Module 4 John Renier Almodien
Module 4 John Renier Almodien
Module 4 John Renier Almodien
1. Discuss the concept of integrated curriculum
2. Distinguish the different curriculum integration approaches, methods and types
3. Identify lessons or course disciplines that may be appropriate for curriculum integration
4. Draw relevant life lessons and significant values from curriculum integration experiences
in class
5. Analyze research abstract on curriculum integration and its implications in teaching-
learning process
6. Make a lesson plan with thematic integration across related disciplines
The Zoo: This activity entails fusing students accordingly using animal sounds to determine their
grouping. The respective groups will answer the questions of the teacher later.
1. Students will think of an animal, the sound of which they will imitate while responding to
the teacher’s question: “If you were an animal, what would you be?”
2. The students will create the sounds of their chosen animals.
3. The teacher will ask students with a similar sound of animals to group together.
4. On the final grouping arrangement, the teacher will ask the first question.
5. The teacher will ask the class to change their grouping by providing clues, such as based
on their habitat, size, friends, and foes, etc.
6. For every change of grouping, a question will be raised to be answered by the groups
upon sharing and collaborating their ideas.
7. The class will find time for a brief reflection on the activity.
Approaches to Integration
The Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (2004) presents three
approaches to integration and these are multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and multiple
intelligences and transdisciplinary.
Multidisciplinary Approach. A multidisciplinary approach focuses in primarily on different
disciplines. Teachers, who employ this approach, may create standards from the disciplines
within a theme. There are many different ways to create a multidisciplinary curriculum, and they
tend to differ in the level of the intensity of the integration effort. It can be recalled that the
previous Restructured Basic Education Curriculum (RBEC) is a best depiction of a
multidisciplinary approach. The four disciplines (Araling Panlipunan, Values Education,
MAPEH, and TLE) were integrated along with a theme termed Makabayan was an integrated
subject served as a laboratory of life. Makabayan was a learning area that stressed the
development of social awareness, empathy and commitment for common good. Grades in these
four disciplines were usually computed to comprise the general grade in Makabayan as a
discipline. At the end of the week, the four disciplines collaborated to design a culminating
activity along with the given theme that connected these four discipline areas. The following is
the structure of Makabayan that used the multidisciplinary approach centered on a given theme.
Through the integration, teachers expect students to understand the connections between
the different subdisciplines and their relationship to the real world. In fact, this approach brings a
positive impact on the achievement of students.
In using the multidisciplinary integration approach, there is a need to organize a list of
standards from various disciplines around one common theme. Likewise, come up with a list of
standards from related disciplines, such as earth science, biology, chemistry and physics to focus
on a common intradisciplinary science program. Another way of doing it is by fusing skills,
knowledge and attitudes into the school curriculum or utilizing technology across the curriculum.
In this way, students learn other subjects while enhancing their computer skills. Additionally,
schools can utilize service-learning projects in the classroom (
Interdisciplinary Approach. In this approach to integration, teachers organize and
capsulize the curriculum around common learning across disciplines to emphasize
interdisciplinary skills and concepts. The disciplines are identifiable, but they assume less
importance than in the multidisciplinary approach. For example, in teaching Filipino as a
discipline, the teacher hones students’ language skills while resorting to content and topics in
Araling Panlipunan. Below is an illustration of interdisciplinary structure. Therefore, there are
times that a teacher in Filipino teams up with a teacher in Araling Panlipunan to teach a lesson in
Araling Panlipunan while she teaches the needed skills in the Filipino 1 subject.
In using the transdisciplinary integration approach, there is a need to plan out the
curriculum around student needs and concerns. Transdisciplinary integration is utilized through
project-based, learning, which involves allowing the students to present a problem. Project-based
learning allows students to make connections among different subjects by solving social
problems and answering open-ended questions. It can also be done by utilizing student questions
as a basis for curriculum design. Learning how to solve problems and to ask questions enables
students to apply the skills in real-life situations.
2. Service Learning. It refers to learning that actively involves students in a wide range of
experiences, which often benefit others and the community, while also advancing the
goals of a given curriculum. Community-based service activities are paired with
structured preparation and student reflection. What is unique about service learning is
that it offers direct application of theoretical models. As such, the real-world application
of classroom knowledge in a community setting allows students to synthesize course
material in more meaningful ways. It impounds integrative, reflective, contextualized,
strength-based, reciprocal, and lifelong learning (Clavenger-Bright, et. al, 2012).
In the higher grades, students usually study a topic or theme in different classrooms. This
may take the form of parallel disciplines and teachers sequence their content to match
their content and other classrooms (ASCD, 2004).
Other thematic programs may involve teachers across the same rate, wherein teachers
carefully connect the activities to the standards in each disciplines. Over time, they have
developed a long list of possible culminating activities. They also update their Website
continually and use it as a teaching tools with students. The site offers many interesting
options for those interested on this method of integration (ASCD, 2004).
5. Fusion. In this method, teachers fuse skills, knowledge, or even attitudes into the regular
school curriculum. In some schools, students learn respect for the environment in every
subject area or some incorporates values across disciplines. Fusion can involve basic
skills. Many schools emphasize positive work habits in each subject area. Educators can
also fuse technology across the curriculum with computer skills integrated with in every
subject area (ASCD, 2004).
Implementation Outcome. As a result, fusion brings positive gains in student
achievement resulting from integrated instruction in the classroom (Bolack, et.
al., 2005; Romance & Vitale, 1992; Campbell and Henning, 2010). In addition,
students make connections among disciplines, values, concepts, content, and life
experiences. Students’ increased critical thinking skills, self-confidence, positive
attitude, and love for learning manifest their effectiveness. Shriner, et al. (2010)
also found that motivated teachers and students allow a classroom to be a
positive, fun, and engaging environment in which to learn.
Due to the increasing curricular demand on K-12 students to comprehend expository
texts, teachers have been looking for ways to improve comprehension. An integrated
curriculum offers the promise of providing students with a curriculum connected across
disciplines while enabling them to increase their comprehension of expository texts. To
explore that promise, the research question asked was, what is the impact of an integrated
curriculum on K- students’ comprehension of expository texts in the content areas? The
exhaustive literature review and subsequent research synthesis for this study produced
four findings. The first is that a key to the comprehension of expository texts at the
elementary grade levels appears to be students’ ability to make personal connections with
the material being read across an integrated curriculum. Second, students’ comprehension
in the upper elementary to high school grade levels can be significantly impacted by
activating prior knowledge for an integrated curriculum. Third, when the integrated
curriculum includes the interactive practices for students in grade 1 through 6, the impact
on student learning behavior and academic performance, including some literacy
performance, is positive. Fourth, integrating literacy with nearly any other subject area
may produce a positive impact on student academic performance from grades 3 to 8.
These findings served as bases for professional development for teachers in the form of
an information-bearing Google Site.
(Source: Rockwood, A. (2015). The impact of integrated curriculum on students’ comprehension
of expository texts. SUNY Digital Repository. URI:
Analysis: How does integrated curriculum impact students’ comprehension of expository texts?
Implication: How can professional development for teachers respond to enhancing an integrated
curriculum toward a better comprehension of students?
Theme-based Topic-based
Concept: __________________ Concept: __________________
Application: Application:
_______________________________ ____________________________________
_ ____________________________________
Project-based Task-based
Concept: __________________ Concept: __________________
Application: Application:
_______________________________ ________________________________
_ ________________________________
Direction: Make a lesson plan using thematic integration with related disciplines. Use the format
template sample provided below
Components Subject A: Subject B: Subject C:
_____________ _____________ _____________
I. Learning