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Unit 1: DEAL WITH Someone/something: Study These Sentences

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Unit 1: DEAL WITH someone/something


The management failed to deal with 1 handle
widespread problems within the company.
I told him I deal with all foreign sales.
I’d rather deal with you guys 2 do business with
We’ll continue to deal with the Russian
The guidelines deal with topics such as sales 3 cover, be concerned with
and marketing.
Her newspaper articles often dealt with
problems at work.

A. Using the information above, decide which use of deal with is illustrated in each of the
following examples. Write the number on the line:
1. We'd prefer to deal with a single supplier. _____
2. Her advice column usually deals with interoffice problems and how to solve
them. _____
3. The company will have to deal with several contaminated sites. _____

B. Rewrite the sentences by replacing the underlined word or phrase with the correct
form of deal with (e.g. is dealing with).
1. The bank services a number of US corporations.

2. He likes his job and meeting people.

3. In my field of work, you handle a wide variety of issues.

4. Some companies only offer services to very wealthy people.

5. The translators have processed thousands of pages of documents.

C. Complete the sentences with a suitable form of deal with (e.g., is dealing with) and
one of the words from the box. Be sure to use the correct article (e.g. a/the) with the
noun where required:
lawsuit manufacturers companies_____ corruption sales

1. We plan to ............................................................................ in China.

2. There was a recognition th a t............................ is a problem and that it has to be

3. The lawyer said we may have t o ............................................................................. .

4. The company has to find ways to ............................the drop i n ...........................

5. All now have to environmental concerns.

I think you may have to deal with some complaints here

UNIT 2: LOOK AT someone/something


He looked at me for a few seconds. Basic meaning
Just look at those million-dollar houses! = turn eyes toward
We are looking at improving our packaging. Extended meaning
examine, study, consider
We’ll look at the possibility of a merger.

Ryan, let’s look at the big picture. 3 look at the big picture
= consider the whole situation

A. Create full sentences using the words provided in the brackets and an appropriate
form of look at. Include articles (the/a) with nouns where required. The first one has
been done for you.
1. (accountant/sales figures/for July) The accountant looked at sales figures for
2. (He/often/his computer/to check for new email)

3. (She/recommends/utility stocks) .................................................................................. ..

4. (We're/ a variety of ways/ to cut costs)......................................................................... .
5. (1/ always/problem/ and/ try to solve it/ step by step).................................................

B. Match the beginning of each sentence with the most appropriate ending:
1. The audit looked at the big picture.
2. The panel will look at It reinvented its entire economy,
3. The report looked at loans made in 2002.
4. Look at Asia today. both sides of the tax issue,
5. The important thing for her is to look at smoking trends among teenagers.

C. Correct the errors in these sentences. There is one error in each sentence:
1. I don't know if you've had a chance to looked at the book yet.
2. We looked on some potential acquisitions in the UK.
3. Most people looks at it as an investment.
4. The study look at the top 100 companies.
5. If you looking at the average family with two kids, they would pay about $400 in
higher taxes.

Unit 3: SET UP something


The Red Cross set up a temporary shelter for 1 build/put up a structure
the homeless.

He set up a meeting with his boss to discuss 2 make plans/establish something

his ideas.
GDI set up a website linked to a database of
consumer products

The company wanted to set up shop in 3 start or establish a new office or
London and New York business

A. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb set. If there are two blank
spaces in the sentence, write up in the second space:
1. I hope he's n o t.................... (set) him self................ for failure.
2. The state is aiming...........................(set) a job-training program for high school
3. Aviana i s .................................(set) a low-cost airline called Egg.
4. They contacted the creditors a n d ............................. (set) a payment plan.
5. He has already made enough money.................... (set) himself..........for life.

B. Match the beginning of each sentence with the most suitable ending:
1. The insurance companies set up a computer network in the offices.
2. The IT people set up a conference call for Wednesday at
3. Judy is going to setting up a telephone hotline.
4. The dty is set up a payment plan.
5. They contact the creditors and set up mobile offices in Florida.

C. Correct the errors in these sentences. There is one error in each sentence:
1. The Internet Connection Wizard setted up my Internet connection.
2. Please setting up a meeting with Larry for Thursday at 9 a.m.
3. Using loans from the SBA, they set up shopping in Northern California.
4. The trick is to sets up an excellent marketing and distribution system.
5. Rockwell is in the process of set up a trade center.

Unit 4: CALL FOR something


The president called for an examination of 1 ask for, demand
high gas prices.
The chairman will call for a board meeting in
The agreement calls for the phone company 2 require
to allow access to its networks.
Forecasts call for the dollar to fall against 3 predict
the yen.
Analysts are calling for further declines in
the price of copper

A. Using the information above, decide which use of call for is illustrated in each of the
following examples. Write the number on the line:
1. The labor leaders called for a national strike. _____
2. The forecast calls for moderate growth in the GDP of about 1%. _____
3. The plan calls for the sale of the film production unit. _____
4. The plan calls for a 25% reduction in administrative costs. _____

B. Create full sentences using the words provided in the brackets and an appropriate form
of call on. Include articles (the/a) with nouns where required. Answers may vary.
The first one has been done for you:
1. (report/new restrictions/on/cigarette advertising)
The report called for new restrictions on cigarette advertising.

2. (some shareholders/the resignation/of the/CEO)

3. (latest order/the supply/of/5/new/aircraft)

4. (manufacturers/ a reduction/ in/ interest rates)

5. (average forecast/an overall gain/of/about 0.3%/in retail sales)

6. (new contract/a 10% increase/in salaries and bonuses)

7. (plan/a 25% reduction/in/administrative costs)

This certainly calls for a celebration

Unit 5: REVIEW

A. Select the phrasal verb that best completes the sentence:

1. The CFO is always.................................. the bottom line.
(a) looking at (b) looked at (c) looks at

2. The harassment incidents w ere.............................. as they arose.

(a) dealing with (b) dealt with (c) deal with

3. DDK i s ...........................a 401(k) retirement plan for its employees.

(a) set up (b) sets up (c) setting up

4. The US h as...........................the deregulation of Japan's insurance industry.

(a) calling for (b) call for (c) called for

5. The retailer is going t o ....................... an online store.

(a) set up (b) sets up (c) setting up

B. Rewrite thesentences by replacing the underlined word or phrase with the correct
form of the appropriate phrasal verb:
1. Procedures are in place to handle charges of discrimination or harassment.
2. I got a call from the guys in Denver. They want to schedule a meeting.
3. The study examined car thefts in metropolitan areas.
4. We are cutting back on the number of suppliers we do business with.
5. We started considering the idea of taking the company public.
6. My job is to establish a vitamin supply network in the US.
7. The new law requires tighter controls on the sharing of personal information.
8. Kuwait has abandoned a plan to erect a new oil refinery in Thailand.
9. The burger chain's latest plan predicts 3000 new restaurants world-wide.
10. The unions are demanding a strike against plans to privatize several state

Unit 6: GO ON


other patterns go on (to) something
As time goes on, things will get better. 1 continue
The negotiations went on for two years. carry on

A bidding war is going on between Boeing and 2 occur, happen, take place
The staff were angry about what was going
on in the company.
Tom Brewster went on to business school, 3 move on, continue
became a citizen, and eventually started a
software company.
Can we go on to page 107
Frank went on (and on) about how much 4 talk excessively, complain
money he could have saved.
The CEO went on TV to talk about the 5 appear on TV/radio
product recall..

A. Using the information above, decide which use of go on is illustrated in each of the
following examples. Write the number on the line:
1. He is going on television to recruit franchisees. _____
2. Are you worried about what is going on in the economy? _____
3. He kept going on and on about his wife. _____
4. Many exporters go on to set up foreign operations. _____
5. On a day-to-day level, the work will go on as it has in the past. _____

B. Complete the sentences with a suitable form of go on (e.g., is going on) and one of the
words from the box. Be sure to use the correct article (e.g. a/the) with the noun
where required:
meetings______ division______ spokesperson______ banking______ in favor

1. Currently, there are a lot of m ergers............................. in th

2. Last night, the company's............................................................. ABC's news
3. There is a lively discussion .........................between those.......................of the
changes and those who oppose the changes.
4. We don't know the finance............................ .
5. I'm sure there will be some more as the week



The main competition comes from Chinese 1 originate from
The data came from DCI, a Washington trade
I came from a family of eight brothers and 2 originate from
sisters. = place where you grew up
Jim Hyde, a lawyer, comes from Michigan.

A. Create full sentences using the words provided in the brackets and an appropriate
form of come from (ex. coming from). Add articles (a/the) to the nouns where
required: The first one has been done for you:
1. (participants/17 countries/including Japan, Russia, and Finland)
The participants come from 17 countries, including lapan. Russia, and Finland.
2. (70% /of /world's silk/ China) ...........................................................................................
3. (impetus for change/new management team) ............................................................ .
4. (gas/Olmos Field/in Texas) ..............................................................................................
5. (savings/would/consolidating /10 offices)....................................................................

B. Complete the sentences with a suitable form of come from (e.g., is coming from) and
one of the words from the box. Be sure to use the correct article (e.g. a/the) with the
noun where required:
winning________ entrepreneur_______ aid_______ surveys_______ statistics_______

1. T h e ......................... .............................. the NIH itself.

2. This unemployment figure.......................... house-to-house............................
3. The .................edge ...........................being the first on the block with information.
4. Some new help m ay.................... the World Bank, the biggest single provider of

5. The speaker..............................farthest away will be James Shaw ,.........................

from Pennsylvania.

C. Correct the errors in these sentences. There is one error in each:

1. No one can imagine where such money will came from.
2. But his greatest challenge could coming from the peace process he helped forge.
3. These profits will come form the sale of housing units
4. 70 percent of the increased capital that has been available to Chinese banks since
1988 has came from individual deposits.

Unit 8: WORK ON something/someone


NASA is working on a new rocket. 1 spend time on something
The drug company is working on a new
generation of Prozac-style drugs.
The company will work on reducing debt.

She has been working on me to join her try to persuade someone to do

volunteer group something

A. Match the beginning of each sentence with the most suitable ending:
1. The architect is working on them to change their policy,
2. The pharmaceutical company has on the idea that we'd reach an agreement
been working this week,
3. The construction firm is working on drugs to reduce blood pressure,
4. We had been working on a second condominium project,
5. The chairperson was working on a new design for a skyscraper.

B. Create full sentences using the words provided in the brackets and an appropriate form
of work on. Add articles (a/the) to the nouns where required. The first one has been
done for you:
1. (industry researchers/ ways of reducing the size of batteries)
Industry researchers are working on ways of reducing the size of batteries.
2. (company/ correcting the problem)

3. (biotech company/cancer drug)

4. (last fall/ad company/pro-smoldng campaign/ for Philip Morris)

5. (1/assumption/meeting will take place very soon)

6. (company /said /it/ software improvements)

C. Discussion Question

What kind of tasks or projects do you work on that require a lot of time and effort?


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