Quarter 3 - Las No. 1 (Week 1-4) Active Recreation (Street and Hip-Hop Dances) (Pe10Pf-Iiia-H39, Pe10Pfiiic-H-45)
Quarter 3 - Las No. 1 (Week 1-4) Active Recreation (Street and Hip-Hop Dances) (Pe10Pf-Iiia-H39, Pe10Pfiiic-H-45)
Quarter 3 - Las No. 1 (Week 1-4) Active Recreation (Street and Hip-Hop Dances) (Pe10Pf-Iiia-H39, Pe10Pfiiic-H-45)
Direction: Match the different basic stretching and warm-up exercises in
Column A with its proper position in Column B. Write only the letter of your answer
on the space provided.
Our nation’s young people are, in large measure, inactive, unfit, and increasingly
overweight. Ultimately, this could have a devastating impact on our national health care
Budget most especially in this time of health crisis. Young people like you can build healthier
bodies and establish healthy lifestyles by including recreational activities in your daily
Recreation is an activity that people engage in during their free time, that people enjoy,
and that people recognize as having socially redeeming values and generates a general
sense of well- being.
Having fun is not only reason to engage in recreational activities! Understanding the
recreation benefits an essential component in building your character and personality.
Four Movements:
Toprock footwork-oriented steps performed while standing up
Downrock footwork performed with both hands and feet on the floor
Freezes stylish poses done on your hands
Power moves comprise full-body spins and rotations that give the illusion of defying
Popping was popularized by Samuel Boogaloo Sam Solomon and his crew
the Electric Boogaloos. It is based on the technique of quickly contracting
and relaxing muscles to cause a jerk in a dancer’s body. Popping forces parts
of your body outwards, similar to an explosion within parts of your body.
Popping also contracts muscles, but it is followed by relaxation that gives it
the jerking appearance of popping.
It is a creative way of making geometric shapes forming right angle using your body parts.
The style was originally practiced by young funk dancers. It is derived from the positions
people were drawn in during the days of the Ancient Egyptians. It is the positions seen in
these portraits that have been adopted by dancers today. Tutting is still a greatly respected
move and King Tut aka Mark Benson is widely acclaimed for pioneering the style.
Waacking” is an African American form of street dance originating from the 1970’s disco
era of the underground club scenes in Los Angeles and New York City. Waacking consists of
stylized posing and fast synchronized arm movements to the beat of the music. Today,
waacking is a popular element of hip hop dance.
Hip-hop is a cultural movement best known for its impact on music in the form of the
musical genre of the same name. It has its origins in the Bronx, in New York City, during the
1970s, mostly among African Americans and some influence of Latin Americans. Hip-hop
culture is composed of the pillars such as DJ-ing, rapping, breakdancing, and graffiti art.
Hip-hop dance, on the other hand, refers to street dance styles primarily performed to
hip-hop music or that have evolved as part of hip-hop culture. Hip-hop music incorporates a
number of iconic elements, most notably DJ-ing and rapping, along with things like beat
boxing, sampling, and juggling beats on turntables.
Hip-hop Dance is a dance style performed in hip-hop music and had evolved from a hip-hop
Sitio Katamakawan is a community of lazy and gluttonous people. They sit or lie
all day and eat everything20. their mouth desires. Each family has
a housemaid to take care of all the household chores. The children of this community
are addicted to playing computer games although they maintain their passing grades.
They are not allowed to play outside to prevent accidents. Most of the time, the
teenagers surf the Internet. Most of the parents are overweight because after their
office work, they watch television while having night snacks. Some men are into
smoking and drinking alcohol.
On the other hand, during weekends, each family goes to church and watches
movies together. They maintain their strong family bonds. Values such as respect to
elders and obedience are also preserved in this community.
1. Which health dimensions are sustained, and which need improvement in this
2. Do the people live a physically active and healthy lifestyle?
3. What are the possible diseases the people of this community might have?
4. What are the risk factors of these diseases?
5. If you were a friend of one of the members of this community, what would you
advise her/him to achieve fitness?
6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of media and technology to our health?
7. What recreational physical activities can you suggest to the children, teenagers, and
adult members of Sitio Katamakawan?
ACTIVITY NO. 2 Supply the columns of the chart below with the
information being asked about Hip-hop Dance.
Answer the following questions.
1. What dance styles, formally known as vernacular dances, refer to dances that
evolved outside of dance studios?
2. What form of street dance is performed impromptu in large crowds?
3. Can street dance and hip-hop dance improve fitness? Why or why not?
4. Can street dance and hip-hop dance be a form of recreational activity? Why or why
5. What particular movements/ steps strike you in street dance or hip-hop
dance? Why and how?
• Music player
• hip-hop music
• videos of hip-hop dance
CRITERIA Excellent Good Acceptable
4 pts 3 pts 2 pts
Knowledge of Demonstrates Demonstrates good Demonstrates
choreography excellent knowledge knowledge of knowledge of
of the choreography. choreography. Keeps choreography. Keeps
and does it well. up with few error, up with group. Some
however it does not errors.
interfere with
Technical skills Dance performed with Dance performed with Dance performed with
great attention to attention to details of attention to most
quality of movement, technique, has details of technique,
body position, attained proficiency in but hasn't attained
placement on stage dance style. proficiency in dance
and other details of style yet.
dance. Also
demonstrates an
understanding of
dance style.
Performance The dancer creates a The dancer The dancer
Skills believable character communicates with communicates with
on stage and is able to other dancers and other dancers and
engage the audience audience through eye audience through eye
completely through contact and facial and contact and facial and
their performance. body expression. Is body expression.
able to engage the
Rhythm/Tempo Shows a complete Accurate in beat, Generally accurate in
understanding of tempo, rhythms of beat, tempo, rhythms
tempo and beat and dance sequences of dance sequences
stays on rhythm throughout the dance. most of the time.
throughout the dance.
Level of activity Student displays Very good effort. Student tries to do
excellent effort during Student tries their their best.
activities. Always tries hardest. Participates Participation is
their hardest and is for a minimum of 40 satisfactory. Able to
never seen standing minutes. maintain activity for a
around during the minimum of 30
activity. Participates minutes.
for the full 50 Minutes
Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter that best corresponds to your answer in a given
2. It is a stylized and fast synchronized arm movements to the beat of the music
a. Shuffling b. waacking c. tutting d. krumping
3. It is a creative way of making geometric shapes forming right angle using your body
a. popping b. locking c. tutting d. krumping
4. It is a rave dance, the basic movements in the dance are a fast-heel-and-toe action.
a. Shuffling b. waacking c. tutting d. krumping
Activity No. 1
Students’ answer may vary.
Activity No. 2
Different Forms of Street Different Styles of Street Hip-hop Culture
Dance dance
1.Dancing in the street 1. B-boying 1.DJ
2. Dancing in the yard 2. Shuffling 2. Rapping
3. Dancing at the park 3. Popping 3. Break dance
4. dancing at the rave 4. Locking 4. Graffiti Art
5. Krumping
6. Tutting
7. Waacking
Activity 3
1. Street dance
2. Punk dance
3,4,5 Students’ answer may vary
Activity 4
Students’ answer may vary.
1. c 4. a
2. b 5. d
3. c
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