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Equity Strategy Brazil 20210526

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Equity Strategy

May 26, 2021

Initial Thoughts on Potential Tax Reform

The federal government has reached an agreement with congressional leaders on how to conduct the tax reform
debate. In this note, we discuss the potential implications for listed companies and the valuation impact of some
of the potential changes. We also discuss the potential implications from the change in the income tax rate,
dividend taxation and the elimination of the interest on equity tax benefit. There is still a long road ahead and,
therefore, this assessment is very preliminary.

◼ The senate will be responsible for analyzing the constitutional bill (PEC) that will discuss the unification of
ICMS and ISS into a new IVA tax and the new Refis (renegotiation of tax liabilities). The lower house will
begin debate on the unification of the PIS/COFINS tax into the new CBS, as well as changes to income tax,
dividend/interest on equity taxation and the IPI (industrialized product) tax.

◼ Reduction in the income tax rate in exchange for taxing dividends and ending the interest on equity tax
benefit would be very negative for dividend players.

◼ Utilities, Banks, Financials and Telecoms will suffer the most if the interest on equity tax benefit ends.

◼ We expect high growth sectors such as Tech and Retail to benefit the most from the reduction in income
tax rates, coupled with the dividend taxation, as they do not pay much in dividends.

Reduction in the income tax rate in exchange for taxing dividends and ending the interest on equity tax
benefit would be very negative for dividend players. According to an article in Valor Econômico, the federal
government has proposed to reduce income tax by 5 p.p. over 2 years in exchange for establishing a 15-20%
tax on dividends (current tax rate is zero). Moreover, the article also mentions the potential elimination of the
interest on equity tax benefit. We believe that this proposal would go against the premise of maintaining the
current tax burden. We see this proposal as negative, as we are expecting a greater reduction in income tax to
compensate for dividend taxation and the end of the interest on equity tax benefit.

Utilities, Banks, Financials and Telecoms will suffer the most if the interest on equity tax benefit ends.
We ran a sensitivity analysis to estimate the potential impact on valuation (see figure 1). Our analysis calculates
the NPV lost by the company as a result of the end of the 34% tax deduction on IOC distribution; it assumes no
real growth in the total amount awarded to reach the perpetuity value and a 8% real cost of equity to discount
the cash flow. Moreover, we used the average annual amount of interest on equity paid in 2019-20 as a
reference. The most impacted companies are Banco do Brasil, Copel, Tim, and Vivo.

We expect high growth sectors such as Tech and Retail to benefit the most from the reduction in income
tax rates, coupled with dividend taxation, as they do not pay much in dividends. On a relative basis, we
believe that this change would be net negative for high dividend companies. Many of these companies have
very low leverage and have chosen to pay high dividends, due to a lack of attractive investment alternatives.
Some of them may choose to pay extraordinary dividends or carry out a capital reduction to avoid taxation if this
change is approved. We listed the top 20 dividend payers from the Ibovespa by dividend yield to determine
which companies would be most affected by this change (see figure 2).

Moreover, on a relative basis, the income tax change will also be negative for companies that claim the
SUDAM and SUDENE tax benefits, as the final benefit would be very limited and their shareholders will have
to pay taxes on dividends (they currently pay zero taxes). Given that they already pay a low income tax rate of
6.25% (75% reduction from the 25% income tax rate), the change would reduce the income tax paid by only
1.25 p.p. to 5% (75% reduction from the 20% income tax rate).


Marcelo Sá, CNPI


Matheus Marques
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Corretora de Valores S.A.
Equity Strategy – May 26, 2021

FIGURE 1: Interest on Equity – NPV Sensitivity

Figure 2: Top 20 Dividend Players

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Equity Strategy – May 26, 2021


Itaú BBA is a registered trademark used by Itaú Unibanco S.A.

Ratings: Definitions, Dispersion and Banking Relations

Ratings (1) Definition (2) Coverage (3) Banking Relation (4)

The analyst expects the stock to perform better than

Outperform 62% 68%
market average.

The analyst expects the stock to perform in line with

Market Perform 32% 35%
market average.

The analyst expects the stock to perform below market

Underperform 6% 7%

1. The ratings employed in this document (Outperform, Market Perform, and Underperform) basically correspond to Purchase,
Hold, and Sell, respectively.
2. The ratings represent the analyst’s assessment of the medium-term share price performance relative to the market average.
These ratings may be reviewed by the analyst based on new developments or simply due to variations in share prices (such
changes may occur at any time). Companies are grouped into sectors, based on similar characteristics. Sectors: (i) Banks
and Financial Services; (ii) Consumer Goods & Retail + Food & Beverage (iii) Healthcare + Education; (iv) Steel & Mining
+ Pulp & Paper; (v) Oil, Gas & Petrochemicals + Agribusiness; (vi) Real Estate & Construction; (vii) Telecommunications,
Media and Technology; (viii) Transportation, Capital Goods and Logistics; (ix) Public Utility Services; and (x) Strategy.
3. Percentage of companies covered by Itaú Unibanco S.A. in this rating category.
4. Percentage of companies included in this rating category that were provided investment bank services by Itaú Unibanco
S.A. or any of its affiliated companies.

Material Information

1. This report was prepared by Itaú Unibanco, a company regulated by the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM),
and distributed by Itaú Unibanco, Itaú Corretora de Valores S.A. and Itaú BBA. Itaú BBA is a registered trademark used by Itaú
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Equity Strategy – May 26, 2021

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Relevant Information – Analysts

Disclosure Items
1 2 3 4
Marcelo Sá
Matheus Marques

1. The securities analyst(s) involved in preparing this report are associated with individuals who work for the issuers addressed
2. The securities analyst(s) spouse(s) or partner(s) hold, either directly or indirectly, on their on behalf or on behalf of third
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3. The securities analyst(s), spouse(s) or partner(s) are directly or indirectly involved in the purchase, sale or intermediation
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4. The securities analyst(s), respective spouse(s) or partner(s) hold, either directly or indirectly, any financial interest related
to the securities issuers analyzed in this report.

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