious my appetite frustration
than usual

Because of social isolation, what kind of changes have you seen in yourself? Please select all that apply. (N=255 Men 50+, N=327 Women 50+).
Women 50+ are slightly more likely than men 50+ to observe
that their loved ones who have experienced social isolation
lack motivation and feel more anxious than usual

Women 50+ Men 50+

29% 29% 29%
26% 26% 27%26%
25% 24%
18% 18% 17% 18%
13% 12% 13% 13%
5% 4%3%

Feeling Becoming Lack of Feeling Feeling A decline in Feeling A decline in An Withdrawal Increased Other None of the
less more motivation more depressed hope more sad my appetite increase in from others anger or above
healthy forgetful anxious my appetite frustration
than usual

Because of social isolation, what kind of changes have you seen in your loved one? Please select all that apply. 40
(N=265 Men 50+, N=330 Women 50+).
Increased social isolation can have a
significant impact on someone’s mental
health 95%

Increased social isolation can have a

significant impact on someone’s physical
health 90%

Among the 50+, more The COVID-19 pandemic has shown me 62%
women than men know whom I can actually count on 74%

that social isolation can The COVID-19 pandemic has caused my

stress/anxiety levels to increase
have an impact on It takes a lot of energy to try to connect Men 50+
someone’s mental or with friends during the COVID-19
pandemic 52% Women 50+

physical health At the beginning of the COVID-19

pandemic, I put more effort into trying to
keep in touch with people compared to

I have lost touch with many people since 41%

the COVID-19 pandemic 40%

I find it difficult to talk to others about how 27%

disconnected I have been feeling 27%

I considered reaching out for professional

help during the pandemic, but did not
Note: Data in chart reflects respondents who strongly 8%
know where to start
agree or somewhat agree with each statement.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? 41
(N=469 Men 50+, N=516 Women 50+).
Among the 50+, more
Men 50+ 61% 14% 25%
women than men are
aware of the specific
impact social isolation can
have on someone’s
physical health, like
increased risk of heart Women 50+ 68% 12% 19%
disease, high blood
pressure or sleep
Yes No I'm not sure

Do you think that social isolation can increase your risk for health conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure or sleep 42
disorders? (N=469 Men 50+, N=516 Women 50+).
Women 50+ are slightly more likely to report a healthcare
professional asking about social isolation on a recent visit
since the start of the pandemic

Women 50+ Men 50+

35% 35% 35%
24% 24%
21% 21%
13% 11%
8% 8%
1% 2%

Social isolation COVID-19 Anxiety/Stress Pre-existing General health Prescription Nutrition Other I have not
symptoms conditions medications visited/seen a
since the
pandemic began

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, has a healthcare professional asked you about any of the following during an in-person or virtual 43
visit? Please select all that apply. (N=469 Men 50+, N=516 Women 50+).
Family members 49%

Friends 34%

Spiritual leaders 11%

Among adults 50+, 16%

more women than men Neighbors 14%

are likely to look to Medical professionals 8%

people around them Public health officials 3%

State politicians (i.e. Men 50+
(i.e. family members or Governor or state…
3% Women 50+

friends) when they’ve Local politicians (i.e. Mayor) 2%


felt down our sad over Celebrities 1%


the course of the Federal politicians (i.e.

Senator or…

COVID-19 pandemic Media anchors 2%


Other 5%

None of the above 37%


Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, some people may have experienced times when they felt down or sad. At times when you might have 44
felt down or sad, what type of people have you looked to for hope? Please select all that apply. (N=469 Men 50+, N=516 Women 50+).
And overall, women 50+ are Men 50+ 4% 4% 46% 39% 7%
slightly more likely to say their
mental well-being will be
negatively impacted if social
distancing guidelines continue
to be in place during the 2%
winter holidays
Women 50+ 5% 37% 43% 12%

Very positive Somewhat positive No impact Somewhat negative Very negative

Thinking about the future, if we continue to have social-distancing guidelines during the winter holidays (i.e. Thanksgiving), what 45
impact do you foresee it having on your mental well-being? (N=469 Men 50+, N=516 Women 50+).
Frustrated 55% 60%
Stressed 41% 46%
Isolated 37% 42%
Tired 32% 36%

Among adults 50+, Sad 32%33%

Hopeful 24%
28%29% High-income ($75K+)
more low-income Lonely 20%22% 27%
Middle-income ($40K to Under
adults and high-income Overwhelmed 26%
21% 25%
Low-income (Under $40K)
adults report feeling Exhausted 19%22%24%
stressed than middle- Calm
Happy 13%
income adults Excited 2%4%

Rejeuvenated 1%
Other 6%9%
None of the… 6%8%

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, which of the following emotions have you felt? Please select all that apply. 47
(N=355 age 50+ with income $75K+, N=289 age 50+ with income $40K-under $75K, N=341 age 50+ with income under $40K).
Four in 10 low-income adults 50+ report facing challenges
accessing various resources during COVID-19, including a
fifth who had challenges accessing food and a similar number
who had challenges with healthcare services
Low-income (Under $40K) Middle-income ($40K to Under $75K) High-income ($75K+)

21% 21% 21%

19% 18%
5% 5% 3% 7%
3% 5% 4% 3% 3% 4%
1% 1%

Food Healthcare Transportation Internet Prescription Childcare Other None of the above
services medication

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, have you had challenges when trying to access any of the following? Please select all that apply. 48
(N=355 age 50+ with income $75K+, N=289 age 50+ with income $40K-under $75K, N=341 age 50+ with income under $40K).
High-income ($75K+) 33% 45% 15% 7%

Adults 50+ with income

levels above $40,000 are
more likely to report that Middle-income ($40K to Under $75K) 27% 45% 14% 14%

it has been difficult to

connect with friends
during the pandemic
Low-income (Under $40K) 26% 35% 25% 14%

Strongly agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Strongly disagree

Thinking about your experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic, to what extent do you
agree or disagree with the following statement: The pandemic has made it more difficult
for me to connect with friends. (N=355 age 50+ with income $75K+, N=289 age 50+ with 49
income $40K-under $75K, N=341 age 50+ with income under $40K).
And more adults 50+ with low-income report that they have
not interacted with people outside their household/workplace
since the pandemic began

Low-income (Under $40K) Middle-income ($40K to Under $75K) High-income ($75K+)


14% 13% 13% 14%
12% 13%
11%12% 12%
8% 8%
6% 5% 6% 6% 5%

A few days A week Two weeks Three weeks A month Two to three months I have not interacted
with people outside
since the pandemic

Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, what is the longest time you have gone without interacting
with other people outside of your household and your workplace? (N=355 age 50+ with income $75K+, N=289 50
age 50+ with income $40K-under $75K, N=341 age 50+ with income under $40K).
Almost six in 10 adults 50+ with low-income report
experiencing social isolation

High-income ($75K+) 15% 49% 23% 13%

Middle-income ($40K to Under $75K) 19% 36% 27% 18%

Low-income (Under $40K) 19% 40% 24% 17%

Strongly experienced Somewhat experienced Haven't experienced much Haven't experienced at all

Thinking about the definition of social isolation that you just read, to what extent have you or a loved one experienced social isolation since
the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic? (N=355 age 50+ with income $75K+, N=289 age 50+ with income $40K-under $75K, N=341 age 50+ 51
with income under $40K).
And slightly more than half of adults 50+ who have low-income report
observing a loved one experiencing social isolation

High-income ($75K+) 21% 46% 21% 13%

Middle-income ($40K to Under $75K) 22% 39% 24% 16%

Low-income (Under $40K) 18% 35% 27% 20%

Strongly experienced Somewhat experienced Haven't experienced much Haven't experienced at all

Thinking about the definition of social isolation that you just read, to what extent have you or a loved one experienced social isolation
since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic? (N=355 age 50+ with income $75K+, N=289 age 50+ with income $40K-under $75K, 52
N=341 age 50+ with income under $40K).
Adults 50+ with low- and middle-income who have experienced social
isolation are more likely to report feeling depressed compared to adults
50+ with high-income

Low-income (Under $40K) Middle-income ($40K to Under $75K) High-income ($75K+)

33% 32%
28% 27%29% 28% 23%
24% 24% 23% 23% 24% 24% 24%
20% 20% 21% 20%19%
14% 16% 17% 12%
12% 10%
6% 5%5%4%

Feeling Becoming Lack of Feeling Feeling A decline in Feeling A decline in An Withdrawal Increased Other None of the
less more motivation more depressed hope more sad my appetite increase in from others anger or above
healthy forgetful anxious my appetite frustration
than usual

Because of social isolation, what kind of changes have you seen in yourself? Please select all that apply. (N=228 age 50+ with income $75K+, N=155 age 53
50+ with income $40K-under $75K, N=199 age 50+ with income under $40K).
Adults 50+ with middle-income who have seen a loved one experience
social isolation are more likely to report that they’ve noticed a lack of
motivation and an increase in sadness

Low-income (Under $40K) Middle-income ($40K to Under $75K) High-income ($75K+)

31% 28% 32% 29% 27%
29% 29% 27% 28% 27% 28% 28%
27% 26% 25%
23% 24%
18%17% 19%
16% 17%
14% 14% 11% 14%
11% 10% 10% 11%
4% 3% 2%

Feeling Becoming Lack of Feeling Feeling A decline in Feeling A decline in An Withdrawal Increased Other None of the
less more motivation more depressed hope more sad my appetite increase in from others anger or above
healthy forgetful anxious my appetite frustration
than usual

Because of social isolation, what kind of changes have you seen in your loved one? Please select all that apply. (N=239 age 50+ with 54
income $75K+, N=170 age 50+ with income $40K-under $75K, N=186 age 50+ with income under $40K).
Increased social isolation can 92%
have a significant impact on 90%
someone’s mental health 90%

Increased social isolation can 89%

have a significant impact on 89%
someone’s physical health 85%

The COVID-19 pandemic has 66%

shown me whom I can actually 72%
count on 70%

Adults 50+, no matter their The COVID-19 pandemic has 59%

caused my stress/anxiety levels 54%
household income, agree to increase 54% High-income ($75K+)

that social isolation can It takes a lot of energy to try to

connect with friends during the
50% Middle-income ($40K to
COVID-19 pandemic 48% Under $75K)
have a significant impact on Low-income (Under $40K)
someone’s mental or I have lost touch with many
people since the COVID-19
pandemic 44%
physical health At the beginning of the COVID-19
pandemic, I put more effort into 46%
trying to keep in touch with 48%
people compared to now

I find it difficult to talk to others 25%

about how disconnected I have 27%
been feeling 31%
I considered reaching out for
professional help during the 7%
Note: Data in chart reflects respondents who strongly pandemic, but did not know 8%
agree or somewhat agree with each statement. where to start
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements? (N=355 age 50+ with income 55
$75K+, N=289 age 50+ with income $40K-under $75K, N=341 age 50+ with income under $40K).
High-income ($75K+) 68% 11% 21%
Adults 50+ with low-income are
less likely than those with
medium- or high-income to be
aware of the specific impact
Middle-income ($40K to Under $75K) 68% 15% 17%
social isolation can have on
one’s physical health, like
increased risk of heart disease,
high blood pressure or
sleep disorders Low-income (Under $40K) 55% 16% 28%

Yes No I'm not sure

Do you think that social isolation can increase your risk for health conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure or sleep disorders? 56
(N=355 age 50+ with income $75K+, N=289 age 50+ with income $40K-under $75K, N=341 age 50+ with income under $40K).
Regardless of income level, only about one in 10 adults 50+ report that
their doctor has asked them about social isolation during a recent visit
since the start of the pandemic

Low-income (Under $40K) Middle-income ($40K to Under $75K) High-income ($75K+)

46% 45%
34% 39%
34%33% 34% 35%
23%24% 24%
12%11%10% 12%
10% 9%
1% 2% 2%

General health Prescription COVID-19 Pre-existing Anxiety/Stress Social isolation Nutrition Other I have not
medications symptoms conditions visited/seen a
since the
pandemic began

Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, has a healthcare professional asked you about any of the following during an in-person
or virtual visit? Please select all that apply. (N=355 age 50+ with income $75K+, N=289 age 50+ with income $40K-under $75K, 57
N=341 age 50+ with income under $40K).
Family members 57%
Friends 49%
Spiritual leaders 14%
Neighbors 13%
Medical professionals 7%
Regardless of income level, Public health officials
7% High-income ($75K+)
around three in 10 adults 50+ Statepoliticians (i.e. 3%
Middle-income ($40K to
Governor or state… 2% Under $75K)
do not look to those listed 1% Low-income (Under $40K)
Media anchors
when they’ve felt down or sad
Federal politicians (i.e. 1%
Senator or… 1%
Celebrities 3%
Local politicians (i.e. 2%
Mayor) 1%
Other 3%
None of the above 28%

Over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, some people may have experienced times when they felt down or sad. At times when you might
have felt down or sad, what type of people have you looked to for hope? Please select all that apply. (N=355 age 50+ with income $75K+, 58
N=289 age 50+ with income $40K-under $75K, N=341 age 50+ with income under $40K).

High-income ($75K+) 5% 37% 45% 11%

Adults 50+ with high and low-
income are slightly more likely
to report a negative impact on
their mental well-being if social
distancing guidelines continue Middle-income ($40K to Under $75K) 5% 51% 34% 9%
into the winter holiday season


Low-income (Under $40K) 6% 39% 41% 10%

Very positive Somewhat positive No impact Somewhat negative Very negative

Thinking about the future, if we continue to have social-distancing guidelines during the winter holidays (i.e. Thanksgiving), what
impact do you foresee it having on your mental well-being? (N=355 age 50+ with income $75K+, N=289 age 50+ with income $40K- 59
under $75K, N=341 age 50+ with income under $40K).

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