Tugas 1 Structure
Tugas 1 Structure
Tugas 1 Structure
NIM: 042639014
Tugas 1 Structure II Answer it by using English
1. Look at the questions below, then answer it briefly!
a. What are conjunctions?
A word used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same
clause (and, but)
b. What are coordinate conjunctions, subordinate conjunctions, and correlative
-Coordinating conjunctions are what comes to most people's minds when
they hear the word "conjunction." They join words, phrases, and independent clauses.
Example: I go to the park every Sunday, for I love to watch the ducks on the lake.)
-Subordinate conjunctions can often come first in a sentence, and always introduce a
dependent clause. (Although, as, because, before, how, if, that, when...etc)
example Because of him, I learned how to start my own business.
Everything will fall into place if you start at the beginning,
- Correlative conjunctions ((co-) and relate) are tag-team conjunctions. They come in
pairs, and you must use both in different places in a sentence to make them work.
(both/and, whether/or, not/but)
example: I want either a pink sofa or a purple one.
I'll study both English literature and art history.
2. Look at the questions below, then answer it briefly!
a. What are transitions?
a word or phrase that connects one idea to another. Can be used between
paragraphs to connect two ideas.
b. What are the basic differences between conjunctions and transitions?
conjunctions connect two clauses
transitions connect two sentences or paragraphs.
3.Look at the questions below, then answer it briefly!
b. Give examples of negative questions about "ask for information" and "express the
He has cleaned the room, hasn’t he?
You can do other thing beside streaming, can’t you?
c. what are tag questions?
turn a statement into a question. Usually if the main clause is positive, the question tag is
negative, and if the main clause is negative, it's positive. Example:
It is cold outside, isn’t it? (positive)
It isn’t cold outside, is it? (negative)
5. Look at the questions below, then answer it briefly!
a. What is passive voice?
is used to show the most important thing or person becomes the subject of the