Pastor JR VS Ca
Pastor JR VS Ca
Pastor JR VS Ca
On the
contrary, it is manifested therein that ownership was not
FACTS: resolved. For it confined itself to the question of extrinsic
validity of the will, and the need for and propriety of
Alvaro Pastor, Sr. died in Cebu City survived by his two appointing a special administrator. Thus it allowed and
legitimate children Alvaro Pastor, Jr. and Sofia Pastor de approved the holographic will “with respect to its extrinsic
Midgely and an illegitimate child, Lewellyn Barlito validity, the same having been duly authenticated
Quemada. pursuant to the requisites or solemnities prescribed by
law.” It declared that the intestate estate administration
QUEMADA filed a petition for the probate and allowance aspect must proceed subject to the outcome of the suit
of an alleged holographic will of PASTOR, SR. with the for reconveyance of ownership and possession of real
Court of First Instance of Cebu. The will contained only and personal properties.
one testamentary disposition: a legacy in favor of
QUEMADA consisting of 30% of PASTOR, SR.'s 42% In probate proceedings extrinsic validity only. As a
share in the operation by Atlas Consolidated Mining and general rule, no jurisdiction on the other matters beyond
Development Corporation (ATLAS) of some mining the due execution of the will and testamentary capacity
claims in Pina-Barot, Cebu. of the testator.
Probate court generally cannot issue a writ of