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qxd 10/02/2008 22:08 Page 4

Tucked away in a quiet city in the American Midwest, Rabbi Michel

and Rebbetzin Feige Twerski have somehow managed to become
major players on the international Jewish stage. What is the secret
of their far-ranging influence? Mishpacha’s Yisroel Besser spent an
unforgettable Shabbos with the Twerskis and their community,
Congregation Beth Jehudah, where he experienced the signature
Twerski blend of sublime holiness and total unpretentiousness. As
he shares his impressions, we join the Twerskis for a spirited dance
in shul, a bursting Shabbos table, a visit to an old-age home, and a
quiet talk in a warm kitchen — and we watch them unlock the
magical melodies and messages that touch so many souls
Hachnosas Sefer Torah

by Yisroel Besser placed it in the old tape recorder and the comed Shabbos as one, a united entity
first few notes filled the air. welcoming the Queen into their midst.
riving up an icy Route 94 between It was like nothing I’d ever heard I prepare to begin reciting “Mizmor

D Chicago and Milwaukee, through

the American Midwest, I made a
promise to myself. I would not resort to
A voice that was at once wise and
comforting, melodies that were hopeful
Shir L’Yom HaShabbos,” when sudden-
ly I feel a surge of energy in the crowd
and my eyes follow the current to the
using tired cliches about the cold weather and moving. It was the kind of music front of the room. The Rebbe is de-
and the warm reception. that has the power to transport the lis- scending from his seat towards the
Alas, I cannot help myself; it was so tener to another dimension, another crowd.
very cold outside and so very warm inside. world. In the months and years that fol- They begin to dance.
zzz lowed, Reb Michel’s voice became the It isn’t the most lively dance that I
My introduction to Reb Michel Twerski, voice of inspiration, the holy expres- have ever seen nor is it the most emo-
the Hornisteipeler Rebbe of Milwaukee, sions of his heart a guide. tional. What it is, however, is totally au-
had come years earlier. It was a dark af- zzz thentic: a real expression of joy and in-
ternoon near the end of a long winter So as I enter the beautiful sanctuary of spiration, a resounding proclamation by
zman, and we were sitting in our dirah, Congregation Beth Jehudah for Kabbalas an entire tzibbur that they are ready and
our bochurim’s apartment, in the heart of Shabbos, I am prepared — indeed eager willing to let the light of Shabbos shine
Jerusalem. Someone came in waving — to be moved. into their hearts.
aloft a new cassette tape, entitled The It is after the joyous, vibrant Lechah I watch in awe as they dance, this
Music of Rabbi Michel Twerski. He Dodi, just after the congregation has wel- crew of Milwaukee chassidim, chas-
sidim with long beard and no beard,
with shtreimlach and baseball caps, in
bekeshes and sweaters, their exteriors
so different, their innards aflame.
On the bimah, a lone boy, clearly
hampered by severe physical and men-
tal limitations, dances alone, his beauti-
ful features alight.
At the head of the line, the Rebbe
dances, leading … no, stopping. He
reaches out to a small child and pulls
him to the head of the line, and then
they continue, hundreds of Yidden,
their Rebbe and the small boy, their feet
pounding out a song of greeting.
It’s Shabbos in Milwaukee.

After davening they file by the Rebbe.

For each, he has a kind word, a joke, a
thought; they turn to him as flowers turn
The Rebbe at a Purim seudah, surrounded by children towards the sun. I am greeted warmly
by all the mispallelim, the “shalom ale-

26 7 Adar I 5768 2.13.08

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